Song Contest 209 (Results are up!)

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Post Post #25 (ISO) » Tue Jan 16, 2024 8:34 am

Post by ChannelDelibird »

Spoiler: Reactions
Australia // The Old Man's Back Again - Scott Walker

A nice voice on this fella but one that I think was used in a slightly overblown way - kind of exaggerated and wildly fluctuating. Still, I liked it more than I didn't. Super-solid bass line underpinning the whole thing and fun, well-restrained strings.

Barbados // Cobra (Rock Remix) - Megan Thee Stallion ft. Spiritbox

I had my first introduction to a Spiritbox song the other week and thought it was pretty good for its kind of thing, albeit not really my kind of thing. I haven't heard the original version of this one, either, but I suspect that I'd like it less than this version. Even the screamy backing is quiet and restrained enough that it becomes a spicy accent rather than something that dominates the track in a bad way. Overall, I thought the disparate elements of these two artists blended together pretty dang well - and while, again, it's not something I'm likely to follow up on myself, it's solid stuff.

Sudan // Escaping the City - Justin Greenhouse

This one really kinda washed off me. Perfectly inoffensive but I just couldn't muster anything to pick out from it. Thought it was fine.

Scythia // Skeletons - The Dread Crew of Oddwood

Even as an aro/ace person who often feels like the music industry could do with writing more songs about things that aren't love and sex, I could quite happily go the rest of my life without hearing another sea shanty about pirates and spooky things.

Chile // Is It Love? - Zapla

I'd kind of like the production on his voice to sound less like he's stuck down a well, but I also don't think his voice is really up to all that much anyway. This song's best assets, IMO, are that pleasant acoustic strum and really rather jaunty keyboard part. I did have a good time with it and was surprised that it became a song which didn't outstay its welcome over more than five minutes of length. I'm left with questions over whether yer man is a lyricist or vocalist from whom I'm bothered about hearing more, but I'm thinking about that question harder than I was over the slightly safer bet of the Scott Walker entry so maybe I'm just obliged to rate it above that song.

Antarctica // What Doesn't Kill You Will Make You a Killer - Rabbit Junk

I wish this song didn't take until the halfway mark to find a spark of life. I thought the first half was a serious dirge - the main character didn't make any of their activities (even if some of them were killing and fucking) sound like they were interesting enough to justify telling me about them. The back half wasn't for me either but at least it had a bit of melody and bounce and juice to it.

Italy // Snapdragon - Marta Del Grandi

That intro quickly got me on side - great mix of menacing and alluring, with a terrific drum line. And then what we get afterwards turns into a fascinating mini-cacophony of a bunch of disparate elements I wasn't expecting. A really cool, possibly Chinese-inspired bass line? Hell yeah. Brass parts always welcome. Interesting voice. This is a great way to get my attention. I will have to listen to more of this.

Zanarkand // Retreat - Guerilla Toss

This shares some DNA with the previous entry, as a kind of delirious, cacophanous mess of different elements - however, the shift towards a greater emphasis on electronic parts reduces the freshness of the combination for me. More like we're listening to a bunch of similar instruments played differently, rather than a bunch of completely different ingredients. Not inherently bad, but less exciting given what I just heard. I'm definitely down for some slightly jumbled electropop weirdness - we're at about seven or eight gecs here, I'd say, which is definitely more palatable to me than 100 - but this lands in 'pretty alright' rather than 'actively interesting' for me.

Mount Celeste // Snow Day - Hyper Potions

Oh, yeah, this is pretty cute. It's not going to burrow its way into my soul but it's just nice and that's okay.

New Zealand // Empress - Morningsiders

I think you'd probably have a better chance of getting back together with this woman if you stopped calling her "lady", you weirdo. Anyway, this was teetering on a very fine line of influences where, in its best moments, it felt like an okay Family Crest song and, in its worst, like a particularly tedious Mumford & Sons outing. The piano line is admittedly a pretty solid earworm, but I think I'm chill not hearing any more of this doofus character.

Mali // For Your Heart - Divine Fits
(my entry!)

This is, IMO, the clear highlight of the album put together by the indie-rock supergroup including elements of Spoon and Wolf Parade. I love the choice to go so long on the intro before the vocals come in, and what a kick-ass intro it is without being one that overshadows the still-four-minutes that follow it.

eSwatini // Loss of Hope - Meute

Well, I
like me some brass. I had a really good time quietly jamming to this, although you could definitely argue that it doesn't do as much with its runtime as it could. In fact, I will do and am doing that. But I did have fun.

Portugal // What Gives - Kiltro

I really liked Kiltro's first album, Creatures of Habit, and somewhat liked last year's follow-up. And I got so excited to see a Kiltro track I hadn't heard before in the Song Contest lineup. Then I realised that I'd just forgotten that this song was on Underbelly. It is fine - nothing on that album is bad, IMO - but the vocals are a bit too buried for me here, and it lacks the magic of the album's most interesting songs, Errasuriz and All the Time in the World. Kiltro have a good hit-rate on lyrics that convey mystery and vulnerability but what power these might have just gets a bit lost in five minutes of a melody that's too gentle and unchanging for me. I still think the guitar work is great for what it is and will vote this reasonably highly because Kiltro, but it's not what I would have picked out from the record at all.
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Post Post #26 (ISO) » Tue Jan 16, 2024 10:58 am

Post by fireisredsir »

scott walker - this is cool. i like his voice, its very fun and dramatic. the bass is v good

kiltro what gives - pretty good, i enjoy this. just drown everything in reverb. it'll sound good. trust.

divine fits - pretty good. the effects make cool sounds, im into it.

guerilla toss - interesting. in a good way, probably, but i don't love it. feels almost there, though. im compelled. i like the general vibe of it

morningsiders - hey cool lil rhythm. i don't love the rest of it but it isn't bad. each time i hear the intro i move it up in my rankings and then it gets to the chorus and i go "oh yeah" and move it back down again

meute - ignoring the context and just listening to the music, the song itself is kinda basic/boring but not bad. good sounds but composition is whatever. making electronic-sounding music with a marching band is a neat idea though i guess. the energy is fun

escaping the city - did the submitter make this? thats really cool if so. it's not so much my thing but its pretty good

skeletons - we're very narrative this time around. idk how to describe the vibe exactly but it's something. several that feel like they could be in a musical. this reminds me of that month a few years ago when everyone was really into sea shanties

zapla - i forgot this immediately after listening. 2nd listen i thought it was pleasant

snow day - cute but didn't really hold my attention

rabbit junk - well i can say ive never heard anything quite like this before. i don't think i like it though. feels like it has a story to it. like its from some edgy musical

cobra rock remix - the "rock remix" aspect just sounds so generic. original song is okay. i think they made it worse
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Post Post #27 (ISO) » Wed Jan 17, 2024 5:54 pm

Post by Radical Rat »

Spoiler: Opinionation

Australia - The Old Man's Back Again:
I like this one a lot. It's got a real solid groove going, like the dread building, and it's driven by an incredible voice. Very strong start

Barbados - Cobra (Rock Remix):
I haven't really listened to Megan Thee Stallion before, because rap isn't typically my thing, and her whole aesthetic kinda puts me off it, but this one hit for me. I did check the original to see if it was just the genre shift that made the difference, and while I do vastly prefer this version, the original also impressed me. I was surprised how much was actually refactored for the rock version, and it all works pretty well. Megan knows how to put force behind the lines, and of course the subject matter meshes well with the heavier instrumentation. I am a bit worried about my YouTube algorithm now though...

Sudan - Escaping The City:
For some reason I couldn't get the link to work in Firefox and had to open it in Chrome. Fortunately, the song was good enough to make up for the inconvenience! I really appreciate this flavor of guitar effects, and while the vocal performance feels a bit generic, that isn't really a bad thing because he nails it, just that I don't think I'd be able to distinguish it from most of the genre. A very fun listen, would probably get tossed in a playlist if I ever had the energy to make those anymore.

Scythia - Skeletons:
I am a simple man-adjacent person. I like skeletons and I like pirates. Easy points from me, and it certainly doesn't hurt that this is very well put together. Jaunty tunes, grim lyrics, raspy harmonies, an accordion is there, checks all the boxes. 10/10 would plunder to.

Chile - Is It Love?:
I like the chill melancholy vibes, but that's about all that's going on here for me. My ears can't really parse the lyrics, and though the voice and instrumentation are both nice, they don't really stand out to me, except for a couple of the melodies that I'm sure I've heard somewhere before (not a bad thing). It's good, but unremarkable.

Antarctica - What Doesn't Kill You Will Make You A Killer (Mine!):
So, I was conflicted when picking this one because there are actually several versions with different names that each do different things really well, as well as a ton of other Rabbit Junk songs that I actually like more, but I decided on this one because I think the sudden shift in style halfway through hits best in this version and really sells the dichotomy between the somewhat monotonous rut of the initial phase, the layering on top of it, and the sudden breakout into more energetic metal riffs, and figured it would make for interesting reactions.

Italy - Snapdragon:
Ah man, I love the weird experimental shit like this. Minimalist rhythms at the start do well to grab attention, then with the transition to the vocals I found myself appreciating them but wishing there was more interesting instrumentation happening, and then the "bad" squeaky brass comes in, and all the other layers pile on and blend impossibly well into a cohesive soundscape, it's all just really good and unlikely to leave my head for the night.

Zanarkand - Retreat:
Sick, another weird one. Doesn't hold anything back from the start, and I do enjoy the somewhat crunchier synths mixed with the haunting string work. Sounds like that kinda weird specific flavor of anxiety you sometimes get in dreams. Sadly with it being so busy, I wasn't able to pick out the lyrics much, but this was another excellent track.

Mount Celeste - Snow Day:
Always enjoy Hyper Potions. I like the pseudo-chiptune aesthetic blended with more modern sounds, and the upbeat bouncy vibes are of course very pleasant. I do think this one was a little repetitive at times, some measures repeating just a few too many times, but the end where the synths fade away into more organic guitar was a nice change of pace to close on. The repetition probably wouldn't have bugged me if I were doing something else as well as listening.

New Zealand - Empress:
I WANT to like this one, but I can't. The instrumental during the verses and bridge is excellent, but I cannot stand this man's voice, and I don't the like the way the instrumental turns into generic pop sounds with the chorus, and on top of that I don't vibe with lyrics where the singer wants forgiveness for cheating, just makes my skin crawl.

Mali - For Your Heart:
YouTube claimed the video was unavailable, but I was able to find another one claiming to be the same song. It's pretty good though! I do think it takes a bit too long to get going (ironic given my own submission, I know), but the different layers all complement each other well when they arrive, and managed to drag me into it.

eSwatini - Loss of Hope:
For a song called loss of hope, I sure kept hoping for more. It's a relatively simple composition, but it's catchy, and the variety of instruments that go into it and the way they scale it back and forth at all the right times really goes a long way, and I never felt bored with it. Seems like it'd be incredibly cool to catch something like this live.

Portugal - What Gives:
This one doesn't really do it for me. I don't like this style of singing, there's not enough energy or variety to keep my attention, just five minutes of ambiguous sad vibes and thirty seconds of ambient noise.
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Post Post #28 (ISO) » Thu Jan 18, 2024 8:12 am

Post by Pink Ball »

Spoiler: funny comment

Scott Walker - The Old Man's Back Again

Good start, immediately interested because of the bass. Yeah I wasn't convinced at first by his voice, but it matches perfectly everything else going on around it. It's not trying to be the main course of the song, just a side dish, and it's doing wonders to deliver the bassline, the violins, everything. Great song.
Score: 9.5 out of 10

Megan Thee Stallion ft. Spiritbox - Cobra (Rock Remix)

Err lyrics are a little cringeworthy, like any generic rap song from nowadays that tries too hard, I don't know, maybe that says more about me than about the genre itself. Other than that, I don't really like the mix this time (I think I heard another metal/rap mix in another Song Contest or maybe somewhere else?).
Score: 2.5 out of 10

Justin Greenhouse - Escaping the City

Not my kind of thing, but I reaaaaally like his voice, it's so clean! That's rare to find now, like he's not trying to overdo it.
Score: 5 out of 10

The Dread Crew of Oddwood - Skeletons

Wow this is like, the opposite of the Scott Walker song: immediately hate it for some reason. Let's see if that first impression goes away. Mmmmm I have mixed feelings, I hate the gimmicky voice, but everything else is actually really good. Sadly, the voice IS the main course in this case so I can't ignore it. Edit: I'm giving it a -0.5 just because of that triple ending.
Score: 4 out of 10

Zapla - Is It Love

Zapla is another friend of mine from college, this is his third song and the one I've liked the most, which isn't hard not only because this one has some things that hit all the right places for me, but also because the first two aren't that good to be honest. But the point isn't being great since the start; the point is starting, taking that huge leap from having a comfy and guaranteed quality life to pursuing his dream without knowing what that will bring him in the long run. I admire that, and I hope he makes it, whatever that means for him.
Score: Dreams out of 10

Rabbit Junk - What Doesn't Kill You Will Make You a Killer

Not my cup of tea, definitely. Not my cup of anything. Could've skipped the first 2 minutes and it would've been far better!
Score: 3 out of 10

Marta Del Grandi - Snapdragon

Nothing much to say other than it's a great song! The bassline that's introduced at the middle of the song is lovely.
Score: 8 out of 10

Guerilla Toss - Retreat

Lovely voice, but nothing else going on in here catches my attention in a positive way.
Score: 2 out of 10
Mount Celeste

Hyper Potions - Snow Day

I've come to the point of really waiting for the nexts contests just to see what you'll bring to the table 'cause it's so interesting everytime. They're not always my favourite songs, but the style is so mesmerizing. Same with this song: great background song.
Score: 7.5 out of 10
New Zealand

Morningsiders - Empress

Oh the claps are back. Sarcasm aside, this is a rare case of an indie song being actually outstanding thanks to some elements that are a little riskier than usual. The alternation between the 5 beats per bar to 6 beats per bar (or 3 if you consider its 5/4 and 3/4-3/4 instead of 5/8 and 6/8) gives the song a unique quality, making the piano give an urgerncy that you have to follow closely, and it will stop once in a while to give you a chance to catch up. The strings are a nice touch too, productionwise. For an indie song, this is great.
Score: 9 out of 10

Divine Fits - For Your Heart

Assuming that I found the correct song (since the video wasn't available for me lol), I liked this one quite a bit. The "noise" that's constantly going (I wouldn't know how to describe it) reminds me of a Donkey Kong track for some reason, but that has nothing to do with why I like (or maybe it does).
Score: 8.5 out of 10

Meute - Loss of Hope

This is cool. Not really like a "great song" but a "great vibe" certainly. Like, I would love to hear this live and be right there, but that doesn't make it like an actual good song I guess!
Score: 5.5 out of 10

Kiltro - What Gives

I already knew this song; I've been following Kiltro thanks to Song Contest because "Curicó" was submitted a while ago and it caught my attention since it's a Chilean town. I'm not complaining though, I dig them. This song in particular, in contrast with other ones I've listened to, is not that special, but on its own it's a great tune.
Score: 7 out of 10
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Post Post #29 (ISO) » Thu Jan 18, 2024 1:33 pm

Post by Pink Ball »

Shit I gave my opinions but forgot to vote, I’m on it
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Post Post #30 (ISO) » Fri Jan 19, 2024 2:56 am

Post by wgeurts »

Was bit late but have sent votes if on time
i agree we should have a rule against wgeurts
" -

let's have 2 rules against wgeurts
" -

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Post Post #31 (ISO) » Sat Jan 20, 2024 1:07 am

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How conveniently busy did work become over the last couple of days? You can't prove anything. Results on the way!
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Post Post #32 (ISO) » Sat Jan 20, 2024 1:12 am

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12 - Italy
10 - eSwatini
8 - Portugal
7 - Chile
6 - Australia
5 - Barbados
4 - Mount Celeste
3 - Zanarkand
2 - Sudan
1 - Antarctica



12 - Antarctica
10 - Sudan
8 - New Zealand
7 - eSwatini
6 - Italy
5 - Mount Celeste
4 - Portugal
3 - Mali
2 - Australia
1 - Zanarkand



12 - Australia
10 - Portugal
8 - Mali
7 - Zanarkand
6 - New Zealand
5 - eSwatini
4 - Sudan
3 - Scythia
2 - Chile
1 - Mount Celeste


Pink Ball

12 - Australia
10 - New Zealand
8 - Mali
7 - Italy
6 - Mount Celeste
5 - Portugal
4 - eSwatini
3 - Sudan
2 - Scythia
1 - Antarctica

Current Scores:

32 Australia
27 Portugal
26 eSwatini
25 Italy
24 New Zealand
19 Mali
19 Sudan
16 Mount Celeste
14 Antarctica
11 Zanarkand
9 Chile
5 Barbados
5 Scythia
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Post Post #33 (ISO) » Sat Jan 20, 2024 1:14 am

Post by Song Contest »

New Zealand


12 - Portugal
10 - Chile
8 - Australia
7 - Barbados
6 - Scythia
5 - Sudan
4 - eSwatini
3 - Italy
2 - Antarctica
1 - Mount Celeste


Radical Rat

12 - Scythia
10 - Italy
8 - Sudan
7 - Zanarkand
6 - Australia
5 - eSwatini
4 - Mount Celeste
3 - Barbados
2 - Mali
1 - Chile



12 - Australia
10 - Scythia
8 - Italy
7 - New Zealand
6 - Barbados
5 - Mali
4 - Sudan
3 - Mount Celeste
2 - Chile
1 - Portugal



12 - Italy
10 - Portugal
8 - Mali
7 - New Zealand
6 - Australia
5 - Chile
4 - eSwatini
3 - Scythia
2 - Mount Celeste
1 - Barbados

Current Scores:

64 Australia
58 Italy
50 Portugal
39 eSwatini
38 New Zealand
36 Scythia
36 Sudan
34 Mali
27 Chile
26 Mount Celeste
22 Barbados
18 Zanarkand
16 Antarctica
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Post Post #34 (ISO) » Sat Jan 20, 2024 1:29 am

Post by Song Contest »

Mount Celeste


12 - Scythia
10 - New Zealand
8 - Australia
7 - Italy
6 - Sudan
5 - eSwatini
4 - Portugal
3 - Mali
2 - Barbados
1 - Antarctica



12 - Sudan
10 - Antarctica
8 - Mount Celeste
7 - Portugal
6 - New Zealand
5 - Zanarkand
4 - Australia
3 - Scythia
2 - eSwatini
1 - Mali



12 - Australia
10 - Chile
8 - eSwatini
7 - Mali
6 - Italy
5 - Zanarkand
4 - Mount Celeste
3 - New Zealand
2 - Antarctica
1 - Scythia



12 - Italy
10 - Sudan
8 - Zanarkand
7 - Mali
6 - Portugal
5 - Chile
4 - New Zealand
3 - Scythia
2 - eSwatini
1 - Barbados

Final Scores:

88 Australia

83 Italy

67 Portugal

61 New Zealand
56 eSwatini

55 Scythia
52 Sudan
52 Mali
42 Chile
38 Mount Celeste

36 Zanarkand
29 Antarctica
25 Barbados

Congratulations to wgeurts!

toolenduso (Sudan) failed to vote! They take a 12-point penalty and have been added to The List.
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Post Post #35 (ISO) » Sat Jan 20, 2024 3:16 pm

Post by wgeurts »


Glad the song I stumbled across did so well, I love the bass, and whoever praised it as top comment on the youtube saying it sounds like someone rummaging through your backpack is so right
i agree we should have a rule against wgeurts
" -

let's have 2 rules against wgeurts
" -

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Post Post #36 (ISO) » Wed Jan 24, 2024 5:17 am

Post by toolenduso »

jfc i completely forgot about this, sorry
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