[Setup] Bloody Tower

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[Setup] Bloody Tower

Post Post #0 (isolation #0) » Tue Aug 08, 2023 12:58 am

Post by Enchant »

13 Players (I may cut amount of players if it will be unpopular.)
9 are
playing for
. They have overall good abilities.
0 are
playing for
. Their abilities mostly harmful for their team.
3 are
playing for
. They support Demon, helping them win.
1 are
playing for
. They must survive until Evil victory. They learn 3 Townsfolks which are not in the game.

Spoiler: Read in case there's less players

T - Townsfolk
O - Outsiders
M - Minions
D - Demon

7: T5 O0 M1 D1 (Minions and Demon don't receive PT for talk)
8: T5 O1 M1 D1 (Minions and Demon don't receive PT for talk)
9: T7 O2 M1 D1 (Minions and Demon don't receive PT for talk)
10: T7 O0 M2 D1
11: T7 O1 M2 D1
12: T7 O2 M2 D1

No Reveal: Alignment and roles of dead players are not shown.
Freetalk: Anyone can talk always (except confirmation phase)

Pool of roles contains 13
, 4
, 4
and 4
. Which ones will be in game determined randomly. (9
, 0
, 3
and 1

Game Mechanics

Kills mostly resolved faster, so if player die, their ability stops affecting game and if it's information ability, they don't receive result. It doesh't mean that all Pit-Hug targets get role back, it means that lasting effects are canceled. For example, Philosopher who choosed ability of existing role, make existing role drunk. If Philosopher died afterwards, existing role stops being drunk. Cerenovus madness also go away instantly Cerenovus die.
Again if player dies, their ability has no effect for night and you won't receive information if you die. Expection are some roles like Sage and Klutz as they act after being killed by demon.

Poison and Drunk are mostly same at effect: They remove your ability. You don't know that you are Poisoned or Drunk and you think your ability still work.
For example, Drunk Artist may ask question to moderator in private and will receive answer, but answer mostly unreliable (aka almost random). If you have "Once per game" ability and try to use it while Poisoned or Drunk, you will not regain it after these effects wear off so be careful.

Madness (if it's easier for you just consider it post restriction) forces you to act like you are NOT specific role (In Mutant case, All Outsiders) or like you are specific role (Cerenovus). If you are Mutant, you need to convince other players you are not Outsider. If you are mad by Cerenovus, you need to convince players that you are role which are chosen by Cerenovus. If you fail, mod may execute you and only one execution allowed at day, so it will instantly end day.
Main thing is effort. If you don't try to give a tips that you are Mutant (even undirect one, like answering on question "Are you Mutant" with "Maybe" or silence) or are not actually this role and put effort in your faking, you will not be executed, even if some players may suspect you are mad.
It's also not by any means mod enforced. You may just say whatever you want and accept punishment if you wish.

Some abilities can result in change of your role or alignment or both. In this case you will be notified privately.
If your role is changed for some reason (for example dye Barber), you will enter as New Version of this role. For example, if you and Artist (who wasted their ability) are swapped, you will become new Artist and your ability can be used.


Rule is simple: Anyone can speak at any moment, even if dead or night, but not when game is not even started (players confirming).

Every player receives two hoods with players, which are higher and lower of your position on player list for private talks. If you are on edge, you will have hood with player from other side. Dead players lose access to any hoods, and only can talk publically.

Minions and Demon receive evil PT, in which they can freely talk for first night and day. Afterwards it will closed so prepare strategy and claims beforehand.


Day phase lasts 7 days but can be shortened if simple majority of players (Including Dead) vote for end of phase (VOTE: END OF DAY)
Night phase lasts 2 days but can be shortened if everyone will PM me about this.


Every day, living player may nominate any player to Execution with
or simple VOTE: them to nominate and vote. It will make them avaliable for voting. Votes must be in bold in the format VOTE: Enchant or
Vote: Enchant
You cannot unvote
, but you can vote as many nomineers as you wish.
At end of day, if player received majority of votes (50% of living players + 1 rounded down) and have most votes on them, they will be Executed and marked Dead. If there's two players with same amount of votes on them, or there's not enough votes, it will be considered as Not Execution and day will end.

Dead players can't nominate and only can vote for Execution once. After one vote they lose voting ability. They still can vote for Exiles.

Win Condition:

wins when there's no alive

wins when there's 2 players alive. (Though if
is executed and it should bring game to 2,
wincon overrides

Depending on roles, other Win Conditions may be present.

Roles and Role PMs:
All roles are unique.
Spoiler: Possible Townsfolk
ClockmakerWelcome, PLAYERNAME!

You are a

At your first night, you learn distance from Demon to nearest Minion in player list. You receive number of players which are needed to be skipped in list (0 means Demon and Minion sit with each other on player list for example).

You win when there's no Demon alive.

The game thread is Here.
You have two hoods with your neighbours on Playerlist: Here and Here.

Confirm by replying with your role name and alignment.

DreamerWelcome, PLAYERNAME!

You are a

Each night, choose player (not yourself). You learn 1 Good and 1 Evil role, 1 of which are your Target.

You win when there's no Demon alive.

The game thread is Here.
You have two hoods with your neighbours on Playerlist: Here and Here.

Confirm by replying with your role name and alignment.

Snake CharmerWelcome, PLAYERNAME!

You are a
Snake Charmer

Each night, choose living player. If it's Demon, swap your alignment and role with them, poisoning them. This ability cancels if target die this night.

You win when there's no Demon alive.

The game thread is Here.
You have two hoods with your neighbours on Playerlist: Here and Here.

Confirm by replying with your role name and alignment.

MathematicianWelcome, PLAYERNAME!

You are a

Each night, learn number of players which abilities worked abnormally due another role ability.

You win when there's no Demon alive.

The game thread is Here.
You have two hoods with your neighbours on Playerlist: Here and Here.

Confirm by replying with your role name and alignment.

FlowergirlWelcome, PLAYERNAME!

You are a

Each night, except first, learn if Demon voted for Execution previous day.

You win when there's no Demon alive.

The game thread is Here.
You have two hoods with your neighbours on Playerlist: Here and Here.

Confirm by replying with your role name and alignment.

Town CrierWelcome, PLAYERNAME!

You are a
Town Crier

Each night, except first, learn if Minion nominated someone previous day.

You win when there's no Demon alive.

The game thread is Here.
You have two hoods with your neighbours on Playerlist: Here and Here.

Confirm by replying with your role name and alignment.

OracleWelcome, PLAYERNAME!

You are a

Each night, except first, learn how many dead players are evil.

You win when there's no Demon alive.

The game thread is Here.
You have two hoods with your neighbours on Playerlist: Here and Here.

Confirm by replying with your role name and alignment.

SavantWelcome, PLAYERNAME!

You are a

Each day, you may privately ask moderator for knowledge to learn two things in private: 1 is True and 1 is False.

You win when there's no Demon alive.

The game thread is Here.
You have two hoods with your neighbours on Playerlist: Here and Here.

Confirm by replying with your role name and alignment.

SeamstressWelcome, PLAYERNAME!

You are a

Once per game, at night, choose two players and learn if they are same alignment.

You win when there's no Demon alive.

The game thread is Here.
You have two hoods with your neighbours on Playerlist: Here and Here.

Confirm by replying with your role name and alignment.

PhilosopherWelcome, PLAYERNAME!

You are a

Once per game, at night, choose any Good role. You receive it's ability. If this role is in play, they also become Drunk.

You win when there's no Demon alive.

The game thread is Here.
You have two hoods with your neighbours on Playerlist: Here and Here.

Confirm by replying with your role name and alignment.

ArtistWelcome, PLAYERNAME!

You are a

Once per game, at day, privately ask moderator any question. You will receive Yes/No/I don't know answer. If question can't be answered in this way, moderator will ask to reformulate question.

You win when there's no Demon alive.

The game thread is Here.
You have two hoods with your neighbours on Playerlist: Here and Here.

Confirm by replying with your role name and alignment.

JugglerWelcome, PLAYERNAME!

You are a

On your first day, publically guess roles of up to 5 players. Next night if you don't die, you learn, how many are correct.
Example of message needed:
My guess: Enchant are Artist!
You win when there's no Demon alive.

The game thread is Here.
You have two hoods with your neighbours on Playerlist: Here and Here.

Confirm by replying with your role name and alignment.

SageWelcome, PLAYERNAME!

You are a

If Demon kills you, you learn two players. One of these are Demon.

You win when there's no Demon alive.

The game thread is Here.
You have two hoods with your neighbours on Playerlist: Here and Here.

Confirm by replying with your role name and alignment.

Spoiler: Possible Outsiders
MutantWelcome, PLAYERNAME!

You are a

If you are mad about being Outsider, moderator may Execute you. Please refer to "Madness" or ask me to learn how it works.

You win when there's no Demon alive.

The game thread is Here.
You have two hoods with your neighbours on Playerlist: Here and Here.

Confirm by replying with your role name and alignment.

SweetheartWelcome, PLAYERNAME!

You are a

When you die, 1 player is Drunk from now on.

You win when there's no Demon alive.

The game thread is Here.
You have two hoods with your neighbours on Playerlist: Here and Here.

Confirm by replying with your role name and alignment.

BarberWelcome, PLAYERNAME!

You are a

If you die, on NIght Demon can choose to swap roles (NOT ALIGNMENTS) of two any players.

You win when there's no Demon alive.

The game thread is Here.
You have two hoods with your neighbours on Playerlist: Here and Here.

Confirm by replying with your role name and alignment.

KlutzWelcome, PLAYERNAME!

You are a

When you learn you are dead, you must announce that you are Klutz and then publically pick other player via
I pick: NAME
. If they are Evil, your team lose. You will have time for discussion (but must be done in 4 days, otherwise it will count as Team Loss)

You win when there's no Demon alive.

The game thread is Here.
You have two hoods with your neighbours on Playerlist: Here and Here.

Confirm by replying with your role name and alignment.

Spoiler: Possible Minions
Evil TwinWelcome, PLAYERNAME!

You are a
Evil Twin

You and player of other alignment are Twins and learn roles of each other. If Good Aligned Twin Executed, Evil Wins. As long as you both alive, Good can't win.
You are informed that NAME are your Twin, their role are ROLE.

Other minions are: NAME, NAME.
NAME is your Demon.

You win when there's only 2 players alive.

The game thread is Here.
You have two hoods with your neighbours on Playerlist: Here and Here.
There's your PT for evil things. It will be closed after end of first day: Here.

Confirm by replying with your role name and alignment.

WitchWelcome, PLAYERNAME!

You are a

Each night, choose a player. If they nominate someone, they die instantly. If only 3 players alive, you lose ability.

Other minions are: NAME, NAME.
NAME is your Demon.

You win when there's only 2 players alive.

The game thread is Here.
You have two hoods with your neighbours on Playerlist: Here and Here.
There's your PT for evil things. It will be closed after end of first day: Here.

Confirm by replying with your role name and alignment.

CerenovusWelcome, PLAYERNAME!

You are a

Each night, choose a player and Good role. Next day and night, they are mad about being this role, otherwise they may be Executed. Please refer to "Madness" or ask me to learn how it works.

Other minions are: NAME, NAME.
NAME is your Demon.

You win when there's only 2 players alive.

The game thread is Here.
You have two hoods with your neighbours on Playerlist: Here and Here.
There's your PT for evil things. It will be closed after end of first day: Here.

Confirm by replying with your role name and alignment.

Pit-HagWelcome, PLAYERNAME!

You are a

Each night except first, choose a player and any role. If picked role is not in play, target turns in this role (but doesh't change alignment). If Demon created this way, deaths this night are arbitrary.

Other minions are: NAME, NAME.
NAME is your Demon.

You win when there's only 2 players alive.

The game thread is Here.
You have two hoods with your neighbours on Playerlist: Here and Here.
There's your PT for evil things. It will be closed after end of first day: Here.

Confirm by replying with your role name and alignment.

Spoiler: Possible Demons
Fang GuWelcome, PLAYERNAME!

You are a
Fang Gu

Each night except first, must choose a player. They will die. The first Outsider you try to kill will turn in Evil Fang Gu, and you die instead.
At start of game, game has +1 Outsider in setup (replaces Townsfolk)

Your minions are: NAME, NAME and NAME.
You learn that TOWNSFOLK, TOWNSFOLK and TOWNSFOLK roles are not in game and are free to claim.

You win when there's only 2 players alive.

The game thread is Here.
You have two hoods with your neighbours on Playerlist: Here and Here.
There's your PT for evil things. It will be closed after end of first day: Here.

Confirm by replying with your role name and alignment.

VigormortisWelcome, PLAYERNAME!

You are a

Each night except first, must choose a player. They will die. If you kill Minion this way, they keep ability and one of closest Townsfolk to them in playerlist will be Poisoned.
At start of game, game has -1 Outsider in setup (Replaced by Townsfolk)

Your minions are: NAME, NAME and NAME.
You learn that TOWNSFOLK, TOWNSFOLK and TOWNSFOLK roles are not in game and are free to claim.

You win when there's only 2 players alive.

The game thread is Here.
You have two hoods with your neighbours on Playerlist: Here and Here.
There's your PT for evil things. It will be closed after end of first day: Here.

Confirm by replying with your role name and alignment.

No DashiiWelcome, PLAYERNAME!

You are a
No Dashii

Each night except first, must choose a player. They will die. Townsfolk closest to you in playerlist are Poisoned.

Your minions are: NAME, NAME and NAME.
You learn that TOWNSFOLK, TOWNSFOLK and TOWNSFOLK roles are not in game and are free to claim.

You win when there's only 2 players alive.

The game thread is Here.
You have two hoods with your neighbours on Playerlist: Here and Here.
There's your PT for evil things. It will be closed after end of first day: Here.

Confirm by replying with your role name and alignment.

VortoxWelcome, PLAYERNAME!

You are a

Each night except first, must choose a player. They will die. Townsfolk abilities yield false info. Each day, if no one is executed, Evil wins.

Your minions are: NAME, NAME and NAME.
You learn that TOWNSFOLK, TOWNSFOLK and TOWNSFOLK roles are not in game and are free to claim.

You win when there's only 2 players alive.

The game thread is Here.
You have two hoods with your neighbours on Playerlist: Here and Here.
There's your PT for evil things. It will be closed after end of first day: Here.

Confirm by replying with your role name and alignment.

Spoiler: Non Standart Role PMs
Evil Townsfolk:
DreamerWelcome, PLAYERNAME!

You are a

Each night, choose player (not yourself). You learn 1 Good and 1 Evil role, 1 of which are your Target.

You win when there's only 2 players alive.

The game thread is Here.
You have two hoods with your neighbours on Playerlist: Here and Here.

Confirm by replying with your role name and alignment.

Good Minion:
CerenovusWelcome, PLAYERNAME!

You are a

Each night, choose a player and Good role. Next day and night, they are mad about being this role, otherwise they may be Executed and day will end. Please refer to "Madness" or ask me to learn how it works.

You win when there's no Demon alive.

The game thread is Here.
You have two hoods with your neighbours on Playerlist: Here and Here.

Confirm by replying with your role name and alignment.

Spoiler: Read if you like to learn about old version, it's not actual
Boring words with borring letters don't read if you don't care about moderating and scroll if you want to read setup:
Spoiler: zzz
So, i investigated every role of system to see if it playable on forum in fun manner without break. My answer beforehand: Yes. it probably still be better played in discord chat with your enemies (because you mostly don't have friends after one game).

Firstly voting rules. Obviously, normal voting system of BC not gonna work out in game, because nominating someone then waiting until everyone vote clockwise... Alternative which was nominating them letting everyone vote then repeat is also meh.

So it probably changes to simple elimination with nomination. Ergo, when you use
you nominate so Enchant then can be voted normally.
If you used vote tag, you vote for nominated player, or if they are not nominated, mod will count this as nomination AND vote. The catch is, you cannot unvote, but generally it shouldn't be problem: You can vote as many players as you wish so if you suddenly liked player you voted for, just vote someone else!

If player received more than half of votes, they eligible to Execution. Player with most votes on them will be executed and in parity, no one executed instead.

Basically you nominate players and they added to pool "Can be voted by anyone". Simple, eh?

Now about game phases. Normally, mod need to wake every player, show them something, take something, nod and send them to sleep. Repeat with every single role. Solution is simple: Same resolution.

... And Communication of course.
First game had issue: you needed request which had to be agreed and then you get hood. In game where one player could get self confirmed and just collect all claims secretly which kinda can break game.
Solution to allow everyone talk with everyone privately also won't do any good for same reason.
Therefore, there's simple way: Hoods. Everyone get hood with two players who are your neighbours in player lists. Of course it's fucking shitload amount of hoods which also need to be updated after player die or change places for some reason.
Dead players can only talk in public.
I am not really sure if it will fix issue, because everyone still can just yell their role at first day. But it again can be fixed by allowing small talk between demon and minions at start of the game which i gonna allow for this one game. In this game, with many players and almost no free claims, while Good has whooping 7 days per day to figure things, evil need all coordination they need.

It's what we all already needed. Other things are mostly depend on Script (Role List) and otherwise work like clock. I won't give description of every role in fhe game, as that can take ages. So let's start probably from gray area.


They exist in case someone need to go soon, or someone arrived at party too late. They unique in fact that ANY player at day can call for their exile and if more than half of ALL players agree, they are exiled

Most of Travellers are perfect for any setup, but some need tweaks if played in not "natural setup":
Scapegoat, Gunslinger, Beggar, Bureaucrat, Thief, Butcher, Bone Collector, Deviant, Apprentice, Bishop, Voudon don't need any tweaks.

Harlot must use their ability at day. It's only change so target makes decision at night.
Barista also affects at day.
Evil Judge may need tweak in case there's instant winning achivement to achive. For example, in game with Evil Twin, it may be forbidden to hammer execution on counterpart of Evil Twin, because evil just nominate good twin at start of the game, while Judge will slam for win. Of course if Good Judge slammed Good Twin, it's their problem.
Matron changes places of players and forbids from standing to talk with someone. We remember that it will also change hoods? If two players swapped, it's generally... Uhm let me count... 4 new hoods and close old 4. So limiting shots is necessary.

I think Sects & Violets are best setup to run without too much tweaks but are pretty bastard in design. So here we are:

15+ Players (I may cut amount of players if it will be unpopular.)
9 are
playing for
. They have overall good abilities.
2 are
playing for
. Their abilities mostly harmful for their team.
3 are
playing for
. They support Demon, helping them win.
1 are
playing for
. They must survive until Evil victory. They learn 3 Townsfolks which are not in the game.
. Their alignment determined on mod discretion. They free to join midgame or leave at any moment they wish. Everyone know who traveller is and which role they have.
Spoiler: Read in case there's less players

T - Townsfolk
O - Outsiders
M - Minions
D - Demon

7: T5 O0 M1 D1 (Minions and Demon don't receive PT for talk)
8: T5 O1 M1 D1 (Minions and Demon don't receive PT for talk)
9: T7 O2 M1 D1 (Minions and Demon don't receive PT for talk)
10: T7 O0 M2 D1
11: T7 O1 M2 D1
12: T7 O2 M2 D1
13: T9 O0 M3 D1
14: T9 O1 M3 D1

No Reveal: Alignment and roles of dead players are not shown.
Freetalk: Anyone can talk always (except confirmation phase)

Travellers are possibility, but should be joining after game already started in case they wanted to play, but not enough space/too late OR if they are not sure if they can be here for whole game (in any case PM me). Adding them or not is purely my decision, the longer game is going, the less likely traveller will be added. You may request to be specific traveller, but ultimately, i make decision. If you are traveller, you also can ask to leave at any moment without replacement.

Pool of roles contains 13
, 4
, 4
and 4
. Which ones will be in game determined randomly. (9
, 2
, 3
and 1

Game Mechanics

Kills mostly resolved faster, so if player die, their ability stops affecting game and if it's information ability, they don't receive result. It doesh't mean that all Pit-Hug targets get role back, it means that lasting effects are canceled. For example, Philosopher who choosed ability of existing role, make existing role drunk. If Philosopher died, existing role stops being drunk. Cerenovus madness also go away instantly Cerenovus die.
Again if player dies, their ability has no effect for night and you won't receive information if you die. Expection are some roles like Sage (which receives information if they die to Demon) and Harlot, which bypass it.

Poison and Drunk are mostly same at effect: They remove your ability. You don't know that you are Poisoned or Drunk and you think your ability still work.
For example, Drunk Artist may ask question to moderator in private and will receive answer, but answer mostly unreliable (aka almost random). If you have "Once per game" ability and try to use it while Poisoned or Drunk, you will not regain it after these effects wear off.

Madness (if it's easier for you just consider it post restriction) forces you to act like you are NOT specific role (In Mutant case, All Outsiders) or like you are specific role (Cerenovus). If you are Mutant, you need to convince other players you are not Outsider. If you are mad by Cerenovus, you need to convince players that you are role which are chosen by Cerenovus. If you fail, mod may execute you and only one execution allowed at day, so it will instantly end day.
Main thing is effort. If you don't try to give a tips that you are Mutant (even undirect one, like answering on question "Are you Mutant" with "Maybe" or silence) or are not actually this role and put effort in your faking, you will not be executed, even if some players may suspect you are mad.
It's also not by any means mod enforced. You may just say whatever you want and accept punishment if you wish.

Some abilities can result in change of your role or alignment or both. In this case you will be notified privately.


Rule is simple: Anyone can speak at any moment, even if dead or night, but not when game is not even started (players confirming).

Every player receives two hoods with players, which are higher and lower of your position on player list for private talks. If you are on edge, you will have hood with player from other side. Dead players lose access to any hoods, and only can talk publically.

Minions and Demon receive evil PT, in which they can freely talk for first night and day. Afterwards it will closed so prepare strategy and claims beforehand.


Day phase lasts 7 days but can be shortened if simple majority of players (Including Dead) vote for end of phase (VOTE: END OF DAY)
Night phase lasts 2 days but can be shortened if everyone will PM me about this.


Every day, living player may nominate any player to Execution with
or simple VOTE: them to nominate and vote. It will make them avaliable for voting. Votes must be in bold in the format VOTE: Enchant or
Vote: Enchant
. You cannot unvote, but you can vote as many nomineers as you wish.
At end of day, if player received majority of votes (50% of living players + 1 rounded down) and have most votes on them, they will be Executed and marked Dead. If there's two players with same amount of votes on them, or there's not enough votes, it will be considered as Not Execution and day will end.

Dead players can't nominate and only can vote for Execution once. After one vote they lose voting ability. They still can vote for Exiles.

Any player can vote for exile of Traveller (
). If simple majority of all players (Including Dead) vote for exile, this Traveller will be Exiled and marked Dead instantly. It doesh't count as Execution and day will not end.

Win Condition:

wins when there's no alive

wins when there's 2 players alive, not counting
. (Though if
is executed and it should bring game to 2,
wincon overrides

Depending on roles, other Win Conditions may be present.

Roles and Role PMs:
All roles are unique.
Spoiler: Possible Townsfolk
ClockmakerWelcome, PLAYERNAME!

You are a

At your first night, you learn distance from Demon to nearest Minion in player list. You receive number of players which are needed to be skipped in list (0 means Demon and Minion sit with each other on player list for example).

You win when there's no Demon alive.

The game thread is Here.
You have two hoods with your neighbours on Playerlist: Here and Here.

Confirm by replying with your role name and alignment.

DreamerWelcome, PLAYERNAME!

You are a

Each night, choose player (not yourself or Travellers). You learn 1 Good and 1 Evil role, 1 of which are your Target.

You win when there's no Demon alive.

The game thread is Here.
You have two hoods with your neighbours on Playerlist: Here and Here.

Confirm by replying with your role name and alignment.

Snake CharmerWelcome, PLAYERNAME!

You are a
Snake Charmer

Each night, choose living player. If it's Demon, swap your alignment and role with them, poisoning them.

You win when there's no Demon alive.

The game thread is Here.
You have two hoods with your neighbours on Playerlist: Here and Here.

Confirm by replying with your role name and alignment.

MathematicianWelcome, PLAYERNAME!

You are a

Each night, learn number of players which abilities worked abnormally due another role ability.

You win when there's no Demon alive.

The game thread is Here.
You have two hoods with your neighbours on Playerlist: Here and Here.

Confirm by replying with your role name and alignment.

FlowergirlWelcome, PLAYERNAME!

You are a

Each night, except first, learn if Demon voted for Execution previous day.

You win when there's no Demon alive.

The game thread is Here.
You have two hoods with your neighbours on Playerlist: Here and Here.

Confirm by replying with your role name and alignment.

Town CrierWelcome, PLAYERNAME!

You are a
Town Crier

Each night, except first, learn if Minion nominated someone previous day.

You win when there's no Demon alive.

The game thread is Here.
You have two hoods with your neighbours on Playerlist: Here and Here.

Confirm by replying with your role name and alignment.

OracleWelcome, PLAYERNAME!

You are a

Each night, except first, learn how many dead players are evil.

You win when there's no Demon alive.

The game thread is Here.
You have two hoods with your neighbours on Playerlist: Here and Here.

Confirm by replying with your role name and alignment.

SavantWelcome, PLAYERNAME!

You are a

Each day, you may privately ask moderator for knowledge to learn two things in private: 1 is True and 1 is False.

You win when there's no Demon alive.

The game thread is Here.
You have two hoods with your neighbours on Playerlist: Here and Here.

Confirm by replying with your role name and alignment.

SeamstressWelcome, PLAYERNAME!

You are a

Once per game, at night, choose two players and learn if they are same alignment.

You win when there's no Demon alive.

The game thread is Here.
You have two hoods with your neighbours on Playerlist: Here and Here.

Confirm by replying with your role name and alignment.

PhilosopherWelcome, PLAYERNAME!

You are a

Once per game, at night, choose any Good role. You receive it's ability. If this role is in play, they also become Drunk.

You win when there's no Demon alive.

The game thread is Here.
You have two hoods with your neighbours on Playerlist: Here and Here.

Confirm by replying with your role name and alignment.

ArtistWelcome, PLAYERNAME!

You are a

Once per game, at day, privately ask moderator any question. You will receive Yes/No/I don't know answer. If question can't be answered in this way, moderator will ask to reformulate question.

You win when there's no Demon alive.

The game thread is Here.
You have two hoods with your neighbours on Playerlist: Here and Here.

Confirm by replying with your role name and alignment.

JugglerWelcome, PLAYERNAME!

You are a

On your first day, publically guess roles of up to 5 players. Next night if you don't die, you learn, how many are correct.
Example of message needed:
My guess: Enchant are Artist!
You win when there's no Demon alive.

The game thread is Here.
You have two hoods with your neighbours on Playerlist: Here and Here.

Confirm by replying with your role name and alignment.

SageWelcome, PLAYERNAME!

You are a

If Demon kills you, you learn two players. One of these are Demon.

You win when there's no Demon alive.

The game thread is Here.
You have two hoods with your neighbours on Playerlist: Here and Here.

Confirm by replying with your role name and alignment.

Spoiler: Possible Outsiders
MutantWelcome, PLAYERNAME!

You are a

If you are mad about being Outsider, moderator may Execute you. Please refer to "Madness" or ask me to learn how it works.

You win when there's no Demon alive.

The game thread is Here.
You have two hoods with your neighbours on Playerlist: Here and Here.

Confirm by replying with your role name and alignment.

SweetheartWelcome, PLAYERNAME!

You are a

When you die, 1 player is Drunk from now on.

You win when there's no Demon alive.

The game thread is Here.
You have two hoods with your neighbours on Playerlist: Here and Here.

Confirm by replying with your role name and alignment.

BarberWelcome, PLAYERNAME!

You are a

If you die, on NIght Demon can choose to swap roles (NOT ALIGNMENTS) of two any players.

You win when there's no Demon alive.

The game thread is Here.
You have two hoods with your neighbours on Playerlist: Here and Here.

Confirm by replying with your role name and alignment.

KlutzWelcome, PLAYERNAME!

You are a

When you learn you are dead, you must announce that you are Klutz and then publically pick other player via
I pick: NAME
. If they are Evil, your team lose. You will have time for discussion (but must be done in 4 days, otherwise it will count as Team Loss)

You win when there's no Demon alive.

The game thread is Here.
You have two hoods with your neighbours on Playerlist: Here and Here.

Confirm by replying with your role name and alignment.

Spoiler: Possible Minions
Evil TwinWelcome, PLAYERNAME!

You are a
Evil Twin

You and player of other alignment are Twins and learn roles of each other. If Good Aligned Twin Executed, Evil Wins. As long as you both alive, Good can't win.

Other minions are: NAME, NAME.
NAME is your Demon.

You win when there's only 2 players alive, not counting travellers.

The game thread is Here.
You have two hoods with your neighbours on Playerlist: Here and Here.
There's your PT for evil things. It will be closed after end of first day: Here.

Confirm by replying with your role name and alignment.

WitchWelcome, PLAYERNAME!

You are a

Each night, choose a player. If they nominate someone, they die instantly. If only 3 players alive, you lose ability.

Other minions are: NAME, NAME.
NAME is your Demon.

You win when there's only 2 players alive, not counting travellers.

The game thread is Here.
You have two hoods with your neighbours on Playerlist: Here and Here.
There's your PT for evil things. It will be closed after end of first day: Here.

Confirm by replying with your role name and alignment.

CerenovusWelcome, PLAYERNAME!

You are a

Each night, choose a player and Good role. Next day and night, they are mad about being this role, otherwise they may be Executed. Please refer to "Madness" or ask me to learn how it works.

Other minions are: NAME, NAME.
NAME is your Demon.

You win when there's only 2 players alive, not counting travellers.

The game thread is Here.
You have two hoods with your neighbours on Playerlist: Here and Here.
There's your PT for evil things. It will be closed after end of first day: Here.

Confirm by replying with your role name and alignment.

Pit-HagWelcome, PLAYERNAME!

You are a

Each night except first, choose a player and any role. If picked role is not in play, target turns in this role (but doesh't change alignment). If Demon created this way, deaths this night are arbitrary.

Other minions are: NAME, NAME.
NAME is your Demon.

You win when there's only 2 players alive, not counting travellers.

The game thread is Here.
You have two hoods with your neighbours on Playerlist: Here and Here.
There's your PT for evil things. It will be closed after end of first day: Here.

Confirm by replying with your role name and alignment.

Spoiler: Possible Demons
Fang GuWelcome, PLAYERNAME!

You are a
Fang Gu

Each night except first, must choose a player. They will die. The first Outsider you try to kill will turn in Evil Fang Gu, and you die instead.
At start of game, game has +1 Outsider in setup (replaces Townsfolk)

Your minions are: NAME, NAME and NAME.
You learn that TOWNSFOLK, TOWNSFOLK and TOWNSFOLK roles are not in game and are free to claim.

You win when there's only 2 players alive, not counting travellers.

The game thread is Here.
You have two hoods with your neighbours on Playerlist: Here and Here.
There's your PT for evil things. It will be closed after end of first day: Here.

Confirm by replying with your role name and alignment.

VigormortisWelcome, PLAYERNAME!

You are a

Each night except first, must choose a player. They will die. If you kill Minion this way, they keep ability and one of closest Townsfolk to them in playerlist will be Poisoned.
At start of game, game has -1 Outsider in setup (Replaced by Townsfolk)

Your minions are: NAME, NAME and NAME.
You learn that TOWNSFOLK, TOWNSFOLK and TOWNSFOLK roles are not in game and are free to claim.

You win when there's only 2 players alive, not counting travellers.

The game thread is Here.
You have two hoods with your neighbours on Playerlist: Here and Here.
There's your PT for evil things. It will be closed after end of first day: Here.

Confirm by replying with your role name and alignment.

No DashiiWelcome, PLAYERNAME!

You are a
No Dashii

Each night except first, must choose a player. They will die. Townsfolk closest to you in playerlist are Poisoned.

Your minions are: NAME, NAME and NAME.
You learn that TOWNSFOLK, TOWNSFOLK and TOWNSFOLK roles are not in game and are free to claim.

You win when there's only 2 players alive, not counting travellers.

The game thread is Here.
You have two hoods with your neighbours on Playerlist: Here and Here.
There's your PT for evil things. It will be closed after end of first day: Here.

Confirm by replying with your role name and alignment.

VortoxWelcome, PLAYERNAME!

You are a

Each night except first, must choose a player. They will die. Townsfolk abilities yield false info. Each day, if no one is executed, Evil wins.

Your minions are: NAME, NAME and NAME.
You learn that TOWNSFOLK, TOWNSFOLK and TOWNSFOLK roles are not in game and are free to claim.

You win when there's only 2 players alive, not counting travellers.

The game thread is Here.
You have two hoods with your neighbours on Playerlist: Here and Here.
There's your PT for evil things. It will be closed after end of first day: Here.

Confirm by replying with your role name and alignment.

Spoiler: Possible Travellers
ButcherWelcome, PLAYERNAME!

You are a
and you are Good/Evil

Each day, after Execution happened, you may nominate player for another Execution. It will prolong day phase for another 3 days or until half of players vote for Execution/End of day.

(If Evil)Your demon are NAME.

You win with your alignment.

The game thread is Here.
You have two hoods with your neighbours on Playerlist: Here and Here.

Confirm by replying with your role name and alignment.

Bone CollectorWelcome, PLAYERNAME!

You are a
Bone Collector
and you are Good/Evil

Once per game, at day, choose a dead player. They regain their ability for next night and next day.

(If Evil)Your demon are NAME.

You win with your alignment.

The game thread is Here.
You have two hoods with your neighbours on Playerlist: Here and Here.

Confirm by replying with your role name and alignment.

HarlotWelcome, PLAYERNAME!

You are a
and you are Good/Evil

Each day, choose a living player. If at night they agree, you learn their role, but might both die. You learn information even if dying.

(If Evil)Your demon are NAME.

You win with your alignment.

The game thread is Here.
You have two hoods with your neighbours on Playerlist: Here and Here.

Confirm by replying with your role name and alignment.

BaristaWelcome, PLAYERNAME!

You are a
and you are Good/Evil

Passively, each day makes one player sober/healthy and guarantee true info from their abilities or allows player to act twice for next night and day.

(If Evil)Your demon are NAME.

You win with your alignment.

The game thread is Here.
You have two hoods with your neighbours on Playerlist: Here and Here.

Confirm by replying with your role name and alignment.

DeviantWelcome, PLAYERNAME!

You are a
and you are Good/Evil

If you are funny this day phase, you cannot be Exiled.

(If Evil)Your demon are NAME.

You win with your alignment.

The game thread is Here.
You have two hoods with your neighbours on Playerlist: Here and Here.

Confirm by replying with your role name and alignment.

Spoiler: Non Standart Role PMs
Evil Townsfolk:
DreamerWelcome, PLAYERNAME!

You are a

Each night, choose player (not yourself or Travellers). You learn 1 Good and 1 Evil role, 1 of which are your Target.

You win when there's only 2 players alive, not counting travellers.

The game thread is Here.
You have two hoods with your neighbours on Playerlist: Here and Here.

Confirm by replying with your role name and alignment.

Good Minion:
CerenovusWelcome, PLAYERNAME!

You are a

Each night, choose a player and Good role. Next day and night, they are mad about being this role, otherwise they may be Executed and day will end. Please refer to "Madness" or ask me to learn how it works.

You win when there's no Demon alive.

The game thread is Here.
You have two hoods with your neighbours on Playerlist: Here and Here.

Confirm by replying with your role name and alignment.

There may be some things i forgot so i leave it here for day or two for critique. Then i try to run it.

UPDATE: After post review i noticed that there can be very rare bugs. Especially what happens when Snake Charmer targets Fang Gu, which target Outsider?
I fixed it by adding that Snake Charmer fails if their target die this night, therefore not swapping self. It was only bug i noticed so far.

Also made some adjuments to role PMs and etc but they mostly cosmetic and quality of live changes.

You need replacement/players ASAP? PM me! I almost always accept.

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