Elect the Executioner

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Post Post #10 (isolation #0) » Tue Mar 03, 2015 9:24 am

Post by ZZZX »


also this is no OC right? :P
Implosion: I see ZZZX was
. For shame, people. For shame.
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Post Post #19 (isolation #1) » Sun Mar 08, 2015 7:15 am

Post by ZZZX »

In post 15, Cephrir wrote:You should vote for me because I plan on writing an elaborate death scene!

I give 2 points to cephrir

Implosion: I see ZZZX was
. For shame, people. For shame.
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Post Post #24 (isolation #2) » Sun Mar 08, 2015 8:18 am

Post by ZZZX »

Give 1 point to Ceph

Finish the enemies of our following!

Lead the charge
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. For shame, people. For shame.
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Post Post #26 (isolation #3) » Sun Mar 08, 2015 8:26 am

Post by ZZZX »

@Ceph can I get the next round plz? I have a nice idea
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. For shame, people. For shame.
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Post Post #45 (isolation #4) » Mon Mar 09, 2015 6:49 am

Post by ZZZX »

In post 44, Cephrir wrote:I will accept requests to add something to my write-up in exchange for points. You can try to make me incorporate as silly a thing as you like and I will do my best to drop it in smoothly.


Implosion: I see ZZZX was
. For shame, people. For shame.
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Post Post #69 (isolation #5) » Mon Mar 09, 2015 11:51 pm

Post by ZZZX »

In post 57, PiggyGal15 wrote:The great and wonderful Piggy was elected as Queen and all through the court there was compliance and agreement. But, of course, there are always those who do not comply to the ways of hypnotoad, nor to the ways of bandwagoning...

Spoiler: So what's gonna happen?
Mist, putting her points on Piggy first thought for sure she would be safe! But around 3 in the afternoon, she heard a knock on her door. About to open it, she was interrupted by her phone. She, of course, checked who would dare phone her, only to find out it was none other than D3f3nd3r! Well, answering the phone was far more important than opening the door, so she answered and they talked for several hours as they are wont to do. When Mist finally hung up the phone, she remembered someone had been at the door. Going to check and see if they had left anything on the front step for her, she opened the door to a warm and beautiful sunset. Nothing, however, was on her doorstep, so she went back inside and forgot all about it.

Spoiler: But was that all?
D3f3nd3r was a little jumpy all day. He wasn't sure if his voting for Piggy was quick enough, and was worried that their Queen might hold it against him. Not being able to talk to Piggy due to her very, incredibly busy schedule, he went to the next best option, Mist. He figured since she stood up for Piggy first, surely she would know if Piggy would hold things against him. But as he was dialing her number, a strange flickering of the lights occurred. He looked all around, but there was no one (nor thing) there. Getting a bit more paranoid, he went to check out the window... where he saw a strange, shadowed figure standing several dozen feet from his house. Heart beat picking up, D3f3nd3r called Mist as quickly as he could. Luckily she picked up right away and they started talking. He relaxed quite a bit to the point that he actually forgot there was some spooky figure standing outside. When the call ended, D3f3nd3r stretched and decided to go get some food to eat, but as he was exiting his room, he heard shouting coming from outside. Going to investigate, he saw Axxle standing approximately where the figure he saw earlier was, and that JDGA was walking - no,
away. Not looking to start any fights on such a tense day, he decided to leave things alone and go get some food.

Spoiler: Surely that's not all though!
Axxle hadn't been having a very good day. He had been hypnotized by that blasted toad once again, and it always leaves it's victims with a killer migraine afterwords. He was already on edge from having no idea what had even transpired over the past day, so when a bird decided to grace his head with it's wonderful droppings, needless to say, Axxle wasn't exactly the happiest of campers. Shaking in rage, he stood completely still for what felt like an eternity. He refused to move even one more step this day, because as long as he stopped doing anything, surely the world couldn't get any worse.

Of course, he just had to be proven wrong. JDGA came barreling down the street and crashed right into him. It was painful for both, and Axxle was sure he felt something crack. Bursting with pent up frustration, he started yelling at JDGA, who in turn was very confused as to why she was being yelled at. She was sorry, of course, she hadn't meant to crash into him, but that certainly didn't give Axxle the right to start yelling at her! So she argued back, and their shouting was heard by all around. Eventually it all ended with Axxle having the last word on a topic that had absolutely nothing to do with what they had started arguing about. Having had just about enough of it, JDGA stormed away, leaving Axxle huffing and still fuming a little in the middle of the street with bird shit still in his hair. At least all the yelling had made him feel better enough to walk the rest of the way home and take a much needed bath.

Spoiler: But does anything come next?
JDGA had been having a great day. She came to the vote to find that there was an easy enough person to get behind whom she believed wouldn't kill her off right away. Oh how wrong she was. Or was she? The morning was fine, sunny and normal enough. Her food had tasted a little off, but she hadn't thought much of it until she had heard that McMenno was in the hospital with food poisoning. JDGA felt a bit sorry for the poor guy, but otherwise didn't really care. It's not like food poisoning usually killed someone, right? Except the worker from the store she had bought her lunch from randomly turned up shortly after, with more of the same food she had bought earlier. The worker urged her to eat more, and, being more than a little creeped out, JDGA tried to flee. But the worker was chasing her! So she ran faster, as fast as she possibly could, and well, ran straight into poor Axxle. She still has no idea why Axxle went off on her like that, but Axxle's a strange guy, so maybe it was just one of those days.

Spoiler: Am I writing these spoilers just to mess with you?
McMenno realized, as he was lying in the hospital, that he probably shouldn't have eaten that moldy sandwich earlier. PrivateI had assured him that it was still good, but he realized now that the sandwich was not, in fact, still good. It was bad, terrabad even, and surely he wouldn't die from his foolish mistake, right? Well, actually, yes, he indeed didn't die from it! With impressive resilience and a far quicker recovery than anyone had ever seen, McMenno was up and running before the moon was even shinning in the sky!

Spoiler: Why yes, I think I am.
PrivateI realized in hindsight that he probably shouldn't have told McMenno to eat the sandwich. But he had been extremely suspicious of said sandwich when just shortly after acquiring it, some man came to him and gave him a small bag with a handful of pills in it, saying they were from Queen Piggy, and to take them before he went to sleep that night. PrivateI didn't know if the pills were connected to the sandwich, or if they were completely separate events, but he wasn't going to take the risk. He threw the bag out and give the sandwich to McMenno and hoped that he wouldn't end up dead that night.

Spoiler: Who knows if the story keeps going!

Spoiler: (well I do, but I don't want to spoil it)

Spoiler: (which doesn't mean I won't /spoiler/ it!)

Spoiler: (sorry, that was a terrible attempt to be funny)
Piggy was lonely on her throne. It was quite a lovely throne, don't get her wrong, she wouldn't trade it for anything, but it was awful lonely sitting in a giant room, all by herself, all day long. She was just about to take a nap when Brian Skies came running into the throne room. He was panting and apologizing for barging in, but there was urgent news she needed to know about right away. A little startled, but otherwise happy that something exciting was happening, she listened to what Brian had to say. He told of great doom coming for the kingdom that night, and anyone who hadn't taken the proper precautions would die! Not wanting everyone in her beautiful kingdom to die, Piggy made a plan to get everyone prepared. She told Brian to go spread the special pills her royal medics made and hoped that would be enough, for it was all she could do while stuck in her palace.

Spoiler: (I'll stop now)
Brian Skies had been out on the edge of town all day, foraging for firewood and other neat things when he saw a foreigner running towards him. He prepared for the worst as the foreigner slowed down and reached him. The foreigner tried to explain something, but didn't quite speak the language, or perhaps he just had a really think accent, Brian wasn't really sure. All he was sure about was that he didn't understand everything the foreigner had said, but he had understood that the words 'doom' and 'town' while the foreigner had pointed in fear at the kingdom he lived in. Well, this wasn't good!

Brian took off right away to go tell Piggy of the news. He knew he hadn't always been on the best of terms with the Queen, but he had hoped his blatant sucking up to her had done the trick. Little did he know that Queen Piggy forgets things easily and hadn't even known there was a rocky past between them for him to try and suck up for. Piggy listened to what Brian had to say and went to action immediately. She handed the bag of pills that was supposed to protect them from the doom to him, though Brian was a bit confused as to how a simple pill was going to protect against an unknown doom. Not one to take risks though, he took one of the pills himself, and immediately felt sick to his stomach. Passing the pills on to some other random villager while mumbling a garbled explanation on what to do with them, Brian ran home and tried not to die. He supposed this might have all just been a really long and elaborate plot to kill him, but only morning would tell if Piggy knew what she was doing or not.

ZZZX noticed that this list of stories goes in descending order of the sign ups, and yet, Cephrir was skipped. He demanded they go back to his part of the story, and this narrator agrees, skipping a part of the story just isn't kind, shame on me for doing that.

Spoiler: Yeah, there's still more!
Cephrir was, understandably, more than a bit worried that he wouldn't live till the next day. But a fanciful miracle happened! A bird flew by and dropped a small bag of some unknown contents right in front of him! He opened up the bag and inside found a note with instructions, saying that there was a great doom coming, and all those who wished to live needed to take one of the pills. Thinking of the people first, Cephrir went out and handed them out to all his friends, even Titus who had yet to actually say hi. Finally, when there was only one pill left, Cephrir took it himself and went to sleep, hoping that would be enough.

Spoiler: Or is there?
Titus... really didn't do anything all day. She just kinda sat at home and stayed very unsocial all day. Queen Piggy doesn't hold that against her though. She's a very understanding queen, after all.

Spoiler: Nope! That's it!
So who died? The next morning everyone woke up perfectly fine! No doom, no death, not even a little bit of blood!

...wait... this can't be right... wasn't someone supposed to die?

Ah well, uh...

Let's just re-write some of this here... and that there... hm... yes, yes, that'll work. He did want 'lazors' after all!

Spoiler: One last spoiler, /just/ to be difficult~
*cough* *cough*
So, forget all of the above, the actual story goes something like: ZZZX went to a dance rave party thing and was sliced in half by one of the disco light beams that had turned out to actually be a laser. In fact, almost everyone on the dance floor was sliced in half... and then some. There was blood, body parts flying everywhere, it was quite the scene, let me tell you!
Right, so, that's how it happened! No kingdoms or dooms, just a party at a club gone wrong.


I hope I met your expectations on this wondrous flavour <:3

And bah :<
Implosion: I see ZZZX was
. For shame, people. For shame.
The Bulge: ZZZX is ZZZX
Get to know a ZZZX: http://forum.mafiascum.net/viewtopic.php?f=61&t=58733

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