Ambidex Game - RIP

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Ambidex Game - RIP

Post Post #0 (ISO) » Sun Jun 12, 2016 1:03 am

Post by Elekitu »


9 persons are kidnapped and trapped in an empty warehouse to play a game of alliance, betrayal and manipulation. On their left, a door. On their right, a corpse.
(jk, there is no corpse. Yet.)

This game is largely inspired by the video game
Virtue's Last Reward
, and it's a Social Game in its purest form : Will you
your opponent or
I've been hosting this game on another forum for about 3 years, and more rules were added over time, which means the rules are kinda long to read ; but don’t worry, they’re not that hard to understand
(btw, I'm French and my English is far from perfect. If you see any spelling mistake or if there's a sentence you don't understand, please point it out!)

Without further ado, here are the rules :
Spoiler: Rules
♦ The basics :
  • The game is played with 9 players, and is divided into rounds. Each player starts with 3 points, and in each round they will try to win points. Their initial goal is to have 9 points, however it will not make them win the game instantly (this will be explained in due time)
  • In each round, you will be separated into 3 teams :
    . Each team contains 3 players : Two of them will form a PAIR, and the last one will be a SOLO. (these teams will be chosen semi-randomly, I will explain the exact rules later, as it’s incredibly complex and not that important)
  • The players who form the pair will work together and act as one player. Later in the rules, when I’ll use the term “player”, it can refer to one person or the 2 members of a pair.
  • Once you’ve been divided into teams, you will play a game inspired by the
    Prisoner’s Dilemma
    : Each pair will play against the solo of their team. Both of them will have to decide whether they
    their opponent or
    them. They will have to PM me their choice (the 2 members of a pair share the same vote, they can – and should – discuss via PM before voting). Each time I receive a new vote I will announce it in the thread (though I will not say what they voted)
  • Once I’ve received all votes, I will reveal everyone’s vote and how many points they won. If someone hasn’t voted after 72h, they will ally by default.
  • The points won by each player depends on their vote and their opponent's :
    - If both players have allied, they both win 2 points
    - If one of them has betrayed their opponent, they win 3 points and their opponent loses 2 points
    - However, if both players have betrayed, none of them win anything.
    - Remember that since the two players of a pair share the same vote, they also win/lose the same amount of points
    - There are 2 special cases : If, in all 3 teams, only one player has been successfully betrayed (i.e. he chose to
    and his opponent chose to
    ), then he will lose 3 points instead of 2. Moreover, if both players of the same team didn’t vote and allied by default, they will be eliminated.
  • If someone’s points fall to 0, he will be eliminated (in the RP, eliminated = dead). Eliminated players will automatically ally by default.
  • Once I’ve posted the results, you will be split into 3 new teams and the next round will begin.

♦ The 9-Door :
  • This door is your only escape. In order to win you have to go through it. Unfortunately, it’s locked, and you can’t open it that easily.
  • To open it, you must have at least 9 points, and then claim in this topic that you open the door (Important note : You don’t have to open the door right after you have 9 points, you can wait for as long as you want). The door will automatically open (even if I’m not present) and will stay open for exactly 9 hours. During this period, any player with at least 9 points can go through the door by saying so in the topic. After 9 hours, the door will close, and the game will end : the players who have crossed the door win, the other ones lose.
  • During the 9 hours when the door is open, the game keeps going : It’s possible for the remaining players to finish one more round, thus allowing more player to reach 9 points and to cross the door.
  • Players who have crossed the door can’t cross it back. They will also automatically ally by default. If their number of points falls under 9 after they’ve crossed the door, they will still be behind the door and will win the game. However, anybody who’s eliminated behind the door will still lose the game.
  • Players with at least 9 points may decide to automatically cross the door whenever it opens by saying so in this topic, if they fear that they won’t be here when it opens (for instance, if the door opens in the middle of the night)

♦ I hope you’re not color-blind:
  • This is the most complex part of the rules (Sorry. There’s a tl;dr at the end though), it explains how the players are split into teams
  • At the beginning of each round, you will be randomly split into 3 colors :
    . Each color will be composed of 3 players : 2 pairs and 1 solo. These colors are not to be mistaken with teams (
  • Each pair of one color can form a team with a solo :
    - If the pair and the solo have different colors, their team’s color will be the one obtained if you mix the pair’s color and the solo’s (for instance, if the
    red pair
    team up with the
    blue solo
    , they will form the
    Magenta team
    - If the pair and solo have the same color, their team’s color will be the player’s complementary color (for instance, if the
    red pair
    team up with the
    red solo
    , they will form the
    Cyan Team
    However, there can only be one team of each color, which means that there are only 3 ways for you to divide into groups. These 3 options are explained in this chart
    To decide which one of these options will be chosen, you will have to vote on the topic for the option you prefer (note : the 2 players of a pair can vote for different options). After 24 hours or if everyone has voted, the option with the most votes will be chosen.

  • TL;DR : You’ll be given colors randomly, and depending on these colors you’ll have 3 different options to form the teams. The option with the most votes is chosen.
    After each round, you will be given new colors and will once again vote to decide new teams.

♦ Zero:
  • He is the creator of the game, but since he's a bit of a sociopath, he's also participating in it.
  • At the beginning of the game, one of the players will be chosen randomly, and will be alerted by PM that they are Zero. Of course, the other players don't know who Zero is
  • Their goal is to be the only winner of the game. They lose if any other player wins.
  • They have a few powers to help them :
    - If there's a tie when choosing the option, Zero can decide whichever option will be chosen by sending me a PM. It can even be the option with the least votes. They also tie-break when choosing the cursed pair (see later) or the Judge (see even later)
    - Once in the game, they can decide to change the vote of a player. They simply have to PM me the name of a player, and this player's vote will be switched (“Betray” becomes “Ally”, and “Ally” becomes “Betray”). If the player allied by default, they will betray. When results are displayed, the players will know which player’s vote has been switched. Zero can reverse their own vote. This power can be incredibly powerful, but they can only use it once in the game.
    - If Zero is eliminated, they won’t actually die, which means that even though they won’t be able to vote and will automatically ally by default, they’ll still be able to influence the game by reversing someone’s vote or tie-breaking when choosing the option.
  • However, Zero has to be discreet, for the other players can try to unmask them. Once in the game, players can PM me the name of whoever they think Zero is. They will not know if their guess was correct, but if it is Zero won’t be able to reverse their vote. Moreover, if a majority of the players alive (Zero excluded) guessed right, Zero’s identity will be revealed and they will be eliminated, for good. This cannot be done if the door has been opened, nor if there are 4 players alive or fewer

♦ The Cursed Team :
  • This only happens on Round 1
  • During this round, before the players vote for the option, the 3 solos will choose a pair that will be cursed. They will PM me the name of the pair they want to curse, and the pair with the most votes will be cursed.
  • Once the option has been chosen, the team that contains the cursed pair will be the Cursed Team
  • At the end of Round 1, if no one has been betrayed (= has lost 2/3 points. Mutual betrayals don’t count), the players will have to eliminate a member of the Cursed Team. They will vote in the topic to choose whether they want to lynch the pair or the solo. Once everyone has voted (the members of the cursed team cannot vote), the player with the most votes will be eliminated
  • If a solo doesn’t vote to choose the cursed pair, or if a player doesn’t vote to eliminate a member of the Cursed Team, they will lose one point as a penalty.

♦ The White Rounds :
  • This happens on Round 4, and every 3 Round afterwards (Round 7, 10, 13, …)
  • During these rounds, players will not be split into colors and choose an option. Instead, only one player, the “Judge”, will choose the pairs, the solos, and everyone’s team.
  • The Judge is the player who’s the least advanced of the game :
    - It’s the players who has lost the most points from being betrayed
    - If there’s a tie, it’s the player who has been in the Cursed Team during Round 1
    - If there’s a tie, it’s the player who has had the most mutual-betrayals
    - If there’s a tie, it’s the player who has gained the fewest points
    - If there’s a tie, Zero chooses
♦ Some RP stuff :

Note : This paragraph is a bit useless, as it does not contain any explicit rule and only gives RP infos about the game. However, a
secret power
is linked to this part of the rule, and any player who finds it may use it by PMing me what it is. But if you’re reading this for the first time, you may want to skip this part of the rules.
  • Every player wears a bracelet that displays how many points they have, but also their color and whether they’re a pair or a solo.
  • When a player is eliminated, the bracelet will inject a deadly poison in their wrist
  • It’s impossible to remove the bracelet by hand. If by any chance you find a way to remove it, the bracelet will inject the poison in your body.
  • The bracelet will remove automatically if the player dies, or if they win the game
  • The warehouse in which you’re playing the ABG looks like this. The huge door on the left is the 9-door, the screen is where the round results are displayed, and the cabins are used to vote (for the main phase and the cursed team elimination, not for the options)
  • Here’s how the cabins work : You enter into the cabin. It contains a super-duper voting machine with a last generation touch screen. Once you press the “START” button on the screen, the door closes, you scan your bracelet and enter your vote. You then press the “END” button, and the door reopens.
♦ Some random trivia :
  • The 2 members of a pair can discuss via PM. However, the other players can only debate in this topic.
  • If a player is AFK for 2 rounds, he will be eliminated (of course he will be prodded before)
  • No replacement is authorized, as it would break the game’s trust/betray system
  • It’s forbidden to post a screenshot of your vote (duh)

The game also features a trophy system. These are basically achievements, and they will be distributed at the end of the game in a long-ass post. There are 4 kinds of trophies : Green Trophies (they suck), Bronze Trophies (they mostly rely on luck), Silver Trophies (kinda easy to win), Gold Trophies (harder to win) and Diamond Trophies (very hard to win)
Spoiler: Trophy list
: Ally by default at least twice during an ABG
: Lose 3 points for being the only betrayed player in a round.
So Close...
: Lose the game even though you had 9 points when the door opened
Sore loser
: Have 8 points at the end of an ABG
Did I Ever Tell you the Definition of Insanity?
: Be betrayed twice by the same person.
: Be the first eliminated player of an ABG
: Be in the Cursed Pair during Round 1
Boomerang effect
: During Round 1, play in the Cursed Team as a solo against the pair you chose to curse.
Screw the rules
: Lose 1 point for not voting to eliminate a member of the cursed team
Blue Bird
: Reach 9 points, then fall below 9 before the door opens
Virtue is its Own Reward
: Voluntarily lose the edition to allow another player to win a Gold or Diamond trophy
: Be modkilled
Thanks for playing
: Don’t win any trophy during an ABG (except for this one)
Forever Alone
: Only play as a solo in an ABG
: Only play as a member of a pair in an ABG
: Be in a pair with the same player twice
Roses are Red
: Be in the Red Color in every round of an ABG
Violets are Blue
: Be in the Blue Color in every round of an ABG
Green Greens
: Be in the Green Color in every round of an ABG
Red Like Roses
: Be in the Magenta Team in every round of an ABG
Turquoise (or is it Blue-Green?)
: Be in the Cyan Team in every round of an ABG
Hello Yellow
: Be in the Yellow Team in every round of an ABG
Taste the Rainbow
: Be in every Color and every Team during an ABG.
Just Plain Lucky
: You have a 1% chance each round of winning this trophy
The Captain of this Ship
: Play as Zero
: Don’t ever be betrayed during an ABG
: Eliminate a player during an ABG
: See your number of points vary (positively or negatively) of 3 points or fewer
: See your number of points vary (positively or negatively) of 13 points or more
Black Sheep
: Be the only player to successfully betray his opponent, making him lose 3 points
: In the same edition, win both the trophies “Luna” (be the only betrayed of a round) and Black Sheep (be the only betrayer of a round)
: Only Betray during an ABG
: Only Ally during an ABG
: Vote “Ally” as many times as “Betray” during an ABG, and never ally be default
Duodeci Game
: Have at least 12 points
: Successfully betray the same player multiple times during an ABG
: Be the Judge during a White Turn
: Be in the cursed pair, but manage to get your opponent lynched by the other players
: Be the only betrayer during Round 1, thus eliminating your opponent but avoiding a member of the cursed team to be lynched
: Be the first player to successfully guess who Zero is
Back to the beginning
: Have 3 points at the end of the game
: Don’t open the door for 2 rounds after reaching 9 points
Junpei’s Trophy
: Win the Ambidex Game, first edition
Sigma’s Trophy
: Win the Ambidex Game, second edition
Akane’s Trophy
: Win the Ambidex Game, third edition
Clover's Trophy
: Win the Ambidex Game, fourth edition
Phi's Trophy
: Win the Ambidex Game, fifth edition
Trophy’s trophy
: Be the player with the most trophies at the end of an ABG
: During a round, successfully betray your opponent after publicly claiming that you voted “Betray”.
In Extremis
: Have less than 9 points when the door opens, but manage to cross it by reaching 9 points while the door is open.
: Successfully counter Zero’s vote-reversal by guessing who they are.
I Will Survive
: Fall to 1 point, and then rise up to 9 points
: have at least 18 points
: Discover the secret power
: Eliminate a player multiple times during an ABG
Friendship is Magic
: After getting 9 points, wait without opening the door until 5 players other than you reach 9 points. These 5 players have to reach 9 points at the same time as you do, or later
Everybody Walk the Dinosaur
: Open the door after 2 rounds
: Reach 9 points, then fall below 9 and rise up to 9 points again, before the door opens
There Can be Only One
: Be the only winner of an ABG
: Do something new!
Gone to his Last Reward
: Win a Gold or a Diamond trophy thanks to another player’s sacrifice
Two Milkmen Go Comedy!
: Win as Zero
: Win every silver, gold and diamond trophy (except those that require to win a specific edition of the ABG).

More spoilers!
Here are special cases of the rules. You don't really have to read them, but they might be useful for recurrent players who wants to know what happens in extreme cases. There are also additional infos about some trophies :
Spoiler: Special cases of the rules
About ties :
  • If there is a tie when choosing the option, Zero breaks the tie (they can even choose the option with the least votes!) They also tie-break when choosing the cursed pair, the judge, or when lynching a member of the cursed team.
  • If Zero is AFK, or has been eliminated after being discovered by a majority of the players, the option is chosen randomly between the ones with the most votes. The same rule applies for the other tie-breaks
About Zero :
  • If they use their vote-reversal power on someone who allied by default, their target will betray.
  • They can use their vote-reversal power on themselves
  • They cannot send me a PM to try to unmask Zero
  • If Zero is eliminated by a conventional mean (for instance because their points fell to 0), they can still use their tie-breaking and vote-reversal powers. However, if they die because they were unmasked by the players of if they were modkilled, they lose their powers
  • If Zero try to reverse the vote of an alive player who unmasked them (or a pair where at least one alive member unmasked them), they fail and their power is wasted
About eliminated players and the RP stuff :
  • A player is eliminated when their points fall to 0, when both they and their opponent ally by default, when they’re lynched after being in the cursed team, or when they are dead
  • When someone is eliminated, their bracelet sends a poison in their body, killing them. The bracelet also sends the poison if they "break the rules" by trying to remove their bracelet or to cross the door while they have less than 9 points
  • An eliminated player’s points cannot vary
  • Eliminated players automatically ally by default (if I receive all alive players’ votes, the round ends)
  • Only 2 persons can be in a cabin at the same time. Moreover, these 2 persons cannot be opponents during the current round. (this is to avoid a simple game-breaking strategy)
  • If something seems possible according to the RP infos, then you can probably do it, even if it’s not explicitly said, as long as it's not overpowered (for instance, you can't kill players barehanded). Just PM me what you want to do, and I’ll figure something out.
  • It takes 10 seconds to go from the voting cabins to the 9-door, so if the door is about to close, you can't send your vote at the last second and then leave.
About the 9-door :
  • The door automatically opens after someone says so, you don’t have to wait for me to confirm it. It will close 9hrs after the said person opens it
  • Players behind the 9-door cannot vote nor choose the option. Just like eliminated players, they will automatically ally by default
  • They can still be eliminated and die
  • Once you’ve crossed the door, you cannot cross it back
About some trophies :
  • If someone is eliminated, their posthumous votes will count when giving trophies (for trophies such as Scum). However, they points change will not (for trophies such as Immovable)
  • There Can be Only One (be the only winner of an ABG) : Zero wins this trophy is they win as Zero
  • Lagomorph (do something new!) : This may be linked to the secret power
  • Radical-6 (successfully betray your opponent even though you publicly claimed that you betrayed) : To win this trophy, you must submit your vote and claim you betrayed before your opponent votes.
    You don’t win this trophy if your opponent allies by default
  • Glitch (discover the secret power) : A player can only win this trophy once. You only have to PM me what the power is, you don’t have to actually use it
  • Trophy’s Trophy (be the player with the most trophies) : If there’s a tie, the trophy goes to the player with the most diamond trophies, then to the one with the most gold trophies, etc
  • Hammer/Psycho-Killer (eliminate a player/multiple players) : You win this trophy if your opponent’s points fall to 0 after you betrayed them, or if you voted for them when lynching a member of the cursed team. If Zero uses their power to reverse someone’s vote and that a player is eliminated because of this, then Zero wins the trophy as well as the betrayer. If by any chance a dead player happens to betray and kill someone, then the trophy is won by the player responsible of the vote
  • Dilemma (Eliminate a player during R1, thus preventing a member of the cursed team from being lynched) : You only win this trophy if you’re the only betrayer of the round. Moreover, you don’t win it if you’re in the cursed team yourself.
  • Twins (be in a pair with the same player multiple times) : You can win this trophy multiple times in an edition
  • Virtue is its Own Reward/Gone to his Last Reward : These 2 trophies work in pair : A player X has to voluntarily lose the game (i.e die or lose even though you could have won) to allow another player to get a gold or diamond trophy. In this case, X wins Virtue is itw Own Reward and Y wins Gone to his Last Reward

Oh, and here's the list of every player of the past editions, along with the trophies they won
Spoiler: Player list
Felissan (1, 2, 3, 4) => 25 :
There Can be Only One, Two Milkmen Go Comedy!
, Akane's Trophy, Clover's Trophy, Trophy's Trophy, Glitch
, Cop, Judge, Myrmidon, Black Sheep (x2), Hammer (x2), Strategist (x3), Scum
, Twins (x2), The Captain of this Ship (x2), Friendzoned, Green Greens, Hello Yellow
, Boomerang Effect

JDGA (1, 2, 3, 4) => 23 :
There Can be Only One, Everybody Walk the Dinosaur
, Junpei's Trophy, Sigma's Trophy, Akane's Trophy, Glitch, Trophy's Trophy (x2)
, Strategist (x3), Duodeci Game (x2), Immovable, Scum, Black Sheep
, Friendzoned (x2), Twins (x2), Hello Yellow
, WotC, Luna

Realeo (2, 3, 4) => 17 :
, Sigma's Trophy, Akane's Trophy, Glitch, In Extremis
, Black Sheep (x3), Strategist (x3), Myrmidon, Balanced, Duodeci Game, Dilemma, Hammer
, Sore Loser

Tipitou (1, 3, 4) => 13 :
Akane's Trophy, Glitch, In Extremis
, Strategist (x3), Hammer, Balanced
, Turquoise (or is it Blue-Green?), Friendzoned, Twins (x2)
, Sore Loser

randomidget (1, 2, 3) => 13 :
Sigma's Trophy, Akane's Trophy, Glitch
, Black Sheep, Strategist (x2), Balanced, Townie
, Roses are Red, Taste the Rainbow, Twins (x2)
, Lynched

Gammagooey (2, 3) => 12 :
Glitch, In Extremis
, Judge, Black Sheep (x2)
, Hello Yellow, The Captain of this Ship, Twins (x2)
, Sore Loser, WotC, Luna

Kappy (1, 3) => 12 :
, Karma, Black Skeep, Immovable, Strategist, Scum
, Twins (x2)
, Did I Ever Tell you the Definition of Insanity?, Luna, Lynched, /out

Faalcon (2, 3, 4) => 11 :
Sigma's Trophy, Akane's Trophy, Glitch
, Immovable, Strategist (x2), Cop
, Twins
, WotC, Luna, Lynched

BulletNLynchproof (2) => 8 :
Sigma's Trophy, Trophy's Trophy
, Black Sheep, Strategist, Scum, Hammer
, Twins, Friendzoned

Parama (3) => 7 :
Dilemma, Karma, Black Skeep
, Twins (x2)
, Luna, /out

McMenno (4) => 6 :
Immovable, Strategist
, Friendzoned, Twins
, WotC, Lynched

hebichan (4) => 5 :
Hammer, Balanced, Strategist
, Roses are Red
, So Close...

Not_Mafia (4) => 5 :
Black Sheep, Karma, Judge
, Friendzoned
, Luna

Nicholas1024 (2) => 4 :
Sigma's Trophy, In Extremis
, Strategist
, Turquoise (or is it Blue-Green?)

Equinox (2) => 4 :
Did I Ever Tell you the Definition of Insanity?, Luna, AFK, Lynched

animorpherv1 (1) => 3 :
Hammer, Balanced
, Red Like Roses

Snakes (1) => 2 :
Strategist, Balanced

renardo (1) => 2 :
, Friendzoned

Radja (1) => 2 :
, Twins

Finally, here's a quick summary of the past editions :
Spoiler: Past editions summary
1st edition

• Winner of this game :


• Final ranking, according to points :

1st :
JDGA : 9 points
2nd :
Tipitou : 8 points
3rd :
Felissan and Kappy : 6 points
5e : Snakes : 5 points
6e : animorph and Radja : 4 points
8e : renardo : 3 points
9e : randomidget : eliminated after Round 2

• Every round results :

Round 1 :

Round 2 :
JDGA opens the door after this round
The door closes! Players who have crossed the door : JDGA

• List of trophies won :
JDGA (6):
There Can be Only One, Everybody Walk the Dinosaur
, Junpei's Trophy, Trophy's Trophy
, Strategist, Scum

Felissan (4):
Strategist, Scum
, Friendzoned, Hello Yellow

Tipitou (4):
Strategist, Balanced
, Turquoise (or is it Blue-Green?)
, Sore Loser

animorph (3):
Hammer, Balanced
, Red Like Roses

Kappy (3):
Strategist, Scum
, Twins

Snakes (2):
Strategist, Balanced

renardo (2):
, Friendzoned

Radja (2):
, Twins

randomidget (2):
, Lynched

2nd edition

Zero : Felissan

• Winners of this game :

JDGA, BNLP, Realeo, randomidget, Faalcon and Nicholas

• Final ranking, according to points :

1st :
Realeo : 13 points
2nd :
JDGA: 12 points
3rd :
randomidget : 10 points
5e : Nicholas, Faalcon and BNLP : 9 points
6e : Gamma : 8 points
8e : Felissan : 7 points
9e : Equinox : eliminated after Round 1

• Every round results :

Round 1 :

Round 2 :

Round 3 :
Realeo opens the door after this round

Round 4 :
The door closes! Players who have passed the door : JDGA, BNLP, Realeo, randomidget, Faalcon and Nicholas

• List of trophies won :
BNLP (8):
Sigma's Trophy, Trophy's Trophy
, Black Sheep, Strategist, Scum, Hammer
, Twins, Friendzoned

Felissan (6):
Judge, Myrmidon, Black Sheep, Hammer
, Twins, The Captain of this Ship

Realeo (5):
Sigma's Trophy
, Black Sheep, Strategist, Balanced, Duodeci Game

randomidget (5):
Sigma's Trophy
, Black Sheep, Strategist, Balanced
, Roses are Red

Nicholas (4):
Sigma's Trophy, In Extremis
, Strategist
, Turquoise (or is it Blue-Green?)

JDGA (4):
Sigma's Trophy
, Strategist, Duodeci Game
, Friendzoned

Equinox (4):
Did I Ever Tell you the Definition of Insanity?, Luna, AFK, Lynched

Faalcon (3):
Sigma's Trophy
, Strategist, Cop

Gamma (3):
Black Sheep
, Hello Yellow
, Sore Loser

3rd edition

Zero : Gammagooey

• Winners of this game :

JDGA, Realeo, randomidget, Tipitou, Felissan and Faalcon

• Final ranking, according to points :

1st :
JDGA : 12 points
2nd :
randomidget, Felissan, Realeo and Faalcon: 11 points
6th :
Gamma and Tipitou : 9 points
5e : Parama : modkilled during Round 4
9e : Kappy : modkilled during Round 3

• Every round results :

Round 1 :

Cursed Pair : Gamma and JDGA
Felissan => Gamma and JDGA
Faalcon => Gamma and JDGA
Kappy => Realeo and Parama

Kappy is modkilled due to him being banned from MM

Round 2 :

Round 3 :

Round 4 : (Judge : Gamma)
JDGA opens the door after this round

Round 5 :
The door closes! Players who have crossed it : JDGA, Realeo, Gamma (Zero), randomidget, Tipitou, Felissan and Faalcon

• List of trophies won :
JDGA (10):
Glitch, Akane's Trophy, Trophy's Trophy
, Duodeci Game, Black Skeep, Strategist
, Friendzoned, Twins (x2)
, WotC

Gamma (9):
Glitch, In Extremis
, Judge, Black Skeep
, The Captain of this Ship, Twins (x2)
, WotC
, Luna

Kappy (9):
, Karma, Black Skeep, Immovable
, Twins
, Did I Ever Tell you the Definition of Insanity?, Luna, Lynched, /out

Realeo (7):
Glitch, Akane's Trophy, In Extremis
, Dilemma, Myrmidon, Black Skeep, Strategist

Parama (7):
Dilemma, Karma, Black Skeep
, Twins (x2)
, Luna, /out

Felissan (6):
Glitch, Akane's Trophy
, Cop, Strategist
, Twins
, Boomerang Effect

randomidget (6):
Glitch, Akane's Trophy
, Strategist
, Taste the Rainbow, Twins (x2)

Tipitou (5):
Glitch, Akane's Trophy, In Extremis
, Strategist
, Twins

Faalcon (4):
Glitch, Akane's Trophy
, Strategist
, Twins

4th edition

Zero : Felissan

• Winners of this game :


• Final ranking, according to points :

1st :
Felissan : 10 points
2nd :
hebichan : 9 points
3rd :
Realeo and randomidget : 8 points
5th : Tipitou : 7 points
6th : Not_Mafia : 5 points
7th : JDGA : eliminated during Round 2
8th : McMenno and Faalcon : lynched after Round 1

• Every round results :

Round 1 :
Cursed pair : Faalcon/McMenno
hebichan :

JDGA : randomidget/Realeo
Felissan :

Faalcon and McMenno are lynched after this round :
- hebichan (5 points)
=> Faalcon/McMenno

- Realeo (5 points)
=> Faalcon/McMenno

- randomidget (5 points)
- Tipitou (5 points)
=> Faalcon/McMenno

- Felissan (5 points)
=> Faalcon/McMenno

- Not_Mafia (5 points)

randomidget loses one point due to not voting

Roud 2 :

Round 3 :
Felissan opens the door after this round
The door closes! List of players who have crossed it : Felissan (Zero)

• List of trophies won :
Felissan (9):
There Can be Only One, Two Milkmen Go Comedy!
, Clover's Trophy, Trophy's Trophy
, Hammer, Strategist, Black Sheep
, The Captain of this Ship, Green Greens

McMenno (6):
Immovable, Strategist
, Friendzoned, Twins
, WotC, Lynched

Realeo (5):
, Hammer, Strategist, Black Sheep
, Sore Loser

hebichan (5):
Hammer, Balanced, Strategist
, Roses are Red
, So Close...

Not_Mafia (5):
Black Sheep, Karma, Judge
, Friendzoned
, Luna

Tipitou (4):
Hammer, Strategist
, Friendzoned, Twins

randomidget (4):
Balanced, Strategist
, Screw the rules, Sore Loser

Faalcon (4):
, WotC, Luna, Lynched

JDGA (3):
, Hello Yellow
, Luna

~~Ambidex Game, 5th edition!~~

Comod : Gammagooey

Current Phase
: Nothing

The game will be re-launched somewhen in october
Last edited by Elekitu on Sun Sep 11, 2016 1:37 am, edited 232 times in total.
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Post Post #1 (ISO) » Sun Jun 12, 2016 1:31 am

Post by Randomnamechange »

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Post Post #2 (ISO) » Sun Jun 12, 2016 1:33 am

Post by Felissan »

/in. Someone leave room for Tipitou.
"Dammit Felissan, making someone lose the game is NOT NICE"
- DeathRowKitty 2016
"Also, the me in your signature just made the me in this thread lose the game and I'm not sure how to feel about this."
- DeathRowKitty 2018
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Post Post #3 (ISO) » Sun Jun 12, 2016 1:35 am

Post by Randomnamechange »

I hope this goes on long enough for me to get every trophy
Also Shotgun being Tenmyouji
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Post Post #4 (ISO) » Sun Jun 12, 2016 3:45 am

Post by Kappy »

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Post Post #5 (ISO) » Sun Jun 12, 2016 5:56 am

Post by animorpherv1 »

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Post Post #6 (ISO) » Sun Jun 12, 2016 6:30 am

Post by Tipitou »

I register
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Post Post #7 (ISO) » Sun Jun 12, 2016 6:35 am

Post by Elekitu »

Felissan wrote:/in. Someone leave room for Tipitou.
Tipitou wrote:I register
What have you done?
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Post Post #8 (ISO) » Sun Jun 12, 2016 6:37 am

Post by JDGA »

Fickle, cold and harsh or caring and warm
Strongly opinionated or barely invested, but a constant
You know the wind will always come back.
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Post Post #9 (ISO) » Sun Jun 12, 2016 6:45 am

Post by Radja »

"I think mafia is the only thing that makes me angrier than driving" - Cheetory6
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Post Post #10 (ISO) » Sun Jun 12, 2016 7:15 am

Post by Snakes »

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Post Post #11 (ISO) » Sun Jun 12, 2016 8:24 am

Post by Felissan »

Oh wow, Tipi created an account 2 weeks ago just to spy on this game? I knew she was dedicated, but I didn't think she'd go that far.
"Dammit Felissan, making someone lose the game is NOT NICE"
- DeathRowKitty 2016
"Also, the me in your signature just made the me in this thread lose the game and I'm not sure how to feel about this."
- DeathRowKitty 2018
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Post Post #12 (ISO) » Sun Jun 12, 2016 8:28 am

Post by Elekitu »

You've doomed us all.

We're 8/9. Only one player left!
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Post Post #13 (ISO) » Sun Jun 12, 2016 8:49 am

Post by renardo »

I am french, it will be difficult to speak english but i will try!

So ia am in! (ambidex game is so fun! ^^)
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Post Post #14 (ISO) » Sun Jun 12, 2016 9:28 am

Post by Elekitu »

Editing your post won't change anything
renardo wrote:I am frensh
"Some things are hard to understand, like jellyfish. Do you understand jellyfish? People are like jellyfish for me : I don't understand"
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Post Post #15 (ISO) » Sun Jun 12, 2016 10:36 am

Post by Elekitu »

Anyway, now that we've got 9 players, the game can begin!
Here are the 9 players :
- randomidget (3 points)
- Felissan (3 points)
- Kappy (3 points)
- animorpherv1 (3 points) <~ Can I call you animorph? Your name is way too long (I'm serious)
- Tipitou (3 points)
- JDGA (3 points)
- Radja (3 points)
- Snakes (3 points)
- renardo (3 points)

Here are your colors for the first round :
Red Pair
: renardo and Snakes
Blue Pair
: JDGA and Felissan
Green Pair
: Kappy and Radja

Red Solo
: Tipitou
Blue Solo
: randomidget
Green Solo
: animorpherv

And here are your options :
Option A

Magenta Team
: renardo and Snakes
Cyan Team
: JDGA and Felissan
Yellow Team
: Kappy and Radja

Option B

Magenta Team
: JDGA and Felissan
Cyan Team
: Kappy and Radja
Yellow Team
: renardo and Snakes

Option C

Magenta Team
: Kappy and Radja
Cyan Team
: renardo and Snakes
Yellow Team
: JDGA and Felissan

You've got 24 hours to chose which option (A, B or C) you want. You have to vote in this topic
Option deadline
(expired on 2016-06-13 23:37:00)
"Some things are hard to understand, like jellyfish. Do you understand jellyfish? People are like jellyfish for me : I don't understand"
~ Rin Tezuka, Katawa Shoujo

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Post Post #16 (ISO) » Sun Jun 12, 2016 10:54 am

Post by Randomnamechange »

Vote: B

Radja, we can trust each other to ally from Chaos Diplomacy right? We both got awards for being nice
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Post Post #17 (ISO) » Sun Jun 12, 2016 10:58 am

Post by Felissan »

Seeing as how there's no metagame here yet, I'll go with the only solo player I know.
"Dammit Felissan, making someone lose the game is NOT NICE"
- DeathRowKitty 2016
"Also, the me in your signature just made the me in this thread lose the game and I'm not sure how to feel about this."
- DeathRowKitty 2018
"You've made me make myself lose the game so many times that I feel like it's an entirely new game I'm losing"
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Post Post #18 (ISO) » Sun Jun 12, 2016 11:06 am

Post by Kappy »

VOTE: C - animorpherv, I'm tempted to be able to trust you because of your name. Is it a reference to Animorphs?
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Post Post #19 (ISO) » Sun Jun 12, 2016 11:10 am

Post by animorpherv1 »

Sure! I'm pretty lenient on nicknames and the like, so go crazy.

And yes it is Kappy, but I like option A the most.

VOTE: Option A
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Post Post #20 (ISO) » Sun Jun 12, 2016 11:17 am

Post by Kappy »

Are you sure?
If yes, are you sure you're sure?
If yes, are you sure you're sure you're sure?
If yes, are you sure you're sure you're sure you're sure?
If yes, are you sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure?
Spoiler: If yes,
are you sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure you're sure?
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Post Post #21 (ISO) » Sun Jun 12, 2016 1:23 pm

Post by Tipitou »

In post 3, Randomnamechange wrote:I hope this goes on long enough for me to get every trophy
Also Shotgun being Tenmyouji
You'll have to be really patient, believe me ;)

Btw : HI Everyone ! :D

And Felissan : yes I am that dedicated ! ;)

And OPTION A : I wanna meet new people ! :]
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Post Post #22 (ISO) » Sun Jun 12, 2016 7:21 pm

Post by Radja »

I am fine with whatever option really. Curious to see how this first round is going to go.
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Post Post #23 (ISO) » Mon Jun 13, 2016 12:10 am

Post by renardo »

Vote: option C

Is there people that know each other (exept Felissan, Tipitou and I)?
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Post Post #24 (ISO) » Mon Jun 13, 2016 2:09 am

Post by Tipitou »

I don't know any of you.

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