The Account of Adren the Bard (Discussion)

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Post Post #150 (ISO) » Tue Mar 17, 2020 6:29 pm

Post by chkflip »

I'm all about this.
"Fuck you. I opened up my heart to you and you stabbed it a thousand times." - Gamma, to me, right before confessing to being the town vig and murdering my scum partner N1.
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Post Post #151 (ISO) » Wed Mar 18, 2020 3:47 am

Post by Aristophanes »

In post 150, chkflip wrote:I'm all about this.
Half meme, Half real, All Aristophanes ;)
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Post Post #152 (ISO) » Wed Mar 18, 2020 4:11 am

Post by animorpherv1 »

In post 151, Aristophanes wrote:
In post 150, chkflip wrote:I'm all about this.
Bout this?
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Post Post #153 (ISO) » Wed Mar 18, 2020 8:32 am

Post by Pine »

Spoiler: Write-Ins
There is also a Dionysian style race os Satyrs who are thought to be mythological until they are encountered for *insert plot point here*

Dire wombats exist; they hate most humans

Humans aren't civilized, they're basically mindless animals cultivated as an experiment by an enlightened Dire Wombat empire.

Civilised society is highly mixed, but humans (or another group) have established themselves as the dominant race. Likewise, there is decidedly an underclass race whose labour and disenfranchisement the empire depends on

There is a continent of sentient wombats.

Reclusive Human societies, perhaps humans considered unclean.

Bird people

Classic leads 9 to 8 over interspeciated, but the write-ins largely support an interspeciated world. This one was kind of tough, as it was effectively a tossup, but splitting the difference seems to be creating the most interesting outcomes, so let's do that.
The world is highly interspeciated, with the races living together in societies which range from modestly mixed to thoroughly cosmopolitan. Not all species can interbreed, but half- and quarter-races are not uncommon. There is, however, a caveat - Elterluna is fully dominated by humans. Hundreds of years ago, it was a variety of independent race-nations, which were gradually conquered by the Elterlunians. The human states they overcame were incorporated fully after a generation or two, but non-humans were given a modest amount of autonomy but no real political power beyond their borders. They remain largely mono-racial, and are overseen by imperial governors. Non-humans are allowed to travel, live, and work elsewhere within Elterluna, but they are explicitly second-class citizens with limited rights.

While we're on the subject of imperial culture, this has been brewing for a while - Elterluna is jointly ruled by a co-equal Emperor and Empress. When an Emperor dies, the female nobles in the empire elect a new one from the male nobles, and vice versa. The two hold absolute power - provided they act in concert. Any command by one may be rejected by the other. Three times in an Emperor or Empress's reign, they may exercise absolute power. This mandate, known as a Royal Warrant, overrides all other laws, commands, and traditions, and can do anything except change the manner of governance, which may only be done by both rulers issuing a Warrant together. This power includes vetoing the election of their new opposite number, though clever electing nobles have used this to waste a ruler's remaining Warrants by nominating inept or detestable Emperors or Empresses. This has, of course, been turned back on the electors just to spite them.

This pattern of co-equal opposition and "three times in a life" has filtered down to many aspects of life, and most government institutions are led by male and female co-leaders with the same rules. Imperial governors and viceroys are likewise appointed in pairs - men by the Empress or her designee, women by the Emperor or his representative. Married couples also traditionally have a similar arrangement, though the practice of arranging marriages by the opposite gender has fallen by the wayside following a Royal Warrant several generations ago.

Spoiler: Write-ins
Spells are created in a way similar to real-life engineering

No structure, you are limited by your imagination and control of power, your intent is what matters. But you are limited to only being skilled in certain categories.

Earthsea-type, verbal magic system

Based entirely on math and an understanding of the underlying forces of the universe where implementation is derived as a function of understanding. Truly unlimited in theory, but practically incredibly difficult to tailor.

So vague, the reader isnt even sure if magic actually exists or not.

soft magic system all the way yeet

Okay, so the consensus is for a softer, more flexible system of magic, allowing our protagonist (and you, the audience) to do pretty much whatever you like within the boundaries of his portfolio. I have to say, this troubled me a good deal, as deep down, I am a believer in Sanderson's Three Laws of Magic, but designing an intricate system with codified rules, limitations, and costs is a fairly massive undertaking for a project like this. I decided to go with a middle ground, giving you the flexibility to do what you like without completely giving away the farm.
Sorcery in this world is a mysterious and changeable thing, bound to the bones, blood, and soul of the practitioner. A born mage has the power given to them at birth, though the ability to use it consciously rarely manifests until the onset of puberty. "Schools" of magic, including the Academy at Haven, focus on teaching students restraint, wisdom, and the mental flexibility required to control and manipulate their power. Untutored mages often have no idea what they're doing and become raging torrents of energy, spewing uncontrolled energy and peril about them until they are stopped, on way or another. Most of these prodigies merely burn themselves out or cook their brains to mush, but many literally explode, sometimes taking others with them. The worst of these cases have triggered major magical catastrophes, such as struck the town of Fort Alesstine. This kind of disaster is what led to the joint Royal Warrant expelling sorcerers from Elterluna generations ago.

Expressing magic in a safe way requires both self-awareness and passion, the ability to precisely frame in the mind what you are asking your power to do. The use of magic is tiring, but simple fatigue does not act as a hard limitation. Much more pressing is that the use of sorcery literally drains away some of your spiritual essence, draining the practitioner of their very humanity. Sorcerers call this reserve of spirit the Vitae, and it is known to recover rapidly, especially with rest. The truth is that it is not well-understood, and no one knows their limits until their find them. The effects of light use of power are hardly discernible, but as the practitioner draws more deeply on their Vitae, they are at risk of increasing physical and mental effects. Practically-speaking, this will manifest as a lowering of the protagonist's skills in contrast to the magic he uses. If he uses too much persuasive magic, his empathy and insight will suffer. Control the weather too much, and he may begin to suffer from bouts of hypothermia on a hit day or heat exhaustion in winter. Charm too many animals and he may begin to act like one. A warning sign may be the presence of headaches, nosebleeds, or blurry vision. At the extreme, this sort of thing will result in blackouts or uncontrolled bursts of power. If he is lucky, he'll merely pass out. If unlucky, he may enter a fugue state where he loses all conscious control, essentially becoming a vindictive avatar of sorcery with wildly unpredictable results.

The first lesson budding mages are taught is that magic is not the solution to all of their problems. There are many which only magic can solve, but one must always consider the cost to their Vitae, and not to use their power frivolously.

Spoiler: Write-ins
Bear, Lord Byron had one and so should our protag


I know that if I don't say "dire wombat" I'll be disowned by the meme squad but I'm also putting down DRAGON because nothing fits our boi better than the term "DRACO in leather pants"

SNAKE(also bears are cool)


Red Panda

Really? Non-dire....Dire Wombat


I'm a little shocked you didn't put fox as an option. Sentient Sapling.

Give that man a goddamn alligator


Four Hamsters

Whew! Let's do something a little less heavy. Fine. Wombat wins. The protagonist has a familiar/animal companion, Bear the wombat. The protagonist can use magic to alter Bear's size, and often keeps him the size of a large housecat. Naturally, he is roughly the size of a large dog, but at need he can be grown to the size of an actual bear or as little as a squirrel. Happy? Bear the resizing wombat. He poops adorable little cubes. Every so often if he's feeling cheeky, he leaves behind a dodecahedron, because he's a goddamn magic wombat.

Spoiler: Write-ins

Varies by town due to weather mages doing their thing

Desert, tundra


Due to the influence of magic climate is immediately variable with conflicting biospheres frequently directly adjacent (a desert and rainforest within the space of a mile because of magic causing clouds to skip portions of the sky, for example.)

Temperate oceanic

Temperate because I'm awesome.

Taking into account the write-ins, temperate is the winner here, but let's not be boring.
Antasia and Thayris are in the southern temperate band of the planet. However, the climate of the Sorcerer Isles is highly variable. The influence of generations of sorcerers and active experimentation in weather control magic has permanently skewed normal weather in the archipelago. Most islands have their own biomes, ranging from desert to rainforest, ice-bound to lush. The island Haven inhabits is particularly diverse. The city is maintained in a state of perpetual early autumn, with summer's heat lingering but not intense, with occasional cool gusts of wind. Haven's climate sorcerers are engaged in a constant battle to maintain this, fending off expanding desert to the west, a wild rainforest to its north, and snowy taiga to the south. Some, however, say that this is not the result of the sorcerers battling wild magic, but rather a covert war between factions of the Academy's department of Weather Magic, or perhaps an elaborate but friendly competition between its senior professors masquerading as a war pretending to be wild magic. Who's to say? These climate zones do shift over time, and there is at least one rogue storm, known as the Eye of Nomlas, rumored to have a rudimentary sentience and a grudge against sailors, which wanders the region wreaking havoc.

Calamity sits in a subtropical zone.

Question Six wrote:The story needs to begin with our protagonist in some sort of dilemma. What kind of situation is he in? Be creative, feel free to make multiple suggestions.
Spoiler: Write-ins
His house is made out of bricks of wombat poop, which is feasible because they poop cubes. Lately all the wombats on his wombat ranch have been pooping out all of the non-cube platonic solids but not cubes, so he can't repair his house. What sort of enchantment is causing these non-cubic wombat droppings?
One of his hamsters got lost
The plot of Super Mario Sunshine. Magical doppleganger framing him for largescale graffiti and vandalism and a lazy/inept legal system assuming his guilt until he fixes the entirety of the problem regardless of hard evidence clearing his name.
Our protagonist has found himself in possession of a frankly astonishing amount of coconuts and he has to make a profit off of them or else he's wasted a whole lot of time and money, and our boy is just not sure where to begin, what with his lack of business acumen.
Our protagonist is fleeing from a group of merchants and their guards who he tried to use persuasion magic on but failed miserably.
He’s lost some money gambling, and now owes a criminal a serious favour to pay off his debt...
i will think about this later & discord you
He awakes to the beating of drums and blare of trumpets that would signal a battle but outside his home all is actually quiet and peaceful.
The protagonist needs to cast a spell to get out of a dilemma that someone more creative than me will suggest, but he does not have the runes for that spell nor does he have the necessary materials to create such a rune.
Dire wombat attack
A dragon is demanding tribute
His sibling is missing
His house is made out of bricks of wombat poop, which is feasible because they poop cubes. Lately all the wombats on his wombat ranch have been pooping out all of the non-cube platonic solids but not cubes, so he can't repair his house. What sort of enchantment is causing these non-cubic wombat droppings?
Out of toilet paper in a pub and their animal companion who was sent to help has been gone for awhile.
The protagonist, with his knowledge of beastlore and decent magical abilities, ends up being hired by a mysterious person to investigate a series of disappearances involving a magical creature.
He's essentially Aladdin/Robin Hood in the sense that he's someone who enjoys stealing from the rich and giving to the poor. Unfortunately, his pickpocketing has caught up to him and we start off with him evading the local Mage Knight Brigade. Will he get caught or will he manage to get away? Who will he bump into that will shift the status quo? Will there be an event. WHO KNOWS SO MANY POSSIBILITIES AHHHH
Acting as a nature guide/navigator for a group of bandits/pirates. Except he is infiltrating the gang and leading them right into a trap by the local authorities. Maybe he nicks something of theirs on his way out as "payment".
Despite his charm, our protagonist is deep in debt to the sorcery mob boss. If he doesn’t get enough money to pay him off in time, he’s gonna be a sheep
His village is destroyed in a hurricane built by an evil wizard with high magical talent. The protagonist sets out to earn money so he can rebuild his village and then fight the wizard and his minions. His sister later turns out to be the wizard's right hand man, who had grown disillusioned with the structured nature of village life and wanted to explore her magical talent.
In a prison cell
Judging by his character, barfight ensues when a covert trade deal for rare ingredients goes wrong. Think "drug deal" kinda thing.
The authorities are trying to round up his illegal dire wombat farm
Thayris is buying the help of numerous talented mages, especially from Antasia, for a shady operation that they didn't reveal the details of.

Okay, this is a bit of a mess. Picking and choosing, combining a few...

The story opens with...You know what? No. You'll find out! The details will come out in the first few chapters of our story about just how screwed the protagonist is.
"Cry havoc, and let slip the wombat of war!"

Act 3, Scene 1 of
Julius Caesar
, by W. Shakespeare
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Post Post #154 (ISO) » Wed Mar 18, 2020 8:32 am

Post by chkflip »

Alright, guys. I don't want no treble.
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Post Post #155 (ISO) » Wed Mar 18, 2020 8:33 am

Post by Pine »

New survey (the last before we get started) to go up later this evening.
"Cry havoc, and let slip the wombat of war!"

Act 3, Scene 1 of
Julius Caesar
, by W. Shakespeare
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Post Post #156 (ISO) » Wed Mar 18, 2020 8:38 am

Post by PenguinPower »

In post 153, Pine wrote:he's a goddamn magic wombat.
We've done it! We've won the collaborative story-telling!

gj everyone.
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Post Post #157 (ISO) » Wed Mar 18, 2020 9:00 am

Post by Equinox »

Listen, the wisdom of the crowds chose a temperate climate not because the crowd is boring but because wombats live in temperate climates.
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Post Post #158 (ISO) » Wed Mar 18, 2020 9:18 am

Post by animorpherv1 »

Man, we could have had Arctic wombats and y'all wanted to be boring.
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Post Post #159 (ISO) » Wed Mar 18, 2020 9:28 am

Post by Pine »

Special mention to “Give that man a goddamn alligator.” Definitely my favorite write-in of this cycle, and it saddens me that it’s so wildly impractical
"Cry havoc, and let slip the wombat of war!"

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Post Post #160 (ISO) » Wed Mar 18, 2020 9:32 am

Post by Equinox »

In post 159, Pine wrote:Special mention to “Give that man a goddamn alligator.” Definitely my favorite write-in of this cycle, and it saddens me that it’s so wildly impractical
How is it impractical? This world has magic!
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Post Post #161 (ISO) » Wed Mar 18, 2020 9:39 am

Post by Pine »

As with bears, an animal that large and fierce would cause problems I don’t want caused and solve problems I don’t want (easily) solved. For example:

“Barkeep, may I have an ale?” “AHHHH A BEAR! RUN!”
“Give me all your money! Wait is that a bear? AHHHH A BEAR! RUN!“
"Cry havoc, and let slip the wombat of war!"

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Post Post #162 (ISO) » Wed Mar 18, 2020 9:41 am

Post by PenguinPower »

As opposed to "Wait, did that goddamn magical wombat just change into the size of a bear? AHHHH A WOMBAT BEAR! Run!"
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Post Post #163 (ISO) » Wed Mar 18, 2020 9:42 am

Post by Pine »

Maybe :]
"Cry havoc, and let slip the wombat of war!"

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Post Post #164 (ISO) » Wed Mar 18, 2020 1:05 pm

Post by Iprobablysuck »

Maybe it’s a baby alligator
Do I REALLY suck? That's up to you to decide.

Retiring from LSG's and Mish Mash, for the most part. If you want to contact me, I suggest going outside and enjoying what the world has to offer, instead.

Definitely DID suck, in the end...Probably.
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Post Post #165 (ISO) » Wed Mar 18, 2020 1:16 pm

Post by Equinox »

In post 161, Pine wrote:“Barkeep, may I have an ale?” “AHHHH A BEAR! RUN!”
I fail to see the problem with this.
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Post Post #166 (ISO) » Wed Mar 18, 2020 1:33 pm

Post by xofelf »

You sure you're not a bearkeep? I could have sworn you were...
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Post Post #167 (ISO) » Wed Mar 18, 2020 1:52 pm

Post by Pine »

"Cry havoc, and let slip the wombat of war!"

Act 3, Scene 1 of
Julius Caesar
, by W. Shakespeare
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Post Post #168 (ISO) » Wed Mar 18, 2020 1:54 pm

Post by Haschel Cedricson »

"Barkeep, I'll have an...

...ale, please."
"Okay, but why the pause?"
"Oh, I was born with them."
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Post Post #169 (ISO) » Wed Mar 18, 2020 1:57 pm

Post by Pine »

"Cry havoc, and let slip the wombat of war!"

Act 3, Scene 1 of
Julius Caesar
, by W. Shakespeare
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Post Post #170 (ISO) » Wed Mar 18, 2020 3:17 pm

Post by Aristophanes »

Okay so in DnD one of my party made a character with an OwlBear familiar. She could use Enlarge on it a limited number of times a day (2 per Long Rest IIRC). I assume there will be similar limitations on our Wombat friend?
Half meme, Half real, All Aristophanes ;)
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Post Post #171 (ISO) » Wed Mar 18, 2020 4:07 pm

Post by Pine »

Same limitations as there are on all magic
"Cry havoc, and let slip the wombat of war!"

Act 3, Scene 1 of
Julius Caesar
, by W. Shakespeare
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Post Post #172 (ISO) » Wed Mar 18, 2020 4:09 pm

Post by Pine »

Ah, so, it's important to note that
will matter. So if you're shrinking Bear to enter a community and be civil etc, that would drop your ability to intimidate, maybe bluff etc. If you're enlarging him to fight, you'll be losing some of your control and finesse.

I'm playing it by ear
"Cry havoc, and let slip the wombat of war!"

Act 3, Scene 1 of
Julius Caesar
, by W. Shakespeare
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Post Post #173 (ISO) » Wed Mar 18, 2020 4:55 pm

Post by the worst »

In post 168, Haschel Cedricson wrote:"Barkeep, I'll have an...

...ale, please."
"Okay, but why the pause?"
"Oh, I was born with them."
It's like a full minute on and I'm still laughing.
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Post Post #174 (ISO) » Thu Mar 19, 2020 8:50 am

Post by Allomancer »

Was there ever a new survey put up?
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