focus theory

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focus theory

Post Post #0 (ISO) » Fri Aug 21, 2020 9:15 pm

Post by admiral »

Hello Dears ,
My Name is Soroush And Im a Psychologist ,
Im gonna talk about a psychology article that we called " focus "
This conversation will help u to play mafia with a new vision
Ofc u hear this sentence " Emotions make him/her blinded. " :cop:
It's a bad news that has happened or is happening for you .
Even u like it or not . The good news is that you are not the only one who had this issue .
In fact, the emotional flow that causes the opposite sex to pay full attention to the person's favorite situations
Because it can be a reason to fading and ignoring another issues . Even this one has a ability to be a anti-value case.
I want to extension this case to "Mafia Game ".
It was a new simple and example for better understanding "focus project". :cop:
in fact , humans when decided to the cased that we choose to hear or see .
Through time , Our conscious mind will filter out every topic other than that and its a normal mind's reaction to orientate and increasing
mental focus or emotional focus.
Dont Panic , This case is not a bad one . and it wont hurt u but problem is happening when u need to decide and judge about ur current issues.
Sometimes in the Mafia game, people focus the mentality of a group on a specific point with a specific purpose.
This one has potential to be a good plan for a mafia team . It means , mafia team as a team will force cops to focus on a special point in a game.
sometimes it will happen by a one player.
The Question is when we are thinking about point B , what's the goal of point A ?
Imagine that we have 4 cases to search in a mafia game that cops have to search .
Mafia Team will force cops to focus on a one case . because it will hurt them when cops are searching another 3 cases and topics.
in fact mafia game in a high skill barracket formed about decentralization and decentralization for every single case as a game .
This can happen consciously and deliberately or accidentally, by an individual or group in the Mafia game.
Please , Pay attention to an example in game .
when cops are paying attention to godfather in a mafia team [ don ] and many cops are attacking don in a game .
its a good plan for mafia team to remove every attack from their leader ,
for example they can force cops to think about who is a doctor in a game ? it can Distractie cops .
and they wont focus on don anymore [ or it will be less than before ]
thanks for reading this .
if you have any comment , i will be happy if u share .
best regards
soroush hejazi

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