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Super Monopoly (JDGA at Once Around the Board)

Posted: Sat Jul 06, 2013 5:01 pm
by dad90
Welcome everyone to the Super Monopoly game show! This is based on Monopoly, and the Super Add-Ons Expansion Pack of Monopoly with a little bit of Stock Exchange Monopoly.



This is also based on the 1990s game show edition of
and here are the rules.


  1. Gameplay
  2. Round one
  3. The Big Money round
  4. Inner Board
  5. Stock Market
  6. Other spaces
  7. Winner's Board
  8. Bonus Round: "Once Around The Board"
  9. Queue
  10. Leaderboard
  11. Games So Far
  12. Help


Round one

Three contestants played, each represented by a color (red, yellow(called gold on the show), and green). Starting on Mediterranean Avenue, and continuing clockwise through each property color-group on the Monopoly game board, starting at the Outer Board before going into the Inner Board, a crossword puzzle-style clue was read. The first player to buzz-in with the correct answer won the value of the property in cash and gained control of it. Each incorrect answer deducted the value from the player's score. Each entirely missed question halved the property value until someone gave a correct answer.

The first letter of each answer was given to the players. All questions asked along one "street," or side of the game board, started with the same letter.

If more than one contestant controlled properties in the same color group, a series of play-off questions determined which player gained control of the monopoly in that group. Split-ownership of color groups was not allowed. In the event that each of the three players owned one property in a color group, a toss-up was asked of all three players. The player giving the correct answer immediately took control of one of his opponent's properties in that group. The third opponent had to answer two questions to gain the monopoly, while the player who answered correctly has to answer only one additional question to win the monopoly.

The player who won control of the monopoly also earned the value of all the properties in the group, from an additional $120 for the purple group of Baltic and Mediterranean Avenues to $1,360 for the grey group of Fifth Avenue, Madison Avenue and Wall Street.

The Big Money round

During a commercial break, the players used the money accumulated during Round 1 to purchase houses ($50 each) and hotels ($250 each) to place on their properties (which must be built evenly on each property in a single Monopoly). This determined the rent value of each question asked while on that property.

A pair of dice were rolled, and an indicator light (starting on GO) traveled that many spaces clockwise on the board. If it landed on a color group property, whoever controlled the property was given the question first; if that player missed, no penalization was assessed for that player but the clue was given to his/her opponents, who lost the amount if incorrect. A correct answer won the rent value (full hotel rent from the regular game, 1/5 of the hotel rent per house, or the mortgage value if there are no buildings) of that property.

Play continued in this fashion until time ran out. The first bell signals the final minute of play while the second one signals the end of the round. At that point, the houses and hotels were sold back to the bank at their original value, which is then added to the player's current score. The player in the lead at that point won the game and keeps the money in full and is assured of winning cash and/or a prize worth at least (a combined) $4000, while the second-place player leaves with 1/2 of their winnings and the third-place player leaves with 1/4 of their winnings plus parting gifts.

Inner Board

The Inner Board is an addition to the board of the regular Monopoly Board, enabling players to earn more properties, and build more houses and hotels for Round 2. In order to proceed into the Inner Board, the dice must be an Even roll when the indicator reaches the Transit Station. If the dice totals an Odd roll, the indicator will stay on the same side of the board.

Stock Market

If the indicator lands on the Stock Exchange, all 3 players have the option of buying
Share of Stock in any Company he chooses, paying the Par Value Price printed on the Stock Certificates. If a player wishes to buy, he pays the bank for the Stock and receives a Stock Certificate in the company he selects. If the player declines this option, play will continue on.


Dividends are payable by the Bank to all shareholders upon any token landing upon the Stock Exchange, in accordance with the list printed on the Certificates held by the owner.

It is an advantage to own the entire block of Stock of a Company, as the Dividends increase considerably with the amount owned in any one Company.

A player can earn up to 5 shares of the same stock.

Other spaces

  1. Utilities (Electric Company, Water Works, Telephone Company and Gas Company)
    —The question value was $100 multiplied by the number rolled to land on it by the two regular dice (i.e. a roll of 12 meant the question would be worth $1200). However, the utilities in the Inner Board are $200 times the number from the dice.
  2. Railroads
    —The Railroad spaces allowed for "hostile takeovers". First, a toss-up was asked of all three players. Whoever answered correctly chose a monopoly controlled by an opponent, moved to the first property in that group and attempted to answer as many questions as there were properties in the group in order to takeover control. If the player succeeded, control of the monopoly was theirs, they collected the value of all the properties in that color group and the former owner lost that money, and movement continued from the last property in the group. If the player missed a question, the takeover failed, the original owner collected rent from the first player based on the rent of the property where the question was missed, and movement continued from the last property the player tried to take over.
  3. Chance and Community Chest
    —Cards contained bonuses, penalties, movement instructions, or events about the stocks.
  4. GO
    —When the indicator light passed GO, all players received a $200 bonus.
  5. Tax Spaces
    —Income Tax & Luxury Tax acted as their counterparts in the board game, costing each player 10% of their cash total (for Income Tax) or $75 (for Luxury Tax).
  6. Free Parking
    —A toss-up question was asked worth a jackpot starting at $5,000 and added to by any fines, taxes or Chance and Community Chest cards.
  7. BONUS
    —When the indicator light passed BONUS, all players received a $250 bonus. If the indicator is landed on BONUS, all players receive a $300 bonus.
  8. Tax Refund
    —A toss-up question was asked for a player to collect 50% of any fines, taxes or Chance and Community Chest cards all added to the Jackpot in Free Parking.
  9. Subway
    —The player is last place can send the indicator to any place on the board. Since traveling via Subway is a direct route, players do not collect any money by passing GO or BONUS.
  10. Squeeze Play
    —A toss-up question is asked, and the player who answers it correctly will have a chance to earn some money from each player by rolling the dice. Rolls of 5, 6, 7, 8, or 9 entitles the player to collect $50 from each player. Rolls of 3, 4, 10, or 11 entitles the player to collect $100 from each player. Rolls of 2 or 12 entitle the player to collect $200 from each player.
  11. Go To Jail
    —Sent the indicator to the In Jail space and cost the players a fine of $250 each to continue.
The winner of the game earns a trip to the winner's board. On the board, thirteen numbered spaces hide eight instant awards of cash plus two major awards split up into two or three components. The major awards are $10,000 -- represented by two halves of a $10,000 bill -- and a new car -- represented by the three letters that spell out the word "CAR".

If the winner finds a letter in "CAR" or half of the bill, the player may choose another number in an attempt to win one of the major awards. The moment the player finds all three letters in "CAR", both halves of the $10,000 bill or any of the other seven awards, the trip to the winner's board ends and (s)he receives the cash and/or prize connected with the selection(s).

In the event a player wins three consecutive main games, a $20,000 bill is now on the board, the locations of the C and A in "CAR" plus the first half of the $20,000 bill are automatically revealed -- meaning the winner will win the car, $20,000 or something of lesser value in just one selection. In the event a player wins four consecutive games, (s)he is automatically awarded $20,000 plus the car (locations of the bill's halves and letters in "CAR" will automatically be revealed) and then the player may choose from the remaining seven numbers for an additional award. Also, a "Multiplier Wheel" is added to board for a chance to win 200x the player's total earnings from the game.

("CAR" may be replaced with "VAN" or "SUV" if the virtual vehicle at stake is a van or sport utility vehicle, respectively.)

Bonus Round: "Once Around the Board"

In the bonus round, the top winner tried to complete one circuit of the game board (starting from GO) in five rolls of the dice, while avoiding hitting one of the Go To Jail spaces on the board.

When the indicator reaches to Pennsylvania Railroad, the player can decide whether to go into the Inner Board or stay at the Outer Board even if an Even roll has been made. If the player decides to go inside the Inner Board, the player will earn 3 more rolls, but 5 Go To Jail spaces are randomly placed around the Inner Board (no more than 2 on any street), making a total of ten Go To Jail spaces.

"Stock Market" has been replaced with "Roll 3." When that space is landed, 3 particular dice with be shown as 3 points. They then roll three dice to see if the Roll Three numbers match the dice rolled. The three dice are read in order from lowest to highest number. If any one die matches any one number of a player’s Roll Three number, that player wins $500. If two of the dice match a player’s Roll Three numbers, that player wins $2000. If all three dice rolled match a player’s Roll Three numbers, that player wins $10,000. The cash won in the "Roll Three" mini-game is their to keep, win or lose, and does not affect the bonus score.

Also, "Subway" has been replaced with "Add 0-5 Prize(s) in the Prize Vault". The winner will roll one die. Whatever it lands, the number will be subtracted by 1, and that will determine on how many prizes will be added to the prize vault.

In "Squeeze Play", the player will roll the dice for a chance to earn bonus rolls. Rolls of 5, 6, 7, 8, or 9 entitles the player to earn 2 Bonus Rolls. Rolls of 4 or 10 entitles the player to earn 3 Bonus Rolls. Rolls of 3 or 11 entitles the player to earn 4 Bonus Rolls. Rolls of 2 or 12 entitle the player to earn 7 Bonus Rolls.

Before the bonus round, the player selected four spaces to be transformed into Go To Jail spaces: one on Second Street (the board side with the maroon and orange properties), one on Third Street (red and yellow side) and two spaces on Fourth Street (green and dark-blue side). In addition, the standard Go To Jail corner space already on the board was still in play for a total of five Go To Jail spaces on the Outer Board. Except for "Roll 3", "Squeeze Play" and "Add 0-5 Prize(s) in the Prize Vault", the other spaces on the board had no bonus or penalty attached to them.

The player could stop after every "safe" roll (a roll not hitting a Go To Jail) and take a certain amount of money for every space passed. A roll of doubles added an extra roll to the total rolls that could be taken. If the player landed on a Go To Jail space, the round ended and any bonus winnings were lost except for the winnings in "Roll 3".

Number of Games won consecutivelyEvery Safe Space in Outer Board Earns:Every Safe Space in Inner Board Earns:Payoff for passing GOPayoff for Landing on GOBonus for passing BONUSBonus for Landing on BONUS
1 or 2$100$250$25,000$50,000$75,000$100,000 + Prize Vault
3$500$2,000$60,000$200,000$300,000$500,000 + Prize Vault
4$1,000$10,000$250,000$1,000,000 + Prize Vault$10,000,000$50,000,000

Making the complete circuit of the board by passing GO was worth $25,000 for the first 2 wins, then $60,000, and then $250,000. If the player landed exactly on GO, the payout was $50,000, $200,000 or $1,000,000, with the fourth win 'Breaking the Bank' by winning all of the prizes in the Prize Vault.

As for the BONUS in the Inner Board, passing it equals a BONUS payoff of $75,000, $300,000 or $10,000,000. Landing exactly on BONUS equals a BONUS payoff of $100,000, $500,000, or $50,000,000.
NOTICE!!!! However, in order to claim the BONUS payoff, the player must be on the outer board and land exactly on GO.

Every time the player doesn't make the complete circuit, a prize will be added to the Prize Vault.


Framm 18


ContestantTotal WinningsWinsVisits



Now, if you want play, just sign in here.


To all of you people who don't know the "Super Add-Ons" Expansion, let me fill you all in.

An add-on (or expansion) for Monopoly that speeds up play. Consists of a smaller board that is placed in the middle of the standard board, all new properties, action cards, and a new way to move around the board involving travel cards, penalties, and bonuses.

To make sure that people get as much detail as possible, I have included 2 links to Super Add-Ons instructions and 1 for Stock Exchange instructions.

(Super Add-Ons Monopoly)

(How Super Add-Ons Expansion works)

(How Stock Exchange in Monopoly works)

Posted: Sat Jul 06, 2013 6:17 pm
Don't quite understand how it works, but sure why not. /in

Posted: Sat Jul 06, 2013 6:18 pm
by CuddlyCaucasian
Same, but /in

Posted: Sat Jul 06, 2013 6:23 pm
by Cheery Dog
I have a version of Monopoly with a stockmarket, that should count of something.

(no idea what this super addon stuff does - looks confusing)
but /in

Posted: Sat Jul 06, 2013 6:25 pm
by Marquis
As long as you explain special things when they happen or comment when people are rule-confused, I'm /in.

Posted: Sun Jul 07, 2013 3:30 am
by Klazam

Why not

Posted: Sun Jul 07, 2013 9:30 am
by RedCoyote
For anyone curious about learning the game show that dad90 seemed to at least partially base his ruleset on: Here's an episode on YouTube. It's kind of an interesting concept, I think.

Now, as far as the Super Monopoly addon, I'm not sure about that.

But I will /in anyways.

Posted: Sun Jul 07, 2013 10:12 pm
by dad90
I have included some files to help you all out.

Posted: Wed Jul 10, 2013 4:42 am
by dad90

Singers: M...

































Yes, it's Super Monopoly!


The world's most famous board game is now Super Monopoly the TV game!

Here comes our hostess Sakura Nankyoku....


and here's the host of Super Monopoly, dad90!

(dad90 enters through the second O in the MONOPOLY logo)

(audience cheers)

dad90: Thank you all, and welcome to Super Monopoly, the only game where players can earn more properties and earn more money than ever before and become the ultimate real-estate tycoons!

Now, our Announcer, Charlie O' Donnell, will tell us about first 3 players of Super Monopoly.

Posted: Wed Jul 10, 2013 6:00 am
by dad90
Charlie: Here come our first 3 players!

The Red player is JDGA.

The Gold player is CuddlyCaucasian.

And the Green player is Cheery Dog.


(Outer Board)
Purple - Mediterranean Avenue ($60)
Purple - Baltic Avenue ($60)
Income Tax - Pay 10% or $200
Reading Railroad
Light Blue - Oriental Avenue ($100)
Light Blue - Vermont Avenue ($100)
Light Blue - Connecticut Avenue ($120)
Pink - St. Charles Place ($140)
Electric Company
Pink - States Avenue ($140)
Pink - Virginia Avenue ($160)
Pennsylvania Railroad
Orange - St. James Place ($180)
Orange - Tennessee Avenue ($180)
Orange - New York Avenue ($200)
Red - Kentucky Avenue ($220)
Red - Indiana Avenue ($220)
Red - Illinois Avenue ($240)
B&O Railroad
Yellow - Atlantic Avenue ($260)
Yellow - Ventnor Avenue ($260)
Water Works
Yellow - Marvin Gardens ($280)
Green - Pacific Avenue ($300)
Green - North Carolina Avenue ($300)
Green - Pennsylvania Avenue ($320)
Short Line
Park Place ($350)
Luxury Tax - Pay $75.00
Boardwalk ($400)

(Inner Board)
White - Market Street ($210)
White - Fisherman's Wharf ($250)
Telephone Company
Black - Beacon Street ($330)
Black - Boylston Street ($330)
Black - Newbury Street ($380)
TRANSIT STATION (Odd Roll - Keep Moving; Even Roll - Travel to other side of board)
Grey - Fifth Avenue ($430)
Grey - Madison Avenue ($430)
Grey - Wall Street ($500)
Tax Refund - Collect 50% From Free Parking Jackpot
Gas Company
Brown - Florida Avenue ($130)
Brown - Miami Avenue ($130)
Brown - Biscayne Avenue ($150)
TRANSIT STATION (Odd Roll - Keep Moving; Even Roll - Travel to other side of board)
White - Lombard Street ($210)

DK: Welcome aboard players! Now, it's as easy as this. Just answer our crossword puzzle-type clues, and you will earn properties. Every time you get a property, we'll deposit the value of the property into your bank account. Once a clue has been given, you will PM me a buzzcode 0-30 with 0 being you don't know, and the player who is closest to the magic number will get to answer first.

JDGA - $0
CuddlyCaucasian - $0
Cheery Dog - $0

Now, that we're ready, we're going to the Outer Board first, and then the Inner Board.

First, the purple properties, starting at Mediterranean Avenue with the value of $60. Let's play the game!

And also, all correct answers on the purple and light blue properties begin with the letter C.

With that in mind, here's your clue.

C clue: The innermost or central part of something.

PM me your buzzcodes now.

Posted: Wed Jul 10, 2013 5:00 pm
by dad90
JDGA - 10
CuddlyCaucasian - 30
Cheery Dog - 61 (Out of reach)

Magic #: 23

And CuddlyCaucasian gets to answer.

Posted: Wed Jul 10, 2013 5:03 pm
by CuddlyCaucasian
My answer is

Posted: Wed Jul 10, 2013 5:07 pm
by dad90
Core is correct! Change that to Gold!

Purple - Mediterranean Avenue

Purple - Baltic Avenue ($60)

JDGA - $0
CuddlyCaucasian - $60
Cheery Dog - $0

That's exactly how this works, players. So, you'll get it as we go. Now, we move on to Baltic Avenue, with the value of $60, and here's your next clue.

C clue: The lower part of the face.

PM me your buzzcodes 0-30 now.

Posted: Thu Jul 11, 2013 3:10 am
by dad90
CuddlyCaucasian: 9
Cheery Dog: 12

Magic #: 9

Both JDGA and CuddlyCaucasian got it on the nose! Whenever someone gets the buzzcode on the dot, they play for DOUBLE the value of the property!

However, since we have a tie between JDGA and CuddlyCaucasian, the player who PM'd me first gets to answer first. And that is....

CuddlyCaucasian: 9

CuddlyCaucasian. What's your answer?

Posted: Thu Jul 11, 2013 6:13 am
by CuddlyCaucasian
That's weird .-. My answer is

Posted: Thu Jul 11, 2013 6:40 am
by dad90
Chin is correct and change that to Gold!

(Outer Board)
Purple - Mediterranean Avenue

Purple - Baltic Avenue

Income Tax - Pay 10% or $200
Reading Railroad
Light Blue - Oriental Avenue ($100)
Light Blue - Vermont Avenue ($100)
Light Blue - Connecticut Avenue ($120)
Pink - St. Charles Place ($140)
Electric Company
Pink - States Avenue ($140)
Pink - Virginia Avenue ($160)
Pennsylvania Railroad
Orange - St. James Place ($180)
Orange - Tennessee Avenue ($180)
Orange - New York Avenue ($200)
Red - Kentucky Avenue ($220)
Red - Indiana Avenue ($220)
Red - Illinois Avenue ($240)
B&O Railroad
Yellow - Atlantic Avenue ($260)
Yellow - Ventnor Avenue ($260)
Water Works
Yellow - Marvin Gardens ($280)
Green - Pacific Avenue ($300)
Green - North Carolina Avenue ($300)
Green - Pennsylvania Avenue ($320)
Short Line
Park Place ($350)
Luxury Tax - Pay $75.00
Boardwalk ($400)

(Inner Board)
White - Market Street ($210)
White - Fisherman's Wharf ($250)
Telephone Company
Black - Beacon Street ($330)
Black - Boylston Street ($330)
Black - Newbury Street ($380)
TRANSIT STATION (Odd Roll - Keep Moving; Even Roll - Travel to other side of board)
Grey - Fifth Avenue ($430)
Grey - Madison Avenue ($430)
Grey - Wall Street ($500)
Tax Refund - Collect 50% From Free Parking Jackpot
Gas Company
Brown - Florida Avenue ($130)
Brown - Miami Avenue ($130)
Brown - Biscayne Avenue ($150)
TRANSIT STATION (Odd Roll - Keep Moving; Even Roll - Travel to other side of board)
White - Lombard Street ($210)

Since you got the buzzcode on the nose, CuddlyCaucasian, you got double the value of that property on Baltic Avenue, which is $120.

JDGA - $0
CuddlyCaucasian - $180
Cheery Dog - $0

And what's more, you got a Monopoly on the purple properties! Whenever a player gets a Monopoly on all of the properties on that color, we give them the values of all of the properties combined and add that to their bank account, so CuddlyCaucasian, that's another $120 for those 2 purple properties!

JDGA - $0
CuddlyCaucasian - $300
Cheery Dog - $0

Now, we go to the Light Blue properties, starting at Oriental Avenue with the value of $100.

Light Blue - Oriental Avenue ($100)
Light Blue - Vermont Avenue ($100)
Light Blue - Connecticut Avenue ($120)

Now, if you are ready, then here's your clue.

C clue: To invalidate or annul.

PM me your buzzcodes 0-30 now.

Posted: Fri Jul 12, 2013 6:04 am
by dad90
CuddlyCaucasian: 17
Cheery Dog: 22

Magic #: 11

JDGA and CuddlyCaucasian are tied in terms of distance, but who PM'd me first?

CuddlyCaucasian: 17

And once again, CuddlyCaucasian gets to answer.

Posted: Fri Jul 12, 2013 6:14 am
by CuddlyCaucasian
Woooo, I'm gonna go with
since I don't think corrupt and annul mean the same thing.

Posted: Fri Jul 12, 2013 8:08 am
by dad90
Cancel is correct, and let's change it to Gold!

Light Blue - Oriental Avenue

Light Blue - Vermont Avenue ($100)
Light Blue - Connecticut Avenue ($120)

JDGA - $0
CuddlyCaucasian - $400
Cheery Dog - $0

JDGA, and Cheery Dog, I see you all trying to buzz in, but CuddlyCaucasian is hot. Don't worry, we have plenty more properties to get.

Now, we go to Vermont Avenue, also with the value of $100, and here's your clue.

C clue: A group of people that work together.

PM me your buzzcodes 0-30 now.

Posted: Fri Jul 12, 2013 8:48 am
by CuddlyCaucasian
In post 18, dad90 wrote:CuddlyCaucasian is hot.

Posted: Fri Jul 12, 2013 7:48 pm
Ugh, game show hosts and being biased against Australian timezones v_v

Posted: Sun Jul 14, 2013 3:46 am
by dad90
Wow.... all the way from Australia... NICE!

CuddlyCaucasian: 25
Cheery Dog: 4

Magic #: 4

Oh! And Cheery Dog got it on the nose! Get this right, Cheery Dog, and you'll win double the value of this property.

What's your answer?

Posted: Sun Jul 14, 2013 4:32 am
by Cheery Dog
I would believe it's a

Posted: Sun Jul 14, 2013 5:12 am
by dad90
Sorry, that's incorrect.

CuddlyCaucasian, do you know?

Posted: Sun Jul 14, 2013 5:42 am
Oh I just got it can I buzz in if CC gets it wrong too?