Page 31 of 62

Posted: Mon Jun 22, 2020 6:05 am
by Not_Mafia
289 Add 289 to Remove each digit that is a 2 and you are left with a perfect square.

Posted: Mon Jun 22, 2020 7:22 am
by Plotinus
89 isn't a perfect square, but you can go again

Posted: Mon Jun 22, 2020 7:47 am
by Not_Mafia
I am really stupid

80, 187, 346 as numbers that contain an L when written in roman numerals

Posted: Mon Jun 22, 2020 7:51 am
by Plotinus
Spoiler: completed sequences
  • [54, 183, 272, 313, 115, 182, 278, 218 ] Numbers where you can ignore 1 digit and use mathematical operators on the remaining digits to get 4
  • [78, 126, 336, 348, 192, 315, 123] {
    n is composite and n = a010d + a110d-1 + ... + ad100 with Σi∈[0,d]ai is composite; ai ≥ 0, d > 0
    } composite numbers whose digit sum is composite
  • [55, 226, 253, 190, 19, 352, 334] {
    n = a010d + a110d-1 + ... + ad100 with Σi∈[0,d]ai = 10; ai ≥ 0, d > 0
    } numbers whose digit sum equals 10
  • [3, 7, 229, 5, 179, 17, 137] primes
  • [25, 44, 63, 365, 52, 62, 88, 175] {
    i % (i % 10) == 0
    } Numbers divisible by their last digit
  • [166, 337, 333, 112, 311, 155, 144, 338] Numbers with at least one immediately repeating digit
  • [1, 4, 43, 141, 301, 302, 341] have four or fewer factors
  • [90, 322, 303, 329, 136, 210, 149, 228, 38, 188] numbers that are composite after removing the smallest digit
  • [234, 342, 356, 140, 173, 200, 280, 299] {
    n = 100×a + 10×b + c with c < a + b
    } 3 digit numbers where the last digit is less than the sum of the first two digits
  • [39, 86, 261, 32, 33, 76, 93] can be spelled digit by digit with ten or fewer letters in English, no leading zeroes, 0 is spelled as zero
  • [174, 118, 274, 232, 316, 180, 358 ] {
    2 | n ∧ n ≥ 100
    } 3 digit even numbers
  • [48, 135, 306, 40, 84, 132, 243] {
    k2 | n, k > 1
    } numbers that are divisible by a perfect square greater than one
  • [235, 242, 268, 259, 22, 34, 195, 97] numbers with a 2-digit prime factor
  • [125, 270, 320, 30, 45, 100, 150] {
    2i×3j×5k with i, j, k ≥ 0
    } 5-smooth numbers
  • [202, 351, 204, 260, 296, 300, 354] have a three digit factor other than itself
  • [120, 143, 194, 8, 15, 98, 170] {
    n ∈ [k2 - 2, k2 + 2], k ∈ ℤ
    numbers within 2 of a perfect square
  • [191, 359, 305, 271, 199, 163, 109] {
    n > 100 ∧ n % 2 = 1
    } 3 digit odd numbers
  • [128, 196, 319, 193, 172, 158, 288] numbers wherein if i spell the numbers out digit by digit in english, i can take the first letter of each digit and use those letters to form an english word (i.e. anagrams are allowed)
  • [116, 217, 219, 215, 114, 127, 222] Three digit numbers in which you can draw a date separator between two digits and get a valid date in both month/day and day/month format (not necessarily with the separator in the same place)—the separator must follow, not precede, a medial zero
  • [16, 113, 153, 281, 325, 353, 364] any side of all primitive Pythagorean triangles with its hypotenuse no larger than the largest number in the deck
  • [95, 138, 246, 58, 335, 314, 247] squarefree composite numbers
  • [37, 53, 75, 339, 9, 57, 197] all digits are odd
  • [220, 162, 18, 42, 107, 201, 213, 230]
    n = a010d + a110d-1 + ... + ad100 with 0 < Σi∈[0,d]ai < 10; ai ≥ 0, d > 0; k ∈ ℤ
    } numbers where the sum of the digits is a single digit
  • [121, 209, 252, 29, 67, 92, 119 ] {
    (n(n+1)/2 + 1) or (n(n+1)/2 - 1)
    } numbers that are exactly one away from a triangular number
  • [134, 146, 238, 248, 145, 139, 236] {
    n = 100*a + 10*b + c with 0 < a < b < c < 10
    } 3 digit numbers whose digits are in strictly ascending order
  • [176, 298, 295, 251, 330, 258, and 211] {
    n = 100*a + 10*b + c, b is odd
    } 3 digit numbers where the middle digit is odd
  • [20, 56, 60, 85, 36, 41, 66, 79, 82] {
    9 < n < 100
    2 digit numbers
  • [361, 283, 343, 223, 241, 355, 331, 91] {
    n ≡ 1 (mod 6)
    } (multiples of 6) + 1
  • [105, 122, 239, 287, 50, 177, 263] digit sum is squarefree (1 counts as squarefree)
  • [244, 267, 212, 221, 288, 227, 206] numbers where the amount of digits that are "2" is an infinitely recurring percentage
  • [347, 130, 357, 233, 133, 307, 340, 362] numbers where the amount of digits that are "3" is an infinitely recurring percentage.
  • [65, 345 285, 240, 160, 70, 225] {
    5 | n
    } multiples of 5
  • [47, 74, 131, 245, 71, 117, 151] remove each digit that is a power of 2 (including 1) and you're left with a prime

Topology: Micc, Not_Mafia: 75 points
  • [171, 323, 77] palindromes
  • [249, 224, 292] Remove each digit that is a 2 and you are left with a perfect square.
  • [80, 187, 345] numbers that contain an L when written in roman numerals
Measure: StrangerCoug, vincentw: 77 points
  • [81, 189, 324, 27] {
    27 | n
    } multiples of 27
  • [46, 59, 164] {
    n ≡ ±1 (mod 15)
    } numbers equivalent to ±1 mod 15
  • [286, 207, 349] {
    n = a010d + a110d-1 + ... + ad100 with Σi∈[0,d]ai = k2; ai ≥ 0, d > 0; k ∈ ℤ
    } Numbers whose digit sum is a perfect square
  • [73, 157, 231] {
    n = a010d + a110d-1 + ... + ad100 with aii is not composite, d > 0 ∈ ℤ
    } Numbers none of whose digits are composite
Dynamics: lilith2013, skitter30: 92 points
  • [328, 28, 276, 275] numbers that contain a 27 or 28
  • [124, 214, 282] {
    n = a010d + a110d-1 + ... + ad100 with ai = 2k; ai ≥ 0, d > 0; k ∈ ℤ
    } numbers that consist only of digits that are powers of 2 (including 1)
It is
's turn.

There are 51 cards remaining

it could happen to any of us, a few of the current sequences let you remove powers of two but this one only lets you remove two itself.

Posted: Mon Jun 22, 2020 7:37 pm
by vincentw
Complete the L with 156, 178, 185, and 344.

Posted: Mon Jun 22, 2020 8:55 pm
by Not_Mafia

Posted: Tue Jun 23, 2020 5:04 am
by Plotinus
Spoiler: completed sequences
  • [54, 183, 272, 313, 115, 182, 278, 218 ] Numbers where you can ignore 1 digit and use mathematical operators on the remaining digits to get 4
  • [78, 126, 336, 348, 192, 315, 123] {
    n is composite and n = a010d + a110d-1 + ... + ad100 with Σi∈[0,d]ai is composite; ai ≥ 0, d > 0
    } composite numbers whose digit sum is composite
  • [55, 226, 253, 190, 19, 352, 334] {
    n = a010d + a110d-1 + ... + ad100 with Σi∈[0,d]ai = 10; ai ≥ 0, d > 0
    } numbers whose digit sum equals 10
  • [3, 7, 229, 5, 179, 17, 137] primes
  • [25, 44, 63, 365, 52, 62, 88, 175] {
    i % (i % 10) == 0
    } Numbers divisible by their last digit
  • [166, 337, 333, 112, 311, 155, 144, 338] Numbers with at least one immediately repeating digit
  • [1, 4, 43, 141, 301, 302, 341] have four or fewer factors
  • [90, 322, 303, 329, 136, 210, 149, 228, 38, 188] numbers that are composite after removing the smallest digit
  • [234, 342, 356, 140, 173, 200, 280, 299] {
    n = 100×a + 10×b + c with c < a + b
    } 3 digit numbers where the last digit is less than the sum of the first two digits
  • [39, 86, 261, 32, 33, 76, 93] can be spelled digit by digit with ten or fewer letters in English, no leading zeroes, 0 is spelled as zero
  • [174, 118, 274, 232, 316, 180, 358 ] {
    2 | n ∧ n ≥ 100
    } 3 digit even numbers
  • [48, 135, 306, 40, 84, 132, 243] {
    k2 | n, k > 1
    } numbers that are divisible by a perfect square greater than one
  • [235, 242, 268, 259, 22, 34, 195, 97] numbers with a 2-digit prime factor
  • [125, 270, 320, 30, 45, 100, 150] {
    2i×3j×5k with i, j, k ≥ 0
    } 5-smooth numbers
  • [202, 351, 204, 260, 296, 300, 354] have a three digit factor other than itself
  • [120, 143, 194, 8, 15, 98, 170] {
    n ∈ [k2 - 2, k2 + 2], k ∈ ℤ
    numbers within 2 of a perfect square
  • [191, 359, 305, 271, 199, 163, 109] {
    n > 100 ∧ n % 2 = 1
    } 3 digit odd numbers
  • [128, 196, 319, 193, 172, 158, 288] numbers wherein if i spell the numbers out digit by digit in english, i can take the first letter of each digit and use those letters to form an english word (i.e. anagrams are allowed)
  • [116, 217, 219, 215, 114, 127, 222] Three digit numbers in which you can draw a date separator between two digits and get a valid date in both month/day and day/month format (not necessarily with the separator in the same place)—the separator must follow, not precede, a medial zero
  • [16, 113, 153, 281, 325, 353, 364] any side of all primitive Pythagorean triangles with its hypotenuse no larger than the largest number in the deck
  • [95, 138, 246, 58, 335, 314, 247] squarefree composite numbers
  • [37, 53, 75, 339, 9, 57, 197] all digits are odd
  • [220, 162, 18, 42, 107, 201, 213, 230]
    n = a010d + a110d-1 + ... + ad100 with 0 < Σi∈[0,d]ai < 10; ai ≥ 0, d > 0; k ∈ ℤ
    } numbers where the sum of the digits is a single digit
  • [121, 209, 252, 29, 67, 92, 119 ] {
    (n(n+1)/2 + 1) or (n(n+1)/2 - 1)
    } numbers that are exactly one away from a triangular number
  • [134, 146, 238, 248, 145, 139, 236] {
    n = 100*a + 10*b + c with 0 < a < b < c < 10
    } 3 digit numbers whose digits are in strictly ascending order
  • [176, 298, 295, 251, 330, 258, and 211] {
    n = 100*a + 10*b + c, b is odd
    } 3 digit numbers where the middle digit is odd
  • [20, 56, 60, 85, 36, 41, 66, 79, 82] {
    9 < n < 100
    2 digit numbers
  • [361, 283, 343, 223, 241, 355, 331, 91] {
    n ≡ 1 (mod 6)
    } (multiples of 6) + 1
  • [105, 122, 239, 287, 50, 177, 263] digit sum is squarefree (1 counts as squarefree)
  • [244, 267, 212, 221, 288, 227, 206] numbers where the amount of digits that are "2" is an infinitely recurring percentage
  • [347, 130, 357, 233, 133, 307, 340, 362] numbers where the amount of digits that are "3" is an infinitely recurring percentage.
  • [65, 345 285, 240, 160, 70, 225] {
    5 | n
    } multiples of 5
  • [47, 74, 131, 245, 71, 117, 151] remove each digit that is a power of 2 (including 1) and you're left with a prime
  • [80, 187, 345, 156, 178, 185 344] numbers that contain an L when written in roman numerals

Topology: Micc, Not_Mafia: 75 points
  • [171, 323, 77] palindromes
  • [249, 224, 292] Remove each digit that is a 2 and you are left with a perfect square.
Measure: StrangerCoug, vincentw: 84 points
  • [81, 189, 324, 27] {
    27 | n
    } multiples of 27
  • [46, 59, 164] {
    n ≡ ±1 (mod 15)
    } numbers equivalent to ±1 mod 15
  • [286, 207, 349] {
    n = a010d + a110d-1 + ... + ad100 with Σi∈[0,d]ai = k2; ai ≥ 0, d > 0; k ∈ ℤ
    } Numbers whose digit sum is a perfect square
  • [73, 157, 231] {
    n = a010d + a110d-1 + ... + ad100 with aii is not composite, d > 0 ∈ ℤ
    } Numbers none of whose digits are composite
Dynamics: lilith2013, skitter30: 92 points
  • [328, 28, 276, 275] numbers that contain a 27 or 28
  • [124, 214, 282] {
    n = a010d + a110d-1 + ... + ad100 with ai = 2k; ai ≥ 0, d > 0; k ∈ ℤ
    } numbers that consist only of digits that are powers of 2 (including 1)
It is
's turn.

There are 47 cards remaining

Posted: Wed Jun 24, 2020 6:40 am
by skitter30
numbers that are multiples of 3
102, 366, 87

Posted: Wed Jun 24, 2020 6:48 am
by Plotinus
Spoiler: completed sequences
  • [54, 183, 272, 313, 115, 182, 278, 218 ] Numbers where you can ignore 1 digit and use mathematical operators on the remaining digits to get 4
  • [78, 126, 336, 348, 192, 315, 123] {
    n is composite and n = a010d + a110d-1 + ... + ad100 with Σi∈[0,d]ai is composite; ai ≥ 0, d > 0
    } composite numbers whose digit sum is composite
  • [55, 226, 253, 190, 19, 352, 334] {
    n = a010d + a110d-1 + ... + ad100 with Σi∈[0,d]ai = 10; ai ≥ 0, d > 0
    } numbers whose digit sum equals 10
  • [3, 7, 229, 5, 179, 17, 137] primes
  • [25, 44, 63, 365, 52, 62, 88, 175] {
    i % (i % 10) == 0
    } Numbers divisible by their last digit
  • [166, 337, 333, 112, 311, 155, 144, 338] Numbers with at least one immediately repeating digit
  • [1, 4, 43, 141, 301, 302, 341] have four or fewer factors
  • [90, 322, 303, 329, 136, 210, 149, 228, 38, 188] numbers that are composite after removing the smallest digit
  • [234, 342, 356, 140, 173, 200, 280, 299] {
    n = 100×a + 10×b + c with c < a + b
    } 3 digit numbers where the last digit is less than the sum of the first two digits
  • [39, 86, 261, 32, 33, 76, 93] can be spelled digit by digit with ten or fewer letters in English, no leading zeroes, 0 is spelled as zero
  • [174, 118, 274, 232, 316, 180, 358 ] {
    2 | n ∧ n ≥ 100
    } 3 digit even numbers
  • [48, 135, 306, 40, 84, 132, 243] {
    k2 | n, k > 1
    } numbers that are divisible by a perfect square greater than one
  • [235, 242, 268, 259, 22, 34, 195, 97] numbers with a 2-digit prime factor
  • [125, 270, 320, 30, 45, 100, 150] {
    2i×3j×5k with i, j, k ≥ 0
    } 5-smooth numbers
  • [202, 351, 204, 260, 296, 300, 354] have a three digit factor other than itself
  • [120, 143, 194, 8, 15, 98, 170] {
    n ∈ [k2 - 2, k2 + 2], k ∈ ℤ
    numbers within 2 of a perfect square
  • [191, 359, 305, 271, 199, 163, 109] {
    n > 100 ∧ n % 2 = 1
    } 3 digit odd numbers
  • [128, 196, 319, 193, 172, 158, 288] numbers wherein if i spell the numbers out digit by digit in english, i can take the first letter of each digit and use those letters to form an english word (i.e. anagrams are allowed)
  • [116, 217, 219, 215, 114, 127, 222] Three digit numbers in which you can draw a date separator between two digits and get a valid date in both month/day and day/month format (not necessarily with the separator in the same place)—the separator must follow, not precede, a medial zero
  • [16, 113, 153, 281, 325, 353, 364] any side of all primitive Pythagorean triangles with its hypotenuse no larger than the largest number in the deck
  • [95, 138, 246, 58, 335, 314, 247] squarefree composite numbers
  • [37, 53, 75, 339, 9, 57, 197] all digits are odd
  • [220, 162, 18, 42, 107, 201, 213, 230]
    n = a010d + a110d-1 + ... + ad100 with 0 < Σi∈[0,d]ai < 10; ai ≥ 0, d > 0; k ∈ ℤ
    } numbers where the sum of the digits is a single digit
  • [121, 209, 252, 29, 67, 92, 119 ] {
    (n(n+1)/2 + 1) or (n(n+1)/2 - 1)
    } numbers that are exactly one away from a triangular number
  • [134, 146, 238, 248, 145, 139, 236] {
    n = 100*a + 10*b + c with 0 < a < b < c < 10
    } 3 digit numbers whose digits are in strictly ascending order
  • [176, 298, 295, 251, 330, 258, and 211] {
    n = 100*a + 10*b + c, b is odd
    } 3 digit numbers where the middle digit is odd
  • [20, 56, 60, 85, 36, 41, 66, 79, 82] {
    9 < n < 100
    2 digit numbers
  • [361, 283, 343, 223, 241, 355, 331, 91] {
    n ≡ 1 (mod 6)
    } (multiples of 6) + 1
  • [105, 122, 239, 287, 50, 177, 263] digit sum is squarefree (1 counts as squarefree)
  • [244, 267, 212, 221, 288, 227, 206] numbers where the amount of digits that are "2" is an infinitely recurring percentage
  • [347, 130, 357, 233, 133, 307, 340, 362] numbers where the amount of digits that are "3" is an infinitely recurring percentage.
  • [65, 345 285, 240, 160, 70, 225] {
    5 | n
    } multiples of 5
  • [47, 74, 131, 245, 71, 117, 151] remove each digit that is a power of 2 (including 1) and you're left with a prime
  • [80, 187, 345, 156, 178, 185 344] numbers that contain an L when written in roman numerals

Topology: Micc, Not_Mafia: 75 points
  • [171, 323, 77] palindromes
  • [249, 224, 292] Remove each digit that is a 2 and you are left with a perfect square.
Measure: StrangerCoug, vincentw: 84 points
  • [81, 189, 324, 27] {
    27 | n
    } multiples of 27
  • [46, 59, 164] {
    n ≡ ±1 (mod 15)
    } numbers equivalent to ±1 mod 15
  • [286, 207, 349] {
    n = a010d + a110d-1 + ... + ad100 with Σi∈[0,d]ai = k2; ai ≥ 0, d > 0; k ∈ ℤ
    } Numbers whose digit sum is a perfect square
  • [73, 157, 231] {
    n = a010d + a110d-1 + ... + ad100 with aii is not composite, d > 0 ∈ ℤ
    } Numbers none of whose digits are composite
Dynamics: lilith2013, skitter30: 92 points
  • [328, 28, 276, 275] numbers that contain a 27 or 28
  • [124, 214, 282] {
    n = a010d + a110d-1 + ... + ad100 with ai = 2k; ai ≥ 0, d > 0; k ∈ ℤ
    } numbers that consist only of digits that are powers of 2 (including 1)
  • [102, 366, 87] {
    3 | n
    } multiplies of 3
It is
's turn.

There are 44 cards remaining

Posted: Wed Jun 24, 2020 4:25 pm
by Micc
108, 198, 264, and 159 to complete multiples of 3

Posted: Wed Jun 24, 2020 6:56 pm
by Plotinus
Spoiler: completed sequences
  • [54, 183, 272, 313, 115, 182, 278, 218 ] Numbers where you can ignore 1 digit and use mathematical operators on the remaining digits to get 4
  • [78, 126, 336, 348, 192, 315, 123] {
    n is composite and n = a010d + a110d-1 + ... + ad100 with Σi∈[0,d]ai is composite; ai ≥ 0, d > 0
    } composite numbers whose digit sum is composite
  • [55, 226, 253, 190, 19, 352, 334] {
    n = a010d + a110d-1 + ... + ad100 with Σi∈[0,d]ai = 10; ai ≥ 0, d > 0
    } numbers whose digit sum equals 10
  • [3, 7, 229, 5, 179, 17, 137] primes
  • [25, 44, 63, 365, 52, 62, 88, 175] {
    i % (i % 10) == 0
    } Numbers divisible by their last digit
  • [166, 337, 333, 112, 311, 155, 144, 338] Numbers with at least one immediately repeating digit
  • [1, 4, 43, 141, 301, 302, 341] have four or fewer factors
  • [90, 322, 303, 329, 136, 210, 149, 228, 38, 188] numbers that are composite after removing the smallest digit
  • [234, 342, 356, 140, 173, 200, 280, 299] {
    n = 100×a + 10×b + c with c < a + b
    } 3 digit numbers where the last digit is less than the sum of the first two digits
  • [39, 86, 261, 32, 33, 76, 93] can be spelled digit by digit with ten or fewer letters in English, no leading zeroes, 0 is spelled as zero
  • [174, 118, 274, 232, 316, 180, 358 ] {
    2 | n ∧ n ≥ 100
    } 3 digit even numbers
  • [48, 135, 306, 40, 84, 132, 243] {
    k2 | n, k > 1
    } numbers that are divisible by a perfect square greater than one
  • [235, 242, 268, 259, 22, 34, 195, 97] numbers with a 2-digit prime factor
  • [125, 270, 320, 30, 45, 100, 150] {
    2i×3j×5k with i, j, k ≥ 0
    } 5-smooth numbers
  • [202, 351, 204, 260, 296, 300, 354] have a three digit factor other than itself
  • [120, 143, 194, 8, 15, 98, 170] {
    n ∈ [k2 - 2, k2 + 2], k ∈ ℤ
    numbers within 2 of a perfect square
  • [191, 359, 305, 271, 199, 163, 109] {
    n > 100 ∧ n % 2 = 1
    } 3 digit odd numbers
  • [128, 196, 319, 193, 172, 158, 288] numbers wherein if i spell the numbers out digit by digit in english, i can take the first letter of each digit and use those letters to form an english word (i.e. anagrams are allowed)
  • [116, 217, 219, 215, 114, 127, 222] Three digit numbers in which you can draw a date separator between two digits and get a valid date in both month/day and day/month format (not necessarily with the separator in the same place)—the separator must follow, not precede, a medial zero
  • [16, 113, 153, 281, 325, 353, 364] any side of all primitive Pythagorean triangles with its hypotenuse no larger than the largest number in the deck
  • [95, 138, 246, 58, 335, 314, 247] squarefree composite numbers
  • [37, 53, 75, 339, 9, 57, 197] all digits are odd
  • [220, 162, 18, 42, 107, 201, 213, 230]
    n = a010d + a110d-1 + ... + ad100 with 0 < Σi∈[0,d]ai < 10; ai ≥ 0, d > 0; k ∈ ℤ
    } numbers where the sum of the digits is a single digit
  • [121, 209, 252, 29, 67, 92, 119 ] {
    (n(n+1)/2 + 1) or (n(n+1)/2 - 1)
    } numbers that are exactly one away from a triangular number
  • [134, 146, 238, 248, 145, 139, 236] {
    n = 100*a + 10*b + c with 0 < a < b < c < 10
    } 3 digit numbers whose digits are in strictly ascending order
  • [176, 298, 295, 251, 330, 258, and 211] {
    n = 100*a + 10*b + c, b is odd
    } 3 digit numbers where the middle digit is odd
  • [20, 56, 60, 85, 36, 41, 66, 79, 82] {
    9 < n < 100
    2 digit numbers
  • [361, 283, 343, 223, 241, 355, 331, 91] {
    n ≡ 1 (mod 6)
    } (multiples of 6) + 1
  • [105, 122, 239, 287, 50, 177, 263] digit sum is squarefree (1 counts as squarefree)
  • [244, 267, 212, 221, 288, 227, 206] numbers where the amount of digits that are "2" is an infinitely recurring percentage
  • [347, 130, 357, 233, 133, 307, 340, 362] numbers where the amount of digits that are "3" is an infinitely recurring percentage.
  • [65, 345 285, 240, 160, 70, 225] {
    5 | n
    } multiples of 5
  • [47, 74, 131, 245, 71, 117, 151] remove each digit that is a power of 2 (including 1) and you're left with a prime
  • [80, 187, 345, 156, 178, 185 344] numbers that contain an L when written in roman numerals
  • [102, 366, 87, 108, 198, 264, 159] {
    3 | n
    } multiplies of 3

Topology: Micc, Not_Mafia: 82 points
  • [171, 323, 77] palindromes
  • [249, 224, 292] Remove each digit that is a 2 and you are left with a perfect square.
Measure: StrangerCoug, vincentw: 84 points
  • [81, 189, 324, 27] {
    27 | n
    } multiples of 27
  • [46, 59, 164] {
    n ≡ ±1 (mod 15)
    } numbers equivalent to ±1 mod 15
  • [286, 207, 349] {
    n = a010d + a110d-1 + ... + ad100 with Σi∈[0,d]ai = k2; ai ≥ 0, d > 0; k ∈ ℤ
    } Numbers whose digit sum is a perfect square
  • [73, 157, 231] {
    n = a010d + a110d-1 + ... + ad100 with aii is not composite, d > 0 ∈ ℤ
    } Numbers none of whose digits are composite
Dynamics: lilith2013, skitter30: 92 points
  • [328, 28, 276, 275] numbers that contain a 27 or 28
  • [124, 214, 282] {
    n = a010d + a110d-1 + ... + ad100 with ai = 2k; ai ≥ 0, d > 0; k ∈ ℤ
    } numbers that consist only of digits that are powers of 2 (including 1)
It is
's turn.

There are 40 cards remaining

Posted: Thu Jun 25, 2020 10:27 am
by StrangerCoug
318, 266, 208: Even numbers whose digit sum is also even

Posted: Thu Jun 25, 2020 10:40 am
by lilith2013
Play 35, 71, 117, 151, 111 to complete the "numbers none of whose digits are composite" sequence

Posted: Thu Jun 25, 2020 8:12 pm
by Plotinus
Spoiler: completed sequences
  • [54, 183, 272, 313, 115, 182, 278, 218 ] Numbers where you can ignore 1 digit and use mathematical operators on the remaining digits to get 4
  • [78, 126, 336, 348, 192, 315, 123] {
    n is composite and n = a010d + a110d-1 + ... + ad100 with Σi∈[0,d]ai is composite; ai ≥ 0, d > 0
    } composite numbers whose digit sum is composite
  • [55, 226, 253, 190, 19, 352, 334] {
    n = a010d + a110d-1 + ... + ad100 with Σi∈[0,d]ai = 10; ai ≥ 0, d > 0
    } numbers whose digit sum equals 10
  • [3, 7, 229, 5, 179, 17, 137] primes
  • [25, 44, 63, 365, 52, 62, 88, 175] {
    i % (i % 10) == 0
    } Numbers divisible by their last digit
  • [166, 337, 333, 112, 311, 155, 144, 338] Numbers with at least one immediately repeating digit
  • [1, 4, 43, 141, 301, 302, 341] have four or fewer factors
  • [90, 322, 303, 329, 136, 210, 149, 228, 38, 188] numbers that are composite after removing the smallest digit
  • [234, 342, 356, 140, 173, 200, 280, 299] {
    n = 100×a + 10×b + c with c < a + b
    } 3 digit numbers where the last digit is less than the sum of the first two digits
  • [39, 86, 261, 32, 33, 76, 93] can be spelled digit by digit with ten or fewer letters in English, no leading zeroes, 0 is spelled as zero
  • [174, 118, 274, 232, 316, 180, 358 ] {
    2 | n ∧ n ≥ 100
    } 3 digit even numbers
  • [48, 135, 306, 40, 84, 132, 243] {
    k2 | n, k > 1
    } numbers that are divisible by a perfect square greater than one
  • [235, 242, 268, 259, 22, 34, 195, 97] numbers with a 2-digit prime factor
  • [125, 270, 320, 30, 45, 100, 150] {
    2i×3j×5k with i, j, k ≥ 0
    } 5-smooth numbers
  • [202, 351, 204, 260, 296, 300, 354] have a three digit factor other than itself
  • [120, 143, 194, 8, 15, 98, 170] {
    n ∈ [k2 - 2, k2 + 2], k ∈ ℤ
    numbers within 2 of a perfect square
  • [191, 359, 305, 271, 199, 163, 109] {
    n > 100 ∧ n % 2 = 1
    } 3 digit odd numbers
  • [128, 196, 319, 193, 172, 158, 288] numbers wherein if i spell the numbers out digit by digit in english, i can take the first letter of each digit and use those letters to form an english word (i.e. anagrams are allowed)
  • [116, 217, 219, 215, 114, 127, 222] Three digit numbers in which you can draw a date separator between two digits and get a valid date in both month/day and day/month format (not necessarily with the separator in the same place)—the separator must follow, not precede, a medial zero
  • [16, 113, 153, 281, 325, 353, 364] any side of all primitive Pythagorean triangles with its hypotenuse no larger than the largest number in the deck
  • [95, 138, 246, 58, 335, 314, 247] squarefree composite numbers
  • [37, 53, 75, 339, 9, 57, 197] all digits are odd
  • [220, 162, 18, 42, 107, 201, 213, 230]
    n = a010d + a110d-1 + ... + ad100 with 0 < Σi∈[0,d]ai < 10; ai ≥ 0, d > 0; k ∈ ℤ
    } numbers where the sum of the digits is a single digit
  • [121, 209, 252, 29, 67, 92, 119 ] {
    (n(n+1)/2 + 1) or (n(n+1)/2 - 1)
    } numbers that are exactly one away from a triangular number
  • [134, 146, 238, 248, 145, 139, 236] {
    n = 100*a + 10*b + c with 0 < a < b < c < 10
    } 3 digit numbers whose digits are in strictly ascending order
  • [176, 298, 295, 251, 330, 258, and 211] {
    n = 100*a + 10*b + c, b is odd
    } 3 digit numbers where the middle digit is odd
  • [20, 56, 60, 85, 36, 41, 66, 79, 82] {
    9 < n < 100
    2 digit numbers
  • [361, 283, 343, 223, 241, 355, 331, 91] {
    n ≡ 1 (mod 6)
    } (multiples of 6) + 1
  • [105, 122, 239, 287, 50, 177, 263] digit sum is squarefree (1 counts as squarefree)
  • [244, 267, 212, 221, 288, 227, 206] numbers where the amount of digits that are "2" is an infinitely recurring percentage
  • [347, 130, 357, 233, 133, 307, 340, 362] numbers where the amount of digits that are "3" is an infinitely recurring percentage.
  • [65, 345 285, 240, 160, 70, 225] {
    5 | n
    } multiples of 5
  • [47, 74, 131, 245, 71, 117, 151] remove each digit that is a power of 2 (including 1) and you're left with a prime
  • [80, 187, 345, 156, 178, 185 344] numbers that contain an L when written in roman numerals
  • [102, 366, 87, 108, 198, 264, 159] {
    3 | n
    } multiplies of 3

Topology: Micc, Not_Mafia: 82 points
  • [171, 323, 77] palindromes
  • [249, 224, 292] Remove each digit that is a 2 and you are left with a perfect square.
Measure: StrangerCoug, vincentw: 84 points
  • [81, 189, 324, 27] {
    27 | n
    } multiples of 27
  • [46, 59, 164] {
    n ≡ ±1 (mod 15)
    } numbers equivalent to ±1 mod 15
  • [286, 207, 349] {
    n = a010d + a110d-1 + ... + ad100 with Σi∈[0,d]ai = k2; ai ≥ 0, d > 0; k ∈ ℤ
    } Numbers whose digit sum is a perfect square
  • [73, 157, 231] {
    n = a010d + a110d-1 + ... + ad100 with aii is not composite, d > 0 ∈ ℤ
    } Numbers none of whose digits are composite
  • [318, 266, 208] {
    n = a010d + a110d-1 + ... + ad100 with 2 | Σi∈[0,d]ai and 2 | n, d > 0 ∈ ℤ
    } Even numbers whose digit sum is also even
Dynamics: lilith2013, skitter30: 92 points
  • [328, 28, 276, 275] numbers that contain a 27 or 28
  • [124, 214, 282] {
    n = a010d + a110d-1 + ... + ad100 with ai = 2k; ai ≥ 0, d > 0; k ∈ ℤ
    } numbers that consist only of digits that are powers of 2 (including 1)
It is
's turn.

There are 37 cards remaining

Lilith, I think you're looking at an older version of your hand. You only have 2 of those cards still -- the last hand I sent you was titlted "Re: Sequencer | lilith2013's Turn" not "Sequencer Hand" because I forgot to change the subject line. You can go again.

Posted: Fri Jun 26, 2020 1:02 am
by lilith2013
Play 35, 111, 72, 101 to finish the same sequence instead

Posted: Fri Jun 26, 2020 1:17 am
by Plotinus
Spoiler: completed sequences
  • [54, 183, 272, 313, 115, 182, 278, 218 ] Numbers where you can ignore 1 digit and use mathematical operators on the remaining digits to get 4
  • [78, 126, 336, 348, 192, 315, 123] {
    n is composite and n = a010d + a110d-1 + ... + ad100 with Σi∈[0,d]ai is composite; ai ≥ 0, d > 0
    } composite numbers whose digit sum is composite
  • [55, 226, 253, 190, 19, 352, 334] {
    n = a010d + a110d-1 + ... + ad100 with Σi∈[0,d]ai = 10; ai ≥ 0, d > 0
    } numbers whose digit sum equals 10
  • [3, 7, 229, 5, 179, 17, 137] primes
  • [25, 44, 63, 365, 52, 62, 88, 175] {
    i % (i % 10) == 0
    } Numbers divisible by their last digit
  • [166, 337, 333, 112, 311, 155, 144, 338] Numbers with at least one immediately repeating digit
  • [1, 4, 43, 141, 301, 302, 341] have four or fewer factors
  • [90, 322, 303, 329, 136, 210, 149, 228, 38, 188] numbers that are composite after removing the smallest digit
  • [234, 342, 356, 140, 173, 200, 280, 299] {
    n = 100×a + 10×b + c with c < a + b
    } 3 digit numbers where the last digit is less than the sum of the first two digits
  • [39, 86, 261, 32, 33, 76, 93] can be spelled digit by digit with ten or fewer letters in English, no leading zeroes, 0 is spelled as zero
  • [174, 118, 274, 232, 316, 180, 358 ] {
    2 | n ∧ n ≥ 100
    } 3 digit even numbers
  • [48, 135, 306, 40, 84, 132, 243] {
    k2 | n, k > 1
    } numbers that are divisible by a perfect square greater than one
  • [235, 242, 268, 259, 22, 34, 195, 97] numbers with a 2-digit prime factor
  • [125, 270, 320, 30, 45, 100, 150] {
    2i×3j×5k with i, j, k ≥ 0
    } 5-smooth numbers
  • [202, 351, 204, 260, 296, 300, 354] have a three digit factor other than itself
  • [120, 143, 194, 8, 15, 98, 170] {
    n ∈ [k2 - 2, k2 + 2], k ∈ ℤ
    numbers within 2 of a perfect square
  • [191, 359, 305, 271, 199, 163, 109] {
    n > 100 ∧ n % 2 = 1
    } 3 digit odd numbers
  • [128, 196, 319, 193, 172, 158, 288] numbers wherein if i spell the numbers out digit by digit in english, i can take the first letter of each digit and use those letters to form an english word (i.e. anagrams are allowed)
  • [116, 217, 219, 215, 114, 127, 222] Three digit numbers in which you can draw a date separator between two digits and get a valid date in both month/day and day/month format (not necessarily with the separator in the same place)—the separator must follow, not precede, a medial zero
  • [16, 113, 153, 281, 325, 353, 364] any side of all primitive Pythagorean triangles with its hypotenuse no larger than the largest number in the deck
  • [95, 138, 246, 58, 335, 314, 247] squarefree composite numbers
  • [37, 53, 75, 339, 9, 57, 197] all digits are odd
  • [220, 162, 18, 42, 107, 201, 213, 230]
    n = a010d + a110d-1 + ... + ad100 with 0 < Σi∈[0,d]ai < 10; ai ≥ 0, d > 0; k ∈ ℤ
    } numbers where the sum of the digits is a single digit
  • [121, 209, 252, 29, 67, 92, 119 ] {
    (n(n+1)/2 + 1) or (n(n+1)/2 - 1)
    } numbers that are exactly one away from a triangular number
  • [134, 146, 238, 248, 145, 139, 236] {
    n = 100*a + 10*b + c with 0 < a < b < c < 10
    } 3 digit numbers whose digits are in strictly ascending order
  • [176, 298, 295, 251, 330, 258, and 211] {
    n = 100*a + 10*b + c, b is odd
    } 3 digit numbers where the middle digit is odd
  • [20, 56, 60, 85, 36, 41, 66, 79, 82] {
    9 < n < 100
    2 digit numbers
  • [361, 283, 343, 223, 241, 355, 331, 91] {
    n ≡ 1 (mod 6)
    } (multiples of 6) + 1
  • [105, 122, 239, 287, 50, 177, 263] digit sum is squarefree (1 counts as squarefree)
  • [244, 267, 212, 221, 288, 227, 206] numbers where the amount of digits that are "2" is an infinitely recurring percentage
  • [347, 130, 357, 233, 133, 307, 340, 362] numbers where the amount of digits that are "3" is an infinitely recurring percentage.
  • [65, 345 285, 240, 160, 70, 225] {
    5 | n
    } multiples of 5
  • [47, 74, 131, 245, 71, 117, 151] remove each digit that is a power of 2 (including 1) and you're left with a prime
  • [80, 187, 345, 156, 178, 185 344] numbers that contain an L when written in roman numerals
  • [102, 366, 87, 108, 198, 264, 159] {
    3 | n
    } multiplies of 3
  • [73, 157, 231, 35, 111, 72, 101] {
    n = a010d + a110d-1 + ... + ad100 with aii is not composite, d > 0 ∈ ℤ
    } Numbers none of whose digits are composite

Topology: Micc, Not_Mafia: 82 points
  • [171, 323, 77] palindromes
  • [249, 224, 292] Remove each digit that is a 2 and you are left with a perfect square.
Measure: StrangerCoug, vincentw: 84 points
  • [81, 189, 324, 27] {
    27 | n
    } multiples of 27
  • [46, 59, 164] {
    n ≡ ±1 (mod 15)
    } numbers equivalent to ±1 mod 15
  • [286, 207, 349] {
    n = a010d + a110d-1 + ... + ad100 with Σi∈[0,d]ai = k2; ai ≥ 0, d > 0; k ∈ ℤ
    } Numbers whose digit sum is a perfect square
  • [318, 266, 208] {
    n = a010d + a110d-1 + ... + ad100 with 2 | Σi∈[0,d]ai and 2 | n, d > 0 ∈ ℤ
    } Even numbers whose digit sum is also even
Dynamics: lilith2013, skitter30: 99 points
  • [328, 28, 276, 275] numbers that contain a 27 or 28
  • [124, 214, 282] {
    n = a010d + a110d-1 + ... + ad100 with ai = 2k; ai ≥ 0, d > 0; k ∈ ℤ
    } numbers that consist only of digits that are powers of 2 (including 1)
It is
's turn.

There are 33 cards remaining

Posted: Fri Jun 26, 2020 7:14 am
by Not_Mafia
Add 154 to even numbers with an even digit sum

Posted: Fri Jun 26, 2020 7:15 pm
by Plotinus
Spoiler: completed sequences
  • [54, 183, 272, 313, 115, 182, 278, 218 ] Numbers where you can ignore 1 digit and use mathematical operators on the remaining digits to get 4
  • [78, 126, 336, 348, 192, 315, 123] {
    n is composite and n = a010d + a110d-1 + ... + ad100 with Σi∈[0,d]ai is composite; ai ≥ 0, d > 0
    } composite numbers whose digit sum is composite
  • [55, 226, 253, 190, 19, 352, 334] {
    n = a010d + a110d-1 + ... + ad100 with Σi∈[0,d]ai = 10; ai ≥ 0, d > 0
    } numbers whose digit sum equals 10
  • [3, 7, 229, 5, 179, 17, 137] primes
  • [25, 44, 63, 365, 52, 62, 88, 175] {
    i % (i % 10) == 0
    } Numbers divisible by their last digit
  • [166, 337, 333, 112, 311, 155, 144, 338] Numbers with at least one immediately repeating digit
  • [1, 4, 43, 141, 301, 302, 341] have four or fewer factors
  • [90, 322, 303, 329, 136, 210, 149, 228, 38, 188] numbers that are composite after removing the smallest digit
  • [234, 342, 356, 140, 173, 200, 280, 299] {
    n = 100×a + 10×b + c with c < a + b
    } 3 digit numbers where the last digit is less than the sum of the first two digits
  • [39, 86, 261, 32, 33, 76, 93] can be spelled digit by digit with ten or fewer letters in English, no leading zeroes, 0 is spelled as zero
  • [174, 118, 274, 232, 316, 180, 358 ] {
    2 | n ∧ n ≥ 100
    } 3 digit even numbers
  • [48, 135, 306, 40, 84, 132, 243] {
    k2 | n, k > 1
    } numbers that are divisible by a perfect square greater than one
  • [235, 242, 268, 259, 22, 34, 195, 97] numbers with a 2-digit prime factor
  • [125, 270, 320, 30, 45, 100, 150] {
    2i×3j×5k with i, j, k ≥ 0
    } 5-smooth numbers
  • [202, 351, 204, 260, 296, 300, 354] have a three digit factor other than itself
  • [120, 143, 194, 8, 15, 98, 170] {
    n ∈ [k2 - 2, k2 + 2], k ∈ ℤ
    numbers within 2 of a perfect square
  • [191, 359, 305, 271, 199, 163, 109] {
    n > 100 ∧ n % 2 = 1
    } 3 digit odd numbers
  • [128, 196, 319, 193, 172, 158, 288] numbers wherein if i spell the numbers out digit by digit in english, i can take the first letter of each digit and use those letters to form an english word (i.e. anagrams are allowed)
  • [116, 217, 219, 215, 114, 127, 222] Three digit numbers in which you can draw a date separator between two digits and get a valid date in both month/day and day/month format (not necessarily with the separator in the same place)—the separator must follow, not precede, a medial zero
  • [16, 113, 153, 281, 325, 353, 364] any side of all primitive Pythagorean triangles with its hypotenuse no larger than the largest number in the deck
  • [95, 138, 246, 58, 335, 314, 247] squarefree composite numbers
  • [37, 53, 75, 339, 9, 57, 197] all digits are odd
  • [220, 162, 18, 42, 107, 201, 213, 230]
    n = a010d + a110d-1 + ... + ad100 with 0 < Σi∈[0,d]ai < 10; ai ≥ 0, d > 0; k ∈ ℤ
    } numbers where the sum of the digits is a single digit
  • [121, 209, 252, 29, 67, 92, 119 ] {
    (n(n+1)/2 + 1) or (n(n+1)/2 - 1)
    } numbers that are exactly one away from a triangular number
  • [134, 146, 238, 248, 145, 139, 236] {
    n = 100*a + 10*b + c with 0 < a < b < c < 10
    } 3 digit numbers whose digits are in strictly ascending order
  • [176, 298, 295, 251, 330, 258, and 211] {
    n = 100*a + 10*b + c, b is odd
    } 3 digit numbers where the middle digit is odd
  • [20, 56, 60, 85, 36, 41, 66, 79, 82] {
    9 < n < 100
    2 digit numbers
  • [361, 283, 343, 223, 241, 355, 331, 91] {
    n ≡ 1 (mod 6)
    } (multiples of 6) + 1
  • [105, 122, 239, 287, 50, 177, 263] digit sum is squarefree (1 counts as squarefree)
  • [244, 267, 212, 221, 288, 227, 206] numbers where the amount of digits that are "2" is an infinitely recurring percentage
  • [347, 130, 357, 233, 133, 307, 340, 362] numbers where the amount of digits that are "3" is an infinitely recurring percentage.
  • [65, 345 285, 240, 160, 70, 225] {
    5 | n
    } multiples of 5
  • [47, 74, 131, 245, 71, 117, 151] remove each digit that is a power of 2 (including 1) and you're left with a prime
  • [80, 187, 345, 156, 178, 185 344] numbers that contain an L when written in roman numerals
  • [102, 366, 87, 108, 198, 264, 159] {
    3 | n
    } multiplies of 3
  • [73, 157, 231, 35, 111, 72, 101] {
    n = a010d + a110d-1 + ... + ad100 with aii is not composite, d > 0 ∈ ℤ
    } Numbers none of whose digits are composite

Topology: Micc, Not_Mafia: 82 points
  • [171, 323, 77] palindromes
  • [249, 224, 292] Remove each digit that is a 2 and you are left with a perfect square.
Measure: StrangerCoug, vincentw: 84 points
  • [81, 189, 324, 27] {
    27 | n
    } multiples of 27
  • [46, 59, 164] {
    n ≡ ±1 (mod 15)
    } numbers equivalent to ±1 mod 15
  • [286, 207, 349] {
    n = a010d + a110d-1 + ... + ad100 with Σi∈[0,d]ai = k2; ai ≥ 0, d > 0; k ∈ ℤ
    } Numbers whose digit sum is a perfect square
  • [318, 266, 208, 154] {
    n = a010d + a110d-1 + ... + ad100 with 2 | Σi∈[0,d]ai and 2 | n, d > 0 ∈ ℤ
    } Even numbers whose digit sum is also even
Dynamics: lilith2013, skitter30: 99 points
  • [328, 28, 276, 275] numbers that contain a 27 or 28
  • [124, 214, 282] {
    n = a010d + a110d-1 + ... + ad100 with ai = 2k; ai ≥ 0, d > 0; k ∈ ℤ
    } numbers that consist only of digits that are powers of 2 (including 1)
It is
's turn.

There are 32 cards remaining

Posted: Sat Jun 27, 2020 7:14 am
by Plotinus
Prodding vincentw

Posted: Sat Jun 27, 2020 9:26 pm
by vincentw
Play 23, 293, and 161 as numbers equivalent to 5 mod 6.

Posted: Sat Jun 27, 2020 10:28 pm
by Plotinus
Spoiler: completed sequences
  • [54, 183, 272, 313, 115, 182, 278, 218 ] Numbers where you can ignore 1 digit and use mathematical operators on the remaining digits to get 4
  • [78, 126, 336, 348, 192, 315, 123] {
    n is composite and n = a010d + a110d-1 + ... + ad100 with Σi∈[0,d]ai is composite; ai ≥ 0, d > 0
    } composite numbers whose digit sum is composite
  • [55, 226, 253, 190, 19, 352, 334] {
    n = a010d + a110d-1 + ... + ad100 with Σi∈[0,d]ai = 10; ai ≥ 0, d > 0
    } numbers whose digit sum equals 10
  • [3, 7, 229, 5, 179, 17, 137] primes
  • [25, 44, 63, 365, 52, 62, 88, 175] {
    i % (i % 10) == 0
    } Numbers divisible by their last digit
  • [166, 337, 333, 112, 311, 155, 144, 338] Numbers with at least one immediately repeating digit
  • [1, 4, 43, 141, 301, 302, 341] have four or fewer factors
  • [90, 322, 303, 329, 136, 210, 149, 228, 38, 188] numbers that are composite after removing the smallest digit
  • [234, 342, 356, 140, 173, 200, 280, 299] {
    n = 100×a + 10×b + c with c < a + b
    } 3 digit numbers where the last digit is less than the sum of the first two digits
  • [39, 86, 261, 32, 33, 76, 93] can be spelled digit by digit with ten or fewer letters in English, no leading zeroes, 0 is spelled as zero
  • [174, 118, 274, 232, 316, 180, 358 ] {
    2 | n ∧ n ≥ 100
    } 3 digit even numbers
  • [48, 135, 306, 40, 84, 132, 243] {
    k2 | n, k > 1
    } numbers that are divisible by a perfect square greater than one
  • [235, 242, 268, 259, 22, 34, 195, 97] numbers with a 2-digit prime factor
  • [125, 270, 320, 30, 45, 100, 150] {
    2i×3j×5k with i, j, k ≥ 0
    } 5-smooth numbers
  • [202, 351, 204, 260, 296, 300, 354] have a three digit factor other than itself
  • [120, 143, 194, 8, 15, 98, 170] {
    n ∈ [k2 - 2, k2 + 2], k ∈ ℤ
    numbers within 2 of a perfect square
  • [191, 359, 305, 271, 199, 163, 109] {
    n > 100 ∧ n % 2 = 1
    } 3 digit odd numbers
  • [128, 196, 319, 193, 172, 158, 288] numbers wherein if i spell the numbers out digit by digit in english, i can take the first letter of each digit and use those letters to form an english word (i.e. anagrams are allowed)
  • [116, 217, 219, 215, 114, 127, 222] Three digit numbers in which you can draw a date separator between two digits and get a valid date in both month/day and day/month format (not necessarily with the separator in the same place)—the separator must follow, not precede, a medial zero
  • [16, 113, 153, 281, 325, 353, 364] any side of all primitive Pythagorean triangles with its hypotenuse no larger than the largest number in the deck
  • [95, 138, 246, 58, 335, 314, 247] squarefree composite numbers
  • [37, 53, 75, 339, 9, 57, 197] all digits are odd
  • [220, 162, 18, 42, 107, 201, 213, 230]
    n = a010d + a110d-1 + ... + ad100 with 0 < Σi∈[0,d]ai < 10; ai ≥ 0, d > 0; k ∈ ℤ
    } numbers where the sum of the digits is a single digit
  • [121, 209, 252, 29, 67, 92, 119 ] {
    (n(n+1)/2 + 1) or (n(n+1)/2 - 1)
    } numbers that are exactly one away from a triangular number
  • [134, 146, 238, 248, 145, 139, 236] {
    n = 100*a + 10*b + c with 0 < a < b < c < 10
    } 3 digit numbers whose digits are in strictly ascending order
  • [176, 298, 295, 251, 330, 258, and 211] {
    n = 100*a + 10*b + c, b is odd
    } 3 digit numbers where the middle digit is odd
  • [20, 56, 60, 85, 36, 41, 66, 79, 82] {
    9 < n < 100
    2 digit numbers
  • [361, 283, 343, 223, 241, 355, 331, 91] {
    n ≡ 1 (mod 6)
    } (multiples of 6) + 1
  • [105, 122, 239, 287, 50, 177, 263] digit sum is squarefree (1 counts as squarefree)
  • [244, 267, 212, 221, 288, 227, 206] numbers where the amount of digits that are "2" is an infinitely recurring percentage
  • [347, 130, 357, 233, 133, 307, 340, 362] numbers where the amount of digits that are "3" is an infinitely recurring percentage.
  • [65, 345 285, 240, 160, 70, 225] {
    5 | n
    } multiples of 5
  • [47, 74, 131, 245, 71, 117, 151] remove each digit that is a power of 2 (including 1) and you're left with a prime
  • [80, 187, 345, 156, 178, 185 344] numbers that contain an L when written in roman numerals
  • [102, 366, 87, 108, 198, 264, 159] {
    3 | n
    } multiplies of 3
  • [73, 157, 231, 35, 111, 72, 101] {
    n = a010d + a110d-1 + ... + ad100 with aii is not composite, d > 0 ∈ ℤ
    } Numbers none of whose digits are composite

Topology: Micc, Not_Mafia: 82 points
  • [171, 323, 77] palindromes
  • [249, 224, 292] Remove each digit that is a 2 and you are left with a perfect square.
Measure: StrangerCoug, vincentw: 84 points
  • [81, 189, 324, 27] {
    27 | n
    } multiples of 27
  • [46, 59, 164] {
    n ≡ ±1 (mod 15)
    } numbers equivalent to ±1 mod 15
  • [286, 207, 349] {
    n = a010d + a110d-1 + ... + ad100 with Σi∈[0,d]ai = k2; ai ≥ 0, d > 0; k ∈ ℤ
    } Numbers whose digit sum is a perfect square
  • [318, 266, 208, 154] {
    n = a010d + a110d-1 + ... + ad100 with 2 | Σi∈[0,d]ai and 2 | n, d > 0 ∈ ℤ
    } Even numbers whose digit sum is also even
  • [23, 293, 161] {
    n ≡ 5 (mod 6)
    } numbers equivalent to 5 mod 6
Dynamics: lilith2013, skitter30: 99 points
  • [328, 28, 276, 275] numbers that contain a 27 or 28
  • [124, 214, 282] {
    n = a010d + a110d-1 + ... + ad100 with ai = 2k; ai ≥ 0, d > 0; k ∈ ℤ
    } numbers that consist only of digits that are powers of 2 (including 1)
It is
's turn.

There are 29 cards remaining

Posted: Mon Jun 29, 2020 5:28 pm
by skitter30
In post 770, Plotinus wrote:[81, 189, 324, 27] { 27 | n } multiples of 27

Posted: Mon Jun 29, 2020 6:10 pm
by Plotinus
Spoiler: completed sequences
  • [54, 183, 272, 313, 115, 182, 278, 218 ] Numbers where you can ignore 1 digit and use mathematical operators on the remaining digits to get 4
  • [78, 126, 336, 348, 192, 315, 123] {
    n is composite and n = a010d + a110d-1 + ... + ad100 with Σi∈[0,d]ai is composite; ai ≥ 0, d > 0
    } composite numbers whose digit sum is composite
  • [55, 226, 253, 190, 19, 352, 334] {
    n = a010d + a110d-1 + ... + ad100 with Σi∈[0,d]ai = 10; ai ≥ 0, d > 0
    } numbers whose digit sum equals 10
  • [3, 7, 229, 5, 179, 17, 137] primes
  • [25, 44, 63, 365, 52, 62, 88, 175] {
    i % (i % 10) == 0
    } Numbers divisible by their last digit
  • [166, 337, 333, 112, 311, 155, 144, 338] Numbers with at least one immediately repeating digit
  • [1, 4, 43, 141, 301, 302, 341] have four or fewer factors
  • [90, 322, 303, 329, 136, 210, 149, 228, 38, 188] numbers that are composite after removing the smallest digit
  • [234, 342, 356, 140, 173, 200, 280, 299] {
    n = 100×a + 10×b + c with c < a + b
    } 3 digit numbers where the last digit is less than the sum of the first two digits
  • [39, 86, 261, 32, 33, 76, 93] can be spelled digit by digit with ten or fewer letters in English, no leading zeroes, 0 is spelled as zero
  • [174, 118, 274, 232, 316, 180, 358 ] {
    2 | n ∧ n ≥ 100
    } 3 digit even numbers
  • [48, 135, 306, 40, 84, 132, 243] {
    k2 | n, k > 1
    } numbers that are divisible by a perfect square greater than one
  • [235, 242, 268, 259, 22, 34, 195, 97] numbers with a 2-digit prime factor
  • [125, 270, 320, 30, 45, 100, 150] {
    2i×3j×5k with i, j, k ≥ 0
    } 5-smooth numbers
  • [202, 351, 204, 260, 296, 300, 354] have a three digit factor other than itself
  • [120, 143, 194, 8, 15, 98, 170] {
    n ∈ [k2 - 2, k2 + 2], k ∈ ℤ
    numbers within 2 of a perfect square
  • [191, 359, 305, 271, 199, 163, 109] {
    n > 100 ∧ n % 2 = 1
    } 3 digit odd numbers
  • [128, 196, 319, 193, 172, 158, 288] numbers wherein if i spell the numbers out digit by digit in english, i can take the first letter of each digit and use those letters to form an english word (i.e. anagrams are allowed)
  • [116, 217, 219, 215, 114, 127, 222] Three digit numbers in which you can draw a date separator between two digits and get a valid date in both month/day and day/month format (not necessarily with the separator in the same place)—the separator must follow, not precede, a medial zero
  • [16, 113, 153, 281, 325, 353, 364] any side of all primitive Pythagorean triangles with its hypotenuse no larger than the largest number in the deck
  • [95, 138, 246, 58, 335, 314, 247] squarefree composite numbers
  • [37, 53, 75, 339, 9, 57, 197] all digits are odd
  • [220, 162, 18, 42, 107, 201, 213, 230]
    n = a010d + a110d-1 + ... + ad100 with 0 < Σi∈[0,d]ai < 10; ai ≥ 0, d > 0; k ∈ ℤ
    } numbers where the sum of the digits is a single digit
  • [121, 209, 252, 29, 67, 92, 119 ] {
    (n(n+1)/2 + 1) or (n(n+1)/2 - 1)
    } numbers that are exactly one away from a triangular number
  • [134, 146, 238, 248, 145, 139, 236] {
    n = 100*a + 10*b + c with 0 < a < b < c < 10
    } 3 digit numbers whose digits are in strictly ascending order
  • [176, 298, 295, 251, 330, 258, and 211] {
    n = 100*a + 10*b + c, b is odd
    } 3 digit numbers where the middle digit is odd
  • [20, 56, 60, 85, 36, 41, 66, 79, 82] {
    9 < n < 100
    2 digit numbers
  • [361, 283, 343, 223, 241, 355, 331, 91] {
    n ≡ 1 (mod 6)
    } (multiples of 6) + 1
  • [105, 122, 239, 287, 50, 177, 263] digit sum is squarefree (1 counts as squarefree)
  • [244, 267, 212, 221, 288, 227, 206] numbers where the amount of digits that are "2" is an infinitely recurring percentage
  • [347, 130, 357, 233, 133, 307, 340, 362] numbers where the amount of digits that are "3" is an infinitely recurring percentage.
  • [65, 345 285, 240, 160, 70, 225] {
    5 | n
    } multiples of 5
  • [47, 74, 131, 245, 71, 117, 151] remove each digit that is a power of 2 (including 1) and you're left with a prime
  • [80, 187, 345, 156, 178, 185 344] numbers that contain an L when written in roman numerals
  • [102, 366, 87, 108, 198, 264, 159] {
    3 | n
    } multiplies of 3
  • [73, 157, 231, 35, 111, 72, 101] {
    n = a010d + a110d-1 + ... + ad100 with aii is not composite, d > 0 ∈ ℤ
    } Numbers none of whose digits are composite

Topology: Micc, Not_Mafia: 82 points
  • [171, 323, 77] palindromes
  • [249, 224, 292] Remove each digit that is a 2 and you are left with a perfect square.
Measure: StrangerCoug, vincentw: 84 points
  • [81, 189, 324, 27, 297] {
    27 | n
    } multiples of 27
  • [46, 59, 164] {
    n ≡ ±1 (mod 15)
    } numbers equivalent to ±1 mod 15
  • [286, 207, 349] {
    n = a010d + a110d-1 + ... + ad100 with Σi∈[0,d]ai = k2; ai ≥ 0, d > 0; k ∈ ℤ
    } Numbers whose digit sum is a perfect square
  • [318, 266, 208, 154] {
    n = a010d + a110d-1 + ... + ad100 with 2 | Σi∈[0,d]ai and 2 | n, d > 0 ∈ ℤ
    } Even numbers whose digit sum is also even
  • [23, 293, 161] {
    n ≡ 5 (mod 6)
    } numbers equivalent to 5 mod 6
Dynamics: lilith2013, skitter30: 99 points
  • [328, 28, 276, 275] numbers that contain a 27 or 28
  • [124, 214, 282] {
    n = a010d + a110d-1 + ... + ad100 with ai = 2k; ai ≥ 0, d > 0; k ∈ ℤ
    } numbers that consist only of digits that are powers of 2 (including 1)
It is
's turn.

There are 28 cards remaining

Posted: Mon Jun 29, 2020 6:46 pm
by Micc
64, 6, 350 to complete even numbers whose digit sum is also even

Posted: Mon Jun 29, 2020 6:57 pm
by Plotinus
Spoiler: completed sequences
  • [54, 183, 272, 313, 115, 182, 278, 218 ] Numbers where you can ignore 1 digit and use mathematical operators on the remaining digits to get 4
  • [78, 126, 336, 348, 192, 315, 123] {
    n is composite and n = a010d + a110d-1 + ... + ad100 with Σi∈[0,d]ai is composite; ai ≥ 0, d > 0
    } composite numbers whose digit sum is composite
  • [55, 226, 253, 190, 19, 352, 334] {
    n = a010d + a110d-1 + ... + ad100 with Σi∈[0,d]ai = 10; ai ≥ 0, d > 0
    } numbers whose digit sum equals 10
  • [3, 7, 229, 5, 179, 17, 137] primes
  • [25, 44, 63, 365, 52, 62, 88, 175] {
    i % (i % 10) == 0
    } Numbers divisible by their last digit
  • [166, 337, 333, 112, 311, 155, 144, 338] Numbers with at least one immediately repeating digit
  • [1, 4, 43, 141, 301, 302, 341] have four or fewer factors
  • [90, 322, 303, 329, 136, 210, 149, 228, 38, 188] numbers that are composite after removing the smallest digit
  • [234, 342, 356, 140, 173, 200, 280, 299] {
    n = 100×a + 10×b + c with c < a + b
    } 3 digit numbers where the last digit is less than the sum of the first two digits
  • [39, 86, 261, 32, 33, 76, 93] can be spelled digit by digit with ten or fewer letters in English, no leading zeroes, 0 is spelled as zero
  • [174, 118, 274, 232, 316, 180, 358 ] {
    2 | n ∧ n ≥ 100
    } 3 digit even numbers
  • [48, 135, 306, 40, 84, 132, 243] {
    k2 | n, k > 1
    } numbers that are divisible by a perfect square greater than one
  • [235, 242, 268, 259, 22, 34, 195, 97] numbers with a 2-digit prime factor
  • [125, 270, 320, 30, 45, 100, 150] {
    2i×3j×5k with i, j, k ≥ 0
    } 5-smooth numbers
  • [202, 351, 204, 260, 296, 300, 354] have a three digit factor other than itself
  • [120, 143, 194, 8, 15, 98, 170] {
    n ∈ [k2 - 2, k2 + 2], k ∈ ℤ
    numbers within 2 of a perfect square
  • [191, 359, 305, 271, 199, 163, 109] {
    n > 100 ∧ n % 2 = 1
    } 3 digit odd numbers
  • [128, 196, 319, 193, 172, 158, 288] numbers wherein if i spell the numbers out digit by digit in english, i can take the first letter of each digit and use those letters to form an english word (i.e. anagrams are allowed)
  • [116, 217, 219, 215, 114, 127, 222] Three digit numbers in which you can draw a date separator between two digits and get a valid date in both month/day and day/month format (not necessarily with the separator in the same place)—the separator must follow, not precede, a medial zero
  • [16, 113, 153, 281, 325, 353, 364] any side of all primitive Pythagorean triangles with its hypotenuse no larger than the largest number in the deck
  • [95, 138, 246, 58, 335, 314, 247] squarefree composite numbers
  • [37, 53, 75, 339, 9, 57, 197] all digits are odd
  • [220, 162, 18, 42, 107, 201, 213, 230]
    n = a010d + a110d-1 + ... + ad100 with 0 < Σi∈[0,d]ai < 10; ai ≥ 0, d > 0; k ∈ ℤ
    } numbers where the sum of the digits is a single digit
  • [121, 209, 252, 29, 67, 92, 119 ] {
    (n(n+1)/2 + 1) or (n(n+1)/2 - 1)
    } numbers that are exactly one away from a triangular number
  • [134, 146, 238, 248, 145, 139, 236] {
    n = 100*a + 10*b + c with 0 < a < b < c < 10
    } 3 digit numbers whose digits are in strictly ascending order
  • [176, 298, 295, 251, 330, 258, and 211] {
    n = 100*a + 10*b + c, b is odd
    } 3 digit numbers where the middle digit is odd
  • [20, 56, 60, 85, 36, 41, 66, 79, 82] {
    9 < n < 100
    2 digit numbers
  • [361, 283, 343, 223, 241, 355, 331, 91] {
    n ≡ 1 (mod 6)
    } (multiples of 6) + 1
  • [105, 122, 239, 287, 50, 177, 263] digit sum is squarefree (1 counts as squarefree)
  • [244, 267, 212, 221, 288, 227, 206] numbers where the amount of digits that are "2" is an infinitely recurring percentage
  • [347, 130, 357, 233, 133, 307, 340, 362] numbers where the amount of digits that are "3" is an infinitely recurring percentage.
  • [65, 345 285, 240, 160, 70, 225] {
    5 | n
    } multiples of 5
  • [47, 74, 131, 245, 71, 117, 151] remove each digit that is a power of 2 (including 1) and you're left with a prime
  • [80, 187, 345, 156, 178, 185 344] numbers that contain an L when written in roman numerals
  • [102, 366, 87, 108, 198, 264, 159] {
    3 | n
    } multiplies of 3
  • [73, 157, 231, 35, 111, 72, 101] {
    n = a010d + a110d-1 + ... + ad100 with aii is not composite, d > 0 ∈ ℤ
    } Numbers none of whose digits are composite
  • [318, 266, 208, 154, 64, 6, 350] {
    n = a010d + a110d-1 + ... + ad100 with 2 | Σi∈[0,d]ai and 2 | n, d > 0 ∈ ℤ
    } Even numbers whose digit sum is also even

Topology: Micc, Not_Mafia: 89 points
  • [171, 323, 77] palindromes
  • [249, 224, 292] Remove each digit that is a 2 and you are left with a perfect square.
Measure: StrangerCoug, vincentw: 84 points
  • [46, 59, 164] {
    n ≡ ±1 (mod 15)
    } numbers equivalent to ±1 mod 15
  • [286, 207, 349] {
    n = a010d + a110d-1 + ... + ad100 with Σi∈[0,d]ai = k2; ai ≥ 0, d > 0; k ∈ ℤ
    } Numbers whose digit sum is a perfect square
  • [23, 293, 161] {
    n ≡ 5 (mod 6)
    } numbers equivalent to 5 mod 6
Dynamics: lilith2013, skitter30: 99 points
  • [328, 28, 276, 275] numbers that contain a 27 or 28
  • [124, 214, 282] {
    n = a010d + a110d-1 + ... + ad100 with ai = 2k; ai ≥ 0, d > 0; k ∈ ℤ
    } numbers that consist only of digits that are powers of 2 (including 1)
  • [81, 189, 324, 27, 297] {
    27 | n
    } multiples of 27
It is
's turn.

There are 25 cards remaining