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WALRUS (congrats to the winners / go join heltris walrus)

Posted: Sun Feb 14, 2021 6:38 pm
by schadd_
  • you send me 7 or 8 songs that fit each category i lay out below. i grade them based on how much i like them, how well they fit the category, and a couple other things.
  • its like song contest but, for the general population of people who aren't me, it's like all submitting and no judging
  • i will listen and grade the songs myself and then sporadically schedule listening events in discord
  • you should submit to this!!!
  • this concept is stolen from mafia universe

tris. caled f witch. sleepy krew (youll be like "oh i dont know enough songs to do this." i dont care). hell books. mcmenno. cheetory6. chevre. shaft.ed. psyche. if zoraster is looking at this he doesn't need me to tell him that i would inevitably find his submissions very funny. any and all unmentioned monthly music thread and song game regulars. daisy buchanan. anix

plenty of people should still send me songs even if you are not listed here, especially if you feel as though you have some distant handle on the sort of music i like or just like recommending things. you should only not send me songs if you are only doing it to, like, be a problem, or propagandize opposition to the reunification of korea/ireland/carolina

your score for each category primarily gets determined by two concepts: 7 points for how much i like the song* (categories 1 and 2 are deliberately placed to help you think through this) and 3 points for Categorical Fittance (or "catfit" for short), i.e. how well i think it embodies the category i laid out. provisionally i might award further points for a particularly brilliant or obliquely effective catfit, or maybe just extra points for a song i really like.

my familiarity with the song also affects the score. in particular, if it is totally unfamiliar, i will give it 0.8 extra points, with a sliding scale down to 0 points for something i definitely know. additionally, i will place hard caps on the possible enjoyment points of something i am already Epically Familiar with - if you submit something from one of these albums or something in this thread, you will most likely not get more than 3 points worth of enjoyment. i would say i'm -very- familiar with most of those artists, so like don't expect to get more than 0 unfamiliarity points even if you are submitting a B-side or something. i dunno. oh also don't just resubmit the example songs.

your submissions should make it easy for me to anonymize who submitted each song - check the submission guidelines to see how that works. i will also be playing song game with each of the submissions - if i correctly guess that you submitted your song after listening, you'll be deducted 0.1 point. yes this is an absolutely trivial amount.

i will drop the lowest score you get, which means
you can just not submit a song for one of them if you're stumped
. otherwise, all your scores are added up, and then those are the final standings. you also get 2.0/1.5/1.0 bonus points for being 1st/2nd/3rd.

i will try to process categories on a weekly or biweekly basis, meaning that the results of the game get dished out over the course of about 3 months. wow! i'll do a big dramatic playing of each category in discord, as well as posting the results here.

*Warning: Extreme nit and Unbridled grit appears in the following footnote. so usually i rate things out of 5, except also something like 95% of music fits in the range of 3-5 under my usual measure, so i am opting to blow that range up to 4 instead of 2. so like if i would usually give something a 3.3, that becomes a 3.6 because that .3 above the 3 gets twice as big

you can send me things via mafiascum PM, or discord, or whatever. mafiascum is ideal bc there's no video previews. ideally it is in the form:

1. [youtube link]
2. [youtube link]
3. i am skipping this category
4. [soundcloud link]

i will be trying to keep it a secret from myself who submitted which song until the reveals happen. youtube links are great, because i can't see the name of the song in your dm and remember that you sent it. anything that has that characteristic and can be played by the rythm bot in discord. don't worry about region restrictions for the youtube links. i love bandcamp but those links would be a problem for this.

you can think of shorter songs as being a courtesy to me. i reserve the right to not finish excessively long songs that don't really work for me

feel free to update submisisons before the deadline

in this category, quite simply, the catfit points just amplify the enjoyment points. so i'll try to help you figure out what songs i like!

these are my favorite albums. these are my favorite songs. (dont submit those exact ones.)

i like songs that are experimental, or artsy, or present me with something i haven't experienced before. here is a song that did that recently. heres another

i like songs that make interesting use of electronics, especially when they result in a distinctly human feeling. this song does that. (NOISE WARNING) this song does that too.

i like songs that feel like they have a lot of moving parts. this song does. this song does too.

i like songs that are emotive. here's a song that's very tense and sorrowful. here's a song that's very loving.

i like songs that are either very active or rather sparse. here's an active song. here's a more sparse song.

i like pop music

theres a lot of different stuff i like but theres still a few sorts of music i tend to dislike. pop punk, regular punk, post-punk, pre-punk, "emo", nu metal, edm?, the great trifecta of british 70s rock music (david bowie, pink floyd, queen), annoying man singers, things that are accompanied by a video of anime girls singing the song. each of these things has exceptions though and i'm always excited when they spring up.


send something that strongly sounds like it's got something going on that you don't understand. maybe an inside joke that only exists between the band members and a small amount of their twitter followers, or some undergirding musical structure that is doomed to go over your head, some lyrics that clearly mean something but are also indecipherable, an instrumentation that seems like it's provoking an emotion that's not installed in your brain.


i like when theres two singers in a song. especially when they work well with each other. send me a pair of vocalists that have really good chemistry. (your song can have more than two vocalists in it, generally i will be judging based on how well two vocalists work together. the vocalists can also be the same person recording themself multiple times)


Spoiler: CAT 5: CAT IMAGES
theres these two pictures of cats from online.

Image Image

i want you to send me a song that is evocative of ONE OF THESE CATS. i want to listen to your song while looking at the two cat pictures and think "ohh yes, it's that one on the left." OR "that cat on the right would like this song."

left cat examples: right cat examples:

good music usually makes my minds eye run rampant. some songs in particular do a good job of painting this picture of a place, a teeming city, a vast landscape, a gathering of people - either by describing them well, or featuring a swath of instrumentation that is coded with a broadness of feeling, or some other magic thing. send me a song like that


Spoiler: CAT 7: GOOD DRUMS
send me a song with some good drumming in it. oh you don't pay attention to drums in your music? tough break. you should start doing that. drum machinery is fine, but i strongly prefer something with an actual drum sort of sound rather than a general beat for this category. i really like it when they open and close the hi hat.

Spoiler: CAT 8: TIRED
give me something lethargic, a song that feels like it wants to summon more energy but is unable to. something that is slower that has feelings of physical wear, like textural imperfections in the instruments.


i will leave (expired on 2021-03-08 23:59:00) to submit some songs to me

  1. chickadee busts thru the finish line!!!!
  2. sirius 9121
  4. hellbooks
  5. PJ
  6. Ariel
  7. shaft.ed
  8. Davsto
  9. caledfwitch
  10. N
  11. SleepyKrew
  12. tris
  13. GeorgeBailey
  14. Cheetory6
  15. Chevre

Posted: Sun Feb 14, 2021 9:34 pm
by PJ.

Posted: Mon Feb 15, 2021 4:09 am
by SleepyKrew
oh i dont know enough songs to do this, not that you care :(

Posted: Mon Feb 15, 2021 4:47 am
by schadd_
In post 2, SleepyKrew wrote:oh i dont know enough songs to do this, not that you care :(
it can be an exercise where you take the 8 songs you know and see what permutation among the categories would work best. Itll be fun i promise

Posted: Mon Feb 15, 2021 6:41 am
by Davsto
ego probably

Posted: Mon Feb 15, 2021 9:03 am
by schadd_
errata for the "tough luck" clause in cat 7: if you have absolutely 0 access to any good drumming and need to fill out the category, you can blindly submit something from the general jazz canon and have pretty decent odds.

also editing in bonus points for the top 3 scorers in each category

Posted: Mon Feb 15, 2021 4:10 pm
by caledfwitch
i will do this HOWEVER i famously listen to like 50 songs so i dont want to be unfairly docked for my musical cowardice. im like the music listening equivalent of someone who goes to restaurants and orders chicken strips every time

Posted: Mon Feb 15, 2021 4:15 pm
by PJ.
chicken strips are so good.

Posted: Thu Feb 18, 2021 4:26 am
by PJ.
Is the internet a place

Posted: Thu Feb 18, 2021 5:35 am
by schadd_
actually its a band

as long as i start picturing the internet in the way that one would picture a place then sure itd work

Posted: Thu Feb 18, 2021 7:17 am
by tris
am i picking the right songs?

Posted: Thu Feb 18, 2021 9:06 am
by schadd_

Posted: Thu Feb 18, 2021 5:37 pm
by Sirius9121
good morning

Posted: Fri Feb 19, 2021 5:34 pm
by Chickadee
Thinking of these songs was no small task

Posted: Tue Feb 23, 2021 7:11 am
by shaft.ed
tempted to join and only submit billy joel songs

Posted: Tue Feb 23, 2021 8:27 am
by PJ.
In post 13, Chickadee wrote:Thinking of these songs was no small task
i've been like 4/8 for like a week and a half.

Posted: Tue Feb 23, 2021 12:07 pm
by tris
i'm at 6ish

Posted: Tue Feb 23, 2021 12:26 pm
by Elbirn
I'm sorry schadd I see your call to action but I would simply game the system by choosing 8 absolute bangers and hoping I get enough points based on goodness and not being related to the category

I also probably don't know 8 absolute bangers anyway

is that what the kids still call em? bangers? hm.

Posted: Tue Feb 23, 2021 12:46 pm
by schadd_
8 bangers strategy would be fine but i dont think it would be expected to score higher than category attempts

that said its something you can surely fall back on if theres certain categorios that seem unworkable

Posted: Tue Feb 23, 2021 1:18 pm
by SleepyKrew
I'm gonna submit 4 bangers 4 mash

Posted: Tue Feb 23, 2021 1:19 pm
by SleepyKrew

Posted: Tue Feb 23, 2021 2:26 pm
by Elbirn
oh nvm I found bangers that fit yeah I am /in it to win it just you see

Posted: Tue Feb 23, 2021 2:27 pm
by schadd_
dope !

also want to make clear that the 8x billy joel strategy is also ok

Posted: Tue Feb 23, 2021 2:39 pm
by Davsto
i believe the plural is billys joel

Posted: Wed Feb 24, 2021 1:59 am
by shiki
/in walrus (schadd_'s stupid game); thankyou for the invitation
In post 0, schadd_ wrote:i will leave (expired on 2021-03-07 23:59:00) to submit some songs to me, or i might just call it early if too many people have joined (i doubt that this will end up needing to happen)
please give until deadline, as i would like to not hope for not too many people to join,