Newbie 2076 [Game Over]

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Newbie 2076 [Game Over]

Post Post #0 (ISO) » Mon Aug 09, 2021 3:23 pm

Post by Umlaut »

Newbie 2076

or, The Story of the Mod Too Lazy to Think of a Theme

  1. GrandpaMo**
    (replaces Clasko*)

  2. Roden*
  3. alstroemerial
  4. StrangeMatter
    (replaces Astra)

  5. MargotRosa**
  6. Ythan**
    (replaces HockeyFan)

  7. Egix96 (SE)
  8. LicketyQuickety (SE)
  9. T3*** (SE)
(Asterisks denote prods.)

Spoiler: Game state
It is currently
Day 2
. The day will end in (expired on 2021-08-30 03:48:00).

  • LicketyQuickety, a
    Mafia Rolecop
    , was eliminated Day 1.
  • Egix 96, a
    Vanilla Townie
    , was eliminated Day 2.
  • alstroemerial, a
    Town Doctor
    , was killed Night 2.
  • StrangeMatter, a
    Vanilla Townie
    , was eliminated Day 3.
  • Ythan, a
    Town Tracker
    , was killed Night 3.
  • GrandpaMo, a
    Vanilla Townie
    , was killed Night 4.

Day 1:
| | | | | | | | | |
Day 2:

Spoiler: settings
Living PlayersRoden


Deadline(expired on 2021-09-16 19:36:49)
Last edited by Umlaut on Sun Aug 22, 2021 4:53 pm, edited 6 times in total.
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Post Post #1 (ISO) » Mon Aug 09, 2021 3:32 pm

Post by Umlaut »


None of these rules supercede or contradict the Forum Rules and Guidelines, all of which are in full force.

  • This is a semi-open setup (see next post for details).
  • Day 1 lasts up to
    240 hours (10 days)
    ; subsequent days last up to
    168 hours (7 days)
  • Nights last
    48 hours (2 days)
    , but can end early if all living players want that.
  • You must post at least once per
    36 hours
    to avoid being prodded and eventually replaced.
  • Standard majority-only elimination mechanics.
  • Mafia have daytalk.

  • Don't use
    , it's my color.
  • Play to win.
  • Don't discuss the game outside of the game until it's over.
  • Don't flame. Don't harass. Don't use insults that target minority, disadvantaged, or legally protected classes.
  • Keep interpersonal disputes out of the game thread.
  • Don't quote or misquote private communications from the moderator.
  • Don't use encryption, tiny/hidden/unreadable text, or anything that could be easily confused for such.
  • Replace-out requests should be made via PM and not posted in-thread.
  • All replacement requests (even if posted in-thread) will be taken as serious, irrevocable, and immediate. Once you request replacement you are no longer a player and may not post.
  • Don't game the rules, pretend to break the rules, or intentionally test the limits. All pretended violations will be dealt with identically to actual violations.
  • Don't break the rules of any other ongoing game in this thread.
  • Don't argue moderator actions in the game thread. If you want to dispute a ruling, do so via PM.

Game mechanics

  • Day 1 begins with a deadline of
    240 hours
    (10 days); subsequent days begin with a deadline of
    168 hours
    (7 days).
  • Days will end when one of the following events occurs:
    • The deadline is reached.
    • An elimination (or no-elimination) is achieved.
    • A town-aligned player is modkilled.
  • Votes should be made via the vote tag: “[vote]<playername>[/vote]” or “[v]<playername>[/v]”. Full player names or initial segments thereof are preferred.
  • When more than half of living players are voting for the same player, that player will be eliminated and the day will end. Votes are irrevocable once a majority is achieved.
  • You may vote not to eliminate anyone by voting for “No elimination”. When half or more of living players do so, the day will end without an elimination.
  • If the day reaches deadline without a majority, there will be no elimination.
  • I will interpret malformed votes according to my own discretion. In general, if it looks like a vote, I will probably count it as a vote. I reserve the right to edit malformed votes for easier counting.
  • When a majority vote has been achieved but not yet recognized by the moderator, the game is in
    . Players, including the eliminated player, may continue to post during this period.
  • Under certain circumstances I may elect to extend the deadline. I will announce this in thread if it occurs.
  • Nights will last
    48 hours
    , or until all living players give me their approval to end the night early.
  • During the night, you should be unable to post in the public game thread. If for some reason you are able, doing so is still against the rules.
  • Mafia night abilities should be submitted in the Mafia's private thread. Factional kills must specify which mafioso carries out the kill.
  • Town night abilities should be submitted via PM.
  • Use of active night abilities is optional unless otherwise specified in the role PM; if no action is submitted, no action will occur.

Activity requirements
  • Players who do not confirm within
    48 hours
    of receiving their role PM will be replaced.
  • Players who do not post for
    36 hours
    in a single game-day will incur a prod.
  • Players who do not post for
    24 hours
    following a prod will be replaced.
  • Players who incur three prods will be replaced.
  • At my discretion, excessive “prod-dodging” may result in a mod warning and subsequently in disregard of future dodges.
  • If for any reason you are temporarily unable to meet these requirements, you may declare V/LA status
    in thread
    and be excused. V/LA declarations must include a definite end date.
  • Notwithstanding V/LA status, any player who does not post at all for
    5 days
    of consecutive day time will be replaced.
  • These are minimal requirements, not recommendations; please keep the game active.
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Post Post #2 (ISO) » Mon Aug 09, 2021 3:37 pm

Post by Umlaut »

Setup information

This game uses the NewD3 setup, designed by RadiantCowbells.

Mafia Roleblocker
Mafia Rolecop
Mafia Goon
Row 1
Town Cop and Town Doctor
Town Tracker and Town Friendly Neighbor
Town Cop and Vanilla Townie
Row 2
Town Jailkeeper and Town Tracker
Town Jailkeeper and Town Friendly Neighbor
Town Jailkeeper and Vanilla Townie
Row 3
Town Mason and Town Mason
Town Tracker and Town Doctor
Town Mason and Town Mason

Each Newbie Game will be given a setup that incorporates one mafia role from the top of a column, and then two town roles from a row below the selected mafia role.
The remaining six roles will be filled in by
one mafia goon
five vanilla townies
appropriately, to create a

All Newbie games use the Natural Action Resolution system for determining Night action effects.
Mafia Roleblocker
action takes precedence over a
Town Jailkeeper
action should that apply.

Mafia are able to communicate in their Private Topic at all times.

Spoiler: List of Setups
Column A & Row 1:
Mafia Roleblocker, Mafia Goon, Town Cop, Town Doctor, Vanilla Townie x 5
Column A & Row 2:
Mafia Roleblocker, Mafia Goon, Town Jailkeeper, Town Tracker, Vanilla Townie x 5
Column A & Row 3:
Mafia Roleblocker, Mafia Goon, Town Mason x2, Vanilla Townie x 5
Column B & Row 1:
Mafia Rolecop, Mafia Goon, Town Tracker, Town Friendly Neighbor, Vanilla Townie x 5
Column B & Row 2:
Mafia Rolecop, Mafia Goon, Town Jailkeeper, Town Friendly Neighbor, Vanilla Townie x 5
Column B & Row 3:
Mafia Rolecop, Mafia Goon, Town Tracker, Town Doctor, Vanilla Townie x 5
Column C & Row 1:
Mafia Goon x 2, Town Cop, Vanilla Townie x 6
Column C & Row 2:
Mafia Goon x 2, Town Jailkeeper, Vanilla Townie x 6
Column C & Row 3:
Mafia Goon x 2, Town Mason x2, Vanilla Townie x 5

Spoiler: Sample Role PMs
Vanilla TownieWelcome!

You are a
Vanilla Townie

You have no special abilities.

You win when all threats to the Town have been eliminated.

The game thread is here.

Confirm by replying with your role name and alignment.

Town JailkeeperWelcome!

You are a
Town Jailkeeper

You may target one player per night phase. This player will be protected from kills and be prevented from using their own action, if they have one, during that night phase. You cannot target yourself.

You win when all threats to the Town have been eliminated.

The game thread is here.

Confirm by replying with your role name and alignment.

Town CopWelcome!

You are a
Town Cop

You may target one player per night phase. At the end of the night phase, you will be informed if they are
. If you are roleblocked, you will receive no result.

You win when all threats to the Town have been eliminated.

The game thread is here.

Confirm by replying with your role name and alignment.

Town MasonWelcome!

You are a
Town Mason

You know that PLAYER NAME is Town-aligned. You also share a Private Thread (PT), located here, where you may talk at any time.

You have no active abilities.

You win when all threats to the Town have been eliminated.

The game thread is here.

Confirm by replying with your role name and alignment or by posting in your PT.

Town TrackerWelcome!

You are a
Town Tracker

You may target one player per night phase. At the end of the night phase, you will be informed what player or players they targeted with their action, if any. If you are roleblocked, you will receive no result.

You win when all threats to the Town have been eliminated.

The game thread is here.

Confirm by replying with your role name and alignment.

Town DoctorWelcome!

You are a
Town Doctor

You may target one player per night phase. This player will be protected from kills during that night phase. You cannot target yourself.

You win when all threats to the Town have been eliminated.

The game thread is here.

Confirm by replying with your role name and alignment.

Town Friendly NeighborWelcome!

You are a
Town Friendly Neighbor

You may target one player per night phase. This player will be sent a message informing them that you are Town-aligned.

You win when all threats to the Town have been eliminated.

The game thread is here.

Confirm by replying with your role name and alignment.

Mafia GoonWelcome!

You are a
Mafia Goon

Your partner is PLAYERNAME who is a
Mafia Goon/Roleblocker/Rolecop
. Together you share a factional kill each night. You must choose which of you will commit the kill. You also share a factional Private Thread (PT), located here, where you may talk at any time.

You win when the Town has been eliminated, or nothing can stop this from occurring.

The game thread is here.

Confirm by replying with your role name and alignment or by posting in your PT.

Mafia RolecopWelcome!

You are a
Mafia Rolecop

You may target one player per night phase. At the end of the night phase, you will be informed of their role but not their alignment.
Vanilla Townies
Mafia Goons
will both return "Vanilla". If you are roleblocked, you will receive no result.

Your partner is PLAYERNAME who is a
Mafia Goon
. Together you share a factional kill each night. You must choose which of you will commit the kill. You also share a factional Private Thread (PT), located here, where you may talk at any time.

You win when the Town has been eliminated, or nothing can stop this from occurring.

The game thread is here.

Confirm by replying with your role name and alignment or by posting in your PT.

Mafia RoleblockerWelcome!

You are a
Mafia Roleblocker

You may target one player per night. This player will be prevented from performing their own action, if any.

Your partner is PLAYERNAME who is a
Mafia Goon
. Together you share a factional kill each night. You must choose which of you will commit the kill. You also share a factional Private Thread (PT), located here, where you may talk at any time.

You win when the Town has been eliminated, or nothing can stop this from occurring.

The game thread is here.

Confirm by replying with your role name and alignment or by posting in your PT.
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Post Post #3 (ISO) » Mon Aug 09, 2021 3:38 pm

Post by Umlaut »

Introduction and tips

Here are some helpful links (a lot of them from our helpful wiki):

-> Forum Rules and Guidelines
-> The Glossary
-> Commonly Used Abbreviations
-> The Newbie Guide
-> Articles on How to Play Well (be sure to check the dates these were written/updated, as good advice changes over time)

Key Concepts and Tips


Try to check in at least once a day.
Besides the activity requirements listed in the moderator's original post, it's just necessary for a fun and healthy game that everyone
. If you post very rarely, or only post a little bit at a time, you may get scumread for lurking. Even if you are not scumread for it, what's the fun in playing a game where multiple people are hardly participating?

Site Meta

Meta is the description of how people on Mafiascum like to play mafia. Things can be different on other online mafia sites, or if you play IRL, so it's good to know what's expected of you on this site. These aren't "rules", per se, but if you don't follow these guidelines it is likely things will go poorly for you on MS. Some examples are...

Random Voting Stage (RVS)

Games on MafiaScum almost always begin with what we call the Random Voting Stage (RVS). At this point in the game, we are in a low information game state (except the mafia, which know everyone’s alignment). As a way to provoke reaction, start a discussion, and try to determine alignment, people will usually vote for non-serious reasons. As the discussion progresses, we will eventually get the game moving and progress out of RVS.

Voting, E-x, and Hammers

E-x is a way to convey how far away a player is away from elimination. For example, you should always announce that you are putting someone at E-1 (1 vote away from an elimination) so that someone doesn’t come along and accidentally vote for that player's elimination. This also prevents Mafia-aligned players from coming along and placing the final vote to eliminate (“hammer”) and claiming ignorance about doing so. You may also see E-2 and E-3 (2 votes away from elimination and 3 votes away from elimination, respectively).

Before you hammer a player, state your intent to hammer (usually done in bold) and ask the player to claim their role. This is done to prevent power roles from being eliminated, and can sometimes get Mafia-aligned players to be caught (via counter claiming). It's best to then allow other players to react and discuss the claim before hammering.

Claiming Your Role

It is almost always best to not claim your role unless you are at E-1 and have been asked to claim as part of an “intent to hammer.” This is because, as a town power role (“PR”), if you out prematurely, you are likely to be night-killed (“NK’d”). As a Vanilla Townie (“VT”), claiming early helps the mafia team narrow down the setup and possible PR candidates. An exception to this would be if a mafia player claimed your role, claiming early to counter the false claim (“CC”) would out the mafia player, and would be a benefit to the town.

Do not fake claim a power role as town!
While it may help you avoid getting eliminated, you might cause a real PR to out themselves by counterclaiming - then the mafia will know who the PR is, and you will probably get eliminated for lying to town. Feel free to fake a claim as scum, though, if you think it would help.


ELo is the shortened representation of “Eliminate or Lose.” ELo in the Newbie Queue is when there are 3 remaining players, 2 of which are town and 1 is mafia; or when there are 5 remaining players, 3 of which are town and 2 are mafia. It is important in these situations that the town aligned players do not carelessly vote like is done during RVS or early days, as the mafia player(s) can organize and instantly provide the necessary votes to eliminate (“quickhammer”) and win the game.


Mafia is hard!
As town, it can be hard to figure things out, and stressful when people think you're scum.
That's okay!
Just share your thoughts on who you think is scum as they come to you, and don't be afraid to change your mind. As scum, it can be hard to lie convincingly, and stressful when people think you're scum. Don't let that scare you! Try to think of what you would post if you were town, and don't be afraid to "change your mind".

This is a game.
Have fun!
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Post Post #4 (ISO) » Mon Aug 09, 2021 3:48 pm

Post by Umlaut »

Role PMs have been sent. Everyone has (expired on 2021-08-12 02:47:00) to confirm or they will be replaced.

The game will begin immediately once 9/9 players have confirmed.
Otherwise the game will begin in (expired on 2021-08-11 02:47:00) as long as 7/9 players have confirmed.
“There are two kinds of people in this world: those who say, ‘There are two kinds of people in this world: those who say there are two kinds of people in this world,
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Post Post #5 (ISO) » Tue Aug 10, 2021 12:47 pm

Post by Umlaut »

With 9/9 confirmed, the game begins!

Day 1

Vote Count 1.0
Not voting
(9): Clasko, Roden, alstroemerial, Astra, MargotRosa, HockeyFan, Egix96, LicketyQuickety, T3

With 9 alive, it takes 5 votes to eliminate.

(expired on 2021-08-20 23:48:00)
“There are two kinds of people in this world: those who say, ‘There are two kinds of people in this world: those who say there are two kinds of people in this world,
and the other kind,
’ and those who
say. Well, then there’s me.” — J.R. “Bob” Dobbs
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Post Post #6 (ISO) » Tue Aug 10, 2021 12:50 pm

Post by alstroemerial »

VOTE: Astra our names are too similar
There can only be one
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Post Post #7 (ISO) » Tue Aug 10, 2021 12:51 pm

Post by HockeyFan »

Hi fellow townies(and T3), hope u have fun this game. Btw @Astra and @MargotRosa, what is your expericne playing mafia.

With that being said,

time to vote mafia

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Post Post #8 (ISO) » Tue Aug 10, 2021 12:51 pm

Post by HockeyFan »

In post 6, alstroemerial wrote:VOTE: Astra our names are too similar
There can only be one
Lock town tbh
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Post Post #9 (ISO) » Tue Aug 10, 2021 12:56 pm

Post by Clasko »

Hi all~
In post 6, alstroemerial wrote:There can only be one
Chimchar was always my favourite D/P/Pt starter, therefore I have determined you are the sus. D:

VOTE: alstroemerial
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Post Post #10 (ISO) » Tue Aug 10, 2021 1:03 pm

Post by LicketyQuickety »

I was anything worse than you! Anything worse than you was I!

You was doided teh aposit_tisopa het dedoid saw em.
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Post Post #11 (ISO) » Tue Aug 10, 2021 1:04 pm

Post by Roden »

VOTE: Clasko

Piplup is GOAT.
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Post Post #12 (ISO) » Tue Aug 10, 2021 1:15 pm

Post by alstroemerial »

Not enough to change vote but in Gen 4 I genuinely found chimchar overrated, sorry.
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Post Post #13 (ISO) » Tue Aug 10, 2021 1:15 pm

Post by HockeyFan »

In post 9, Clasko wrote:Hi all~
In post 6, alstroemerial wrote:There can only be one
Chimchar was always my favourite D/P/Pt starter, therefore I have determined you are the sus. D:

VOTE: alstroemerial
wtf I cant take you seriously anymore if your favourite starter is Chrinchar??
Roden wrote:VOTE: Clasko

Piplup is GOAT.
Your scum buddy being voted by Clakso eh?
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Post Post #14 (ISO) » Tue Aug 10, 2021 1:16 pm

Post by HockeyFan »

Hi Lickety, kinda sad u had to roll scum this game :(
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Post Post #15 (ISO) » Tue Aug 10, 2021 1:45 pm

Post by Roden »

In post 13, HockeyFan wrote:
Roden wrote:VOTE: Clasko

Piplup is GOAT.
Your scum buddy being voted by Clakso eh?
In post 14, HockeyFan wrote:
Hi Lickety, kinda sad u had to roll scum this game :(
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Post Post #16 (ISO) » Tue Aug 10, 2021 1:53 pm

Post by HockeyFan »

There are 3 scum in this game, dw
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Post Post #17 (ISO) » Tue Aug 10, 2021 1:59 pm

Post by T3 »

VOTE: hockeyban
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Post Post #18 (ISO) » Tue Aug 10, 2021 2:09 pm

Post by alstroemerial »

What on earth? T3 with an AVATAR?
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Post Post #19 (ISO) » Tue Aug 10, 2021 2:16 pm

Post by T3 »

In post 18, alstroemerial wrote:What on earth? T3 with an AVATAR?
*weeb noises*
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Post Post #20 (ISO) » Tue Aug 10, 2021 2:17 pm

Post by HockeyFan »

In post 17, T3 wrote:VOTE: hockeyban
dammit, u rolled scum again didnt u
In post 18, alstroemerial wrote:What on earth? T3 with an AVATAR?
ikr, crazy, worlds ending
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Post Post #21 (ISO) » Tue Aug 10, 2021 2:20 pm

Post by T3 »

In post 20, HockeyFan wrote:
In post 17, T3 wrote:VOTE: hockeyban
dammit, u rolled scum again didnt u
In post 18, alstroemerial wrote:What on earth? T3 with an AVATAR?
ikr, crazy, worlds ending
VOTE: hockeyman
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Post Post #22 (ISO) » Tue Aug 10, 2021 2:23 pm

Post by T3 »

BTW if there is a tracker you should claim now.
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Post Post #23 (ISO) » Tue Aug 10, 2021 3:40 pm

Post by HockeyFan »

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Post Post #24 (ISO) » Tue Aug 10, 2021 3:49 pm

Post by HockeyFan »

Like from the way im seeing it, u either want to out a PR as scum, or narrow the possible setups down(once again as scum)

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