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Post Post #11 (isolation #0) » Sun Jan 14, 2007 12:54 am

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Alright, I'll play.
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Post Post #36 (isolation #1) » Wed Jan 17, 2007 6:33 pm

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Would greed be considered essential for the economy to thrive?


The clouds rolled by, crawling through their treacherous journeys towards the end of the sky. They looked relatively untroubled, a mine of diamonds in the sky. Perhaps the only thing they should be worried about would be a storm, where all the clouds gather, conforming to an irresistible force. A most spectacular event would occur. Crashes of lightning, beats of thunder, the splash of rain beating heavily. The rhythm of the storm consumed all, mesmerising the audience. Some would scream, others would shout, adding to the chaos of it all. The storm would slowly creep to a close. The rain would stop, lightning and thunder would cease, and the cloud would hover, an ominous presence feeding off the leftover energy. Slowly, the cloud would disappear; it’s time in the limelight drawing to a close. Exhausted and spent, the clouds would fade back into the monotonous routine, the treacherous journey towards the end of the sky, and everyone will have forgotten the storm.

Lucy opened her eyes, aware of the chaos around her; a stark contrast to the seemingly peaceful sky. She lay there for a moment, entranced within the calm and confusion. Perhaps tonight? Was tonight the night? The world she lived, and the world she wished were as opposite as the calm and confusion around her. The world she lived had a plethora of adoring fans. The world she wished satisfied her yearning, her desire to express herself. She was tired of her life. She wanted the storm to end. Tonight was the night.

As Lucy walked out onto the stage, a storm of fans began to scream and shout. She looked at the crowd, observing the eager faces, all anticipating a most spectacular event. Lucy picked up her guitar, eager to disappoint. She twiddled with the tuning, plugged in the lead, and began to play.

The chaos had long since subsided. The storm was over. There was nothing to feed it. Lucy had faded back into the treacherous journey, forgotten.
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Post Post #61 (isolation #2) » Thu Jan 25, 2007 5:52 pm

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1. I always have the intent of taking more then my fair share. Using the sweets example, I will always want more. However, manners usually dictate that my behaviour acts the opposite to my intentions. The intent, and therefore the greed is there. Inwardly, I'm as greedy as any other greed-driven person. On the outside, that isn't always the case.

2. Well, I would choose the middle paying job which I enjoy. I couldn't bear subjecting myself to do something I hate, unless necessity required it.

3. Greed isn't the only factor in this. Some people have ridiculous amounts of ambition. They strive to achieve. They need to be better. One way is to attain more money then someone else of equal wealth. I won't delve into the psychological side of it, though I'll say that many people suffer from a inferiority complex. Not to mention, a large portion of people are highly competitive.
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Post Post #74 (isolation #3) » Wed Jan 31, 2007 12:21 am

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1. What is the most lazy thing you have ever done?

Well, I could say the laziest thing would be not bothering to remember the most lazy thing I have done. But someone else will probably say that, so I'll take the time to think.

I think the laziest thing I have done would be not taking up Extension 2 Maths, opting instead for the easier Extension 1 Maths because I was too lazy to put the effort in for the more demanding course.

2. How willing are you to forgive someone not being able to do a task in a group which was essential to the group, if he has good reason to not have done the task?

Well it all depends on this 'good reason' they provide, as well as the task they had to perform and how essential it was to the group. Generally, if the reason was along the lines of 'dying family member' or 'busy with school work' or other tasks which rank as a higher priority, then I'd be forgiving. Of course, if the task was something like a group task for school, or saving the world from certain doom, then I wouldn't be very lenient. It also depends on whether they are truly sorry that they were unable to perform the task. It all depends on your standards really. There's no clear cut response to this question.

3. Which types of governments could withstand a lazy leader/parliament for 50 years straight and how?

Well I don't know much about politics, but I'd wager a conservative government could survive, since the whole point of conservatism is to keep to the status quo, thus not doing much work. And that's about the extent of my knowledge concerning politics =X

4. What is the most effective way to get over being lazy?

Most people do things the lazy way because it requires less effort. If someone were provided an incentive, they would generally get off their ass and do whatever it is they need to do. Most people hate going to work, yet the paycheck keeps them going.

While incentives are a way to overcome laziness, it doesn't completely eliminate it. If you wanted to eliminate laziness, you would have to change your attitude towards life. Taking the right way, instead of the easy way, etc.
Last edited by Cloud on Wed Jan 31, 2007 6:20 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post Post #90 (isolation #4) » Wed Feb 07, 2007 12:46 am

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"Are you just as tolerant of people who are angry at the world because something is going on in their life as you expect (hope) them to be when you are angry at the world? If no, why not?"

Well yes, it's understandable for them to be angry if something is going on in their life. I'm tolerant of that. I don't expect them to be tolerant of me though.

"Have you ever had anger so bad that it caused you to do something that you regreted? If so, what was it?"

No I haven't. I've never let my anger reach a point where I did something regrettable. Sure, I smashed my table and bit, perhaps made my fists sore, but nothing major.

"What makes you angry?"

Plenty of things. Most of the time it's people, and the way they act or pretend to act. For one, I really hate stupid people. People with no sense, who don't think about anything, don't consider something before asking someone else.

"If a family member of yours was murdered by a serial killer, what type of punishment would you push for?

Life in prison. But really, you can't truthfully answer this question until something like this has happened to you.
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Post Post #96 (isolation #5) » Fri Feb 09, 2007 12:49 am

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Well, if you evict me, you shall lose the awesomeness that are my thought provoking answers.

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Post Post #105 (isolation #6) » Tue Feb 13, 2007 7:59 pm

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1. Richard Simmons asked "I once drank eight pints of chocolate milk for charity. I was physically sick for much of the evening. Is this worthy of respect or contempt?"

I don't see how it would garner any contempt, so of course respect. Chocolate Milk is teh win.

2. Susan Powter asked "Is it better to be bulimic or anorexic? Why?"

I really don't see how this deals with gluttony. I suppose if you wouldn't be wasting food <_<

3. Billy Blanks asked "Do you tend to eat more than you probably should, less, or about as much as you should?"

If it's really tasty, I tend to eat more. If it's crap, I tend to eat less. It varies.

4. Robert Atkins asked "Do you ever find yourself tempted to take more than your share when there are limited supplies?"

Of course I am. I'll always be tempted. Manners dictate that I don't however, so I don't really take more then my share.
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Post Post #111 (isolation #7) » Sun Feb 18, 2007 7:04 pm

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1. Jenna Jameson asked "When you think of the word lust, do you think of a lust of power or a lust in terms of sexuality? Which do you hear more often?"

In terms of sexuality is what I generally associate lust with. The use of lust in 'lust for power' is just a synonym for desire. While lust has similar connotations as desire, it has a stronger, more definitive meaning in terms of sexuality. If you want to be technical, the word lust, when used by itself, draws a sexual meaning, whereas desire has a broader spectrum of definition, which is how 'lust' is used in 'lust for power'.

2. Linda Lovelace asked "Does how 'hot' a member of the opposite sex is important in how you feel about them?"

Well, I won't lie here. It does to some extent. However any greater feelings will be drawn from their personality and who they are, to the extent where finally I won't care about how they look. How 'hot' a girl is does little for how I feel about them, apart from the initial attraction.

3. Ron Jeremy asked "Are/were you in a hurry to lose your virginity? Is/was this the best way to feel?"

Nope. While hormones will dictate otherwise, rationally and mentally I'm in no hurry.

4. Peter North asked "Do you often find yourself lusting someone you don't know?"

Not really. Sure, there are all those totally hot movie stars like Scarlett Johanssen and Jessica Alba, but my feelings for them probably only extend to a great admiration of their beauty and hotness <_<.

I don't/wouldn't really lust after anyone unless I knew them personally.
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Post Post #122 (isolation #8) » Mon Feb 26, 2007 3:40 pm

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1. Jeffrey Dahmer asked "How much do you believe self-esteem effects envious traits within a person? Have you ever found that it wopuld effect you, and can you give an example?"

I believe self-esteem has a large effect on the envious traits of a person. If a person isn't confident with themself and their condition, they are more likely to desire someone else's situation. For example, a person with low self esteem may not be comfortable with performing on stage, and may envy a colleague's ability to naturally thrive on stage.

2. Jack the Ripper asked "Can envy be a positive thing? Specifically, can coveting things that others have encourage us to strive to achieve them?"

I suppose envy would help reinforce a sense of ambition. We see Bill Gates and we envy his wealth which sparks us to strive towards that goal. Howeve Envy itself is a rather negative feeling, as it is essentially jealousy. There is a large difference between envy and respect.

3. Vlad Tepes asked "How often do you find yourself envying your peers?"

I find myself envying other people's organisation and talent. I'm a musician, and while I feel respect for those who possess a lot of musical talent, sometimes I envy their talent and wish I was as talented. For example, I envy anyone who has Absolute Pitch. So yes, there are occasions where I find myself envying my peers.

4. Erzebet Bathory asked "Do you often feel that because you have more or better possessions than someone else, that you are better than them?"

No, not really. While I may gloat jokingly to my friends, I don't really feel any superiority.
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Post Post #128 (isolation #9) » Sat Mar 03, 2007 7:04 pm

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I would assume so.
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Post Post #138 (isolation #10) » Mon Mar 05, 2007 6:13 pm

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klebian wrote:Why do you deserve to win?
Obviously because I am awesome. But also because I took the time to properly answer the thought-provoking questions as opposed to giving one word answers or answers which were trying to be funny and didn't really have anything at all to do with the question. I have also been quite honest with my answers, and I actually took the time to look up the deadly sin so I could answer appropriately.
bird1111 wrote:Why do your two remaining opponents not deserve to win?
Well with pata, I don't really think he put much thought at all. Granted, most of the questions could be answered with a 'yes' or 'no', but most of the others managed to spout a sentence or two.

To be honest, I don't think ChannelDelibird doesn't deserve to win. He put a lot of thought into his answers too, and made some points that I missed.
klebian wrote:Why should I, and I am personally referring to myself, vote for you?
Because pata just doesn't deserve to win. And Cloud is easier to type then Channel-whatever. Plus I promise cookies and marshmallows, and possibly sexy pictures of lustful women/men (depending on your taste) if you vote for me.
bethelmark wrote:Do you think your opponents should be in the final three?

Is there anyone not in the final three that you think should be?
Yeah, I don't think pata should be here. daftbrain should be here instead, because his answers were more substantial. I have no qualms about ChannelDelibird.
Cephrir wrote:Of the other two finalists, which is less deserving?

Should you win?
pata is less deserving. And yes, of course I should win.
MySnorlaxIsMighty wrote:Cloud, do you feel you put a good amount of time and thought into this game?
Yes I do. Well, thought at least. Most of the questions took all of 10 minutes (sometimes less) to do, but if that counts as 'a good amount of time', then yes.
MySnorlaxIsMighty wrote:For all of you, was I a good companion in the sack, late at night when you were crying?
Yes, yes you were.


Remember to vote! And most importantly, vote for me!
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Post Post #143 (isolation #11) » Thu Mar 08, 2007 9:28 pm

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Sailor Jerry wrote:What do you think your opponents smell of?
ChannelDelibird smells of..well..I have a blocked nose right now so I can't really smell anything. I would hazard a guess that he smells of deodorant. The nice smelling girly kind. Mmm.

pata smells of a car factory, no doubt about that.
Sailor Jerry wrote:And who's your favorite power ranger?
The original Green Ranger. Now he was evil. Then he became good and pwning. Whee.
Sailor Jerry wrote:And... if God is all-loving and all-powerful, why do bad things happen to good people?
Now this is the misconception so many people have. God is obviously not all-loving, otherwise we'd all be enjoying Heaven right now instead of being dumped on this planet, which is supposedly Satan's domain. And if he is, then that doesn't mean he has to always prevent bad things from happening. God is all powerful, but that doesn't mean he has to stop bad things from happening to good people.
bethelmark wrote:Please describe, in detail, your feelings regarding kittens. Also, please describe what your opponents feel about kittens.
Well, I've never killed a kitten, and kittens are surprisingly cute. I've never been able to decide between the whole puppy vs kitten argument, although my family has a puppy. I don't mind either.

ChannelDelibird has already expressed his endearment for kittens, although I find it puzzling that he chose the name 'ChannelDeli
', since the kitten is a natural enemy to the bird. I find this most intriguing, and I think he's tricking you all into thinking he's a kitten lover.

I would say pata clearly loathes kittens based on the quality of his responses. Pata is obviously an acronym for 'Puppies Always Triumph Association'. Based on his allegiance to puppies, it's clear pata despise any sort of kitten.
bethelmark wrote:Here's a twist on another question...Why shouldn't you win?
Why shouldn't I win? Well, if there's anything, I didn't do real justice to many of the questions. There's so much more you can say, but of course busy-ness and tired-ness contribute to the lack of quality in responses.
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Post Post #148 (isolation #12) » Sat Mar 10, 2007 11:37 pm

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Congratulations CDB. I suppose it worked against me that I'm pretty new to mafiascum and didn't forge any alliances with people I didn't know.

I think the game could be improved a bit by actually having the answers count somewhat. CDB and myself put plenty of effort in this game compared with pata's one liners, yet he managed to get through because of his alliance. The game is purely alliance based. If that's the intent of the game, then sure it works well.

I'm interested in the initial rankings; the panel that judged the creative responses/thoughtful arguments to judge the initial purgatory/paradise members.

Anyway, congratulations again CDB and thanks for the thoughtful game pablito.

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