Open games are games where the roles and mechanics of the game are exactly known to all players from the beginning of the game. Open games are played in the Central Park forum, and moderators sign up to moderate those games in this queue. Some open setups are old classics that have been played many times, and some are brand new.
Some setups are called "Semi-Open setups". This term means that something about the setup is randomized at the beginning of the game, usually which roles are used. If there is any mod discretion in the process, the setup isn't Semi-Open and therefore not open, but when the randomization is clearly defined, Semi-Open setups are a type of Open game.
The queues overlap somewhat; opens with a strong theme can be run in the Mini Theme Queue, and opens with fewer than ten players can be run in the Micro Queue. In those cases, moderators may choose where to queue the game.
Signup rules
- Any player may sign up for a game, although the newbie queue is recommended for site newbies. To sign up for a game, type "/in" and add the name of the game in signups you want to play. Failing to specify a game risks being ignored. Be confident you can honor your other commitments when joining games. Hydras are allowed in the open queue to the extent the moderator is okay with them. Moderators have the right to reject any signup for any reason; this is most commonly used to respect player blacklists. If you wish to join a game that is not in signups yet, PM the mod asking to pre-in, which will reserve a slot for you when the game enters signups (you will need to confirm it). Mods may have at most 2/3 of their game size, rounded down, filled with pre-ins.
Universal Modding requirements
- All users who wish to moderate a game must have spent three months onsite, and must have played at least one game as a player. A moderator cannot be active in multiple minis (Normal, Theme, Open) unless every mini involved has a backup moderator.
Universal Modding expectations
- Moderators need to follow site rules and provide either their backup mod or the open queue listmod access to their mod PT. (If I am playing in the game, add another listmod instead.) They need to start their game 72 hours after it fills and update their game at least as often as the prod timer for their game. All possible role PM's must be provided either on the setup's wiki page/forum post, or in the OP of the game. If the setup page has role PM's, the moderator does not have to follow their formatting exactly, but they must provide at least one sample role PM in their OP.
First time moderation requirements
- First time moderators must moderate a setup from the list of Approved Open Setups or one of the current Candidate Open Setups. I am willing to make exceptions to this rule if the setup in question is simple enough; just PM me. After modding one game, in any queue, they become eligible to mod other setups.
Queue slots
- Only two setups are in signups at any one time. These are referred to as "slots".
Slot 1 is designated as the "Rapid" slot. When a moderator posts their /in to mod, they may choose to use this slot, provided they meet the requirements:
The moderator must have modded at least one game before.
The setup must have been run at least once before. (There can be small changes in between, but it must be largely the same.)
Slot 1 will take the first Rapid game in the queue. It will have 10 days to fill half its slots, rounded down, and 4 additional days to fill completely. If it is ever empty, I will make an effort to fill it as quickly as possible.
Slot 2 will take the first game in the queue (Rapid or not). It will have 18 days to fill, pausing at 3 days remaining if the queue is empty. I can extend this at my discretion.
As of right now, moderators who meet the requirements to run a game Rapid may still choose to run it as a standard game. If this results in too few Rapid games being run, I may change this rule, and require running games as Rapid if they meet the requirements.
Candidate Open Setups
- I am always looking for new setups to add to the Approved Open Setups list (especially 13-player ones). If I see a setup that consistently fills quickly and is enjoyed by the playerlist, then it is probably a good fit for the Approved list. Therefore, if a setup seems to meet the specifications to be approved and is run successfully once, it will be added to the Candidate Open list. A setup on this list will get priority in the queue over setups not on the list, and if it fills again, it will be added to the Approved Open Setups list.
/in to mod
[area][b]Game Name:[/b]
[b]Back-Up or Co-Mod:[/b] [i]Not required, but strongly recommended[/i]
[b]Link to Setup:[/b] [i]Wiki or Open Setup subforum link for the setup[/i]
[b]Daytalk (Y/N)?[/b] [i]Recommended[/i]
[b]Number of Players:[/b]
[b]Hydras:[/b] [i]Will you allow hydras to sign up?[/i]
[b]Deadlines:[/b] [i]What are the phase lengths and prod timers?[/i]
[b]Restrictions:[/b] [i]Are there restrictions or special rules for your game?[/i][/area]
It's always the same. When you fire that first shot, no matter how right you feel, you have no idea who's going to die. You don't know whose children are going to scream and burn. How many hearts will be broken. How many lives shattered. How much blood will spill, until everybody does what they're always going to have to do from the very beginning... SIT DOWN AND TALK!
"Let us say that you are right and there are two worlds. How much, then, is this 'other world' worth to you? What do you have there that you do not have here? Money? Power? Something worth causing the prince so much pain for?'"
"Well, I..."
"What? Nothing? You would make the prince suffer over... nothing?"
"Let us say that you are right and there are two worlds. How much, then, is this 'other world' worth to you? What do you have there that you do not have here? Money? Power? Something worth causing the prince so much pain for?'"
"Well, I..."
"What? Nothing? You would make the prince suffer over... nothing?"
"Let us say that you are right and there are two worlds. How much, then, is this 'other world' worth to you? What do you have there that you do not have here? Money? Power? Something worth causing the prince so much pain for?'"
"Well, I..."
"What? Nothing? You would make the prince suffer over... nothing?"
"Let us say that you are right and there are two worlds. How much, then, is this 'other world' worth to you? What do you have there that you do not have here? Money? Power? Something worth causing the prince so much pain for?'"
"Well, I..."
"What? Nothing? You would make the prince suffer over... nothing?"
i'd like to raise an objection to popcorn mafia being on the featured list
it seems like a setup that would be way more suited towards marathons and in a long-form game, it could easily lead to a dragged-out, boring experience
Also, what is NM doing? Worst play I’ve ever seen.
I can't remember the last N_M post that wasn't bland, unimaginative and lame. Some shitposters are at least somewhat funny. You are the epitomy of the type of poster that nobody would miss if you were to suddenly disappear. You never add anything of value.
I'm guessing you haven't read the game and probably never will? Why even sign up to play?
Also, what is NM doing? Worst play I’ve ever seen.
I can't remember the last N_M post that wasn't bland, unimaginative and lame. Some shitposters are at least somewhat funny. You are the epitomy of the type of poster that nobody would miss if you were to suddenly disappear. You never add anything of value.
I'm guessing you haven't read the game and probably never will? Why even sign up to play?
Sad, looks like ducky outed or lend forgot to PM him.
Also, what is your policy on arbitrarily flavoring featured setups, Isis? I assume as long as the flavor is fully open and doesn't effect the game it's kosher, but I'd rather dot my t's and cross my i's than get shouted at later. (You're scary when you get all shouty.)
I'm going to make a discussion thread for the featured setups soon(tm)(hopefully tonight, if someone else makes if I can sanction if). That will become the appropriate place for feedback about featured setups. The featured setups list is flexible by design so positive and negative feedback can indeed impact the list.
"Let us say that you are right and there are two worlds. How much, then, is this 'other world' worth to you? What do you have there that you do not have here? Money? Power? Something worth causing the prince so much pain for?'"
"Well, I..."
"What? Nothing? You would make the prince suffer over... nothing?"
"Let us say that you are right and there are two worlds. How much, then, is this 'other world' worth to you? What do you have there that you do not have here? Money? Power? Something worth causing the prince so much pain for?'"
"Well, I..."
"What? Nothing? You would make the prince suffer over... nothing?"
In post 10, Bingle wrote:Sad, looks like ducky outed or lend forgot to PM him.
Also, what is your policy on arbitrarily flavoring featured setups, Isis? I assume as long as the flavor is fully open and doesn't effect the game it's kosher, but I'd rather dot my t's and cross my i's than get shouted at later. (You're scary when you get all shouty.)
ducky said he was busy but he’d take a look at the queue later