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Posted: Mon May 03, 2021 12:50 pm
by Guillotina
Caellus Voter
(Town / Caellus Voter role)

Every day, your final vote comes with an action attached. These actions can't be roleblocked during the night unless your vote has been blocked during the day.

1) Whoever you vote for on Day 1, you will investigate its alignment the following night.
2) Whoever you vote for on Day 2, you will protect from any night kills the following night.
3) Whoever you vote for on Day 3, you will redirect their night action onto themselves the following night.
4) Whoever you vote for on Day 4, you will kill the following night.
5) Whoever you vote for on Day 5, you will track the following night.
6) Whoever you vote for on Day 6, you will investigate and announce to the thread its role number in the Astral Deck thread the following night.

You can never self vote or you will get modkilled.

Posted: Mon May 03, 2021 12:51 pm
by Guillotina
Phantasma Voter
(Mafia / Phantasma Voter role)

Every day, your final vote comes with an action attached. These actions can't be roleblocked during the night unless your vote has been blocked during the day.

1) Whoever you vote for on Day 1, you will roleblock the following night.
2) Whoever you vote for on Day 2, you will protect from any night kills the following night.
3) Whoever you vote for on Day 3, you will redirect their night action onto themselves the following night.
4) Whoever you vote for on Day 4, you will kill the following night.
5) Whoever you vote for on Day 5, you will watch the following night.
6) Whoever you vote for on Day 6, you will investigate and announce to the thread its role number in the Astral Deck thread the following night.

You can never self vote or you will get modkilled.

Posted: Mon May 03, 2021 12:52 pm
by Guillotina
Chimeara Voter
(Town / Chimaera Voter role)

Every day, your final vote comes with an action attached. These actions can't be roleblocked during the night unless your vote has been blocked during the day.

1) Whoever you vote for on Day 1, you will block its vote the following day.
2) Whoever you vote for on Day 2, you will block the vote of whoever visits it the following night, the following day.
3) Whoever you vote for on Day 3, you will force them to self vote the following day.
4) Whoever you vote for on Day 4, you will kill at the end of the following day.
5) Whoever you vote for on Day 5, you will poison the following night.
6) Whoever you vote for on Day 6, you will vanillalize it the following night.

You can never self vote or you will get modkilled.

Posted: Mon May 03, 2021 12:52 pm
by TemporalLich
Town Grandizer
/ Grandizer)

Each night, you may target a player. That player's role but not alignment will be rerolled from the Grand Idea Mafia thread.

Posted: Mon May 03, 2021 1:11 pm
by Ircher
Mod Chooses After Picks Awakener
Mod Chooses After Picks
alignment, Awakener role)
Each night, you may attempt to participate in a special awakening ritual. Each time you (or a fellow member of your faction) successfully perform the awakening ritual, you will grant your faction newfound power.

successful ritual: 1-Shot Factional Tracker: Once per game at night, you may target a player. You will attempt to learn who they targeted that night.

successful rituals: 1-Shot Factional Doctor: Once per game at night, you may target a player. You will attempt to protect them from a single kill attempt that night.

successful rituals: Factional Watcher: Each night, you may target a player. You will attempt to learn who targeted that player tha night.

successful rituals: Factional Poisoner: Each night, you may target a player. You will attempt to poison the player, causing them to die at the end of the following night. This kill may be used in addition to the traditional factional kill many antitown factions possess.

successful rituals: 1-Shot Factional Combined Elite Seraph Knight Neighborizer: Once per game at night, you may target a player. You will become that's player's seraph knight for the rest of the game, protecting them from any and all harm. You will protect them from all kills as well as prevent their elimination as long as you remain alive. In addition, you gain a neighborhood to speak with your chosen target.

successful rituals: Your faction immediately win and exit the game. If the game has no remaining threats to town-aligned players left, then the game immediately ends. Otherwise, the game continues as normal until a winning faction is declared.
Exception: If the awakener is
-aligned, then the game immediately ends.

Only the last benefit applies to
-aligned awakeners.

Mod Notes: The
faction is excluded from receiving any of these benefits except the last one (requiring thirteen successful rituals), in which case the town wins and the game ends. These benefits become factional powers, usable by any living player in the awakener's faction. Dying does not cause an awakening ritual to fail nor does it remove any of these powers. Alignment conversion of the awakener does not disable already obtained powers for the original faction; however, powers are accumulated starting from the lowest tier again in the new faction. The number of successful rituals is considered on a per-faction basis. This means that having two awakeners with the same alignment can progress through the ritual tiers twice as fast as one with only one awakener.

Posted: Mon May 03, 2021 4:27 pm
by TemporalLich
Town Parity Cop
/ Parity Cop)

Each night, you may target two players. You will learn whether the two players share the same alignment or not.

Posted: Tue May 04, 2021 12:37 pm
by Ircher
Mafia Astral Goon
alignment, Astral role)
You are a named Mafioso; you possess no special abilities.

Posted: Tue May 04, 2021 12:41 pm
by Ircher
Mafia Quad FOSer
alignment, Quad FOSer role)
This game will have a Finger of Suspicion count, maintained by the moderator (which doesn't do anything except in the unlikely event that some other role interacts with it, but which will count FoSes accurately). Most players have one FoS, which they can move around via FoSing and unFoSing in the style of voting. You have four.

Posted: Tue May 04, 2021 1:02 pm
by Ircher
Town Compulsive Quizmaster
alignment, Quizmaster role)
During the day, you must send the moderator a list of five true/false questions alongside their answers. Failure to do this before the day ends will result in the loss of your vote on the following day. Once night falls, the moderator will publicly post the set of questions. All players (including the quizmaster) are allowed to answer the questions over the course of the night, and the moderator will post the number of correct answers to each question on the quiz at the beginning of the following day. In addition, players that answer the quiz receive one of the following effects dependent on how many questions they answered correctly. These effects last for a single day/night cycle and are not permanent.

questions answered correctly:
modifier: The player requires one less vote to be eliminated on the day following the quiz.

question answered correctly:
modifier: The player is unable to vote on the following day.

questions answered correctly: Nothing special happens.

questions answered correctly:
modifier and
invention (invention void after one day/night cycle): The player is able to use multiple actions at once. The player may also target a player to determine who they targeted on the night the ability is used.

questions answered correctly:
modifier: The player requires one more vote to be eliminated on the day following the quiz.

questions answered correctly:
modifier and
Strongman Vigilante
invention (invention void after one day/night cycle): The player is able to use multiple actions at once. The player may also a target a player and attempt to kill them. This kill cannot be prevented by conventional means (roleblocks, protection), but players that are untargetable trump it.

Posted: Tue May 04, 2021 2:15 pm
by Jake The Wolfie
Ircher's Flavor of the Week Townie
(Town/Ircher's Flavor of the Week)

When your Role name or role text is revealed to another player, your name will appear to be whatever Ircher's Theorem of the Week is called, and your role text will appear to be whatever said theorem states.

Posted: Thu May 06, 2021 8:57 am
by Ircher
Town Miller
, Miller role)
You show up as "Guilty" to the following investigatives and their variants: Cops, Seers, Private Investigators, Conspiracy Theorists, FBI Agents, and Bloodhounds.

I'm pretty sure there's a cop variant for Cult/Not Cult, but I cannot remember it at the moment.

Posted: Thu May 06, 2021 9:37 am
by samantha97
Town Roulette Dealer
(Town / Roulette Dealer)

Any actions targeting you will be redirected to another random player (excludes factional kills). Each action is randomized separately.

Posted: Thu May 06, 2021 12:25 pm
by Guillotina
Town Mafia
(Town / Mafia role)

You show as Lost Mafia to Mafia Cop investigations only.

Posted: Thu May 06, 2021 3:40 pm
by Guillotina
Town Paranoid Whistleblower Shooter
(Town / Paranoid Whistleblower Shooter)

During the day, you reflexively shoot to kill anyone who casts a FoS on you at the second time.
(Meaning it will not happen upon the first FoS on you but the second time from that player).
During the night, you reflexively kill anyone who either watches you, tracks you or motion detects you.

You cannot claim this role

Posted: Fri May 07, 2021 8:14 am
by TemporalLich
Alien Prober
/ Prober)

Each night, you may prevent a player from acting and learn if they are
Not Werewolf

In post 360, Ircher wrote:
Town Miller
, Miller role)
You show up as "Guilty" to the following investigatives and their variants: Cops, Seers, FBI Agents, Conspiracy Theorists, Bloodhounds.

I'm pretty sure there's a cop variant for Cult/Not Cult, but I cannot remember it at the moment.
That would be a Private Investigator, the Mana-based Investigator can act as one.

Posted: Fri May 07, 2021 8:17 am
by TemporalLich
Alien Mindseeker
/ Mindseeker)

Each night, you may prevent a player from acting and learn if they are
Not Cult

Posted: Fri May 07, 2021 10:12 am
by Guillotina
Mafia Instigator
(Mafia / Instigator role)

As long as your alive every FoS in-thread action count as two and every vote on a town aligned player count as 1.5

Posted: Fri May 07, 2021 10:40 am
by Jake The Wolfie
Obscure Goon
Your alignment is Obscure, not many people know about it.
Each night as a factional ability, you may rank all the players in order of how you want them killed. If for any reason any kill performed tonight fails, your faction gains a kill. Your factional kill/kills will be resolved after everyone else's kills. Your faction will attempt to kill every player in ranked order. If they fail to die, they are skipped and the next player will be killed.

For every Obscure member that dies, they gain another factional kill, starting with 1.

Posted: Fri May 07, 2021 10:48 am
by Ircher
Mafia Edit Cop
alignment, Edit Cop role)
Each night, you may target a player. You will attempt to learn how many times the posts associated with the player's role and alignment were edited.

Mod Notes: For most Deck of Astral Roles-based games, the player should receive two numbers, one corresponding to alignment and one associated with role. The player should not immediately know which one corresponds to which post.

Posted: Fri May 07, 2021 10:50 am
by Guillotina
Fulfiller Maximus Light Blue
(Fulfiller / Maximus Light Blue)

Fulfiller is an independent alignment whose win condition is tied to fulfilling a mission. If such mission is not fulfilled for whatever reason, they lose. If fulfillers rand vanilla the mod may assign them another alignment (or a Fulfiller attached to a role with no special Fulfiller mission gets a mission from the moderator).

Your mission is to locate and kill other “Maximus”, upon doing so you win and leave the game.
If no other Maximus is present in the game then you must kill any independent aligned player to win, ending the game with a solo victory.

You have the power of interception and assassination.

From Night 1 to Night 3, you may target three players, you will get three results as “Maximus” or “Not Maximus” (or “Independent” or “Not Independent” if there are no other Maximus in the game) but you will not be told what players corresponds each result.

On Day 4 you must post to the thread “MAXIMUS” in light blue font, size 200. You will become unyeetable this day.

On Night 4, you must shoot to kill two players from the targets you chose on any of the previous three nights.
These kills are unblockable and unmanipulable, but they can be tracked.

If one of those two players is a Maximus (or independent) you fulfill your wincon. If they are not, you lose and leave the game at the start of Day 5.

All Maximus are immune to conversions

Posted: Fri May 07, 2021 11:03 am
by Guillotina
Fulfiller Maximus Yellow
(Fulfiller / Maximus Yellow )

Fulfiller is an independent alignment whose win condition is tied to fulfilling a mission. If such mission is not fulfilled for whatever reason, they lose. If fulfillers rand vanilla the mod may assign them another alignment (or a Fulfiller attached to a role with no special Fulfiller mission gets a mission from the moderator).

Your mission is to redirect an action of another “Maximus”, upon doing so you win and leave the game.
If no other Maximus is present in the game then you must redirect an independent aligned player to win, ending the game with a solo victory.

You have the power of interception and redirection.

From Night 1 to Night 3, you may target three players, you will get three results as “Maximus” or “Not Maximus” (or “Independent” or “Not Independent” if there are no other Maximus in the game) but you will not be told what players corresponds each result.

On Day 4 you must post to the thread “MAXIMUS” in yellow font, size 200. All votes casted on you will instead be casted upon the casters.

On Night 4, you must target two players from the targets you chose on any of the previous three nights, to redirect them to other random players.
This action unmanipulable.

If one of those two redirected players is a Maximus (or independent) you fulfill your wincon. If they are not, you lose and leave the game at the start of day 5.

All Maximus are immune to conversions

Posted: Sat May 08, 2021 5:16 am
by Guillotina
Fulfiller Maximus Purple
(Fulfiller / Maximus Purple role)

You have a weak power that you can perform every night and a strong power that you can activate once per game which vanillalizes you upon successful use.

Weak Power
: You must target a player to investigate its role. This investigation cannot be affected by modifiers and/or negative statuses.

Strong Power
: You may target a player with this power instead of your weak power. During the day you must target two players publicly in the thread by posting
Their real roles will be publicly revealed to the thread. If one of them is a Maximus type, a Conversion type or a Mission type, you wiN and leave the game.

If it isn't then you become a vanilla with a new assigned win condition chosen by the game mod.

Posted: Sat May 08, 2021 6:29 pm
by Sirius9121
Generate a random effect in Grand Idea and apply it. Reroll this role.
(Free Space / Not a Role)

Effects (GIM): , ,

Posted: Wed May 12, 2021 12:35 pm
by TemporalLich
Vanilla Villageie��
/ Vanilla Villageie��)

All roles that care about your role treat you as if you were Vanilla.

Twice in the game during night, you may attempt to add a player to your Village PT. This action will fail on non-Town-aligned players.

Posted: Sat May 15, 2021 3:34 pm
by Ircher
Town Essayist
alignment, Essayist role)
Each night, you may send the moderator a message. The message must have at least 300 words and no more than 1500 words. You may not pad your message with random words or sentences (which don't make sense) to meet the minimum word count, and the message should be written with proper spelling and grammar as you are able. The moderator may reject any messages they do not think fit these specifications. If you succeed, the moderator will publicly post your message at the start of the next day.