Newbie 842 (Game Over!)

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Newbie 842 (Game Over!)

Post Post #0 (ISO) » Wed Sep 09, 2009 6:33 pm

Post by hohum »

You awaken to the hustle and bustle of your home town’s daily activity. Little did you know that the peaceful quiet of your normal, everyday life would come crashing down today. It seems that one of your fellow citizens has angered the Mob, and has paid for it with his life! What are you going to do? Why, you’re going to get your peaceful, little town back, that’s what…

Your job, fair citizens of the town’s Ruling Council, is to discover who among you belong to the Mafia and summarily lynch them. Two of your fellow Council members are working for the Mafia - find them before they take over the Council and the town!

General Information

Welcome to Newbie 842! Please take some time to familiarize yourself with all the rules and game literature in the 2nd post of this thread. Please remember to check back here often for updates and READ your role PMs carefully.

If you have any questions or concerns please try to post them in-topic first and let one of the ICs try to answer your question. If the ICs aren't helpful you may PM me.

Note for the Newbies

The listmod was kind enough to make an exception to the rule and run this game by special request. 4 of your fellow players are here by invitation; however, this is still your game. Above all we are here to assist you in the learning process. Please feel free to take advantage of the wealth of Mafia experience playing along side of you.

Note for the SEs and the IC

Some of the SEs in this game are in fact very experienced scummers, so I expect you all to govern your play by the Being a good IC wiki article. Even though you're here by invitation, this is still a newbie game. Please ensure that you would play this game as if you were ICing any other newbie game, which means be helpful, play to win and don't experiment here. SEs and ICs MUST confirm twice as an acknowledgment.

The following players fulfilled their win condition(2)

Mafia Goon
, Lynched, D1
Mafia Goon
, Survived

indicates IC player.
The ICs are here to help you learn to play the game. Their play is governed by the wiki article Being a good IC.

indicates semi-experienced player.
indicates confirmed.

Thanks for playing: (7)

Vanilla Townie
, Killed, N1
Vanilla Townie
, Lynched, D2
Vanilla Townie
, Killed, N2
Albert B. Rampage
Town Doc
, Lynched, D3
The Rufflig
Vanilla Townie
, Killed, N3
Vanilla Townie
, Lynched, D4
Vanilla Townie
, Endgamed
Last edited by hohum on Thu Oct 29, 2009 7:25 am, edited 20 times in total.
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Post Post #1 (ISO) » Wed Sep 09, 2009 6:36 pm

Post by hohum »


The Golden Rule

1. While it is understandable that on occasion tempers may flare, please remember that this is a game. Please
have fun
be respectful
of your fellow players and
try not to take anything personally

General Game Play and Etiquette

2. Please remember that
when you signed up for this game you made a commitment.
Be courteous to your mod and your fellow players and let us know when you are leaving for an extended period of time.
If you can't commit, it's OKAY to ASK to be replaced, but please don't make me hunt you down!

3. Please try to maintain more than the minimum standard for activity levels which is currently 1 post every 48 hours. If you go 48 hours without posting you will be prodded (as many times as necessary) and if you go 72 hours without posting you will be replaced. Exceptions will be made for low activity periods such as weekends and holidays.

4. Do not quote your role PMs or any private communication with the moderator in any way.

5. There is to be NO personal communication outside of the forum postings unless your role PM specifically allows it.

6. Do not talking about this or any other ongoing games on MS outside of their respective game threads for any reason unless your role PMs specifically allow you to do so.

7. I am fallible. While I strive not to make mistakes, they do occasionally happen. Please politely correct me if you spot one.

8. Once the game is over I will post links to the QT thread. If you have an issue with this please let me know in advance.

is my color. Please don't use it.

Voting and Lynching and Deadlines

10. Votes must take the form of
Vote: Player
and similarly
. It isn't necessary to
every time but it would be appreciated by your mod and your fellow players for clarity's sake.

11. If you need to grab my attention for any reason please throw an
@Mod: statement
in your post.

12. This game will be run with fixed 3 week deadlines for days. Night-time deadlines will always be 72 hours.

13. In the event a lynch consensus is not reached by deadline, the player with the most votes will be lynched. In the event of a tie, the player which reached the most votes first will be lynched.

14. One daytime deadline extension of up to one week may be granted at the moderator's discretion in extreme circumstances and only if activity levels aren't impairing game progress.

15. If you have a role with a Night action your choices are due to me by the posted deadline. If I do not receive your choice via PM by the posted deadline you will forfeit your actions.

16. Any player with a Night action may instead submit a “No Action” PM to let the Mod know that you do not want to perform your expected action that Night phase.

17. Whenever a player has reached a simple majority of votes he/she will be considered lynched and the game will roll over into twilight phase. Twilight will last until I post a death scene and lock the topic

18. During twilight you may talk amongst yourselves; however, no further
or [/b]Unvote[/b] will be counted. Once the hammer has dropped, it cannot be undone, so vote wisely.

19. When you are killed you are allowed 1 post which may contain no other characters, letters, words or phrases besides "Bah" and/or "Go Town." Please refrain from doing even this unless absolutely necessary.

Helpful Links:

  • This game uses the F11 Setup. It consists of four variations, chosen at random:

  • 1 Mafia Goon, 1 Mafia Roleblocker, 1 Sane Cop, 1 Doctor, 5 Townies.
  • 1 Mafia Goon, 1 Mafia Roleblocker, 7 Townies.
  • 2 Mafia Goons, 1 Sane Cop, 6 Townies.
  • 2 Mafia Goons, 1 Doctor, 6 Townies.

Sample Role PMs

The Mafia Roleblocker wrote:You are a , along with your partner _________ (who is simply a Goon). Your goal is to eliminate the pro-town players so that only your side remains; you win if this happens. During the Day, try to blend in with the rest of the players, and get someone lynched.

You may talk with your partner at Night, and send me a choice via PM of who you would like to kill/roleblock (your team can do both if both of you live; if only you survive, you must choose one action or the other).

Note: You may talk with your partner privately during confirmations to plan strategy, but no night actions will take place until Night One. For your convenience I have set up the following Quick Topic Thread which you may optionally use to communicate at night with your partner

The Mafia Goon wrote:You are a , along with your partner _________ Your goal is to eliminate the pro-town players so that only your side remains; you win if this happens. During the Day, try to blend in with the rest of the players, and get someone lynched.

You may talk with your partner at Night, and send me a choice via PM of who you would like to kill.

Note: You may talk with your partner privately during confirmations to plan strategy, but no night actions will take place until Night One. For your convenience I have set up the following Quick Topic Thread which you may optionally use to communicate at night with your partner

The Doctor wrote:You are the , and you can protect people from harm. Each Night, you may send me a choice via PM of who to protect; if they come under attack by the Mafia, they will live. You win if the scum are eliminated, so choose wisely at Night, and try to lynch correctly during the Day.

Note: Doctors are 100% effective in Newbie Games (the person they protect will never die on the night they are protected). You may not protect yourself.

The Cop wrote:You are the , and you can tell good from bad. Each Night, you may send a player's name to me; I will let you know if your investigation shows that they are Mafia or Town. You win if the scum are eliminated, so choose wisely at Night, and lynch well during the Day.

Note: Cops always get a correct result in Newbie Games (no sanity issues). You cannot investigate yourself.

Vanilla Townie wrote:You are a , and you've got no special powers at Night. No investigations, no protection, no gun to shoot people. Your only powers are the ability to post, vote, and think. Help lynch Mafia during the Day, and you will win the game, along with the rest of the Town.
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Post Post #2 (ISO) » Wed Sep 09, 2009 6:52 pm

Post by hohum »

Role PMs out. Please confirm in topic.
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Post Post #3 (ISO) » Wed Sep 09, 2009 7:07 pm

Post by RayFrost »

don't you feel silly now?
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Post Post #4 (ISO) » Wed Sep 09, 2009 7:35 pm

Post by Albert B. Rampage »

Guard your honor. Let your reputation fall where it will. And outlive the bastards.
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Post Post #5 (ISO) » Wed Sep 09, 2009 7:38 pm

Post by RayFrost »

Yo :)
don't you feel silly now?
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Post Post #6 (ISO) » Wed Sep 09, 2009 7:40 pm

Post by SaintKerrigan »

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Post Post #7 (ISO) » Wed Sep 09, 2009 8:28 pm

Post by The Rufflig »

Don't Panic!
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Post Post #8 (ISO) » Wed Sep 09, 2009 8:52 pm

Post by Garnasha »


wow, you guys are FAST.

And I have just lost the Game.
V/LA until finals are over.
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Post Post #9 (ISO) » Wed Sep 09, 2009 8:56 pm

Post by RayFrost »

You just made me lose the game >.<"

Also... I recognize all the avatars so far O.o"

and why is garnasha not se, but I am? >.<
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Post Post #10 (ISO) » Wed Sep 09, 2009 9:11 pm

Post by Garnasha »

Yay, caught my first one :P Wonder if there's anyone here who doesn't know the rules yet?

You... know RO? *looks at profile* oh, you're in Japan. That explains it, I guess.

Because I only completed one or two games, can't remember because it was a while back and I asked for VRK to assume I'd played only one for the same reason.

I wonder, since there's a lot of experienced players here, does that affect win chances?
V/LA until finals are over.
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Post Post #11 (ISO) » Wed Sep 09, 2009 9:19 pm

Post by RayFrost »


Also, I've only completed two games ._."

I do think win chances are affected by experience, but it may be for town or scum win chances. To be honest, to try and guess who has the role at this point would lead to a mind self destruct :P anyway... *hums while waiting for game start*
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Post Post #12 (ISO) » Wed Sep 09, 2009 9:26 pm

Post by RayFrost »

also, once I've read the being a good IC thing, this will be my

/second confirm

that cool with you, mod?
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Post Post #13 (ISO) » Wed Sep 09, 2009 9:30 pm

Post by RayFrost »

^--- now a confirm.
don't you feel silly now?
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Post Post #14 (ISO) » Thu Sep 10, 2009 12:52 am

Post by The Rufflig »

Garnasha wrote:wow, you guys are FAST.
I'm just eager to play. It seems like I've been stuck in the queue forever.
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Post Post #15 (ISO) » Thu Sep 10, 2009 1:35 am

Post by larceny »

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Post Post #16 (ISO) » Thu Sep 10, 2009 2:01 am

Post by RayFrost »

The Rufflig wrote:<AaaaaaoooOOOoooOOwww!>
Garnasha wrote:wow, you guys are FAST.
I'm just eager to play. It seems like I've been stuck in the queue forever.
And that, my friend, is why I've replaced into so many games :wink:

Replacing skips the queue, just be careful about replacing into too many games (and games that are too long for your reading capacity).

The key part about being in multiple mafia games:

know your limits. Only you know your time constraints, and nobody is going to enforce a limit (other than the site-wide enforced limits, such as only 1 newbie game if it is your first game on the site and such). This means you'll have to limit yourself to however many you can handle.

As it is, I'm still new myself, so I won't be doing much in game advice. Leave that to kitty/albert/mitey. Any game related questions you have, direct to them or the mod.
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Post Post #17 (ISO) » Thu Sep 10, 2009 2:53 am

Post by MiteyMouse »

Confirming! This is going to be fun!
The more I see, the less I know
The more I'd like to let it go.
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Post Post #18 (ISO) » Thu Sep 10, 2009 3:14 am

Post by KittyMo »


I'm so excited!
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Post Post #19 (ISO) » Thu Sep 10, 2009 3:17 am

Post by KittyMo »

/confirm agaaaaain
I will do my best to be a good IC even though I am listed as a SE player.
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Post Post #20 (ISO) » Thu Sep 10, 2009 3:18 am

Post by Garnasha »

RO, ragnarok online, first MMORPG I played, my avatar's a male and a female priest from that game, and I stuck with it after I stopped playing RO. I thought you said you knew all avatars thus far?
The Rufflig wrote:
Garnasha wrote:wow, you guys are FAST.
I'm just eager to play. It seems like I've been stuck in the queue forever.
I think we all have :P

btw, if something goes wrong with my interpunction, it's because I'm learning to type on the bokmål norwegian keyboard settings, a few friends of mine are teaching me norwegian and/or swedish, and the special chars are a bitch to type on normal settings(I know it's possible, just slow). So, I swap ? and _ both ways, the ' sometimes becomes an æ and if you ever see me type ØP, I meant :P(all three almost happened to me this post)

*whistles, waits for the game to start and kicks the last ones to confirm in the behind*
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Post Post #21 (ISO) » Thu Sep 10, 2009 3:31 am

Post by KittyMo »

[quote="The Rufflig"[/quote]
I'm just eager to play. It seems like I've been stuck in the queue forever.[/quote]

I am too!!! I am psyched for this game, because I get to be IC buddies with MiteyMouse and Albert B. Rampage who were my ICs back in the day. Oh, and Hohum was my IC too... Yayness. I was afraid this game would never start. :( Anyways, be happy that you have so many experienced people to guide you. =] Since there's...4 of us including Ray, not all of us can be scum, so that's a good thing.

Hmmmmmmmm. I'd ramble on more about my excitedness, but luckily for you all, I have to go get ready for school. :)
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Post Post #22 (ISO) » Thu Sep 10, 2009 3:40 am

Post by MiteyMouse »

I'm also listed as an SE player but, am an IC as well. I'm pre warning everyone...I am nice and cuddly. This is not necessarily a Scum tell, it's just me...oh and to get it out of the way at the start, MiteyMouse is a she.
The more I see, the less I know
The more I'd like to let it go.
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Post Post #23 (ISO) » Thu Sep 10, 2009 3:44 am

Post by KittyMo »

MiteyMouse wrote:I'm also listed as an SE player but, am an IC as well. I'm pre warning everyone...I am nice and cuddly. This is not necessarily a Scum tell, it's just me...oh and to get it out of the way at the start, MiteyMouse is a she.
Unless you get
cuddly, then you're scum. :)

Yeah, I'm still here, cuz my mom made me lay back down on the couch and put frozen peas on my foot. o.O
Alt of Ariel | MafiaScum wiki volunteer contributor & sysop | Identity (Mish Mash) is back | Speakeasy Secret Santa

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Post Post #24 (ISO) » Thu Sep 10, 2009 7:11 am

Post by Albert B. Rampage »

I think we lost Baltheir.
Guard your honor. Let your reputation fall where it will. And outlive the bastards.

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