Open 262-Hard Boiled!

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Open 262-Hard Boiled!

Post Post #0 (ISO) » Sat Oct 23, 2010 10:20 am

Post by gandalf5166 »

You had just left the Handlers' planet, and you were drifting through space once again, when all of a sudden, the peace was broken. You were holding a secret meeting in the cockpit over Thufir Hawat's death. The debate on what to do lasted quite a while though, so long that you started to get tired. So tents were brought up to the cockpit, and everybody went to sleep. Well........ almost everybody. Four of you stayed up........... And burst in on Paul Atreides. There was a struggle, and it woke many of you. You all rushed to his tent, to find him there standing over Leto's body...... But it wasn't Leto. Before your eyes, he morphed into the form of a Face Dancer. Paul said that there were three other attackers as well. Sheeana left the room, and locked down the cockpit. Over the intercom, you heard her voice: "None of you are leaving this room until I see three dead Face Dancers. Get to work." You all looked around, and shivered. You can trust no one................

Still Alive and Kickin'


5.Shadow Dancer



Shattered Viewpoint

Dead as a Stinkin' Doornail

7.HopOnMyJoystick, Bene Gesserit, Vanilla Townie, Lynched D1

12.implosion, Bene Gesserit, Vanilla Townie, Killed N1

11.StrangerCoug, Face Dancer, Mafia Goon, Lynched D2

10.Empking, Alia, Town Hider, Died N2

4.JesseSheffield, Paul Atreides, Town Psychologist, Decapitated N2

3.don_johnson, Face Dancer, Mafia Goon, Lynched D3

2.Scott Brosius, Leto Atreides, Town Tracker, Ripped Apart N3

Struck Down With Incredible Prejudice

None(let's keep it this way, hm?)

This is a closed setup, the roles are:
3 Mafia Goons, 5 Townies, 1 Tracker OR Vigilante (On N1 the player decides which he wants to be and is stuck with it for the rest of the game), 1 Hider (dies if he hides with mafia or vigilante, or if the person he is hiding with dies), 1 Hider Tracker (the person the hider was hiding with is revealed to the HT. Cannot track anyone else and doesn't know who the hider is), 1 Detective (targets a player and finds out if that player has killed another player or not) OR Psychologist (targets a player and finds out if that player has the potential to kill, but if the player has already killed, the psychologist will get a negative result),
The role PMs are:
There are three of these wrote:You are a Face Dancer, Mafia Goon. Omnius has given up. He no longer cares about the fate of the Kwisatz Haderach on board the Ithaca. He's raising his own little pet, so Duncan Idaho just became expendable. Your mission is now simple: Destroy the Ithaca and everyone on it.

Unfortunately, with the cockpit on lockdown, you can't get in or out until you kill everyone in this room.

Battle Language: Omnius has created an unbreakable code to allow you you to converse at night. Unfortunately, it's a little funny looking, so you can't use it during the day without people noticing.You can communicate with your teammates, XXXX and YYYY, here at night:


Kill: Once per night, you and your comrades may target someone, thus killing them.

Rig the Engines: Your mission is more than just to get rid of those in this room. What you really need to do is set the engines to blow that way you can get off this infernal ship. But once you get out of this room, that should be a cinch. You win if at least one member of your group is alive and all other players are dead (or if nothing can prevent the same).
Five of these wrote: You are a Bene Gesserit, Vanilla Townie. All you really wanted was to found a new homeworld for the Bene Gesserit. But then that witch Sheeana had to go and make her gholas. Now half of them have been replaced by Face Dancers, and you don't know which ones.

Dangerous: Although you are certainly a formidable force in your own right, you know that if you give into anger and strike out on your own, the Face Dancers could easily fool you. So you're going to have to do this together. Your only weapons are your voice and your vote.

Start Anew: What you really want is to find a new Chapterhouse. But you know that unless the Face Dancers are dealt with, you'll never realize that dream. You win if all threats to the town are eliminated and at least one town-aligned player is alive.
One of these wrote: You are Leto Atreides, Town Tracker/Vigilante. You're just a little kid. You know you have memories inside of you, and you want them oh so badly. But Sheeana says you're too young to regain your memories. Well, you think otherwise. You can feel your past inside of you, and you're

ready to let it out. The question is, who will you be: The Tyrant, or the Twin?

Two Paths:You have a choice ahead of you. You know you'll have to make it soon, you just don't know when it'll happen. Night One, you will have to choose between your worm half and your human half. Choose wisely, because you can only choose once.

Path of The Worm: If you choose to give in to the beast inside of you, nothing will be able to stand in your way. Each night, you will be able to target someone, thus killing them.

Path of The Man: You were one with the desert even before you became the Tyrant. If you choose to make your way through life as the man you once were, you'll still have some pretty handy skills. Each night, you may follow someone, and figure out who they visit, if anyone.

Lonely: You feel incomplete, and you know why. It's Ghani........ She's still gone. But you know you'll never get her back until you get rid of these Face Dancers. You win if all threats to the town are eliminated and at least one town-aligned player is alive.
One of these wrote:You are Alia, Town Hider. Teehee....... These silly old women think they're so smart. Well, you know your way around, and you know they could learn a few things from you too. Especially once you get your memories back.

Explorer: Well, you've spent a lot of time exploring this ship, and you know all there is to be knowed about it's workings. But these Face Dancers are scary, and you can't really defend yourself in a headon fight. So at night, you ask one of the older people to keep you safe. You shudder

to think of what might happen if you asked a Face Dancer though........ Each night, you can target a player. If he's nice, you'll be safe. But if the Face Dancers attack the person you're hiding with, they'll kill you too. And if you hide with a Face Dancer, he'll kill you as well.

Mommy: Although you don't remember Jessica being your mommy, and he fact that she's only a few years older than you, some part of you knows that she loves you, and that you love her back. You really just want to spend time with your mommy, but until you get rid of these face dancers, you know it can't happen. You win if all threats to the town are eliminated and at least one town-aligned player is alive.
One of these wrote: You are Jessica, Town Hider Tracker. Oh, poor Alia. She's somewhere in this room, and you're worried she could get hurt with all these Face Dancers wandering around. Luckily, you're keeping an eye on her, so if anybody hurts her, you'll know who did it.

Motherly Instinct: While you don't remember birthing Alia, she's the most important thing in the whole world to you. If anything happened to her, you would be devastated. So you keep track of her at night. Where ever she goes, you'll know. Each nigh, you will receive a PM that states who Alia hid with. You won't know who Alia is though.

Motherhood: All you really want is to be able to take care of Alia. She's your child, even if you don't remember it yet. You win if all threats to the town are eliminated and at least one town-aligned player is alive.
And either one of these wrote: You are Master Scytale's Face Dancer, Town Detective. After years of begging, the Bene Gesserit finally granted Master Scytale's request for a Face Dancer. You are the Master's sole protection, and you're locked inside this blasted room. And god knows if there are other Face

Dancers running aound elsewhere in the ship. They could hurt the Master! You have to get out of this cockpit. So you're disguised as Paul Atreides, since if you kept your Face Dancer form, people might have some problems trusting you. They suspect nothing.But Sheeana is in the next room, and she's not

letting anybody out until all the other face dancers are dead. You'll have to work with these heathens, whether you like it or not. After this is over, you will have to be cleansed.

Mindreader: As one of the new Face Dancers, you have the ability to steal memories as well as looks. Usually, you would take their memories, transform, and then kill them. But if you do that now, you'll be killed, and then Master Scytale would be helpless. So you'll just be reading

minds. Each night, you can target someone. You will know if that person has killed anyone before.

Master Scytale: If you don't get out of here soon, Master Scytale could die, and you can't let that happen. You win if all threats to the town are eliminated and at least one town-aligned player is alive.
Or one of these wrote:Paul Atreides:
You are Paul Atreides, Town Psychologist. Since you've been revived, you've spent quite a bit of time trying to revive your memories. Last night, the Face Dancers snuck up on you during the night and tried to kill you. They were disguised as your closest friends and family: Duncan

Idaho, Chani, Jessica, and your own son Leto. The mental anguish inflicted on you when you saw these people trying to kill you ripped your mind open, and now you remember everything. You are once again the Kwisatz Haderach. But Chani......... She's outside the cockpit, and you

have no idea if she's safe or not. And no matter how much you beg, Sheeana won't open the doors until she's certain that all the Face Dancers are dead.

The Shortening of the Way: You are the Kwisatz Haderach. By concentrating on one person and taking a dose of spice essence, you can see if that person's future shows them as a killer. Unfortunately, if they've killed before, it muddles your vision. You won't see any death in their future.

Your Sihaya: Chani........ She could be hurt. You have to get out of here and make sure she's okay. You win if all threats to the town are eliminated and at least one town-aligned player is alive.
Last edited by gandalf5166 on Mon Nov 29, 2010 10:54 am, edited 15 times in total.
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Post Post #1 (ISO) » Sat Oct 23, 2010 10:21 am

Post by gandalf5166 »

RULES(SHAMELESSLY stolen from Haylen, with some wording changes that serve no purpose but to make me feel better about myself):

When the Sun's Out

1.This game is a day start.
2. Bold your votes, in the general format
. The VOTE: tags are pretty darned nifty too. Please try to make your votes visible, preferably at the beginning of a line. If I don't see it, I won't count it. If I do see it, but I don't think it's probable that others would have seen it, guess what: I won't count it. However, if you notice I missed something in my vote count, PLEASE feel free to point it out.
3. Days will have a 3 week deadline, if a lynch has not been reached by then, a no lynch will occur. Extensions may be granted in special circumstances. If activity starts to drop, I may shorten the deadline by a day or two to get you guys posting. Lurking is a deadly disease, I don't want it spreading throughout my games.
4. Mafia may not converse during the day unless their role PMs specifically say they can.
5. Do NOT quote your role PM, any outside communication with the mod, or outside communications with other players(as permitted by your role). If you do, I'll just have to kill you.
6a. Don't use anything like encrypted text, invisible text, spoiler tags or anything I deem to be pretty much the same will be treated like the pumpkin eaters they are, unless there's a damn good reason. Not having read the rules isn't a good reason.
6b. If for some reason you can edit posts, don't. Or I'll just have to kill you.
7a. If you do not post for 72 hours, you will get the cattle prod. You have 48 hours to respond to said prod, or I'll be forced to replace you. If you receive three prods through the course of the game, you will be force-replaced.
b. If I send you mod communication, open it. That way if important info is for some reason inside your prod or something, you don't miss it because you saw the subject line and deleted it promptly.
c. If you get a prod and the 48 hour deadline to post is going to expire during the nighttime, you will be required to respond to it via PM. This is so we can find a replacement as soon as possible.

In the Twilight Zone

1. Once a majority has been reached, all votes and unvotes are ignored.
2. A lynchee may continue to talk until a death scene is posted.
3. Mafia can't talk to each other until the lynch scene is posted, unless their role PM allows them to talk to each other during the day.

In the Dark of Night

1.The night phase will last 72 hours, because 72 is the coolest letter of the alphabet.
2. If your role allows, you may speak with the people your Role PM specifies, in the QTs specified. Communicating by PM outside of those QTs is not permitted.
3. Mafia can NOT kill their partners, unless for some reason your role PM specifically says that you CAN.
4. Impersonating power roles by sending in fake action PMs will NOT be tolerated. My mod-hammer is ready to strike.

Rules of Conduct

1. Insulting behavior is not appreciated. If you're making it personal, you will be warned, and if it happens again, I'll start warming up my hammer arm.
2. Green is MY COLOR. Using it will result in some prejudice. If I edit people's posts, I'll use green to show that I wrote it, not the player.
3. Out of thread communication with ANYBODY unless your role specifically allows you to communicate with that person at that time.
4. When I get pissed off at my players, my hammer arm gets itchy.
5. This is my game, and if I feel you've violated the rules in spirit, I will strike you down, regardless of any "loopholes" you've found.
6. Modkills(AKA Prejudice, Hammerings, Strikedowns) are when I kill you for breaking the rules. When you are modkilled, your role will be changed to Neutral Survivor, and the day will end. Period.
7. Play to win. However, remember that it's a game. Don't take things personally. If you feel that a player is making things personal, alert me, and I'll make a decision accordingly.
8. If I screw up, feel free to tell me. I won't be angry ;)
9. If you need help understanding anything, or you have a problem, PM me.
10. If you're dead, don't post. You'll scare me.
11. I reserve the right to modify these rules whenever I see fit, but I will notify you in thread when I do so.

And don't forget to have fun. It's a game, treat it as such. Just don't ruin it for the other players in the process.
Last edited by gandalf5166 on Sat Oct 23, 2010 2:21 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post Post #2 (ISO) » Sat Oct 23, 2010 10:25 am

Post by gandalf5166 »

Role PMs are going out! When you get yours, confirm by PM, K? The game will start when 10/12 have confirmed and all role PMs are out.
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Post Post #3 (ISO) » Sun Oct 24, 2010 7:26 am

Post by gandalf5166 »

10/12 have confirmed! Day 1 starts now.
With 12 alive it takes 7 to lynch. GOGOGOGOGO
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Post Post #4 (ISO) » Sun Oct 24, 2010 7:39 am

Post by Empking »

Vote; Don
Plus, if you guys want to make a point, skip the walls, because everyone else in the game does as well. - Magister Ludi
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Post Post #5 (ISO) » Sun Oct 24, 2010 7:59 am

Post by schrauben8542 »

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Post Post #6 (ISO) » Sun Oct 24, 2010 8:07 am

Post by Empking »

schrauben8542 wrote:
1. Any reason?
2. Have you played with anybody in this game before?
Plus, if you guys want to make a point, skip the walls, because everyone else in the game does as well. - Magister Ludi
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Post Post #7 (ISO) » Sun Oct 24, 2010 8:13 am

Post by schrauben8542 »

Empking wrote:
schrauben8542 wrote:
1. Any reason?
2. Have you played with anybody in this game before?
1. No reason other than when he comes into any game that we are in together he usually votes me, so I beat him to the punch this time.
2. I am actively in games with drmyshottyizsik, don_johnson, Shadow Dancer, HopOnMyJoystick and implosion atm, as far a names I recognize.

Why are you asking if I have a reason when you didn't post a reason for your vote of Don?
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Post Post #8 (ISO) » Sun Oct 24, 2010 8:29 am

Post by Empking »

schrauben8542 wrote:
Empking wrote:
schrauben8542 wrote:
1. Any reason?
2. Have you played with anybody in this game before?
1. No reason other than when he comes into any game that we are in together he usually votes me, so I beat him to the punch this time.
2. I am actively in games with drmyshottyizsik, don_johnson, Shadow Dancer, HopOnMyJoystick and implosion atm, as far a names I recognize.

Why are you asking if I have a reason when you didn't post a reason for your vote of Don?
Because I know my reason for voting but I didn't know your's.
Plus, if you guys want to make a point, skip the walls, because everyone else in the game does as well. - Magister Ludi
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Post Post #9 (ISO) » Sun Oct 24, 2010 8:42 am

Post by implosion »

Vote: Shadow Dancer
because the scum are face dancers. Close enough for me.

I don't know anyone here well. So nice to meet you all :).
Empking wrote:Because I know my reason for voting but I didn't know your's.
This reason is what?
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Post Post #10 (ISO) » Sun Oct 24, 2010 8:50 am

Post by Empking »

implosion wrote:
Vote: Shadow Dancer
because the scum are face dancers. Close enough for me.

I don't know anyone here well. So nice to meet you all :).
Empking wrote:Because I know my reason for voting but I didn't know your's.
This reason is what?
I've only really played with Don before.
Plus, if you guys want to make a point, skip the walls, because everyone else in the game does as well. - Magister Ludi
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Post Post #11 (ISO) » Sun Oct 24, 2010 9:25 am

Post by Scott Brosius »

Vote: Hop

An awkward name to abbreviate and still bitter about last game.
Town 15-19

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Post Post #12 (ISO) » Sun Oct 24, 2010 10:00 am

Post by don_johnson »

vote: jessesheffield

its not going to work with the both of us here...

lol at brosius/hop. hindsight is 20/20, but that was some funny shit. your reasoning was so freaking sound, but hop made you look sooooooooooo bad.
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Post Post #13 (ISO) » Sun Oct 24, 2010 10:40 am

Post by ConfidAnon »

Vote: drmyshottyizsik

What is a shotty, and how can one's shotty be ill?
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Post Post #14 (ISO) » Sun Oct 24, 2010 11:09 am

Post by PogoStick »

vote implosion

people who play epic mafia scare me.
Call me Rob, Hop, or joystick but I am better known in mafia world as the "Fall guy"

AtE is not a scum tell.

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Post Post #15 (ISO) » Sun Oct 24, 2010 11:09 am

Post by PogoStick »

Scott Brosius wrote:
Vote: Hop

An awkward name to abbreviate and still bitter about last game.
Call me Rob, Hop, or joystick but I am better known in mafia world as the "Fall guy"

AtE is not a scum tell.

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Post Post #16 (ISO) » Sun Oct 24, 2010 2:29 pm

Post by saporovirus »

vote: confid
for not having a basic understanding of hip hop lingo.
but I love you still

unsanitary999: african earl grey more like a freakin' pearl gay
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Post Post #17 (ISO) » Mon Oct 25, 2010 1:26 am

Post by Shadow Dancer »

vote Screw (i.e. SchraubenSomenumber)

Because he is still alive in Newbie 1012.
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Post Post #18 (ISO) » Mon Oct 25, 2010 1:42 am

Post by Shadow Dancer »

Some thoughts about the setup:

I must say I like this setup, may be pretty town favoured though, but I haven't done any math so far.

I asked the mod when Leto would have to decide about her/his (? - I don't know the flavour well) PR and he stated that it would be with fisrt night choice which means we can discuss the issue during D1.
Right now I am leaning towards chosing vig, because an extra kill/lynch every day is much stronger than a tracker. The drawback is that our cop roles are stalled a bit, but given that claiming Vig is a pretty suicidal act for scum I think it is worth it.

I also think it would be good to synchronize our two psychics, so we can know for sure if they could kill and if they have killed - giving us essentially two town cop roles.

The hider/hidertracker combination is alsmost like a cop mason, btw! If one of both dies there is still the other one (most likely the tracker) to give us the results. However, we can only find one scum this way, so the hider should try to hit a townie (and one that's unlikely to be killed) every night, so we can hopefully clear as many players as possible when claiming stage is reached.

Another good thing about assigning a psychic target beforehand is that the hider can chose a different target every night. With a bit of luck we can sweep lots of players before endgame.
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Post Post #19 (ISO) » Mon Oct 25, 2010 1:49 am

Post by PogoStick »

Wow trying super hard to establish you are pro town shadow, without any reason to
Call me Rob, Hop, or joystick but I am better known in mafia world as the "Fall guy"

AtE is not a scum tell.

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Post Post #20 (ISO) » Mon Oct 25, 2010 1:59 am

Post by Empking »

One of the main questions about whether to get a vig or a tracker is whether or not we're planning on leading the vig. If we did then we'd give scum additional power but if we didn't then we'd run the risk of one bad player ruining it for us and an increased odds of getting rid of our hider.

Everybody: Your thoughts on whether we should direct the vig or not (if we pick vig)

Tracker is quite a powerful role (though it doesn't have the game changing effects of vig) so I don't think we should be worried about wasting the vig/tracker if we move into that direction.
Plus, if you guys want to make a point, skip the walls, because everyone else in the game does as well. - Magister Ludi
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Post Post #21 (ISO) » Mon Oct 25, 2010 1:59 am

Post by Empking »

HopOnMyJoystick wrote:Wow trying super hard to establish you are pro town shadow, without any reason to
Does that strike you as scummy?
Plus, if you guys want to make a point, skip the walls, because everyone else in the game does as well. - Magister Ludi
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Post Post #22 (ISO) » Mon Oct 25, 2010 2:02 am

Post by Shadow Dancer »

That's like saying:

Wow, Hop, trying to establish super hard that you are scumhunting - without any reason to.

Oh, wait, no, actually...
It would not be the first time that scum tries to derail strategy debate that very moment some one/I brings it up. Keeping town dumb and uninformed is of course what scum wants. That you seem to have nothing to say about the matter itself does not help your case, either.

Unvote. Vote Hop
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Post Post #23 (ISO) » Mon Oct 25, 2010 2:03 am

Post by Shadow Dancer »

:\ Forum bugs around for me today :(
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Post Post #24 (ISO) » Mon Oct 25, 2010 2:10 am

Post by Shadow Dancer »

Empking wrote:One of the main questions about whether to get a vig or a tracker is whether or not we're planning on leading the vig. If we did then we'd give scum additional power but if we didn't then we'd run the risk of one bad player ruining it for us and an increased odds of getting rid of our hider.

Everybody: Your thoughts on whether we should direct the vig or not (if we pick vig)

Tracker is quite a powerful role (though it doesn't have the game changing effects of vig) so I don't think we should be worried about wasting the vig/tracker if we move into that direction.
Yeah that is my only concern - that a bad vig fucks it up big time (I know what I am talking anbout O_o )
But on the other hand I don't like VI fear as reason for any decision - it gives power to the VIs, even if they aren't even there...
My best bet would be a general guideline for the vig when chosing targets along the lines of common scumreads > personal scumreads > neutral reads if no clear scumreads are available when it comes to target choice. Strictly guiding him might be a good choice when the situation calls for it (after some claims and stuff), but rathe not in general, since, as you said, it gives scum some power over the vig.

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