You've probably seen all these rules before, except maybe 6 and 11.
1. All sitewide rules apply.
2. Play to win. It's more fun to win fairly than if your opponents throw the game, so don't ruin the game for the other players.
3. Don't quote things that aren't public knowledge, or make use of the exact wording of a private message or metadata like timestamps of private communication. (It's OK to paraphrase the meaning. Just not to use things like wording as evidence that you're not faking the communication.)
4. Don't use hidden or small text, cryptography, or provable randomness. (Breadcrumbs are OK.)
5. Until this game is over, don't discuss it anywhere but this thread, or other locations I specifically allow you to discuss it in. If I send you a link to a place where you can discuss the game privately, keep that link secret until the game is over. (And if someone tries to contact you about this game and they shouldn't be doing so, let me or a list mod know immediately.)
6. Don't use out-of-game information as a method of writing a message that will only be understood by specific players. It's tantamount to private communication.
7. Dead players shouldn't post (not here, nor in places their role PM allows them to, nor in unrelated areas). I will create a QuickTopic that dead players can use to discuss the game if they wish, and give the link to players when they die.
8. Don't pretend to break a rule, even if you aren't actually breaking another rule. (For instance, you can't post the timestamp of your role PM publicly, so don't post a fake timestamp for your role PM either.)
9. Please try to stay civil. It's not fun having a game thread full of insults and personal attacks.
10. Don't try to gain an advantage from rulebreaking, either yours or another player's. (This doesn't mean you shouldn't report it if you see it happens; just don't try to use it as a weapon.) If players break rules, I will try to resolve the situation in a way that preserves the balance of the game. (This means that if you're trying to use a breaking strategy that depends on deliberately getting modkilled, don't expect it to work.)
11. Don't pretend to take day actions you can't actually take. That is, don't vote unless you can vote, don't attempt to daykill someone unless your role actually allows you to daykill someone, etc.. Likewise, do not make it ambiguous whether something is a vote or not.
12. Alts and hydras: please post from the correct account. If you accidentally post from the wrong account, please repeat the post from the correct account.
13. Day deadlines will be two weeks long. I will let you know the deadlines in each vote count.
14. If players need to be replaced, deadlines will be extended accordingly; days will not end due to deadlines within 72 hours of a player replacing in. In order to gain more certainty about deadlines, and avoid games being decided by out-of-game factors, if a player becomes in need of replacement within the last 36 hours of a day, I will not replace the slot until the next day.
15. If you find you don't have enough time to play the game, let me know and I'll try to find a replacement. (But that makes the game worse for everyone, so try to avoid doing that unless the alternatives would be even worse.)
16. If you want to replace into this game, let me know by PM. In an ideal world, nobody would ever replace out and your request would be pointless, but in practice it's pretty rare for that to actually happen. I'll let you know when a slot becomes free.
17. I'm trying a new experimental system for handling persistently inactive players this game. You should aim to post most days, and definitely at least once every 48 hours. I will initially search for replacements for people after they haven't posted for 72 hours and send them reminders of this rule after approximately 48; however, once a player has been sent a reminder, these timeouts reduce to 48 and 24 hours respectively for the rest of the game day. If a player is sent 48-hour reminders on two separate game days, the timeout reduction becomes permanent for the rest of the game.
18. If you know in advance that you won't be able to play temporarily, or on a regular schedule (such as having no access at weekends), declare your vacation or limited access in thread ("V/LA"). Players are exempt from activity deadlines while V/LA, but if a player has a long declared inactivity period, I may need to replace them anyway.
19. If you see a discrepancy between the number of votes on a player and the number of players voting for that player without an obvious sign that it's deliberate, it's an accident; please let me know so that I can fix the vote count.
20. Your role PM requires you to confirm that you're willing to play when the game starts. The game will start when 80% or more of the player list (for a 10 player game, that's 8 players) have confirmed.
21. I usually randomize night actions for a compulsive power role who doesn't submit an action. However, as an Open mountainous game, you know there are no power roles in the setup, so the problem won't come up.
22. Should something go wrong, please contact me or a list mod. If I should need to be replaced for any reason, one of the scum should send a link to the scum QuickTopic to the new moderator; as a mountainous setup, that's all the information they'll require to continue the game in my absence.
23. This is a Nightless game. As such, after confirmations, it will consist only of day phases, with one day starting when the previous day ends. And thus, the thread will remain unlocked (and anyone can post there) as soon as sufficiently many players have confirmed.
24. During day phases, each player can vote to lynch themself or another player. You can change or retract your vote as often as you like, but can only have one vote out at a time. Votes will be reset at the start of each day. As a nightless game, you cannot vote to no-lynch.
25. I don't require players to unvote; voting will implicitly remove any previous vote you might have. However, consider explicitly unvoting anyway as a courtesy to the other players.
26. To vote, I recommend using the [vote][/vote] tags, which look like this:VOTE: callforjudgement. (There is a similar tag for unvoting.) Other voting styles are accepted as long as they're clear; a vote is definitely unclear if it's spoilered, or does not at least contain the word "vote" and use bold formatting, but might be unclear even if it complies with the letter of that restriction. (If you're going to boldvote, make life easier for people by putting it on a line of its own.)
27. Day will end when a majority of players (that is, more than half) are voting for the same person. That player will be lynched and removed from the game, no longer counting as alive. Then the next day phase will start.
28. Day will also end at deadline. As a nightless game, "no lynch at deadline" makes no sense, so instead this game uses plurality lynches at deadline: the player with the most votes (even if it's much less than half the playerlist in votes) will be lynched. If there's a tie under this rule, the player lynched will be the player who had the most votes at the most recent point in time at which there wasn't a tie; if there's still a tie (i.e. nobody has voted all day), a random player will be lynched.
29. This is an Open game (specifically, Black Flag Nightless). As such, every player knows the setup (note the unusual win conditions):
7 of the 10 players will get the Vanilla Townie role PM, which looks like this (with the name changed):
3 of the 10 players will get the Mafia Goon role PM, which looks like this (with the names and links changed):
30. When a player dies, their role name will be posted in thread.
The psychologist looked around the prison. Things were bad.
In the past, the prison had mostly run itself. Obviously, you left the doors locked, but beyond that, it was mostly just a case of providing meals and sanitation; the prisoners themselves could take care of everything else. No matter how hardened a criminal was before they were thrown into jail, humans have a natural tendency to obey orders from their superiors, and can fall into a command structure easily. There was a famous experiment where the experimenters merely told the experimental subjects to pretend to be prisoners or prison guards; and it had to be stopped because of the amount of brutality that went on from the guards, and that the prisoners were willing to accept. For people who actually had done something wrong, therefore, the impulse to just obey orders and take their punishment was all the stronger.
But the whole structure had been breaking down. Several people killed in the last few weeks; some were prisoners, but more were guards, especially the people in charge. Now she was the only one left, apart from the remaining prisoners, and some of the catering staff. Insubordination is one of the most dangerous diseases that can infect a command structure, like an army or a prison; it's the reason that almost every army punishes mutiny more severely than pretty much anything else. A few officers can keep huge numbers of common soldiers in line, but not when mutiny starts spreading.
She had to do something. Just staying there would pretty much ensure she was the next to die. She considered just telling the catering staff to leave, locking all the doors, and leaving the prisoners in there to starve to death, but she was far from certain locked doors could contain them by themselves; and the last thing she wanted was ten people hating her, who'd already proven they were willing to break the law, and with nothing left to lose. Help from outside was unlikely; it was a remote area of the world. So she had to work this out for herself.
No, what was needed was to regain control. It seemed very unlikely that all the prisoners were taking part in the mutiny yet; it seemed more likely that it was only, say, two or three. Probably three. The others would be just as fearful as she was, unable to stop what order their tiny prison world being torn apart. If she just knew who the ringleaders were, it would hardly take much convincing to get the other prisoners to solve the problem for her.
Of course, things were never that easy. She'd already asked them all, but nobody would admit to knowing who was responsible for the killings; the culture of silence among criminals was just too ingrained for a comparatively short prison sentence to remove. So she needed to try something unusual, and fast.
The next day, therefore, she set out on an expedition, the ten prisoners with her. The prison was near the base of a large mountain. And everyone would be climbing the mountain along with her, until the ringleaders admitted what they'd done. She wouldn't even need to punish them, really. Well, she'd need to be seen to punish them, but the mere admission would be enough to prove that they'd given up and were willing to go back to obeying orders, and the punishment would just be to assert her authority.
Until then, gruelling mountain-climbing for everyone. No reprieves. No sympathy for the people who couldn't keep up; she'd get the others to drag them along over the rocks if she had to. No allowances for the people who weren't as athletic as she was. It had to be nasty for everyone. That was the whole point. Eventually, someone would give in and tell her what she needed to know.
One of these days, you'll actually turn out to be scum, I'll finally stop being suspicious of you two. But until that day, you'll always be scum to me day 1 ^.^
I should make an alt account as ZombiePiggy, and then finally,
people might stop wanting to eat me
Did you see that v/la post? Holy crap guys! Scum has seriously been caught!
(jk UNVOTE: )
I understand N bandwagoning, he likes bandwagons, but Equinox didn't even put a silly sentance in there to make me feel better about being brought to L-2 on page 1 VOTE: Equinox
Clearly a lazy band-wagoning scum looking for an easy lynch.
In post 16, PiggyGal15 wrote:I understand N bandwagoning, he likes bandwagons, but Equinox didn't even put a silly sentance in there to make me feel better about being brought to L-2 on page 1 :( VOTE: Equinox
Clearly a lazy band-wagoning scum looking for an easy lynch.
What makes you say I like bandwagonning? I mean, I do; but the only other game I've played with you is Reverse Mafia and I don't remember wagonning anyone for no particular reason in that game.
I brought up the v/la as a means to end my RVS while letting things stay in RVS because I know things are going to stay in RVS even when things actually get serious. It happens. It's why I don't like RVS, because even when it obviously come to an end, new players that haven't posted yet still look to RVS to join in the conversation - so it was a way to let the other 5ish people come in without feeling the need to awkwardly stay in RVS - call my logic flawed, but when you know something is inevitable, it's best just to give in and join their side - which I get a feeling will become my lynch very soon :/
Really? Which games of mine have you stalked? They've been mostly newbies and micros, so I can't see why you'd have much interest in them.
In post 23, PiggyGal15 wrote:I brought up the v/la as a means to end my RVS while letting things stay in RVS because I know things are going to stay in RVS even when things actually get serious. It happens. It's why I don't like RVS, because even when it obviously come to an end, new players that haven't posted yet still look to RVS to join in the conversation - so it was a way to let the other 5ish people come in without feeling the need to awkwardly stay in RVS - call my logic flawed, but when you know something is inevitable, it's best just to give in and join their side - which I get a feeling will become my lynch very soon :/
Let me get this straight: you dislike RVS; in order to end RVS you (a) jokingly call someone out for being V/LA (b) want to let it continue (c) think everyone who hasn't posted yet should join in the RVS and (d) think you'll be lynched for it?