Mini 61-BLINDFF3

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Post Post #6 (isolation #0) » Tue Oct 07, 2003 6:55 pm

Post by Misha »

Orphan voice, 'Please sir, could I have what Rosebud, Hambone, and SatiricalBob got, oh but not what unsanitary999 got please.'

Anyway, so is unsanitary gone gone, as in can sign up for another mini, or is he marvel comic gone, dead until convenient to return?
random vote: serpent
, because I really don't like snakes, sorry :oops:, although Jericho comes in a close second for misspelling random :wink:
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Post Post #14 (isolation #1) » Wed Oct 08, 2003 7:45 am

Post by Misha »

Unvote: Serpent
, because I think that it is too early for a bandwagon. Besides, I don't really think he is more suspicious then any of the rest of you, so why bandwagon this early?

We've been told who unsanitary was; he/she was Gau, cute little character :cry: , he liked playing with Mr. Thou a lot. Anyone have some dried meat to feed him?
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Post Post #16 (isolation #2) » Wed Oct 08, 2003 10:53 am

Post by Misha »

:roll: , bandwagoning is only one of the ways to get information, and usually not the best way either.

For instance, why do some people have slightly higher hit points then others? Why 21, why 100? Use that information. Unsanitary was one of the people that was on the list when it was shown in the mini-thread, use that. Also, random votes are rarely completely random. Mine wasn't, it was a combination of who will we get information from if they lose 500 hitpoints and my dislike of snakes (that was the semi-random part). It appears that no one purchased a potion last night, why is that? Is it lack of gil or is it a desire to save gil til later? There are plenty of questions that can get information, bandwagoning is rarely as helpful for the town as for the mafia, in my opinion, especially when there is little actual conversation prior to the bandwagonning (6 votes total so far in less then a page and three of the votes for Serpent? :? )

Anyhows, if anyone does have the life spell, Gau might be a good choice, since he can imitate anyone (including cop or doc perchance), his ability could come in handy (although he might just get killed again).
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Post Post #20 (isolation #3) » Wed Oct 08, 2003 2:24 pm

Post by Misha »

Ahh, sorry, I thought you were refering to the role for some reason. I think the players won't be named until there is no chance of recovery, but perhaps I am wrong.

I think that the 'chunks' may be related to Setzer, he is the only one that I can think of that would have that associated with a heal (i.e. when you don't match 3, you get something or other that restores a slight amount of hit points). I was thinking possibly Mog, but his dance heal (sunbeam or something), heals a considerable amount of hp.
Meh, perhaps I am wrong, but I prefer a tad bit of conversation about the game prior to any bandwagons or anything along those lines. Even having people all random vote sometimes gives clues as to alligences.

Also, one other thing to consider, should we prohibit people (with 500- hp) from buying potions during the day? I think yes, just because otherwise a lynch does no good for information gathering. I think I'll be quiet and write my paper now, sorry for talking a lot. :oops:
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Post Post #29 (isolation #4) » Thu Oct 09, 2003 1:58 pm

Post by Misha »

Paper's done, but I'm grumble as heck because typing cyrillic characters on a Western keyboard is sooo irritating :cry: . If I sound harsh in this post, my apologies in advance.
Misha wrote:Also, one other thing to consider, should we prohibit people (with 500- hp) from buying potions during the day? I think yes, just because otherwise a lynch does no good for information gathering.
Enforcer wrote:FOS: Misha for trying to stop people from using potions. They can stop a lynch, but also stop mafia kills, which in my mind far outweighs the harms.
Suggesting people not be allowed (by the town) to buy a potion during the day does NOT prohibit them from buying one during the night, when the mafia usually strikes. If you would like I could also recommend that before anyone puts a final vote on anyone, we wait a day to give other people an opportunity to buy one, of course we have no idea how much a mafia hit can take off, or even if they have multiple attack forms, but whatever.
Enforcer wrote:when it really is too early to seriously consider actually lynching someone
It really comes down to one thing in mafia games. Only by lynching and getting more information can the town win, otherwise the mafia will pick us off one at a time. I also find it somewhat humorous that you say this and then follow it up with a recommendation to bandwagon.
fos: enforcer
, for crap logic and slightly selective reading imo.

Anyhows, may as well put one more question for people out there (I tend to be slightly curious), if we bandwagon for claims (i.e. run out of every single other lead possible), should we ask for role names only or names and abilities?
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Post Post #52 (isolation #5) » Mon Oct 13, 2003 3:07 am

Post by Misha »

My guess would be that the previous vote was negated, but not the ability to vote (i.e. could vote for someone now).

Why would Terra (the only glowing, floating character in the game to my knowledge) be a day killer and why pick Rhino? I guess that this is possibly before the beginning of the game and that Terra might be under the influence of the slave crown.

Something is strange here, but to be honest I think it is more a case of the mafia setting Enforcer up, rather then he/she being one of them, it's too blatant. It's also why I didn't vote for him/her, I thought the logic was crap logic, but pro-town tinged.

However, the coincidence of 2 of the 4 people who voted for Enforcer shouldn't be ignored, so personally I would prefer to have a bit more information from Enforcer.
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Post Post #55 (isolation #6) » Mon Oct 13, 2003 6:20 am

Post by Misha »

True, but Terra uses a sword as well. Semantics perhaps. *shrug* Personally, I somewhat doubt that the day killer was pro-town, or at least entirely, otherwise why attack on the first day? Especially without warning like that. :?

Hmm, to be honest the more I think about the events of this day, the more possibilities/probabilities come to mind. Unfortunately, sharing everything will likely give the mafia an advantage. I guess one question that probably won't make much sense if I am wrong, but will be helpful to me (and perhaps the rest of the town) if I am right shouldn't hurt too much. Enforcer, might I inquire if the vote negation is due to your role abilities or due to your role name (not asking for you to share either though if you do not wish)?
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Post Post #72 (isolation #7) » Wed Oct 15, 2003 5:30 am

Post by Misha »

Certain characteristics and could be town or mafia. Hmmm, kinda the same way I was going, but I don't know.

Lovers: Celes and Locke, imo
Family: Cid/Celes, Sabin/Edgar, Strago/Relm/I am not going to put Shadow there, even though it is likely he is family.
Companions: Mog/Umaro
Evil Pair: Kefka/Gestahl (unlikely to have that restriction, they did try to kill each other after all)
Loners: Setzer, Gogo, Gau, Cyan, and Terra (Leo and Banon, but they are very minor characters imo)

If by some chance there is a characteristic that prohibits someone from voting for someone else, they are likely pro-town, imo. Of course, this is negated if the vote was negated through an ability via PM, which could mean that Enforcer is Gestahl and Gon is Celes, Kefka, or Leo (the only three I can think of that would abide by that at any point in the game or prior to it). Terra somewhat fits, but only with the Slave Crown on; however, the day attack came later, so they are probably not related.
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Post Post #78 (isolation #8) » Wed Oct 15, 2003 12:47 pm

Post by Misha »

As much as I dislike to further goad this, unfortunately, I might have to given the path my logic seems to be following.

So, I refuse to vote for anyone that will not give us any information after a lynch, perhaps in later days, but on the first day, we need the information, imo. That cuts 3 people out right there. Additionally, I think that Gon and Enforcer are both innocent (which my last post was somewhat leading up to). So down to 5 left, Serpent seems innocent if lurking a bit (means when someone hasn't posted lately, just to help any new person). Cutting myself out of the equation, because I'm not suicidal, that leaves 3 Reines, Solid, and Jericho.

*sigh* So I guess that leaves three options (for me),
1) vote for one of them
2) request that Gon reveal his/her role and then have Enforcer verify/disprove it
3) do the opposite and request that Enforcer state the condition and then have Gon answer to that.
The flaw in the first is fairly obvious.
The flaw in the second and third are that if one is mafia and we pick wrong, it's an easy way for a mafia member to get someone lynched. Additionally, if both are mafia, it is an easy way to 'clear' themselves. Also, two 'confirmed' innocents would be a tempting target for any mafia. Thoughts, advice, problems I'm not seeing?
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Post Post #114 (isolation #9) » Sat Oct 25, 2003 5:04 am

Post by Misha »

:roll: , sure if we know who the mafia are and that they have more then 500 hitpoints.
fos: Mr. X

We need more information and voting for someone because they agree with this is ludicrous imo. Let's say three-four evil (2-3 mafia, 1 daykiller). One of whom has more then 500, just for argument's sake. That leaves 2-3 out of 7 and 1 out of 3, the odds are no better and getting information easily tips it in the favor of lynching someone with 500 hitpoints, which coincidently enough includes myself, so self-preservation is not a determining factor in my argument. The only instance in which it makes sense to go after someone with more then 500 on the first day is if we know for a fact that 2 of them are evil, which is a gamble that I most certainly would not take.
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Post Post #116 (isolation #10) » Sat Oct 25, 2003 3:16 pm

Post by Misha »

I personally dismiss the idea simply because if we have another night/day like this one, we will have 8 people left and the only information gained is through mafia/day kills. I agree with you about lynching someone who is suspicious; unfortunately, I also find it necessary that we gain information from a lynch as well, thus I will only vote for someone with 500 hitpoints.

One danger to varying hitpoints is that mafia kills only take 500 away as well (unless they have differing attacks or what have you), so unfortunately even if someone is hit tonight, if they have more then 500 hitpoints, there is little guarantee that they are not mafia, imo. Anyhows, I guess those are my thoughts for now.
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Post Post #128 (isolation #11) » Mon Oct 27, 2003 7:49 am

Post by Misha »

*nibbles on the food for thought* Ye misspelled Setzer, btw, course then again *shrug*. Hmmm, so ye chose to heal Reines, but Hambone received it, interesting. Since Gau and Gogo's descriptions somewhat prohibit this ability and if anyone else was the 'real' Setzer they would talk up, I tend to believe SB, for now at least. Of course, that does not truly help with my deliberations as to whom to vote for, so I guess I have to go re-read the thread.
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Post Post #139 (isolation #12) » Wed Oct 29, 2003 3:37 am

Post by Misha »

Bluntly put, unless someone counters the claim that he was the one that increased two people's hitpoints last night, I will believe Satirical. This also means that I don't want him lynched, as he would be innocent. Lynching Hambone does no good, same for Rosebud. I find little to be suspicious of in Mr. X/Serpent's behavior, so
. No other path makes sense to me with a deadline near that otherwise will kill someone I fully believe to be innocent.
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Post Post #145 (isolation #13) » Sat Nov 01, 2003 2:20 pm

Post by Misha »

Jericho, solid, and hambone have to be playing male characters. Gon has to be playing female. That said, I still find quite a few of you suspicious, especially after yesterday's lynching of someone that can act (somewhat) as a doctor, without anyone refuting their claim.
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Post Post #153 (isolation #14) » Wed Nov 05, 2003 1:03 pm

Post by Misha »

Information we know:
Setzer- slot
Mog- dancing
Edgar-lady's man

There are:
Blue charged figure-Terra?
Thief-Locke, Lone wolf?
Healer-Celes, Banon?
Magic deflector-?????

So that leaves 4 people left, likely 1-3 of whom are guilty (unsure if the thief or daykiller are innocent or not).
large FoS:
For ignoring the role claim, at least Jericho said why he didn't take his vote off. I'm not saying that I don't find Jericho suspicious, but I don't want to let Hambone off that easily either.
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Post Post #155 (isolation #15) » Thu Nov 06, 2003 6:06 am

Post by Misha »

Because of Setzer's slot effect being deflected from Reines to Hambone. It may have to do with Hambone or Reines' roles or someone else.
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Post Post #157 (isolation #16) » Sat Nov 08, 2003 5:07 am

Post by Misha »

Well, between the two of them Gogo and Gau had 100 gil (it appears that Gau did not have any gil), so I think that mafia=little to no gil is a quite flawed assumption.

Anyhows, does anyone else have the impulse to start singing Simon and Garfunkle or Pink Floyd (i.e. Sound of Silence and Comfortably Numb)?

Of course, looking over my post a bit ago, 5+4=8 apparently, so change the 4 to 3 and everything is better ^_^

Oh and before I hop off to do things, one last point. Edgar was a lady's man, and Rhino placed the first vote on him, I would think those might be connected (i.e. Terra killing the first person to vote for him), but there was a mod update in between the two events, so I'm not sure what to make of it.
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Post Post #164 (isolation #17) » Wed Nov 12, 2003 3:50 pm

Post by Misha »

Geez, there are a ton of leads to go with, unfortunately those who are the most suspicious aren't talking in the slightest. Still
fos: Reines
, for ignoring the arguments against Jericho and Hambone.

That said, while I don't particulary care for voting for replacements, since (s)he hasn't talked yet and perhaps 3 votes will get a response
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Post Post #171 (isolation #18) » Sun Nov 16, 2003 12:50 pm

Post by Misha »

Revision of my summary:

Cyan-daykiller, pro-town, actually in retrospect makes some of his comments make more sense
Mog-dancing, two times now and no other dancers in FF 6?, no reason to suppose anyone else



That leaves 2 people with no revealed abilities.

That said, 6 left and still a game, so either we have vigilantes on our side (the dancing fluffy, Mog) or there are a max of 2 mafia left. If there are two mafia, we have to be very careful today, because it is almost lynch-or lose. Which ties into the list I presented.

Enforcer had no almost no abilities, Solid had an ability which almost begs to hurt the town, i.e. can only definitely kill on a day in which there is no information, Jericho had no listed abilities, the healer is weaker then a doc, imo, because it can benefit the mafia greatly, I doubt that the thief helps the town, Gau would have been an iffy role as to help/hurt the town (it depends on who he/she targets), Gogo would have been copish, but not as strong imo, Setzer=very weak doc, so basically putting all those together it seems like a fairly normal game (i.e. if the mafia has no special abilities, they are still not at a disadvantage, imo), even when considering the potions.

That said, I have many more thoughts about this game, but would like to hear other people's opinions as well.
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Post Post #175 (isolation #19) » Tue Nov 18, 2003 9:34 am

Post by Misha »

A 40% increase in cost would only be beneficial to the producers if they were able to sell . . . blah, hate economics ^_^

Hmm, personally I have little problem with posting under this name, I think some people have likely figured out who I am just based on posting style, but whatevs.

Anyhows, as to the deflection, since it has only affected Hambone, that makes me quite curious about his role. As to the blob, I have no clue.

True four in a game is quite rare and I wasn't really thinking it was the case here, but never know. Personally, I am almost ready for a mass claim and then pick off who has been the most suspicious/role-claim makes no sense. At least that would provoke some conversation. As to suspicions, I have you all ranked from most to least, so I may as well start with most and work the way down.

vote: hambone
, for following jericho a few times the first day and being instrumental in us lynching bob as opposed to jericho, trying to deflect attention away from jericho on the deadline date of the second day, and a whole lot of nothing helpful in his posts, oh and the deflection thing doesn't hurt either.
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Post Post #182 (isolation #20) » Mon Nov 24, 2003 3:07 pm

Post by Misha »

unvote: hambone
, that does not mean that I find you less suspicious, it only means that I do not want someone to quick-lynch you before things can be discussed.

That said one thing that may need to be considered. No other role (including my own) that is in my knowledge had the last name specified (that is unless you added it in case of someone not knowing who that is). It may be nit-picking, but it does stick out in my mind. Also, I'm not sure that that ability fits with that role. His special ability is lore, which is a copying ability, in my experience magic hits him just as it does anyone else. I am not sure, but perhaps I don't know the game (FF6) all that well :oops:

As to the lynch or lose, in theory we are there. Example: We lynch someone with 500 hp and then the mafia kills someone with 500. Leaving the white dancing thing (i.e. Mog imo) out of the equation means it is lynch or lose, but since the likelihood of that occuring is slim, I guess it truly isn't lynch or lose, sorry.
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Post Post #185 (isolation #21) » Mon Nov 24, 2003 4:36 pm

Post by Misha »

Well, I would think a deadline would be beneficial, of course I also think a extremely short night would be amusing as well. Just thinking about a non-attention paying mafia losing a kill amuses me greatly and it would set a nice precident to participate. :twisted:

Perhaps if less then 4 meaningful posts are made in the next 24 hours, deadline for Wednesday or Thursday 8pm EST/3 pm GMT?

As to the game, I doubt Strago has anything to do with deflections, but then again I can't think of any person in FF6 that would have that ability, save perhaps Celes and those would be to herself, not someone else.

Rosebud, one thing that may help you with deliberations about Mr. X is that Mog/white blob only showed up after Serpent was replaced. Serpent was a fairly new player, so may not have used his ability the first night. Since he has been replaced, Mog has acted both nights. This is not necessarily a true assement, it is only conjecture, but you can likely see where I am going with it.

One counter-argument is that Mog is a SK and choosing not to kill the first night helps with a vigilante claim, which is slightly re-enforced by the obvious choice so far (satiricalbob), but is lessened by the other 'choice', which failed (which to me indicates a possibility of failure for the dance, which would greatly weaken any SK role, which is difficult to win with to begin with.) Another is that vigilantes, in general, should not use their attacks first night.
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Post Post #190 (isolation #22) » Wed Nov 26, 2003 5:29 pm

Post by Misha »

Right, so unclaimed proven abilities

Thievery 2 times at least

Anyone want to claim the last one? :wink:

I'll have to read the Holy Grail mafia, should be interesting to see, any tips on which pages to read? Oh and lynching won't prove disprove your innocence and I doubt we have a cop left, I think we only have people matched up to the abilities listed above, plus possibly one not-listed.

So where do we go from here? I can give you my thoughts (with other people chiming in with their thoughts) on who is what with a bit of evidence to back it up, but it will give the doc up to the mafia. Alternatively we can just mass-claim or alternatively we can lynch Hambone or someone else. Those are the four options that I see. Thoughts, concerns, preferences?
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Post Post #207 (isolation #23) » Thu Dec 04, 2003 5:19 am

Post by Misha »

Yeah, I thought that Celes would be the healer, but maybe Terra or Banon or hmmmm, anyone else come to mind?

Anyhows, so I am not sure what it means that the white puff ball didn't strike last night, probably a missed night choice though which is good because I think the fluff ball might be a serial killer. Imo, there are only three options for killers remaining, which means we should be very careful.

1) 1 mafia 1 sk, dangerous because if we mess up the lynch here, we go into night with 5 people 2 evil and 3 below the level that can be killed. Presuming that SB and the healer each take one of them, that still leaves 4 people on the next day (presuming at least one of them kills SB), which can become a no-lynch situation.
2) 2 mafia, 1 vigilante same reasoning as above, although the vigilante helps to even things out for the town
3) 2 mafia, 1 sk, uhm, ouch, I think we might have already lost, excpet the sk doesn't know the number of the mafia and the mafia doesn't know if the sk is a sk or vigilante, but I don't put too much stock into this one.

Bright side though is that we have a confirmed innocent, so anyone who knows they are innocent (such as any pro-goody-goody person) has a 50%+ chance to randomly choose a guilty party, so between Reines, Rosebud, Mr. X, and Hambone, it probably isn't a surprise to anyone who I think one of the evil ones are.

But before I vote, because I want to be careful for the reasons stated above, does anyone have any reason for me to not vote for hambone? Personally, I think he is either mafia or the fluff ball and if he is mog, then lying about a claim re-enforces the serial killer as opposed to vigilante, although it doesn't make too much sense to lie about the name like that.
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Post Post #211 (isolation #24) » Thu Dec 04, 2003 4:19 pm

Post by Misha »

That has got to be the single most convoluted and complicated role I have ever seen, my compliments Quagmire.

Of course, I don't know if I believe it :D , but for now I suppose I won't think too much about it as I am almost positive that Hambone is the last mafia member. I do know that I don't like that you effectively killed Bob and that it does not give how much damage you did. This leads my paranoia to think that the 100 HP damage is actually a instant kill, which Mog does have dances that do this. However, I suppose that is for the next day as no one has answered why not to vote for hambone.
vote: hambone
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Post Post #212 (isolation #25) » Thu Dec 04, 2003 4:36 pm

Post by Misha »

Geez, I suppose I should proof-read my posts before posting.

I tend to change the train of thought a lot and re-write things, so it started as 'if there is only one mafia member left then I am almost positive that Hambone is the last mafia member, then' and turns into 'I am almost positive that Hambone is the last mafia member' on revision when I chose not to include that argument. I was leading into if he is the last mafia member, then there shouldn't be any kills tonight, unless Mog is a serial killer, *sigh* sorry about any confusion. :oops:
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Post Post #217 (isolation #26) » Sat Dec 06, 2003 2:29 pm

Post by Misha »

Okay, so let's get a few more things out onto the table.
1) Having only 2 mafia in a mini is unbalanced unless you have something stabilizing it out, like a serial killer.
2) There are only two mafia in this game
3) I know this because Reines and I are the thieves.
4) If you want proof, I can tell you that we stole 175 gil from Rosebud the third night and stole from enforcer on the second night. Reines can tell you how much we got from Hambone if my vouching for his being the second thief is insufficient.
5) Our goal, along with killing all the non goody-goods, was to accumulate 2000 gil. And before you ask, yes I did ask Quagmire what happens when we get it, but he told me that he couldn't say. I had assumed that it would be a phoenix down, especially when you consider Locke's goal in FF6, namely to resurrect Rachel. I thought that that was why real screen-names were not revealed, but it looks like Rosebud might be able to heal the dead (as well?) (I assume this is a one-tiem thing, just because otherwise it completely unbalances the game imo).

In retrospect, it may be just an amusing game-mechanism/way to get people to not purchase potions (which I was slightly trying to do from the outset), sorry enforcer :cry: . Two games now that I am a trouble-maker that can't help the town, sorry.

On the other hand, we are up to 1725 gil, so if anyone has 300-600 gil (we sometimes only get half or none :cry: ) they would like to contribute it would be appreciated.

This is why I had a 'slip-up' of saying last mafia member is because to me it's obvious he is the last one. However, that knowledge is also leading me to conclude that Mr. X is a serial killer, just because it is unbalanced otherwise.
unvote: Hambone, vote: Mr. X
I am almost positive that they are both evil, but since Mr. X has the very faint possibility of taking our gil away, I would like to see him disappear.

As to the argument supposed by Mr. X, sorry but I don't believe it. I think that I can believe all the abilities except the 100 damage to one person one, which I think is an instant kill. I suppose this should go before my vote, but I'm feeling lazy right now.

Claiming now looks better then after Rosebud claims doc and other people claim their roles, goes to credibility, usually at least, in this case it just makes you look more suspicious to me. It is the perfect serial killer role because there are two major flaws with the sk role, first is that you come up guilty to investigations, which is countered by mog's role as neither Gau nor Gogo would find him guilty.

The other problem is that the sk usually has no ability to point to as helpful to the town and ends up having to claim vigilante, which is often exposed. The mog role on the other hand has other abilities to make him a weak doctor and a potential role-destroyer to the thieves (who might have an important role if we reach 2000 gil, I don't know for sure). Also, if the attack is an instant kill, then there is no chance of a doc protect working, which is the another problem for a serial killer. Great role though.
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Post Post #223 (isolation #27) » Mon Dec 08, 2003 1:18 am

Post by Misha »

*shrug* I honestly have no clue what happens when we reach 2000 gil, I wish I could quote the mod's response to my question, but since that is a major no-no, oh well. Mainly I just want to see it happen because of curiousity and because we have worked fairly hard at it by trying to figure out who would have gil. For example, I thought that Rosebud had 500+ gil based on his/her post earlier, but apparently not since we only got 175. Of course, for all I know chocobos could rain from the sky if it happens, . . . but I think that might be unlikely :wink: I just want to actually see whatever happens happen.

This is also why I was looking at Mr. X a bit more then Hambone, even though I am fairly sure they are both evil (due to game balance). The idea of losing the result of all the night choices and discussions in one action was a bit disconcerting to me to say the least. Given Mr. X's response about that issue and to lengthen the day at least slightly (given that two people have made it known that they may vote for him), I'll
unvote: Mr. X
, oh and one thing that would work in your favor for a claim of not being a serial killer is last night. If you were a canny serial killer, you would have killed someone last night because any sk would be under the assumption that there would be 4 left if they killed (SB's resurrection is something that hadn't occured before after all), 2 town, 1 maf, 1 sk, so a no-win situation for the town. Unfortunately you missed your night choice (based on your word and no Mog-sightings), but that would have gone a fair length to alleviating some of my suspicions if we had seen evidence of a choice without a kill.

As for my name, Locke as I hinted at earlier (hence the thought that it might be a phoenix down reward *shrug*), I'll leave Reines to give his name should he desire.
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Post Post #229 (isolation #28) » Tue Dec 09, 2003 10:39 pm

Post by Misha »

*sigh* Okay, so I have been up all night, so not the proper mind-set to make a decision on whether to have a deadline or not and whether to put the final vote on someone. I'll probably vote for someone tomorrow morning.

We had two investigators. One would have found Mog's name and the other his actions (?), that is one of the reasons that I am hesitant to believe you Mr. X, we have a role duplicator, but without a specific role action, I have no idea how it would be determined what the role duplicator would do. Also, everyone else (it seems at least), only has one possible action, true Setzer can have different results, but it is the same action. (btw, if you are telling the truth, we had 3 vigilante roles, Bob, yourself, and solid).

I looked at that night more then a few times, one thing to note is that the dancing took place before solid's death, so there is little likelihood that the mafia and he chose the same target and that is why the kill failed. I'm torn between thinking that is a good way to clear oneself (and thus useful to a sk) and the fact that he didn't trip proves that his choice went through and thus the dancing was his night choice.

One way that I could see the game balanced with only 2 mafia is through the gil, Bob came back with 0 after having 700, so if all the gil that dead people have goes to the mafia, that would protect them from lynches in the end-game and possibly win them the game. Adding that to the doc being potentially harmful to the town and I guess it might be possible.
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Joined: September 30, 2003

Post Post #230 (isolation #29) » Tue Dec 09, 2003 10:39 pm

Post by Misha »

*sigh* Okay, so I have been up all night, so not the proper mind-set to make a decision on whether to have a deadline or not and whether to put the final vote on someone. I'll probably vote for someone tomorrow morning.

We had two investigators. One would have found Mog's name and the other his actions (?), that is one of the reasons that I am hesitant to believe you Mr. X, we have a role duplicator, but without a specific role action, I have no idea how it would be determined what the role duplicator would do. Also, everyone else (it seems at least), only has one possible action, true Setzer can have different results, but it is the same action. (btw, if you are telling the truth, we had 3 vigilante roles, Bob, yourself, and solid).

I looked at that night more then a few times, one thing to note is that the dancing took place before solid's death, so there is little likelihood that the mafia and he chose the same target and that is why the kill failed. I'm torn between thinking that is a good way to clear oneself (and thus useful to a sk) and the fact that he didn't trip proves that his choice went through and thus the dancing was his night choice.

One way that I could see the game balanced with only 2 mafia is through the gil, Bob came back with 0 after having 700, so if all the gil that dead people have goes to the mafia, that would protect them from lynches in the end-game and possibly win them the game. Adding that to the doc being potentially harmful to the town and I guess it might be possible.
Posts: 35
Joined: September 30, 2003

Post Post #233 (isolation #30) » Wed Dec 10, 2003 6:19 pm

Post by Misha »

Sorry about the previous double post.

Bob has a 1 in 9 chance of killing his target, I think. He has three possibilities for his slot and if all of them are the same the target dies, if there are differences then it heals Bob and his target. Or at least that is how I recall his role, I may be forgetting the specifics. One was a bomb like creature or something, another was fire (?), I completely forget the third. So to me that is a random vigilante/weak doc mixture. So two mixture roles and a true (but day-kill vigilante) if he is telling the truth? I have no other ideas right now.
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Joined: September 30, 2003

Post Post #236 (isolation #31) » Fri Dec 12, 2003 3:02 am

Post by Misha »

Well, since there doesn't seem to be any discussion of things in the past few days (4 posts in 2 days and little of substance) and all the people that I am sure are innocent are voting for Mr. X, I see no reason to continue a voiceless day.
vote: Mr. X
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Joined: September 30, 2003

Post Post #243 (isolation #32) » Sun Dec 14, 2003 3:14 pm

Post by Misha »

Give me a break, nice attempt at deceiving the town, but it's this simple. It is in the town's best interest to kill you today, as you are the last mafia. Reines and I are not killing roles, period. Who was the one that protected Jericho time and again and effectively lynched Bob, you. Who was the one that almost got Jericho lynched day one, myself. Whose role claim hasn't been proven in the slightest? Yours.

Funny thing is that you are also ignoring the other roles. Bob can kill someone if he gets the slots right (I assume that is what he tried to do to me last night, but thanks for the heal, wish it was more though).

Look it's this simple, if you think that the thieves are part of the mafia, go ahead and lynch Reines. If however, you think that the thieves can't kill, then lynch Hambone. Thing is, even if we are evil :roll: , the town still wins because there will be 1 thief and 2 pro-town at least (dependant upon Rosebud), so long as Bob doesn't self-destruct. One thing to consider is this. There were 5 people left at the end of the day last night, if Reines and I were part of the mafia, this game would have been over with either Bob dying last night, kill the only threat (vigilante).
vote: Hambone
die scum, die
Posts: 35
Joined: September 30, 2003

Post Post #246 (isolation #33) » Mon Dec 15, 2003 8:19 am

Post by Misha »

*gets ready to say last words* ^_^
Nope no need to delay for the final vote, imo. Go town ^_^
Posts: 35
Joined: September 30, 2003

Post Post #247 (isolation #34) » Mon Dec 15, 2003 8:20 am

Post by Misha »

Oh and thanks Bob :D , I would really hate to not be able to say something before I die.

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