How does the transform mechanic on weapons work?
Weapons all have two abilities;
The regular ability is the first one listed and it tied to your vote. To use it, use the bolded voting tag [WEAPON NAME: Player Name].
The Transformed ability is the second one listed and usually confers a special mechanic. To use it, use the bolded voting tag [TRANSFORMED WEAPON NAME: Player Name].
The distinction between these abilities is important--you can't use both at once. Furthermore, the 'Transformed' abilities of weapons will typically offer either different functionality or some sort of 'combo' with the effects granted by the regular ability weapons have.
I see that there are Neighborhoods that people can have in this game, including the The Hunter's Party. How are these different than the Nightmare PTs?
Normal Neighborhoods and The Hunter's Party may end--Nightmare PTs never end.
You can only communicate in normal Neighborhoods as long as you are alive--Nightmare PTs allow you to continue to communicate in the Nightmare PT after death.
You can only be in a single Nightmare PT at any time--you may be in as many other Neighborhoods as you like.
You are forced to join Nightmare PTs and, under most conditions, you can not leave--Bold Hunters Mark and other effects may allow you to leave Neighborhood PTs.
Nightmare PTs will have NIGHTMARE EVENTS--host triggered one-shot flavor-heavy events that affect members of the Nightmare PT. Regular Neighborhoods don't feature Nightmare Events.
Can players decline an invitation to a Nightmare PT?
No. You are forced into a Nightmare PT.
What interacts with our anonymous nightly message? Does it count as a night action?
Nothing interacts with the nightly anonymous message you may send. It does not count as a submitted night action--you may submit it along any other action. This message can not be blocked, redirected, tracked, or interacted with in any way.
Regarding the "Exceeds 3" rule for Nightmare PTs--this means I can push it over 3 and then must invite myself the next time I can invite? So, if I could invite multiple players at night, let's say I can invite up to three members on N1, and then on N2 I could invite two people and be at 5 members. And N3 I have to invite myself?
That is correct. You are not 'forced' to invite yourself, but you CAN NOT invite anyone else before first inviting yourself if you are a Nightmare PT Host and your Nightmare PT exceeds 3 members.
Some effects refer to doubling your votes, such as SAW CLEAVER, which reads "Your votes count as double against players with any Beasthood." Would this also double the effects of a [BOLT] prefix?
No--it only doubles your named votes. Prefixes always add votes on after the fact.
Any time something refers to doubling 'your' votes, this ONLY refers to your NAMED votes. All players, by default, command a singular Named Vote.
Prefixes add on to named votes AFTER they have been multiplied by other effects.
For instance, let's say I have purchased the BLOOD ROCK and I have a BOLT PAPER and I use the following vote tags:
VOTE: Drixx
What happens here is that I am laying 2 flat votes on Drixx with my regular vote, then
I am using the Transformed Kirkhammer to double these votes and add the BOLT prefix to add an extra vote on.
The votecount would reflect:
Drixx (5):
Bolt Varsoon
Saw Cleaver+Oil Urn+Fire Paper=how many votes versus someone with beasthood, assuming 1 vote base? Cleaver would be one. Fire would add 2 more. Fire would be doubled by the Urn. so 4. Cleaver would be doubled by their beasthood, so 6 total? Or Does the urn double ALL the votes that come from the fire related vote? Making it 8?
Oil Urn only affects the next incoming [FIRE] vote.
So, the sequence would be
Oil Urn to DOUSE the target
FIRE PAPER + SawCleaver Vote
This would result in 6 votes against the player, although it would only be reflected in the VC as 5 due to how Saw Cleaver works.
This is a pretty massive one-shot resource investment, but it would really ruin a BEASTHOOD player's day.
This is by design.
Go, Hunt, Kill beasts.
If a player has not purchased Bolt Paper or Fire Paper with insight and they make a vote along the lines of
Bolt vote: Player
would that show up in the vote count as a normal vote, show up as a bolt vote incorrectly, or would it be ignored and not show up at all?
It would be ignored and not show up at all.
Since town gain Insight from slaying scum, after a Lynch on scum, what's stopping us from forcing every player on the lynch to spend their earned insight on a Flame Paper or Bolt Paper and then use it to prove they earned Insight, thus proving they are town?
I specifically designed the game in such a way that by having every player on a wagon 'confirm' that they are town for slaying scum and receiving 1 insight that they then spend on a confirmable item like Bolt Paper or Fire Paper won't work. Some of the ruts in this plan include:
Scum have a hidden means of gaining Insight.
Beasthood holders, who may be town, can not gain Insight.
Players involved in the Hunter's Party that conquers Chalice Dungeons gain Insight.
There may be other roles or effects that afford players insight or, even, Bolt Paper or Fire Paper.
As I said in the introduction--I highly discourage such approaches to this game. Assuming this game can be won with 'safe' play (such as a seeming mechanical trump) is very likely to backfire due to the design of the setup.
How would a consumable like the pebble which doesn't explicitly give a use tag be used, but does have a publicly obvious effect get used. It might say in the rules earlier that I forgot or missed, but would that be done via PM or publicly? If it is done via PM do the results show up in just the vote count or would there be some other notification?
Any items purchased from the Bath Messenger Shop with Blood Echoes must be used publicly unless denoted otherwise.
In order to use the item, you just post in the thread with the item's name and your target in bold and on its own line. In the case of the pebble;
These are all public actions and will be reflected publicly as well.
Notably, the Monocle and the Bold Hunter's Mark may be purchased and used privately if the player so desires.
Are the Nightmare PTs are predetermined? How do I know if I am a Host or even a member?
Your role either does or does not begin as a Host or as a Member of any Nightmare PT--it will be written on your role PM if you do.
Nightmare PTs have predetermined HOSTS who, by default, do not start as members.
Hosts know who they are.
Once invited to a Nightmare PT, is there any way to refuse to join it or to leave?
Hosts can force players, including themselves, to join their nightmare PTs.
Once chosen to be a part of a Nightmare PT, you can not decline or leave under normal circumstances.
What Chalice Dungeons are available to the players?
There are many Chalice Dungeons in the game of Bloodborne--this mafia game will mirror the game of Bloodborne but not all of those dungeons will be available to visit from the start. The Chalice Dungeons available will be made clear when Day 1 begins.
What's the difference between our normal vote and our vote for the Master of the Hunt?
During the day you have your normal voting action which operates similar to how voting in any other game works.
You also can vote for the 'Master of the Hunt'--your vote for the Master of the Hunt may never be altered in any way and will always be accepted.
See the general 'During the Day' rules for more info on how votes operate.
Is the Messenger's Gift's effect indefinite? For example, if someone bought and used it Day 1 then never casted a vote or used an action until Day 5, would they remain treestumped until Day 5 or would it wear out eventually?
I've made the item description more explicit--its effects wear out at the end of the day phase.
Another thing that should be made explicit is that all of the items from the Blood Echo shop, unless stated otherwise, are publicly purchased during day phases, publicly used during day phases, and can only be used during day phases.
Will you still answer questions after the game starts?
Yes, but only if you directly ask me a question and it's either about your own role, any flipped role, or the public mechanics.
The goal of the Prequel phase, other than resolving some actions that players may have, is to answer as many questions as possible as early on as I can.
I'd prefer if everyone was very familiar with the setup and their own role going into D1, rather than having to ask questions or realize something doesn't work the way they think it does several phases into the game.
For the single message sent each night that everyone gets to send through the moderator do we have a reason to be certain that it will reach the intended player and that it will not be read by others?
Additionally, is there a reason to be certain that the contents of the messages will not be modified assuming they do not violate one of the rules of the game?
Unless otherwise stated, nothing affects those messages. Someone would have to have a unique role-based power that specifically allows them to interact with the mechanic. Normal role interactions, such as ascetic, redirector, etc. would not interact with the mechanic.
So, under most circumstances, expect your message to be delivered exactly how you send it so long as it does not break the rules of the game.
Can Monocular be used to spy into Hydra PT's?
No, Hydra PTs exist independent of all the game's mechanics.
When do the Anonymous Messages sent at night resolve and get sent?
I resolve them at the end of the night phase and send them out after all other actions have resolved.
Are the banked insight bonuses cumulative?
How would numbing mist be used during the night? Does it have a specific time it resolves during the night phase or is it in effect as soon as the PM gets received?
During the Night Phase, Numbing Mist works in NAR as a blocking action.
Does a simple vote count as an action, and therefore numbing mist would block (non-hammer?) votes for the day if used on a player?
Votes count as 'Voting Actions'. Unless something says it specifically interacts with a vote or voting action, then it will not.
Numbing Mist only interacts with normal actions--not Voting Actions.
Assuming that there are Trackers/Watchers in the game, would they see someone sending the anonymous message that everyone gets to send?
No. No role-related ability, unless specifically stated, interacts with those messages.
Referring to the Shop's rule of "YOU MAY ONLY EVER HAVE TWO WEAPONS AT A TIME."
Does this mean that once you get two weapons, you can never change them out?
No--if there is ever a conflict of interests with items in this game (such as weapons, armor, etc.) you will get to choose which one you want to keep. So, if you want to purchase a third weapon or you happen to be find one, you can always make a decision to lose one of your previous weapons in its place.
Kirkhammer - Your vote may never be affected by any other player's power.
TRANSFORM: If you are voting for a player before activating this ability, you may double your votes on that player. - 10,000
This one. Say you submitted a ton of votes with a different weapon, then the transformed kirkhammer. Could that lead to an instant lynch?
I should make it more explicit, but Kirkhammer only doubles votes that have been submitted with the Kirkhammer.
The idea is that you go [KIRKHAMMER: Playername].
Then you can follow with [TRANSFORMED KIRKHAMMER: Playername] to double your named votes on that player.
I'll make sure to make this more explicit in the game topic.
How about pebble into pungent blood cocktail? Does this make it do the targets next voting action is guaranteed to be wasted?
Yes. The idea is that you throw a pebble at someone to coax them into attacking you, only to intoxicate and sidewind them with a cocktail of pungent blood.
Would the neighborhood created by Small Resonant Bell/Make Contact be different depending on the item used? For example, would you be notified, "someone used a Small Resonant Bell on you!" or "someone used Make Contact on you!" or what?
There would be no distinction. If someone used the Bell or Make Contact, if successful, you would be sent a PM letting you know that you now have access to a neighborhood with the other player.
If a Host triggers a Nightmare Event, are they guaranteed to not have a night action the next night?
Yes, unless they have some other action that can be submitted regardless of actions taken. For instance, the Anonymous Messages in this game can always be sent regardless of what actions you take.
Is there a length limit on the anonymous messages?
Not at all! In the game of Bloodborne, Messengers Scrolls were only capable of transmitting a sentence or two of modular warnings or phrases. I think it's more interesting for this game if you can write whatever you like.
If a Master of the Hunt doesn't choose a Chalice Dungeon to investigate or Party, what happens?
Then those things don't happen.
I'm a bit confused by how the process of choosing a Party/Dungeon, then actually investigating it goes. It looks to me like a Master picks a party and dungeon one night, then investigates it the next night. So in essence the party can only go to a dungeon every other night. Is this correct or no?
Not at all. Here's the process of events.
Day 1 - There is already a Huntmaster with a selected Party and Chalice Ritual. Everyone votes on the next Huntmaster.
Night 1 - The Huntmaster and Party from D1 explore the chosen Chalice Dungeon. The elected Huntmaster chooses a Party and Chalice Ritual.
Day 2 - Everyone votes on the next Huntmaster.
Night 2 - The Huntmaster and Party from D2 explore the chosen Chalice Dungeon. The elected Huntmaster chooses a Party and Chalice Ritual.
So on and so forth.
What counts as an Armor, Garb or "set"?
None of these can be purchased in the store as of this time, but there will be Armor/Garb/Sets--essentially, protective clothing that likely confer some sort of passive, defensive bonus.
What does the Music Box do?
It plays music.
Does the Executioner's Glove have unlimited shots per day? For example if I had it could I use it on every single player at once during the same day since the votes never go away?
It has unlimited shots but it does not work in the way you think it does.
It works as most voting actions work--if you vote for someone else with the EXECUTIONER'S GLOVE tag, then your old EXECUTIONER'S GLOVE votes go away. The line about 'These votes are independent of any other votes you cast and will stay on the player even if you unvote or vote differently' refers explicitly to other voting actions you take. So, you could vote for someone with the Executioner's Gloves and then lay a regular vote on someone else and the Executioner's Gloves vote won't disappear.
Can I use more than one insight-based action per night? For instance, if I had 5 insight, can I use the actions associated with having 2, 3, 4, and 5 insight every night, or am I only able to use one of them? Can I choose, or is it the exact amount we have (that is, I can only use the 5 insight one when I have 5 insight)?
You can use all the actions up to the amount you have banked--you earn those cumulatively.
As far as actually using them, only the actions tied to 4, 6, and 7 insight count as your definitive action submitted for the night.
The actions tied to 2, 3, and 5 Insight all happen regardless of what other actions you perform and do not inhibit you from performing other actions.
Do the actions based on 'Banked' Insight use up Insight to use?
No. Think of Insight as a resource that you can either save up to gain a suite of powers or spend in order to pick up powerful, mostly 1-shot abilities from the Insight Shop.
Are Blood Echoes rewarded for lynches split between players or does each player get blood echoes equal to the role's value?
Every player on the lynch gets the value equal to the role's value.