Song Contest - BOTB 8 (Results posted!)

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Post Post #59 (isolation #0) » Sun May 31, 2020 1:45 pm

Post by Mina »

Not posting rankings because I know myself well enough to realize these will fluctuate wildly up until the deadline. However, first gut impressions (disclaimer: I know nothing about music):

I love what little I've heard of Depeche Mode. Not the best thing I've heard from them (the industrial/heavy synths feel a bit out of place--also, this song has the glaring flaw of not being "Personal Jesus" :P ), but still really good.
a sucker for the choir parts and the intro. Although the vocals are a bit bland at parts, I really like this, particularly the spooky aesthetic
I feel like I can't be objective on this, because on the one hand I'm a huge Patrick Wolf fangirl, but on the other I couldn't get into this song when I heard it years ago because the aesthetic was too abrasive for me. It's hard to get past that first impression now even though my tastes have changed.
pretty, but too down-tempo and quiet for me.
I feel like I'd enjoy this song much more if it weren't in a contest setting where my patience is limited. I like how it builds at the end with the high-pitched vocals, but it took a bit too long to get there for me.
This is such song-contest bait that I almost want to be contrary and resist its pull, but it's a lot of fun. The lead singer is great, and it changed in the middle just as I was thinking this song was a bit one-dimensional.
I had written this off as stereotypical indie coffee shop music after the first minute, but it builds in a great way.
Cote d'Ivoire:
this is fine. Good guitar solos, and the vocals are unique for this kind of song.
ETA: somehow I left this out earlier! This has great energy, and Arctic Monkeys have such a cool sound, but it also doesn't feel super substantial.
I really liked the first half of this song. This would have been much higher on my list if it had ended before the screaming and distorted guitars came in, but then it wouldn't be a USA entry.
Unfortunately, rap is a genre where being able to understand the lyrics is important, but this flows well. Love the vocals on the chorus.
Within Temptation is one of those bands I loved like fifteen years ago that I sort of outgrew. This is one of the weaker songs I've heard by them, tbh--I find it too overproduced.
My favourite part of this is how it keeps changing up the time signatures. Beyond that, this is okay. I like the choral part two minutes in.
I like this. Her voice is interesting, and it's pleasant, although not super memorable.
When this first started, it made me smile because it was so energetic and quirky, but then it didn't really go anywhere.
At first I read the artist as Lil Kim so was caught off-guard. But I loved that. It was just so fun and sassy.
Central African Republic:
I love King Crimson, so this is cheating. Not a huge fan of the verses in this one, but otherwise, they do standard King Crimson things so that's guaranteed to earn at least some points from me. The fact that they have other songs that do the same King Crimson things better might lose them some points.
This is fun. I love the vocals here, particularly when she screams the higher notes. It's very raw.
A bit gimmicky, but a lot of fun because I'm trash and a sucker for over-the-top rock/classical fusions. The lead singer has an amazing voice. That said, this really did not have to be as long as it was.
Pretty good, not mindblowing and dragged a bit midway. That said, I really like how much emotion the singer has in his voice.
I can't really be objective on this song because this genre is just not my kind of music, tbh. But you do you!
It's pleasant, although it doesn't really stand out. My favourite part is how it develops in the middle with the "I wake I wake" part.
Going to be honest, I feel like it will be hard for me to give this points given it's a number one pop hit that everyone on the planet already knows. Both because that defeats the purpose of this kind of contest, and because that makes it impossible for me to objective. But I like singing this in the shower!
MCR is one of those bands I sort of have a negative impression of based on the stereotype of their fanbase. This was better than I expected--I like the spoken parts, and it's fun and catchy. Not mindblowing, though.
I really like this. It's pretty and quirky in a good way. It's not that dynamic, but it's short enough that it doesn't overstay its welcome.
It sounds too autotuned and processed for me.
Omigod, I love her voice. The moment the dramatic BOMs came in, I was like, "this song is tailor-made for my musical taste." (I feel like the chorus could be just a bit stronger to push this from very good to fantastic, but I'm just nitpicking.)
South Korea:
I've never been able to get into kpop, aside from a couple of songs. Catchy hook, but it doesn't really stand out.
aww, this song is so joyous and childlike in a good way.
to be honest, I liked this a lot more than I was expecting to (my first reaction was "ugh, the band that everyone knows for the ONE song"). Good but not amazing.
this famous a Lana Del Rey song comes very close to Sia "insta-disqualified" territory, but I also like this song a lot, so there's a chance I'll overlook this when I do my rankings.

All in all, there was a lot in the decent-to-very-good range, but little that completely blew me away. I'll need to relisten to these to decide where my points are going, because now I have no idea.
Last edited by Mina on Sun May 31, 2020 3:38 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Post Post #62 (isolation #1) » Sun May 31, 2020 2:19 pm

Post by Mina »

Lol, you're allowed to hate whatever you hate! Personally, that song is one of my favourites of all time, so clearly we have very different ears. The parts you hate seem to be the same parts I love.

I don't want to be a killjoy and judge other people for not being hipster enough. Everyone can submit whatever they want. For me, it just starts the song off at an instant disadvantage that is hard to overcome, though.
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Post Post #64 (isolation #2) » Sun May 31, 2020 2:43 pm

Post by Mina »

FTR, I heard Starless for the first time in the contest you won with them, and it completely blew me away.

(also, as a heads-up, there may be little to no correlation between my initial reviews and my final rankings, since already some of my opinions have changed.)
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Post Post #98 (isolation #3) » Mon Jun 01, 2020 5:12 am

Post by Mina »

In my case, it's more that it's really hard for me to compare songs I'm hearing with fresh ears (or even songs I already loved) to a song that used to play multiple times a day on the radio and that appears in basically every single TV talent show. It just comes in with a lot of baggage and preconceptions it's hard for me personally to look past. Not to mention I remember not liking Chandelier much the first time I heard it, but eventually developed Stockholm syndrome because it was EVERYWHERE. In a BotB, the competition is so strong that if I can't give points to everything I like, it's more likely I prioritize songs that are exciting to discover for the first time.

That said, people can submit whatever they like, and I'm not the elitist fun police. The rule against repeat artists is enough to prevent this from being the Top 40 every month.
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Post Post #101 (isolation #4) » Mon Jun 01, 2020 6:03 am

Post by Mina »

Tbh, I really don't care at all about the country conventions. That said, it might be nice to do just one contest that's completely anonymized. Everyone submits a song and gets assigned a random country, so no one is subconsciously influenced by "oh, I know EP has good taste so Egypt will be good," e.g.
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Post Post #103 (isolation #5) » Mon Jun 01, 2020 6:10 am

Post by Mina »

Stop being modest!!!
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Post Post #168 (isolation #6) » Thu Jun 11, 2020 4:20 pm

Post by Mina »

I'm going to be incredibly boring and post my points in the thread, with explanations. Don't click if you want to be surprised.

Spoiler: Exactly what it says on the tin
12. Mexico: a bit of a guilty pleasure, but it's the song that stuck with me the most from the contest. Even though it's not very dynamic, I just really love the chill but spooky atmosphere.
10. Iran: the song that by far improved the most on subsequent listens. I love music that generates an emotional response, and the part where it builds in the middle just makes me
things. The music definitely fits the awakening theme.
8. Sudan: rated this high because of how excited this song made me to hear it.
7. Greece: the song doesn't go in a super interesting direction, which is why it's not as high as it could have been
6. Portugal: just cool and quirky and musically interesting
5. Central African Republic: the jazzy section in the middle alone makes me incapable of not giving this points, but I do feel like the parts don't actually form the best cohesive whole
4. Germany: I find the synths in the middle a bit jarring, but I still really enjoy the aesthetic
3. Egypt: Her voice started grating on me when I listened to it tonight, so it wound up lower in the rankings than I thought

----everything past this line was OH SHIT I CAN'T MAKE UP MY MIND, which is more of a compliment to the people who just missed than a slight at the ones who just squeaked in.
2. Cote d'Ivoire: has a bunch of elements I really like, but I kept hoping this would wow me more than it did.
1. Bhutan: I realized that I respect this more than I like this, but decided to give it a point anyway

Honourable mentions (there are other songs I liked that aren't on this list, but these are the ones that came close to nabbing the last couple of spots):
Argentina: a guilty pleasure, a bit too wtf and meandering for it to totally land for me.
Denmark: I don't know why this is stylistically a similar song to Iran, but it just doesn't connect with me the same way--still a very "technically" good song, if that makes sense
Hungary: I still like the chorus a lot, and was very tempted to give this a "rap entry in a foreign language" pity point.
Iceland: fun energy and great vocals, but it feels like there's not much depth underneath the quirky aspects. I predict this will win because it has just enough good/unique attributes to stick out in people's minds
Norway: this suffered because it got stuck in my head when I was relistening and then I became sick of it!
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Post Post #194 (isolation #7) » Fri Jun 12, 2020 10:37 am

Post by Mina »

Congrats on dominating, Nati!

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