What kind of guys does Saber like?

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What kind of guys does Saber like?

Post Post #0 (isolation #0) » Sat May 25, 2002 11:18 pm

Post by Sketchwick »

This question was posted by Neo in his Old West Mafia thread, since he also told me not to answer, and it is his game, I thought I'd just start this topic.

What do I know? Not much, this was started when I said in passing that part of why I made some lengthy post at night as if it was day was because I was busy psychoanalyzing SK. She basicaly told me to "bring it." (post my analysis)

The thing is, SK, pschoanalysis is a lot of Q&A....all I really know to start with is that you are 16 and responded to the idea of a brothel with "icky icky icky"

You also made a reference to not being "that type of girl" which makes me inclined to belive you would tend to say sex in general is icky. If this is not correct you'll have to explain to me what specifically WAS "icky"

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Post Post #2 (isolation #1) » Sun May 26, 2002 1:36 am

Post by Sketchwick »

or most
? I would say most men would not describe sex with a stranger as "icky." It's highly possible "that type of girl" just meant that she IS the type of girl who only engages in sexual activity with somone she IS emotionally involved with. I'm tempted to post in "Ask IS" something along the lines of: IS, do you think SK IS the type of girl do something that IS icky? SK, do you think IS IS icky?

(Sk once requested no one capitalize "is" unless it reffered to the Internet Stranger)

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Post Post #11 (isolation #2) » Sun May 26, 2002 4:11 pm

Post by Sketchwick »

Dear Me, what have I started. Looks like something quite fun actually. :)

First, let me deal with Saber Kitty. Let's start with the IS issue. You asking me not to capitalize "is" is no different than Antrax asking you not to post in blue. It's taking a person preference and trying to impose it on somone else. I am pretty lazy sometimes, and it is easier to capitalize an entire word for emphasis rather than use UBB code. If anything it temps me to start calling you The Saber Kitty, so I can more easily confuse you with the serial killer.

No on to more analysis. Seems you don't think sex is icky. It also seems that you have started to make excuses. This is not necessarily bad, just pay attention to when your excuses no longer become valid. Your parents killing you is the only reason I DON'T agree with as a reason not to DSSWSE (do/did/done something sexual with someone else). But it is interesting that it is the last reason you will have if you find yourself becoming emotionally involved with a boy and you find yourself in a position to give him a hand job.

I love hand jobs, not personally (that depends on the skill of the performer) but the concept in general. Why? Because they destroy the idea that sexual contact always carries the consequence of pregnancy and STDs. Now, it's very possible that SK worries once she gets going she isn't going to be able to stop. Hand jobs will lead to unprotected coitus and all the possible consequences of it. That's fine, but it didn't apply to me when I was young. So are you really afraid of upsetting your parents, or that you will go too far?

Sofis, I agree I was using language on my side, most guys don't say icky at all. Of course "utterly fabulous" is probably used less than "absolutely repugnant" but this is all semantics. I live in America, and I have no facts to support me but I'd be willing to wager a large enough random poll would reveal that greater than 50% of males in this country would describe sex with a stranger as positive rather than negative. Actually, they probably wouldn't, but then again I wouldn't agree that the girl they met at the bar that night ISN'T a stranger. "Get drunk, get laid" is sadly the motto of much of this country from what I've seen.

Raamawen, I agree, but being a language geek doesn't tend to disambiguate things with a 16 year old girl.

Luna, Sofis being male doesn't change me disagreeing with the statement, but as I pointed out I think the issue (at least in this country) is who people consider strangers. I don't mean to draw the gender lines, only observe where I think they ARE DRAWN (again, I know nothing of the culture in YOUR homeland).

DP, I'd wager the people on mafiascum would be skewed to less promiscuity.

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Post Post #16 (isolation #3) » Sun May 26, 2002 5:14 pm

Post by Sketchwick »

Neo, you'll have to be more specific than "this stuff" for me to answer.

SK, no problem, I was only doing it because you asked for it.

Raamawen, if I'm not mistaken you were disagreeing with SK (a 16 year old girl) about which was more confusing. My comment was disigned to point out we are obviously dealing with two very differetn women/girls and it isn't suprising you differ in the matter.

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Post Post #18 (isolation #4) » Sun May 26, 2002 5:58 pm

Post by Sketchwick »

Thank you, Raamawen, you are too kind to even bother apologizing. I tend to mix intelligent and retarded comments up to the point I ALWAYS confuse.

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Post Post #20 (isolation #5) » Sun May 26, 2002 6:32 pm

Post by Sketchwick »

Neo, I'm sorry but I just don't understand your original question. Where did I come up with my entire huge post???

As far as pointing out SK's age "all the time" I think we must have different definitions of "all the time." This topic was started when SK told me to analyze her. Her being 16 was one of the only pieces of information I had to go on at the time. Later, Raamawen was confused by a reference I made to 16 year olds, I thought perhaps it wasn't clear I was talking about SK.

Fair enough? How old are YOU?

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Post Post #24 (isolation #6) » Mon May 27, 2002 3:44 pm

Post by Sketchwick »

Luna, I only look at what is statistically likely. I consider myself to be a sexual deviant because I use a statstical definition of the word deviant, I'd say my behavior deviates from the mean...

This conversation arose from a comment about a brothel. Surely it's obvious that brothels exist FOR MEN. If women were inclined to this kind of behavior brothels for women would exist...

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Post Post #26 (isolation #7) » Tue May 28, 2002 3:26 am

Post by Sketchwick »

We can agree to disagree, no?


Not because I love to discuss things like gender roles, and not because I like the idea of a dialogue with a Limey Goth Chick (are Goth Chicks found worldwide?) although those are secondary reasons, BUT because every time I feel all my damn mafia games move too damn slow I can look hereand hope you wrote some more.

Actually, you quoted more than I realized originally (when I thought you wrote a lot). but what the hey.

Ok, brothel sex vs casual sex. Let's argue about hookers first, then if I get my confidence up I may tackle the casual sex part.

Hookers exist for men. They don't exist for women. Yes, this is an exageration, sometimes men get paid for sex, but if I were a woman I'd retire in 3 years. You get the point. It doesn't much matter HOW MANY men would pay for a hooker, comparing that number to how many women would I think you'd have to agree it's A LOT MORE.

On to casual sex. I don't know what it's like anywhere else in the world, but n america I'm convinced that MOST women could walk into a bar and leave and go have sex any time tey wanted. I HAVE SEEN many men to try and do just this and fail, night after night...

I guess a lot of it is that women are so worried about looking like sluts that they actively try not to...sometimes to the point they don't have sex. Men never have that fear.

Ah, that's enough for now.


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