Most gifts I suspect will be digital (although I am open to coordinating if any users are open to giving/receiving physical gifts) and can come in any form: A drawing, a poem, an essay on why the user is great, a new avatar, anything you want to give another person is a great gift!
The process is simple:
- Those who want to give (and receive) gifts sign up below, answer the survey, and provide any other information they feel is relevant.
- Those who sign up message me to provide me the following information: Whether they are open to receiving physical gifts, whether there is any user who has signed up they would not like to have assigned to or have assigned to them (I will also send a reminder for this when there is a full list but before I assign users to make sure), and any other information that might be necessary for me to know that I do not know already.
- On July 31st, I will close sign-ups, send follow-ups, and begin assigning users to one another.
- Between August 1st and September 14th, users should make every effort to distribute gifts to their assigned party. If you need more time or life has gotten in the way, let me know as soon as possible so I can let your person know or find an alternate participant.
- If you arrive to this thread too late but still are in a gift-giving mood, feel free to sign-up as a replacement gift-giver in case someone needs to drop out!