Ser Arthur Dayne
The Acting Method
Play nice and have fun.
Votes must be bolded
Do not edit or delete any posts.
Do not post in small, invisible, colored, or otherwise not normal text.
Do not quote anything from me or anything not publicly available in the thread.
Please post at least once every 72 hours, this is a small game, don't let it stagnate!
Deadline for each day is 2 weeks.
The following roles are used:
1 Godfather
1 Mafia Goon
3 Townies
The mafia can't kill or talk outside of the thread. There is essentially no Night phase.
If the godfather is lynched at any point, the town immediately wins. (This is the only special quality of the godfather.)
If a townie is lynched day one, they get to make a vigilante kill.
Mafia win when all the townies are dead. Town wins if they lynch the godfather or all the mafia are dead.
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