Survivor Game Classification and Rating System

For large social games such as Survivor where the primary mechanic is social interaction.
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Survivor Game Classification and Rating System

Post Post #0 (ISO) » Mon Sep 18, 2023 5:00 pm

Post by VashtaNeurotic »

Survivor Game Classification and Rating System

This post has the current game classification and rating system for Survivor games on this site. If any changes are made to the classification system, this post will be updated with those changes.

Potential Game Classifications

Vanilla Game:
0-5 total points
Standard Game:
6-11 total points
Advanced Game:
11-16 total points
Complex Game:
17+ total points

Addendum 1:
If a game frequently misleads players (lying about twists or other information in the game, rather than just not disclosing it) it will earn the
Addendum 2:
A game with hydras will automatically be classified as Advanced or higher. For more on hydras, see here.

Rating Categories and Point Values

Idols & Items

0 points:
There are few to no hidden items or idols in this game.
1 point:
One idol per tribe or fewer; one or two other items may exist.
2 points:
Idols could be re-hidden, there could be more than one idol per tribe, and/or some items or powers exist, but most of them have been seen on the show.
4 points:
Idols and/or unique items/powers are heavily prevalent in the game and exceed previous qualifiers.

Communication Methods

0 points:
Private/restricted communication in this game is strictly limited to PMs and is strictly on tribal lines.
1 point:
Communication is mostly limited to PMs, and private/restricted communication is mostly limited by tribal lines.
2 points:
PM communication exists and is the primary form of communication, but cross-tribal communication is possible, and/or unusual communication methods/restrictions are present.
4 points:
The way communication occurs significantly changes the foundation of how the game will be played.

Swaps & Game Shakeups

0 points:
There are one or fewer tribe swaps in the game.
1 point:
Tribe swaps occur with more frequency, but there are no more than 2 swaps (19 or fewer players) or 3 swaps (20+ players).
2 points:
Tribe swaps occur frequently, or there are non-traditional game shakeups.
4 points:
The game is in a fairly constant state of flux, or there are extreme methods of game shakeups.


0 points:
Players will be eliminated once per round, and all eliminations are determined by voting at Tribal Council.
1 point:
Multiple players being eliminated in the same round is possible; all eliminations are determined by voting at Tribal Council.
2 points:
Players should expect that there will be occurrences of multiple eliminations in a round and/or players being eliminated via non-traditional methods. It may be possible for players to return to the game after being eliminated, but if so, the mechanic is explained ahead of time.
4 points:
Multiple elimination rounds will be common, and/or players will be eliminated via non-traditional methods frequently. It may be possible for players to return to the game after being eliminated.

Mechanics & Twists

0 points:
Nothing in this game would be surprising to see on the first few seasons of Survivor (TV).
2 points:
Mechanics/twists only include twists/mechanics from the TV show, and/or any new mechanics/twists are fully explained ahead of time.
4 points:
Unique mechanics and twists in this game should be expected.
8 points:
This game will feature multiple unique/themed mechanics or twists, many of which are secret in nature. Players should expect to be surprised by the game design.
George Bailey
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Post Post #1 (ISO) » Sat Sep 23, 2023 5:52 pm

Post by VashtaNeurotic »

Additional Hydra Rules

1. Hydras should be known to players. Both in signups and in the game itself, players should know that hydras exist, how many there will be and who they are. "Bastard" games, as always, usually involve some fundamental break in the rules, and hydras could be a part of that.

2. Hydra pairings must be approved by the listmod in charge for games where they're included, and priority will be given to hydras where at least one player directly benefits from the pairing due to experience or scheduling.

3. Hydras must alternate challenges. Before the game begins, if possible, hydras must decide which head will compete in the first challenge, and must alternate thereafter. Sit-outs from a challenge do not count as competing in the challenge. Any scheduling issues with a specific challenge will result in the normal substitution rules for any player, but under no circumstances should the other hydra head perform as the substitute. Additionally, a player that has a substitute in a challenge will still be responsible for competing in the next challenge they're able to--alternation will not resume until the player in question competes in a challenge.
George Bailey

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