or, a politer synonym of "bastard."
this game will contain, at most, one thing that some people might consider a moderator lie
- you might not even consider it a moderator lie
- even if you do, it's possible that it won't even happen
- all role pms contain zero lies!
this game will be on the sillier side
- you can count on that
- if this game were a movie it'd uh probably be rated pg-13? (
disclaimer #1: i'm not the motion picture association
- i am allowing myself to banter with the players as long as the banter isn't game-related
- hmm maybe i'll let some other folks banter, too
- i should reiterate: "love child" is a politer synonym of "bastard."
this game will be a 13p theme game
- i'm pretty sure this is my first mini theme!!
- it will have ten town players and three mafia players
- daytalk is in effect for all private threads
- mafia are multitasking
- flips will only contain alignment and role name, not the full role pm.
- i won't be allowing people to redact their private threads
- this game is
currently in signups!
disclaimer #2: i suppose it's possible that some of this might not be accurate by the time it enters the queue but eh i'll let ya know if anything changes