In post 2216, Marshal Georgy Zhukov wrote:
I stand by gob being scum. I would like everyone to read this post. It is the summary of my scum case on gob.
I want to make the case on gob is absolutely, categorically, crystal-clear. I want there to be no doubt in anyone’s mind why gob is being wagoned.
During the beginning of the game, gob does not place a read on LH, but engages in friendly banter and asks him a few questions. This is bog-standard scum distancing: throwing the inactive, LHF partner a bone that he can chew on, while not making any attempt to sort that partner.
When LH is wagoned, gob provides 2 justifications for not voting LH: 1. He may be a PR, and 2. gera and mcqueen are better wagons. This is an extremely typical read that low winrate Scum make on LHF partners that are being wagoned. Gob doesn’t want to explicitly townread LH, as that forces him to directly confront the players who are voting on the wagon (Gimli). gob doesn’t want to explicitly scumread LH, as he still holds out hope that LH can survive the day. The way he avoids committing to a read on LH is by saying that town should be directing their attention to other slots, like mcqueen and gera.
Once gob is pressured into voting LH, he puts him at E-1. After the hammer is placed, he says “I’m sure LH is town.” There contradiction is clear: gob
never townread
LH, at any point during Day 1. He gave several reasons why he
doesn’t want to vote him
, but he never townreads him.
At the beginning of today, gob says that he “never townread or scumread LH,” in clear contradiction of his comments at the end of Day 1.
When asked to explain why he was , he says that he “only came around to LH being scum at EoD1,” in clear contradiction of what he said both at the end of Day 1, and
just 2 pages before.
Gob contradicts himself every 5 posts. He has no consistent thought process.
Yes - gob is an illogical player, and tries to play the role of a strong, machismo person: a depressed but philosophical Andrew Tate, so to speak.
gob breaks this character while speaking about the LH wagon.
The only other point in gob’s ISO where you see him engage with the main wagon is to townread ketchup because he received 4 votes so quickly. The difference between his comments on the LH wagon and his comments on the ketchup is wagon is that he makes no effort to get votes off ketchup, but devotes several posts to getting the wagon off of LH. Gob feels the need to say,
several times
, that the LH wagon is a bad idea and that town should go elsewhere. Even when not explicitly mentioning LH, his actions demonstrate that he wants the wagon off LH. He tries several times to call attention to geraintm and mcqueen: asking the town why we forgot about the mcqueen wagon so quickly and mentioning that gera’s opening post was scummy. The main point of this last paragraph is this: he is merely a passive observer of the vast majority of the game, but when LH is wagoned, he springs to life to resist the LH wagon.
It is a near-certainty that gob will flip scum.
VOTE: gob