Shadowrun Mafia - Game Over

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Bold Vote Scientist
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Shadowrun Mafia - Game Over

Post Post #0 (ISO) » Mon Aug 15, 2016 3:50 am

Post by Bold Vote Scientist »


Day 3

DEADLINE: October 2, 2 PM PST
COUNTDOWN: (expired on 2016-10-02 14:00:00)

  1. Space Cowboy [Hydra of Shiro and Diamond Sentinel] - Occult Investigator
  2. Mathblade - Street Samurai
  3. Klingoncelt - Sniper
  4. Daenerys and Dragons [Hydra of lilith2013 and SirCakez] - Explosives Expert
  5. McMenno
    - Rigger
  6. House
    - Ganger
  7. grovyle [Hydra of Firebringer and hebichan] - Summoner
  8. Frozen Angel
  9. SooperDetective
    inspectorscout, detective moonlight [Hydra of transcend and inspectorscout]
    - Technomancer
  10. PeregrineV - Elementalist
  11. randomidget - Decker
  12. Albert B. Rampage - Physical Adept
  13. Worldzmine - Shaman
  14. Drixx
    Reasonably Rational (hydra of Cerberus v666 and Drixx)
    - Infiltrator
  15. Koggz - Drug Dealer
  16. Jaereed - Face
  17. karnos - Bounty Hunter

  1. Mathblade
  2. Klingoncelt
  3. Frozen Angel

  4. SooperDetective [hydra of inspectorscout and fruitloop],
    inspectorscout, detective moonlight [Hydra of transcend and inspectorscout]

  5. Albert B. Rampage
  6. Not Chara
  7. Jaereed

  1. Space Cowboy [hydra of Shiro and diamond Sentinel]
  2. Mcmenno
  3. randomidget
  4. PeregrineV
  5. Daenerys and Dragons [Hydra of lilith2013 and SirCakez]

  1. grovyle [Hydra of Firebringer and hebichan],
    Shadowrunning Summoner

  2. Drixx
    Reasonably Rational (hydra of Cerberus v666 and Drixx)
    Shadowrunning Infiltrator

  3. karnos
    Aztechnology Bounty Hunter

  4. House
    Shadowrunning Ganger

  • Koggz,
    Shadowrunning Drug Dealer
    , modkilled D2[/list].

    Vote Count Links go here when the game starts.
    Last edited by Bold Vote Scientist on Mon Oct 10, 2016 10:46 am, edited 18 times in total.
    In fact, the mere act of lynching the Hydra will determine the alignment of the Hydra, although in this case there were three determinate states the Hydra could be in: these being Town, Scum, and Bloody Furious.
    [Hydra of Titus and Varsoon]
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    Bold Vote Scientist
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    Post Post #1 (ISO) » Mon Aug 15, 2016 3:58 am

    Post by Bold Vote Scientist »




    Answers here.

    FINDING YOURSELVES - Pregame Information
    The Pregame has a phase that allows players to draft roles. Pregame will last 72 hours or until all players have drafted a role. Undrafted roles will be randomized. Once you have selected a role, you may not post in pregame. To draft a role, type
    Draft: Desired Role
    . Pregame is for asking and answering questions about the setup without having inferences drawn as to your alignment or abilities. It is not for scumhunting, PR hunting, or outguessing the mod. This is inspired by Natirasha's Smalltown but players do not draft in any set order. Players are not informed of their alignment until AFTER they pick roles. Only adventure stats, limitations on items, and default access to the Astral Plane and Matrix Realm are disclosed at start.

    Whichever character you want is based on personal and strategic choice. All rolecards have a choice to play as a man or woman. Gender neutral available upon request. Gender has no impact beyond getting into character and theme. If you hate your picture choices, you can always ask for another.

    WE'VE GATHERED. NOW WHAT? PARTY LEADER, HELP US? - Mr. Johnson, Party Leaders and Lieutenants
    The Shadowrunners (read: Town) have gathered to attempt to overthrow Aztechnology who have hired Lonestar for their defenses (scum). Dayphase has voting mechanics discussed below (see "Voting Mechanics".) Also, during the dayphase a Party Leader will be electing a party to assemble to go on adventures.

    The Party Leader will be selected by Mr. Johnson at night. Mr. Johnson will be informed of any restrictions of selecting the Party Leader. The Day 1 Party Leader and Mr. Johnson are linked to a roles in Pregame, and not selected by any player whatsoever. Votes to elect these roles will be "misplaced" with extreme prejudice. The title of "Mr. Johnson" may be transferred throughout the game without the owner dying.

    The Party Leader has certain restrictions on selecting an running crew.
    • They must pick 3-5 shadowrunners. Difficulty of each mission increases with more shadowrunners.
    • They can only two runners may share mission on back to back nights unless the number of living players forbids that.
    • No runners may partake in a mission with each other on back to back to back nights unless the number of living players requires this rule to be broken.
    • No runner may be taken on a mission 4 nights in a row unless the number of living players requires this rule to be broken. This includes with fully unique parties.
    • The Party Leader picks what mission the adventuring party goes on. The options will be detailed at the start of a day.
    • There can be two missions if there are more than 10 players left alive. The Party Leader picks the composition of both adventures and appoints a Lieutenant to function as a Party Leader for whatever mission they are not on.
    • Party Leaders and Lieutenants break all ties for adventures they are on. If the Party Leader or Lieutenant ever leaves an adventure or fails to submit a tie breaking vote, the vote of the first slot submitted to be on that mission will break a tie.

    This game will feature several Private Topics. Each of them has limited access.


    Lynched players wind up in prison, rather than killed outright. A maximum of two players may return from the game after being imprisoned. Lynched players do not flip until no one can be released from prison anymore. There may or may not be mechanics that allow people to communicate with those in prison. When no one can escape or be released from prison anymore, all players in prison will flip and will die. All flips are confirmed accurate (no actresses/tricksters, death millers, godfathers, etc).

    Astral and Matrix PTs

    These limited access PTs can only be posted in by runners identified in the pregame unless granted posting action by a role mechanic. Some roles can never gain access to Astral or the Matrix. If a runner defaults to having posting access to Astral or the Matrix, they can never gain access to the other. These PTs may be watchable by others. If a runner without posting access accidentally posts, their posts will be deleted as soon as a moderators see, but you can use the post slip however you desire to do so. You will not be told if there is actually a slot with "sight only" access to a PT at a given time.

    The Dead

    Players who are night killed are dead (do not go to prison). They can elect unspoiled chat where they may have some chance to impact the game, or not. They will never be considered "living", "vote". They will lose any access to an ability that is not specifically revealed on flip. Players that elect spoiled chat may not be targeted for any reason. They lose access to ALL abilities.

    During the Night Phase, every living, non-imprisoned player has the ability to privately send a single, anonymous message to another target player.
    You may indicate your identity in these messages or even lie about your identity--I will be the one delivering the message, though. PMing another player about the game while ongoing will almost certainly be modkillable. No mechanic allows players to violate the rules about discussing ongoing games.
    This ability may be used in addition to any other abilities used and may not be affected by any other abilities in the game. It cannot be roleblocked or redirected or "framed", unless specifically mentioned in the power to do so. It can be detected by trackers, watchers, agents, motion detectors, big brothers, and similar type roles.
    Dead players may not send messages unless otherwise told they can.

    GEARING UP - The Shop, Looting, and Items in Game
    You may encounter a shop in the game. The shop's item list will not be revealed before encountered. It's not a legal department store. All items may only be bought once, unless otherwise specified. Looting will function the same as a shop.

    Other runners may hand out items. These items may be multiple or single use items. They should be judged by the PMs you receive. You will be told if you encounter a shop in no uncertain terms.

    GETTING THE JOB DONE .... OR NOT - Succeeding or Failing Adventures
    Barebones Structure

    Town adventures have 3 challenges to pass in order to win an adventure and get the reward behind it. If town fails three times, then the run fails. A challenge is a task, such as breaking a safe, combat, stealth, matrix hack, etc. Challenges in the Matrix will be simplified as implementing all the ICE rules would be too complex. Combat is also simplified. Stats are changed from Shadowrun as well. Essence is implemented by item restrictions. (For instance, mages can't get cyberware pumped into them).

    Passing a challenge

    To pass a challenge, a group of runners must get a certain number of "hits" when rolling six sided dice. These dice are rolled in private (but in a mod PT for record keeping) so that any hidden modifiers by scum may be applied. A "hit" is any time a player rolls a 5 or a 6. A "miss" is any time a player rolls a 1, 2, 3, or 4. The challenge will have a predetermined success point.


    A failed challenge may be reattempted with an additional success required to succeed.


    If at any point a group rolls half or more dice as 1s, a glitch occurs. The challenge will fail (can be reattempted) and some minor penalty will occur. This may include a glitching player being removed from the mission for instance.

    Critical Glitch

    A critical glitch is the same as a glitch but less likely to occur and has more severe consequences. A critical glitch occurs when more than half or more of the dice rolled are 1s and a player rolls no successes. Failures on a critical glitch can result in automatic mission failure, death of the glitcher, loss of powers, etc, as the narrative and game balance deem fit. Critical glitches are predetermined prior to the start.


    Adam, Brian and Clarissa are attempting to lift information from the Matrix. Adam and Brian are standing guard while Clarissa is doing the searching. The longer they stand guard, the more time she has for her search. A Matrix search requires all the players to roll their Matrix stats. Adam, being a Street Samurai, only has two dice for a Matrix check. Brian has 4 dice as a shaman. Clarissa the riggger has 6 dice. Together, the group has 12 dice. They need to roll 3 successes on the mission in order to pass. So that means if they roll 5 or 6 at least 3 times on 12 dice, they pass the mission. The number of successes on each challenge is predetermined.


    While adventures are fun, the game is designed to where winning or losing adventures should be helpful to each side but not mandatory.


    This game will start with a 'prequel' phase, discussed above.
    Furthermore, the 'prequel' phase will serve as a time for players to ask about various mechanics and for me to give clear indication of how different things work so that there will be less confusion about the mechanics once the game starts.
    The 'prequel' phase will last 72 hours.
    As a general rule you should aim for one post every 24 hours, minimum, to keep the game moving.
    If you anticipate being unavailable for more than a 48-hour period please post a notice to that effect in the thread. Treat this game as a commitment. Be considerate – please don't leave us hanging!
    Prods of missing players will be issued after 72 hours of no activity. Also, players may request a prod on another player after 48 hours. Any player may be replaced if they fail to post in-thread within 24 hours of being prodded by me or within 48 hours of being prodded after a player-suggested prod. If the game turns to night before you can respond to your prod, PM me letting me know you still want to play.
    No prods will be issued during Night, unless a player has missed two day phases in a row. Then they must PM to maintain interest.
    A player who is eligible for a third prod is subject to possible replacement without further notice.
    You may not quote private Moderator-supplied information (either real or fabricated) of any kind. Paraphrasing (for role claims, etc.) is acceptable.
    You may not quote private topic or other out-of-game discussion (such as Hydra chats) in the public game thread, regardless of if the quotes are real or fabricated. Paraphrasing is acceptable.
    You can always copy and paste the full content of your own posts (outside of moderator communication) so long as it does not contain any links to where it came from or any timestamps.
    You may only ever paraphrase posts by other players and this is also subject to the same link/timestamp restriction.
    There is to be NO personal communication outside of the forum postings and approved PTs. If someone contacts you outside the game you should report it to me immediately. Any alt/hydra slips will be deleted if possible. Repeated alt slippage without quoting is grounds for force replacement.


    Each Day will have a two-week deadline. Extensions will be given only in extreme circumstances, but always feel free to ask.
    Immediate Day Actions resolve at the next VC. Other Day Actions resolve at hammer.
    If you submit a day action publicly or privately but you do not want the action to take effect, you must PM me about the action cancellation as soon as you submit the action. If a hammer occurs or we post a VC placeholder, I will not be able to cancel your day action.
    If you have a Day Action that you may submit privately, I will allow you to 'queue' the action to resolve on a trigger such as "When the Day begins" or "If I ever am voted for." Votes may not be queued in this fashion unless on VLA sitewide. You may not "proxy" your vote using this mechanic.
    If multiple Day Actions are queued to be resolved on the same trigger, I will resolve them according to NAR rules.
    If you do not know when your action resolves in NAR, feel free to ask me.
    A simple majority of votes relative to the number of living players is required for a Lynch to occur (simple majority = ½ # of living players +1, rounded down).
    If the deadline runs out before a majority lynch is agreed on, the day will end in a plurality lynch. Ties resolved by who reached the final plurality amount first.
    Players may vote for a No-Lynch via voting for 'No Lynch'.
    Once a player has reached a simple majority of votes no further unvoting will change their fate.
    Once a player is lynched the game enters twilight until I post a death scene; all players may continue to post.
    Once you are dead (either via lynch or night kill) you may no longer post except for a brief “Bah!”-type post that contains NO game related information.
    Votes should be bolded or tagged or they may not be counted (e.g. VOTE: Player or VOTE: Player).
    Vote revocations should be bolded or tagged or they may not be counted (e.g. VOTE: UNVOTE: Player or Unvote). Unvotes are not necessary before changing votes.
    Votes/Unvotes must be placed on a line all by themselves to make them easier for everyone to see.
    Votes/Unvotes that reasonably follow the guidelines specified above, and are unambiguous with respect to player nicknames/abbreviations, will count.
    If you cast a Vote, doing so will remove all previous votes indicated with your name before the new vote is cast--in this way, a player who has a role-related ability to double vote will essentially 'unvote' before casting their new vote, rather than having a lingering double vote.
    Your normal vote is a 'voting action' that is only affected by other actions that specifically interact with your vote.
    In the case of specific votes (such as an ability that may put a vote called [Extra Vote] on a player), you must use specific tags to submit these votes AND to remove them if you want to unvote with just that [Extra Vote].
    If you unvote, you will remove all votes that are clearly controlled by you in the votecount. Unvoting will not remove votes that can not be removed or votes that can only be submitted privately.
    Vote counts will be edited into the first post of each page (so long as I can keep up, yo). Other announcements and requested vote counts will receive their own post.


    Night will have a 72-hour deadline. Extensions will not be given, unless a player has to be replaced during the Night.
    If you have a role with a Night action, your choices are due to me by the posted deadline. If wedo not receive your choice via PM by the posted deadline you will forfeit your actions, unless compulsive. Then you will act randomly without regard to your alignment. We may not send out reminders if the mods get busy. It's your job to follow the deadline.
    If you expect not to be here to submit your night action during the night, you may send one in in advance.
    We resolve Night Actions according to Natural Action Resolution as outlined by the Mafiascum Wiki.
    If you do not know when your action resolves in NAR, feel free to ask us.
    Roles with Night actions will not be able to submit an action on Day or Night 0 (i.e. during the draft/questions stage).


    Any PTs mentioned have day and night chat, unless a mechanic stops that.
    Nothing in this game may allow you to be the single voting player on a wagon that results in a lynch.
    Some roles or effects in this game may cause a player to require less votes to lynch. A player can never require less than 2 votes to lynch unless otherwise specified by an ability that lowers this threshold. All vote modifications, double votes, etc, end in lylo.
    Please bold all requests to myself so that they don’t get missed.
    Do not use standard MafiaScum purple (#800080). This is our color. All other colors are fine.

    No invisible/small/encrypted text is allowed (if you can't read it, don't post it). Black bar spoilers are also forbidden as Titus cannot easily read them on her phone.
    You are not allowed to edit your posts, if you have the ability to do so.
    If you have an issue/problem with the game, please PM us privately. Do not post issues/complaints in the game thread.
    If you do not understand how your role functions, feel free to PM us.
    If you want to chat about Shadowrun, you can PM us about that, too.
    We may make mistakes - please point out any mistakes gently. Mistakes will be corrected where possible, but sometimes mistakes are made that cannot be reversed. These will stand as final to be commiserated over after the game.
    Rules violations will be dealt with according to their severity, up to and including a Modkill, as the Mod sees fit. Modkills may be accompanied by a change to day/night and the offender’s role will be changed to Neutral Survivor, which guarantees a loss.
    - Just know, it's all about intention. If you genuinely mess up, we'll try to cut you some slack. If we determine you're trying to compromise the integrity of the game though, you won't be too happy with the punishment.
    Any situation not explicitly covered above is subject to our discretion and will be handled as we see fit on a case-by-case basis.
    I reserve the right to modify these rules at any time, so long as we inform you in thread. The mods are uncomfortable with changing the rules midgame but will have to in unfortunate circumstances.


    Please remember that this is a game and your main objective is to have fun!
    We created Shadowrun Mafia to bring people together and celebrate a game I love, but, ultimately, to have fun time on site.
    Be considerate of each other, don’t get personal, and enjoy the game. Playing to win does not preclude being considerate of each other! Be cool.


    Alignment Unknown - Shaman
    Time is my plaything. Haste, Slowing, Protection are the abilities of my domain
    You are aligned with the Town Faction (Shadowrunners) OR You are aligned with Aztechnology/Lonestar (scum)
    See rolecard for actual abilities.

    You are aligned with
    The Shadowrunners
    , hoping to overthrow Aztechnology. You win when no threats to the Shadowrunners remain, and thus Aztechnology is overthrown.

    Spoiler: Text Version
    Alignment Unknown - Shaman
    Text Version
    Time is my plaything. Haste, Slowing, Protection are the abilities of my domain
    You are aligned with the Town Faction (Shadowrunners) OR You are aligned with Aztechnology/Lonestar (scum)
    - What the ability does.

    You are aligned with
    The Shadowrunners
    , hoping to overthrow Aztechnology. You win when no threats to the Shadowrunners remain, and thus Aztechnology is overthrown.


    You are aligned with
    Aztechnology or Lonestar
    , bloodsucking corporations hellbent on making just one more dollar.
    In order to win the game, you must control half or more living, not-imprisoned players.
    Last edited by Bold Vote Scientist on Wed Sep 07, 2016 11:11 am, edited 1 time in total.
    In fact, the mere act of lynching the Hydra will determine the alignment of the Hydra, although in this case there were three determinate states the Hydra could be in: these being Town, Scum, and Bloody Furious.
    [Hydra of Titus and Varsoon]
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    Post Post #2 (ISO) » Mon Aug 15, 2016 3:59 am

    Post by Bold Vote Scientist »

    Pregame Draft

    Draft Information:

    There is no set order to the draft. Any time you feel you fully grasp the setup, you may draft a role. Upon the mods seeing your draft request, your Role PM will be sent.
    Chart Data:

    Characters Charisma Combat Demolitions Logic Magical Matrix Medical Perception Stealth Default Access to Posting in Astral PT Can Use Magic/Gain Posting Access to Astral PT Default Access to Matrix PT Can Use Technological Items/Gain Matrix PT Access Drafted By
    Bounty Hunter 5 6 3 6 5 2 2 2 4 No Yes No Yes karnos
    Decker 3 2 4 6 2 6 5 5 4 No No Yes Yes randomidget
    Drug Dealer 5 3 4 3 2 4 6 6 2 No Yes No Yes Koggz
    Elementalist 2 6 6 5 6 2 5 2 2 Yes Yes No No PeregrineV
    Explosives Expert 3 5 6 4 5 3 5 5 2 No Yes No Yes Daenerys and Dragons
    Face 6 2 2 5 6 3 3 5 5 No Yes No Yes JaeReed
    Ganger 3 6 6 5 2 3 5 5 2 No Yes No Yes Vedith
    Infiltrator 6 4 2 6 2 3 4 5 6 No Yes No Yes Reasonably Rational
    Medic 4 2 3 4 4 4 6 5 4 Yes Yes No No Yume
    Occult Investigator 6 2 3 6 6 4 4 4 3 No Yes No Yes Space Cowboy
    Physical Adept 4 6 4 2 4 2 4 5 6 Yes Yes No No Albert B. Rampage
    Rigger 3 2 6 6 2 5 2 5 4 No No Yes Yes McMenno
    Shaman 5 3 5 5 5 4 4 4 2 No Yes No No Worldzmine
    Sniper 2 6 4 4 2 3 5 6 5 No Yes No Yes Klingoncelt
    Street Samurai 3 6 6 4 2 2 6 6 2 No No No Yes Mathblade
    Summoner 5 4 2 5 6 3 4 4 3 No Yes No No grovyle
    Technomancer 6 4 2 5 3 6 2 2 3 No No Yes Yes detective moonlight


    Avatars are a purely optional convenience to get players immersed into the environment. There is no avatar cop or anything similar. Please however pick one. If you don't, you'll just get the default picture that matches Titus's perception of your gender.

    Spoiler: Females in alphabetical order by role

    Spoiler: Males in alphabetical order by role

    Spoiler: Gender Neutral and Backups, No Assigned Roles

    If you hate all these options, let me know what type of character you want. You may also submit your own 212 by 278 avatar that fits with the environment and theme. You may not submit a picture of an individual working for a corporation or Lonestar as those are scum.

    Happy Drafting!
    Last edited by Bold Vote Scientist on Fri Aug 19, 2016 5:06 am, edited 7 times in total.
    In fact, the mere act of lynching the Hydra will determine the alignment of the Hydra, although in this case there were three determinate states the Hydra could be in: these being Town, Scum, and Bloody Furious.
    [Hydra of Titus and Varsoon]
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    Post Post #3 (ISO) » Mon Aug 15, 2016 4:06 am

    Post by Yume »

    Draft: Medic
    Detective Moonlight
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    Post Post #4 (ISO) » Mon Aug 15, 2016 4:36 am

    Post by Detective Moonlight »

    Draft: Technomancer
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    Post Post #5 (ISO) » Mon Aug 15, 2016 4:43 am

    Post by Daenerys and Dragons »

    Can we get a hydra pt?
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    Post Post #6 (ISO) » Mon Aug 15, 2016 4:44 am

    Post by karnos »

    Draft: Bounty Hunter
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    Post Post #7 (ISO) » Mon Aug 15, 2016 5:02 am

    Post by Bold Vote Scientist »

    Role PMs will be sent when I get back to my computer. Varsoon will update the OP. You will know your alignment on getting your PM so here is your last chance to ask questions without regards to alignment if you drafted.

    Hydra PT will be done in a moment.
    In fact, the mere act of lynching the Hydra will determine the alignment of the Hydra, although in this case there were three determinate states the Hydra could be in: these being Town, Scum, and Bloody Furious.
    [Hydra of Titus and Varsoon]
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    Post Post #8 (ISO) » Mon Aug 15, 2016 5:05 am

    Post by PeregrineV »

    Draft: Elementalist

    I will have
    Limited Access
    on weekends.
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    Post Post #9 (ISO) » Mon Aug 15, 2016 5:08 am

    Post by Yume »

    In post 3, Yume wrote:
    Draft: Medic
    female one
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    Post Post #10 (ISO) » Mon Aug 15, 2016 5:13 am

    Post by Albert B. Rampage »

    Draft: Physical Adept
    Guard your honor. Let your reputation fall where it will. And outlive the bastards.
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    Post Post #11 (ISO) » Mon Aug 15, 2016 5:21 am

    Post by Varsoon »

    Draft: Homeless Vagrant

    ...not a role? Damn!

    Draft: Corporate Dragon Mastermind

    ...that's gotta be one.

    Anyway, this is just a post to get this thread in my ego search.
    You guys can feel free to ask questions about the various roles.
    Please remember to choose Female/Male or to choose/post the image you want for your rolecard.
    Basically, every role has a Female/Male role image, but we've provided lots of different images for you to pick out of, too. You can also upload your own image, but the idea was to provide the same sort of 'Choose your character' deal that the games (both tabletop and on PC) offer.

    I'd say that if you upload your own image, to keep it as something flavor-appropriate, but ayy go full anime if ya want.
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    Post Post #12 (ISO) » Mon Aug 15, 2016 5:26 am

    Post by Detective Moonlight »

    In post 4, Detective Moonlight wrote:
    Draft: Technomancer
    Male, of course.
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    Post Post #13 (ISO) » Mon Aug 15, 2016 5:29 am

    Post by Albert B. Rampage »

    In post 10, Albert B. Rampage wrote:
    Draft: Physical Adept
    Guard your honor. Let your reputation fall where it will. And outlive the bastards.
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    Post Post #14 (ISO) » Mon Aug 15, 2016 5:30 am

    Post by Yume »

    Spoiler: large medic image

    How about that one?
    Last edited by Bold Vote Scientist on Mon Aug 15, 2016 5:38 am, edited 1 time in total.
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    Post Post #15 (ISO) » Mon Aug 15, 2016 5:37 am

    Post by Bold Vote Scientist »

    I will resize. Please spoiler larger images. I'm editing your post to spoiler.
    In fact, the mere act of lynching the Hydra will determine the alignment of the Hydra, although in this case there were three determinate states the Hydra could be in: these being Town, Scum, and Bloody Furious.
    [Hydra of Titus and Varsoon]
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    Post Post #16 (ISO) » Mon Aug 15, 2016 5:41 am

    Post by Albert B. Rampage »

    Omg please don't use my bae lucky strike as a PC portrait haha
    Guard your honor. Let your reputation fall where it will. And outlive the bastards.
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    Post Post #17 (ISO) » Mon Aug 15, 2016 5:44 am

    Post by Yume »

    So when to expect role PMs?

    Oh, and sorry, I picked the one I liked.
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    Post Post #18 (ISO) » Mon Aug 15, 2016 5:50 am

    Post by Bold Vote Scientist »

    In about 5 minutes. I had to get back to where I could make graphical edits. Can't do that from my phone.

    For those of you with PT access, they will not be opened until AFTER the drafting phase.
    In fact, the mere act of lynching the Hydra will determine the alignment of the Hydra, although in this case there were three determinate states the Hydra could be in: these being Town, Scum, and Bloody Furious.
    [Hydra of Titus and Varsoon]
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    Post Post #19 (ISO) » Mon Aug 15, 2016 5:55 am

    Post by Yume »

    Welp, there goes my hope of having immed. PT access. Guess I'll be bored for a while longer.
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    Post Post #20 (ISO) » Mon Aug 15, 2016 5:56 am

    Post by Albert B. Rampage »

    Guard your honor. Let your reputation fall where it will. And outlive the bastards.
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    Post Post #21 (ISO) » Mon Aug 15, 2016 5:58 am

    Post by karnos »

    In post 6, karnos wrote:
    Draft: Bounty Hunter
    boba fett.

    I mean, male.
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    Post Post #22 (ISO) » Mon Aug 15, 2016 6:05 am

    Post by Yume »

    Let's bet 1000 points that scum will bump me off during the first night phase. :3
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    Post Post #23 (ISO) » Mon Aug 15, 2016 6:06 am

    Post by Vedith »

    I'll pick last :twisted:
    I claim scum \o/
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    Post Post #24 (ISO) » Mon Aug 15, 2016 6:06 am

    Post by Vedith »

    In post 22, Yume wrote:Let's bet 1000 points that scum will bump me off during the first night phase. :3
    Scum can't kill themselves...
    I claim scum \o/

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