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The "I told you so" guy
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Post Post #100 (ISO) » Wed Sep 29, 2004 8:09 am

Post by d8P »

Tally, congratulations! Heidi is beautiful.

Just don't get one of those radios to listen in on her. Babies are evil. They breathe loudly, goo and haw all day long and then suddenly stop, sending your heart crossways. On purpose.

First you don't really register the silence, a non-event. But you feel something's missing. As soon as you realise you can't hear anything from the monitor, your skin crawls and you freeze, waiting for and willing the sound to start again....Tick.....Tock....The first time it happens you'll be lucky to make it all the way to three seconds before...

You barrel for the bedroom, twist your leg on a toy which has materialised on the floor, smack your head on the door, and as you hit the floor, the gurgling, hawing and gooing starts again.

I can't wait to have kids.

Werebear once wrote:If he's cranky, give him a bubble bath.

Sometimes running water near the baby calms him down

Read to the baby, 10 minutes a day minimum.

Talk to them constantly. They're learning everything.

Tylenol. Oragel. Keep a supply handy. Apply as directed, when needed. *laugh*

Sleep when they sleep. The dishes can wait, you need the rest.

Wash his little hands, especially after other people hold him... any germs they pick up will go right in their mouth. As well as toys.

Hold them. Children who are held and have physical touch have higher IQs and are happier people

If you need a new couch, BUY LEATHER. Trust me on this one.

After you wash the bottle nipples, force water through them with your finger to clear out the holes. Nothing makes them cranky like blocked bottle holes.

Take a break. Both of you should go out on a date together at least once a month, and you should each get out separately at least once a month. You'll be a better parent for the relaxation.

Once he starts holding his head up, make sure he gets a little tummy time every day - put a blanket down, put him on his tummy on it, and sit next to him. If he gets frustrated, pick him up, of course - but tummy time promotes crawling.

don't take him off breast milk/formula until he's one. Switching to milk too early might limit brain development.

Above all, enjoy him. Take lots of pics. Post the links here.
Looks like gold to me.
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Post Post #101 (ISO) » Wed Sep 29, 2004 10:24 am

Post by Talitha »

Hey, thanks d8p :)
We had a radio.. but all the computers in our place caused too much interference and it didn't work anyway!
And isn't Werebear's advice wonderful.

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