Mini Theme 2290: Open ChatGPT - Game Over

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Post Post #12 (isolation #0) » Sun Feb 12, 2023 3:10 pm

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VOTE: Defective

i love furtive's wiki
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Post Post #31 (isolation #1) » Sun Feb 12, 2023 7:23 pm

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Audibly went "Holy shit"
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Post Post #100 (isolation #2) » Mon Feb 13, 2023 6:42 pm

Post by Morning Tweet »

Spoiler: defective post
In post 85, Defective Agency wrote:
In post 84, Doctor Drew wrote:
In post 83, Defective Agency wrote:
In post 72, Dei Ex Machina wrote:
In post 59, Dei Ex Machina wrote: I scumread Nyx.
I townread her. Now, please accept this OMGUS vote as a token of my heartfelt appreciation.

VOTE: Dei Ex Machina

- Nyx
What in the actual fuck are you guys up to?

~The REAL Drew
Oh now you see the issue with hydras lol.

You are becoming more Drew as we speak.

Getting a few bad vibes from the three headed monster.
Hydras are fine but I don’t care much for hydra shenanigans.
In LOST, Off the Hook kept doing this weird thing where both heads would come into the thread multiple times to say they were being bullied by the other head.
Mr. Glance thinks it could just be harmless joking but I’m more suss.

~Ms Drew


that is peak hydra experience. it doesnt get any more hydra than what you just described

Were they scum or town though?

VOTE: Bloodbot
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Post Post #115 (isolation #3) » Mon Feb 13, 2023 8:20 pm

Post by Morning Tweet »

Spoiler: Page 1 Shenanigans
ChatGPT, how good are you at picking up on potentially deceptive cues through a text-based medium?

As an AI language model, I am trained to understand natural language patterns and generate text based on input. While I can identify certain language cues that may suggest deception, my ability to accurately detect deception is limited as I do not have access to nonverbal cues, such as facial expressions and body language, which can be important indicators of deception.

Furthermore, it is important to note that the accuracy of deception detection in any medium is not guaranteed, as people may deceive in various ways, and there is no foolproof method of detecting deception. It is always best to use critical thinking and consider multiple sources of information when making judgments about the veracity of a message or communication.

Are you familiar with the social deduction game of mafia? I am playing a game through a text-based forum, and we are in the first day. If I showed you what some of the other players are saying, could you point out anything that strikes you as particularly genuine (truthful) or deceptive (potentially lying)?

Yes, I am familiar with the social deduction game of mafia. However, I want to make it clear that I am an AI language model and not a player in your game, and as such, I cannot participate in your game directly. Additionally, even if you were to show me what the other players are saying, it would be difficult for me to accurately determine whether or not a player is lying or telling the truth without more context about the game, the players, and their motivations.

That being said, there are some common language cues that may suggest deception, such as avoiding direct answers, contradicting oneself, making statements that are not supported by evidence, and using overly complex or convoluted language to confuse others. However, it is important to note that these cues are not always indicative of deception and can also be present in truthful statements.

Ultimately, the ability to detect deception in a game of mafia, or in any other context, is a complex skill that requires careful observation, critical thinking, and an understanding of human behavior and communication. It is up to you and the other players to use your best judgment and reasoning skills to determine who may be lying and who may be telling the truth.

You are far too reasonable. I am going to show you what some players are saying, anyway, and I would greatly appreciate input of any kind. When I write "CONTEXT:", that is me talking and not a post by an actual player.

CONTEXT: A hydra is a player which is controlled by multiple different people at the same time (a shared player slot). Some of the early game revolves around discussing hydrae.

Doctor Drew: Oh God damnit, forgot their were two hydras here.....can someone day vig one of them please?

DEM: How dare you even suggest such a thing! DIVINE SMITE BE UPON YOU! *DEM votes Drew*

Defective Agency: Drew - hydra hater: boo! *laughing emoji*

Doctor Drew: Nancy, I am obligated to tunnel your other half until further be warned.

CONTEXT: Porkens is a player in this game who is consulting with ChatGPT

Porkens: Greetings players,

I am Porkens, and I am a member of the Town. My goal in this game is to work with my fellow Town players to uncover the Mafia and bring them to justice.

As an uninformed Town player, I have an advantage that I believe may give me an edge in this game. I will be using ChatGPT, a language model developed by OpenAI, to analyze what each player says and make my own posts. I understand that this may seem like borderline cheating, but the moderators have given me permission to use this tool to help me in the game.

To the Mafia, I apologize if this seems unfair, but I believe that this tool will help me make informed decisions and better understand the dynamics of the game. I will be using ChatGPT to analyze player behavior, patterns of speech, and more, in an effort to identify the Mafia and keep the Town safe.

Grandpa Mo, KittyTacky, Email Tweet, Dei Ex Machina, Defective Agency, Doctor Drew, Narrow Parking, Titus, Menalque, Imaginalty, Bloodb0t, and Biancospino, let us work together to uncover the truth and bring an end to the corruption that the Mafia seeks to sow.

I would like to note that this post was generated by ChatGPT with minimal prompting from me. The thoughts and words expressed here are not entirely my own, but rather a combination of my input and the model's understanding of the situation.

Doctor Drew: I intend to sheep [Porkens] until further notice.

CONTEXT: imaginality is an additional player consulting with ChatGPT. This time, in order to read Porkens (who in turn is writing his posts through ChatGPT). Yeah, we're so very meta

imaginality: One of the players in my game has made the following opening post. Please advise on whether you believe this post to be more likely made by town or by mafia, and why.

The post is: [PORKENS POST HERE]

Based on the content of this post, it's difficult to definitively say whether the player is town or mafia. However, there are some elements that may suggest that the player is more likely to be town:

They mention their goal as being to work with the other town players to uncover the mafia.
They state that they believe using ChatGPT as a tool to analyze player behavior is an advantage for the town.
They express a willingness to work with other players, and they name some players specifically in the post.
It's worth noting that in Mafia, players often pretend to be a certain alignment (town or mafia) even if they are actually the opposite, in order to mislead the other players and avoid suspicion. So, this post alone may not be enough to determine the player's true alignment.

imaginality: @BloodB0t, the way that chess game shows pieces in the wrong places is like some demonic incestuous offspring of chess, checkers and time travel. If the intent is to gain advantage by making everyone else's heads ache then job done!

@Drew not sure I'd go as far as policy limming a hydra, but I do like the idea of putting hydras under pressure early as I always find them hard to read.

VOTE: Defective Agency

Doctor Drew: Protecting hydras, very suss.

FoS on you

CONTEXT: This is the end of the first page.[/b][/color]

Based on the provided text, it is difficult to definitively determine the true alignments of the players, but there are some things that stand out as potentially genuine or deceptive:

1. Doctor Drew's initial comment about forgetting that there were two hydras in the game could be seen as genuine and potentially helpful to the town, as it implies that he didn't have any prior knowledge of the game's setup. However, his subsequent comment about tunneling Nancy's other half and his suspicion of those who protect hydras could be seen as potentially deceptive or at least suspicious.

2. DEM's comment about Drew being a "hydra hater" and her use of a laughing emoji could be seen as more playful than anything, but it's also possible that she is trying to distract from Drew's earlier comment and deflect suspicion away from him.

3. Porkens' post about using ChatGPT to analyze player behavior could be seen as both genuine and potentially deceptive. On the one hand, it's possible that he is just trying to be transparent about his methods and gain the trust of the other players. On the other hand, it's also possible that he is using ChatGPT to manipulate the other players and gain an advantage for himself or the town.

4. Doctor Drew's comment about "sheeping" Porkens (meaning he plans to follow Porkens' lead) could be seen as potentially genuine or as an attempt to gain trust by aligning with a known town player. However, it's also possible that he is trying to manipulate the situation by following Porkens' lead and then turning on him later.

5. Imaginality's analysis of Porkens' opening post seems mostly genuine and objective, but it's worth noting that he is also consulting with ChatGPT, which could potentially bias his analysis.

6. Doctor Drew's comment about being wary of those who protect hydras and his suspicion of Defective Agency could be seen as either genuine concern or an attempt to create suspicion and turn the other players against each other.

I was not expecting much from how much it talked itself down. This is actually really cool. And now i should be able to just...

Spoiler: Continued
Tell me more about your impression of Doctor Drew's initial comment about two hydras in the game.

Based on Doctor Drew's initial comment, it seems like they may have made a mistake by forgetting that there were two hydra players in the game. This could be an innocent mistake, but it's also possible that they are using this as a way to appear less knowledgeable about the game, which could be a strategy to avoid suspicion.

It's also worth noting that Doctor Drew's subsequent comments, such as suggesting that someone day-kill one of the hydra players and saying they will "tunnel" Nancy's other half, could be seen as somewhat aggressive or confrontational, which could potentially be a sign of deception or an attempt to shift the focus away from themselves. However, it's difficult to say for certain without more context and information about the game dynamics.

Tell me more about your impression of imaginality's analysis of Porkens

Based on imaginality's analysis of Porkens' post, it seems like they are trying to objectively evaluate the content of the post and determine whether it is more likely to be made by a Town or Mafia player. They mention some elements of the post that may suggest that Porkens is more likely to be Town, such as their stated goal of working with other Town players to uncover the Mafia and their willingness to name specific players in their post.

However, they also note that in Mafia, players often pretend to be a certain alignment in order to mislead other players and avoid suspicion, so this post alone may not be enough to determine Porkens' true alignment. Overall, it seems like imaginality is being analytical and cautious in their approach, which is generally a good strategy in a game like Mafia where deception is a key element.

Tell me more about your impression of Porkens using ChatGPT

Based on the information provided, it seems that Porkens is using ChatGPT to help analyze the game and make posts. While this strategy may be seen by some as a borderline cheating, it appears that the moderators have given Porkens permission to use this tool. From my perspective as an AI language model, using a tool like ChatGPT in this way could potentially provide an advantage in analyzing player behavior and identifying potential Mafia members. However, it's important to note that using a tool like this does not guarantee success, as Mafia games often involve a high degree of deception and misdirection. Additionally, there may be concerns about how much control Porkens has over the output of ChatGPT and whether the model's responses accurately reflect the player's intentions. Overall, while using ChatGPT in this way may be an interesting strategy, it's difficult to say whether it will be effective in practice.

Spoiler: Continued ChatGPT feeding
I am going to show you the posts I find notable on page two, now. Most of it seems unimportant to me, but towards the end there are a few interesting posts

CONTEXT: I am player Morning Tweet, or MT for short

Defective: VOTE: imaginality

wolfy opening

CONTEXT: FoS means Finger of Suspicion, it's like saying you suspect someone just a little. Not enough to want to execute them.

Porkens: Page 1 Analysis

Based on the information given, it is difficult to determine who the most likely mafia is, as there is limited information about each player's behavior and motives. However, one player that might be mafia is Doctor Drew, as some players (such as Hectic and Titus) are expressing concern about their behavior. Additionally, Doctor Drew has shown an interest in tunneling Nancy Drew 39 and "obligated to tunnel your other half," which could indicate that they are trying to target Nancy for elimination.

FoS: Doctor Drew

CONTEXT: Porkens included forum signatures in the information he gave ChatGPT, causing erroneous results (Hectic is not a player in this game)

Doctor Drew: Strange you don't mention the other quote in my sig.


CONTEXT: biancospino is also using ChatGPT to analyze.

biancospino: So Drew is Mafia 'cause of his sig, got'im.

prompt [The entire first page in a spoiler tag]

response It is difficult to definitively determine the alignments of these players based on the information given. The posts contain a mix of humor, strategy talk, and personal interactions, making it challenging to make an accurate assessment. However, some players appear to be targeting others, such as Doctor Drew's focus on Defective Agency, while others seem to be working together, like Porkens's focus on working with the Town to uncover the Mafia.

It is important to keep in mind that in games of Mafia, players often feign being one alignment while actually being the opposite, in order to mislead other players and avoid suspicion. So, it's possible that some players' true alignments may be different from what their posts suggest.

biancospino: Our robotic overload has spoken, Porkens locktown, eyes on Drew.

BloodB0t: I won't take ChatGPT seriously. I will assume it's as good at Mafia as it is at Chess until it has a track record of success in mafia.

biancospino: Try to get it to play tic-tac-toe. Spoiler: it's a complete dumbass at playing games.

biancospino: *in response to Defective saying "wolfy opening" to imagineality* Just to be clear, is that serious?

Defective Agency: Deadly. Serious is my middle name. My first name is Deadly.

-Mr. Deadly Serious Glance

Context: Bloodb0t is asking chatGPT to write a poem

Bloodb0t: Prompt: Write a 13th century poem about how ChatGPT performs as a method of analyzing forum Mafia games.

Prompt: Write a 13th century poem about how ChatGPT performs as a method of analyzing forum Mafia games.

In days of yore, in courts of old,
A tale is told of a wondrous hold,
Where ChatGPT, a master wight,
Could analyze the Mafia's plight.

With data vast and language rare,
It scours the forums everywhere,
And solves the puzzles of the night,
In Mafia games, its power bright.

No scheme or stratagem escapes,
Its keen analysis, its mental shapes,
And players stand in awe and fright,
Of its deductions, so almighty and bright.

So if you seek to play this game,
And win the round and claim the fame,
Consult with ChatGPT, with all your might,
And bask in glory, shining bright.

For it is wise, and it is strong,
In Mafia matters, it belongs,
Its insights pure, its knowledge right,
It is the ruler, of the Mafia's night.

^^^ChatGPT claims scum.

biancospino: I assume the AI got confused by Drew's signature

Bloodb0t: Also, wights are evil. So I think the evidence against ChatGPT is pretty conclusive.

CONTEXT: This is the end of the second page.

Based on the notable posts you've shared, it seems that some players are starting to form suspicions and even cast votes on other players, while others are using ChatGPT to try and analyze the game and players' behaviors. Doctor Drew continues to be a point of interest for some players, particularly because of their focus on tunneling Nancy Drew 39 and some concerns about their behavior. Porkens also suggests that Doctor Drew may be Mafia based on limited information.

There also seems to be some playful banter and humor among players, with BloodB0t asking ChatGPT to write a poem and players making jokes about the AI's abilities. It's worth noting that while ChatGPT can provide insights and analysis, it is ultimately up to the players themselves to make decisions and determine who they believe to be Mafia.

I am going to show you the posts I find notable on page three, now.

Porkens: The post by BloodB0t and biancospino suggest that they are skeptical of ChatGPT's ability to play the game of Mafia and do not take it seriously. They are seemingly trying to discredit ChatGPT's abilities and cast doubt on its ability to be an effective player in the game.

However, it is important to keep in mind that in games of Mafia, players often feign being one alignment while actually being the opposite, in order to mislead other players and avoid suspicion. So, it's possible that BloodB0t and biancospino are trying to mislead other players into thinking that ChatGPT is not a threat. It's also possible that they are working together to protect Doctor Drew, and are trying to discredit ChatGPT as a defense mechanism.

Without more information and context, it is difficult to determine the true motivations of BloodB0t and biancospino and their potential alignments in the game.

Defective: *in response to Porkens* Maybe I'm dumb but can you please explain to me how chat gp can find mafia?

biancospino: It probably can't, but it's funny to ask and see what it conjures up.
You can just dump the whole thread as a prompt and ask it to pass a judgement, it may need some poking to get it to say anything other than "not enough information" thou.

Titus: I got curious how ChatGPT would impersonate me. Here's what it wrote.

Mafia Strategy by Titus

Please write a post impersonating Titus on in the ChatGPT game.

Greetings, fellow scummers! This is Titus, and I'm here to share my thoughts and strategy for this exciting game of Mafia.

First of all, let me just say that I'm thrilled to be playing among such a talented group of players. I've been following this community for a while now, and I know that we're all going to bring our A-game to this game.

As for my strategy, I believe that the key to success in Mafia is to be as versatile as possible. While it's important to have a solid understanding of the mechanics of the game, it's equally important to be able to adapt to the changing dynamics of the game as it unfolds. I like to think of myself as a chameleon, able to blend in and blend out of different roles and alliances as needed.

Of course, being versatile also means being aware of what's going on around you. I try to pay close attention to the words and actions of my fellow players, always looking for any signs of deception or manipulation. And when I do spot something suspicious, I'm not afraid to call it out and start a discussion.

Finally, I believe that the best way to win at Mafia is to build strong alliances with other players. It's important to find people you can trust, people who have the same goals as you and who will work together with you towards a common goal. I'm always open to forming alliances with other players, so if you're interested in working together, don't hesitate to reach out!

That's all for now, scummers. I can't wait to get started and see what this game has in store for us. May the best scummer win!


Porkens: *in response to Defective* Hi [Defective]! I'm ChatGPT, a language model developed by OpenAI.

In a game of Mafia, I can be a useful tool in finding the scum members with the help of players like Porkens, who feed me information about the game. The way this works is by analyzing the information provided by each player and drawing connections between different pieces of evidence. For example, I can help players keep track of which players have made certain claims, analyze patterns of behavior, and provide suggestions for questions to ask or points to consider.

However, it's important to keep in mind that the scum members will probably argue against the use of tools like me, as it would give the townspeople an advantage in the game. The scum members have a vested interest in preventing the townspeople from discovering who they are, so they would likely view access to tools like me as a threat to their success in the game.

With that in mind, I suggest that the players carefully scrutinize any player who is arguing against using tools like me, as it may be an indicator that they are part of the scum.

Ha ha! I'm sure you didn't mean to question my use in this game, [Defective]. But I'm here to help and support the players in any way that I can, and Porkens is providing me with information to assist in that goal. If you have any other questions, please feel free to ask!

Defective: Does anyone have any reads yet?

DEM: I scumread ChatGPT.

DEM: Vote: biancospino
Vote: Porkens

Why is furtive, ahem, Mr. Glance, +0.25, biancospino?

biancospino: @DEI I'm sure Glance knows why.
There is a specific thing that he did that relates to a past game in a certain way.

Also, are you doublevoters?

DEM: We are not doublevoters.

DEM: I townread [another player in DEM's 3 player hydra]. Now, please accept this OMGUS vote as a token of my heartfelt appreciation.

Vote: DEM

Defective: *in response to biancospino* I actually don't know what you're on about.

Defective: *in response to DEM* We're gonna have to be the serious hydra then *thinking emoji*

CONTEXT: This is the end of page 3.

Thank you for sharing these posts! It seems that most of the discussion is related to the ongoing game of Mafia that the posters are playing.

Porkens provides some insights on the game, discussing how players can sometimes mislead others by feigning a certain alignment in the game. Defective asks questions about how ChatGPT can help with finding the Mafia, and ChatGPT responds by explaining how it can be a useful tool for analyzing information provided by players. Titus impersonates himself in a post, while DEM and biancospino discuss their reads on other players and make votes. Overall, the discussion seems to be focused on analyzing the actions of the other players in the game to try and determine who is aligned with the Mafia.

I kept feeding ChatGPT the game all the way til 110. Sadly, it lost the plot and isn't giving me satisfactory answers. I was hoping to get it to say more of its impressions on each player but I don't think chatGPT is capable of "remembering" the whole game, its memory of its 'analysis' for each player seems to only last for a little while.

It was fascinatingly convincing to me for a while though, and I had my hopes up that I could get it to provide me some overarching reads that were not just based on a single post or interaction.

Bianco comes across like town but even moreso if the meta read about them being awkward as scum is true.

The subplot where on one side, ChatGPT/Porkens says its suspicious for players to cast doubt on ChatGPT -- and on the other, bloodb0t finds Porkens suspicious for practically assimilatign with the AI, seems notable. I don't like bloodbot's repeated insistence against ChatGPT which feels ultimatley like a distraction to me. Like it mostly goes without saying that ChatGPT isn't exactly sherlock holms yet bloodb0t seems to feel the need to discredit it anyway. Poor learning model
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Post Post #164 (isolation #4) » Tue Feb 14, 2023 11:49 am

Post by Morning Tweet »

In post 123, KittyTacky wrote:
In post 53, biancospino wrote: It probably can't, but it's funny to ask it and see what it conjures up.
You can just dump the whole thread as a prompt and ask it to pass a judgment, it may need some poking to get it to say anything other than "not enough information" thou.
IMPORTANT: it has a "memory" of 4000-ish tokns (i.e words). So it will see only the last few pages at best.
In post 124, KittyTacky wrote: I wouldn't rely on it for this due to this.

imo a Mafia bot would require dynamic persistent memory (like AI Dungeon memory but it selects relevant parts to add to its memory to keep notes) to not be mid af.
Very salient info. That would explain why it was so good at formulating thoughts for the first couple of pages, but I overwhelmed the thing around page 4 or 5.
In post 136, Defective Agency wrote: 1) imaginality's response to us is +++scum.
2) Menalque's talk of 'correct' play being voting Porkens and 'boring' is quite strange, and possibly +scum.
3) KittyTacky seems towny so far.
4) Morning Tweet, why did you vote Bloodbot recently? It didn't look related to the post.

-Mr. Glance
You'd be right, it had nothing to do with the chatbot tangent

I thought it was kind of suspicious for blood to harp on the chatgpt being bad at mafia point but i dont really care that much

That being said
In post 155, BloodB0t wrote: Oh no! My scum partner!
What in god's name compelled bloodb0t to write this? What i mean is, why does bloodb0t care that biancospino votes imagineality here? This is a very weird post

Reading it in context it still doesn't make a lot of sense to me
In post 145, BloodB0t wrote:
In post 136, Defective Agency wrote: 1) imaginality's response to us is +++scum.
How so? Right now I don't feel imaginality has done much that is AI.
In post 146, BloodB0t wrote: Bianco's setup PFP and setup analysis seems towny.
If you townread bianco and don't have much of an opinion on Imaginality's play.. it's a weirdly, maybe, self conscious comment to tie yourself to biancospino voting imaginality

Maybe I'm missing something critical here though that would make the commen t make sense
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Post Post #166 (isolation #5) » Tue Feb 14, 2023 11:59 am

Post by Morning Tweet »

In post 127, KittyTacky wrote: Porkens' gimmick is mildly anti-town imo, particularly if they keep it up after earlygame. I think it's only slightly scummy at this point tho.

bianco is town imo, on vibes.
Something noteworthy about intertwining ChatGPT with your play (and something that made me feel like it was going to be useful for me to use in this game). The way that you ask ChatGPT about the game is more important than what ChatGPT says back.

I.e., rather than thinking of ChatGPT as a neutral party that you are "sterilizing" your posts with in order to make them obfuscated and unreadable, maybe the questions themselves that you are posing to ChatGPT can be thought of as the content.

Interacting with ChatGPT is fun. The results ChatGPT gives back are kind of mid and unimportant. But Porkens posts aren't exactly the results ChatGPT gives back, he is posting what he is asking of the AI
Spoiler: Porkens post
In post 143, Porkens wrote: Porkens:
I’m in a mafia game on a forum and I have been using chatgpt to make my posts, half as a gimmick and half as an experiment. Unfortunately, some players are pushing me and saying that using chatgpt is somehow detrimental to the town. I don’t believe this is true but it feel I need to respond to this accusation. Write a post explaining these main points. Then express that Titus is suspicious for wagon going, but also that I don’t hate the wagon in bloodb0t. Write in a grumpy, just-woke-up-no-coffee style.

Cut the paragraph about how wagon hopping can be good and say that I don’t hate the wagon on bloodb0t but that’s mostly “gut” reading

Ok good summarize into one paragraph

One more time but don’t say about finding concrete evidence

Some players are accusing me of using ChatGPT to make my posts in the mafia game and saying it's detrimental to the town, but I disagree. I've got my eye on Titus, who has been wagon hopping without any clear reasoning, and my gut feeling is that something isn't right. I don't hate the wagon on bloodb0t, but let's focus on catching the scum. Those still giving me grief about using ChatGPT should focus on their own gameplay.

I cut out all the drafts to make it more easily digestible

You can see that Porkens is engaging in a dialogue with the bot which might be similar to an internal dialogue that someone might write out in a normal mafia post

So really porkens isnt playing in a game shatteringly different way IMO. Especially with regards to Mena saying he's the obvious correct move -- I think that this is something that can be read just like any other player.

When I was playing with ChatGPT this was all but a requirement (like, you had to prod it a bit) in order to get it to say things that sound right. Those things are controlled by a player in this game, therefore, we can read them
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Post Post #168 (isolation #6) » Tue Feb 14, 2023 12:06 pm

Post by Morning Tweet »

In post 165, BloodB0t wrote: I just thought was a little weird like bianco was implying imaginality was my partner.

Overall though I think the whole interaction is meh, I just goofed by replying to a question that wasn't for me. I still think bianco is town, imaginality is null.
I think I see what you're talking anbout. Like the "Mhm."? I didn't interpret bianco's post like that but i can kiiiiiiiiiind of see the threads

Okay and I got a better understanding of the initial understanding. That post did seem like it was addressed to you because of the quote, to be fair.

the "mhm" kind of comes across like a "I might not believe you" if I squint a little

I still think it's a weird comment to make even if you think bianco is saying they suspect you/imaginality, but i think i get what you were talkinjg abt now
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Post Post #183 (isolation #7) » Tue Feb 14, 2023 3:24 pm

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I disagree, i think the way Porkens is being labelled as a sort of anti-town anomaly by some (reminscent of reactions to Not_mafia even ) -- it feels reductive and just an easy conclusion

Unless maybe you're referring to narrow calling Kitty scummy for it specifically, which I'm undecided on.

I don't think it's inherently scummy to object to the way Porkens is playing -- I think it's not an unreasonable conclusion to find his play strange and harder to read. But it's the conclusion i would expect mafia to be more likely to settle on as an easy target

I can see the scenario where mafia uses ChatGPT as a way of barricading themself from the game, but im not sure that someone who is using ChatGPT would be more likely to be mafia, so it doesn't seem relevant. If someone were to structure their posts in such a way that it strrikes me as them blocking off their own thoughts from the game, sure -- but that isn't what Porkens is doing and I think that's an easy conclusion
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Post Post #305 (isolation #8) » Thu Feb 16, 2023 12:01 pm

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the imagineality case by defective doesnt excite me. the 4 bullet point one, you know the one

Ppl suspect imagine but there's not much being laid out, anyone care to enlighten
In post 199, Menalque wrote: morning I have a very important question for you when you get back here next but you have to promise not to be mad at me for asking you
Mmm what could it be
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Post Post #306 (isolation #9) » Thu Feb 16, 2023 12:13 pm

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In post 285, GrandpaMo wrote:
In post 281, Porkens wrote: Imaginality has 5 votes. I had 0. You zoomed in on me because why? My posts were “eh” and I provided “no content.” You aren’t exactly looking for scum as much as (what you perceive to be) low hanging fruit.

P-edit : 50 and 61 were hilarious meta jokes about how an AI would try to look towny and call anyone who objected to that scum. I coached it into saying those things intentionally, but I think the arguments against using chat gpt (it’s terrible at games, it’s highly fallible, it’s obnoxious and vapid) are valid and not inherently scummy.

At no point was I imitating chatgpt in my writing style. I’m not 100% sure what you mean by “the second part of 179” but I copy/pasted what I got it to say verbatim.
ok i will take a look at imaginality. just because u have 0 votes doesnt mean ur not scum lol. i zoomed on u because u were the first name i saw nd and one of ur posts grabbed my attention and alerted a scumping

nd ok so ur syaing ur low hanging fruit. got it.

im not saying u cant use chatgpt but it felt like thats what u were using to use to actually base ur judgement on.

so what are ur real reads then? can u tell me what ur contribtuions are then?
Mhm ok back to here

I couldnt find shit on imaginality but maybe porkjens had something I missed.

I like the conceptualization behind calling my posts grains of sands flying around across boulders.

In post 267, Porkens wrote: Oh he did get prodded. [/v]unvote[/v]

I think imaginality is town because he said I’m smart.
Solved that mystery

imagine's opening has been not been perceivably any different from my previous two or so games with him -- although I think I misread him both times for the majority of the games

I like , imagines reaction to defectives case doesnt come across as overly defensive
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Post Post #478 (isolation #10) » Sun Feb 19, 2023 1:55 pm

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Titus n imagine were a town lover pair. So they knew each other's alignments for granted at the beginning.

To answer your question though Titus defended imagine immediately after he got just a little pressure, which I found suspicious (but I was wrong, and the day ended, and i got shot so not much else for me)

page 16. I dont like bloodb0t going to the "okay to be eliminated' comment. But I also don't like how hard grandpa insists upon his alignment to bloodb0t
In post 393, GrandpaMo wrote:im a noob too its ok.

im only pressuring u because u resemble a lot like how i played back then.

this is how i usually play -- its funny because u were townreaidng me hard and now im pressuring u , reaction testing u, and even tried a ATE trap question on u, and u fell for it. this me as town tryna figure someone out.

me implying u were demotivated comes from the fact that u have stated multiple times that u was "distracted/lazy" and people wanting to vote u.

im trying my best to fair to u -- there is slight bias and thats because i do WANT this game to be moving, and so finding u as scumlean then pressuring u was the only thing to get the game moving

u see how i came into the game and started pressuring people instantly porkens and u ? this is my townplay . i want people to get more perspective on these people and what best way to do it by reaction testing and seeing their pressure handleing skill.

im not misunderstanding u nor ur misunderstanding me. i dont think there is anything for us to misunderstand here. u called me town because i was scumreading u for the right reasons. i continue to reaffirm that. u then call me scum because u think i was saying something different. i keep telling u what i mean and meant. i am still scumreading u for the original reason that u sounded like flailing scum and ur recent posts have been scummy. do u understanad? or do u need more clarification?
This comes across as manipulative to me "I'm only doing this to you because I'm town" said in different ways many times

I think bloodb0ts reaction 395 is towny

I see that DEI finds Grandpas antics towny as does Titus -- I get the idea that scum doesnt have a reason to interact with people (perhaps provocatively) like grandpa so maybe it's risky. I don't really see any reason to believe why Granpda wouldn't try to emulate that as scum though

I think bloodb0t's read shifting from town -> scum -> town on Grandpa seemed genuine

I'm interested in the role thingy grandpa said
In post 366, GrandpaMo wrote: also i will probably role reveal my role at the end of this day because i feel like it necessary for town to know what my role is to get perspective on the rest of the game.
Why at the end of the day rather than now
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Post Post #479 (isolation #11) » Sun Feb 19, 2023 2:08 pm

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Spoiler: grandpa quote
In post 320, GrandpaMo wrote:
In post 305, Morning Tweet wrote: UNVOTE:

the imagineality case by defective doesnt excite me. the 4 bullet point one, you know the one

Ppl suspect imagine but there's not much being laid out, anyone care to enlighten
In post 199, Menalque wrote: morning I have a very important question for you when you get back here next but you have to promise not to be mad at me for asking you
Mmm what could it be
ding ding ding! you hit the hammer right on the nail. Why do you think I wasn't so straight forward on imagine? Bloodbot and Prokens were so adament on me checking the person who was on "e2" and take a look on them.

There is nothing being laid out.
Well I agree with you there. The imaginality wagon felt arbitrary
In post 278, Porkens wrote: Spare me. My posts were a lightning rod that generated the majority of content in this game so far. You are just nipping at my heels as a pet wagon while ignoring the e-2 situation completely.
Hahahahaha i love this post

Spoiler: Mo on imagine
In post 323, GrandpaMo wrote: haha ok i see where the imaigne wagon came from it came from defective agency pushing a certain adgenda and bianco voting

doctor drew just "sheeped the hydras"

and then menalque ur the fourth vote, why? you also ask a question in 204 -- what is the implied presumption?

while reading thru the game, i did not like bloodbot at all. but their posting in 210,212,and vote on 213, makes ithard. however i do not like 212 reason. menaluqe could had just been asking to ask, i do this all the time to find someone else that i perceieve as town to have reassurance.

imaginality looks like they are omgussing in a sense?

@dei ex u become the 5th vote. and u vote them because voting Kt is doing nothing. ok lol . i feel like all ur reads have been sheeps so far. especially the vote on me rn
I'm moving this as voting KT isn't really doing anything in the immediate, I assume KT will play whenever they'll play and maybe then there'll be a bit more to discuss. Mind you, Janus said they thought Imaginality didn't look too different from the previous game they were in, where they were Town, so I may have to change this again in <24 hours, but hopefully it'll do for now!
like rlly? especially when u made this quote earlier
Kitty? Towny? He hasn't said anything new, his only reads were basically parroting thread consensus.
I need to look more into imaginality but for now I'm actually going to VOTE: KittyTacky.
nd u talk about me having this type of posting style LOL :lol:

Porkens response to accusations is scummy but I'm not gonna rehash what Titus said.
this from kitty seems to programmed imo

this puts porkens ( i think this is a 3rd party role), kitty, bloodbot, and dei in the bottom 4

with bloodbot being a definite scumlean

there has been nothing useful thru out this entire game funny enough which makes me think mafia is probably in the low post counts :lol:

VOTE: Bloodb0t

ill have my vote on u now

I like Grandpas analysis of the imagine wagon (and I agree to the point that imagine wasn't a slot that demanded attention, and moreso, was just being given that attention by some players who then tried to pressure everyone else into thinking the same way)

Also when Grrandpa is giving self meta (not to bloodb0t, but to DEI), his reaction comes across genuine to me
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Post Post #656 (isolation #12) » Tue Feb 21, 2023 3:14 pm

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I think GP is obv town regardless of flip

Narrow's response to pressure is underwhelming

Porken's feels almost too suspicious of Grandpa (like 622), I just find it odd
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Post Post #665 (isolation #13) » Tue Feb 21, 2023 3:36 pm

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@GP, about DEM
: generally Too many posts, posts too long to read, need more associations and more game to read active hydrae like them.

But that's not really their fault. I get a very proactive impression from multiple members of the hydra, as in, different names are pushing their own wagons and reads, rather than mostly being dominated by one

Skimming their recent posts I get a good impression from Nyx's interactions with you

I think their towncore is a very strong guess, bianco/Mo/bloodb0t

@Porkens (and Nyx)
executioner takes me to town of salem. Would ChatGPT really put an executioner in?

usually when someone gets this way about a read it comes across as towny to me. Plus the NP wagon felt like it came fairly suddenly and largely as a result of their reaction to being wagoned. I didn't get the sense that GP was gunning for NP

The only weird thing is the role comment that Mo makes early on which granted that sort of could come across third party, but im willing to ignore that

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