[Standard] Simvivor: BattleBots ORG/LSG (BOTS BATTLE)

For large social games such as Survivor where the primary mechanic is social interaction.
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[Standard] Simvivor: BattleBots ORG/LSG (BOTS BATTLE)

Post Post #0 (ISO) » Sun Dec 22, 2024 6:26 am

Post by T-Bone »

T-Bone, Ariel, and ORAM present...

Listmod: VashtaNeurotic

Welcome to the BattleBox Arena! We are inviting the most elite of you to enter and compete for the Golden Nut and title of Sole Survivor!

This game will see 21 Robots enter the arena. This game is the long awaited ORG/LSG adaptation of my solo adventure, Simvivor. Players will create Robots to stand in for them for challenges. Challenges will be simulated and results will be based on the Robots and the skills they were made for. Players will still make all strategic and social decisions for themselves.

This game will be anonymous, so if you wish to play or spectate please quietly fill out this application. This game is scheduled to run on a schedule similar to classic Survivor with 39 days of game time and 3 rest days (for a total of 42 days). Every player is guaranteed to play for at least 6 days at the start of the game and attend at least two Trial Councils.

Application Deadline:
January 5th

Casting Decision:
January 5th

Tentative Start:
January 8th

Tentative End:
February 18th
(42 Days After Start)

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. How do you have questions already?
A. I am anticipating them, just play along.

Q. Who should apply?
A. I would encourage any first-timers to apply (and you'll probably get priority). But I think this game is friendly for players of all experiences. If you want a predictable schedule, the calendar will be shared with the players up front. Finally, if you feel like you are not good at the types of online challenges these games typically feature than this is the game for you.

Q. If the bot plays the game for me what do I do?
A. You will still need to play the social game by talking to your cast mates. You will need to make strategic decisions for your Robot. You will decide which risks you are willing to take. You will still make all strategic decisions for yourself including voting out others.

Q. Can the randomness of this game cause me to get eliminated?
A. No one will be eliminated completely by random chance. Players have a ton of agency to make decisions for themselves and deciding when and when not to take risks. While it is very likely random chance will influence your game in some way, as the game designer I don't believe that a single random event will result in your elimination without some say on your part.

Q. You said we would be guaranteed 6 days and two TCs, how?
A. Read below for the full explanation of the Qualifiers, but in short, the three starting tribes will vote someone off the tribe. The three Robots voted off will choose another member of their tribe. Those 6 robots will then form a 4th tribe. After that any future TCs will result in eliminations. Yes that means after qualifers the tribe breakdowns will be 5 vs 5 vs 5 vs 6. That is just a part of the game you'll need to navigate.

Q. Are there any twists that cannot be reasonably anticipated?
A. All of the twists are known at game start. The only things you won't know are the results of challenges and the specifics of the 8 CPZs.

Q. Why are you calling it BattleBots when you are clearly using Mod characters from Robot Wars?
A. Because...shut up that's why.

Q. You said this was an adaptation of your solo adventure, what does that mean?
A. viewtopic.php?t=84638

Q. If I have a question not covered by this FAQ?
A. Please send me (T-Bone) a DM here or on Discord (tboneislive).
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Post Post #1 (ISO) » Sun Dec 22, 2024 6:34 am

Post by T-Bone »

This is a game. The main objective is to have fun; so no excessive flaming or spamming.

This is a game. The secondary objective is to win.

If you think we made a moderating mistake, please point it out privately to a HouseBot and we will fix it if needed.

We have worked extensively to produce a game that is enjoyable for all of you. As such, we promise to offer each Robot respect but expect to be shown the same in return.

Simvivor: BattleBots is ANONYMOUS
. All Robots are strictly prohibited from so much as hinting to their own identities or implying another Robot's identity. If you are talking with other people outside of this forum, you must not state or imply that you are playing in this game (unless you put them on your do-not-cast-with list). If you are talking with other Robots on this forum, try not to say anything that would allow people to easily ID you. Communication outside the private message system is also forbidden unless otherwise stated. Failure to follow this rule can result in a variety of consequences ranging from a terse warning to one's elimination from the game. We reserve the right to determine the severity of possible infractions.

Exercise common sense. If you're not sure if an action violates the rules, ask. Yes, this is a competition, but do not attempt to undermine challenges or game mechanics for your own gain. This violates both the spirit of the game and common respect mentioned above.

Private communication with Robots outside of your Tribe or eliminated Robots is strictly prohibited unless otherwise specified. Any Robot found in violation of this rule will be penalized. PMs are only to be used for communication within your Tribe unless otherwise specified. Group PMs within your tribe are allowed.

Any and all posting about this game outside the provided forums unless SPECIFICALLY STATED is illegal.

The posting of Private Messages (whether via text (paraphrasing is fine) or via image) in a public forum or in Private Messages to other Robots is explicitly disallowed. You may, however, post them in your confessional. You are also prohibited from taking a screenshot of private messages and showing them to other Robots. Forwarding is not allowed. Quoting is not allowed, nor is pretending to quote. You may paraphrase, and you may quote very short snippets of up to 10 words, like you might in a real conversation. A series of such snippets is not an acceptable way to circumvent this rule.

Don't show other Robots screenshots of anything in your confessional, any challenge scores, or any game information they do not already have access to.

The HouseBots may discipline any Robot that breaks the rules however we see fit, depending on the specific situation. The punishment for breaking the rules depends on the infraction. We also reserve the right to implement new rules if needed.

Although this game takes place on an off-site forum, that forum is considered an exclave of Mafiascum.net. All MS conduct rules will apply. Please see HERE for complete site rules.

Because challenges are instant we will have a tight 42 day calendar we will try to adhere to. Players will be responsible for daily decisions and Trial Councils, but they will not be required to attend any challenges or CPZs. If an adjustment in the schedule is required RefBot will let the cast know.

Rest Days
will occur on Day 9, 21, and 33. During those Rest Days you may not play Simvivor: BattleBots. You may not DM anyone, and you will not be required to select a daily activity. Please use this time to recharge your mental health. The Rest day will last 24 hours. If you need an adjustment based on your timezone please let RefBot know.

The HouseBots have worked to make this a fair and fun game. The nature of these games sometimes require judgement calls and if a call like that is to be made please understand the decisions by the HouseBots are final.

If you have any issues that cannot be resolved by the game mods, or if the game mods are breaking rules, please report that to the Listmod in charge, Dead Metal aka VashtaNeurotic.


Robot Building

As part of the sign-up form you will be/were asked to build a Robot to compete on your behalf in the BattleBox! Here is the following information needed for a Robot.

Skill Points

You are given 17 skill points to distribute into 7 skills. Each skill must have a minimum of 1 and can have a maximum of 5, and all skill points must be assigned. In some challenges/control point zones, skill points will represent the aggregate ability of your Robot. In some challenges/control point zones, skill points will represent the size of the dice your Robot may have (d2 to d6).


Daily Activities

Each day you will be given the chance to choose a daily activity for your Robot. You must set percentages that add up to 100% so we may randomly choose for you if you do not select your daily activity in time.

Build the Workshop:
Patrol the BattleBox:
Tune Circuitry:

Additionally your Robot will be assigned two additional statistics that can be affected by events and decisions made during the game.

Battery Level:
Values between -2 and +2

Values Between 1 and 20

Robot skill values and daily activities will not be revealed publicly. It is up to you whether to share this information or not.

Daily Activities
Each game day you must pick between one of four daily activities in your confessional, which will be explained below.

Build the Workshop:
Add +1 to your tribe's workshop rating. A low workshop rating provides all Robots penalties to their Battery Level. Low battery provides penalties for Robots to challenges and some CPZs.
This will increase your Battery Level by +1 or by +2 if the Workshop rating is high.
Patrol the BattleBox:
This allows your Robot to search for advantages.
Tune Circuitry:
This allows you to add one point to your upgrade value. The Upgrade value will be used occasionally in control point zone scenarios through out the season. Most importantly, this value will determine who wins the F4 Gauntlet Challenge.

Each tribe will be housed in a Workshop. While in a workshop, Robots will have the following benefits.

- Access to a private Workshop forum where all tribe members can post. Trial Councils will also be held here.
- Ability to directly message any Robot in your Workshop.
- Only Robots still in the tournament will be assigned to a Workshop.

Additionally Workshops have a
Workshop Quality Rating
. The Workshop Quality Rating is a value of how well maintained your workshop is. This value will degrade daily and members of the tribe are responsible for the workshop's upkeep. If a Quality Rating for your workshop is below the standard needed for your tribe, all Robots will get a -1 penalty to their Battery Level, and any Robot Patrolling the BattleBox will get a 5% chance penalty on any search roll. If the Quality Rating for your workshop meets the standard needed for your tribe, no penalties or bonuses will be awarded. If your Quality Rating exceeds the standard needed for your tribe, the Recharge Activity will provide a +2 to your Robot's Battery Level and you will get a 5% binus for Patrolling the BattleBox.

The standard for a tribe's workshop in the pre-merge is is 50% of the tribe, rounded up. After the merge the standard becomes 50% + 1. At F5, Workshop rating will no longer provide penalties or benefits.

The workshop will decay 2 points a day before the Daily Activity.

Every round will possess an immunity challenge inside the BattleBox. Immunity challenges will be simulated by RefBot, the players behind the Robots do not need to attend. Tribes or individuals that win Immunity challenges will be safe from being eliminated during the round's Trial Council. Tribes or Individuals may not give away Immunity won in this way. The outcomes of all challenges are final, except in the case of moderator errors.

Each challenge this season has been pre-seeded to use 2-4 skills per challenge. The first skill being used for the next challenge will be announced at the conclusion of the previous challenge, however the other skills will generally not be revealed until challenge time. An even distribution of skills is not guaranteed as they will be generated randomly. Challenges will be completed via one of two methods, tallies or dice rolls, and these will have been pre-determined randomly.

Tally Challenges: The point totals of each Robot's skills will be added up. The tribe or individual with the highest total will win.
Dice Challenges: Each skill will be assigned a dice size (d2 to d6, where a 1 in a skill represents a d2 and a 5 in a skill represents a d6), and the dice will be rolled and added together. The tribe or individual with the highest total wins.

Battery Level: A Robot's Battery level can be spent to increase or decrease their total in a challenge.
Positive Battery: If a Robot has a Battery level of +1 or +2 they may spend one or both points on the challenge to increase their total by that many points. Once spent that level will be deducted from your Robot. Battery levels spent this way will be automatically added to improve your lowest valued skill being used in that challenge.
Negative Battery: A Robot with Battery level of -1 or -2 MUST spend at least one negative level to decrease their total by that many points. Once spent in this way the Robot will revert towards 0 by however many points they spent. This is a penalty, negative battery levels cannot be spent in a way to get positive battery levels. This will be applied to your highest valued skill being used in that challenge.
Battery Level at the time the BattleBox Immunity Challenge is posted is the effective Battery Level for that challenge. (e.g. you can't Recharge on the same day as a challenge and have it be relevant to that challenge.)

Control Point Zones
At pre-determined points of the game, the HouseBots will offer you a chance to enter the Combat Patrol Zone (CPZ). These can be dangerous but rewarding endeavors. How each CPZ will work will be revealed when it is time to enter one.

Everyday the Robots will have an opportunity to patrol the BattleBox in search of advantages if they choose it as their daily activity. Robots will make a percentage roll and have a base chance of 5% to find something. If a Robot finds something they will roll on an advantage menu using a d20. A roll of 1-10 will give the Robot a clue, increasing their chances by an additional 5% for each clue. On a roll of 11-20 a Robot can find an advantage or Hidden Immunity Idol. Each number will correspond to an advantage, but what this advantage table looks like will not be known. There may be other ways to earn clues to increase a Robot's chance of finding something as well.

A number of advantages or Hidden Immunity Idols will be available for Robot's to find throughout the game. The use of all advantages will be decided in your confessional. The Hidden Immunity Idol, which allows you to give yourself Immunity during Trial Council and nullify any votes cast against you. This is the only item guaranteed to exist. Items are not guaranteed to be found.

Conditional idol and item plays are permitted but only for things you can reasonably anticipate. Saying "Only play my idol if another idol is played" is valid, saying "Play my idol if someone casts an extra vote" is not. Some other advantages may prevent conditional item plays due to the nature of how those advantages work.

The HouseBots will not answer hypothetical questions about advantages unless you possess the advantage.

It may be possible for another player to plant a fake advantage in place of a real one.

You may transfer items to other players in your tribe in your confessional. If you are eliminated your advantages are immediately eliminated with you and cannot be given (unless the advantage states otherwise).

Trial Council
Tribes enter Trial Council under the watchful eye of the HouseBots to vote someone out. Before the merge one or more tribes may go to their own Trial Councils. After the merge all remaining Robots will attend every Trial Council unless something prevents them from doing so.

Trial Councils are scheduled out in advance on the schedule. Sometimes Trial Councils will be the day after an Immunity Challenge, and sometimes they may occur on the same day. Votes must be cast before the scheduled deadline of Trial Council. If a Robot fails to cast a vote they will vote themselves, and if nuts and bolts are forced, they will automatically be eliminated. A Robot may cast a vote in anticipation of Trial Council in their confessional. Robots may change their vote any number of times in their DecisionBox up until deadline. if you change your vote please make it as clear as possible.

To keep the game on schedule in the event of a tie vote the Robots will be asked to revote. The deadline will be the following day, and if a challenge or CPZ is scheduled, the deadline will be at that time. Robots will be assumed to be casting the same vote in a revote if they do not make a change. Still we ask that you confirm your vote on a revote as soon as it is feasible so that we may adhere to our 42 day schedule. If the vote is tied after a revote, the tied players will be given immunity and nuts and bolts will be randomly drawn among the remaining non-immune players. Anyone who possess individual immunity or plays a hidden immunity idol is still immune. If every player is immune in this way, immunity will be stripped from all players and the draw will continue. The Robot who draws the nut is eliminated. This will be done via a percentage dice roll and the Robot with the highest number will draw the nut.

Players may not transfer individual immunity. If players are immune via a secret advantage, the advantage will specify how this can be played on players.

If a Robot fails to vote in two consecutive or three total Trial Councils, the results of the vote will be cancelled and that Robot will be eliminated.

Upgrade Value and F4 Gauntlet
The Final 4 Robots left in the game will not have a Trial Council. Instead they will compete in The Gauntlet. The Robot with the highest Upgrade value will decide which two Robots compete and which two Robots advance to Final Trial Council. If there is a tie, the Robot who earned their Upgrade value first will decide. If there is still a tie, a coin flip will decide.

The two Robots who are competing will roll a dice equal to the value of their Upgrades. The Robot that rolls the highest wins the Gauntlet and goes to FTC.

Throughout the season the Upgrade rolls may come into play during a CPZ scenario. Winning these scenarios guarantees a great reward.

Qualifier Round
The first three days of the game will be known as the Qualifier Round. All three tribes will go to Trial Council on Day 3 and vote someone out. However, those players voted out are not out of the game.

The three Robots voted off their tribes will be instead forming a new 4th tribe. Each Robot that is voted off will select one Robot from the tribe that voted them off to take with them. Those Robots (a total of 6) will form a 4th tribe. The other three tribes will remain in the game as-is (5 players each).

The Qualifier Round is the only round where you can be voted off and remain in the game. All future Robots voted off at TC will be eliminated from the game.

Game Timing
The game day begins at 7pm ET on January 8th. Deadlines for most decisions (except Trial Council) will be at 7pm ET.

Daily Activities will be processed at approximately 7pm ET (to the best of the mod's abilities)

Immunity challenge and CPZ results will be processed at approximately 8pm ET (to the best of the mods' abilities)

Trial Council results will be processed at approximately 9pm ET (to the best of the mods' abilities)
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Post Post #2 (ISO) » Sun Dec 22, 2024 9:13 am

Post by VashtaNeurotic »

This game has been classified as
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Post Post #3 (ISO) » Wed Jan 01, 2025 7:06 am

Post by T-Bone »

I am making the difficult decision to extend the application deadline. We do not have enough applicants for a full cast and with how far away we still are from a full cast, I don't believe we'll get there by tomorrow. There are a lot of great players on the cast list already, so I implore anyone who was thinking about it, on the fence, or even thinking about sitting this one out to consider playing. Because we are short on players anyone who applies will get to play up until we fill the game. We currently have about half the amount of players we need.

Please remember this game is anonymous. Contact me if you have any questions.
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Post Post #4 (ISO) » Sun Jan 05, 2025 8:33 am

Post by T-Bone »

Thank you everyone for applying. At this time we have internally finalized the cast. Casting PMs will go out on Tuesday.

If you did not apply but would like to spectate, please fill out the application as a spectator. We will send out spec access to the forum and discord sometime on Wednesday.
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Post Post #5 (ISO) » Tue Jan 07, 2025 2:18 pm

Post by T-Bone »

Casting PMs have been sent out.

The game starts in (expired on 2025-01-08 18:00:00)

If you want to spectate the forum/discord please reach out to me or fill out the app.
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Post Post #6 (ISO) » Wed Jan 08, 2025 12:28 pm

Post by T-Bone »

Thank you everyone who applied for Simivivor: BattleBots. At this time, the game has started. I am putting out the call for spectators now. Please DM myself, Ariel, and/or ORAM, and we will invite you to the discord server and create a forum log-in so you can spectate the game. Specs no longer need to fill out the form, DMing one of us is enough. Thank you!

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