Amstaad Character Page

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Amstaad Character Page

Post Post #0 (ISO) » Wed Mar 14, 2012 5:32 pm

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Good to see you all back. Here you all can discuss your characters, ask us, your fine moderators, questions, or simply enjoy the company of fellow role players.

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And I will post any variations and such on the original rules here as well.
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Post Post #1 (ISO) » Thu Mar 15, 2012 11:08 am

Post by Moneybags »

I might be interested in joining, how might I go about making a character, etc.?
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Post Post #2 (ISO) » Thu Mar 15, 2012 3:58 pm

Post by AniX »

Reposting. Once again, if you think of an area that should/could be improved, I'll hear it.

Name: Gwendolyn, Daughter of Elizabeth
Player: AniX
Race: Human

Description: Middle-aged and looks every year of it. She is tall for her gender, standing at 5'9'', a stature aided by a practiced posture making her seem quite a bit bigger. Her body is riddled with calluses and scars but is athletically built, especially considering her age. She wears her blonde hair short, but it is beginning to show signs of graying, especially around the temples. In her younger years she might even have been called attractive. She still might be, especially given her age, except that her eyes have a constant weariness about them and she always seems to be wearing an angry grimace at best, marring whatever beauty she may have or have had.
Gwendolyn usually carries a slightly dull broadsword with a well-worn handle at her hip. She typically wears a tarnished Lorica segmentata with grey wool trousers and brown leather boots. She wears no helmet, but occasionally wears a tattered red cloak trimmed with grey fur over her armor. No matter her attire, she always carries a small satchel with a vial of ink and small, rolled up pieces of parchment inside, hung around her neck and worn under her armor.

Phase 1: If Gwendolyn ever had a happy childhood, she sure doesn't remember it. In fact, the only thing she knew was her first name, whispered to her when she was only 4. It was her earliest memory, being carried in a bundle as tenderly as one can while fleeing, by another person, in hindsight only a child of 10 or 11 herself. Perhaps a sister she never got to know. If it was, she didn't have much of a familial loyalty, because that is the last memory Gwen ever had of her. The rest of the memories are just bitter flashes of growling stomachs, rags as clothing on cold nights, and fighting with other members of the streets and wild animals just to survive into the next night. The only thing that kept her going some nights was playing the memory of the older girl over and over in her head, hearing the same soothing voice deliver its message over and over: “Gwendoyln, everything is going to be alright.”

Aspect: Born in the Red
Unarmed Combat
(4 at 1)

Phase 2: Gwendolyn’s life on the streets, however, was not destined to last forever. One early morning, when she was no more than 10, Gwendolyn was seeking alms when she was approached by a woman calling herself Elizabeth who, while pretty enough had a great weariness in her eyes that made her seem like she had lived decades, although she couldn't have been more than 25 or so. She took Gwen into her home, which was little more than the adjoining home to the local brothel. Despite having little more than Gwen did, she did her best to care for the child, feeding her, clothing her, and educating her, although Elizabeth's own education wasn't the most prestigious. And, most importantly, despite all the men offering more than a small amount of gold to “meet” the young girl as she aged, Elizabeth did her best to shield her from the darker side of the world, cultivating Gwen's talent for drawing and spending what little spending money they had on ink and paper. But despite Elizabeth's efforts to protect Gwen and discourage her from less civilized pursuits, Elizabeth had to do what needed to be done to support them and Gwendolyn still found herself in more than a few occasions where a quick eye and a quicker fist served her well.

Aspect: Raised by the Scarlet
Unarmed Combat
Craft (Ink Sketching)
Knowledge (Ill Repute)

(2 at 2, 4 at 1)

Phase 3: Eventually, however, Gwendolyn was 18 and no longer could justify wasting her days scribbling in her mother's, as she had come to call Elizabeth, small bedroom. Elizabeth had sacrificed so much to take her in and support her, it was time for Gwendolyn to do the same. Gwendolyn quickly found her danger sense and hair-trigger reflexes, plus the tenacity and strength years of having to scratch and bite to survive had given her, placed her in a great position to be a guard for the Lawkeeper’s Guild. Cutting her hair short, she set out and, after impressing the hire-ups, earned her sword. While she always favored her fists, she found herself suitably adept with her issued broadsword as well. Eventually, she moved her way up until she was serving in the rich district, protecting merchants and nobles from scoundrels and being paid well for the service. At times, she would run into people she worried might recognize her from her past, but the combination of the helmet, shorter hair, and perhaps their own disinterest in speaking about visiting prostitutes kept her secret just that.

Aspect: Conscripted for the Ruby
Unarmed Combat
Knowledge (Law Enforcement)
(1 at 3, 2 at 2, 5 at 1)

Phase 4: Gwendolyn's destiny, however, was not meant to be separated from that accursed brothel, despite the efforts of both her and Elizabeth to keep them such. On an otherwise normal day protecting the town, word came to Gwendolyn that there was going to be a raid on the “House of Roses”, a “florist shop” that was readily understood to be a cover for a brothel, a understanding Gwendolyn knew was true because it was the place she had spent most of her childhood. At first, she attempted to dissuade the assault, arguing it wasn't causing any trouble and it was best to focus on actual dangers to the community rather than responding to vice with violence. It was then she made her infamous decision: She gave forewarning to the residents she had grown to consider a family. She had hoped they would use the head start to escape, to abandon the home and let the raid bear no fruit. Instead, they decided to buckle down, ready themselves against the assault and prepare to defend all they had for a home if necessary. Gwendolyn managed to get herself assigned to the raid team, but when the battle broke out, she broke rank, attempting one final time to defend what she had left of a family through rhetoric. The raid force pushed on, the residents of the brothel fought back, Gwendolyn got caught in the middle.

Aspect: Shamed by the Crimson
Knowledge (Ill Repute)

(2 at 3, 3 at 2, 4 at 1)

Phase 5: Nobody quite remembers what happened; Even to Gwendolyn it was mostly a blur of steel and arrows, but one thing is for sure: When arms were finally laid down, a bloodied but very much alive Gwendolyn exited the building. Only a handful of other survivors followed, most of them residents. One resident, however, though carried out as tenderly as possible by the crying Gwendolyn, did not. While “punishing those responsible” was the political talk of the day and Gwendolyn was considered by pretty much all to be the reason the massacre went down as it did, too many politicians had themselves visited the House to push the issue as far as the crowd wanted. At the very least though, Gwendolyn was dishonorably thrown out of the town guard and shunned and actively antagonized by nearly every member of the population.

Aspect: Condemned by the Cardinal
Knowledge (Bureaucracy)

EXTRA: Suspect of the “House of the Roses” Massacre

(2 at 3, 4 at 2, 5 at 1)

Phase 6: Jobless, penniless, and a social pariah, Gwendolyn quickly turned to the bottle, figuring that if she couldn't live the life she wanted she might as well forget the life thrust upon her. A few drinks to forget quickly began many drinks to never remember, and Gwendolyn quickly became a scourge in the few bars seedy enough to grant her entry in the first place. Starting arguments, starting fights, skipping out on her bills, she bounce from place to place mostly in a stupor and in clothing dirty and torn from being worn so often. Her moral horizon, however, came when she was tossed from yet another bar. Hungry, tired, and cold, she wandered the night until she ran, almost quite literally, into a gentleman, who offered to allow her entry into his home to rejuvenate herself. Gwendolyn had spent too many years ease-dropping on Elizabeth to not recognize the underlying motives in the man's otherwise unprovoked generosity. And for a moment, for nearly an entire second, she was desperate enough to consider taking the offer anyway. It was at that point she realized what she had become: Such a drunken loser that she was going to betray everything Elizabeth had worked so hard to give her. After departing the “Samaritan” by way of forceful shove, Gwendolyn made a vow: She had nothing left but her memory of Elizabeth and she would be damned if she would tarnish that like she had tarnished everything from her own reputation to the old broadsword she had managed to hold on to. In perhaps one of the most difficult periods of her life, Gwendolyn swore off booze and resisted the temptation, dragging herself back up to at least a level where she could consider herself as Elizabeth's daughter again without feeling she was shaming the name.

Aspect: Corrupted by the Burgundy


Extra: Traveling by Wagon

(3 at 3, 4 at 2, 5 at 1)

Phase 7: And so a decade passed. Although she had a few slips up with alcohol throughout the years, she never managed to fall as far as she did the first time and managed to keep her dignity about her. Any lingering damage she sustained from the “House of Rose Massacre”, as it had come to be known, had long since passed, although on particularly stressful days she could almost feel herself walking with a limp. The hatred the town held towards her, however, seemed as fresh a wound as ever. She had long ago given up trying to redeem herself. In a way, she blamed herself for what happened to Elizabeth. If she had only been educated, smarter and clever, as Elizabeth wanted she could have thought of a way to save everyone that didn't involve bloodshed. If only she had been stronger, she could have prevented herself from falling to the depths she did in the aftermath. She could have protested her sentence, argued her case, anything but let herself be controlled and subjugated by society and ruining all the sacrifices Elizabeth made to keep her independent and free to do as she pleased. But no, instead she allowed herself to be pushed around and now she had to pay for her mistakes, both before and after the massacre. And as each new year dawned, she ever so slightly a little slower, a little weaker, a little bit less able to keep up the physical abuse living each day as an outcast brought. Her physical training began to become modified: It wasn't that she dropped training her fighting skills: She had to, if she wanted to survive. But at the same time, more and more began to focus less on making herself better but on making sure her body kept together, that she held on to the flexibility and strength of youth as long as she possibly could as each day threatened to sap them from her.

Aspect: Holding off the Rust
Unarmed Combat
Endurance X 2

(1 at 4, 3 at 3, 4 at 2, 5 at 1)

Phase 8: So now here stands Gwendolyn, a broken but not beaten shell of what she could have been. Hopping from town to town, doing what she had to survive around people who didn't wanted her. Way past her prime and too old to learn anything new, but still forced to scrape by. She doesn't know where she is going. She has no friends, no family, everyone who knows her hates her or fears her, usually both in equal parts. She has no professional skills or at least none her conscience will let her ply. But even when she had nothing in her stomach and barely had enough money to buy the most meager crumb, she made sure she had ink and paper on her. After all, Elizabeth loved art.

Aspect: Haunted by the Rose
Craft (Ink Sketching)
Craft (Metalworking)

(2 at 4, 3 at 3, 4 at 2, 5 at 1)

Fate Points: 4

Goal: To avoid letting her cynicism and increasing desperation draw her into giving into temptation and letting go of her morality. She has mostly given up hope of achieving her original goal of redeeming herself, but given the right circumstances it might revive inside her.


Basic Broadsword X 1


Born in the Red
Raised by the Scarlet
Conscripted for the Ruby
Shamed by the Crimson
Condemned by the Cardinal
Comforted by the Burgundy
Holding off the Rust
Haunted by the Rose


Language (Trade)- 4 (Racial Skill)
Intimidation- 4
Unarmed Combat-4
Investigation- 2
Craft (Ink Sketching)-2
Knowledge (Ill Repute)-2
Knowledge (Law Enforcement)-1
Knowledge (Bureaucracy)-1
Craft (Metalworking)-1



EXTRA: Suspect of the “House of the Roses” Massacre- Pretty much everyone who hasn't been living under a rock has heard of the corrupt guard responsible for the deaths of nearly 20 town guards (and countless women, though nobody cares about THAT). What is known varies from person to person, ranging from believing she merely received bribe money to her being the operator of the brothel or even her being an employee of the establishment herself. Even on the night in question, accounts vary, with chargers ranging from her issuing a warning to her personally killing the guards with her own hands. Anyone who has an interest in this sort of scandal should know her name and general appearance. Anyone who was a direct witness to the proceedings or has a heightened level of interest (Someone who knew her from before, A frequent customer of the brothel, a family member of one of the deceased guards, a traveling bard thinking it makes a good tale, a scout for a noble sent to report on it, etc.) should be able to recognize her on sight.

EXTRA: Traveling by Wagon- Gwendolyn, for many years after the Massacre, began to use alcohol as a coping mechanism and falls back on old habits when in trying situations. The more stressful or upsetting a situation a situation is, the more likely she will be drawn to drink, and once she drinks she will be tempted to have more and more drinks, even when the situation is no longer as dire. (Basically, She has to roll a Willpower check when she gets upset if she is stressed and sees alcohol, and if she fails that save she has to succeed on a Willpower check to “snap out” of it, with each failed save making the difficulty stronger. This series of checks to snap out automatically trigger if she ingests alcohol other than by being compelled [IE. Tricked into drinking, mistakenly drinks, etc.])
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Post Post #3 (ISO) » Mon Mar 19, 2012 9:29 am

Post by quadz08 »

Hi I made a character today.

Please tell me if I did it right, I have absolutely zero experience with this, and I find aspects and extras to be particularly confusing. Thanks. :)

Name: Fortanon
Player: quadz08
Race: Mostly human, partly Elvish

Description: A tall, lanky man in his mid-twenties, Fortanon is far from your average human. For one thing, he is 1/8th Elvish on his father’s side, though it’s difficult to tell by looking at him. He keeps his long, raven-black hair in a neat ponytail, and his green eyes seem to hold eye contact with every person in the room at once. He dresses simply, wearing a loose tunic, trousers, and well-worn leather sandals most every day. A musical instrument of some sort is on his person at all times, and he simply cannot comprehend life without music.

Phase 1: Fortanon grew up in a household not fettered by social norms. His parents, Teresa and Fortas, were musicians by trade and wanderers at heart. They kept a small house on the outskirts of a sleepy town, but lived there for barely half of each year, at most. Together, they traveled the width and breadth of the continent, always searching for new cultures to explore, new people to meet, and, of course, new instruments to play.

Aspect: Symphonic Diversity
Knowledge (Music)
Knowledge (Cultures)

Phase 2: As he grew older, Fortanon began to realize that his family was not always accepted as warmly as he thought as a small child. When he asked his father of this question, Fortas responded with a weary sigh (a far cry from his usually jovial self). “Son,” he said, “there are some who are not as accepting as you or I. As you know, my grandfather Forin, your great-grandfather, was an Elf. My face displays especially pronounced Elvish features, and this makes us unwelcome in many places.”

Aspect: Lonely Melody
Observation (2)
Resilience x2 (2)

EXTRA – Mixed Race

Phase 3: As the family continued their travels, they would often perform in public spaces. This allowed a wide variance in audience members, and oftentimes led to a mingling of social classes that wouldn’t normally be seen. Fortanon, an avid conversationalist, enjoyed talking to both the commoners (who rarely saw performances of any kind) and the academics that would often attend the family’s concerts. He learned very much from these conversations. Additionally, he began to take a more primary role in the performances: his singing was nearly as good as that of his parents’, he was becoming proficient in multiple string and wind instruments, and he had already surpassed his parents in drumming prowess.

Aspect: Virtuosic Knowledge
Performance (Music)
Rapport (2)
Quick Wits

Phase 4: Fortanon was coming of age, and he was ready to find his own way in life. Though he loved his parents dearly, he knew it was time for him to find his own way. Though they were reluctant at first, his parents agreed, and Fortanon struck out on his own. He traveled throughout the land, feeding himself with the tips from performances, and often staying under the roofs of kind strangers. Soon, he found himself drawn to the centers of culture and learning. He spent much of his time in libraries, reading great literature and learning sciences and maths. Of particular pleasure was learning about nature, and comparing the science with his personal beliefs and knowledge. It only increased his appreciation for the natural world. He also found many opportunities to strike up conversations with scholars, learning from their expertise, and presenting them with his own unique viewpoints.

Aspect: Esoteric Soloing
Knowledge (Nature)
Performance (Music) (2)
Rapport (3)
Knowledge (Literature)

Phase 5: It wasn’t long before Fortanon had struck up friendships with some of the academics he conversed with. One of these acquaintances, Professor Kamalon, invited him to study at the university at which he taught. Fortanon initially balked, concerned about financing such an event and his lack of formal schooling. Kamalon assured him that as long he did well, he would personally ensure a steady flow of scholarships, and he was confident Fortanon would do well. Fortanon eventually acquiesced, with the condition that he would take one music class per term. The Professor enthusiastically agreed, excited to see what this odd young man would bring to the classroom and the world of academics.

Aspect: Harmonic Learning
Knowledge (Music) (2)
Knowledge (Science)

EXTRA – Teacher’s Pet

Symphonic Diversity
Lonely Melody
Virtuosic Knowledge
Esoteric Soloing
Harmonic Learning

Rapport – 3
Resilience – 2
Observation – 2
Performance (Music) – 2
Knowledge (Music) – 2
Knowledge (Cultures) – 1
Quick Wits – 1
Haggle – 1
Knowledge (Nature) – 1
Knowledge (Literature) – 1
Money – 1
Knowledge (Science) – 1

EXTRA – Mixed Race: Fortanon’s great-grandfater was a full-blooded Elf. Those who are very familiar with Elves, or possibly even those who are particularly observant and make some lucky guesses, may be able to determine his heritage.

EXTRA – Teacher’s Pet: Fortanon is a favored student of the well-respected Professor Kamalon, which provides him with respect from many other respected academics as well. However, his sudden appearance (and the sometimes-too-obvious favoritism from Kamalon) has gained him the ire of many of his classmates.
Last edited by quadz08 on Tue Mar 20, 2012 1:43 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Post Post #4 (ISO) » Mon Mar 19, 2012 1:22 pm

Post by AniX »

I think you'd do well to consider more the testability of your skills. Skills are meant to be things you roll for when you are confronted with a challenge. In what situation would you need (or be able) to roll Family, as an example? Or Respect for Nature?

Here are the ones I think you'd do best to reconsider:
Open-mindedness, Knowledge, Curiosity and Studiousness: I would just combine these into a general Academics skill, with any particular strengths he has being represented by a Knowledge skill. [IE. Knowledge (Math/Science/Alchemy/Music/ETC.)]
Knowledge and Respect for Nature: If you wan to be particularly versed in Nature, just make it a Knowledge skill [Knowledge (Nature)]
Conversation and Confidence: Combine these into one speaking skill (Call it whatever you like. Keep it as Conversation or call it Rapport or Rhetoric or whatever strikes your fancy)
Family- Get rid of this. Unless you wanted him to have a wide extended family he can call upon at hours of need (which doesn't seem to be your intent)
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Post Post #5 (ISO) » Mon Mar 19, 2012 1:24 pm

Post by ManiacalLemon »

Reserving this post for a character I'm working on.

Name: Mavarna
Player: ManiacalLemon
Race: Elf

I have more, but I want to revise the description a little.
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Post Post #6 (ISO) » Mon Mar 19, 2012 2:19 pm

Post by quadz08 »

In post 4, AniX wrote:I think you'd do well to consider more the testability of your skills. Skills are meant to be things you roll for when you are confronted with a challenge. In what situation would you need (or be able) to roll Family, as an example? Or Respect for Nature?

Here are the ones I think you'd do best to reconsider:
Open-mindedness, Knowledge, Curiosity and Studiousness: I would just combine these into a general Academics skill, with any particular strengths he has being represented by a Knowledge skill. [IE. Knowledge (Math/Science/Alchemy/Music/ETC.)]
Knowledge and Respect for Nature: If you wan to be particularly versed in Nature, just make it a Knowledge skill [Knowledge (Nature)]
Conversation and Confidence: Combine these into one speaking skill (Call it whatever you like. Keep it as Conversation or call it Rapport or Rhetoric or whatever strikes your fancy)
Family- Get rid of this. Unless you wanted him to have a wide extended family he can call upon at hours of need (which doesn't seem to be your intent)

I guess if I combine / get rid of those things, I don't know what other skills to provide him with. :/
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Post Post #7 (ISO) » Mon Mar 19, 2012 2:45 pm

Post by T-Bone »

For Aspect two, since you about Cartography? Or Hiking?

Instead of Openmindedness, Observation. Instead of Curiosity, Academics. Instead of respect for nature how about Handle Animal, or Herbalism.

Studiousness and Diligence are meh. Generally when we think about skills in roleplaying games, we break it down into Mind and Body. Mind for specific mental skills such as Knowledge, Observation, Sixth-Sense, Resist Magic, those sort of things. Body we talk about skills a person can actually do such as Swimming, Sword, Dodge, Climb, etc.

Some other skills you might think about as a traveling musician. Knowledge: Music History, Knowledge: [Instrument], Perform: [Instrument], Lore, Persuade, Haggle, Bargain, Psychology...

Plus depending on how magic is handled, there's always the chance for some Bardic Magic.

When thinking of non-standard skills, imagine how would you use them. We use skills against tests/difficulty/die roll/whatever terminology you want. So I'm going to take your Openmindedness. How would you test that? I can't see how you would test that in an opposed roll against someone else or some difficulty.

You do not need to quantify roleplaying traits into skills. If your character is open minded, why can't you just RP like that?
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Post Post #8 (ISO) » Mon Mar 19, 2012 2:52 pm

Post by quadz08 »

Ok, that makes more sense. Thanks, T-Bone. I'll look into that.
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Post Post #9 (ISO) » Mon Mar 19, 2012 7:15 pm

Post by Chrimi »

Reserving a spot for my char...

Grr I have to remake him don't I? :'(
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Post Post #10 (ISO) » Tue Mar 20, 2012 1:44 am

Post by quadz08 »

Ok, I incorporated that advice and edited my post to reflect the new skillset. Does that look better?
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Post Post #11 (ISO) » Tue Mar 20, 2012 7:20 am

Post by AniX »

Money, I think, is going to be handled separately and aren't included in skills/aspects/extras. Everything else seems much improved though.
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Post Post #12 (ISO) » Tue Mar 20, 2012 7:25 am

Post by quadz08 »

K. There was a suggestion from someone about handling money in a way that it could be made a skill, but if that's not the case, I'll think of something else to put there.
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Post Post #13 (ISO) » Tue Mar 20, 2012 9:14 am

Post by AniX »

Even if it is handled as a skill, it is going to need to be handled like the quasi-skills the races get as bonuses and not as skills one invests in. Otherwise there is absolutely no reason not to take more aspects: You get more aspects AND more skills, including the ability to take the Money skill. There would be zero advantage for one to take anything less than the full 8.
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Post Post #14 (ISO) » Tue Mar 20, 2012 10:20 am

Post by quadz08 »

I'll figure it out when the time comes.
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Post Post #15 (ISO) » Mon Jan 14, 2013 2:16 pm

Post by theaceofspades »

another person with no experience. But i've always wanted to get into this.

my character. Would like feed back thanks in advance

Player: Theaceofspades
Race: Aerin
Description: A woman in her early thirties. Of average height and build with closely cropped hair that was sickly white. Usually wearing sober utilitarian garb and having astonishingly blue eyes. Possessed of almost manic seriousness and efficiency she is highly skilled but not the best at making friends.

Phase 1
The only child of a high ranking soldier and his wife she was orphaned at age 12. Being slightly unbalanced by the loss of both parental units she left home and lived on the streets. Where she had more than average physical prowess and self defensive ability. She survived mostly by intimidating the more skilled thieves into giving her part of their take.
Exceptional Speed
Icy Stare
Dagger Fighting

Phase 2
around 19 she was Becoming rather an annoyance to the crime bosses of her city as she was a huge drain on their profits, one of them contracted a thug to dispose of her. By a stroke of luck she survived and killed her attacker, in doing so she won the attention and respect of a high profile kingpin, who offered her a job in his organization as an enforcer. She was a natural due to her already honed abilities of intimidation and her blossoming fight skills. But developed a hatred of the people she worked for in their treatment of the street children she had so recently been one of
Exceptional Speed (2)
Icy Stare (2)
Sword Fighting
Knife Fighting
Knowledge (Criminal Organizations)

Phase 3
At 24 she broke ties with her employers and become a mercenary/assassin for hire. But with her newly awakened conscience she became a "moral" merc not throwing over those that hired her if their enemies gave a higher bid, and only taking jobs that she felt were justified. Her skills were being sharped and her coffers were growing. She was also becoming more well known as someone who could get things done 4 years pass in this state.
Exceptional Speed (3)
Icy Stare (2)
Sword Fighting (2)
Knife Fighting (2)
Knowledge (Criminal Organizations)
Knowledge (Poisons)

Phase 4
Coming into her right as a skilled warrior and assassin Raydeci was corrupted my a malevolent warlock who created an evil personality in her mind. She battled it and eventually won but found that during the fight in her mind 7 years had passed in the real world. And she had done many terrible things. Her entire reputation had been destroyed and she also discovered that the warlock had allowed her to become vampire in the hope of making his minion more formidable. Here he clearly forgot the first rule of creating monsters, with the result that Raydeci upon regaining control of her body set out for revenge against her former master.

Okay. I'll come back to this later. But that's what I have so far. I want to add at least one more aspect. But I haven't got that one worked out yet. And this last one I'm not to sure about. I have no idea what skills to add here. Though I think it's obvious were this is going. She'll become an adventuring mercenary vampire that struggles with her bloodthirst cause she doesn't want to be evil. Any input would be helpful
Last edited by theaceofspades on Tue Jan 15, 2013 6:42 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post Post #16 (ISO) » Tue Jan 15, 2013 6:01 am

Post by inspiratieloos »

I'd add a Phase 1 of childhood until parents' death.

P1 Headstrong is an aspect, not a skill. Skills should be more general, Athletics, Intimidation, Weapon: Knife, ?
P2 Passion is an aspect, not a skill. 9 skills, should be 8. Where did Knife fighting/Headstrong go?
P3 Iron Will is an aspect, not a skill. 14 skills, should be 12. Pyramid needs one more lvl 2 skill. Several earlier skills are gone.

I'm not going into the character story.
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Post Post #17 (ISO) » Tue Jan 15, 2013 6:05 am

Post by theaceofspades »

i was thinking iron will could roll for being intimidated or afrighted. No? I'll work on it.
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Post Post #18 (ISO) » Tue Jan 15, 2013 6:12 am

Post by inspiratieloos »

It's not that it doesn't have application, it's that it is something that describes the character's personality, not her talents.
I'd put it as something like Interrogation or Intimidation, then you can roll it for both resisting intimidation and getting things from others.
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Post Post #19 (ISO) » Tue Jan 15, 2013 6:37 am

Post by theaceofspades »

okay that makes sense.

edited the character
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Post Post #20 (ISO) » Tue Jan 15, 2013 7:21 am

Post by inspiratieloos »

Only technical problem I see is that the pyramid in P3 is still unbalanced, it needs to be 3, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 (should have explained that better).

You really need someone else for critique on the character and her back story, I think I see some problems, but I'm really not the guy to offer advise on how to improve it.
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Post Post #21 (ISO) » Tue Jan 15, 2013 9:19 am

Post by Feirei »

I've been meaning to post here. I'll get to mine today or tomorrow.
I apologize if certain words are misspelled. My sister got too liberal with liquid drinks near the laptop.

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Post Post #22 (ISO) » Thu Mar 14, 2013 5:15 pm

Post by Majiffy »

Oh, is this actually happening now?
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Post Post #23 (ISO) » Sat Mar 16, 2013 6:49 am

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Post Post #24 (ISO) » Sat Mar 16, 2013 7:05 am

Post by inspiratieloos »

We're just waiting on DN to finish the backstory.

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