UPick: Mafiascum Fantasy Camp - All over!

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UPick: Mafiascum Fantasy Camp - All over!

Post Post #0 (isolation #0) » Thu Aug 11, 2011 4:35 pm

Post by Lost Butterfly »


Back-up mod:
Reviewed by:
Kdub and Andrius

Currently Enjoying Camp (Alive) (3/17)

16. Mastermind of Sin

Sent packing (Dead)

0. Faraday, Mina Fanboy,
Town Aligned
(killed N0)
15. Amrun, shaft.ed Fangirl,
Town Aligned
(lynched D1)
5. MagnaofIllusion, DrippingGoofball Fanboy
Town Aligned
(Killed N1)
14. DemonHybrid, drmyshottyizsik Fanboy
Mafia Aligned
(Lynched Day 2)
13. Candle Jack, Tarhalindur Fanboys,
Town Aligned
(Killed Night 2)
17. Hinduragi, Albert B. Rampage Fanboy,
Town Aligned
(Lynched Day 3)
8. AlmasterGM, Reapercharlie Fanboy,
Town Aligned
(Killed Night 3)
4. Vi, Gammagooey Fanentityofambigousgender,
Town Aligned
(Lynched Day 4)
9. Lady Lambdadelta, Lady Lambdadelta Fangirl
Town Aligned
(Killed Night 4)
11. ToastyToast, Parama Fanboy
Town Aligned
(Killed Night 5)
Ongoing Games, Sociopath Fanboys,
Town Aligned
(Lynched Day 6)
1. Nikanor, Cobalt Fanboy
Town Aligned
(Endgamed Day 6)
7. Screaming Death Clan, Fate Fanboys,
Town Aligned
(Endgamed Day 6)
10. GreyICE, chesskid3 Fanboy,
Town Aligned
(Endgamed Day 6)

Thrown in the lake (Modkilled)

3. Benmage, Thor665 Fanboy,
Town Aligned
(Modkilled but NOT made a neutral survivor Day 5)

Notable Camp Moments

Day 1: So it begins!
Night 1: Amrun gets shafted.
Day 2: RIP, DGB
Night 2: drmyshottyizdead
Day 3: Tar gets mod screwed
Night 3: Illustrated Rampage
Day 4: Ah yes, 'Dead'
Night 4: Autobiograparty
Day 5: Red is Dead
Night 5: Benmage kicked out!
Day 6: Parama's Toast!
Night 6: We still ongoing?
Last edited by Lost Butterfly on Sat Oct 01, 2011 5:53 pm, edited 60 times in total.
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Post Post #1 (isolation #1) » Thu Aug 11, 2011 4:35 pm

Post by Lost Butterfly »

The Rules

> Fundamental

1) The site-wide rules apply, please read them and don't do anything stupid.
2) Unless it is explicitly stated in your role PM that you can do so, do not talk about this game outside of the game thread.
3) Don’t quote any private communication. This includes with the mod, masons, neighbours, between hydras. Doing so will result in a modkill. Always paraphrase.
4) Play nice. Step over the line of what I feel is acceptable and I will warn/force replace you.
5) No Sig/Avatar bets, this is actually covered by rule 1 but people seem to forget it’s a site wide rule.

> Voting, Lynching & Death

6) For your vote to be counted, it must be bold, and in the form
Vote: Hoopla
or VOTE: Hoopla. Caps and colons are optional, but it does need to be bolded. Any other derivation will NOT be counted (i.e. hammer: Mina would not be counted)
7) Unvotes aren't necessary, but will be appreciated.
8) A lynch will occur when a player achieves 50% +1 of the votes. When this has happened, any subsequent votes and unvotes will not be counted, and the game will enter twilight. Night will begin as soon as I have declared the lynch.
9) You may vote for a ‘no lynch’ if desired. If a majority of the players in the game vote for a no lynch, the game will progress to night without a lynch.
10) Once you're dead, you are dead. Do not post in the thread until the game is over, not even a 'bah' post. There'll be a graveyard to complain in/tell us how awesome you are/complain to me.

> Activity & Deadlines

12) Treat this game as a commitment, and try your best to stay active.
13) Prods will be issued after 48 hours in a row without posting. If I keep having to prod you I'll get angry and replace you. Players may request a prod on another player too, I'm human I may forget so if you want someone prodded just tell me.
14) If you do not make a post within 24 hours of being prodded I will begin the search for a replacement. If you post before I find one you get to keep your spot though.
15) Things come up in life, if you need time off for something, please let myself and the players know in-thread for V/LA purposes. I will be flexible, but if you can't be here for a significant amount of time I will replace you.
16) Deadlines for each game day will be 2 weeks unless specified as otherwise
17) In the event of a deadline ending without a player gaining a majority of votes, there will no lynch. We don't do less than majority here in
Mafiascum Fantasy Camp.
18) Nights will have a 72 hour deadline. If you fail to send in a night choice, I will automatically default to 'no choice' for that night, and you will do nothing.
19) Deadlines will only be extended if I need a number of replacements, or barring some other freak circumstances. Apart from that laziness, or anything else, will not result in a deadline extension.

> Other Information

20) No mechanism or website may be used to prove that a decision was achieved randomly. I.e. you may chose who claims first by rolling a dice, but you'll have to trust the person who rolled the dice not to lie. This means no dice tags in my game.
and Mech font are my colours I will use for modly purposes. Try not to use them, oh also no hard to read colours.
18) I will try to post Vote Counts as often as possible. You can request them, but it probably won’t be necessary, expect one every few pages at worst.
19) It's more than possible I've missed a rule or haven't completely covered something. Don't be a prick and try to exploit it, or I will punish you. If something is fuzzy for you, please ask!
20) I reserve the right to add more, or modify existing rules at any time. If this happens, I will let everyone know in thread.
21) Flavour is just flavour. Flavour is also spelled with a u. Silly Americans.
22) There is no rule eleven. Mostly because I numbered this wrong and going back to edit it takes :effort:
23) Have fun!

Newly revealed rules:
11a) Particular to this game, all players must respect any additional rules and restrictions in their role PMs, including those affecting voting, posting styles, and formatting. A player may be modkilled in the way most damaging to his faction for an infraction of Rule 11, but not made a neutral survivor and autolossed.
11b) A 50%+1 majority on anyone on the player list or on the modding account will result in a lynch and end the day. If Lost Butterfly is lynched or killed in any manner, all posting and voting restrictions mentioned in 11a will be abolished, as the mods will be unable to inflict their own sick whims on the players.

Also please note that aligments were randomised for this game and not based on your Upick choices. Enjoy the game!
Last edited by Lost Butterfly on Mon Aug 29, 2011 7:37 am, edited 5 times in total.
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Post Post #2 (isolation #2) » Fri Aug 12, 2011 10:02 am

Post by Lost Butterfly »

Night 0 - Far away, Faraday.

Goodbye, mom!" said Faraday, grinning from ear to ear. "Yes, I'll write. I'll miss you, too!"

He put his cell phone away. As the bus zoomed along the highway, he could barely contain his anticipation. He and the other directors had devoted so much time and money to preparing Mafiascum Fantasy Camp to open for its first session. The concept had appealed to him so much because he'd wanted to help others like himself--people who wanted a chance to live vicariously as someone else.

Finally, he could make their dream--
dream--a reality.

He'd already got into character before leaving the house. Beaming, he touched the baker's hat on his head....

"Oh, shit," said Faraday, taking off his outfit. "Don't tell me I logged into the wrong account again."

The costume he'd painstakingly designed for camp was buried at the bottom of his suitcase, he remembered. He fished through his luggage until he found what he was looking for--a pair of pink butterfly wings and a Bart Simpson mask. The wings were somewhat crumpled, but otherwise undamaged. He smoothed them out and slipped his arms through the straps.

For so long, he'd tried his hardest to win Mina's approval, to no avail. He tried to pretend that his admiration was reciprocated. Surely it was a coincidence that she saddled him with all the posting whenever they shared a hydra, that she "fell asleep" in the middle of AIM conversations, and that the cops inexplicably showed up whenever he tried to leave dead birds on her doorstep.

But this made up for all of that.

I can
He tied the Bart Simpson mask behind his head.

The sun was already setting when the bus pulled into the parking lot of the camp grounds. Outside were over a dozen scummers, most of whom Faraday recognized. Some had also brought costumes, a few of which put Faraday's homemade construction paper butterfly wings to shame.

Faraday dragged his suitcase down the steps of the bus. He headed to greet the campers in the middle. As the camp director, he was in charge of the orientation.

"Hey, Faraday!" someone called.

He stopped in his tracks and turned around. He recognized that voice. "Not Faraday. I'm

"If you say so." The speaker looked uncomfortable. "Hey, listen. Can I ask you something?"

"Sure. I'd do anything for you, my good friend whose name I'll evasively refuse to speak for the purpose of this scene."

The speaker smiled stiffly. "Likewise. Can we talk somewhere in private?"

More campers were streaming out from the buses in the parking lot, but Faraday and his acquaintance went in the opposite direction. They walked until they reached a secluded area behind the boathouse.

"What did you want to tell me?" asked Faraday.

The stranger did not respond. He or she was looking behind them at the sunset, biting his or her lip with an anxious expression on his or her face.

Faraday shuffled his feet. "So, are you excited for Mafiascum Fantasy Camp?"

The speaker's eyes lit up. "I'm loving it so far. It's like a dream come true!"

"I'm glad to hear it!" said Faraday.

"Imagine. No sitting at a desk, slaving our lives away. We get to live twenty-four hours a day as our favourite scummer. As the
of mafiascum. Those who

"Um...I wouldn't go that far," said Faraday. A nervous laugh escaped his lips. "You can choose any scummer you want. It's not about being 'elite.'"

"But they're part of the community," said the camper, eyes suddenly shining. "Mafiascum is like a big family to me. By the way, I'd like your opinion on something." The camper motioned westward, to the sun's last light staining the horizon's fringe red and orange. The rest of the sky had darkened to a deep blue-black. "Faraday, what would you call this time? Twilight? Night itself?"

"How many times do I have to tell you?" snapped Faraday. "I'm Mina. Look, I can prove it." He scrunched up his face and quivered his lower lip. "Oh my God, I can't decide who to vote for!"

"What a stellar impression," said the speaker.

"Thank you," said Faraday. "I practiced it for hours!"

"It shows." The scummer smiled. "Mafia meets can't even compare to this. Damn pretenders. They play hours and hours of live-action Mafia, and think they're true scummers. But that's all it ever is to them. A game."

Faraday fidgeted with the mask on his face. "Well, you know, it
a game."

"I thought you'd understand," said the speaker. "That's what my family said, what the doctor said when they tried to lock me up. 'You need to separate reality from fiction.' They're the enemy, but you? You're supposed to be one of us. Tell me, what's reality? Filing paperwork in a cubicle? Making small talk with people I don't care about? Or the world in which I fit in, where I make life-or-death decisions every day? Where am I really living life?"

The camper fumbled for something underneath his or her jacket. "It's getting dark out now. Well, I suppose it's close enough."

The speaker grinned then.

"Why does it matter?" Faraday's heart had started pounding like a jackhammer in his chest. Something was very
about the way the scummer was looking at him.

"It doesn't, really," said the speaker. "I just find it much more authentic to nightkill someone

Faraday blinked. "What are--"

In his last moments, he never realized that the distorted sound muffled by the silencer was a gunshot. Blood seeped through the bullet hole in the forehead of the Bart Simpson mask. Faraday's body crumpled to the ground, crushing the butterfly wings underneath its weight.

The camper slipped the gun back into the pocket underneath the overcoat. Better keep it safe. Soon enough, it would be used again.

The small group devoted to their cause had agreed on the details before they'd left for fantasy camp. It was a shame to kill the camp director, but hey, there were enough back-ups to fill his shoes. Besides, Faraday was a more entertaining character to mock than Kdub in an opening scene.

The mask, now soaked through with blood, slipped crookedly down Faraday's face. His lifeless eyes stared emptily at his killer.

The camper meant everything he or she had told Faraday, and others shared the same point of view. It wasn't enough to live as a Mafia player. For just one glorious week, they would live a Mafia

Faraday, Mina Fanboy, was killed N0.

This is an example of a Sample Role PM which is
in the game. Protown roles will have the same colouring and the same win condition as this.

Welcome to Mafiascum Fantasy Camp. I hope you enjoy your stay.

You are Faraday, Mina Fanboy,
Town Aligned

Now usually I'd write flavour here; perhaps some sort of funny scene with Faraday preparing to be Mina. The truth is however I'm actually dressed in a Butterfly costume right now to honour this game. I'd show you, honestly, but I don't have a camera. You'll have to take my word on it though. You're probably thinking 'this seems fillerish' -- you'd be right in all honesty. On with the show!



- Each Day you may 'AAAAAAAAAAAH' in the game thread. This has little to no effect. People will probably find your frustration and inability to make a decision hilarious though.


He's town. No, he's not. Or is he? Fuck, I don't know.
You know that players in this game may be town. They also may not be town. You just haven't decided for sure which yet; well actually, you did. Then you changed your mind at least 15 times. AAAAAAAHHHH.

Win Condition:
You win when all threats to the town have been eliminated and at least one protown player is left alive.
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Post Post #3 (isolation #3) » Fri Aug 12, 2011 5:25 pm

Post by Lost Butterfly »

Role PM's will begin going out in a short while.
EDIT: Role PMs have been sent out. The game will begin when 15/17 players confirm.
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Post Post #4 (isolation #4) » Sat Aug 13, 2011 10:08 am

Post by Lost Butterfly »

Day 1, pre-game votecount
Not voting:
Nikanor, Irony, Meransiel, Vi, MagnaofIllusion, Yami-Swan, Screaming Death Clan, AlmasterGM, Lady Lambdadelta, GreyICE, ToastyToast, inHimshallibe, Candle Jack, DemonHybrid, Amrun, Mastermind of Sin, Hinduragi

With 17 alive it takes 9 to lynch.

Deadline for day 1 is (expired on 2011-08-27 17:07:25) or the 27th of August at 22:10 GMT, or 17:10 EST.
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Post Post #24 (isolation #5) » Sat Aug 13, 2011 12:26 pm

Post by Lost Butterfly »

Please see rule 20. Dice tags are prohibited, please don't use them in the future.
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Post Post #25 (isolation #6) » Sat Aug 13, 2011 12:27 pm

Post by Lost Butterfly »

Day 1, votecount #1Yami-Swan (1) - Candle Jack
GreyICE (1) - Mastermind of Sin
Mastermind of Sin (3) Vi, Amrun, DemonHyrbid

Not voting (12)
Nikanor, Irony, Meransiel, MagnaofIllusion, Yami-Swan, Screaming Death Clan, AlmasterGM, Lady Lambdadelta, GreyICE, ToastyToast, inHimshallibe, Hinduragi

With 17 alive it takes 9 to lynch.

Deadline for day 1 is (expired on 2011-08-27 17:07:25) or the 27th of August at 22:10 GMT, or 17:10 EST.

Please point out any mistakes you see in the votecount.
Last edited by Lost Butterfly on Sat Aug 13, 2011 5:14 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post Post #50 (isolation #7) » Sat Aug 13, 2011 3:35 pm

Post by Lost Butterfly »

Day 1, votecount #2Yami-Swan (1) - Candle Jack
GreyICE (1) - Mastermind of Sin
Mastermind of Sin (4) Vi, Amrun, DemonHyrbid, Irony

Not voting (11)
Nikanor, Meransiel, MagnaofIllusion, Yami-Swan, Screaming Death Clan, AlmasterGM, Lady Lambdadelta, GreyICE, ToastyToast, inHimshallibe, Hinduragi

With 17 alive it takes 9 to lynch.

Deadline for day 1 is (expired on 2011-08-27 17:07:25) or the 27th of August at 22:10 GMT, or 17:10 EST.

Please point out any mistakes you see in the votecount.
Last edited by Lost Butterfly on Sat Aug 13, 2011 5:14 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Post Post #71 (isolation #8) » Sat Aug 13, 2011 4:56 pm

Post by Lost Butterfly »

I see no errors in the votecount
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Post Post #75 (isolation #9) » Sat Aug 13, 2011 5:12 pm

Post by Lost Butterfly »

Day 1, votecount #3Yami-Swan (1) - Candle Jack
GreyICE (1) - Mastermind of Sin
Mastermind of Sin (6) Vi, Amrun, DemonHyrbid, Irony, MagnaofIllusion, Screaming Death Clan

Not voting (9)
Nikanor, Meransiel, Yami-Swan, AlmasterGM, Lady Lambdadelta, GreyICE, ToastyToast, inHimshallibe, Hinduragi

With 17 alive it takes 9 to lynch.

Deadline for day 1 is (expired on 2011-08-27 17:07:25) or the 27th of August at 22:10 GMT, or 17:10 EST.

Please point out any mistakes you see in the votecount.
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Post Post #104 (isolation #10) » Sun Aug 14, 2011 1:14 am

Post by Lost Butterfly »

Day 1, votecount #4
Mastermind of Sin (4) - Vi, Amrun, DemonHyrbid, MagnaofIllusion

Yam-Swan (1) GreyICE
DemonHybrid (1) Candle Jack
MagnaofIllusion (1) - Mastermind of Sin

Not voting (9)
Nikanor, Meransiel, Yami-Swan, AlmasterGM, Lady Lambdadelta, ToastyToast, inHimshallibe, Hinduragi, Screaming Death Clan, Irony

With 17 alive it takes 9 to lynch.

Deadline for day 1 is (expired on 2011-08-27 17:07:25) or the 27th of August at 22:10 GMT, or 17:10 EST.

Please point out any mistakes you see in the votecount.
Last edited by Lost Butterfly on Sun Aug 14, 2011 5:56 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post Post #125 (isolation #11) » Sun Aug 14, 2011 4:53 am

Post by Lost Butterfly »

Day 1, votecount #5Mastermind of Sin (2) - DemonHyrbid, MagnaofIllusion
Yam-Swan (1) GreyICE
DemonHybrid (1) Candle Jack
MagnaofIllusion (3) - Mastermind of Sin, Vi, Meransiel

ToastyToast (1) - Amrun

Not voting (9)
Nikanor, AlmasterGM, Lady Lambdadelta, ToastyToast, inHimshallibe, Hinduragi, Screaming Death Clan, Irony, Yami-Swan

With 17 alive it takes 9 to lynch.

Deadline for day 1 is (expired on 2011-08-27 17:07:25) or the 27th of August at 22:10 GMT, or 17:10 EST.

Please point out any mistakes you see in the votecount.
Last edited by Lost Butterfly on Sun Aug 14, 2011 5:56 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Post Post #156 (isolation #12) » Sun Aug 14, 2011 5:52 am

Post by Lost Butterfly »

Day 1, votecount #6Mastermind of Sin (2) - DemonHybrid, MagnaofIllusion
Yam-Swan (1) GreyICE
DemonHybrid (1) Candle Jack
MagnaofIllusion (5) - Mastermind of Sin, Vi, Meransiel, Lady Lambdadelta, Amrun

Not voting (8)
Nikanor, AlmasterGM, ToastyToast, inHimshallibe, Screaming Death Clan, Irony, Yami-Swan, Hinduragi

With 17 alive it takes 9 to lynch.

Deadline for day 1 is (expired on 2011-08-27 17:07:25) or the 27th of August at 22:10 GMT, or 17:10 EST.

Please point out any mistakes you see in the votecount.
Last edited by Lost Butterfly on Sun Aug 14, 2011 5:57 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post Post #177 (isolation #13) » Sun Aug 14, 2011 9:48 am

Post by Lost Butterfly »

Day 1, votecount #7Mastermind of Sin (2) - DemonHybrid, MagnaofIllusion
Yam-Swan (1) GreyICE
DemonHybrid (1) Candle Jack
MagnaofIllusion (5) - Mastermind of Sin, Vi, Meransiel, Lady Lambdadelta, Amrun

Screaming Death Clan (1) Hinduragi

Not voting (7)
Nikanor, AlmasterGM, ToastyToast, inHimshallibe, Screaming Death Clan, Irony, Yami-Swan

With 17 alive it takes 9 to lynch.

Deadline for day 1 is (expired on 2011-08-27 17:07:25) or the 27th of August at 22:10 GMT, or 17:10 EST.

Please point out any mistakes you see in the votecount.
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Post Post #204 (isolation #14) » Sun Aug 14, 2011 2:22 pm

Post by Lost Butterfly »

Day 1, votecount #8Mastermind of Sin (1) - MagnaofIllusion
Yam-Swan (1) GreyICE
DemonHybrid (2) Candle Jack, Screaming Death Clan
MagnaofIllusion (5) - Mastermind of Sin, Vi, Meransiel, Lady Lambdadelta, Amrun

Screaming Death Clan (1) Hinduragi

Not voting (7)
Nikanor, AlmasterGM, ToastyToast, inHimshallibe, Irony, Yami-Swan, DemonHybrid

With 17 alive it takes 9 to lynch.

Deadline for day 1 is (expired on 2011-08-27 17:07:25) or the 27th of August at 22:10 GMT, or 17:10 EST.

Please point out any mistakes you see in the votecount.
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Post Post #256 (isolation #15) » Mon Aug 15, 2011 2:44 am

Post by Lost Butterfly »

Day 1, votecount #9Mastermind of Sin (1) - MagnaofIllusion
Yam-Swan (1) GreyICE
DemonHybrid (2) Candle Jack, Screaming Death Clan
MagnaofIllusion (6) - Mastermind of Sin, Vi, Lady Lambdadelta, Amrun, AlmasterGM, Yami-Swan

Screaming Death Clan (1) - Hinduragi
AlmasterGM (1) - Meransiel

Not voting (5)
Nikanor, ToastyToast, inHimshallibe, Irony, DemonHybrid

With 17 alive it takes 9 to lynch.

Deadline for day 1 is (expired on 2011-08-27 17:07:25) or the 27th of August at 22:10 GMT, or 17:10 EST.

Please point out any mistakes you see in the votecount.
Last edited by Lost Butterfly on Mon Aug 15, 2011 5:13 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post Post #277 (isolation #16) » Mon Aug 15, 2011 4:35 am

Post by Lost Butterfly »

Day 1, votecount #10Yam-Swan (1) GreyICE
DemonHybrid (3) Candle Jack, Screaming Death Clan, MagnaofIllusion
MagnaofIllusion (7) - Mastermind of Sin, Vi, Lady Lambdadelta, Amrun,AlmasterGM, Yami-Swan, DemonHybrid

Screaming Death Clan (1) - Hinduragi
AlmasterGM (1) - Meransiel

Not voting (4)
Nikanor, ToastyToast, inHimshallibe, Irony

With 17 alive it takes 9 to lynch.

Deadline for day 1 is (expired on 2011-08-27 17:07:25) or the 27th of August at 22:10 GMT, or 17:10 EST.

Please point out any mistakes you see in the votecount.
Last edited by Lost Butterfly on Mon Aug 15, 2011 5:14 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post Post #300 (isolation #17) » Mon Aug 15, 2011 5:52 am

Post by Lost Butterfly »

Day 1, votecount #11
DemonHybrid (6) Candle Jack, Screaming Death Clan, MagnaofIllusion, Amrun, Vi, AlmasterGM

MagnaofIllusion (2) - Mastermind of Sin, Yami-Swan
Screaming Death Clan (1) - Hinduragi
AlmasterGM (1) - Meransiel
Meransiel (1) - Lady Lambdadelta
Amrun (1) - GreyICE

Not voting (5)
Nikanor, ToastyToast, inHimshallibe, Irony, DemonHybrid

With 17 alive it takes 9 to lynch.

Deadline for day 1 is (expired on 2011-08-27 17:07:25) or the 27th of August at 22:10 GMT, or 17:10 EST.

Please point out any mistakes you see in the votecount.
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Post Post #335 (isolation #18) » Mon Aug 15, 2011 8:33 am

Post by Lost Butterfly »

Day 1 Votecount #12DemonHybrid (2) Candle Jack, , AlmasterGM
MagnaofIllusion (2) - Mastermind of Sin, Yami-Swan
Screaming Death Clan (1) - Hinduragi
AlmasterGM (2) - Meransiel, Vi
Meransiel (2) - Lady Lambdadelta, Irony
Amrun (1) - GreyICE
Vi (3) - Amrun, Screaming Death Clan, MagnaofIllusion

Not voting (4)
Nikanor, ToastyToast, inHimshallibe, DemonHybrid

With 17 alive it takes 9 to lynch.

Deadline for day 1 is (expired on 2011-08-27 17:07:25) or the 27th of August at 22:10 GMT, or 17:10 EST.

Please point out any mistakes you see in the votecount.
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Post Post #355 (isolation #19) » Mon Aug 15, 2011 9:12 am

Post by Lost Butterfly »

Day 1 Votecount #13DemonHybrid (2) Candle Jack, , AlmasterGM
MagnaofIllusion (1) - Mastermind of Sin
Screaming Death Clan (1) - Hinduragi
AlmasterGM (2) - Meransiel, Vi
Meransiel (1) - Lady Lambdadelta
Amrun (2) - GreyICE, ToastyToast
Vi (3) - Amrun, Screaming Death Clan, MagnaofIllusion

Not voting (5)
Nikanor, inHimshallibe, DemonHybrid, Irony, Yami-Swan

With 17 alive it takes 9 to lynch.

Deadline for day 1 is (expired on 2011-08-27 17:07:25) or the 27th of August at 22:10 GMT, or 17:10 EST.

Please point out any mistakes you see in the votecount. We can blame then on Mina, right?
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Post Post #405 (isolation #20) » Mon Aug 15, 2011 5:14 pm

Post by Lost Butterfly »

Day 1 Votecount #14
(Disclaimer: this vote count is completely unofficial, because according to Large Theme rules, people apparently don't know how to count to higher than thirteen unless they've modded at least two complete games on mafiascum.)

DemonHybrid (2) - Candle Jack, AlmasterGM
MagnaofIllusion (1) - Mastermind of Sin
Screaming Death Clan (2) - Hinduragi, Yami-Swan
AlmasterGM (3) - Meransiel, Vi, GreyICE

Meransiel (1) - Lady Lambdadelta
Amrun (1) - ToastyToast
Vi (3) - Amrun, Screaming Death Clan, MagnaofIllusion

Not voting (4)
Nikanor, inHimshallibe, DemonHybrid, Irony

With 17 alive it takes 9 to lynch.

Deadline for day 1 is (expired on 2011-08-27 17:07:25) or the 27th of August at 22:10 GMT, or 17:10 EST.

Please point out any mistakes you see in the votecount.
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Post Post #442 (isolation #21) » Tue Aug 16, 2011 4:33 am

Post by Lost Butterfly »

Day 1 Votecount #15
Still "unofficial." -- Not anymore, FARADAY approved

DemonHybrid (2) - Candle Jack, AlmasterGM
Screaming Death Clan (2) - Hinduragi, Yami-Swan
AlmasterGM (3) - Meransiel, Vi, GreyICE

Amrun (1) - ToastyToast
Vi (3) - Amrun, Screaming Death Clan, MagnaofIllusion

Candle Jack (1) - Lady Lambdadelta
GreyICE (1) - Mastermind of Sin

Not voting (4)
Nikanor, inHimshallibe, DemonHybrid, Irony

With 17 alive it takes 9 to lynch.

Deadline for day 1 is (expired on 2011-08-27 17:07:25) or the 27th of August at 22:10 GMT, or 17:10 EST.

Please point out any mistakes you see in the votecount.
Last edited by Lost Butterfly on Tue Aug 16, 2011 5:27 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post Post #460 (isolation #22) » Tue Aug 16, 2011 7:12 am

Post by Lost Butterfly »

Day 1 Votecount #16
This one is from a fully qualified
mod (edit: albeit one who doesn't know that sixteen comes after fifteen).

DemonHybrid (2) - Candle Jack, AlmasterGM
Screaming Death Clan (2) - Hinduragi, Yami-Swan
AlmasterGM (2) - Meransiel, Vi
Amrun (1) - ToastyToast
Vi (3) - Amrun, Screaming Death Clan, MagnaofIllusion

Candle Jack (2) - Lady Lambdadelta, GreyICE
GreyICE (1) - Mastermind of Sin

Not voting (4)
Nikanor, inHimshallibe, DemonHybrid, Irony

With 17 alive it takes 9 to lynch.

Deadline for day 1 is (expired on 2011-08-27 17:07:25) or the 27th of August at 22:10 GMT, or 17:10 EST.

Please point out any mistakes you see in the votecount.
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Post Post #501 (isolation #23) » Tue Aug 16, 2011 9:08 am

Post by Lost Butterfly »

Day 1 Votecount #17
Brought to you with love from the staggering drunk walking down my road in a bright pink shirt.

DemonHybrid (2) - Candle Jack, AlmasterGM
Screaming Death Clan (2) - Hinduragi, Yami-Swan
AlmasterGM (2) - Meransiel, Vi
Amrun (1) - ToastyToast
Vi (3) - Amrun, Screaming Death Clan, MagnaofIllusion

Candle Jack (2) - Lady Lambdadelta, GreyICE
GreyICE (1) - Mastermind of Sin

Not voting (4)
Nikanor, inHimshallibe, DemonHybrid, Irony

With 17 alive it takes 9 to lynch.

Deadline for day 1 is (expired on 2011-08-27 17:07:25) or the 27th of August at 22:10 GMT, or 17:10 EST.

Please point out any mistakes you see in the votecount.
Last edited by Lost Butterfly on Tue Aug 16, 2011 3:49 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Post Post #534 (isolation #24) » Tue Aug 16, 2011 3:49 pm

Post by Lost Butterfly »

Day 1 Votecount #18
Brought to you by The Sopranos

DemonHybrid (2) - Candle Jack, AlmasterGM
Screaming Death Clan (2) - Hinduragi, Yami-Swan
AlmasterGM (2) - Meransiel, Vi
Amrun (1) - ToastyToast
Vi (2) - Screaming Death Clan, MagnaofIllusion
Candle Jack (3) - Lady Lambdadelta, GreyICE, Amrun

Not voting (4)
Nikanor, inHimshallibe, DemonHybrid, Irony, Mastermind of Sin

With 17 alive it takes 9 to lynch.

Deadline for day 1 is (expired on 2011-08-27 17:07:25) or the 27th of August at 22:10 GMT, or 17:10 EST.

Please point out any mistakes you see in the votecount.
Last edited by Lost Butterfly on Thu Aug 18, 2011 9:55 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post Post #571 (isolation #25) » Wed Aug 17, 2011 3:57 am

Post by Lost Butterfly »

Day 1 Votecount #19Click for Artist of the Millenium -
so versatile

DemonHybrid (2) - Candle Jack, AlmasterGM
Screaming Death Clan (3) - Hinduragi, Yami-Swan, GreyICE
Amrun (4) - ToastyToast, Mastermind of Sin, Meransiel, Vi

Vi (2) - Screaming Death Clan, MagnaofIllusion
Candle Jack (2) - Lady Lambdadelta, Amrun

Not voting (4)
Nikanor, inHimshallibe, DemonHybrid, Irony

With 17 alive it takes 9 to lynch.

Deadline for day 1 is (expired on 2011-08-27 17:07:25) or the 27th of August at 22:10 GMT, or 17:10 EST.

Please point out any mistakes you see in the votecount.

Prodding Irony.
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Post Post #581 (isolation #26) » Wed Aug 17, 2011 6:32 am

Post by Lost Butterfly »

Day 1 Votecount #20ALL HAIL QUEEN NICKI

DemonHybrid (2) - Candle Jack, AlmasterGM
Screaming Death Clan (2) - Hinduragi, Yami-Swan
Amrun (5) - ToastyToast, Mastermind of Sin, Meransiel, Vi, GreyICE

Vi (2) - Screaming Death Clan, MagnaofIllusion
Candle Jack (2) - Lady Lambdadelta, Amrun

Not voting (4)
Nikanor, inHimshallibe, DemonHybrid, Irony

With 17 alive it takes 9 to lynch.

Deadline for day 1 is (expired on 2011-08-27 17:07:25) or the 27th of August at 22:10 GMT, or 17:10 EST.

Please point out any mistakes you see in the votecount.

Prodding DemonHybrid.
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Post Post #607 (isolation #27) » Wed Aug 17, 2011 8:33 am

Post by Lost Butterfly »

Day 1 Votecount #21ANKLE HURTS.

DemonHybrid (2) - Candle Jack, AlmasterGM
Screaming Death Clan (2) - Hinduragi, Yami-Swan
Amrun (6) - ToastyToast, Mastermind of Sin, Meransiel, Vi, GreyICE, Irony

Vi (2) - Screaming Death Clan, MagnaofIllusion
Candle Jack (2) - Lady Lambdadelta, Amrun

Not voting (3)
Nikanor, inHimshallibe, DemonHybrid

With 17 alive it takes 9 to lynch.

Deadline for Day 1 is (expired on 2011-08-27 17:07:25) or the 27th of August at 22:10 GMT, or 17:10 EST.

Please point out any mistakes you see in the votecount.
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Post Post #628 (isolation #28) » Wed Aug 17, 2011 4:38 pm

Post by Lost Butterfly »

Day 1 Votecount #22ANKLE HURTS MORE. :(

DemonHybrid (1) - Candle Jack
Screaming Death Clan (2) - Hinduragi, Yami-Swan
Amrun (6) - ToastyToast, Mastermind of Sin, Meransiel, Vi, GreyICE, Irony

Vi (3) - Screaming Death Clan, MagnaofIllusion, AlmasterGM
Candle Jack (2) - Lady Lambdadelta, Amrun

Not voting (3)
Nikanor, inHimshallibe, DemonHybrid

With 17 alive it takes 9 to lynch.

Deadline for Day 1 is (expired on 2011-08-27 17:07:25) or the 27th of August at 22:10 GMT, or 17:10 EST.

Please point out any mistakes you see in the votecount.
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Post Post #678 (isolation #29) » Thu Aug 18, 2011 10:49 am

Post by Lost Butterfly »

Day 1 Votecount #23DemonHybrid (1) - Candle Jack
Screaming Death Clan (3) - Hinduragi, Yami-Swan, Meransiel
Amrun (5) - ToastyToast, Mastermind of Sin, Vi, Irony, MagnaofIllusion

Vi (2) - Screaming Death Clan, AlmasterGM
Candle Jack (4) - Lady Lambdadelta, Amrun, DemonHybrid, GreyICE

Not voting (2)
Nikanor, inHimshallibe

With 17 alive it takes 9 to lynch.

Deadline for Day 1 is (expired on 2011-08-27 17:07:25) or the 27th of August at 22:10 GMT, or 17:10 EST.

Please point out any mistakes you see in the votecount.
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Post Post #702 (isolation #30) » Thu Aug 18, 2011 3:50 pm

Post by Lost Butterfly »

Day 1 Votecount #24DemonHybrid (1) - Candle Jack
Screaming Death Clan (2) - Yami-Swan, Meransiel
Amrun (5) - ToastyToast, Mastermind of Sin, Vi, Irony, MagnaofIllusion

Vi (2) - Screaming Death Clan, AlmasterGM
Candle Jack (4) - Lady Lambdadelta, Amrun, DemonHybrid, GreyICE

Not voting (3)
Nikanor, inHimshallibe, Hinduragi

With 17 alive it takes 9 to lynch.

Deadline for Day 1 is (expired on 2011-08-27 17:07:25) or the 27th of August at 22:10 GMT, or 17:10 EST.

Please point out any mistakes you see in the votecount.
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Post Post #726 (isolation #31) » Fri Aug 19, 2011 3:46 am

Post by Lost Butterfly »

Day 1 Votecount #25DemonHybrid (1) - Candle Jack
Screaming Death Clan (3) - Yami-Swan, GreyICE, Hinduragi
Amrun (5) - ToastyToast, Mastermind of Sin, Vi, MagnaofIllusion, Meransiel

Vi (2) - Screaming Death Clan, AlmasterGM
Candle Jack (4) - Lady Lambdadelta, Amrun, DemonHybrid, Irony

Not voting (2)
Nikanor, inHimshallibe

With 17 alive it takes 9 to lynch.

Deadline for Day 1 is (expired on 2011-08-27 17:07:25) or the 27th of August at 22:10 GMT, or 17:10 EST.

Please point out any mistakes you see in the votecount.
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Post Post #753 (isolation #32) » Fri Aug 19, 2011 9:18 am

Post by Lost Butterfly »

Day 1 Votecount #26Screaming Death Clan (3) - Yami-Swan, GreyICE, Hinduragi
Amrun (7) - ToastyToast, Mastermind of Sin, Vi, MagnaofIllusion, Meransiel, Candle Jack, Irony

Vi (2) - Screaming Death Clan, AlmasterGM
Candle Jack (2) - Amrun, DemonHybrid
Meransiel (1) - Lady Lambdadelta

Not voting (2)
Nikanor, inHimshallibe

With 17 alive it takes 9 to lynch.

Deadline for Day 1 is (expired on 2011-08-27 17:07:25) or the 27th of August at 22:10 GMT, or 17:10 EST.

Please point out any mistakes you see in the votecount.
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Post Post #782 (isolation #33) » Fri Aug 19, 2011 11:00 am

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inHimshallibe has requested replacement, let's see if I can get one.
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Post Post #794 (isolation #34) » Fri Aug 19, 2011 2:02 pm

Post by Lost Butterfly »

Day 1 Votecount #27Screaming Death Clan (3) - Yami-Swan, GreyICE, Hinduragi
Amrun (7) - ToastyToast, Mastermind of Sin, Vi, MagnaofIllusion, Candle Jack, Irony, Meransiel

Vi (2) - Screaming Death Clan, AlmasterGM
Candle Jack (2) - Amrun, DemonHybrid
Meransiel (1) - Lady Lambdadelta

Not voting (2)
Nikanor, inHimshallibe

With 17 alive it takes 9 to lynch.

Deadline for Day 1 is (expired on 2011-08-27 17:07:25) or the 27th of August at 22:10 GMT, or 17:10 EST.

Please point out any mistakes you see in the votecount.
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Post Post #814 (isolation #35) » Sat Aug 20, 2011 12:53 am

Post by Lost Butterfly »

Oh, are you fucking kidding me?

1) The site-wide rules apply, please read them and don't do anything stupid.
2) Unless it is explicitly stated in your role PM that you can do so, do not talk about this game outside of the game thread.

I'm waiting for Faraday to wake up for his opinion, but how would you two get the impression that this would be even CLOSE to permitted in the rules--or in any game on mafiascum, for that matter--without asking us first?

Thread locked until then.
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Post Post #815 (isolation #36) » Sat Aug 20, 2011 3:58 am

Post by Lost Butterfly »

Day 1 - End of Day VotecountScreaming Death Clan (2) - Yami-Swan, Hinduragi
Amrun (9) - ToastyToast, Mastermind of Sin, Vi, MagnaofIllusion, Candle Jack, Irony, Meransiel, AlmasterGM, GreyICE

Vi (1) - Screaming Death Clan
Candle Jack (2) - Amrun, DemonHybrid
Meransiel (1) - Lady Lambdadelta

Not voting (2)
Nikanor, inHimshallibe

With 17 alive it takes 9 to lynch.

Deadline for Day 1 is (expired on 2011-08-27 17:07:25) or the 27th of August at 22:10 GMT, or 17:10 EST.

Please point out any mistakes you see in the votecount.

A lynch has been achieved. The scene and anything else will be up much later.

Regfan replaces inHimshallibe
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Post Post #816 (isolation #37) » Sat Aug 20, 2011 11:16 am

Post by Lost Butterfly »

The first day of camp was fraught with tension. All activities had been cancelled after the murder of the camp's poor beloved director at the hands of a fanatic group of Mafia LARPers. And so the campers tried to make their own entertainment so as to take their minds off the tragedy.

Board games were out of the question, as Mastermind of Sin's dice had been confiscated--something to do with "verifiable randomness." Lady Lambdadelta suggested a riddle match, but that idea came to a dead end when everyone solved her riddle ten seconds later. The campers then made a feeble attempt to organize a cheer competition. One team (captained by MagnaofIllusion) shouted, "CLAIM, CLAIM, CLAIM," while the other team (led by GreyICE) shouted, "CHESSKID, CHESSKID, CHESSKID," each competing to be loudest. (A third team of abstainers sat stubbornly to the side, chanting, "This is a trap, so you won't get us to say the words 'CLAIM' or 'CHESSKID'!")

But inevitably, the conversation drifted to rumours and theories surrounding Faraday's death.

"The killer must be the person who claimed third party," said one camper.

"I think it's the guy who accused the person who claimed third party," said another.

"Oh, yeah? I bet it's the guy who
the guy for accusing the person who claimed third party," said a third camper.

"Oh, please. It's obviously the guy who was fourth on the wagon of the guy who accused the guy for accusing the guy who claimed third party!"

Twelve quote strip battles, seven role claims, three ragequits, and a 1 v. 1 later, someone finally noticed Amrun at the outskirts of the crowd.

"What about you?" asked one camper. "Who do you think shot Faraday?"

"Oh, I'd give Faraday a shot of something," said Amrun, with a leer, "
if you know what I'm talking about

That caught everyone's attention. "Was that a confession?"

"Believe me, there's
I could confess to, if you know what I'm talking about."

"No," said one of her interrogators. "We
know what you're talking about. Stop being flippant and give us a straight answer, damn it!"

"Hey, I'm as straight as they come,
if you know what I'm talking about.

At that, everyone's patience snapped. "Claim or die!" they all chanted.

"Fine," said Amrun. "Here's my claim:"


Twenty unpleasant minutes later, the assistant director lowered Amrun's still-twitching body from the flagpole from which the bloodthirsty mob had hanged her. But when she looked through the corpse's pockets, she found a photograph of Amrun's family dog.

Much as they admired Amrun's refusal to break character even in the face of death, that picture clearly proved that she had not lost all connection to her life back at home. Besides, no evil scumbag would love her dog!

Amrun, shaft.ed Fangirl,
Town Aligned
, was lynched D1.[/b][/size]
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Post Post #817 (isolation #38) » Sat Aug 20, 2011 3:19 pm

Post by Lost Butterfly »

Benmage replaces Meransiel(who is being force replaced). Welcome him!

The deadline for night actions is : (expired on 2011-08-23 22:19:35) from now or the 23rd of August at 10:19 EDT. If they're not sitting in my inbox by then you will default to no action.
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Post Post #818 (isolation #39) » Tue Aug 23, 2011 3:40 pm

Post by Lost Butterfly »

"Someone will come," MagnaofIllusion said out loud. But as the minute and then the hour hands of his watch crept forward, his hope faltered.

At midnight, he began the depressing process of clearing up. He started with the paper plates, cups, and cutlery--the easy job. Next he scraped out the contents of the serving bowls he'd laid out on the table into Tupperware containers. The macaroni salad, the potato salad, the carrot salad--one by one, he sealed the Tupperwares and squeezed them into the mini-refrigerator that all the cabins at Mafiascum Fantasy Camp came equipped with. He could have carried more containers at a time, but there was no sense rushing when he might need to take them out again at any moment. Then came the chicken stock. He pulled the roll of plastic wrap from his suitcase. He tore off a large piece, stretched it over the pot of soup. As he worked, he stole glances at the door.

He left the uneaten cherry pie for last. When it had first come piping hot out of the oven he'd cajoled the cafeteria cook into letting him use for an evening, the smell had been mouthwatering. By now the pie had cooled to room temperature.

Don't delude yourself, Mag--DrippingGoofball. They're not coming. You knew they never were.

What stung most was that a big sleepover would have been just the thing to take everyone's mind off today's failure. Besides, wouldn't they be much safer from the Mafia when surrounded by multiple witnesses? But when he'd handed his fellow campers their pineapple-adorned invitations to Magnabash, he could tell from their eyes that they were already mentally composing excuses for their absences.

Why couldn't he be as popular as DrippingGoofball? Was it because he was an accountant? Was it his fondness for text walls? Or was it some deeper personality flaw?

Then someone knocked at the door.

He practically flew to open it. Outside was a fellow camper whom MoI immediately recognized. Unfortunately for MoI, he couldn't read the evasive narration for this scene, so he had no way of knowing his life was in danger.

"Hi!" he said. "Welcome to Magnabash. It's a pleasure to see you."

"Am I too late?" asked his guest.

MagnaofIllusion fidgeted with the sleeve of his dress. "Oh, not at all."

The camper looked around the cabin. "They left," Magna said at once. "It had grown late. And a few who disobeyed my rule against alcohol abuse started vomiting, so I ejected them onto my porch."

"That's a shame," said the visitor. "Funny, I didn't notice a mess."

"Is that so," said MoI, his heart pounding. It was time to change the subject. "So I--"
Stay in character. Don't say noted.
say noted.
that you have brought a gift," finished MoI.

But the guest didn't betray any suspicion. "Yes, I thought you'd like these chocolates." He or she handed Magna a box. Oddly, it was already opened.

"Excellent. I shall put them out...for the other guests." He coughed. "Who will be arriving. Shortly. I mean...again. Since they've already left, of course. It's not as though I'm lying and making up my story as I go along."

For a few awkward moments, he and the camper stood in silence. "Let me try a chocolate," blurted out Magna. He shoved one into his mouth and took a big bite. It tasted of caramel and almonds.

"Would you like some?"

"The cherry pie, perhaps," said the guest. "But I couldn't possibly steal your own present."

Magna put the box on the table, beside the pie. As he went to fetch a paper plate and fork for his guest, he was ecstatic, even though his head was throbbing.

"The pie looks delicious," said the guest. He or she absently dug the carving knife into the pie, but his or her eyes were transfixed on Magna.

"Thanks," said Magna. Perhaps he'd have some himself, or maybe another chocolate. As he walked forward, the room seemed to spin. He steadied himself on the edge of the table. Another stab of pain shot through his head. "I'm sorry. I'm feeling somewhat indisposed--oh, fuck." He sighed. "Don't tell me I'm dying on Night One again."

The guest gave a guilty smile. "Sorry. We almost gave you a reprieve for being DGB and all, but let's face it, your imitation kind of sucked."

"I knew I felt the familiar burn of potassium cyanide down my throat," said MoI. "Excellent choice of weapon, by the way. The chocolate conceals the taste. Much less painful than the time I was poisoned in a night scene with antifreeze."

"I'm so glad you approve," said the camper. "We've spent months stockpiling weapons for this."

"I approve of your attention to detail. Usually, killers go for something flashy like setting me on fire, roasting me with a laser, stabbing me, decapitating me, or feeding me to dogs. Or they just cop out and shoot me. Nice to see a new twist to a Night One death. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm afraid I shall be a remiss host, because my trachea seems to be seizing up aghfufhufuhufhughhhhhhh."

"No need to apologize," said the guest, as Magna clutched his throat and fell to the ground.

Right before he lost consciousness, he choked out, "You...did you...like...cherry pie?"

MagnaofIllusion, DrippingGoofball Fanboy,
Town Aligned
, was killed N1.[/b][/size]
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Post Post #819 (isolation #40) » Tue Aug 23, 2011 6:01 pm

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Day 2, Votecount #0
Not voting:
(15) - Nikanor, Irony, Benmage, Vi, Yami-Swan, Screaming Death Clan, AlmasterGM, Lady Lambdadelta, GreyICE, ToastyToast, Regfan, Candle Jack, DemonHybrid , Mastermind of Sin, Hinduragi

With 15 alive, it takes 8 to lynch.

Deadline: (expired on 2011-09-07 01:00:51)

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Post Post #849 (isolation #41) » Wed Aug 24, 2011 1:29 am

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Day 2, Votecount #1I wanna get freaky with you

Irony (1) - Screaming Death Clan
Hinduragi (1) - Regfan
DemonHybrid (2) - AlmasterGM, Lady Lambdadelta

Not voting:
(10) - Nikanor, Irony, Benmage, Vi, Yami-Swan, GreyICE, ToastyToast, Candle Jack, Mastermind of Sin, Hinduragi, DemonHybrid

With 15 alive, it takes 8 to lynch.

Deadline: (expired on 2011-09-07 01:00:51)

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Post Post #852 (isolation #42) » Wed Aug 24, 2011 1:45 am

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I have no idea what you are talking about or what you are quoting. Rest assured if I did I would fix it.
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Post Post #904 (isolation #43) » Wed Aug 24, 2011 6:54 am

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Day 2, Votecount #2Irony (1) - Screaming Death Clan
DemonHybrid (4) - AlmasterGM, Vi, Regfan, Irony

Vi (3) - Benmage, DemonHybrid, Lady Lambdadelta
Benmage (2) - GreyICE, Mastermind of Sin

Not voting:
(5) - Nikanor, Yami-Swan, ToastyToast, Candle Jack, Hinduragi

With 15 alive, it takes 8 to lynch.

Deadline: (expired on 2011-09-07 01:00:51) or the

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Post Post #927 (isolation #44) » Wed Aug 24, 2011 12:52 pm

Post by Lost Butterfly »

Day 2, Votecount #3
DemonHybrid (6) - AlmasterGM, Vi, Regfan, Irony, ToastyToast, Screaming Death Clan

Vi (3) - Benmage, DemonHybrid, Lady Lambdadelta
Benmage (1) - Mastermind of Sin
Screaming Death Clan (1) - GreyICE

Not voting:
(5) - Nikanor, Yami-Swan, Candle Jack, Hinduragi

With 15 alive, it takes 8 to lynch.

Deadline: (expired on 2011-09-07 01:00:51) which is the 7th of September at 1:01 am EDT

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Post Post #950 (isolation #45) » Thu Aug 25, 2011 1:41 pm

Post by Lost Butterfly »

Day 2, Votecount #4
DemonHybrid (6) - AlmasterGM, Vi, Regfan, Irony, ToastyToast, Screaming Death Clan

Vi (3) - Benmage, DemonHybrid, Lady Lambdadelta
Benmage (1) - Mastermind of Sin
Screaming Death Clan (1) - GreyICE
Hinduragi (1) - Candle Jack

Not voting:
(5) - Nikanor, Yami-Swan, Hinduragi

With 15 alive, it takes 8 to lynch.

Deadline: (expired on 2011-09-07 01:00:51) which is the 7th of September at 1:01 am EDT

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Post Post #960 (isolation #46) » Fri Aug 26, 2011 1:31 am

Post by Lost Butterfly »

Day 2, Votecount #5
DemonHybrid (7) - AlmasterGM, Vi, Regfan, Irony, ToastyToast, Screaming Death Clan, Candle Jack

Vi (3) - Benmage, DemonHybrid, Lady Lambdadelta
Benmage (1) - Mastermind of Sin
Screaming Death Clan (2) - GreyICE, Hinduragi

Not voting:
(2) - Nikanor, Yami-Swan

With 15 alive, it takes 8 to lynch.

Deadline: (expired on 2011-09-07 01:00:51) which is the 7th of September at 1:01 am EDT

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Post Post #962 (isolation #47) » Fri Aug 26, 2011 1:38 am

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Prodding Irony
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Post Post #967 (isolation #48) » Fri Aug 26, 2011 4:52 am

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Day 2 - End of Day Votecount
DemonHybrid (7) - AlmasterGM, Vi, Regfan, Irony, ToastyToast, Screaming Death Clan, Candle Jack, Lady Lambdadelta

Vi (3) - Benmage, DemonHybrid
Benmage (1) - Mastermind of Sin
Screaming Death Clan (2) - GreyICE, Hinduragi

Not voting:
(2) - Nikanor, Yami-Swan

With 15 alive, it takes 8 to lynch.

DemonHybrid has been lynched. Scene and flip coming later.
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Post Post #968 (isolation #49) » Fri Aug 26, 2011 8:06 am

Post by Lost Butterfly »

DemonHybrid was miserable. He'd regretted being a Shotty fanboy.

It wasn't fair
he thought as he walked around the camp.
They should like me!

He was hoping that
people would take pity on him; that they'd give him a second chance. But alas, everyone just treated him like he was an idiot. It was annoying! Demon knew he couldn't take this for much longer.

He had managed to draw a lot of attention to himself the day before. He had claimed that he could follow people at night -- most people agreed, that sort of thing was creepy and best avoided if possible and rolled their eyes at Demon's weirdo night behaviour.

But how could they think him creepy? He was only getting into character. He was the best damn shotty he could be!

He knew what he'd do! He'd run some sort of game and then they'd see he wasn't an idiot and that he was likeable! He'd show them, he'd
show them all

After much begging, he got everyone to play -- there were 14 in total, excluding him. If anyone didn't want to play half way through, then BAM he'd just modkill them. Unfortunately when people
leave he decided he was changing the rules mid way through the game and replaced them with the dead bodies of MOI and Amrun. Then he cancelled the game, much to the
disappointment of everyone
or the list mod cancelled it?

He'd had enough. People should just take him seriously; sure he'd made mistakes but he'd learned his lesson. It was time to take a stand. They'd only signed up for his game to annoy him he thought sadly.

"YOU'VE TREATED ME POORLY FOR TOO LONG" he exclaimed to the group sitting conveniently in a circle right beside him. 'If you don't treat me with the respect I deserve then you'll regret it'

"God you're
a Vi" said Regfan shaking his head sadly.

"VI, not Vi, so etc" chipped in Vi before lazily sitting back and enjoying shotty losing the plot.

He dashed over to where repairs were being carried out on a cabin and picked up a sledgehammer. He struggled a little with its weight but eventually managed to hold it firmly in both his hands.

"I'm warning you guys, back off or I'll kill myself" he said swinging the hammer around in a fury. The dangerous effect was lost when he nearly toppled over at the end, however.

"Shotty self hammering? There's a first" joked AlmasterGM. That got a laugh from everyone and made Demonshotty blush. 'LEAVE SHOTTY AND HIS FANBOYS ALONE' he said pointing the hammer threateningly at AGM.

'Right that's it -- you were warned' DH said, a glint of madness in his eyes. I'm doing it. He tried to hit himself in the head with the hammer but slipped on the dirt. He hit the ground hard. The hammer hit his ribs

"That's gotta hurt" said Irony.

"God he can't even fucking self hammer" said Hinduragi, who was completely bewildered at the scene that had played out in front of him.

'Allow me' said LLD stepping forward. She picked up the sledge and brought it down savagely on DemonHybrid's face. Somewhere in oldmemberheaven Rosso Carne smiled down on Mafiascum Fantasy Camp. Finally a HAMMAH he could be proud of.

DemonHybrid, Drmyshottyizsik fanboy,
Mafia Aligned
was lynched Day 2

Night 2 begins - Deadline for actions is 72 hours. Countdown: (expired on 2011-08-29 15:06:20)
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Post Post #969 (isolation #50) » Mon Aug 29, 2011 7:29 am

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were sitting on their bunk happy at the previous days events. They'd managed to lynch that dirty Shotty fanboy and had celebrated most of the night.

Ludi cleaned up after dinner, occasionally stealing glances at Tar out of the corner of his eye.
Maybe tonight was the night
he thought to himself. The wine had made him slightly more forward and he realised it was now or never.

"Tar" he said as he approached him and sat down beside him. "We've been hydra'ing for a while now, and friends for even longer -- what do you say we take the next step?"

"N-next step" Tar said confused. He still remembered the time Ludi had given him an ornamental screw with the word 'Mind' on it. Tar still wore it to this day, while Ludi wore an almost identical screw -- his engraved with the word 'Screw'. If Tar was being honest with himself it had made him
uncomfortable at the time but he had put it down as enthusiasm on Ludi's part and not some sort of weird obsession. How wrong he had been.

Ludi nodded, a serious look on his face. "Listen Tar, we're a Tarhalindur Fanboy for a reason. My whole life I've
a fanboy of yours. I don't need to get into character, I'm just being myself" he said smiling in what he thought was a reassuring manner. It only served to put Tar on edge further though. [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OzHh_HsLKi0 was totally my inspiration for this whole scene]

"So Tar only one questions remains" Ludi said locking eyes with his idol.

"Go on" Tar said. He was nervous.
What could Ludi want to ask him? What was it?

"Will you do me the honour of m..." he trailed off licking his lips nervous.

"Spit it out" Tar said a little aghast at this whole conversation. What had Ludi planned? M...marriage?

"Will you m...maybe...maybe let me Mod 'I love Tarhalindur' mafia?" he said.

Tar felt a weight lift off his shoulders. It was a good idea actually...in fact he
it, why hadn't he thought of it himself?

"On one condition, Ludi, that I can co-mod it with you?" Tar said. He smied and embraced Ludi in a hug. "You know, I've always wanted to do such a game; it's perfect considering I love myself enough to submit my name as a UPick choice" he said beaming.

"I'm glad you agree" Ludi said elated. "Now may-" he was cut off by a loud crash as their door was kicked in FOR GREAT JUSTICE.

A mysterious figure entered the cabin. (

"Oh god you two are so fucking self indulgent, I've been waiting outside for the last
ready to murder you in your sleep but I can't wait any longer. That was insufferable -- what the hell was
faraday thinking
that conversation about?"

The outburst from this intruder shocked Tar and Ludi into silence and they began to stare at their feet sheepishly.

The mysterious figure withdrew something from his pocket.

He walked up to Tar and pulled the trigger on his nailgun. Boom. Right into his forehead. Tar hit the ground like a ton of bricks and the mysterious figure rounded on Ludi.

"Please...please don't kill me, I know something about the rules of the game" he said.

"LET ME GUESS YOU CAN'T TELL ME THE OTHER RULES?!" the mystery figure said angrily as he fired two nails into Ludi's skull.

The mystery figure was a little sad though. I mean he really had wanted to kill Tarhalindur with a
gun. Because that'd be a total Mind Screw! (haha so clever). Still nails were
screws, maybe no one would be able to tell the difference.

He walked from the building happy with his work.

Candle Jack
Tarhalindur Fanboys
Town Aligned were killed Night 2

Rules 11a and 11b have been revealed
11a) Particular to this game, all players must respect any additional rules and restrictions in their role PMs, including those affecting voting, posting styles, and formatting. A player may be modkilled in the way most damaging to his faction for an infraction of Rule 11, but not made a neutral survivor and autolossed.
11b) A 50%+1 majority on anyone on the player list or on the modding account will result in a lynch and end the day. If Lost Butterfly is lynched or killed in any manner, all posting and voting restrictions mentioned in 11a will be abolished, as the mods will be unable to inflict their own sick whims on the players.
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Post Post #970 (isolation #51) » Mon Aug 29, 2011 8:19 am

Post by Lost Butterfly »

Day 3, Votecount #0
Not voting:
(13) - Nikanor, Irony, Benmage, Vi, Yami-Swan, Screaming Death Clan, AlmasterGM, Lady Lambdadelta, GreyICE, ToastyToast, Regfan, Mastermind of Sin, Hinduragi

With 13 alive, it takes 7 to lynch.

Deadline: (expired on 2011-09-12 15:18:43)

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Post Post #976 (isolation #52) » Mon Aug 29, 2011 9:23 am

Post by Lost Butterfly »

Day 3, Votecount #1
Irony: (3) - Vi, Screaming Death Clan, GreyICE

Not voting:
(10) - Nikanor, Irony, Benmage,Yami-Swan, AlmasterGM, Lady Lambdadelta, ToastyToast, Regfan, Mastermind of Sin, Hinduragi

With 13 alive, it takes 7 to lynch.

Deadline: (expired on 2011-09-12 15:18:43)

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Post Post #996 (isolation #53) » Wed Aug 31, 2011 4:49 am

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Prodding ToastyToast
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Post Post #1001 (isolation #54) » Wed Aug 31, 2011 6:23 am

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Day 3, Votecount #2Irony: (1) - Regfan
Screaming Death Clan (5) - Irony, Hinduragi, Vi, GreyICE, Yami-Swan

Benmage (1) - Mastermind of Sin
Vi (2) - AlmasterGM, Screaming Death Clan

Not voting:
(4) - Nikanor, Benmage, Lady Lambdadelta, ToastyToast,

With 13 alive, it takes 7 to lynch.

Deadline: (expired on 2011-09-12 15:18:43)

Regfan is V/la
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Post Post #1028 (isolation #55) » Wed Aug 31, 2011 8:57 am

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Day 3, Votecount #3Irony: (1) - Regfan
Screaming Death Clan (5) - Irony, Hinduragi, Vi, GreyICE, Yami-Swan

Benmage (1) - Mastermind of Sin
Vi (2) - AlmasterGM, Screaming Death Clan
Yami-Swan (1) Lady Lambdadelta

Not voting:
(3) - Nikanor, Benmage,ToastyToast,

With 13 alive, it takes 7 to lynch.

Deadline: (expired on 2011-09-12 15:18:43)

Regfan is V/la
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Post Post #1050 (isolation #56) » Thu Sep 01, 2011 4:08 am

Post by Lost Butterfly »

Day 3, Votecount #4
(Not much has changed since
the top of the page
last page, but one was requested.)

Irony: (2) - Regfan, Vi
Screaming Death Clan (4) - Irony, Hinduragi, GreyICE, Yami-Swan

Benmage (1) - Mastermind of Sin
Vi (2) - AlmasterGM, Screaming Death Clan
Yami-Swan (1) Lady Lambdadelta

Not voting:
(3) - Nikanor, Benmage,ToastyToast,

With 13 alive, it takes 7 to lynch.

Deadline: (expired on 2011-09-12 15:18:43)

Regfan is V/LA.
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Post Post #1053 (isolation #57) » Thu Sep 01, 2011 12:44 pm

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Irony is being prodded
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Post Post #1075 (isolation #58) » Thu Sep 01, 2011 4:41 pm

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Mod ninja'd before I got a vc up!
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Post Post #1077 (isolation #59) » Thu Sep 01, 2011 4:42 pm

Post by Lost Butterfly »

Day 3, Votecount #5Irony (1) - Regfan
Screaming Death Clan (4) - Irony, Hinduragi, GreyICE, Yami-Swan

Benmage (1) - Mastermind of Sin
Yami-Swan (1) Lady Lambdadelta
Hinduragi (3)- Vi, AlmasterGM, Screaming Death Clan

Not voting:
(3) - Nikanor, Benmage, ToastyToast,

With 13 alive, it takes 7 to lynch.

Deadline: (expired on 2011-09-12 15:18:43)

Edit: goddamn it, ninja'd by my comod.
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Post Post #1104 (isolation #60) » Fri Sep 02, 2011 5:43 am

Post by Lost Butterfly »

Day 3, Votecount #6Irony (1) - Regfan
Screaming Death Clan (4) - Irony, Hinduragi, Yami-Swan, Mastermind of Sin

Yami-Swan (1) Lady Lambdadelta
Hinduragi (3)- Vi, AlmasterGM, Screaming Death Clan
Vi (1) - GreyICE

Not voting:
(3) - Nikanor, Benmage, ToastyToast,

With 13 alive, it takes 7 to lynch.

Deadline: (expired on 2011-09-12 15:18:43)

Prodding Regfan

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Post Post #1117 (isolation #61) » Fri Sep 02, 2011 10:50 am

Post by Lost Butterfly »

Prodding Yami-Swan
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Post Post #1126 (isolation #62) » Sat Sep 03, 2011 3:40 am

Post by Lost Butterfly »

Day 3, Votecount #7
Screaming Death Clan (4) - Irony, Hinduragi, Yami-Swan, Mastermind of Sin

Yami-Swan (1) Lady Lambdadelta
Hinduragi (4)- Vi, AlmasterGM, Screaming Death Clan, Regfan

Vi (1) - GreyICE

Not voting:
(3) - Nikanor, Benmage, ToastyToast,

With 13 alive, it takes 7 to lynch.

Deadline: (expired on 2011-09-12 15:18:43)

Irony have requested replacement. Searching now.
Prodding Nikador

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Post Post #1127 (isolation #63) » Sat Sep 03, 2011 3:54 am

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Vezokpiraka replaces Irony
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Post Post #1162 (isolation #64) » Sat Sep 03, 2011 11:20 am

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Day 3, Votecount #8
Screaming Death Clan (5) - Vezokpiraka, Hinduragi, Yami-Swan, Mastermind of Sin, GreyICE

Hinduragi (5)- Vi, AlmasterGM, Screaming Death Clan, Regfan, Benmage

Vi (1) - Lady Lambdadelta

Not voting:
(2) - Nikanor, ToastyToast,

With 13 alive, it takes 7 to lynch.

Deadline: (expired on 2011-09-12 15:18:43)
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Post Post #1198 (isolation #65) » Sun Sep 04, 2011 4:05 am

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AlmasterGM has been prodded.

MOS is V/la for another day, I believe.
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Post Post #1201 (isolation #66) » Sun Sep 04, 2011 4:16 am

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Day 3, Votecount #9
Screaming Death Clan (5) - Vezokpiraka, Hinduragi, Yami-Swan, Mastermind of Sin, GreyICE

Hinduragi (5)- Vi, AlmasterGM, Screaming Death Clan, Benmage, ToastyToast

Vi (1) - Lady Lambdadelta

Not voting:
(2) - Nikanor, Regfan

With 13 alive, it takes 7 to lynch.

MOS is V/la

Deadline: (expired on 2011-09-12 15:18:43)
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Post Post #1206 (isolation #67) » Sun Sep 04, 2011 12:05 pm

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Prodding Hindu
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Post Post #1231 (isolation #68) » Mon Sep 05, 2011 7:25 am

Post by Lost Butterfly »

Day 3, Votecount #10
Screaming Death Clan (5) - Vezokpiraka, Hinduragi, Yami-Swan, Mastermind of Sin, GreyICE

Hinduragi (4)- Vi, AlmasterGM, Screaming Death Clan, ToastyToast
Vi (1) - Lady Lambdadelta
GreyICE (1) - Benmage

Not voting:
(2) - Nikanor, Regfan

With 13 alive, it takes 7 to lynch.

MOS is V/la

Deadline: (expired on 2011-09-12 15:18:43)
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Post Post #1262 (isolation #69) » Tue Sep 06, 2011 3:02 pm

Post by Lost Butterfly »

Day 3, Votecount #11
Screaming Death Clan (5) - Vezokpiraka, Hinduragi, Yami-Swan, Mastermind of Sin, GreyICE

Hinduragi (5)- Vi, AlmasterGM, Screaming Death Clan, ToastyToast, Regfan

Vi (1) - Lady Lambdadelta
GreyICE (1) - Benmage

Not voting:
(1) - Nikanor

With 13 alive, it takes 7 to lynch.

Deadline: (expired on 2011-09-12 15:18:43)
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Post Post #1266 (isolation #70) » Wed Sep 07, 2011 5:02 am

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Prodding Lady Lambdadelta
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Post Post #1271 (isolation #71) » Wed Sep 07, 2011 9:22 am

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Prodding Nikador
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Post Post #1284 (isolation #72) » Thu Sep 08, 2011 5:03 am

Post by Lost Butterfly »

Day 3, Votecount #12
Screaming Death Clan (5) - Vezokpiraka, Hinduragi, Yami-Swan, Mastermind of Sin, GreyICE

Hinduragi (5)- Vi, AlmasterGM, Screaming Death Clan, ToastyToast, Regfan

Vi (1) - Lady Lambdadelta
GreyICE (1) - Benmage

Not voting:
(1) - Nikanor

With 13 alive, it takes 7 to lynch.

Prodding Hinduragi

Deadline: (expired on 2011-09-12 15:18:43)
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Post Post #1301 (isolation #73) » Thu Sep 08, 2011 3:30 pm

Post by Lost Butterfly »

Day 3, Votecount #13Screaming Death Clan (3) - Hinduragi, Yami-Swan, Mastermind of Sin
Hinduragi (5)- Vi, AlmasterGM, Screaming Death Clan, ToastyToast, Regfan

Vi (1) - Lady Lambdadelta
GreyICE (1) - Benmage
Benmage (2) - GreyICE, Vezokpiraka

Not voting:
(1) - Nikanor

With 13 alive, it takes 7 to lynch.

Prodding Yami-Swan. Prodding Benmage.

Deadline: (expired on 2011-09-12 15:18:43)
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Post Post #1325 (isolation #74) » Thu Sep 08, 2011 5:02 pm

Post by Lost Butterfly »

Day 3, Votecount #14Screaming Death Clan (1) - Hinduragi, Mastermind of Sin
Hinduragi (3)- AlmasterGM, ToastyToast, Regfan

GreyICE (1) - Benmage
Benmage (3) - GreyICE, Vezokpiraka, Vi

Yami-Swan (2) Screaming Death Clan, Lady Lamdadelta

Not voting:
(2) - Nikanor, Yami-Swan

With 13 alive, it takes 7 to lynch.

Deadline: (expired on 2011-09-12 15:18:43)
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Post Post #1355 (isolation #75) » Fri Sep 09, 2011 4:42 am

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Day 3, Votecount #15Screaming Death Clan (1) - Hinduragi
Hinduragi (5)- AlmasterGM, ToastyToast, Regfan, Screaming Death Clan, Vi

GreyICE (1) - Benmage
Benmage (3) - GreyICE, Vezokpiraka, Mastermind of Sin
Yami-Swan (1) Lady Lamdadelta

Not voting:
(2) - Nikanor, Yami-Swan

With 13 alive, it takes 7 to lynch.

Deadline: (expired on 2011-09-12 15:18:43)
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Post Post #1379 (isolation #76) » Sat Sep 10, 2011 4:56 am

Post by Lost Butterfly »

Day 3, Votecount #16Screaming Death Clan (1) - Hinduragi
Hinduragi (5)- AlmasterGM, ToastyToast, Regfan, Screaming Death Clan, Vi

GreyICE (1) - Benmage
Benmage (2) - Vezokpiraka, Mastermind of Sin
Yami-Swan (1) Lady Lamdadelta

Not voting:
(3) - Nikanor, Yami-Swan, GreyICE

With 13 alive, it takes 7 to lynch.

Prodding AGM

Deadline: (expired on 2011-09-12 15:18:43)
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Post Post #1382 (isolation #77) » Sat Sep 10, 2011 2:26 pm

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Prodding ToastyToast
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Post Post #1385 (isolation #78) » Sat Sep 10, 2011 5:25 pm

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Prodding LLD and Yami-Swan
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Post Post #1387 (isolation #79) » Sun Sep 11, 2011 3:57 am

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Prodding Regfan
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Post Post #1392 (isolation #80) » Sun Sep 11, 2011 8:29 am

Post by Lost Butterfly »

Day 3, Votecount #17Screaming Death Clan (1) - Hinduragi
Hinduragi (5)- AlmasterGM, ToastyToast, Regfan, Screaming Death Clan, Vi

GreyICE (2) - Benmage, Mastermind of Sin
Benmage (1) - Vezokpiraka
Mastermind of Sin (1) Lady Lamdadelta

Not voting:
(3) - Nikanor, Yami-Swan, GreyICE

With 13 alive, it takes 7 to lynch.

Prodding AGM

Deadline: (expired on 2011-09-12 15:18:43)

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Post Post #1399 (isolation #81) » Sun Sep 11, 2011 1:27 pm

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Hinduragi is being prodded
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Post Post #1409 (isolation #82) » Sun Sep 11, 2011 5:42 pm

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Day 3, End of Day VotecountScreaming Death Clan (1) - Hinduragi
Hinduragi (7)- AlmasterGM, ToastyToast, Regfan, Screaming Death Clan, Vi, Yami-Swan, Benmage

GreyICE (1) - Mastermind of Sin
Benmage (1) - Vezokpiraka
Mastermind of Sin (1) - Lady Lamdadelta

Not voting:
(3) - Nikanor, GreyICE

With 13 alive, it takes 7 to lynch.

Hinduragi has been lynched. Flip and (half-assed) scene coming.
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Post Post #1410 (isolation #83) » Sun Sep 11, 2011 10:57 pm

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Once upon a time, during Day 3 of Mafiascum Fantasy Camp, Hinduragi was lynched, requiring someone to post a clever scene revealing his flip. Unfortunately, the camp director was
asleep at a normal hour for once
still dead, leaving the unofficial assistant camp director to cover for him. But it was one AM, they'd already run their well of Albert B. Rampage jokes dry, and she was lazy and uninspired. What could she write that would both impress the players AND take as little work as possible?

"Wait a minute," she thought, "whenever Faraday doesn't have an idea for a scene, he just rambles incoherently into a microphone and posts his first take. Maybe I can do the same thing."

But after countless embarrassing attempts to ad-lib a mod scene, most of which deteriorated into strings of "um"s and fits of laughter, she gave up. Besides, without an Irish accent, she could never match Faraday's monologues. As the hours passed since she'd locked the thread, the pressure rose on her to write something worth the wait.

Then she had an epiphany.

"I know. If I can't use audio as a gimmick to distract from my scene being a half-assed unimaginative piece of crap, what about visuals?"

Desperately hoping that no one would remember Faraday had done the same thing in
A Storm of Swords
, she opened MS Paint.

And now, presenting Day 3 in illustrated format!


Hinduragi, Albert B. Rampage Fanboy,
Town Aligned
, was lynched D3.
Deadline for night actions 72 hours from this post.[/b][/size]
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Post Post #1411 (isolation #84) » Thu Sep 15, 2011 12:17 am

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Previously on Upick: Mafiascum Fantasy Camp:
Mina draws an MS paint drawing that a 6 yr old blind child would be proud of.

***FLASHBACK TO DAY 3 just after the Hinduragi lynch but before night***

'Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo, Violet', the group called out as one. (They'd realised they were dumb and couldn't lynch scum, so some basic learning was required!)

AGM grinned. 'And Black', he put in. 'Don't forget Black', he said, smiling to himself.

'Dude, there's no
', Vi had argued.

'Maybe you guys just don't know about it?' AGM asked, a rather annoying and secret smile plastering his face. He had a face not even a mother could love.

'What the fuck? It says it right here!' Screaming Death Clan said flipping the book open, showing the relevant page.

AGM shrugged. 'Well, I'm just saying where I'm from we always say Black at the end. It's the most powerful of all the colours. You can't do it

'Dude, what the fuck? You're a moron. There's only 7 colours. I know that, and I'M from Canada', said Lady Lambdadelta.

Nikanor nodded, sadly. He too was from Canada. He knew her pain. (lol mock my rambling Mina? fuck your country :( )

Vezok looked confused. Nobody was really surprised by this until he asked them what they'd been talking about.

'Blackest Night Mafia', said AGM.

'The Colours of the Rainbow', said Yami-Swan and ToastyToast in unison.

AGM laughed, nervously. 'Haha, trolled you guys, bet you thought I was a moron, didn't you?' he said strolling from the room telling himself how sexy he'd look dressed as a girl while shouting 'TROLLED YOU SO BAD' back to them.

There was a stunned silence about the room.

'Is...is AGM braindead?' asked Mastermind of Sin, feeling a little sorry for the poor guy, now.

'Nope. He's just...roleplaying', GreyICE said, a sad look on his face. 'And roleplaying very well, at that', added Regfan. The group left now, feeling rather melancholy. They all felt somewhat sorry for themselves. Why had he inflicted such accurate roleplaying upon them?


AGM closed his wardrobe, giggling to himself. He had the BEST troll planned for tomorrow. He looked in the mirror staring back at himself dressed in a skimpy dress and high heels. He knew that dress would REALLY show off his hips. He'd make such a pretty girl. He practised his giggle a number of times before nodding. He was happy; it sounded

The Doorbell rang, much to AGM's surprise. He answered it and saw a dark figure stood at the door.

AGM laughed. 'I know you are Mafia Mystery Man/Woman, but I am ReaperCharlie. I can take you. Come on in.'
Gonna troll them SO much
, he thought smugly.

The mysterious figure was puzzled. It wasn't
to be this easy. Typical Charlie, arrogance personified. Oh well, he brought the object in his hand up and beat ReaperCharlieGM to death with it.


The Body was discovered the following morning by the Assistant Camp Director. She saw a Lantern beside him, which was covered in blood. It was a Black Lantern. She rolled her eyes, sighing. How very droll. It's another Blackest Night joke!


'AGM is dead. No, wait, I'm not sure. Fuck', she said, mumbling to herself. Oh fuck, I need to get in character, she thought.

She looked at the body. 'Obv dead, don't need to say why', she said out loud, liking how in character she was now.
Like a boss

This was getting to be tiresome, and she hated Faraday for dying on her. It was typical; he'd become a Mina fanboy and had decided he was too lazy so he went and died (though if it's anything like her GTKAS thread, I'll come back to life after a month...). She was cold, and she'd decided to dress as her favourite scummer might this morning. Rainbow shorts and a windbreaker, not that it was normal clothing, but it was what he'd have worn.

She phoned Reception and adopted her best Irish accent.
'Oi, we've anudder one dead here', she said, cringing, hoping her voice could POSSIBLY be considered half as glorious as that of her favourite scummer (hey, gee, I wonder who Mina is a Fangirl of, guys?). This was going to be a long day.

AlmasterGM, ReaperCharlie Fanboy,
Town Aligned
was killed night 3.
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Post Post #1412 (isolation #85) » Thu Sep 15, 2011 12:45 am

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Day 4, Votecount #0
Not voting:
(11) - Nikanor, Vezokpiraka, Benmage, Vi, Yami-Swan, Screaming Death Clan, Lady Lambdadelta, GreyICE, ToastyToast, Regfan, Mastermind of Sin

With 11 alive, it takes 6 to lynch.

Deadline is (expired on 2011-09-29 07:45:31)
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Post Post #1414 (isolation #86) » Thu Sep 15, 2011 12:54 am

Post by Lost Butterfly »

In post 1413, Vi wrote:

@mod: The gray text is just flavor, right?

Uh, that wasn't supposed to be grey.Yes, Fixed.
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Post Post #1432 (isolation #87) » Thu Sep 15, 2011 9:09 am

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Day 4, Votecount #1Yami-Swan (1) - GreyICE
Vi (3) - Benmage, Lady Lambdadelta, Vezokpiraka

GreyICE (1) - Vi

Not voting:
(6) - Nikanor, Yami-Swan, Screaming Death Clan, ToastyToast, Regfan, Mastermind of Sin

With 11 alive, it takes 6 to lynch.

Deadline is (expired on 2011-09-29 07:45:31)
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Post Post #1457 (isolation #88) » Thu Sep 15, 2011 10:05 pm

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Day 4, Votecount #2
Vi (4) - Benmage, Lady Lambdadelta, Vezokpiraka, GreyICE

Vezokpiraka (3) - VToastyToasty, Vi, Regfan
Screaming Death Clan (1) - Mastermind of Sin

Not voting:
(3) - Nikanor, Yami-Swan, Screaming Death Clan
With 11 alive, it takes 6 to lynch.

Deadline is (expired on 2011-09-29 07:45:31)
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Post Post #1481 (isolation #89) » Fri Sep 16, 2011 6:07 am

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Day 4, Votecount #3
Vi (5) - Benmage, Lady Lambdadelta, Vezokpiraka, GreyICE, Screaming Death Clan

Vezokpiraka (3) - ToastyToasty, Vi, Regfan
Screaming Death Clan (1) - Mastermind of Sin

Not voting:
(2) - Nikanor, Yami-Swan
With 11 alive, it takes 6 to lynch.

Deadline is (expired on 2011-09-29 07:45:31)
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Post Post #1502 (isolation #90) » Fri Sep 16, 2011 12:11 pm

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Day 4, Votecount #4
Vi (5) - Benmage, Lady Lambdadelta, Vezokpiraka, GreyICE, Screaming Death Clan

Vezokpiraka (2) - ToastyToasty, Regfan
Screaming Death Clan (2) - Mastermind of Sin, Vi

Not voting:
(2) - Nikanor, Yami-Swan
With 11 alive, it takes 6 to lynch.

Deadline is (expired on 2011-09-29 07:45:31)
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Post Post #1515 (isolation #91) » Sat Sep 17, 2011 8:01 am

Post by Lost Butterfly »

Screaming Death Clan (Fate and Reck) replace Screaming Death Clan (SpyreX and Reck) effective immediately.
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Post Post #1534 (isolation #92) » Sat Sep 17, 2011 10:55 am

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Day 4, end of day votecount
Vi (6) - Benmage, Lady Lambdadelta, Vezokpiraka, GreyICE, Screaming Death Clan, Yami-Swan

Vezokpiraka (1) - Regfan
Screaming Death Clan (3) - Mastermind of Sin, Vi, ToastyToast

Not voting:
(1) - Nikanor

With 11 alive, it takes 6 to lynch.

Vi has been lynched. Stay tuned for a scene and flip.
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Post Post #1535 (isolation #93) » Sat Sep 17, 2011 4:09 pm

Post by Lost Butterfly »

since 2011

1) It has come to our attention that the rule against ongoing game discussion has been broken. singersigner was informed of Vi's alignment before the scene was posted. Therefore, in order to maintain the integrity of the game state, a mod decision was reached:

Not-Appearing-In-This-Game Aligned
, was modkilled D4.

Due to urgent camp business that could not be preempted, we were forced to delay Vi's flip. (And yes, playing Skype Mafia counts as urgent, according to the ghost of the camp director who coerced the assistant director into letting this game languish for several hours.)

Therefore, a special guest will be taking over tonight's Mafiascum Fantasy Camp programming for us.

In honour of the lynch of his biggest fan, the mod scene will be presented by none other than Gammagooey! Unfortunately, Vi itself won't be able to enjoy it, having gone through rigor mortis four hours ago. But I'm sure her spirit will rest more easily in that great party in the sky knowing that her idol cares.

Enjoy the rest of your stay!
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Post Post #1537 (isolation #94) » Sat Sep 17, 2011 7:52 pm

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Okay, once upon a time in a land fairly far away, but not that far there lived a glorious dead mod named Faraday. This isn't relevant to the scene per se, but I am fairly enamoured with myself and wanted you all to know that. Hey woo guess why this is relevant!

LLD had enough. She couldn't live with these crazy people any more. Why would anyone
to be another scummer? Why the hell would you put yourself through that sort of torture. Why not act normal? Act
. A Pikachu going around pretending to be bastards. People of ambiguous gender going around in funny shaped party hats. It was all too much. Hell, there'd even been a gangsta kitty going around using innuendo all the time. (They'd promptly killed that, of course.)

There would be no more SELF HAMMERING, no more 'etc', no more 'Hey guys, I'm just ABR trololol' and no fucking more scumputing. She was sick of this camp and the weirdos who lived there.

So as she was about to leave someone came from behind and shot her right in the back of the head. :( OH NO LADY LAMBDADELTA GOT MURDERED IN COLD BLOOD.

So they used her blood and like painted on a wall
'lol you're dead'
because the mafia found faraday's jokes funny and it worked within the framework of the scene as LLD likes to use red truth.

Oh and then LLD came back from the dead and asked Faraday why he wrote a bad scene and he was like 'I'm dead too, duh', and everyone agreed he was.

Town Aligned
died night 4
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Post Post #1538 (isolation #95) » Tue Sep 20, 2011 6:37 pm

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Day 5, #VC 0
Not voting:
(9) - Nikanor, Vezokpiraka, Benmage, Yami-Swan, Screaming Death Clan, GreyICE, ToastyToast, Regfan, Mastermind of Sin

With 9 alive, it takes 5 to lynch.
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Post Post #1561 (isolation #96) » Wed Sep 21, 2011 5:32 am

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Day 5, #VC 1Yami-Swan (1) - Benmage

Not voting:
(8) - Nikanor, Vezokpiraka, Yami-Swan, Screaming Death Clan, GreyICE, ToastyToast, Regfan, Mastermind of Sin

With 9 alive, it takes 5 to lynch.
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Post Post #1562 (isolation #97) » Wed Sep 21, 2011 5:42 am

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Nikanor cannot be lynched today. Votes on him will count but if he reaches L-0 a no lynch will occur.
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Post Post #1620 (isolation #98) » Wed Sep 21, 2011 3:45 pm

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Day 5, #VC 2Yami-Swan (1) - Benmage
Screaming Death Clan (1) ToastyToast

Not voting:
(7) - Nikanor, Vezokpiraka, Yami-Swan, Screaming Death Clan, GreyICE,Regfan, Mastermind of Sin

With 9 alive, it takes 5 to lynch

(expired on 2011-10-05 01:37:32)
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Post Post #1640 (isolation #99) » Thu Sep 22, 2011 9:28 am

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Day 5, #VC 3Yami-Swan (1) - Benmage
Screaming Death Clan (1) ToastyToast
Mastermind of Sin (1) GreyICE
GreyICE (1) Vezokpiraka
ToastyToast (1) Screaming Death Clan

Not voting:
(7) - Nikanor, Yami-Swan, Regfan, Mastermind of Sin

With 9 alive, it takes 5 to lynch
Regfan is V/la for a day or 2

(expired on 2011-10-05 01:37:32)
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Post Post #1666 (isolation #100) » Sat Sep 24, 2011 10:23 am

Post by Lost Butterfly »

Day 5, #VC 4Yami-Swan (1) - Benmage
Screaming Death Clan (1) ToastyToast
Mastermind of Sin (1) GreyICE
GreyICE (1) Vezokpiraka
ToastyToast (1) Screaming Death Clan

Not voting:
(7) - Nikanor, Yami-Swan, Regfan, Mastermind of Sin

With 9 alive, it takes 5 to lynch
Prodding Yam-Swan

(expired on 2011-10-05 01:37:32)
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Post Post #1673 (isolation #101) » Sun Sep 25, 2011 10:18 am

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Nikanor and ToastyToast have been prodded
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Post Post #1687 (isolation #102) » Mon Sep 26, 2011 2:03 am

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Day 5, Votecount #5
aka, the nothing's-changed-but-I-just-wanted-one-on-this-page votecount, now posted from the right account!

Yami-Swan (1) - Benmage
Screaming Death Clan (1) ToastyToast
Mastermind of Sin (1) GreyICE
GreyICE (1) Vezokpiraka
ToastyToast (1) Screaming Death Clan

Not voting:
(7) - Nikanor, Yami-Swan, Regfan, Mastermind of Sin

With 9 alive, it takes 5 to lynch

Nikanor and vezokpiraka have been prodded.

(expired on 2011-10-05 01:37:32)
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Post Post #1713 (isolation #103) » Mon Sep 26, 2011 6:24 am

Post by Lost Butterfly »

Day 5, Votecount #6Yami-Swan (3) - Benmage, Regfan, Screaming Death Clan
Screaming Death Clan (1) ToastyToast
GreyICE (1) Vezokpiraka

Not voting:
(4) - Nikanor, Yami-Swan, Mastermind of Sin, GreyICE

With 9 alive, it takes 5 to lynch

(expired on 2011-10-05 01:37:32) till deadline
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Post Post #1727 (isolation #104) » Mon Sep 26, 2011 11:47 am

Post by Lost Butterfly »

Day 5, Votecount #7 aka the end of day votecountYami-Swan (3) - Regfan, Screaming Death Clan, Vezokpiraka
Screaming Death Clan (1) ToastyToast

Not voting:
(5) - Nikanor, Yami-Swan, Mastermind of Sin, GreyICE, Benmage

With 9 alive, it takes 5 to lynch

(expired on 2011-10-05 01:37:32) 'till deadline
Last edited by Lost Butterfly on Mon Sep 26, 2011 12:15 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post Post #1728 (isolation #105) » Mon Sep 26, 2011 12:06 pm

Post by Lost Butterfly »

Benmage woke up late, and was already in a bad mood after the last few deaths. All town. How could that be? He was Benmage....er Thor665, and Thor could just fuc...smurfing lynch scum everyday.

He'd been getting into the habit of not even swearing in his head; he had to admit it was
weird. He wasn't even sure why he had picked Thor, it wasn't like the guy he replaced in for was an idiot who did something retarded. Not at all.

Benmage would look back that day and really, he should have seen it coming. Things had started to go wrong quite early. He hit his head walking out through his way too small door in his cabin, and managed to walk into a group of people when not looking where he was going. He'd known from yesterday that he had to do
. He took his cheat sheet from his pocket, this was guaranteed to work as long as he didn't give himself away. After all, you weren't allowed to change your scummer midway through the camp, that'd be

He scanned over it and and solidified himself. "It's fucking time to lynch some scum", he said to himself, in an effort at self motivation.

"What did you just say, young man?!", the now Camp Director Mina asked.

"I said smurfing...honestly", he said sheepishly.

"Final warn-", Mina trailed off. She spotted the cheat sheet in his pocket and quickly snatched it from him, reading it. 'Tell me, just what the HELL is this supposed to be?", she asked furious. "Have you been lying to us all this time?", she questioned a crazed look in her eyes.

"You're NOT a Thor665 fanboy at all", she spat venmously. "This is the final straw. You are hereby expelled from camp, with immediate effect", she said. "And this...this GUIDE can stay with me, you direspectful...just get out of my sight", she fumed. Mina read the paper slowly. Her eyes bulged as she took a pen out a furiously crossed out 'Step 4' while twitching furiously.

Benmage left the camp in disgrace, mumbling about how he needed to channel Benmage to catch scum while his 'Guide' was pinned for all to see.
Do not break character
was written in bolded font beside it. Those left took notice and nodded. They never would. Mina was
scary, after all.


Benmage, Thor665 Fanboy,
Town Aligned
has been modkilled Day 5 for repeated violations of his post restriction.

Night 5 begins. You have 72 hours to get your actions in.
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Post Post #1729 (isolation #106) » Wed Sep 28, 2011 1:12 pm

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Benmage flavour added. 24 hours left for night.
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Post Post #1730 (isolation #107) » Thu Sep 29, 2011 11:28 am

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ToastyToast was tired. He was trying so hard here, but he just couldn't have fun. It probably was his own fault - he had tried to be Parama and how could ANYONE meet Parama's standards?

ToastyToast was glad he had picked Parama though. He was a fucking Ninja. A Powerful Wizard (Or at least played in a powerful wizard's game).

He tried to get to sleep, but he couldn't. He had too much on his mind. Maybe he could finally do something productive. He snuck out of his cabin, bringing his phone along with him. Fantasy Camp cabins had really poor WiFi, but he was hopeful he'd be able to get a good signal near Director Mina's office.

He logged onto mafiascum and headed straight for the title fairy thread. It was time. He'd been thinking about it for 2 weeks

He typed out his message and hit submit 'Nominate Parama for '
Super Sexy Hot Guy who everyone loves
'. Toasty grinned. it was perfect. He also knew Andrius was going to be so jealous, not only could Andrius not come to Fantasy Camp (because he was busy going to Mordor, duh) but now Toasty would do what Andrius couldn't; get Parama to accept a title.

He sat down, relaxed now. He thought he heard a noise in the distance but put it to the back of his mind. It was probably nothing, after all. (NO IT'S NOT, IT'S SOMEONE COMING TO KILL YOU RUN, RUN, RUN!)

He was browsing the forum, spamming up Parama's GTKAS thread, when he saw Parama had posted in the title thread and quickly clicked. Toasty gasped. How could...how could Parama reject the title? What the hell? It was perfect, Toasty frowned, a tear sliding down his face. He was sad - he'd put so much work into this title too. He saw he had a PM and went to his inbox, hoping it wasn't Andrius gloating.

He let out a screech of delight. It was from Parama, maybe it was an apology!?. Toasty began to speak to himself, "OMGOMG Parama Pm'd me", he said laughing to himself in delight. He read the PM quickly...then re-read it. Toasty burst in to tears and began to sob right there.

A dark figure stood over him, but Toasty barely even noticed. "Uh, dude...I'm going to kill you now", the dark figure said, feeling kind of awkward.

Toasty looked up, tears in his eyes. "Go ahead, do you think I care? DO YOU?", he wailed, ignoring the person with the gun before him.

"Uh..well um, okay", the figure said pointing the gun and shooting Toasty in the face. He/She reflected that it was less fun to kill someone who wanted to die, but on the other hand at least he'd shut Toasty up. He reached down and picked up the phone that Toasty had clutched to his heart.

'You're weird, never nominate me for a title again. Weirdo' was what the PM had read. The mysterious figure laughed. No wonder Toasty had been so down. He'd just gotten his heart broken.

Well the Sun was about to come up, so I guess we better end this tragic (in more ways than one) mod scene here.

ToastyToast - Parama Fanboy,
Town Aligned
was killed Night 5

Day 6 begins momentarily. With 7 alive it will take 4 to lynch.
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Post Post #1731 (isolation #108) » Thu Sep 29, 2011 12:15 pm

Post by Lost Butterfly »

Day 6, votecount #0

Not voting:
(7) Nikanor, Vezokpiraka, Yami-Swan, Screaming Death Clan, GreyICE, Regfan, Mastermind of Sin

With 7 alive, it takes 4 to lynch.

Deadline for Day 6 is in (expired on 2011-10-13 19:15:08)
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Post Post #1752 (isolation #109) » Thu Sep 29, 2011 3:16 pm

Post by Lost Butterfly »

Day 6, votecount #1

Yami-Swan (1) Screaming Death Clan
Screaming Death Clan (1) - Yami-Swan

Not voting:
(5) Nikanor, Vezokpiraka, GreyICE, Regfan, Mastermind of Sin

With 7 alive, it takes 4 to lynch.

Deadline for Day 6 is in (expired on 2011-10-13 19:15:08)
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Post Post #1761 (isolation #110) » Fri Sep 30, 2011 5:57 am

Post by Lost Butterfly »

Ongoing Games replaces Yami-Swan. (Same players)
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Post Post #1776 (isolation #111) » Sat Oct 01, 2011 9:14 am

Post by Lost Butterfly »

Day 6, votecount #2

Ongoing Games (3) Regfan, Mastermind of Sin, Screaming Death Clan
Screaming Death Clan (1) - Ongoing Games

Not voting:
(3) Nikanor, Vezokpiraka, GreyICE

With 7 alive, it takes 4 to lynch.

Deadline for Day 6 is in (expired on 2011-10-13 19:15:08)
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Post Post #1778 (isolation #112) » Sat Oct 01, 2011 9:29 am

Post by Lost Butterfly »

Day 6, votecount #3, the end of day VC

Ongoing Games (4) Regfan, Mastermind of Sin, Screaming Death Clan, GreyICE
Screaming Death Clan (1) - Ongoing Games

Not voting:
(2) Nikanor, Vezokpiraka

With 7 alive, it takes 4 to lynch.

Deadline for Day 6 is in (expired on 2011-10-13 19:15:08)
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Post Post #1779 (isolation #113) » Sat Oct 01, 2011 4:21 pm

Post by Lost Butterfly »

Fate sat apart from the few surviving campers, typing furiously on his laptop.








Fate paused and took a deep breath so as not to lose control of himself. After all, one-handed typing would be tricky with his left index finger perpetually on the shift key.

When Mafiascum Fantasy Camp had first gone into business, Fate had felt no inclination to sign up. There were few scummers he respected more than himself.

But after SpyreX had wisely decided that the opportunity to run around summer camp in a Fate costume wasn't worth being butchered in his sleep by psychotics, Reck had let Fate know about the opening in their hydra. Fate had been apathetic until he'd heard the other names on the roster.

Katsuki was there. Not the imposter Katsuki who'd stolen his heart under false pretenses and disillusioned him at Goofbash by being the wrong gender. A Katsuki
--a blank slate. Now was Fate's chance to be with the Katsuki he'd dreamed of on those lonely nights, the innocent feminine cupcake to whom he'd professed his love in game threads. He could start their relationship anew.

Besides, vezokpiraka sounded like a female name. Surely Fate wouldn't be wrong twice.

Someone tapped him on the shoulder, and he shrieked.

"Hey, what are you writing?" asked half of Yami-Swan (
, Fate corrected himself,
half of Ongoing Games now
), arm-in-arm with the other SocioPath fanboy. Although black masks concealed their faces, the masks had slipped off often enough this session for their true identities to be an open secret at camp. "You look really into it."

"Fuck off," said Fate, slamming the cover of his laptop shut.

"Why, is it a secret? Are you daytalking with your scumteam or something?"

The other Ongoing Game rolled his eyes. "Who cares? This is a Mina scene. I don't want to read her walls. I'm just going to skim this over and not notice that it contains the Fate/Katsuki fanfic that I've pleaded with her to write for months for reasons that in no way cast doubt upon my heterosexuality."

"I wish I had been around on Day One to policy-lynch you," said Fate. "Hey, did you see my little vezokcake anywhere?"

Katsuki burst into tears. "Why do you do this to me? You're killing me, Fate. I don't need to hear this. It's not my fault I was born male."

"It's okay," said Ellibereth, patting Katsuki on the shoulder. "He's not worth it. Just get over him. We're SocioPath, now. No one will ever mistake us for girls again."

Fate started to scrutinize them. "You know, creating a female persona on the Internet is a sign you're not quite in touch with reality. What have you two been up to at night? Murdering camp directors, maybe?"

"Oh, yeah?" said Katsuki. "You're the one who hit on someone you never met because he had a girly avatar."

Ellibereth gasped. "Of course! Why else would Screaming Death Clan recruit their idol into their slot, unless they took their Fate obsession a bit too far?"

"Did I hear a crossvote?" asked Regfan, who was nearby. "I agree with SDC; Yami-Swan is scum. If I'm wrong and they're town, then I vow to leave the site. Also, do you want to hear my thoughts on scumhunting? I've discovered all these tells from years of experience and..."

His monologue was cut short by vezokpiraka. "Hey, Fatey-poo!"

"vezokcake!" squealed Fate.

"Oh, look, it's vezokpiraka," said Mastermind of Sin. "I know I said Yami-Swan was town, but the case on Ongoing Games has suddenly become so persuasive that I think I'll place what will coincidentally be the L-1 vote on him. Hey, vezok. What do you think of Yami?"

vezok began fondling Fate.

"I said,
vezok, what did you think of Yami, who is at L-1?

"What did you say?" asked Fate, looking up, but then vezokpiraka slid a hand down his shorts, and all thoughts of Mastermind of Sin left his mind.

"I said,
wouldn't it be nice if someone popped to place the final vote on Yami-Swan
to quickhammer and win the game right now for the scum?

"Sorry, what?" mumbled GreyICE. "Oh, yeah, I agree. Yami-Swan is totally scum! CHESSKID!"

"Fatey-Poo," cooed vezok.

"vezokcake," Fate cooed back.

Mastermind let out a cry of disgust.

Then GreyICE had an idea. "Hey, town is screwed anyway. Maybe if I quickhammer Ongoing Games, the mods will retroactively make me a neutral survivor."

And so he hammered Ongoing Games, killing poor Katsuki and Ellibereth. An apt time for them to die, because this game is no longer ongoing...

Ongoing Games, SocioPath Fanboys,
Town Aligned
, was lynched D6.

Endgame scene coming...
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Post Post #1780 (isolation #114) » Sat Oct 01, 2011 5:33 pm

Post by Lost Butterfly »

The night erupted with gunfire.

Mastermind of Sin chased xRECKONERx through the woods, shouting, "HEZZZZZWAVRE!" as his quarry stumbled in the darkness. Finally, a bullet from MoS's .357 Magnum took Reck in the shoulder. He staggered a few more steps forward, then collapsed. Another bullet to the back of his head finished the job.

Meanwhile, GreyICE fell to his knees in tears before Regfan. "I'm a neutral survivor, I swear," he said. "I told you all I was third party on D1. Don't kill me, please. I promise not to call the police if you let me leave in peace."

GreyICE's pleas were drowned out both by the gunshots and by Regfan's steady monologue to himself. "That said," Regfan droned on, as he put GreyICE out of his misery, "a general tip for both alignments: if you want to use good WIFOM, never use it in defense of yourself (this goes into Tip/Warning B, too). (Defense of another, maybe.) Using it as offense is a case-by-case scenario, as sometimes it’ll work and sometimes it’ll just look horrible. Nothing invalidates a case (be it offense or defense) faster than something which looks like it was done for opportunism."

Fate pulled his tongue from vezokpiraka's mouth. "Hey, what's going on? Did I--"

Suddenly, a pain to shatter his sanity exploded in his sternum. He had just enough strength to lower his head a fraction of an inch and see the knife in his chest.

"Katsuki..." he whispered, his vision blurring. "You...betrayed me. Again."

"Sorry, Fatey-poo," said vezok, as the life bled out from Fate.

The sounds of the night died to nothing but the crickets and the wind rustling through the trees.

Nikanor roused himself from the bench upon which he was sleeping. "Oh, hi. What was all that noise earlier?"

Then he grinned. "Guess what, guys, I have good news. I trolled you hard. I really
vote, and was just faking being useless so I could catch the scum unawares in endgame. Now that my awesome gambit paid off, I'm finally going to get off my ass and start playing the game--"

He stopped. Surrounding him were Mastermind of Sin, Regfan, and vezokpiraka. All three were armed and reloading.

"Oh," said Nikanor. "Hey, do you want to see me vote? Because I can--"

The guns fired.

As the three survivors stood amongst the corpses of their fellow campers, Mastermind of Sin pumped his fist. "HEZZZZZWAVRE!"

They grinned.

With the chaff gone, they would rebuild the ruins of this camp in their image--a haven for only the most devoted and fanatic scummers. Clearly, judging by the town's performance this game, the others who had attended had been far from devoted.


GreyICE, chesskid3 Fanboy,
Town Aligned
, was endgamed.
Nikanor, Cobalt Fanboy,
Town Aligned
, was endgamed.
Screaming Death Clan, Fate Fanboy,
Town Aligned
, was endgamed.

Mastermind of Sin (HezLucky Fanboy),
Mafia Aligned
, survives and wins the game.
Regfan (
mastin2 Fanboy),
Mafia Aligned
, survives and wins the game.
vezokpiraka (Katsuki Fanboy),
Mafia Aligned
, survives and wins the game.
DemonHybrid (drmyshottyizsik Fanboy),
Mafia Aligned
, also wins.
Last edited by Lost Butterfly on Sat Oct 01, 2011 5:36 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post Post #1781 (isolation #115) » Sat Oct 01, 2011 5:34 pm

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Oh, hey.
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Post Post #1782 (isolation #116) » Sat Oct 01, 2011 5:35 pm

Post by Lost Butterfly »


Spoiler: Nikanor
Lost Butterfly wrote:

Welcome to Mafiascum Fantasy Camp. I hope you enjoy your stay!

You are Nikanor, Cobalt Fanboy,
Town Aligned

Nikanor petted Olive one last time. He was sad to leave her, but it was for the greater good. Mafiascum Fantasy Camp needed a troll, and damn it, he was going to be that troll. He'd been in training all summer, visiting 4chan for six hours at a time. He pulled on his 'Haters Gonna Hate' T-shirt he'd bought specifically for this occasion and set off for the bus.



Trolled hard!:
You are a one-shot janitor vigilante. One night during the game, you may PM me the name of the player you wish to kill. However, on the following morning, only the player's name will be flipped, and not his or her alignment. Janitoring a vig kill? Why? trollface.jpg. The trolling only lasts for one day and night. So for example, your target's alignment will be revealed at the start of Day Three if you choose to kill Night One.


You cannot vote in the typical "
Vote: X
" format. Instead, you must post the avatar of whomever you'd like to vote. For the image tags, please use the URL you'd get from right-clicking the avatar and saving the link location, to make it easier to account for avatar changes. If two avatars are identical, please post the name of the player in parentheses beside your "vote."

Win Condition:
You win when all threats to the town have been eliminated and at least one protown player is alive.

Confirm Via PM stating your alignment and favourite fruit back to me.

Spoiler: Meransiel/Benmage
Lost Butterfly wrote:

Welcome to Mafiascum Fantasy Camp. I hope you enjoy your stay!

You are Benmage, Thor665 Fanboy,
Town Aligned.

'Smurf this,' Benmage said, slamming his door shut. He'd been trying to grow a beard for
, but still it looked terrible and not at all manly. How was he supposed to be Thor if he didn't have a manly beard? It just wasn't fair. Then he remembered. His dad had an old joke beard in the basement.
. So with his fake beard, a plastic hammer, and a smurf hat, he set off on the long walk to camp. This would be great!



Protecting the newbies!:
Each night, you may choose a player in whose place you will die if he or she is targeted for a nightkill. As an IC, you're used to dying early, anyway. However, you may only protect players with a join date newer than Thor665's (Sun: Oct 11, 2009). If you protect a player who has been on-site longer, your action will fail. Your action takes precedence over any other protective ability.


"Smurf you!":
You are forbidden from using any swear words or expletives. (PG-13-rated words like ass, hell, damn and crap are also banned. When in doubt, PM us beforehand.) If you quote someone, you must edit out swear words and replace them with 'smurf' or 'smurfing' where applicable. Violations of this restriction may have penalties, including removal of vote, removal of abilities or force replacement/modkill if deemed necessary.

Win Condition:
You win when all threats to the town have been eliminated and one pro town player is alive

Confirm via PM stating your alignment and favourite animal.

Spoiler: Vi
Lost Butterfly wrote:

Welcome to Mafiascum Fantasy Camp. I hope you enjoy your stay!

You are Vi, Gammagooey Fanentityofambiguousgender,
Town Aligned.

It's party time,
Vi thought to herself (wait you didn't actually think I'd keep the ambiguous gender joke up for a whole block of flavour, you can be female) as she adjusted her hat. She picked up her plushie baneling (which also wore a matching hat) and locked her car before heading to check in.
The man behind the desk smiled as she entered. 'Hello, and welcome to Mafiascum Fantasy Camp. Who might you be again?'
'I'm wearing a party hat. Who do you think I am?' she asked, annoyed. 'It's pretty obvious I'm Gammagooey, so et cet-' She stopped herself in the nick of time.
Stay in character, dammit.
She owed it to her fellow campers to give them a party they'd never forget.



Party Time:
Each night, you may PM the mods the name of a player you want to party with all day, next day. You will both receive a private QuickTopic. Please note that to converse in the QuickTopic, both you AND the person you target must be wearing 'party hat' avatars (they will be informed of this fact). Once the day has ended, the party will stop, and you must choose someone else to party with the next day. Now with that out of the way, it's partyyyyyyy time! If at any point you OR your fellow party-goer remove your party hat, the QT will be closed until you decide to stop being unfun.

Win Condition:
You win when all threats to the town have been eliminated and at least one protown player is alive

Confirm via Pm stating your alignment and favourite Pink Floyd song.

Spoiler: MagnaofIllusion
Lost Butterfly wrote:

Welcome to Mafiascum Fantasy Camp. I hope you enjoy your stay!

You are MagnaofIllusion, DrippingGoofball Fanboy,
Town Aligned.

Magna woke up and dressed quickly. He double-checked that his bag was packed and that he had everything he needed. Ah, yes, there it was. His very own scumputer. It had taken him so long to make an actual scumputer, and his wife did think it was a little weird he had to sleep with it for the last six months, but it meant a lot to him. DGB had shown him the true power of scumputing, and he wasn't going to let it be forgotten. He was going to be the best DGB he could be. Magnabash was already scheduled for 2013.



Input a vote count, and through incomprehensible calculations and colour-coded analysis, the scumputer will extract anyone's alignment!

You may only use this one-shot ability on either N1 or N2. Copy and paste the final vote count of Day One into a PM, and format your own name as well as the names of any dead players to appear as either green (if town) or red (if anti-town). (Any shade is allowed.) You may then choose up to two additional living players to colour as either green or red. The following morning, you will be informed if your coloured vote count is accurate. (Note that if you omit or incorrectly format the alignments of other players, you will receive a result of "incorrect" even if you correctly guess both living players' alignments.)


Paraphrasing a role PM takes seconds...:
You have no patience for people taking their sweet time to claim their roles. Therefore, if someone has been at L-1 for 24 hours, you will automatically hammer that stalling scumbag
he has posted the word "claim" during
that same day phase
. (DrippingGoofball is apparently not very picky about what constitutes a claim.) If you were already on the wagon, you cannot hammer.

Win Condition:
You win when all threats to the town have been eliminated and one protown player is alive.

confirm via pm stating your alignment and favourite standard MS smiley.

Spoiler: Yami-Swan/Ongoing Games
Lost Butterfly wrote:

Welcome to Mafiascum Fantasy Camp. I hope you enjoy your stay!

You are Yami-Swan, Sociopath Fanboys,
Town Aligned.

Ellibereth and Katsuki decided to go for ice-cream before catching a cab to camp. 'Vanilla cones, please,' they said in unison, reaching for their wallets.
'Would you like sprinkles with that?' the man asked politely.
Katsuki looked at him sharply. 'What the hell is wrong with vanilla?'
'Nothing,' said the vendor, aware of a sudden tension in the ice cream parlour. 'It's just a bit boring, that's all.'
'BORING?' snapped Ellibereth. 'That's what ice cream is supposed to be about. Not using all those fancy sprinkles and gelatin and flavouring and preservatives as a crutch to mask the taste.'
'No one knows what to do with vanilla anymore,' said Katsuki. 'Everyone just wants their ice cream spoon-fed to them. They won't touch anything that isn't drowned in chocolate syrup, because they don't want to think for themselves.'
'I always tell them which ice cream is the richest. I even showed the connections the ice cream had to its scumbuddies. And what do those VIs do when I was kicked out of the parlour? They chose the wrong ice cream and lost the game for me."
The man behind the counter started to whimper. 'Please,' he said. 'I'm so, so sorry. No sprinkles. Just vanilla. Don't hurt me.'
His hands shook as he handed them their cones. Katsuki and Ellibereth took a bite.
'This ice cream is terrible!' shouted Katsuki.
'Typical,' said Ellibereth. 'The current meta of ice cream parlours is a sham. No one can make good vanilla ice cream any more.'
'Here's your lousy ice cream!' Katsuki hurled the cone at the vendor's face. Then he slammed a ten-dollar bill on the counter. 'Keep the change, you scumbag.'
The poor man blinked at them through a clump of vanilla ice cream as the two marched out of the store.



Power roles are a crutch:
At night, you may target a player. He or she will be prevented from using any active ability on that night. Please note this will not stop any factional abilities such as nighttalk or Mafia nightkills. After all, we might as well make this as close to mountainous as possible.

The remarkable power of hindsight:
At night, you may choose one player who is already dead and investigate his alignment. You can then brag the next morning that you knew he was scum/town and we should have listened to you.

Please note you may only use
active ability each night.

Win Condition:
You win when all threats to the town have been eliminated and one protown player is alive.

please confirm via stating your alignment and your favourite ice cream flavour.

Spoiler: AlmasterGM
Lost Butterfly wrote:

Welcome to Mafiascum Fantasy Camp. I hope you enjoy your stay!

You are AlmasterGM, ReaperCharlie Fanboy,
Town Aligned.

AlmasterGM ended the call and put his cell phone back in his pocket, disappointed. He hadn't managed to convince L. Ron Hubbard and some of his followers to come to camp, and how the hell could you have a mafia camp without a cult? It was time to use his back-up plan. He rustled through his bag and took out a furry little animal; it was a mole he'd bought off an Italian gentleman with questionable family ties, an actual mafia mole! Everyone knew that mafia moles were a great idea. People were just gonna
how far AGM had gone to become ReaperCharlie. It was time to set off!


(You may use only ability in this category in a single day-night phase.)

I'm quitting mafiascum...any minute, now:
You may at any point treestump yourself by posting the following in bold in the thread:
F*ck you guys, I'm leaving this site for good.
(Feel free to PM us to make sure we see it.) This will end the day and reveal your alignment as town in thread. However, you will remain in the game for one more day phase, although you will be voteless. For example, if you treestump Day One, you will leave the game at the end of Day Two.

Whether it's giving players in your games advice or messaging Oman to tell him your gripe with his most recent Title Fairy ruling, you love sending PMs. But the best way to draw your attention is to post a cute picture in the FWAN thread. Each night, you may send the player of your choice a message containing five words and one emoticon. However, if the person you have chosen has posted an image in the thread during that day phase (not just a link), you may send them a message containing fifty words and ten emoticons.

Win Condition:
You win when all threats to the town have been eliminated and one protown player is alive.

confirm via pm stating your alignment and favourite reapercharlie modded game on mafiascum.

Spoiler: LadyLambdadelta
Lost Butterfly wrote:

Welcome to Mafiascum Fantasy Camp. I hope you enjoy your stay!

You are Lady Lambdadelta, Lady Lambdadelta Fangirl,
Town Aligned.

Lady Lambdadelta jumped off the bus. She was here at last. After being directed to sign-ups, she entered, showing her invitation.
'You're...uh, a fan of yourself,' the woman behind the desk said.
'Y-yes. What's...what's wrong?' she asked.
The woman flashed a fake smile. 'Nothing at all, sweetie. It's nice to have a healthy sense of self-esteem. Good for you.'
Lady Lambdadelta blushed. It wasn't arrogance. She just...she'd just wanted to see what people would think when she was herself, that's all. Why couldn't anyone understand that?
She did have to admit, she had thought it was terribly clever at the time. What better way to stand out from the crowd when everyone else was pretending to be someone else? 'So just give me my cabin and I can be on my way,' she said, trying ignore the way the receptionist was looking at her. It was perfectly normal to want to be herself.
Perfectly normal.



You're very interested in what others think of you, as per your uPick choice. Once during the game, you may PM us and elect to watch yourself that night. If your action is successful, you will be told anyone who targeted you that night.

Umineko no Madoka Magica:
Once during Day One, you may elect to post a riddle in the thread. Players may PM the mod with the correct answer. You may grant one of those who got it right the opportunity to accept a contract; if he or she refuses, you may offer the contract to your next choice. Of course, every contract has its downsides. A player who accepts will be unlynchable for the first two days of the game. In return, at the start of night two, they will lose all active abilities (as well as the ability to gain any more). Remember that players will be informed that there may be a risk to signing the contract, but will not be told what risk.


Third Party Fetish:
Should the game last two years (real life time) you will become a Jester who must be lynched to win.

Win Condition:
You win when all threats to the town have been eliminated and one protown player is alive.

confirm via pm stating your alignment and favourite item of clothing you own.

Spoiler: GreyICE
Lost Butterfly wrote:

Welcome to Mafiascum Fantasy Camp. I hope you enjoy your stay!

You are GreyICE, chesskid3 Fanboy,
Town Aligned.

GreyICE stood in front of his mirror, feeling nervous. The pressure was too much--expectations far too high for what was supposed to be a fun summer camp. He cleared his throat, a knot wrenching in the pit of his stomach. It was time to see if he was ready, time to see if he was worthy. 'CHESSKID,' he bellowed, as loud as he could. When he heard the echo of 'CHESSKID...CHESSKID...CHESSKID,' he sighed in relief. After six months of hard practise, he was ready. Mafiascum Fantasy Camp wouldn't know what hit it. Well, not quite. He'd let them know it was CHESSKID.



Best Meme of 2011:
Each night, you may transpose ONE letter of "CHESSKID" to a different letter. (For example, you may change CHESSKID to VHESSKID.) You will trigger certain abilities the
time that you spell certain words.

CHESSKIT - A chess set contains many different pieces, each with its own range of movement. Now that you have access to one, you will be allowed two extra moves (which cannot both be used on the same night). You may use your extra move to either transpose a second letter on one night, or to add or remove a letter in addition to transposing one. (The latter is the only way to spell a word that is not eight letters.)

CHESSMAN - You're the tougher, more grown-up version of chesskid. Spelling this will grant you a one-shot BP vest.

CHESSWIN - You will summon chesskid3 himself into the thread for the following day. He will have no vote, and will be permitted to make ten posts. He is completely unaware of his alignment, but that didn't stop him from agreeing to post in a game he isn't in.

CHESSNAM - Some may say that trolling isn't 'Nam, but they don't understand. They haven't been there! As a result of your horrific PTSD flashbacks, spelling this allows you to reset your word to what it was at any point.

CHESSDERP - On the same night that you spell this, you must suicide-bomb on the player of your choice, killing both of you. Your death cannot be prevented (unless you are roleblocked), but your target's death can be if another role interferes.

EPICFAIL - By proving once and for all that CHESSKID = EPICFAIL, you will declared a winner and leave the game (which will continue until another faction reaches its win condition). Some may call deserting the town like that an epic fail, but you'll be laughing all the way to the bank.

Win Condition:
You win when all threats to the town have been eliminated and one protown player is alive, OR if you transpose CHESSKID into EPICFAIL.

confirm via pm stating your alignment and CHESSKID

Spoiler: Candle Jack
Lost Butterfly wrote:

Welcome to Mafiascum Fantasy Camp. I hope you enjoy your stay!

You are Candle Jack, Tarhalindur Fanboys,
Town Aligned.

Magister Ludi gazed into Tar's eyes. He mumbled something that Tar didn't quite catch. 'I said...maybe I could practise being you by lying dreaming with you...you know, just like your location,' Ludi said.
'Well, um, we can do plenty of that at camp,' Tar said, trying to discreetly put some more space between him and Ludi. Ever since Ludi had pleaded that they pretend to be Tarhalindur for a week, Tar had wondered about him. Ludi always seemed to stand a little too close, to find excuses to lean in and accidentally brush against him. 'What time do we leave at?'
'At one o'clock. But I have a present, first,' Ludi said, withdrawing two bracelets from his pocket. Hanging from a chain on each bracelet was an ornamental screw. 'They're matching. Mine says mod, yours says screw!' Ludi reached for Tar's hand too quickly for Tar to move it away, and fastened the chain around his wrist. 'Look, there's a heart engraved on the head.'
'Wow,' said Tar. 'That's...that's too generous.'
What did I get myself into?



Mod screwed:
When you vote someone, your vote will be redirected to the player two slots below him or her on the playerlist in the OP. Hey, at least we told
about it. Think of the poor bastards in the first Mind Screw!

Hidden Ruleset:
You love being a bastard mod and withholding information from the players. Those unsuspecting fools don't know that Rule 11's omission isn't because Faraday can't count. You just decided to keep it a secret. (You even threw in Rule 22 to mislead people.) Here is what it really says:

11a) Particular to this game, all players must respect any additional rules and restrictions in their role PMs, including those affecting voting, posting styles, and formatting. A player may be modkilled in the way most damaging to his faction for an infraction of Rule 11, but not made a neutral survivor and autolossed.
11b) A 50%+1 majority on anyone on the player list or on the modding account will result in a lynch and end the day. If Lost Butterfly is lynched or killed in any manner, all posting and voting restrictions mentioned in 11a will be abolished, as the mods will be unable to inflict their own sick whims on the players.

After you die, this rule will be made public. Also note the mod will not be affected your Mod Screwed Ability, and in fact is the exception to your mod screwed ability. (So vote Lost Butterfly to actually vote Lost Butterfly)

Quoting this rule is forbidden, as it constitutes quoting your role PM.

Win Condition:
You win when all threats to the town have been eliminated and one protown player is alive.

confirm via pm stating your alignment and your favourite fish.

Spoiler: Amrun
Lost Butterfly wrote:

Welcome to Mafiascum Fantasy Camp. I hope you enjoy your stay!

You are Amrun, shaft.ed Fangirl,
Town Aligned.

Amrun waited at the desk to be checked in. She'd been getting in character all month, lacing her speech with innuendo whenever possible and responding to all her gay friends with the phrase 'said the fag.' Now it was time to prove she could be shaft.ed. And hey, there was no pressure. He was only the
best poster on mafiascum.
'So are you ready to go?' the man sitting behind the desk asked.
'Oh, I'm ready to go...if you know what I'm talking about.'
'I...beg your pardon?'
Amrun felt her face heat up. 'I said...." She trailed off in embarrassment. It took all her courage to clear her throat and try again. 'I said, I'm really ready,
if you know what I mean.
They stood in silence for a few awkward moments.
'I'll...I'll be heading to my cabin,' said Amrun in a barely audible voice. Maybe she still needed some practise.



Minvitational 8:
You are NOT nightkill-immune this time, either.

If you know what I'm talking about:
Anytime you quote someone you must immediately post "
If you know what I'm talking about
" (including the italics) as an immediate response. Violations of this restriction may have penalties, including removal of vote, removal of abilities, or force replacement/modkill if deemed necessary.

Second Best Poster on Mafiascum:
You are popular in Forum 62 for your witty, succinct quips, but unfortunately, you're overshadowed by Dripping Goofball. You know that she's out there, somewhere. You don't know what would happen if she was gone, but perhaps you'd get the attention you deserved.

Win Condition:
You win when all threats to the town have been eliminated and one protown player is alive.

confirm via pm stating your alignment and favourite film.

Spoiler: Hindu
Lost Butterfly wrote:

Welcome to Mafiascum Fantasy Camp. I hope you enjoy your stay!

You are Hinduragi, Albert B. Rampage Fanboy,
Town Aligned.

On the morning of fantasy camp, Hindu was so nervous that he could barely keep down his breakfast. Now that the moment was upon him, his homemade TEAM RAMPAGE T-shirt felt tacky, his ideas for gambits unimaginative, his list of choices he'd prepared for the face-to-face uPick game at camp not creepy and offensive enough. His hands trembled on his suitcase as he pulled it to the door. But once outside, he slowed his pace down to a cocky swagger. He was Hindu B. Rampage, he reminded himself, a respected and feared scumhunter, and he would be the best thing at this camp.
With a dramatic flourish, he whipped out a pair of sunglasses in a stunning imitation of this guy. He strutted down the street, wondering why the mailman passing by had erupted into a fit of hysterical laughter. It was time to outlive the bastards.



7 for 7:
The first vote you cast each day is a double vote. You lose this ability if the day ever ends without you on the lynch wagon, if there is a no-lynch, or if the player who was lynched was town.

A Beautiful Guide to Focusing on Scum and Getting Them Lynched:
As a result of your single-minded determination when you've got scum in your sight, you cannot vote for more than three different players in one day phase. For example, if you vote A, B, and C in succession, you may switch your vote back to B, but a vote for D would be invalid (and would be treated as though your vote remained on C).

Win Condition:
You win when all threats to the town have been eliminated and one protown player is alive

confirm via pm stating your alignment and favourite sport.

Spoiler: ToastyToast
Lost Butterfly wrote:

Welcome to Mafiascum Fantasy Camp. I hope you enjoy your stay!

You are ToastyToast, Parama Fanboy,
Town Aligned

ToastyToast refreshed the browser on his smartphone as he rode the bus to camp, a lump in his throat.
Thirty minutes ago, he'd nominated Parama for 'Walks on Water' in the Title Fairy thread. But so far, the only responses he'd got were several 'get outs,' one 'CHESSKID,' a rant from the almighty Parama
about how he wanted to keep his Mafia Scum title forever, and not a single vote to second it.
He wanted to cry. How could Toasty fail so abysmally as a Parama fan when he would soon try to
Parama for a few weeks? Toasty might have nominated Parama for another Scummy Award so as to prove his devotion, but they hadn't played together in months. After all his effort, ToastyToast hadn't even earned a 'Parama's Alt' title for himself, never mind a glowing one for Parama.
But he wouldn't let himself lose hope. 'I can prove that I'm worthy of being so sycophantic that I look like his alt,' Toasty told himself. Throughout the bus ride, he brainstormed title ideas on a blank sheet of paper. A couple of miles from camp, he had an epiphany. His face broke into a grin.
He pulled out his phone and eagerly began typing.
'Nominate Parama for Virtuous Angel of Justice and Wisdom,' he wrote, and then hit Submit.



You must begin the game with a ninja avatar (suggested one here, if you want to be true to Parama's choice). You know that your fellow ninja Katsuki (Irony) is in the game and that while you maintain your ninja guise, you cannot vote for them. You also share a one-shot BP vest with them while you are both ninjas, so the first nightkill attempt on either of you will fail. (If both of you are targeted simultaneously, you will both die.) You may at any time choose not to be a Ninja. To do this, post 'A NINJA NO LONGER' in thread in bolded text (feel free to PM us so we notice it too). You may then change or keep your avatar as you wish, but removing your ninja avatar while you are still a ninja is not allowed.

While you are in NINJA mode, you will be eligible for a prod after thirty-six hours of not posting. Ninjas are used to fast-paced dramonic games, after all.

Win Condition:
You win when all threats to the town have been eliminated and at least one protown player remains alive.

Confirm via PM stating your alignment and favourite video game character.

Spoiler: Screaming Death Clan
Lost Butterfly wrote:

Welcome to Mafiascum Fantasy Camp. I hope you enjoy your stay!

You are Screaming Death Clan, Fate Fanboys,
Town Aligned
SpyreX and Reck both felt a growing sense of dread as they waited in line to check in at camp.
They had big shoes to fill. Their fellow Screaming Death Clan member was notorious both for his Mafia play and his aggressive personality. How could they ever hope to capture the essence of Fate?
'Hi, and welcome to Mafiascum Fantasy Camp!' said the receptionist when the two finally reached the front of the line.
'HI,' said SpyreX. 'I'M LOOKING FOR--'
'Oh, you must be the Fate fanboys,' the receptionist broke in. 'We've been expecting you. Please head to Cabin 14.'
'Isn't it obvious?' said the receptionist. 'I must say, you've done an astounding job of getting into character. I commend you for your effort.'
As SpyreX and Reck lugged their suitcases toward the cabin, they exchanged baffled glances.



You are a one-shot governor who loves defending damsels in distress. Once during the game, you may PM us during the day to protect a player other than yourself whose gender is listed as Female or None. This player will then be declared unlynchable by the mods for that game day. As this is a day ability, you cannot save a player who has just been hammered. Targeting a player with Male in his profile will result in your wasting your shot. But Fate will always assume that a player with no gender set is female...no matter how obvious the evidence to the contrary.

Win Condition:
You win when all threats to the town have been eliminated and at last one pro town player is alive.

Confirm stating your alignment and favourite letter of the alphabet.
Last edited by Lost Butterfly on Sat Oct 01, 2011 5:51 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Mafiascum Fantasy Camp 2 - Day 7 ongoing
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Post Post #1783 (isolation #117) » Sat Oct 01, 2011 5:36 pm

Post by Lost Butterfly »

Spoiler: DemonHybrid
Lost Butterfly wrote:
Welcome to Mafiascum Fantasy Camp. I hope you enjoy your stay!

You are DemonHybrid, drmyshottyizsik Fanboy,
Mafia Aligned.

DemonHybrid waited at the corner for the taxi to come. Of course, he could have called his friends, but he'd alienated them all over the last few months. He believed in getting into character properly, and he really had pulled it off perfectly. Everyone hated him now. His mother had disowned him after she'd caught him dealing drugs to an eight-year-old, and his former best friend refused to speak to him since the fallout over the Facebook incident. He pushed away all thoughts of regret. On the bright side, he was going to have so much fun at camp. He was sure everyone would hate him by Day Two!



Mafia Talk:
You may talk to your fellow mafia, Irony (Katsuki Fanboygirl), Mastermind of Sin (Hezlucky Fanboy), and inHimshallibe (Mastin Fanboy), here, at any time.

Your mafia has a factional nightkill which one of you may carry out each night. You may perform the nightkill and use another ability at the same time.


Stalking and hackin':
Each night, PM us the name of a player you wish to track. I mean, we all know Shotty can hack mafiascum.net, so he can also hack your sentbox to see who you told the mod you're targeting. Just, uh, don't hack mine, okay, Shotty?


Village Idiot:
If you are ever at L-1 for at least twenty-four hours, then true to character, you will self-hammer.

Win Condition
: You win when your mafia faction comprises over 50% of living players or when nothing can prevent this from changing.

Confirm stating your alignment and favourite piece of furniture.

Spoiler: Irony/vezokpiraka
Lost Butterfly wrote:
Welcome to Mafiascum Fantasy Camp. I hope you enjoy your stay!

You are Irony, Katsuki Fanboygirl,
Mafia Aligned.

CSL and Tragedy skipped through the gates of camp together, hand in hand. They were dressed up in flowery sundresses, heeled sandals, and full faces of make-up.
'Welcome to Mafiascum Fantasy Camp,' said the receptionist, when the two arrived at the main building inside the campgrounds.
'Thanks,' said Tragedy. She pulled out a toy from her bag. 'Want a cupcake plushie? We almost baked some for the camp, but then we realized that would make us cannibals.'
'May I have your names, please?'
'I'm CSL, and this is Tragedy. We're Katsuki fanboys...fangirls...I don't know, a fan-entity of Katsuki. She's our idol.'
'We chose her for several reasons,' said Tragedy. 'Part of it is that everyone loves cupcakes. But also, it's rare to see a high-profile mafiascum player who's as comfortable with her cutesy, cuddly, feminine side. I just find that really empowering on so many
The man behind the counter started to snicker.
'What's the matter?' asked CSL.
'For a fan-entity, you don't know much about your idol. Katsuki is a man.'
Tragedy burst into tears. Meanwhile, CSL looked glumly at his frilly sundress.
'I bought a whole suitcase-full of stockings and heels for nothing,' he said. 'When else will I get a chance to wear them?'



Mafia Talk:
You may talk to your fellow mafia, Mastermind of Sin (Hezlucky Fanboy), DemonHybrid (drmyshottyizsik Fanboy) and inHimshallibe (Mastin Fanboy), here, at any time.

Your mafia has a factional nightkill which one of you may carry out each night. You may perform the nightkill and use another ability at the same time.


You must begin the game with a ninja avatar (suggested one here, if you want to be true to Katsuki's choice). You know that your fellow ninja Parama (ToastyToast) is in the game and that while you maintain your ninja guise, you cannot vote for him. You also share a one-shot BP vest with him while you are both ninjas, so the first nightkill attempt on either of you will fail. (If both of you are targeted simultaneously, you will both die.) You may at any time choose not to be a ninja. To do this, post 'A NINJA NO LONGER' in thread in bolded text (feel free to PM us so we notice it too). You may then change or keep your avatar as you wish, but removing your ninja avatar while you are still a ninja is not allowed.

While you are in NINJA mode, you will be eligible for a prod after thirty-six hours of not posting. Ninjas are used to fast-paced dramonic games, after all.

Win Condition:
You win when your mafia faction comprises over 50% of living players or when nothing can prevent this from changing.

confirm via pm stating your alignment and favourite cupcake flavour.

Spoiler: Mastermind of Sin
Lost Butterfly wrote:
Welcome to Mafiascum Fantasy Camp. I hope you enjoy your stay!

You are Mastermind of Sin, Hezlucky Fanboy,
Mafia Aligned

'Hezzzzzzzwavre,' Mastermind of Sin bellowed at the top of his lungs as he stepped off the bus. He was here at last, and he wasn't about to hide his affection for Hez. Then he almost smacked himself for his stupidity. It had been so long, he'd forgotten how to spell the word. How many a's was that, again? 'Hezwaaaaaaaavre,' he shouted at some passing people, spurring them to quicken their pace.
The confused reactions he was eliciting saddened him. So many faces had come and gone since he first started on mafiascum. It was all too possible that no one knew anything about HezLucky anymore. Well, it was all up to Mastermind of Sin to remind those newbies of why Hez was so special--even if he had to do it one 'HEZWAAAAAAAAVRE' at a time.



Mafia Talk:
You may talk to your fellow mafia, Irony (Katsuki Fanboygirl), DemonHybrid (drmyshottyizsik Fanboy), and inHimshallibe (Mastin Fanboy), here, at any time.

Your mafia has a factional nightkill which one of you may carry out each night. You may perform the nightkill and use another ability at the same time.


The HEZWAAAVRE is a powerful force. In fact, it motivates people to do better. On odd nights you may PM me the name of a player you wish to motivate. They will then be informed at the beginning of the following night that they will be allowed to double-action (if applicable). Please note that this does not work on factional abilities, so you cannot motivate a fellow mafiate to allow him to kill twice.


Grudge kill:
If you are ever lynched, you have the option of killing someone who was on your lynch wagon. By opting to use this kill, however, you will use your mafia's nightkill for that night.

Win Condition:
You win when your mafia faction comprises over 50% of living players or when nothing can prevent this from changing.

Confirm stating your alignment and your least favourite hairstyle.

Spoiler: inHimshallibe/Regfan
Lost Butterfly wrote:
Welcome to Mafiascum Fantasy Camp. I hope you enjoy your stay!

You are inHimshallibe, Mastin Fanboy,
Mafia Aligned

inHim strode up to the front desk confidently. 'Hello! Oh, by the way, I love that painting you have on the wall! Where did you get it? Allow me to introduce myself. I'm inHimshallibe. Hey, what time is it? I'm so very pleased to meet you. What's your name? How long have you been working here? I've been on-site for ages, ever since a game in 2004, and it's been more games than I can count. Do you play Mafia, too? By, the way, did you know that mafiascum started on GreyLabyrinth before moving to its own site? I'm really looking forward to Mafiascum Fantasy Camp, and I'm a Mastin Fanboy and I've been practising talking lots and lots this past week to try and get in character. How did I do? I'm aiming for two hundred words per minute, so I can say as many words as I can as quickly as possible before everyone runs away, or before someone punches me in the face to shut me up, but it's hard to talk really really really quickly without tripping over my own tongue. Do you think my impression is-'
'Cabin 11. Just...just go, go now,' the receptionist said, wincing. 'And please, if you've any questions, talk to one of my colleagues and not me.'
inHim skipped off happily, chatting to himself along the way.



Mafia Talk:
You may talk to your fellow mafia, Irony (Katsuki Fanboygirl), Mastermind of Sin (Hezlucky Fanboy), and DemonHybrid (drmyshottyizsik Fanboy), here, at any time.

Your mafia has a factional nightkill which one of you may carry out each night. You may perform the nightkill and use another ability at the same time.


A conversation with Mastin: Once during the game, you may PM me the name of the player you wish to converse with during the night phase. As we know, a debate with Mastin is long and...
. This will block your target from performing any actions that night. On the plus side, it will also protect him or her from a nightkill. After all, who wants to gets near a Mastin conversation?


Each of your posts must contain at least 120 words. For consistency's sake, we will be using Microsoft Word to check the word count. Violations of this restriction may have penalties, including removal of vote, removal of abilities or force replacement/modkill if deemed necessary.

If you have been on two mislynches during the game, you will quit the site in disgrace. Yes, for some strange reason, Mastin wants to lynch scum as scum. You will then have to post from the inHimshallibe2 account for the rest of the game. We will PM you the password should this event be triggered.

Win Condition:
You win when your mafia faction comprise over 50% of the alive players or nothing can prevent this from changing.

Confirm stating your alignment and favourite
My Little Pony
Last edited by Lost Butterfly on Sat Oct 01, 2011 5:52 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Mafiascum Fantasy Camp 2 - Day 7 ongoing
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Post Post #1785 (isolation #118) » Sat Oct 01, 2011 5:38 pm

Post by Lost Butterfly »

Night actions.
Night 1:
Vi neighbourises Regfan.
Nikanor shoots Irony - IT FAILS.
Benmage protects no one
LLD self watches, N
GreyICE transposes nothing.
Magna investigates hindu + vi - DEAD LOL
Yami-Swan roleblock SDC
ToastyToast has a BP vest on still - used up.
AGM sends a message to DemonHybrid 'AGM is a mafia traitor.'

MOS motivates regfan (no effect tomorrow night no active ability)
DH tracks SDC - they go nowhere
Regfan uses his jail on benmage (no effect)
Irony has a BP vest on. - used up.

Night 2 actions:
Vi neighbourises LLD
Nikanor has no actions
Benmage protects no one
LLD self watches, N
GreyICE - no pr
Yami-Swan roleblock SDC
ToastyToast has a BP used up.
AGM sends a message to Hindu 'My blade seeks your heart :skull:'

MOS motivates regfan
Irony has a BP vest on. - used up

Irony KILLS Candle Jack (success)
LLD is neighbourised.

Night 3 actions:
Vi neighbourises toastytoast
Regfan kills AGM
MOS motivates Yami-Swan
Yami-Swan no actions (failed to send in choice)
AGM fails to send in choice :

Night 4 actions:
Yami-Swan motivated
Use 'hindsight' on vi and agm
Scum kill LLD

Night 5
MOS motivates yami-swan
MOS kills ToastyToast
Yami-swan block ???

Upick choices:
1. Nikanor - Cobalt/Nikanor/Chessokpiraka
2. Irony (CSL/Tragedy) - Katsuki
3. Meransiel - Thor/Izakthegoomba
4. Vi - Spy/IS/Gamma/Wacka Alpacka (no preference order)
5. MagnaofIllusion - DGB/SaintKerrigan/ Hoopla/ Mr. Flay
6. Yami-Swan - Socio/Dgb (?)
7. SpyreX/Reck - Fate/Plum
8. AGM - ReaperCharlie/Oman/Chesskid/Ythan
11. ToastyToast - Parama/Vi/Andrius
12. Inhimm - Mastin/Empking's Alt/Korlash/InHim/Thor
13. Candle Jack - Tar/Fritzler/Kinetic
14. Demonhybrid - drmyshottyizsik/ReaperCharlie
15. Amrun- Shaft.ed/Elvis_knits/Fate/Korts
16. Mastermind of Sin Ibaesha/StevieT92/HezLucky /Nonny/Bluesoul
17. Hinduragi - ABR/DGB/Glork/Faraday/Fate

Dead qt: http://quicktopic.com/46/H/yEywsC2qnJRN
Mafiascum Fantasy Camp 2 - Day 7 ongoing
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Lost Butterfly
Lost Butterfly
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Lost Butterfly
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Post Post #1787 (isolation #119) » Sat Oct 01, 2011 5:38 pm

Post by Lost Butterfly »

In post 1784, GreyICE wrote:Soooooo

You left the game ongoing

With 3 scum able to vote
And 3 town

I feel like I've just been trolled by an asshole.


Mafiascum Fantasy Camp 2 - Day 7 ongoing
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Lost Butterfly
Lost Butterfly
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Lost Butterfly
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Post Post #1821 (isolation #120) » Sun Oct 02, 2011 5:03 am

Post by Lost Butterfly »


When I'm here I'll be shameless and say:

Mina will be probably running a Large Normal in a while. You guys should do her a favour and pm her to pre-in so she's not left with a Large Normal type playerlist. Don't you want a chance to redeem yourself in a Mina game anyway? >_> I'll be back-up'ing the game, and the set-up will be fun. So you should do that.
Mafiascum Fantasy Camp 2 - Day 7 ongoing

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