Mashies Nomination Thread 2020

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Mashies Nomination Thread 2020

Post Post #0 (ISO) » Sun Feb 09, 2020 5:32 pm

Post by PrivateI »

January 8th, 2021 will be the last day to submit nominations
(expired on 2021-01-09 00:00:00)

Hello!~ And welcome to the new and improved 2020 Mashies Nomination thread! You'll notice it looks just like the Scummies Nominations thread, and will work just the same. You still nominate in thread like we did before, just format it a bit nicer and you'll have a constant table of current noms to make everybody's job easier. Here, you can discuss other nominations with other scummers alike. The awards themselves are handed out during the Winter season of the next year during a ceremony, where we celebrate mafiascum for the year of 2020!

Here is how you can read the chart.

Banner | Award Name | Award Purpose

The Banner: With a reward comes a banner, and here is a preview of what the banner looks like!
Award Name: Usually they're will be some fancy award for the name. Some names for awards might change, but this is what the award is called for the most part or how its refered to.
Award Purpose: This is what the award is awarding.

In addition to submitting a nomination, you can also submit an anti-nomination, speaking against a nomination. These will not be listed publicly, but forwarded to the judges who decide to judge.
See the post below on how to nominate someone for a mashie or submit an anti-nom!

The Awards
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The Mashies
Best General Mish Mash Game
This award is for the moderator. Any game that is run in Mish Mash -- other than the ones excluded by the below category -- is eligible for this award. It can be a board game! It can be an endless, continuous game with no end! It can be a game show! Hell, it can be a beauty pageant for all we care! What mod really rocked it out and made their game extra special this year?
Best Social Game
This award is for the moderator(s). This award can be given to any game that has a decent number of players and relies on social manipulation. Yes, obviously, your Survivor games and Big Brother games will go here. But so can The Mole, or Amazing Race, or any sort of game that involves a reality-style competition. Running these games can be a long, difficult, arduous process, and nobody is perfect, but if you feel a mod did a great job, toss up their name for consideration. Every Large Social Game that runs to completion during this year is eligible and will automatically be considered, but nominations help give the games you love that much more weight.
Smash Mouth
Best Overall Mish Mash Player
This award goes to the person who best exemplified what it takes to be a great Mish Mash Player throughout the year! They were smart, strategic, and tactical? Check. They were enjoyable, nice, and pleasant? Check. Did you sign up for a game when they did because you wanted to play with them? Then this is the award for them!
Best Mish Mash Newbie
This award goes to the person who's fairly new, and has made the largest, most positive impact on the community in the short time they've been here. New players are always getting involved with our section of the site, and everyone should be encouraged to be the best they can be.
Best Moment
Did someone say something hilarious in a Mish Mash or Large Social game? Did they pull off a ridiculous play? Did something happen that was incredibly memorable? This is the award for a moment in any Large Social or Mish Mash game that stood out and should be recognized.
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Post Post #1 (ISO) » Sun Feb 09, 2020 5:32 pm

Post by PrivateI »

Submitting a Nomination

Please use the following formatting. There's more you can do after you filled out the form if you want to be nice and make our life easier, so keep reading.
Award Name
date Nominator [This is your name]Nominee [The person you want to nominate]Full Name of the game ["Large Normal 20143: BLah blah blah" for example. Make sure you use codes to make sure that clicking on the name of the game takes to the game thread or post.]Description on why this person should win this award.

Use this award for all awards

Code: Select all

[table][header=5]Award Name[/header]
[cell][url=game link]Full Name of the game[/url][/cell]
[cell]-insert your description here-[/cell][/row]


If you want to be extremely helpful, you can color the table and text so that its associated with its award category. I will leave a key below, but the key thing to remember is that when coloring a table background, you do not need to put a # character in, where as with text color, you are required to put in a # character at the beginning of the hexcolor.
for example table=1d232d and color=#d0e4f8
These are the corresponding colors to each category
Mashtermind, Smash Mouth, and Mashterstroke
: #1D232D
Text Color
: #D0E4F8

Best Social Game and Mish Mash Newbie
: #16398a
Text Color
: #7ac8f5
This table is Blue on Blue by northsidegal

Submitting an anti-nomination

Sometimes a controversial nomination comes along. If you wish to register your dissent, the judges will take that into consideration. You may do so privately by sending a PM to the current custodian of the Mashies Nominations thread (PrivateI) with the following PM title: "Anti-nomination for [username] for [Award]". Please include detailed reasoning. Public or "empty" anti-noms will not be considered.
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Post Post #2 (ISO) » Sun Feb 09, 2020 5:32 pm

Post by PrivateI »

Date Added
Game & Link
Featured high-effort write-ups and the ending was a fun event.

Lilith has creatively adapted this game to the forum setting, continually making adjustments as needed to improve how it runs.
This was a 12-player post-apocalyptic roleplaying style game with supernatural themes that took place over the course of a month and a half or so. Each player had individual win conditions, some of which were in direct opposition to other players'. The setting was super immersive and detailed, and the game was cleverly designed to have multiple ways to achieve accessing new areas (such as the secret lab and the bank) or completing objectives. One of my favorite moments was when the group came together in the food court to fight a Franken-version of one of the players by creatively taking advantage of the Franken's addiction as well as some dynamite. Both intense and comedic, this game was definitely one of the most thrilling experiences I've had on MafiaScum.
This is a singing contest with different themed rounds. It's not quite over yet, but it's been super fun to see everyone's talent. Malkon provides in-depth constructive feedback to the participants and also helps foster a really positive environment. The current round's twist where Malkon hand picks song choices to showcase the participants' strengths based on their journey in the contest seems to have worked really well!
vincentw's running of Villagers was superb from start to finish. Resolving game events always occurred in a timely fashion. Errors were minimal, and the errors that did happen were resolved in a fair and transparent fashion. Production values were excellent. vincentw's attitude remained friendly and positive throughout the entire game. He responded to questions and/or concerns quickly and appropriately. All in all, this game was amazing.
Pooky ran this roleplay-esque game that ran for a full 4 months. Once inside the mansion, players had to escape by fulfulling secret objectives, some of which were secret to the players themselves. It involved politics, romance, bribes, threats, murder, cooperation and much much more. During the 'dayphase', players would be sharing the main room. During the 'nightphase', players went to available rooms (through an elaborate construction of PT's), where they could do whatever the fuck they wanted. The game stalled early on, but a couple of amazing replacements brought this game to life and it escalated into a full Vampire cult v Demonic Posession endgame including mind-control, illusions, and amazing scenes of seduction/betrayal/negotiation. It wasn't until postgame that we realized what a magnificent game this actually was. One of my most memorable games/moments to date on this site.
Not only was this an absolute joy to be a part of, but Malkon was literally the most amazing mod! He had such good things to say, such good tips, such a positive presence and response to everyone here! He got people to show off amazing talents and made the contestants feel so good about sharing them. I mean, singing in an online community like this is terrifying, it's vulnerable, it's honestly not something most people would consider doing! To be able to make this both a competition and a joy that so many looked forward to was simply wonderful!
Last edited by Noraa on Mon Jan 11, 2021 1:50 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Post Post #3 (ISO) » Sun Feb 09, 2020 5:33 pm

Post by PrivateI »

Best Social Game Nominations
Date Added
Game & Link
Haschel Cedricson, CreativeMod1, DeasVail
This game goes to show you don't need twists to run a great game; vanilla games can be that too with a dedicated mod team putting their all into crafting an incredible experience for the players. Outside of the challenge design (which was fantastic throughout, especially challenges like the Google Forms Murder Mystery) I'm not sure I can put my finger on what exactly made it so good, but I think it's just the fact you could tell the mods put their all into every aspect of it and the lack of twists and suchlike actually helped the focus be purely on that. Despite not going far in it, I absolutely adored this game.
Survivor: Power Courage Wisdom
Survivor: PCW
This game was wild and was perhaps, the most game. From the beginning this game was full of duplicity, scheming, twists and turns, and the mods never took their foot off the gas. Numerous memorable characters, incredible plays, facepalm worthy misplays and an almost unprecedent challenge run, so much happened it can't be summarized easily. This game will be remembered for many years and the fact it hasn't already been nominated is criminal.
Last edited by Noraa on Fri Jan 08, 2021 1:15 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Post Post #4 (ISO) » Sun Feb 09, 2020 5:33 pm

Post by PrivateI »

Smash Mouth
Date Added
Game & Link
This was Kloud’s first game in years and he made it all the way to FTC. Through out the game he showed so many different aspect especially in his confessional, with his reads on things we still don’t quite understand how he was able to read into what was happening.Also in this game he also went on an insane individual challenge winning streak with only losing 1 individual immunity.
Skelda has always been amazing in LSGs but I believe he just won two back to back? Poirot was fantastic to watch and he was ridiculously great to talk to ingame. There's a good reason nobody was targeting him for ages and ages despite him clearly being a huge threat! But the main reason for this nomination is the dedication to the gimmick; it was onpoint and fantastic to behold as a Christie fan; I genuinely felt like I was playing with and then watching the real character. That took serious effort and dedication and I can confidently say that people like Skelda going the extra mile with things like this are the main reason I keep coming back to LSGs and why each one feels so unique and great to play.
December 7th, 2020
OGML is kind of the Rob Cesternino of anonymous games. I would consider him the best to never win. Now he did win a Survivormeet some years back, but he's just had a run of close but not quites in the world of MS anonymous games. That being said he has a record, especially this year, that is to die for. Even though RPG was a game from last year, it was one of the last 4 anonymous games and it starts an incredible year for OGML. He started off in RPG in a 2 way tie for 2nd missing a win by one vote. This almost seemed to propel him to get the big W as the next three games he played he finished 5th, then 3rd twice. I don't know many people who have that kind of year in anonymous games on MS. The fact of the matter is that OGML is simply one of the best. He digs deep to make stuff happen, he works hard in every game he plays, he's usually someone who puts on a great persona that people cheer for, and he's very convincing and good at what he does. It was heartbreaking to see him miss out on the FTC twice this year, getting cut at the last possible moment twice. Both of those games he was favored to win. In spite of this, OGML's reputation as an amazing survivor player precedes him with several years of doing incredible. This year is no different, and I'd argue one of his best years on record for the sheer number of deep runs he has, and none of these are accidental. He's truly incredible and I love watching him play. It is my honor to get to nominate him for player of the year based on his incredible record, which now includes best placement by a replacement in any MS game.
I don't think CM1 played any games this year, but his contribution to the community can not be understated. He worked on both PCW and PD this year, is generally a delight to talk to and his spreadsheets are divine. He's helped automate the anonymous character database, set up spreadsheets to help his games run faster (and has been working on guide to ensure they can be used without him) and rescued the most iconic challenge from Survivor: PD, the murder mystery, saving was must have been weeks of work. He absolutely deserves a ton of recognition for his efforts.
Last edited by Noraa on Fri Jan 08, 2021 1:16 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Post Post #5 (ISO) » Sun Feb 09, 2020 5:33 pm

Post by PrivateI »

Best Mish Mash Newbie
Date Added
Game & Link
I know Pine isn't technically new, but he's new to LSGs so I think that qualifies! Pine was a great player as Teebo in PvCvW but we didn't see his full potential due to his early boot; thankfully he came back as Jake Peralta in PD and man oh man that was fantastic to watch. He really put his all into the game; not all the moves were great, but all of them were spectacular :D He has the most spirit I've seen in an LSG newbie in a long time and I hope he plays more!
het is someone who is entirely new to our site and came here largely for these games, and even in the short time he's been around he's made quite an impression. His confessionals are very insightful and are also quite hilarious at the same time. He is an incredibly solid player who leaves a mark on every game he touches, whether he's playing or spectating. And I think he will continue to improve games just by existing in them.
November 23rd, 2020
I am consistently impressed with Farren in every game he partakes in. Despite being relatively new to Mish Mash, he's jumped in with full vigour, been a joy to play with, has hosted numerous games, and has jumped into the helm of otherwise abandoned games to make sure they finish. To me, Farren has embodied a lot of why I got invested in Mish Mash in the first place, and every game he partakes in is always fun.
December 7th, 2020
tris has had one of the most positive projection arcs of any newbie in Mish Mash's history. From having been rejected from their first game only to turn around and be an amazingly active spectator, to getting cast and not making merge, to making jury, and to making essentially back to back FTCs in KYE and Flash Mob and nearly winning her second time there. It's been incredible to watch this individual grow throughout the course of their survivor career...which started this year! There are people who have been playing for years and not achieved the wide range of accomplishments that tris has in the course of a year. On top of that they are active in the discord and play mish mash games from time to time. In my humble opinion, tris is probably one of my favorite people I've had the pleasure of getting to know on this site and I cannot wait to see what the future holds for her. I think she's done so much and been so active in the last year that this nomination I didn't even think twice about. It is my distinct honor and pleasure to nominate tris as Newbie of the Year as I think she truly has earned this and been a beacon of positivity in a crazy time.
Tris was actually fantastic this game. I think they became the ultimate floater and it was incredible to see that first hand.
I believe this was tris' second ever LSG and they made it to Final 3! They even had a good argument for winning (had I not screwed the pooch there a bit...still kicking myself for being so blind). But anyway, had Summer not been in the final 3 it would have been really cool to see how many votes tris could have gotten at FTC, because despite seeming like they floated along for the ride, there was so much play that went into maintaining that position! It was honestly so impressive :)
Last edited by Noraa on Mon Jan 11, 2021 1:56 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Post Post #6 (ISO) » Sun Feb 09, 2020 5:34 pm

Post by PrivateI »

Date Added
Game & Link
This confessional tribute is by far one of the most hilarious things I've read in a game in a while. A lot of effort went into this, and the way it's written is frankly beautiful. It was a great thing to come across post game. And really the kind of thing this award is about.
As a bad guy, almost perfectly described a scene they werent around to see, with enough lies to cove their own tracks. Then painted it all in paintbrush as a comic strip
At final 5, kloud found himself vulnerable for the first time in the entire re-merge (that's a whole other thing). He was not immune after having been blocked from participating in the challenge due to a power. Now, kloud had an unplayed "safety without power" item that would have guaranteed him final 4, however at that point he was viewed to have been getting to that point by an unprecedented number of immunity wins in a survivor game, and he was keenly aware it was perceived that way. He needed something that would give him some clout at a FTC, and so he decided to go for a gamble. Rather than play his advantage, be safe, and have no social game, he crafted a very clever lie about saying he was going to play it. Instead, he turned the vote in a direction that was beneficial to his game. Rather than keep him honest and call him on his bluff, the rest of the players followed this plan as given and instead of voting out "the threat" kloud and risk him playing his advantage, another player went home instead. Everyone both in and out of game sat there in disbelief as kloud survived a round without needing to play his advantage and wondering why people didn't just keep him honest. This gave him some major talking points at the FTC when he got there, one juror even asking "how the hell did you survive without playing your advantage?" Although Kloud did not win, the vote was extremely close and this particular move made everyone's jury vote that much harder to decide.(xof note: more explanation in response to the nom)
Ariel, Talitha, Rubberduck, Porochaz, Primate, Groza529
Rata Mall's ending was a thing of beauty. With six players - 3 evil, 2 good, 1 morally grey - remaining, and several players very close to completing their objectives, it suddenly became an absolute bloodbath as the villains raced to kill everyone before anyone could escape the Mall.

The endgame really had it all - A secret alliance between villains who knew they eventually needed to kill one another in order to win, a fantastic bluff that kept a hero who had the ability to kill a villain from firing long enough for the hero to be attacked and killed by said ally, one of the villains then immediately attempting to get the jump on the other and failing, being killed in retaliation, and finally culminating in a grand showdown between the single remaining villain and the morally grey character, the latter of which both managed to win the fight and just about managed to complete their good-aligned objectives in time to share the win with the one remaining good player. Oh, and did I mention that that one remaining good player, who had completed their final objective and just needed to survive to the end of the phase to escape, had been hiding
in the same room as all the fights had happened
, watching all of this go down and knowing that they didn't have the weapons to compete with the villains? If they had been found - and the villains did search - they would have been easily killed.

For reference, 5 players died in that single phase (although one was unrelated to this whole showdown). In the
entire game
prior to that point, 5 players had been killed in total, and never more than two in a phase. It was an epic finale to end a truly epic game.
October 20th, 2020
Awoo was going to be away for all of the last 24 hours of Florence's first Tribal Council. So in order to still "be here" and "talk to his tribe" during Tribal Council, he put his teach savviness to use and wrote a "Vacation Subscription Bot" that provided periodic updates on where Awoo should be during the 24 hours he was missing. However, the true purpose of the bot was something else entirely - to warn me of the upcoming Vash blindside with literally a minute to go before the TC (image link here). I almost lost my mind at that alone. Not only did the rest of the tribe not know a damn thing, but they also loved the bot on their own accord!
Survivor: PCW
I'm not sure who exactly to nominate for this so I'll just go with the common denominator, since the entirety of the Saga of people trusting Sidon with items was insane. Whether it was Reck's natural charisma, a miscalculation from the others involved or a mixture of the two. On not one but two occasions in PCW someone had a powerful item, thought "I really want to trust Sidon with this item, that will help my game and he seems like a good guy", the Sidon would receive said item and immediately vote out the person who gave it to him. Even more wild, I don't think he even asked for anything. If something like this happens once in a game, that's kind of funny, but if it happens twice, that's insane.
Have you seen the Firemaking Thread in this game?
It had so many good moments, but the one that absolutely shone was well, not exactly a moment. You see, we had a Challenge after the first swap where we were restricted to 25 words a post to make a story with our tribesmates. There was more to it than that, but for the sake of the Nom it doesn't matter. Tris took this a step further, making all her posts in the Firemaking thread honour that limit. And she made a story that is literally still ongoing! It weaves its way in and out of personal things and has had some great moments if you isolate and read the posts! I absolutely love them and so many of the posts in that thread were people begging for more!

Oh, and all of this with a post-delay on the thread, meaning the posts had to be spaced out by at least 4 hours (iirc). It was just wonderful to engage with and brought an unexpected fun to the game!
Last edited by Noraa on Mon Jan 11, 2021 1:57 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Post Post #7 (ISO) » Sun Feb 09, 2020 5:34 pm

Post by PrivateI »

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Post Post #8 (ISO) » Sun Feb 09, 2020 5:35 pm

Post by PrivateI »

Feel free to check out the Scummies Nomination Thread here
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Post Post #9 (ISO) » Sun Feb 09, 2020 5:45 pm

Post by xofelf »

If y'all have any questions about anything, go ahead and ask we got you fam <3
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Post Post #10 (ISO) » Sun Feb 09, 2020 5:50 pm

Post by Alisae »

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Post Post #11 (ISO) » Sun Feb 09, 2020 5:52 pm

Post by the worst »

so pretty <3 great work xof monty & ali
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Post Post #12 (ISO) » Sun Feb 09, 2020 5:52 pm

Post by McMenno »

what's your favourite condiment
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Post Post #13 (ISO) » Mon Feb 10, 2020 3:20 am

Post by animorpherv1 »

This is a beautiful looking thread, good job mods and co.
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Post Post #14 (ISO) » Tue Feb 11, 2020 5:16 pm

Post by Malkon05 »

This looks great <3 Nice work <3
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Post Post #15 (ISO) » Sun Feb 23, 2020 1:51 am

Post by bugspray »

Are we allowed to nominate games in progress?

do not assume my posts follow coherency they do not imagine that every time i post i put half of my knowledge into a clone and then the clone murders me
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Post Post #16 (ISO) » Sun Feb 23, 2020 5:23 am

Post by xofelf »

Oh, yeah. Since a lot of Mish Mash games run over and over again, they can be nominated at any point throughout the year and don't need to have finished. Large Social Games on the otherhand, those must finish before you nominate them.
Xalxe: this is xofelf sometimes we call each other names and other times we share emotions
MattyP: Ur an enigma tho when it comes to circadian rhythm and the traditions we hold dear when it comes to the sun and the moon
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Post Post #17 (ISO) » Sun May 10, 2020 2:02 pm

Post by Ariel »

Featured high-effort write-ups and the ending was a fun event.
Lilith has creatively adapted this game to the forum setting, continually making adjustments as needed to improve how it runs.
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Post Post #18 (ISO) » Sat May 23, 2020 12:21 pm

Post by Not_Mafia »

Nom myself for a smashmouth banner because I don't stop comnig
Also, what is NM doing? Worst play I’ve ever seen.
I can't remember the last N_M post that wasn't bland, unimaginative and lame. Some shitposters are at least somewhat funny. You are the epitomy of the type of poster that nobody would miss if you were to suddenly disappear. You never add anything of value.
I'm guessing you haven't read the game and probably never will? Why even sign up to play?
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Post Post #19 (ISO) » Sat Aug 15, 2020 4:43 am

Post by kdowns »

Smash Mouth
8-15-20 kdowns Kloud1516 Survivor PowervWisdomvCourage This was Kloud’s first game in years and he made it all the way to FTC. Through out the game he showed so many different aspect especially in his confessional, with his reads on things we still don’t quite understand how he was able to read into what was happening.Also in this game he also went on an insane individual challenge winning streak with only losing 1 individual immunity.
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Post Post #20 (ISO) » Mon Aug 17, 2020 1:12 am

Post by CaptainMeme »

Best Mish Mash Newbie
2020-08-17 CaptainMemePineSurvivor: PDI know Pine isn't technically new, but he's new to LSGs so I think that qualifies! Pine was a great player as Teebo in PvCvW but we didn't see his full potential due to his early boot; thankfully he came back as Jake Peralta in PD and man oh man that was fantastic to watch. He really put his all into the game; not all the moves were great, but all of them were spectacular :D He has the most spirit I've seen in an LSG newbie in a long time and I hope he plays more!

Best Mish Mash Player
2020-08-17 CaptainMemeSkeldaSurvivor: PDSkelda has always been amazing in LSGs but I believe he just won two back to back? Poirot was fantastic to watch and he was ridiculously great to talk to ingame. There's a good reason nobody was targeting him for ages and ages despite him clearly being a huge threat! But the main reason for this nomination is the dedication to the gimmick; it was onpoint and fantastic to behold as a Christie fan; I genuinely felt like I was playing with and then watching the real character. That took serious effort and dedication and I can confidently say that people like Skelda going the extra mile with things like this are the main reason I keep coming back to LSGs and why each one feels so unique and great to play.

Best Large Social Game
2020-08-17 CaptainMemeHaschel Cedricson, CreativeMod1, DeasVailSurvivor: PDThis game goes to show you don't need twists to run a great game; vanilla games can be that too with a dedicated mod team putting their all into crafting an incredible experience for the players. Outside of the challenge design (which was fantastic throughout, especially challenges like the Google Forms Murder Mystery) I'm not sure I can put my finger on what exactly made it so good, but I think it's just the fact you could tell the mods put their all into every aspect of it and the lack of twists and suchlike actually helped the focus be purely on that. Despite not going far in it, I absolutely adored this game.
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Post Post #21 (ISO) » Mon Sep 21, 2020 9:23 am

Post by xofelf »

Best Mish Mash Newbie
het is someone who is entirely new to our site and came here largely for these games, and even in the short time he's been around he's made quite an impression. His confessionals are very insightful and are also quite hilarious at the same time. He is an incredibly solid player who leaves a mark on every game he touches, whether he's playing or spectating. And I think he will continue to improve games just by existing in them.

Also did an update of the tables. Don't forget about the Mashterstroke scummy made for those hilarious or memorable events in games. Don't forget to nominate things and people in general!
Xalxe: this is xofelf sometimes we call each other names and other times we share emotions
MattyP: Ur an enigma tho when it comes to circadian rhythm and the traditions we hold dear when it comes to the sun and the moon
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Post Post #22 (ISO) » Mon Sep 21, 2020 10:50 am

Post by xofelf »

This confessional tribute is by far one of the most hilarious things I've read in a game in a while. A lot of effort went into this, and the way it's written is frankly beautiful. It was a great thing to come across post game. And really the kind of thing this award is about.
Xalxe: this is xofelf sometimes we call each other names and other times we share emotions
MattyP: Ur an enigma tho when it comes to circadian rhythm and the traditions we hold dear when it comes to the sun and the moon
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Post Post #23 (ISO) » Fri Sep 25, 2020 11:02 am

Post by Ariel »

This was a 12-player post-apocalyptic roleplaying style game with supernatural themes that took place over the course of a month and a half or so. Each player had individual win conditions, some of which were in direct opposition to other players'. The setting was super immersive and detailed, and the game was cleverly designed to have multiple ways to achieve accessing new areas (such as the secret lab and the bank) or completing objectives. One of my favorite moments was when the group came together in the food court to fight a Franken-version of one of the players by creatively taking advantage of the Franken's addiction as well as some dynamite. Both intense and comedic, this game was definitely one of the most thrilling experiences I've had on MafiaScum.
This is a singing contest with different themed rounds. It's not quite over yet, but it's been super fun to see everyone's talent. Malkon provides in-depth constructive feedback to the participants and also helps foster a really positive environment. The current round's twist where Malkon hand picks song choices to showcase the participants' strengths based on their journey in the contest seems to have worked really well!

ETA: I put (Fogies Forum) to clarify that that's where the sign up thread took place but ambic is obviously correct that the actual game took place in PTs.
Last edited by Ariel on Sat Sep 26, 2020 8:49 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post Post #24 (ISO) » Sat Sep 26, 2020 9:30 am

Post by ambic »

09-08-2020 Ambic CaptainMeme The Curse of Rata Mall As a bad guy, almost perfectly described a scene they werent around to see, with enough lies to cove their own tracks. Then painted it all in paintbrush as a comic strip

(Also - Ariel - the game wasn't run in Fogies forum in the end :) I did it in the Private Forums entirely)

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