[Standard] Survivor: Know Your Enemies (Summer wins!)

For large social games such as Survivor where the primary mechanic is social interaction.
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Post Post #50 (ISO) » Mon Sep 21, 2020 11:05 am

Post by zoraster »

Challenge #10, One Line at a Time (OLAAT)
Challenge Number:
Challenge Name:
One Line at a Time
Contact First for Questions:
Rules for Discussing with Others on Tribe:
You may in your tribe discord post to say (a) that you have posted; (b) that you are about to post; (c) to keep a running tally of which members have posted; and (d) to ping individuals on your tribe in the discord chat if there are 15 posts left to your tribe or you are in the last hour of the challenge. Do not post anything about the content of the posts. Do not coordinate with other players,
including about availability
(you may discuss your general availability), the story, etc.
Link to Form:
You will receive a Private Topic on mafiascum.net linked in your Tribe’s Discord.
Winner Determined by:
A 3 judge panel
What needs to be submitted to win:
See description
Time limit or Max Time if Applicable:
Deadline (Sept 22 @ 18:00 EDT)

Each tribe has 24 hours to put together a great little scene! Here’s how it’ll work: each tribe will get a PT (Private Topic) and a few prompts from the spectators (see below) to make up a little story! Both tribes get the same prompts. But there’s a catch! Each player may only post one sentence at a time that is no more than 25 words long, no one may post more than one sentence in a row, at least (7 for Guadalajara/5 for Florence [i.e. max - 1]) people from the tribe must participate, and there can be NO planning ahead or communicating with each other about the task other than what is SPECIFICALLY mentioned in the “Rules for Discussing with Others on Tribe.”

Players may start their sentence with <paragraph> to insert a new paragraph. This does not count against the word maximum. The PT will be cut off after 100 posts, not including the mod’s. So it will be at maximum 100 sentences and 2500 words long. But it is certainly not a requirement that the story be this long!

No identification of the participants should occur in the story.

A sentence begins with a capital letter and ends with a period, exclamation mark, question mark or quote marks if preceded by a period, question mark or exclamation mark. If you forget, a period will be edited in (but please don’t forget so we don’t have to edit so much!). Any post with more than 25 words will be edited to end at the 25th word and a period will be inserted. A player posting twice in a row will have their second sentence not included in the story and reduce the maximum number of posts for the tribe by 5. Not having at least 7/5 players post will end in a disqualification for the tribe. If both tribes are disqualified, both go to tribal council.

A 3 person judging panel consisting of spectators has been selected: CaptainMeme, NotAJumbleOfNumbers, and Skelda. They will not have access to confessionals or the spectator channel during this challenge, so you may talk about the challenge in your confessional. But they’ll be presented the story all in one post, and they will not be told who the writers are. The winning tribe is the one that two of the three judges picks as the best story!

Judging Criteria: Judges are asked to judge on the basis of use of prompts (25%), making logical sense (25%) and being an enjoyable story (50%).

  • Don’t post more than once in a row.
  • At least 5 people must post for Florence and at least 7 must post for Guadalajara
  • Don’t tip off who you are.

A place you’d fall in love: Paris
Name of a Woman from 1880: Edith
Trendy Name of a Boy Born Today: Aiden
Waterpark Name: Drippy Swifty
Greek Myth: Daedalus and Icarus

It'll take me a few minutes to assign PT access, I'll post again when it's ready.
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Post Post #51 (ISO) » Mon Sep 21, 2020 11:08 am

Post by zoraster »

Access has been given to the PTs. You may now begin to post

Deadline: September 22nd @ 18:00 EDT
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Post Post #52 (ISO) » Mon Sep 21, 2020 6:13 pm

Post by zoraster »

A clarification: as the rules state, only one sentence per post. Posts with more than one sentence will have the second+ sentences removed and a 5 post penalty applied, just as posting twice would. This is an attempt to stop anyone from trying to prompt other players as to what to post.
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Post Post #53 (ISO) » Tue Sep 22, 2020 11:08 am

Post by zoraster »

Finished OLAAT Stories

The tribes have code names and have randomly been drawn to see whose story will be posted first. I have to say, I really enjoyed watching you guys do this!

Here are their stories:

Tribe Code Name Idaho: https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2P ... HfHKJn/pub
Tribe Code Name Montana: https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2P ... JgD_lW/pub

It is very possible that there is some violation I have not noticed or other error I made in editing this together. My apologies if so, but the stories are FINAL unless I did something like miss an entire post.

The judges will now deliberate until 18:00 EDT tomorrow (September 23rd) and your surprise is about to come...
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Post Post #54 (ISO) » Tue Sep 22, 2020 11:10 am

Post by zoraster »

Idol Challenge, Return of the Zone
Challenge Number:
Challenge Name:
Return to the Zone
Contact First for Questions:
Rules for Discussing with Others on Tribe:
You may discuss as much as you want with others in your tribe
Link to Form:
Winner Determined by:
Highest submitted score before the merge
What needs to be submitted to win:
A screen shot of the end of the game. You MUST enter a name if you had a high score.
Time limit or Max Time if Applicable:
Until the Merge
We wanted you to have a little fun while the judges are deliberating on your stories. So from now until the merge, you get to participate in an exciting competition: Return of the Zone. To play, click here.

Players will have until the merge to try to rack up their best score. The highest score will receive a Class B idol good until Final 5. If you beat the second place score from TRTWIUAA -- 4,400,000 -- and you are the highest score you will receive a Class A idol good until Final 5 instead. If you beat Zoraster’s legendary score of 5,738,420 you will receive the Class A idol good until Final 5 AND Zoraster will record a song singing your praises to post in your confessional (this may not be shared with other players).

In order to win, you must screenshot your score with the “You Lose PRESS RETURN” screen showing and submit it via the form. This screenshot should include all of the game area. If the score you are submitting gets a “HIGH SCORE” you
enter a name (not necessarily your own!) and click “I’m Awesome.” We will check each day of the competition to see who is submitting scores. If we don’t spot your submitted score, it may not count!

You MAY submit as many times as you want until the merge, but ONLY your last one you submit will be looked at unless there’s a technical problem.

Results will not be revealed to anyone but the winner.

If you want to stream your attempts for Spectators to watch, contact Zoraster to create a Very Special Voice channel for you! If you for some reason want the rest of your tribe to see you do it, you can use the voice and video channel for your tribe to stream to.
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Post Post #55 (ISO) » Wed Sep 23, 2020 11:00 am

Post by zoraster »

Challenge #10 Judging!

It's time for Judgment Day!

First up, we have Mr. Jumbles:

Spoiler: Jumbles
Montana Tribe

Prompt Usage:
The first one barely qualifies (it's in Paris...and that's basically it.) 2-4 are fine. The fifth one, however, feels like it was a bit crowbared in, as the references feel a bit forced.
And don't even get me started on the ending. I give this a 18

Logical Sense (also including some grammar stuff because where else am i going to put this):
There's a few problems here. At the beginning, the name of the girl (Edith) isn't introduced until the second paragraph, which seems odd and could've cleared up some confusion on what Aiden was recalling meeting for the first time. The middle, again, is perfectly fine, but the end just drops the ball, again. The superhero thing just feels like a random plot twist added for the sake of being a plot twist (what's the Icarus logo???), as well as contradicting some of the prior story. Setting that aside for now, the grammar was mostly great. I only saw a few minor errors here and there, like forgetting a comma. There was, however, a obviously cut-off sentence. It didn't impact the story in any way, but it's a mark off grammar for sure. I give this a 17

The story was pretty interesting from the start. A locket that needs to be protected - pretty interesting, if not a bit generic. The middle scene was even more compelling, as well as occasionally humorous. All that couldn't save the cliche end that took all of that and more-or-less threw it away. Seriously. The end sucked. I give this a 36



Prompt Usage:
Paris: feels a bit forced in some places, but definitely in there.
Edith: Mentioned once and then codenamed out of the story. Not cool.
Aiden: Definitely there as the bellboy.
Drippy Swifty: Also there as the waterpark tickets.
Icarus: The codenames and the final fates of the main characters seem pretty fitting to this.
I give this a 21

Logical Sense + Grammar:
Geez, this is a trainwreck. Let's just start from the beginning. The woman, codenamed "Daedalus", is about to give up on waiting for "Icarus", when she sees this mysterious man that she's met multiple times and had an affair with that is also in the Organization. Daedalus is about to exchange suitcases, but in the most unnecessarily comma-filled conversation that I've seen, decide not to swap briefcases in plain sunlight, even though talking about the organization in the same spot is apparently okay. Suddenly, they get ambushed by American tourists, possibly because The Organization noticed that they questioned their briefcases. They run into a fancy bakery, and then past the MoMA for some reason, and into a motel. Icarus takes out a few papers of groups that theorganization was stalking, and then the door opens up with a bellboy "named" "Aidan". "Aiden" tries to give the pair some Drippy Swifty tickets, but are refused, and find tickets in their papers anyways. Suddenly, Daedalus realizes she left her briefcase and has a vivid hallucination. In a fiery rage of passion, the pair leap to their deaths that were planned by THE ORGANIZATION.
Now tell me, does that sound like a coherent story, or does it sound like a particularly vivid dream?
The grammar was a complete mess, too.
Well not complete, but it was a mess.
I give this a 8

While not exactly a story, I found it to be rather amusing, mostly because of how it failed in the "logical sense" category. There were so many twists that it was almost like a rollercoaster ride. It's not going to top an actually good story any day of the week, but I give this a 30
(Jumble isn't in this drawing. He fell to his death a few minutes prior to this.)



I'll give you a little time to digest Jumble's judgment before we get to another judge.
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Post Post #56 (ISO) » Wed Sep 23, 2020 11:04 am

Post by zoraster »

Next is Skelda!

Spoiler: Skelda

Use of Prompts: Worth 25 Points

Paris- There is a scene set in Paris, and I like the description of the trees of the Champs-Élysées. And Charles is French which is mildly amusing. Overall, I feel that Paris could have played a more central role in your story, and so I’m awarding you 2/5 points.
Edith- Edith to me actively detracted from your story to what extent she existed. You originally refer to her vaguely just using pronouns, which makes her seem mysterious and intriguing, but then there is ultimately no payoff and you just refer to her outright as Edith, but in a way where it’s mildly confusing who exactly Edith is because she hasn’t been properly introduced. And really she has no personality or meaningful characterization, and yeahhh, sorry, I’m giving Edith 1/5.
Aiden- Aiden is your main character. He’s the most fleshed out character. I could do with a bit more personality from him, but I’m fine giving you the 5/5 points.
Drippy Swifty- This is the main setting. We get to see a few different parts of it. It could be described more thoroughly, but again, it’s clearly a central part of the story, and I’m giving you 5/5 points.
Daedalus and Icarus- Originally there was a throwaway metaphor about Deadalus and Icarus, so I was glad to see them return…but then I regretted it. What is going on with Aiden’s wings? I did laugh when it happened, which I guess is a plus, but I was also so confused and had so many questions. You attempt to kind of explain it, but I don’t really feel that you do a satisfactory job. I do like the line about Charles flying too close to the sun, however. I’m going to give you 3/5 points here because say what you will, but Daedalus and Icarus is at least prominent in your story.

Total: 16/25

Logic: Worth 25 Points

For the most part, your story does make sense? There were a few points where I had to do a double-take and re-read certain sections because I was confused, like when Aiden’s wings came, but I at least see an attempt to explain most things. I’m not totally clear on what the locket is, and I thought it would just be a McGuffin, but then you did try to explain it a bit with the USB thing which I guess I appreciate? It’s still a bit ambiguous and confusing. I’m deducting 3 points for Aiden’s wings and the way they come out of nowhere and 2 points for the way the locket is handled.
My other annoyance that I’m going to include in this category is in the first paragraph, when you you say that you are going to explain the day Aiden met the man with the scarred face, but you then go on to describe Edith and Aiden in Paris. This just seems like an error and does not make logical sense, and it annoyed me enough that I’m going to deduct 2 points for it.

Total: 18/25

Enjoyability: Worth 50 points

Quality of Writing: Your writing is okay. You make various minor grammatical errors, but most I can overlook. Your paragraphs, however, are too long and it really does make it difficult to read. Your dialogue is also poorly formatted, and it’s often ambiguous who is speaking due to a lack of dialogue tags. Your prose style is mostly fine, but nothing spectacular. I can feel the hands of different writers at work; it does not feel like it was all written by a single person. I’m going to give the quality of writing 12/20 points.
Plot: There really isn’t much of a plot? Most of the action of the story is Aiden chasing Charles around, and I don’t think action sequences play particularly well over text. Large parts of it are just kind of dull? It’s a whacky story, so I should be highly invested, but I’m just not. I did laugh at a few points though, so that’s something. I’m going to give the plot 10/20 points.
Characters: I enjoy the character of Charles, though I would like it if he had more clearly-defined motivations. Aiden isn’t particularly well characterized to me despite being the main character, and Edith is not a character at all. I’m going to give the characters 5/10 points.

Total: 27/50

Final Score: 61/100


Use of Prompts: Worth 25 Points

Paris- Paris is clearly present in the story, and we get to see/visit multiple locations. I like the way you infuse descriptions of Paris into to the story to offer a sense of place. I’m awarding you 5/5 points.
Edith- Edith exists? Though she mostly doesn’t go by Edith. She’s the shadowy villain lurking in the background. I feel that she at least is a large part of what happens in the story, especially towards the end, so I’m going to award you 3/5 points for that.
Aiden- I laughed out loud when Aiden showed up with the Drippy Swifty tickets and you included two prompts in one sentence, but come on, he is really an extremely minor character and clearly only exists so that you can fulfill the prompt. I’m awarding you 1/5 points for Aiden.
Drippy Swifty- I do enjoy that these became a bit of a plot point? The idea of having some kind of clue in them made them a bit more relevant, so I liked that. I’ll give you as solid 3/5 points, which is very good considering that you never visit the park.
Icarus and Daedalus- 5/5. You take this and run with it, and incorporate it into your story incredibly well. I really do think it adds to the story well.

Total: 17/25

Logic: Worth 25 Points

I think you know perfectly well this story does not make logical sense. I could go through and highlight all of the logical contradictions and confusing moments and setups that lead nowhere, but it’s unnecessary. However, I think you made a smart genre choice, because in a spy thriller, a lot of confusing things can be explained away by blaming them on some conspiracy working behind the scenes, so that helps your score. However, there still are some logical contradictions I can’t overlook, so I’m deducting 10 points from your score.

Total: 15/25


Quality of Writing: Your grammar is generally not good, but my biggest annoyance by far is the tense inconsistency. You switch between past tense and present tense seemingly at random, sometimes in the same sentence! It was an annoyance for me the entire time while I was reading, and it significantly decreased my enjoyment of your story. Despite this, you did have some interesting, well-crafted sentences, and I enjoyed that your sentence structures were somewhat varied. But on account of your grammar and the tense shifts, I’m going to give your quality of writing 10/20 points.
Plot: I actually do enjoy some aspects of your plot. I like the twist of the briefcase being missing. I like the way you take the idea of Ariadne and run with it. I like the ending. Really, I think your story overall had a clear sense of what it wanted to be, and it was mostly successful, at least on a plot level. I am going to give your plot 18/20 points.
Characters: I don’t know that I love your characterization? Edith is a caricature. Aiden does not really exist in this story at all. And Icarus and Daedalus don’t really have super distinct personalities either, though I do enjoy some of their banter back and forth. I’m going to give your characters 4/10.

Total: 32/50

Final Score: 64/100

Which means that, by a narrow margin 64 to 61, I’m going to give my point to
. I’m sorry Montana. There were elements of your story I enjoyed as well, but Idaho’s plot was more engaging, and that’s ultimately what put me over the edge.

Spoiler: So that means...
It's 1-1 with CaptainMeme casting the deciding vote!
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Post Post #57 (ISO) » Wed Sep 23, 2020 11:06 am

Post by zoraster »

Spoiler: CaptainMeme
I don't have many comments on the adherence to the prompts and how much sense each story made; I think they both did generally good jobs in this respect! It feels like Montana somewhat missed the point of having a name from the 1880s and one from modern day; having Edith and Aiden be lovers feels a little strange in that respect. I got the feeling that Edith was initially supposed to be the great grandmother rather than the lover herself, which would have worked better. However, it's a minor nitpick and my vote is going to be based on how much I liked the stories.

It's interesting how different the two are!

Montana I feel did a better job on the descriptive front; despite not much going on throughout the story, I felt immersed in their world while I was reading it. The lack of twists and turns I think works in the story's favour, because it makes the one big twist - the Icarus wings - work really well as a sort of 'ahh, this is what that was leading up to' moment.

Idaho had an action-packed adventure with constant twists and turns! There's a lot going on here, and it goes on fast, which it kind of needed to in order to get this much into a 100 sentence story. The ending is very out of the blue but is a relatively satisfying conclusion to the story as a whole. I feel like it's let down a little by that last line - the fact that you can write absolutely anything down as a metaphor if the audience already knows what's going on doesn't mean you should! Unless it wasn't meant as a metaphor in which case, I have several questions :P

I think a lot of this will come down to personal preference, but in my view, slow and steady wins the race. Montana focused their story much more and I appreciated how much they were able to stay on track with that, especially given the format of the story writing. It felt complete as a short story, wheras Idaho's felt like they were rushing to try to wrap up something that should have gone on longer.
My vote goes to Montana.

Spoiler: Winner
With that Montana wins! Which means that... Guadalajara gets immunity! Congratulations. Florence, I'm sad to say but once again you'll see me at tribal!

Deadline: September 24 @ 18:00 EDT
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Post Post #58 (ISO) » Thu Sep 24, 2020 11:04 am

Post by zoraster »

Aronis has been voted out.
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Post Post #59 (ISO) » Thu Sep 24, 2020 11:05 am

Post by zoraster »

This is where normally Monty would have me make a joke about dropping your expectations, but given the bad run of luck for the Florence crew, we'll dispense with that. Instead, here's your next challenge!
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Post Post #60 (ISO) » Thu Sep 24, 2020 11:05 am

Post by zoraster »

Challenge #11, Seesaws
Challenge Number:
Challenge Name:
Contact First for Questions:
Rules for Discussing with Others on Tribe:
You may discuss with your tribemates as much as you want! You may
communicate about this challenge with the other tribe via the firemaking challenge, communication device, or any other method.
Link to Form:
Winner Determined by:
Points first. A tie results in a shipwreck, all players in one tribal council voting off one player.
What needs to be submitted to win:
Just fill out the form!
Time limit or Max Time if Applicable:
Guadalajara: you need to pick 3 people to sit out this challenge.* Five people will play from each tribe. There are six seesaws. Each tribe places weights onto their side of the seesaws. A team wins the seesaw’s points if at the end their side has more weight. Each player has 8 weights: a 5 lbs, 7 lbs. 10 lbs, 12 lbs, 15 lbs, 20 lbs, 25 lbs, and 40 lbs. They must decide which of their weights goes onto which seesaw.
A player may place more than one of their weights onto a single seesaw, and they must place all of their weights.
The order matters! The lowest weights will be placed onto a seesaw first. If there’s no more space for the heavier weights, the heavier weights will go unused. No points are awarded if the seesaw is perfectly balanced. Here are the seesaws:

Seesaw A: 4 spaces, 2 points
Seesaw B: 6 spaces, 2 points
Seesaw C: 7 spaces, 3 points
Seesaw D: 3 spaces, 3 points
Seesaw E: 6 spaces, 4 points
Seesaw F: 10 spaces, 5 points

The tribe with the most points at the end wins immunity! In the event of a tie, there will be a “shipwreck” for this tribal where both tribes will be combined, everyone will vote and no one will be immune (still only a 24 hour deadline).

You may change your selections up to the deadline.

*If more than 5 entries come in from Guadalajara the last 5 players to submit entries will have their selections used.

Deadline: September 25th @ 18:00 EDT
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Post Post #61 (ISO) » Thu Sep 24, 2020 11:15 am

Post by zoraster »

Clarification: each tribe has the number of spaces indicated on each seesaw. There are 40 weights total for each tribe and 36 spots for each tribe.
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Post Post #62 (ISO) » Fri Sep 25, 2020 11:03 am

Post by zoraster »

Challenge #11: Seesaws

Hello and Welcome to Seesaws! I should mention that Florence only had 4 submissions. Let's see if they can overcome that!

First up, let's do our two 2 pointers:

Seesaw A

Florence placed: 10, 12
Guadalajara placed: 15, 20, 25, 25

Guadalajara wins with 85 to Florence's 22

Seesaw B

Florence placed: 5, 5, 5, 5, 7, 7
Guadalajara placed: 12, 12, 12, 15, 15, 15

Guadalajara wins with 81 to Florence's 34.

Let's take a quick commercial break!
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Post Post #63 (ISO) » Fri Sep 25, 2020 11:04 am

Post by zoraster »

Zorios. They're Cheerios, but they're in the shape of an otter. Cute and edible with enough milk!
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Post Post #64 (ISO) » Fri Sep 25, 2020 11:05 am

Post by zoraster »

Okay! Back to it! Let's do the 3 pointers!

Seesaw C

Florence placed: 20, 20, 25, 40, 40, 40
Guadalajara placed: 15, 20, 20, 20, 20, 25, 25

Florence wins with 185 to Guadalajara's 145!

Seesaw D

Florence placed: 10, 10, 10
Guadalajara placed: 5, 7, 7

Florence wins with 30 to Guadalajara's 19.

Points stand at 6 Florence, 4 Guadalajara

Commercial time!
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Post Post #65 (ISO) » Fri Sep 25, 2020 11:06 am

Post by zoraster »

Monty's Mountaineering: When you want a good deal on mountaineering supplies, just ask, "Monty the mountaineering man, what do I need?" and your own personal Monty will help you!
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Post Post #66 (ISO) » Fri Sep 25, 2020 11:07 am

Post by zoraster »

Welcome back. Time for the 4 pointer!

Seesaw E

Florence placed: 25, 25, 25, 40
Guadalajara placed: 25, 40, 40, 40, 40, 40

Guadalajara wins with 225 to Florence's 115.

Points are 6 Florence, 8 Guadalajara. It all comes down to Seesaw F!
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Post Post #67 (ISO) » Fri Sep 25, 2020 11:08 am

Post by zoraster »

Pre-jury Salt: When you need a brine with the saltiest material on earth, check out Pre-Jury Salt! NaCl never tasted so fresh. Pre-Jury Salt, by Ponderosa.
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Post Post #68 (ISO) » Fri Sep 25, 2020 11:09 am

Post by zoraster »

Seesaw F

Florence placed: 12, 12, 12, 15, 15, 15, 15, 20, 20
Guadalajara placed: 5, 5, 5, 5, 7, 7, 7, 10, 10, 10

Florence wins 136 to Guadalajara's 71.

Florence wins with 11 points to Guadalajara's 8!

Deadline: September 26 @ 18:00 EDT
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Post Post #69 (ISO) » Sat Sep 26, 2020 11:13 am

Post by zoraster »

DeasVail was voted out by Guadalajara
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Post Post #70 (ISO) » Sat Sep 26, 2020 11:14 am

Post by zoraster »


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Post Post #71 (ISO) » Sat Sep 26, 2020 11:16 am

Post by zoraster »

Challenge #12, Incremental Game
Challenge Number:
Challenge Name:
Incremental Game
Contact First for Questions:
Rules for Discussing with Others:
You may not discuss it until both parties have STARTED (you may talk about it if both parties are either done or have begun. Remember that lying about starting or finishing a challenge is cheating).
Link to Form:
Winner Determined by:
Highest score (metric announced on the form)
What needs to be submitted to win:
A screenshot of your final score before one hour elapses.
Time limit or Max Time if Applicable:
60 minutes EXACTLY
Players have one hour to get as high a score on an incremental game. What that means will be described on the submission form. You MUST submit your screenshot before 60 minutes elapses from when you first submitted the start form. If you do not, even by a second, you will be disqualified. So uh… err on the side of caution.

Part of this challenge is figuring out the game itself, so little instruction will be provided.

The highest score that is submitted within 60 minutes will receive immunity!

Deadline: September 27th @ 18:00

I'll warn you all that many challenges post merge require a bit more time on your part. Not all, but many! Good luck.
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Post Post #72 (ISO) » Sat Sep 26, 2020 11:20 am

Post by zoraster »

Clarification: Players can coordinate on their start times.
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Post Post #73 (ISO) » Sun Sep 27, 2020 11:00 am

Post by zoraster »

Immunity Challenge #12: Incremental Game Results

Results to your very first immunity challenge!

Spoiler: ?
First up we have a couple of folks that did not get a score:

Did Not Submit Pine
Exceeded Time Pre-Jury Member Vash (by 3 whole seconds)

Oh yeah. I'm letting specs and pre-jurors play when it makes sense!
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Post Post #74 (ISO) » Sun Sep 27, 2020 11:01 am

Post by zoraster »

Spoiler: Next up
Next up we have what I'll call the "Gave it a good try" group!

254,756 dk
259,100 Aristophanes
262,680 Spectator KingdomAces
265,760 summerinwonderland
282,260 Malkon05
286,780 Haschel "HC" Cedricson
287,401 SleepyKrew
290,700 Espe
292,370 Awoo

Good job, everyone! That leaves Mist, tris and d3f for the necklace!

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