Open 453 - SCIENCE! ( Game Over! )

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Open 453 - SCIENCE! ( Game Over! )

Post Post #0 (isolation #0) » Thu Oct 04, 2012 1:40 pm

Post by Venmar »

Welcome to Open 453, SCIENCE!
[/size] [/b]



One sunday afternoon, Dr. Venmar found himself going to work as usual. He got his car keys, he got his lunch, his tools, his files, his ID card, his special set of keys, and his trusty blue goggles. You know, the usual things a lead scientist grabs on his way to work. Venmar stopped at the door of his house and checked his figure in the side mirror, he had to make sure he looked sharp and presentable, this was a big day for him and a big day for several other people. As he left his house he was greeted by his neighbours and the sight of his precious car, a Mercedes. Returning a couple greetings, Venmar whistled a couple tunes to himself as he open the side door in his car. He plopped down, put his things on the passenger seat, started the ignition, and drove out of his driveway and down to the lab.

Now, you might be asking yourself. What is a highly respected scientist such as Dr.Venmar doing in his car, on his way to work on a sunday morning? Well first of all, that’s not for you to judge, it’s none of your business so SHUSH. Second of all, it was a big day for some students. The lab that he works at has organized an educational program where they would accept a maximum of 7 university students to come in and have a tour of the science facility and learn SCIENCE! There, they would get to take a look at the Chemistry and Physics departments, two of the most dangerous fields to take a look at, YAY! Today, was their tour of the Chemistry department.

So where does Dr.Venmar come in to this happy, totally not violent or death involved story? Well, other than the fact he is a genius, Dr.Venmar is the lead scientist of the Chemistry Department. As the lead scientist, he is the ideal person to lead the tour and show them around the Chemistry department, as well as teach them all about the no no’s and the okie dokies. Knowing full well that on a Sunday, the lab would be virtually empty other than the security and a couple super nerds who decided to work during the weekdays. Even if something happened inside the Chemistry Lab, the security would need clearance from the Lead Scientist, CEO, Co-Leading Scientist, or the Chief of Security to enter the chemistry department when it’s under lockdown, due to health and danger issues.

Dr.Venmar stopped his car at a red light, only a couple short blocks away from his lab. He nervously looked on his watch and puffed frustratingly when he realized he was several minutes late. He leaned over to the passenger seat to pick up his phone so he could notify the office at the lab, but was stopped as he heard several honks from behind him. Retreading his arm, he looked angrily in the sideview mirror and realized it was a green light. Embarrassed, Venmar started to drive again.

Once he arrived at the lab, he walked through the entrance and to the front desk where he signed in. The security officer politely smiled and waved him through before he even approached the desk fully, knowing very well who he was. Venmar proceeded to go through a series of hallways and an elevator until he reached the first security clearance. There he met his seven university students lounging in the waiting room. Smiling, Venmar brought his hands together and spoke,

“ Welcome, students.My name is Dr. Michael Venmar, and i am the Lead Scientist of this Chemistry Department. As you all know, we will be taking a tour of the department under MY supervision ONLY. I don’t want anyone going astray from the group or I will have to immediately remove you from the premises. Now, we will begin the tour once we enter the lab, come now “.

Venmar reached into the right pocket of his pants and pulled out his security clearance card and swiped it into the card reader. He waited for a couple seconds before the door automatically unlocked. Seeing that his guests were now ready, he held the door wide open to let the group walk into the corridor behind it. Once all 7 of them were in, he walked in after them and proceeded to open the second set of doors, which needed his status to be opened. It’s a reason why he comes to work extra late, so he can unlock the second set of doors and keep them on minimal clearance for the other scientists as they arrive.

The second door needed the same security clearance card, as well as a unique set of keys that only he carried around. Some might call that an overkill on security, but it’s necessary due to all the experiments they do in there with drugs, chemicals, compounds, and all that jazz. As a confidential notice, the government uses this lab occasionally and requires the lab to have tight security.

Once cleared, he let the students in and shut the door behind them all. The students all burst out in amazement and curioisty, and before he could stop them they spread out through the whole lab, amazed over the wide variety of equipment and tools kept there. Venmar sighed, knowing he will need to give them some time to calm down before even attempting anything with them. He walked through the lab to go to his office, where he put down his suitcase, his coat, and his hat. While putting his things away, he heard two sets of footsteps behind him.

As Venmar turned around, he saw two of the students from the group standing in his office. Behind them the rest of the group was widely distracted with the lab.

“ Can I help you? “ Venmar asked.

The two students looked at each other in complete silence, and seemed to have a non-verbal and non-visual connection. In agreement, the student on the right reached into their inside jacket pocket and pulled out a pistol that had a long silenced barrel on the end. Before Venmar could even gasp, the student aimed the gun at his chest and shot him three times straight through the left side of his torso. Two of the shots ruptured his heart, the third collapsed his left lung. Unable to gasp for air and make a sound and still trying to recover from enormous shock, Venmar collapsed to his knees in agonizing pain. His falling form was caught by the two students to reduce all noise. Together, they laid Venmar gently onto the floor, face up. As Venmar’s vision blurred and death seemed to overcome him as his heart stopped and lungs failed, the duo reached into his lab coat and pulled out his security clearance card and his set of keys. Taking the two pieces of items, one of them took the keys and the other the card.

The duo, with seeming ease and invisibility, leave Venmar’s office without being seen by any of the other students. They silently returned to the group and mingled with them until the group as a whole realized their tutor and scientist was missing. When they checked the office, they find the now deceased corpse of Dr.Venmar, left in the identical position the two evil students left him in.

“ Oh no... what do we do? “

“ We alert the police of course! “

“ How did he die? There’s nobody here except for us.... “

“ One of us killed Dr. Venmar! “

“ I just checked, the emergency button needs a security clearance to be activated and the power needs to be turned on with his special set of keys to give it power... does anyone have those? “

“ The Doctor probably did... check his coat and his pockets . “

“ Nothing, there’s no card or keys anywhere in here.. “

“ This is bad... this is bad... we can’t contact anyone outside and we can’t leave the lab without those keys or that card... what do we do? “

“ Without the keys we can’t power the emergency switch, and without the clearance card we can’t use it... we’re stuck in here without a way to escape or alert anyone on the outside...“

“ We need to find out who did this.. someone in here is guilty and we got to figure it out ".

- Venmar,
was shot three times Pregame

Playerlist ( 7 Players )

  • RainbowDash

  • Cogito Ergo Sum

  • Equinox

  • Robocopter87

  • Voidedmafia

  • DoomYoshi

  • Tierce

Bold = means that player has Confirmed.
Astericks ( * ) = shows how many times that player has been prodded.


- RainbowDash, the
Mafia Encryptor
, has survived into Endgame and has Won!


Tierce, the
Mafia Goon
, has been Brutally Lynched Day 1
Cogito Ergo Sum, a
Town DayMason
, has been Toilet Drowned Night 1
DoomYoshi, a
Vanilla townie
, has been Poison Lynched Day 2
Voidedmafia, a
Town DayMason
, has been Brutally Assassinated Night 2
Equinox, a
Vanilla Townie
, has been lynched & Executed Day 3
Robocopter87, a
Vanilla Townie
, has been executed during Endgame


No one, and let's hope it stays that way.
Last edited by Venmar on Fri Oct 19, 2012 4:45 pm, edited 21 times in total.
I swear I'm trying my best

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Post Post #1 (isolation #1) » Thu Oct 04, 2012 1:52 pm

Post by Venmar »


( Credit goes to TraceyLyn11 for the rules )

Voting, Lynching, and Deadlines

  • Votes must be bolded in one of two ways:
    Vote: Venmar
    or VOTE: Venmar. If they are not bolded, they will not be counted, and I will inform you of your error so you can correct it.
  • Unvotes are not required. If you use unvotes, bold them much like normal votes. Either
    Unvote: Venmar
    or UNVOTE: Venmar.
  • Nicknames are allowed when voting so long as I can easily decipher who you are referring to.
  • In order for a lynch to occur, a majority of votes must be reached. A majority is one half of the living players plus one.
  • No Lynches are allowed. The same voting rules apply to voting for a No Lynch (i.e. bolded, majority must be reached).
  • Once a voting decision is made, and the final majority vote is placed, no amount of unvoting will prevent this action from occurring – even if I am not online at the time of the final vote.
  • If a majority is not reached by deadline, there will be a no lynch.
  • Deadlines for each game day are three weeks long. Deadline extensions will only be granted under extreme circumstances. Deadline extensions will not exceed five days.
  • Once a lynch has been made, the game enters twilight. All players who were alive before the lynch (including the newly lynched player) may continue posting until I am available to lock the thread and post the lynch scene.
  • Once you die, you are no longer allowed to post until end-game (excluding the scenario above).
  • “Bah” posts are not allowed. Once you’re dead, you’re dead.
  • Nights will last two days. They will not be cut short even if all actions are submitted.
  • Night actions may be submitted via QuickTopic (if you have one) or PM. If you do not wish to submit an action, let me know by saying, “No Action.”
  • If an action is not submitted by night’s deadline, it will be taken as a No Action.

Prods, Replacements, and Modkills

  • Prods will be issued via PM.
  • Prods will be sent after a player has not posted in game for approximately forty-eight hours (unless you have notified me that you will be V/LA).
  • If there is not a response to the prod in approximately twenty-four hours, I will begin searching for a replacement. If you respond before I find a replacement, you are allowed to continue playing.
  • Once a player receives three prods, I will begin searching for a replacement. Even if they return before I find a replacement, they will not get another chance to continue playing.
  • I would appreciate it if you would post in-thread (even if you have it set in your control panel) or PM me when you will be V/LA (Vacation/Limited Access). If I believe your V/LA will last too long, I will replace you.
  • If you feel the need to request a replacement, please PM me doing so. If I consider the reasons very selfish, I may deem it fit that you must find a replacement for me.
  • If you break any of these rules, I reserve the right to replace or modkill you.
  • If you are modkilled for breaking one of these rules, it will be done in a manner that hurts your faction. (i.e. if you’re town, day will end. If you are scum, day will continue). You will also be turned into a neutral survivor, so you are unable to claim a victory or loss.
  • If I make an error that could break the game, I reserve the right to replace or modkill you. If it
    an error on my part, you and your faction will not be punished.


  • The Mafia Scum Rules apply in this game, as well as my own. If any of them contradict, please feel free to notify me.
  • Under no circumstances are you allowed to contact a player within this game while this game is ongoing, unless your Role PM states otherwise.
  • Personal feuds are not allowed, and if they get out of hand, I will force-replace or modkill the offenders.
  • Quoting anything from me (including Role PM’s) that is said outside of this game thread is prohibited. Pretending to quote something is prohibited, as well. Paraphrasing is allowed.
  • Bold
    all requests to me, so it is less likely for me to miss them. If the topic you wish to discuss is personal or has to do with a serious mod error (one that could break the game), please address me via PM.
  • Editing or deleting posts is not allowed. You shouldn’t have this ability to begin with, but if you do, do not use it.
  • Do not use ridiculously small, invisible, or encrypted text.
  • Red is my color. Don’t use it. ( Color #FF0000 )

  • I will try to provide a vote count on every page.
  • As the moderator of this game, I reserve the right to change, add, or remove any of these rules at any time. I also reserve the right to replace or modkill any offenders, with or without a warning.


  • Vulgar language is allowed; however, excessive amounts (to the point where you’re trying to be vulgar) are not. I will warn you if you become unnecessarily crude. If you continue, I will modkill or replace you.
  • If anyone has a problem with vulgar language, feel free to PM me about it, and I will make any necessary changes to the above rule in order to accommodate your wishes.
  • Please don’t go missing without informing me first.
  • If you are getting angry with someone, take a break and relax. It’s just a game. Don’t make it personal.
  • Be mature. We aren’t in elementary school anymore. Use your big-boy words if you’re in an argument.
Last edited by Venmar on Wed Oct 10, 2012 4:17 pm, edited 1 time in total.
I swear I'm trying my best

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Post Post #2 (isolation #2) » Thu Oct 04, 2012 2:22 pm

Post by Venmar »

The Setup of SCIENCE!

  • 3 Vanilla Townies

  • 2 Day Masons

  • 1 Mafia Goon

  • 1 Mafia Encryptor

  • Daystart
  • The mafia has daytalk and nightalk.
  • The Day Masons can only talk during the day.
  • The mafia possesses a factional kill during the night.

Sample Role PM's

Vanilla TownieWelcome,
, you are a
Vanilla Townie!

You are a simple University student who has come to the chemistry lab to learn SCIENCE! Other than your ability to learn about science and ask pointless questions, you have no real power other than your voice, and your vote. Use both wisely! You win when there are no members of the mafia left standing, regardless if you are alive or dead. Please confirm your role name via PM.

Day MasonWelcome,
, you are a
Day Mason!

You and
are the duo scientists. You two have been BFF's since grade school and up to this point, you two have been loyal and honest to each other to the fullest. You know each other inside out, so you can trust the other completely. ( In other words, your partner is confirmed town. ) You may talk to your partner during the full course of each DAY
. You also possess a vote and your voice, use both wisely! You win when there are no members of the mafia left standing, regardless if you are alive or dead. Please confirm your role name via PM.

Mafia GoonWelcome,
, you are a
Mafia Goon

You and
, the
Mafia Encryptor
, are the two evil university scientists gone mad. You two have been doing some pretty kinky and weird things in and out of school, and together you are mad / crazy scientists in the works. Together, you two have devised a plan to steal the chemistry department's most reactive and dangerous chemicals, compounds, and elements.

You can talk to your partner anytime
. There, you can talk during the full course of the day, and the night to coordinate your moves and all that jazz. You two also possess a factional kill between the two of you that you can use each night. You two win once you outnumber the town players. Please confirm your role name to me via PM.

Mafia EncryptorWelcome,
, you are a
Mafia Encryptor

You and
, the
Mafia Goon
, are the two evil university scientists gone mad. You two have been doing some pretty kinky and weird things in and out of school, and together you are mad / crazy scientists in the works. Together, you two have devised a plan to steal the chemistry department's most reactive and dangerous chemicals, compounds, and elements.

You can talk to your partner anytime
. There, you can talk during the full course of the day, and the night to coordinate your moves and all that jazz. You two also possess a factional kill between the two of you that you can use each night. You two win once you outnumber the town players. Please confirm your role name to me via PM.
I swear I'm trying my best

--Expect me to be V/LA from 10am-7pm PST every Mon, Wed, Thurs, Sat, Sun due to work--
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Post Post #3 (isolation #3) » Thu Oct 04, 2012 2:24 pm

Post by Venmar »

Role PM's are being made right now. Expect your role to arrive in your inbox shortly!

Edit: ALL Role PM's have now been sent. The game will start once 6 out of 7 players in the game have confirmed to me via PM.
I swear I'm trying my best

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Post Post #4 (isolation #4) » Thu Oct 04, 2012 3:55 pm

Post by Venmar »

6 out of 7 players have confirmed their roles. Day 1 has now officially started!

Votecount 1.0

[L-4] Rainbowdash:

[L-4] Cogito Ergo Sum:

[L-4] Equinox:

[L-4] Robocopter87:

[L-4] Voidedmafia:

[L-4] Riss:

[L-4] Tierce:

Not Voting

  • Rainbowdash, Cogito Ergo Sum, Equinox, Robocopter87, Voidedmafia, Riss, Tierce


  • October 25th, 2012

Mod Notes

  • No one is V/LA
  • Cogito Ergo Sum has still yet to confirm.
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Post Post #28 (isolation #5) » Fri Oct 05, 2012 8:43 am

Post by Venmar »

Votecount 1.1

[L-4] Rainbowdash:

Cogito Ergo Sum:


[L-4] Robocopter87:

Riss, Rainbowdash

[L-4] Riss:

Equinox, Cogito Ergo Sum

Not Voting

  • Robocopter87


  • October 25th, 2012

Mod Notes

  • No one is V/LA
  • Everybody in the game has confirmed their role.

@Everyone - Do y'all prefer a votecount anywhere on every page, or do y'all prefer if I put the votecount on the top of each page? I can implement the latter.
I swear I'm trying my best

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Post Post #49 (isolation #6) » Sat Oct 06, 2012 12:04 pm

Post by Venmar »

I swear I'm trying my best

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Post Post #50 (isolation #7) » Sat Oct 06, 2012 12:04 pm

Post by Venmar »

Votecount 1.2

[L-4] Rainbowdash:

[L-4] Cogito Ergo Sum:

[L-4] Equinox:

Tierce, Equinox

Riss, Rainbowdash


Cogito Ergo Sum

Not Voting

  • Robocopter87


  • October 25th, 2012

Mod Notes

  • No one is V/LA
  • No other real mod notes as of right now.
I swear I'm trying my best

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Post Post #81 (isolation #8) » Sun Oct 07, 2012 12:48 pm

Post by Venmar »

Votecount 1.3

[L-4] Rainbowdash:

[L-4] Cogito Ergo Sum:

[L-4] Equinox:

Tierce, Equinox, Voidedmafia

Riss, Rainbowdash

Cogito Ergo Sum

[L-4] Tierce:

Not Voting

  • Robocopter87


  • October 25th, 2012

Mod Notes

  • No one is V/LA
  • No other real mod notes as of right now.
Last edited by Venmar on Sun Oct 07, 2012 12:55 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post Post #99 (isolation #9) » Mon Oct 08, 2012 2:49 am

Post by Venmar »

I swear I'm trying my best

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Post Post #100 (isolation #10) » Mon Oct 08, 2012 2:50 am

Post by Venmar »

Votecount 1.4

[L-4] Rainbowdash:

[L-4] Cogito Ergo Sum:

[L-4] Equinox:

Tierce, Voidedmafia

Riss, Rainbowdash, Equinox

Cogito Ergo Sum

[L-4] Tierce:

Not Voting

  • Robocopter87


  • October 25th, 2012

Mod Notes

  • No one is V/LA
  • No other real mod notes as of right now.
I swear I'm trying my best

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Post Post #130 (isolation #11) » Mon Oct 08, 2012 9:28 am

Post by Venmar »

Votecount 1.5

[L-4] Rainbowdash:

Cogito Ergo Sum:

Cogito Ergo Sum


Riss, Rainbowdash, Equinox

[L-4] Riss:

[L-4] Tierce:

Not Voting

  • Robocopter87


  • October 25th, 2012

Mod Notes

  • No one is V/LA
  • No other real mod notes as of right now.
Last edited by Venmar on Mon Oct 08, 2012 10:24 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post Post #153 (isolation #12) » Mon Oct 08, 2012 4:37 pm

Post by Venmar »

Votecount 1.6

[L-4] Rainbowdash:

Cogito Ergo Sum:

Cogito Ergo Sum

[L-4] Robocopter87:

Riss, Rainbowdash, Equinox


[L-4] Tierce:

Not Voting

  • Robocopter87


  • October 25th, 2012

Mod Notes

  • No one is V/LA
  • No other real mod notes as of right now.
  • If i make a mistake in my vote count at any point, please let me know so i can correct my error(s).
I swear I'm trying my best

--Expect me to be V/LA from 10am-7pm PST every Mon, Wed, Thurs, Sat, Sun due to work--
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Post Post #175 (isolation #13) » Tue Oct 09, 2012 10:59 am

Post by Venmar »

Votecount 1.7

[L-4] Rainbowdash:

Cogito Ergo Sum:

Cogito Ergo Sum

[L-4] Robocopter87:

[L-4] Voidedmafia:


[L-4] Tierce:

Not Voting

  • Robocopter87, Equinox, Rainbowdash, Riss_


  • October 25th, 2012

Mod Notes

  • No one is V/LA
  • No other real mod notes as of right now.
  • If i make a mistake in my vote count at any point, please let me know so i can correct my error(s).
Last edited by Venmar on Tue Oct 09, 2012 11:08 am, edited 1 time in total.
I swear I'm trying my best

--Expect me to be V/LA from 10am-7pm PST every Mon, Wed, Thurs, Sat, Sun due to work--
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Post Post #201 (isolation #14) » Wed Oct 10, 2012 10:57 am

Post by Venmar »

Votecount 1.8

[L-4] Rainbowdash:

Cogito Ergo Sum:


[L-4] Robocopter87:

[L-4] Voidedmafia:

Voidedmafia, Equinox, Cogito Ergo Sum

[L-4] Tierce:

Not Voting

  • Robocopter87, Rainbowdash


  • October 25th, 2012

Mod Notes

  • No one is V/LA
  • No other real mod notes as of right now.
  • If i make a mistake in my vote count at any point, please let me know so i can correct my error(s).
Last edited by Venmar on Wed Oct 10, 2012 11:05 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post Post #236 (isolation #15) » Thu Oct 11, 2012 10:58 am

Post by Venmar »

Votecount 1.9

[L-4] Rainbowdash:

[L-4] Cogito Ergo Sum:


[L-4] Robocopter87:

[L-4] Voidedmafia:


Rainbowdash, Equinox, Cogito Ergo Sum

Not Voting

  • Robocopter87, Tierce


  • October 25th, 2012

Mod Notes

  • No one is V/LA
  • No other real mod notes as of right now.
  • If i make a mistake in my vote count at any point, please let me know so i can correct my error(s).
Last edited by Venmar on Thu Oct 11, 2012 11:06 am, edited 2 times in total.
I swear I'm trying my best

--Expect me to be V/LA from 10am-7pm PST every Mon, Wed, Thurs, Sat, Sun due to work--
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Post Post #250 (isolation #16) » Thu Oct 11, 2012 5:17 pm

Post by Venmar »

Votecount 1.10

[L-4] Rainbowdash:

[L-4] Cogito Ergo Sum:

Riss, Tierce

[L-4] Robocopter87:

[L-4] Voidedmafia:


Rainbowdash, Equinox, Cogito Ergo Sum

Not Voting

  • Robocopter87


  • October 25th, 2012

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Last edited by Venmar on Fri Oct 12, 2012 2:53 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post Post #266 (isolation #17) » Fri Oct 12, 2012 2:26 pm

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Riss_ has been prodded for not posting for over 48 hours.
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Post Post #271 (isolation #18) » Fri Oct 12, 2012 3:06 pm

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Riss_ has requested to be replaced. I will replace her slot shortly.
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Post Post #277 (isolation #19) » Fri Oct 12, 2012 3:29 pm

Post by Venmar »

Votecount 1.11

[L-4] Rainbowdash:

[L-4] Cogito Ergo Sum:

Riss, Tierce, Voidedmafia

[L-4] Robocopter87:

[L-4] Voidedmafia:

[L-4] Riss:

Rainbowdash, Equinox, Cogito Ergo Sum, Robocopter87

Not Voting

  • No One!


  • October 25th, 2012

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  • No one is V/LA
  • Searching for a replacement for Riss_
  • If i make a mistake in my vote count at any point, please let me know so i can correct my error(s).
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Post Post #278 (isolation #20) » Fri Oct 12, 2012 3:58 pm

Post by Venmar »


As the small group huddled around the dead corpse of Dr.Venmar, they eventually realized the desperation of their case and as their shock faded, they knew that they had to take action or succumb to whoever the killers were. Slowly they glanced at each other, everyone observing the other, as if the smallest of motions would set them off. It quickly became weird and the group broke their silence and started to try to have as civil of a discussion as possible to solve the crime laying right before their eyes.

As sharp insults and accusations flew between them, people started speculating on people who could have been paired together as the killers, or at the very least people who were close friends. Despite their best efforts, everyone in that room was at the very least good friends with everyone in the room, and it was hard to figure out. Some of the individuals got tired of the debating and took breaks, deciding to pace around the lab, or sitting down by the ventilator. In such an environment, even some of the most peculiar methods were used to relieve stress or pressure.

As the day dragged on, the group started to narrow down choices of people who would end up being searched and possible tied down, they didn't know yet but SOMEONE who they would investigate, to say the least. The choices slowly narrowed, and when it came to an individual called Tierce, they all started to ponder, think, speculate, you name it. Some people pushed for that to be their choice, some people did not, some couldn't choose. As more and more discussion erupted over whether or not Tierce was part of the killers, one of the people in the group slipped away without being noticed, and headed to the storage room of the lab.

In a short amount of time, the individual emerged back from the storage room and saw they no one was paying attention. Quickly, the person approached the group while Tierce was trying desperately to convince the others that she was clean. She was waving her arms around and begging for others to see reason, but before she could continue her sentence, a large blur of acid was shoved into her face by the individual who came back from the storage room. Screaming in agonizing pain, Tierce repelled back like an elastic band and collapsed flat on her back, clawing at her face. As her assailant was restrained and pinned to the ground, Tierce's face was melting away on the spot and her movements gradually slowed down until her body fell limp.

Everyone turned their heads in disgust, Tierce's face was melted inside out and it was evident that her brain was fried with it. As people started to regain their voice and people started to turn to her assailant, someone stopped them and pointed to one of Tierce's pockets. Bending down, they find a set of keys in her right jacket pocket, and inside her jacket they find a 9mm pistol tucked nicely into a pocket of her jacket, nice and cozy beside a silencer barrel. When the magazine was checked, three rounds were missing.

" I don't believe it... she was the killer! "

" Could be that easy? "

" Wait.. she doesn't have the clearance card... "

" Oh... it seems that there is at least one more person out there who is responsible for this.. "


was the
Mafia Goon
, and a part of the scumteam.
Last edited by Venmar on Sun Oct 14, 2012 6:15 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post Post #279 (isolation #21) » Fri Oct 12, 2012 4:00 pm

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Night 1 has officially begun, and will last for the full duration of 48 hours. In other words, Night 1 ends on October 14th, 8:00pm. ( Pacific Standard Time )
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Post Post #280 (isolation #22) » Sat Oct 13, 2012 7:08 am

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DoomYoshi shall be replacing Riss_
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Post Post #281 (isolation #23) » Sun Oct 14, 2012 5:01 pm

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The group looked over the gun that once belonged to the killer named Tierce. It was a custom made gun for the most part, it has outfitted magazines, hollow point rounds, engraved picture on the left side of the pistol, and a more comfortable grip. It was clear that Tierce didn’t have a psychological snap or some kind of a mental breakdown and retaliated to kill Dr.Venmar, no, her calm attitude following his death was TOO calm to signify that the kill was accidental. The murder was carefully planned, that much was obvious, and they all agreed that the rest of them were next. She was a psychopath to say the least, only they can keep a smooth, calm, and straight expression after killing someone.

So the conclusion was clear, Tierce was a psychopathic killer, whoopie, but what now? She didn’t exactly drop a handy dandy pocketbook filled with her top 10 friends who are psycopaths, or her daily journal where she mentions her partner, no, it wasn’t that easy. The only thing they found were her pistol, the keys to the lab, a couple extra magazines for the pistol, and a couple wrappers from gum. They also found a cool little bouncy ball, which was funny but awesome.

The group looked at the long, long deceased body of Tierce, and finally built up enough courage to haul the body itself up. You actually couldn’t really recognize it WAS Tierce, her face was gone, and was replaced by a large bloody crater of where her face was. It was completely repulsing and several people had to throw up for like 30 minutes, but now they were hauling her body away from the center of the lab and to one of the large storage rooms. There were no body bags around, so they didn’t exactly have a choice of where to put it...

With the body gone, and the satisfaction that they got one of the killers, one of the people in the group proceeded to go ahead and use the keys to turn on the power generator. With a slow but steady hum, the lights turned on in the whole lab, and machines started to power. They all rushed to the nearest emergency switch and tried to use it, but realized it required the clearance card to activate itself. With that, the whole group’s hopes were dashed with failure.

Nevertheless, they got one of the killers, that’s what mattered, right? The group decided it was best if they all had a break, and they all decided to have a nice and long nap to regain their strength and mental power for next few days to come.

Halfway through the night, Cogito snapped from his sleep and looked around. He was resting on a couch, next to everyone else. The whole group was silently sleeping, some people were snoring, others were comfortably breathing. Nothing out of the ordinary, that’s good. Cogito sighed with relief, and propped himself up so he could wipe the sweat from his forehead, nightmares were going to become a frequent thing, he could already see it. Desperately needing some water, Cogito groaned and got up, stretching himself.

He made his way to the closest bathroom and leaned over the sink, splashing water on his face and gulping up handfuls of water at a time. He was taking his 6th round of water when a dark figure appeared behind him. Raising his head, he looked in the mirror to see one of the people from the group staring at him. Before he could ask if they needed to use the bathroom, or if something was wrong, the individual grabbed the back of his head and smashed it into the sink as hard as they could. Cogito’s head spun with a million stars as blood gushed from his broken nose and dripped onto the floor, and dizzyness seemed to make him collapse sideways. His vision was filled with floating black lines and he could see that his assailant was now standing over him. Before Cogito could bring his hands up to fight, he was hauled to his feet and was sent flying backwards when a fist seemed to crack the side of his face. Landing next to the toilet, he was heaved up over it and as he regained his voice, his face wa dunked into the pool of mucky water. He struggled with all his might, kicking and thrashing and yelling into the water, panic overcoming his common sense. Slowly, and slowly, he passed away as he lost all the air in his body.

As Cogito’s now lifeless body lost all it’s strength and fell limpless, his killer kneeled down behind his body, lifted up Cogito’s jacket, and pulled out Tierce’s gun that was tucked into the back of Cogito's pants. Smiling, the killer left the bathroom, treasuring the gun that used to belong their partner, Tierce.

As the group woke up, people stretched and looked around, everyone was just getting up, but there was no Cogito on the couch. Of course, they found Cogito’s body in the bathroom, his head still fully submerged into the water, and his body limp over the toilet. The sink was still running, and there was blood everywhere, especially the toilet’s water.

“ Jesus... “

“ Our worst fear has been confirmed.. Tierce had a partner... and i don’t think they are happy.. “

“ Doesn’t look like Cogito has Tierce’s gun anymore.. “

“ Oh man... fuck fuck fuck. “


Cogito Ergo Sum
, a
Town DayMason
, was Toilet Drowned Night 1
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Post Post #282 (isolation #24) » Sun Oct 14, 2012 5:04 pm

Post by Venmar »

Votecount 2.0

[L-3] Rainbowdash:

[L-3] Equinox:

[L-3] Robocopter87:

[L-3] Voidedmafia:

[L-3] DoomYoshi

Not Voting

  • Rainbowdash, Equinox, Robocopter87, Voidedmafia, DoomYoshi


  • November 4, 2012

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Post Post #299 (isolation #25) » Mon Oct 15, 2012 9:36 am

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Last edited by Venmar on Mon Oct 15, 2012 9:37 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post Post #300 (isolation #26) » Mon Oct 15, 2012 9:36 am

Post by Venmar »

Votecount 2.1

[L-3] Rainbowdash:

[L-3] Equinox:

[L-3] Robocopter87:


Equinox, Voidedmafia

Not Voting

  • Rainbowdash, Robocopter87


  • November 4, 2012

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Post Post #321 (isolation #27) » Tue Oct 16, 2012 1:42 pm

Post by Venmar »

Alright, locking this up due to the hammer.

Lynch Scene is to be expected soon.

Votecount 2.2

[L-3] Rainbowdash:

[L-3] Equinox:

[L-3] Robocopter87:


Equinox, Robocopter87, RainbowDash

Not Voting

  • Voidedmafia


  • November 4, 2012

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  • No other notable mod votes atm.
  • If i make a mistake in my vote count at any point, please let me know so i can correct my error(s).
Last edited by Venmar on Tue Oct 16, 2012 5:41 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post Post #322 (isolation #28) » Tue Oct 16, 2012 5:36 pm

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The group looked among themselves, occasionally coughing, sneezing, or fidgeting, but nobody moved for a good 30 minutes. They were all huddled around the deceased body of Cogito Ergo Sum, thinking of what to do. They quickly figured out that Cogito was charged with keeping Tierce's gun safe after her death, and finding his deceased body without it means that the remaining killer now possessed a pistol, and the thought of such thing made them all shiver. Slowly but surely, the group pulled Cogito's drenched, but now pale head out of the toilet and dragged his body to the storage room, where they laid him down next to what they believe was Tierce.

Returning to the middle of the lab, they sat down, all woken up and aware. They looked among each other and it all hit them at once. Two of the stools were empty, two people were killed over the course of less than 12 hours. They all knew beforehand of who to prosecute, and after a decent, but very short debate, they all turned their heads and stared at DoomYoshi, who was sitting up straight, hands folded neatly and comfortably at his lap, and blinking quickly. For someone who was just accused of killing two people, Doom kept his composure and didn't even flinch. He sighed and stood up, strengthening the ugly creases that formed on his jacket, and gave himself up willingly.

The group approached him and slowly searched his body, finding nothing but a pen, a phone, a wallet, some cards, and a peculiar flashlight. None of those items incriminated him as the killer, and since he did not possess the clearance card, nor Tierce's pistol, DoomYoshi was off the hook. As the group apologized to the man who a couple of seconds ago was their main suspect, started to choke. Doom dropped his belongings, and as his phone cracked on the floor, he fell to his knees and grabbed his throat with both hands, gasping for air as if he was being choked. The group backed off, unable to deduce what was happening to the man. All they could do was watch, there was nothing they could do.

Doom started to cough up blood, and as he spat it out, he seemed to lose his strength and he collapsed like a sack of potatoes face first into the floor. Like every other person who died in the lab, Doom's body rendered itself limp, and a small pool of blood slowly formed around Doom's face. The group watched in total shock and amazement, unable to find their voice or make a move. Nobody knew a thing, nobody knew why or how DoomYoshi just randomly died right on the spot and coughed up a pool of blood.

Kneeling down, they checked Doom's body and find a small dart stabbed into Doom's back, just below his shoulder blades. When inspected a bit closer, the dart was used to deliver some kind of a liquid, as the injection it carried was completely empty. Whatever killed Doom, be it a poison, toxin, element, whatever, it was delivered through that dart and killed him in a matter of seconds. They quickly figured it was put on him when he was being checked over, or when people weren't looking, but one things for sure, that Doom wasn't the killer, and the real killer injected him when the others realized he was clean.

The group sighed and they all got up, make a four pointed circle around Doom's body. The group was cut down to four lonely members right there. They arrived to the lab as a group of seven, eight if the super cool sexy awesome Dr.Venmar is counted. In a matter of a day or so, three of their fellow students have been killed in some fashion. They all went to school together, and now they were killing each other. They looked among each other, unknown of what to do.

" This is horrible... we're being cut down like dogs now "

" What are we going to do... it's just the four of us now... "

" We rest, but we have guard duties, shifts, we can't have something similar happen during the night like what happened to poor old Cogito... "

" I have a bad feeling about all of this... "


, a
Vanilla Townie
, was poison lynched Day 2
I swear I'm trying my best

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Post Post #323 (isolation #29) » Tue Oct 16, 2012 5:37 pm

Post by Venmar »

Night 2 has now officially started. The night will end in 48 hours, on the 18th of October.
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Post Post #324 (isolation #30) » Thu Oct 18, 2012 3:39 pm

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I'm going to have to end the night 1 or 2 hours early, because I will not be available to end the night until mid-day tomorrow unless i do it now, and I would rather open the day up a tad bit early rather than half of a day late.


The group all shared a moment of sorrow and pain as they reflected on their losses, but they knew that they had to move on, they knew that the situation was not solved and progressing to find the killer is the only thing the group can really do to avenge the deaths of their fellow students, friend, and researchers. The group took a hold of Doom's dead body and hauled it into the storage room, where they plopped it down beside Cogito and Tierce. They looked over the bodies for a brief moment, but it was just a depressing sight so they left the storage room.

Returning to the main area, and the center of the lab, they took their seats once again and looked at each other, everyone weary eyed and burnt out. Even if the day wasn't as long as it was before, they knew that the days were becoming more critical and more important to take care of, no matter the circumstances. They all attempted to make a discussion, but nobody was in the mood anymore and fatigue hit the group hard. They all stretched and yawned and decided to retire for the night. However, this time they knew for certain one of them was the killer and going to sleep was awfully scary.

They all decided that one of them would stay up and watch the rest of them for a couple of hours, and then shift out with someone else. As everyone cuddled onto their couches, their sleeping bags, the floor, they all slept and everyone in the group was up guarding at least once. Everything seemed to be going just fine until Voided had his second turn of being the guard. He shifted with the current guard and sat on the stool, keeping an eye on them. It instantly bored him, he needed more sleep and as someone who isn't fazed by gory bodies and death, he enjoys his beauty sleep. He looked at his watch as one of the people in the group propped themselves up and rubbed their eyes.

" Hey, you alright? " Voided whispered.

The individual looked up and lazily nodded, and signaled that they were going to go and get some water from the bathroom. Voided just simply shrugged and looked back at his watch, which he was tweaking with. He checked the silent clock on the lab and compared the times. It was approximately 7am in the morning. This is way too early even for him to be awake. Finishing with his watch, Voided leaned back in his chair and stretched as wide as he could with his eyes closed. He could feel something, like a presence standing over him. When he opened his eyes, he could see the person who got up to go to the bathroom standing over him. Before he could say something or react, his assailant chopped him directly in his neck.

Voided gasped for air as the chop caused him to lose balance and topple backwards. He was hoping that his fall was going to cause noise, but his back was caught by his assailant, and as he gasped for air from his bruised throat, the assailant pulled out a long knife. Voided attempted to scream but his throat was still gasping for air and all he could was gasp wide eyed as the assailant sunk the long blade straight into his chest and through his heart. He managed to make a noise right then, but his mouth was muffled by a large hand, and Voided simply stared at the ceiling, waiting for him to fade away.

Holding Voided now by under the shoulders, the assailant dragged the now lifeless body backwards until it was brought to the storage room. Voided's assailant was reaching for the visible blade that was sticking out of Voided's chest when he overheard the others stirring in the main part of the lab. Desperately the assassin dropped Voided's body and made their way back to their spot in the room, and as someone woke up, it was as if they never woke up in that time period. Obviously, they figure out that Voided was supposed to be on watch duty, and when he wasn't found in the bathroom or snack area, they began a search.

Obviously and eventually, Voided's body was found in the middle of the storage room, a large bloody trail going from his body to the entrance of the door. They found a large knife sticking out of the left side of Voided's chest with a gigantic red circle around the entry wound. The group approached him and while they knew fully well Voided wasn't the killer, they checked his pockets, finding nothing except for a phone, a wallet, some car keys, and his Watch. Again, nothing incriminating.

They decided to finish the job and dragged Voided's body fully to the pile, where they plopped his body next to Doom. Kneeling down, they pull out the long and bloody knife out of Voided's chest, flinching when they hear flesh rip. They take the knife and leave the room, treasuring the knife for what is up to come.


, a
Town DayMason
, was Brutally Assassinated Night 2
I swear I'm trying my best

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Post Post #325 (isolation #31) » Thu Oct 18, 2012 3:40 pm

Post by Venmar »

Votecount 3.0

[L-2] Rainbowdash:

[L-2] Equinox:

[L-2] Robocopter87:

Not Voting

  • Rainbowdash, Equinox, Robocopter87


  • November 8, 2012

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Post Post #341 (isolation #32) » Fri Oct 19, 2012 11:10 am

Post by Venmar »

Votecount 3.1


RainbowDash, Robocopter87

[L-2] Robocopter87:

Not Voting

  • Nobody


  • November 8, 2012

Mod Notes

  • Game Over
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Post Post #342 (isolation #33) » Fri Oct 19, 2012 11:11 am

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The group looked at each other closely, now all standing in the center of lab. The remaining students were RainbowDash, Robcopter, and Equinox. The trio seemed to have a "face-off". They all knew that this was going to end right now, either they catch the killer, or watch as the killer kills the other two are clean. Insults were hurled at each other, cruses and accusations, and before they knew it, Robocopter and Rainbowdash turned on Equinox, looming over her with dominance and anger. Robocopter brandished the long, sharp knife that they found sticking out of Voided's deceased body, approaching Equinox with a threatening stare.

Equinox started to yell and shout, demanding that she wasn't the last killer. She started to back up, knocking over stools, chairs, and lab equipment as she did. Robocopter kept chanting reasons for why she was the killer, he kept advancing, and he didn't waver. When Equinox was finally pressed against the back of a wall, she stared at Robocopter in total fear. As Robocopter raised the knife to strike her down, Robocopter stopped himself when Equinox murmured Rainbowdashe's name. Stopping himself midway, Robocopter lifted an eyebrow, curious as to what she meant. When asking for Equinox to clarify, she said that Rainbowdash was nowhere she could see.

Behind Robocopter, he could hear the faint singing of a man. As the singing grew louder, he lowered his arm and as he began to turn around to see what where Rainbowdash went, he could feel a long, cold barrel press against the back of his head. The coldness seemed to as if sting Robocopter, sending a million chills down his spine. He froze in place, staring at Equinox with dread, realizing how much of a fool he was. Standing there, he quickly deciphered that Rainbowdash was standing behind him with a pistol pressed against the back of his head. Not just any gun, Tierce's gun. The gun that "disappeared" from Cogito's body a few nights back.

Rainbowdash was mumbling and singing to himself, somekind of a tune was stuck in his head and he was repeating it out loud. When Robocopter tried to raise his voice to ask the meaning of his betrayal, Rainbowdash frowned and pressed the pistol harder into Robo's head, causing him to shut up instantly. Rainbowdash leaned his head to the side for a second, taking a look of Equinox, seeing her fear and vulnerability standing there. She kept glancing into Robocopters hand, who was still firmly holding the knife. Shaking his head and making that irritating tsk tsk sound, Rainbowdash prodded Robocopter once more, who received the message and dropped the knife.

Satisfied, Rainbowdash smiled wickedly and started to sing loudly, enough to make the lyrics audible enough for the other two to hear.

" My Little Pony... "


The sound of the loud crack echoed throughout the entire lab as Rainbowdash pulled the trigger from behind Robocopters head. Equinox shrieked as millions of small brone fragments splashed over her head, being only able to glance the large spray of blood that burst from Robocopters forehead after the shot. She screamed in fear as she heard the loud thud as Robocopter collapsed like a large sack of potatoes, landing right in front of her. Looming over his dead body was Rainbowdash, smilling, the pistol already raised and aimed at her head as well.

" Friendship Is Redemption... "







, a
Vanilla Townie
, was Lynched & Executed Day 3


, a
Vanilla Townie
, was Executed in Endgame


, the
Mafia Encryptor
, Surived and Won Day 3
I swear I'm trying my best

--Expect me to be V/LA from 10am-7pm PST every Mon, Wed, Thurs, Sat, Sun due to work--
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Jack of All Trades
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Post Post #344 (isolation #34) » Fri Oct 19, 2012 11:22 am

Post by Venmar »

The Game is over, and has been won by the Scumteam! Below are the roles, night actions, and some flavor.

The ScumTeam
- Mafia Encryptor
- Mafia Goon

The DayMasons-
Cogito Ergo Sum


The Vanilla Townies-


DoomYoshi ( Originally Riss_ )

Night Actions

- Tierce murders Dr.Venmar by shooting him three times.
- Tierce takes the keys, RainbowDash takes the

Day 1

- Robocopter ( The hammer ) kills Tierce with a pool of acid

Night 1

- Rainbowdash drowns Cogito Ergo Sum in a toilet, reclaims Tierce's pistol.

Day 2

- DoomYoshi is "lynched" but poisoned soon after by Rainbowdash.

Night 2

- RainbowDash sneaks up on Voidedmafia and stabs him to death. An Assassination.

Day 3

- Equinox is executed by Rainbowdash after being lynched.


- Robocopter is shot in the back and executed by RainbowDash.
- Rainbowdash wins the the game for the scum as the last man standing.

Quick Topics- Graveyard QuickTopic =
- DayMason QuickTopic = ??? ( The Masons can reveal is they wish )
- Mafia QuickTopic = ??? ( The Scumteam can reveal if they wish )
I swear I'm trying my best

--Expect me to be V/LA from 10am-7pm PST every Mon, Wed, Thurs, Sat, Sun due to work--
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Jack of All Trades
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Post Post #349 (isolation #35) » Sat Oct 20, 2012 4:29 am

Post by Venmar »

Thanks for the positive feedback guys :D

I enjoy writing in general, especially stories and novels so writing flavor just comes naturally to me and I feel like the game is nothing without it, so writing out flavor is like a mandatory task for me, as well as one that I feel should be good. I don't know if you guys enjoyed the little scenes I did in those flavors regarding how you guys died, but I enjoyed writing it even if it didn't have any impact on the game itself. I am also generally a neat freak, so putting a Votecount on every page is compulsory for me, as well as writing out the first few posts of the thread as neatly as possible. I tried my best to be consistent enough to make votecounts, watch for replacements, prods, and rule breakage.

As for the game itself, I wasn't keeping up with the argument as much as I would like to, but I was really expecting the town to win Day 1, not being because of Tierce's lynch but because of how frighteningly accurate Cogito's reads were and how town he just was in particular. If Cogito stuck to his initial scum reads:

In post 30, Cogito Ergo Sum wrote:Dash-Tierce, calling it now.

- Than I think town could have won. I think that how obvious Cogito and Voided made it that they were masons gave Dash and Tierce an advantage, as you would see in their quick topic where they explain it all, i wont even risk trying to explain it wrong. Overall though I think the games was fantastic, great job by Dash who solo'd the game throughout with great help from Tierce, and good effort by the town. Although I think they could have done with a bite more thinking and less quick lynching.

Thanks for letting me mod guys, and giving me such a beautiful playerlist for my first mod game on this site :)
I swear I'm trying my best

--Expect me to be V/LA from 10am-7pm PST every Mon, Wed, Thurs, Sat, Sun due to work--

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