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Post Post #5250 (ISO) » Sat Jan 02, 2021 5:53 pm

Post by Dunnstral »

What about that game?

He was a town treestump from the start of the game, it's not a good idea to try to compare that to his normal gameplay

He was town in silent star 3. He played different.
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Post Post #5251 (ISO) » Sat Jan 02, 2021 5:54 pm

Post by Brian Skies »

Well, ill just say Bell is the towniest doc I've ever seen But my issue from HP and Bell stems from their reaction to the Titus v me thing.

It'll be easier for me to explain things when I'm home and more sober.
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Post Post #5252 (ISO) » Sat Jan 02, 2021 5:55 pm

Post by Brian Skies »

Also I just wanna say Cakez is an evil mod and this is an evil setup.
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Post Post #5253 (ISO) » Sat Jan 02, 2021 5:56 pm

Post by Annie Edison »

No, obtusebear

I’ve got my snark waiting very patiently
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Post Post #5254 (ISO) » Sat Jan 02, 2021 5:56 pm

Post by Brian Skies »

In post 5250, Dunnstral wrote:What about that game?

He was a town treestump from the start of the game, it's not a good idea to try to compare that to his normal gameplay

He was town in silent star 3. He played different.
Well, I gave them somewhat a pass while Bell was getting tunneled by Hectic. With Pissk9p being town, I think both deserve a bit more scruitiny.
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Post Post #5255 (ISO) » Sat Jan 02, 2021 5:57 pm

Post by Bell »

VOTE: BrianSkies

I protected Dunnstral, looks like I missed.
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Post Post #5256 (ISO) » Sat Jan 02, 2021 5:57 pm

Post by Dunnstral »

I think everyone deserves a bit more scrutiny since there's 6 scum alive and 5 town just died
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Post Post #5257 (ISO) » Sat Jan 02, 2021 5:57 pm

Post by Brian Skies »

I still wanna believe in pooky town, but 6eah. That's hame over now
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Post Post #5258 (ISO) » Sat Jan 02, 2021 5:59 pm

Post by Bell »

Personally, I don't like our odds at all.

I think Petapan is town in the other thread.

I think BrianSkies is scum in this one.
I don't like how both Titus and S_S were killed.
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Post Post #5259 (ISO) » Sat Jan 02, 2021 5:59 pm

Post by Brian Skies »

In post 5255, Bell wrote:VOTE: BrianSkies

I protected Dunnstral, looks like I missed.
Why would you pick Dunn?
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Post Post #5260 (ISO) » Sat Jan 02, 2021 6:00 pm

Post by Brian Skies »

Why not just puck Spiffeh or Superb Owl?
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Post Post #5261 (ISO) » Sat Jan 02, 2021 6:01 pm

Post by Bell »

He's my towniest town read. That's about it!
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Post Post #5262 (ISO) » Sat Jan 02, 2021 6:01 pm

Post by Brian Skies »

I don't believe Bell at all.
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Post Post #5263 (ISO) » Sat Jan 02, 2021 6:02 pm

Post by Bell »

I don't care that his position sucks.
I don't think he's capable as scum of killing Shellyc like that.
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Post Post #5264 (ISO) » Sat Jan 02, 2021 6:02 pm

Post by Bell »

I do.
Please kill Brian.
He's clearly game throwing if he's town.
He probably isn't.
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Post Post #5265 (ISO) » Sat Jan 02, 2021 6:03 pm

Post by Bell »

His entire game has been one giant omgus.
And it's gotten old.
He's pure survivalism.
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Post Post #5266 (ISO) » Sat Jan 02, 2021 6:03 pm

Post by Dunnstral »

In post 5261, Bell wrote:He's my towniest town read. That's about it!
Can you explain your read
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Post Post #5267 (ISO) » Sat Jan 02, 2021 6:04 pm

Post by Dunnstral »

In post 5265, Bell wrote:His entire game has been one giant omgus.
And it's gotten old.
He's pure survivalism.
I don't think this is true...
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Post Post #5268 (ISO) » Sat Jan 02, 2021 6:04 pm

Post by Bell »

I think he's low scum.
I think his scum partners backpatted him for his crap.
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Post Post #5269 (ISO) » Sat Jan 02, 2021 6:04 pm

Post by Bell »

In post 5267, Dunnstral wrote:
In post 5265, Bell wrote:His entire game has been one giant omgus.
And it's gotten old.
He's pure survivalism.
I don't think this is true...
Well, read it buddy. I think it is.
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Post Post #5270 (ISO) » Sat Jan 02, 2021 6:05 pm

Post by Annie Edison »

Pretty sure it’s just gypyx
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Post Post #5271 (ISO) » Sat Jan 02, 2021 6:06 pm

Post by Bell »

In post 5266, Dunnstral wrote:
In post 5261, Bell wrote:He's my towniest town read. That's about it!
Can you explain your read
I already did, personally I don't think you have the alaricity as scum to notice her claim was botched as town then push it. when it would serve you not to on a personal level.

Yeah I know she flipped town, but it really didn't seem like you knew that, like, at all.
I also think you're roughly speaking untouchable, plus how unwnd replaced out wasn't scummy at all in my opinion.

There's a whole lot of reasons why you're probably town this game.
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Post Post #5272 (ISO) » Sat Jan 02, 2021 6:09 pm

Post by Annie Edison »

Dunn was who I expected to die too.
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Post Post #5273 (ISO) » Sat Jan 02, 2021 6:09 pm

Post by Bell »

In post 5270, Annie Edison wrote:Pretty sure it’s just gypyx
I'll listen but, I personally think brian's scum.
It should be noted that I don't feel at all like Brian played like this from the last two games we played together.
You think he is, or close enough.
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Post Post #5274 (ISO) » Sat Jan 02, 2021 6:15 pm

Post by Hench Princesses »

Okay, here's what we're going to do.

We're going to flip Annie today, and she's going to flip red.

VOTE: Annie Edison

I kinda thought I'd wait a bit and discuss this more with GX since I would like to talk to him, but I need to observe that this slot is pretty naked scum at this point and it needs to die today.

I'm up to three bullet points so let's do this
-Claim/soft is scum
-Bell/Titus positions are scum
-PT inversion think is scum
-Think setup/other reads spew her slot scum
In post 3023, Annie Edison wrote:Dunn claim your night action in your next post or die
Here, Annie basically claims PT cop with a guilty on Dunn, and in retrospect this is like, a naked scumclaim. Why? Because a PT cop checks someone that is scummy. But Annie's *entire iso* before this point is screaming that unwnd/dunnslot is town. There is 0 reason for Annie to reaction test Dunn and there is 0 reason for Annie to use any sort of investigation action on one of the hydra's strongest townreads. Think about who, if Annie was town, they WOULD target. GX? Muffin? Myself? Targeting Dunn is the most implausible and nonsensical night action choice for a town-aligned Annie slot.
In post 2576, Annie Edison wrote:I changed my mind I need to out this now

I've spent a lot of time thinking about this, since it just didn't make sense to me. I get that Annie is thinking about PTs since Annie plans to claim PT cop. But this does not help Annie solve at all, in fact she never seems to look at any indication people are signaling across thread. But I've decided that the scum motivation of this post is to say something that will ultimately end up being proven false so that Annie could have attempted to solve something about the setup that ended up being wrong. This feels like something Annie thought about in the scum PT and then decided to share in thread as a way to kinda townspew herself.

Anyway, the bigger complaints are Titus and Bell reads. Annie is very confident in Bell town day 1, which suggests a willingness to read Bell on his own accord. But then as soon as the other thread starts complaining about the role softs, Annie suddenly drops the read and is willing to reconsider for what are frankly really poor reasons. Dunn still thinks Bell is scummy off reactions and stuff. That's fine, whatever. Annie did not, Annie thought Bell was scum for the weird crumb noise which, if Annie had a real townread on Bell before, I think they push back and engage there in a deeper way. The same is true about Titus. Very insistent on Titus town. Then willing to drop it. People can reconsider reads, but the level of insistence followed by the backpedal is more the facade of solving rather than solving.

Now let's think about why scum would need a PT cop. We just had two dead town in a hood. I'm not sure if it's the same hood as deacon/wine/dunn, but I think deacon/wine/dunn is a 3-person deep town hood. This means that the hoods in this game have two functions. 1--they allow town to share action results without hardclaiming their role to the whole town. 2--they increase town paranoia. They also allow scum to avoid falling into mason traps. So I think Annie is a scum PT cop that has come back from another timeline to hunt down town power, and in this sense, she is the bigger threat to town (over GX, who I kinda think might also be scum but am less enthusiastic about at the moment, and who I can easily see Annie as having protected).

Bell is town. Brian is town. Dunn is town. You all need to stop fighting each other and flip Annie with me. Because I would like to see some red flips in this game before it is over. Thank you.


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