[POSTPONED!] Castaways | The Survivor-Inspired Card Game

For large social games such as Survivor where the primary mechanic is social interaction.
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[POSTPONED!] Castaways | The Survivor-Inspired Card Game

Post Post #0 (ISO) » Tue Dec 05, 2023 8:04 pm

Post by Mist7676 »

Welcome to CASTAWAYS!


Have you been wanting to play a game of Survivor but have been too intimidated with trying to find advantages, playing in challenges, and really complicated twists? Well, fret no more because this game brings the fun and excitement of Survivor to an easy–to–grasp card game. This card game is meant to be played in person over a couple of hours. However, this game has been translated to the forum to be played over the course of a couple of weeks. The goal is to capture the beats of a typical Survivor game in a laid-back, more random version.

Applications Open
: From Now until December 13th at 5 PM EST (Or if 18 players is reached)
Game Start
Player Count
: Anywhere from 8 - 18 players, preferably an even amount.

Sign Ups
2. Cheery Dog
3. mallowgenno
4. AniX
^^ ---- required ---- ^^



Players assume ownership of their secret castaway, with one castaway getting voted out by their team with every round of the game. Every castaway has a unique character makeup that affects each turn of the game, and ultimately, every player's decision on who to vote out or become allies with. In the end though, it will come down to the final two players trying to convince the Outcast Panel as to why they are the most deserving winner—and be crowned the Ultimate Castaway.

Game Start

1. No matter the player count of the game, there will be a game of 18 Castaways.
Note: Castaways are distinct from Players.
are the MS Players that sign up to play the game.
are the characters represented in the game. This distinction is important!

2. Every Player will receive a single Castaway to represent themselves. It will be randomly decided and players are encouraged to
keep their Castaway identity a secret
! Castaways will have randomly determined traits that will be used to determine their performance in challenges as well as behavior at camp. All traits will be revealed once the game begins. It's important to note that the tribes will be balanced by
(there are Physical, Mental, and Social archetypes and each tribe will have 3 of each).
3. Every Castaway will have their Health Marker set to 10. If at any point, a Castaway's Health Marker reaches 0, they are at risk of being eliminated. They must increase their Health Marker above 0 before they reach the same point of the game in the next round. If they do not,
they will be removed from the game
. (This means, if a Castaway's Health Marker reaches 0 during a challenge, they must increase their Health Marker at least once BEFORE the next challenge occurs.)

Premerge Rounds

1. Every round will start with a
Daily Mail
card being read. This Daily Mail card will affect the Castaways' Camp Life. Typically, every Player will receive a
Camp Life
card that they will either play or keep. Some cards will help Castaways find advantages or food; some will help Castaways form alliances or get into fights; some will cause twists that send players immediately to Tribunal or affect the way Tribunal will occur. Anything can happen! For the most part, Castaways will have their Health Markers affected or advantages added to their Player's Inventory.
2. While Players are deciding what to do with their Camp Life cards, a hint for the challenge will be revealed. Before this phase ends, Tribes will be required to order their Castaways in a
line up
that will affect how the challenge will play out. The traits that each Castaway has will typically determine their challenge performance (i.e. Physical players will be better at physical tasks, Mental players will be better at puzzle tasks).
3. This phase will typically last 24 hours. If no Line Up is given during this time, the line up will be randomized.

Challenge and Tribunal Rounds

1. The Challenge details will be posted and the winning tribe will be revealed. There are no decisions to make once the challenge has been revealed so only the results of the challenge will be posted and a tribe will be immediately sent to Tribunal.
2. Tribunal will begin and any
Tribunal Twists
will be revealed. Once Tribunal starts
are able to discuss who they plan on voting out. There will be a deadline of 24 hours to determine their list and play any Camp Life cards they have in possession.
3. Only Players will submit a list (e.g. There are 9 Castaways on the tribe, but only 7 Players (2 Castaways are not being piloted by a Player). There will only be 7 votes played at this tribal (barring any advantages)). Players will submit a list that includes all the Castaways currently on the tribe with the player at the top of the list receiving their vote. Some camp life cards may grant immunity to Castaways as they come into Tribunal; if the Castaway with immunity were to receive a vote, the vote would instead go to the next Castaway on a Player's list.
4. There must always be a Social Castaway on each tribe. If there is only one
Social player
left during a Tribunal, they will be
considered immune
and cannot be voted for.
5. Once the deadline passes, any Camp Life cards that were played will be read and their effects will be Votes will be read and
the Castaway with the most votes will be revealed and eliminated
. The Player associated with that Castaway (if one exists) will be revealed.

This cycle will repeat until we reach 10 or less players at the beginning of a round. Once that requirement is hit, the tribes will merge into one tribe.

Merge Rounds and Final Outcast Tribunal

1. Once the Merge hits, we will no longer read Daily Mail cards and instead, every Player will simply receive a Camp Life card. Again, they will be able to Play or Keep the card they receive. No hints for the challenge will be given at this time.
2. Following Camp Life, the results for the challenge will be revealed as well as the Castaways' current Health Markers.
3. Tribunal will begin and any
Tribunal Twists
will be revealed. Once Tribunal starts
are able to discuss who they plan on voting out. There will be a deadline of 24 hours to determine their list and play any Camp Life cards they have in possession.
4. Once the deadline passes, any Camp Life cards that were played will be read and their effects will be Votes will be read and
the Castaway with the most votes will be revealed and eliminated
. The Player associated with that Castaway (if one exists) will be revealed.
5. If at
any point there are only 2 Players left
we will immediately go into the
Final Outcast Tribunal
. (For example, in a 12 Player game, there would be 6 Castaways not tied to any Player. If somehow those 6 Castaways made it to the Final 8 with 2 Player controlled Castaways, the Final Outcast Tribunal will still begin).
6. The Final Outcast Tribunal will be conducted by the jury consisting of the
largest, odd group of Players eliminated after the Merge started
. If this would create a group of less than 7, more players will be added in the reverse order they were eliminated until we hit 7.

General Rules and Considerations

1. This is a game, a pretty random one at that, and the point is to have fun!
2. Typically, the players in the last spots in the Tribe Line Up may be asked to sit out to ensure there are an even number of Castaways competing. Keep this in mind when creating your Line Up.
3. Players can speak to and trade cards with any Player at any time. The only restriction is that cards cannot be passed from Players on opposing tribes during the Outcast Tribunal phase.
4. Advantage Cards will not consider anyone already safe when played (i.e. If a Tribunal Twist makes Castaway A safe, and an Advantage Card later played would make Castaway A safe, it would instead skip considering Castaway A and make Castaway B safe instead).
5. There will be no conditionals accepted and all advantages and Camp Life cards will be considered to activate simultaneously. If there are cards that may have conflicting instructions or effects that would change depending on the order they are applied, a random draw will occur to determine which is played first.
6. If voting is ever tied, the Players will be asked to revote between the tied Castaways. If the revote still results in a tie, those Castaways are safe and the Castaways that did not receive votes (and are not immune by any means) will draw rocks to determine which Castaway is eliminated. No cards can be played during a Revote.
7. If there is ever a situation where there is a draw or no resolution can be obtained, Castaways or Players (depending on the situation) will draw rocks to determine the result.
8. You are encouraged to keep your Castaway identity a SECRET! You do not have to though.
9. You are not allowed to screenshot or directly quote anything that is sent to you from a moderator. You can share details directly from a card, but sending the image of a card given to you in private is against the rules.
10. If you need an extension at any point during the game, please let me know so that we can discuss the length of time necessary. No extensions will be granted for over 24 hours barring any extenuating circumstances.
Last edited by Mist7676 on Tue Dec 12, 2023 8:56 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Post Post #1 (ISO) » Tue Dec 05, 2023 8:23 pm

Post by ORAM »

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Post Post #2 (ISO) » Tue Dec 05, 2023 8:40 pm

Post by Cheery Dog »

Holder of the Longest Continuous Weekly Mafiascum Post Record. 1 July 2012 - 16 Feb 2023
*It may be held by someone else if you discount the major downtime in 2012 and 2014, I'm not doing the research.
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Post Post #3 (ISO) » Wed Dec 06, 2023 12:34 am

Post by mallowgeno »

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Post Post #4 (ISO) » Wed Dec 06, 2023 2:25 am

Post by AniX »

Official Gimmick List:

I have donned the
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Post Post #5 (ISO) » Fri Dec 08, 2023 1:11 pm

Post by Noraa »

Dream as if you'll live forever, live as if you'll die today.
Come play Guess that Scummer OR ELSE
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Post Post #6 (ISO) » Tue Dec 12, 2023 8:55 pm

Post by Mist7676 »

it doesn't seem like the interest is here at the moment~! i'd love to host this at a later date, but I am deciding not to pack this in my suitcase as I go home for the holidays so this will NOT be run until later. Thank you to those that signed up and I'll be sure to ping you when I get around to hosting this :)
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