Mini 708 - Cheat Mafia (GAME OVER)

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Post Post #675 (ISO) » Mon Mar 23, 2009 8:09 am

Post by Master Ruck »

Axel, town would do whatever they could to NOT sit on their bum and do nothing. Doing anything, even something as simple as attempting to cheat, is not nearly as bad as doing nothing. I'm not seeing why a blocked cheat would make you feel he was scummy either. Every night I have set up alerts against every player alive and so did Dattebayo before me. They are there for protection so Jahudo must have done as I did by setting up alerts against every player he could. That you weren't able to cheat off him does not give even a tiny reason to think he is scum(my).

Sird, I've got the razor and shaved twice over with it already with my vote ages ago. I dunno what all you guys are waiting for.
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Post Post #676 (ISO) » Tue Mar 24, 2009 8:29 am

Post by sirdanilot »

I don't know, it just doesn't sit right with me. What if GW is scum. This is not a clear cut case IMO. The night actions are ambiguous. GW is infinitely scummier in his play, but the razor does seem to prefer axel-scum (albeit slightly).

Maybe I'll finally get off my fence tomorrow and lay down a vote, but I am just not very comfortable with GW's play. Right now my gut is saying axel, but a few days ago it was saying GW. I guess I should just go with Axel.

GW could you answer the occam'z razor question
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Post Post #677 (ISO) » Tue Mar 24, 2009 2:33 pm

Post by GhostWriter »

Considering the Razor question, at it's core, is whether I believe it's him or me... Yeah, my answer is fairly obvious. However, when there are results of MR and I both being targetted. When there are results showing a redirection had to have occurred. When all fingers point to this answer. Hell, if it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, and is staring me in the eyes from over top of it's duck bill, then I guess I can put aside suspicion of MR and
Vote: Axelrod
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Post Post #678 (ISO) » Wed Mar 25, 2009 3:10 am

Post by sirdanilot »

vote GW

Why would you wait until I said I would vote axelrod? Why didn't you vote earlier? Do you think I am scum?
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Post Post #679 (ISO) » Wed Mar 25, 2009 9:40 am

Post by GhostWriter »

No, I thought MR was. It had nothing to do with you saying you'd vote him. It had to do with me getting online. That was my first post after 5 or so days of being away from the internet. I felt satisfied with MR's arguing, and I did not feel changed by Axel's.
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Post Post #680 (ISO) » Thu Mar 26, 2009 1:19 am

Post by sirdanilot »

I tired to find a place where you did say you find axel suspicious, but I can't.

So now we need to answer one final question, and then I'll finally lay down the vote and put an end to this.

MOD: If player A redirects B to target C, and player D tracks player A, will it show up as 'Player A targeted Player B and Player C'? Or will it only show one of them?

The odds of the mod answering this are small, but there's no reason not to try. Axel would you agree that the answer to this would be yes?

I am going to hammer within 24 hours. I have been convinced that this is a more likely scenario than GW scum. I commend everyone for their play in this game. Good game guys. I am sorry for wiffle-waffling and sitting on the fence.
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Post Post #681 (ISO) » Thu Mar 26, 2009 1:52 am

Post by Axelrod »

I'm feeling burned out and I'm tired of arguing into the wind. SirD, I don't know what I can say to you to convince you at this point. What is convincing you?
Master Ruck wrote:Axel, town would do whatever they could to NOT sit on their bum and do nothing. Doing anything, even something as simple as attempting to cheat, is not nearly as bad as doing nothing. I'm not seeing why a blocked cheat would make you feel he was scummy either. Every night I have set up alerts against every player alive and so did Dattebayo before me. They are there for protection so Jahudo must have done as I did by setting up alerts against every player he could. That you weren't able to cheat off him does not give even a tiny reason to think he is scum(my).
It certainly did give me a "tiny" reason, and you saying it shouldn't doesn't make it so. I did not set Alerts on anyone except people I thought might be scum for the whole game. It's great that you think it's suspicious that I didn't volunteer this information to you though when you consider it so meaningless.
sirdanilot wrote:Axel would you agree that the answer to this would be yes?
It could be yes. I wouldn't ever say that it definitely would be yes. A re-director picks one person to "re-direct" and he usually picks one person to re-direct that person to, so you either say that he targets 1 person and then the other person targets the first, or you say he targets both. And then it depends on how the Mod is interpreting the "Watching" or "Tracking" power. Different Mods will do it differently.
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Post Post #682 (ISO) » Thu Mar 26, 2009 2:40 pm

Post by iLord »

The End Drags On (Day 6)

Actually, I'll be out of town for the next few days. So again, if you guys come to a lynch, enjoy the long twilight.

Vote Count the Third

Ghostwriter (1): Sirdanilot
Axelrod (2): MasterRuck, Ghostwriter

With 4 alive, it's 3 to lynch.
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Post Post #683 (ISO) » Fri Mar 27, 2009 1:16 am

Post by sirdanilot »

claim: the mod just said there would be two targets. this means we have two confirmed possible scenarios.

k. I'm really a chicken when it comes to hammering, but we can't let the game go on forever. GW-scum, you have played well. axel-scum, prepare to die. mr-scum... is impossible.

also, final piece of evidence: MR targetted me, but turned out to be redirected to GW. who redirected him if it wasn't axel? GW couldn't have, since he would try to kill MR.

unvote, vote: AxelRod


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Post Post #684 (ISO) » Fri Mar 27, 2009 6:19 am

Post by Axelrod »



Seriously, you got me. :lol: I feel bad for dragging this whole affair out for the last couple weeks when I was pretty sure I was dead in the water night before last, but I don't really do concessions.

My master plan to jail SirD with MR's jail ability and get GW lynched was totally foiled when SirD came up with a redirect ability of his own, which apparently "beats" the jailing ability, and furthermore, chose to redirect GW onto
, making it rather hard for me to argue that GW killed Jahudo.

And then last night was just a mess.....

Good game guys.
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Post Post #685 (ISO) » Fri Mar 27, 2009 8:02 am

Post by sirdanilot »

Yay! I am really sorry for dragging the game out so much guys, but I just don't have very good confidence when it comes to these lylo situations, simply because I haven't been in them a lot. In fact, I can only recall about 2 games where I was in lylo. I tend to get NKed a lot...

So what was up with the person attempting to roleblock me night 4? Oh well. I guess we'll see in the mod's wrap up post.

Mod: Thank you for moderating this wonderfully enjoyable game!
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Post Post #686 (ISO) » Fri Mar 27, 2009 10:33 am

Post by GhostWriter »

Sweet. I am a little sad, though. I never got to use my coolest ability: I had a freaking invisibility cloak. I could avoid all night actions and then see who targeted me. I guess using it might have worked last night, if it told me what each person visiting me did, since it'd have shown Axel. Good game everyone.
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Post Post #687 (ISO) » Sat Mar 28, 2009 1:05 am

Post by Master Ruck »

Aye, brilliant game. Well done iLord, and to everyone else still alive here too. I almost consider this victory luck with my cop scan on DGB and sird redirecting me N4. Oh, and being told I was a Mason with sird last night helped as it gave me one less person to suspect.

All in all, though, a very enjoyable game. Thanks to all.
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Post Post #688 (ISO) » Mon Mar 30, 2009 1:46 pm

Post by iLord »

THE END (Day 6)

Final Vote Count

Axelrod (3): MasterRuck, Ghostwriter, Sirdanilot

With 4 alive, it's 3 to lynch.

Axelrod, the Chatterbox, Druggie, has been lynched Day 6.

Town Wins! Role PM’s and Night Actions revealed later.
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Post Post #689 (ISO) » Mon Mar 30, 2009 11:40 pm

Post by sirdanilot »

mod: I have two votes in the end vote count

That said, I'm eagerly awaiting the wrap up post.
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Post Post #690 (ISO) » Tue Mar 31, 2009 3:10 am

Post by Jahudo »

Jahudo wrote:If DGB flips scum I'll bet she was distancing from Axel who did the best thing and bus right back.
I saw right through you DGB!, or maybe you weren't really trying to distance but just mess with people's heads like normal :wink:

I'm still not sure how all these game mechanics worked but it was fun. I like how night powers kept getting exponentially better each night. Maybe if you No Lynched another night you'd get the power: Mod tells you who is confirmed scum :P
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Post Post #691 (ISO) » Tue Mar 31, 2009 12:43 pm

Post by iLord »

Okay, the following is copied straight from my notes:


Role Name (Starting Role)
With 6 points
With 9 points
With 12 points
With 15 points
[Number of Alerts]
Debater (Vanilla)
1-Shot Doc
1-Shot Track
1-Shot Redirect
Mason (If only one with fifteen points, nothing happens. If another apprentice gets fifteen points, the two apprentices are confirmed to each other and they can talk at night. When third player gets fifteen answers, he is added to group)

[6 Alerts]

Football Player (Vanilla)
1-Shot RB
1-Shot Blink (Target player is removed from the game for a day and night)
1-Shot Vig

[6 Alerts]

Cheerleader (Vanilla)
1-Shot Jail
1-Shot Alignment Cop
1-Shot Watch

[6 Alerts]

Nerd (Vanilla)
List Cop (One random answer on target player’s list)
Role Cop (Target player’s current role)
Alignment Cop (Target player’s alignment)
Full Cop (All of target player’s answers, all of his roles, and his alignment)

[7 Alerts]

Too-Nice Kid (Vanilla)
Elite Bodyguard

[7 Alerts]

Class Clown (Vanilla)
Suicide Vig

[7 Alerts]

Orchestra Kid (Vanilla)
Drunk Tracker (Track a random player each night)
Trapper (Roleblocks everyone that attempts to cheat off of him)
Huntsman (Tracks and watches target player)

[8 Alerts]

Band Kid (Vanilla)
Drunk Watcher (Watch a random player each night)
Spectator (Untargetable for night. Sees all players that would target self)
Watcher (Cannot watch self)
Huntsman (Tracks and watches target player)

[8 Alerts]

3 Druggies, sc Fat Kid, Drama Freak, and Chatterbox (Mafia Goon)
Communication Block – (Targeted player is told that he cannot respond to anyone talking to him that day/night period and can't cheat))
Redirector (Redirected player is informed of redirection)
Godfather (Cop Immune, Nightkill Immune)

[6 Alerts]

Psychopath, sc Quiet Kid (2-Shot Serial Killer)
1-Shot Vig and Cop Immunity
1-Shot Vig and Nightkill Immunity
1-Shot Vig and Protection Piercing
2-Shot Vig and Doubleshot (Can use two 1-Shot Vigs in one Night)
[9 Alerts]
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Post Post #692 (ISO) » Tue Mar 31, 2009 12:47 pm

Post by iLord »

Answers on the Test:

SIRDANILOT - Debater: 1, 2, 3, 11
XTOXM - Football Player: 4, 5
DATTEBAYO - Cheerleader: 7, 8
ELECTRA - Nerd: 9, 10, 11, 12
ARMLX - Too-Nice Kid: 6, 13, 14, 15
ANIMORPHERV1 - Class Clown: 1, 6
DER HAMMER - Orchestra Geek: 2, 7, 12
GHOSTWRITER - Band Geek: 3, 8, 13
AXELROD - Drama Freak: 9
MALTHUSIS - Psychopath: 5, 10, 15

Correct answers:

1. B
2. B
3. D
4. C
5. C
6. D
7. B
8. B
9. D
10. C
11. A
12. D
13. C
14. B
15. C

(Which everyone had right at the end.)
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Post Post #693 (ISO) » Tue Mar 31, 2009 1:22 pm

Post by iLord »

Night 1:

Sirdanilot attempted to cheat off of Malthusis, but failed.
Dattebayo attempted to cheat off of Malthusis, but failed.
Electra attempted to cheat off of Xtoxm, and was successful.
Armlx attempted to cheat off of Natirasha, and was successful.
Animorpherv1 attempted to cheat off of Natirasha, and was successful.
Axelrod attempted to cheat off of Malthusis, but failed.
Axelrod killed Xtoxm.
Natirasha attempted to cheat off of Armlx, and was successful.
Malthusis attempted to cheat off of DrippingGoofball, and was successful.

Night 2:

Sirdanilot got 1-Shot Doctor.
Sirdanilot attempted to cheat off of Natirasha, but failed.
Electra got List Cop.
Electra attempted to cheat off of Ghostwriter, but failed.
Armlx got Bodyguard.
Ghosrwtier attempted to cheat off of DrippingGoofball, and was successful.
DrippingGoofball got Roleblocker.
DrippingGoofball attempted to cheat off of Dattebayo, and was successful.
Axelrod got Roleblocker.
Axelrod Roleblocked Malthusis.
Natirasha got Roleblocker.
Natirasha killed Armlx.
Malthusis attempted to kill Dattebayo, but failed.
Malthusis attempted to cheat off of Sirdanilot, but failed.

Night 3:

MasterRuck (Dattebayo) got 1-Shot Jailer.
MasterRuck (Dattebayo) got 1-Shot Cop.
MasterRuck Investigated DrippingGoofball, and got SCUM.
Ghostwriter got Drunk Watcher.
Ghostwriter attempted to watch Malthusis, and actually watched Malthusis, and saw Malthusis targeted by DrippingGoofball.
DrippingGoofball got Communication Block.
DrippingGoofball killed Malthusis.
DrippingGoofball attempted to cheat off of Ghostwriter, but failed.
Axelrod got Communication Block.
Axelrod roleblocked Sirdanilot.
Malthusis attempted to cheat off of Sirdanilot, but failed.

Night 4:

At this point, my notes fail me (since my computer died and I only have the copy that I sent to Lawrencalot a while back.

I’m attempting to reconstruct this from this point with my Inbox.

Axelrod got Redirect.
Axelrod got Godfather.
Axelrod redirects Master Ruck to Sirdanilot.
Axelrod kills Jahudo.
Sirdanilot got 1-Shot Tracker.
Sirdanilot got 1-Shot Redirect.
Sirdanilot redirects Ghostwriter to Axelrod
MasterRuck got 1-Shot Watcher.
MasterRuck Jails Ghoswriter
Jahudo got Role Cop.
Jahudo got Alignment Cop.
Jahudo got Full Cop.
Jahudo Full Cops Axelrod.
Ghostwriter got Spectator.
Ghostwriter got Watcher.
Ghostwriter got Huntsman.
Ghostwriter attempted to watch Sirdanilot, but actually watched someone else, and was then redirected to Axelrod and sees him targeted by Sirdanilot and Jahudo.

Night 5:

Sirdanilot Tracks Axelrod, and sees him target MasterRuck and Ghostwriter.
Sirdanilot got Mason with MasterRuck.
Ghostwriter Hunts MasterRuck, and see him targeted by Axelrod, and targeting Ghostwriter.
Axelrod Redirects MasterRuck to Ghostwriter.
MasterRuck attempts to Watch Sirdanilot, but is redirected to Ghostwrtier, and he sees Ghostwriter targeted by Axelrod.
MasterRuck got Mason with Axelrod.
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Post Post #694 (ISO) » Tue Mar 31, 2009 1:32 pm

Post by iLord »

More notes to come later, but some quick thoughts.

I thought the town was going to get steamrolled after Der Hammer and Animorpherv1 screwed up, but following MR's Cop investigation and the pressure on Natirasha, the town regained the advantage.

If Axelrod hadn't killed Jahudo, he might've stood a chance since Jahudo had an Innocent investigation on him.

The Night 4 and Night 5 actions were a mess. For the order of resolution, I choose for Redirection to go before Roleblocking because that's how I conventionally evaluate the order (well, the way I did it in my only other modded game).

Axelrod was technically screwed on Day 5 because the only way the night actions made sense were if Axelrod was the redirector. Additionally, this was even more obvious on Day 6, when he was caught targetting two people.

However, he almost talked his way out of it, which was admirable. Especially at the beginning of Day 6, I thought that Axelrod might've been able to pull it off.

This game was pseudo-broken in the situation of a mass answer claim. With the town's massive amount of Tracker/Watcher roles, I believe it would've overwhelmed the Godfathers, which I had thought would be enough to counteract the town power.

Sorry about being lazy about the flavor towards the end - real life just got a lot more busy and I didn't have the time.

Hats off to Master Ruck for coming back after Dattebayo only had 2 answers, and sorry to Malthusis, who was really into this game, thought he had to get replaced, already got a replacement whom he began talking with, and then got nightkilled.
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Post Post #695 (ISO) » Tue Mar 31, 2009 2:03 pm

Post by malthusis »

I really felt I would've won this had I not been killed by the Mafia (Arrgh) :evil:
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Post Post #696 (ISO) » Wed Apr 01, 2009 1:19 am

Post by DrippingGoofball »

Good job town, and Axelrod did a great job keeping the scum in the game until the very end!

NOTE TO EVERYONE: If you're my buddy, do not claim miller, I will bus you.
Paraphrasing a role PM takes seconds, fabricating a good fakeclaim takes an eternity.

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Post Post #697 (ISO) » Fri May 22, 2009 4:01 pm

Post by MeMe »

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