Mafia 109 - A Glitch in time - Game Over!

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Post Post #1675 (ISO) » Sun Mar 28, 2010 11:05 am

Post by Haylen »

The Yay! Two bits of flavor done! Vote Count.

No Lynch- xRECKONER, Anon, Pulindar, SpyreX (4)

Not voting:

She curled herself up into a protective ball with her knees drawn up to her chest, the time was getting close when she would have to do the deed that would end her life forever. It was a horrible decision though. It was a case of what saved her or what saved the universe, though.

She was preparing herself to sacrifice the one for the many.
Hayl wondered what death was like, this wasn't strange, really. Considering the amount of times she had actively cheated death. She should have died with her mother and brother, then again when she was kidnapped by the mafia at the age of eleven. Then when she got attacked by that werewolf after escaping the mafia, then again when she and Nacho fought side by side for the good of the sorcerers world. Maybe she had been biding her time, it seemed as though her death had been written in the stars too. But then...what was that other place she had seen? What did heaven and the angels have in store for her in the future...
Hopefully, the present wouldn't turn into the giant war that the past had. There was no way they would win, if it did. They were way too unprepared for anything like that. Plus, they were children, children shouldn't be fighting in wars. They could be in lessons studying for their exams. Maybe, they could win in the same way they had last time...

Three Years EarlierNachomamma grabbed her arm, preventing her from leaving the Mirror Room. It was too dangerous, the people who were coming to help them told them that they should stay somewhere safe. Now that they were somewhere safe, Hayl had decided she wanted to fight the mafia alongside the villagers and save the whole of magic world - regardless of whether of not she survived. It was a ridiculous move. She was the last sorceress, if she died, magic was over. There would be none left in this part of the world. She needed to survive for the sake of sorcerers everywhere. Of course, she fought against him, he had predicted that. She was far too much of a wild card, a nice person, but completely unpredictable - yet at the same time, her unpredictability was predictable in itself. He needed to keep her focused.

"We can't leave this room, Hayl. I wont let you. You'll die!" He tried to talk some sense in her.

"No. I. Wont!" She replied stubbornly, struggling against his hold.

"I'm still not letting you." He thanked heaven that he was stronger than her.

"Listen, if we don't go out there and help, all of those people will die. We need to fight with them, give them shields to prevent them from being shot. You're a sorcerer too! Admittedly an unofficial one, but you're still a sorcerer and it is your duty to go out there and protect those people. It's mine too! You know I'm a bloody coward! I wouldn't be saying this if it wasn't for the best!" She looked deep into his eyes, pleading with him.

He seemed to think about it for a second, a gunshot and a small explosion could be heard outside, followed by peoples screams, and he finally spoke through gritted teeth, "Fine. Just...don't die on me, Hayl."
She grinned at him with determination, "Come on then."
Hayl ran to the door, before leaving, she conjured up a shield to help protect her and made her way through the corridors.
It was absolute chaos. There was dead bodies littering the floor everywhere, she was unsure though how many of them had just been killed or had been dead since the mafia's primary take over. Dead things weren't her speciality. She dodged a bullet that had been aimed at her, hearing Nachomamma behind her, she was assured that he was safe for now.

There was only one place where she was sure that the power source was. It was the one place where they would be able to tap into a source of all known magic and use it for their disposal. That's why the mafia had wanted the Temple in the first place, for this. Her sheer determination sped her faster, trying to insure that she would reach the source first. The mafia wouldn't have known where it was. Not without special guidance. Even then, they had no idea how to use it.

Hayl threw a fireball at a mafioso who had one of their side up against the wall choking him. He disintegrated into a pile of ashes.

She raced through the battle scenario, trying not to get hit and destroying any mafia that got in her path. It didn't take long for them to arrive at the dinner hall. It still stood in all it's natural splendor, despite the horrific crimes that were taking place within it, the battle seemed equally placed at the moment. Around the same amount of mafia and good guys. The fightin died down as Nachomamma slammed the heavy door behind them. They all turned to stare at her.
"So, young sorceress, you think you can beat me?" An old, demonic like man, spoke up. "Stand aside!" He yelled and a the middle of the room was cleared.

"Well." Hayl spoke cooly and calmly, pacing up and down, nobody would have guessed that she was doing this in order to place herself over the source. "I'm pretty sure I could kick your ass all the way from here to the moon and back." She felt a surge of magic tingle up and down her body, through to her finger tips ready for use.

"I'm sure, I'm sure." The mafia boss chuckled, obviously taunting her. "Now, little girl, are you ready to play with the big boys?"

Hayl called a fireball into her hand and held a defensive stance, "As ready as I ever will be." she spoke, throwing the fireball at him, which he dodged earlier.

"Foolish child!" The man laughed at her as he dodged, "you're puny fireball tricks are no match for my raw energy!" He threw a jolt of blue light at her, which hit her shield with such force that she fell to the floor - the mafia around her laughed loudly.

"Then i guess I'll just have to fight fire with fire." She grinned at him, evilly.

In the space of two seconds, she was surround by a ball of brilliant violent light which radiated pure magical energy. She expanded it across the room, burning any mafia that got in the way into cinders. She hoped it would hit the mafia boss, too but she wasn't in luck. He had his own energy ball surrounding him. For a while it seemed like the power between them both was equal, sparks flew, both obtained injuries. It went on for at least an hour, Hayl began getting enhausted, she fell to her knees. It seemed like the mafia boss had won. But then, she drew up the whole of the rest of her power and threw every last bit of it at him...and the room exploded in a ball of fire.

Hayl gasped. She had remembered part of the earlier prophecy that the Water's of the Future had showed her. Just like last time, there will be a massive battle and very few people would survive. Except, this time, she wasn't meant to fight in it. This wasn't her battle to fight...for once. She jumped up from her spot on the floor and tried to make haste back to the classroom.


Meanwhile, back in Room 233, paranoia had began setting in. It was any wonder that this hadn't started happening sooner, though. But, they were sorcerers, they were meant to be calm and cool in all situations. There was no way that they could decide who was going to win and who was going to lose this - it was just too difficult a choice. They shouldn't be put in the position where they have to kill one of their own in order to save their own lives. The innocents each felt a certain amount of betrayal. This was somebody that they had probably grown up with, had learnt magic together, eating meals in the hall with them. And all the while, they had been planning this. This callous occassion in which they hoped to wipe out the whole of the magic kind and take control over both the magic world and the human world. Maybe even heaven and hell - the breach of the wards surrounding those pathways in was strong in the Temple. If the mafia got control, there would be nothing but evil and chaos ruining the streets and villages...
That said, they couldn't figure out the best person to kill. They hoped to leave it for another day and make a better, informed decision.

Day Eight ends in a No Lynch.[/i]

It is now Night Eight, Night ends Tuesday 30th at 9pm GMT+1...stupid daylight savings time waking me up at 4am this morning...any actions not submitted by then will be forgone.
Seriously. Read your role PM before playing.
I am sorry if you have to prod me, I have absolutely no concept of time.

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Post Post #1676 (ISO) » Tue Mar 30, 2010 12:34 pm

Post by Haylen »

Not for the first time, Hayl ran through the corridors, trying to get to Room 233. It reminded her of when she was originally running to the classroom, actually. Both times had been in life or death situations. Now there was no one to punish her for running in the halls and being a possible hazard to people who are walking in them. To be honest, Hayl always believed they should have been lucky she never used an electric scooter or a motorbike in this corridors...not that she hadn't been tempted to.

If she managed to get to the classroom, she would be able to warn them that the mafia are going to attack and they must prepare for a massive battle...and hope they all survive. If she found out who that last mafia member was, she was going to strangle him to death herself. Hayl had had about enough of their nonsense, and to make it worse, she found their actions very rude. She ran faster, trying not to alert any mafia people that may be lurking in the shadows or around the corner

Too late.

Hayl tripped on a wire trap that had been set and tumbled over. Her head hit the corner of the table rendering her helpless and unconscious...


She estimated that 4 or 5 hours had passed since she had last been awake, after Hayl arose from the land of the unconscious. She felt a large bump on her dead where she had hit the table earlier. But, she feared opening her eyes because she knew it meant that the mafia would notice and she would be tortured for hours on end. That was the game they played last time she had been taken from the courtyard, 3 years previous. She had been very lucky to make it out alive. This meant that once again, she would have to think of a clever way in which to escape. Perhaps, this also lay in the prophecy she had received when she had last looked into the Waters? Maybe it was the solution for her to escape. In the darkness of her cold, damp prison, Hayl tried to remember...

She remembered looking into a field, one that she had first thought was empty. Hayl realised it hadn't been. Standing opposite her, there had been a tall, bright figure with angelic like features. It was giving her a warning. A warning that, no matter how hard she tried to take them out, the mafia would never be defeated. However, it is her destiny to try to beat them whenever she can. If she managed to fulfill this destiny, those who have died will be reborn as they once were. Time would restart as though it had never happened and she would be reunited with her family. If she won, she would be able to see all her friends again as they once were - happy and carefree. Not covered in blood. Maybe angel's did exist afterall...

Hayl smiled to herself. In order for that to happen, though, she would have to die.
Deciding it was worth a shot, Hayl did a very simple teleportation spell, which would send her back to the Mirror Room if it worked...surprisingly, it did. How could those mafia idiots have been so stupid? They were meant to be criminal masterminds, and yet they didn't realise a sorceress might try to use teleportation magic against them. She grinned at their stupidity as she stood up from the ground and brushed herself down. Back in the Mirror Room, she was. Back in her sanctuary.

She heard an explosion, the whole building shook. It was that of the power of a small earthquake. Hayl made sure the door was closed tight, before sitting down in front of her favourite mirror. She wished she would fight with her friends, but that wasn't possible in the current situation. She had already been half kidnapped when she had tried to help them the last time.

All she could do now, was wait for her death...


The High Monk held his head in his hands, straining to understand what was going on. He was reading the old scriptures, the ones that were meant to foretell major life threatening problems and give the solution to them. He had found the one he was after - the rip in reality this year - but he didn't understand what it was telling him that he should do. He translated it to mean that he had to kill the person who create the problem. But that meant that the person who needed to die was Hayl...he didn't think he could kill her. He had been having dreams in which he committed the same crime, unbeknownst to him, this was also the dream that the remaining students were having aswell.

If he killed her, he would be hailed a hero. But, he would not be human anymore, it took much hate to be able to take another persons life and then to survive the deep regret would still be devastating on the soul.

But if he had to kill her, he would.


One Year EarlierHayl silently closed the door behind her, trying to go unnoticed by the teacher. She didn't want him to know that she was late, especially as it was the first class of the year. Imagine the reputation it would give her! Such a bad impression, especially from the only surviving student from the previous Temple. She liked to keep up the belief that she may be a hero - even though she had doubted it herself. She had only won the last mafia war due to sheer common sense and luck.

"Hayl!" She heard a yell.

"Dammit." She whispered under her breath, so much for stealth.

"You're late! On your first day!" The teacher glared at her.

"Yeah, about that. I was in the nurses bays, I was feeling sick. I'm all better now though." Hayl replied, lying through her teeth.

The teacher looked at her dubiously, but allowed her to take her seat without any further questions.

She noticed lots of new faces, in fact, the only one she recognised what Nacho and that was only because of what happened in the last war. Now he was a fully fledged sorcerer like herself. She took the only desk remaining and observed the rest of the class. They looked happy and peaceful, pleased to be there and excited at the opportunity to learn magic. The girl she had sat down next to, Maemuki - her name was - chatted quite amiably to her and pointed to a few people she knew, naming them as Dramonic, camn and Anon. She had better get to know them, she was going to be spending the whole of the year of them and they would have to put up with her reckless acts. Might aswell make friends before all that.

To Hayl, they seemed to joyful for the Temple. But then again, they weren't here, they hadn't experienced what had happened before. They didn't truly know of the ghosts of memories past.

Hayl slumped back against the wall in the Mirror Room, her memories drifting back to a time when she had been happy and every body had been forgiving. She just needed to keep herself awake for a little while longer, then she would be able to sleep for an eternity.

For today, she was safe in the knowledge that nobody had yet died.

You have til the 4th to lynch.

My computer is being jerky.
Seriously. Read your role PM before playing.
I am sorry if you have to prod me, I have absolutely no concept of time.

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Post Post #1677 (ISO) » Tue Mar 30, 2010 12:55 pm

Post by SpyreX »

*gasp* Anon went nowhere again.

However, I'm positive he's the last scum. And there is no SK.

Vote: Anon

Its really simple. Why am I not dead?

1.) I am scum.
--- I am not scum.
2.) Me being killed would paint a giant lylo target on someone.
--- This is the important one.
Anon makes sense for this after clamoring for me to get killed all game. When you add that in with the adamancy he's pushed the D1 VC (which apparently I was wrong about), the push on Yos AND the bizarro-dance yesterday with KMD and waiting for my result me dead = Reck pretty much confirmed and down for the lynch.
This is what it has to be because:
3.) Someone framing Anon to look like #2..
--- Killing me would
help that scenario

I'm sure of this. Enough to stop from another nolynch cycle.
I always lynch scum... sometimes they're just not mafia. :P

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Post Post #1678 (ISO) » Tue Mar 30, 2010 6:22 pm

Post by xRECKONERx »

I'm with SpyreX. I'm not doing this endless no lynch dance. But, for the record, SpyreX... can you list out ALL of your results from tracking for reference?
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Post Post #1679 (ISO) » Tue Mar 30, 2010 6:26 pm

Post by SpyreX »

Night 1: Drip went nowhere
Night 2: ??? (I got no result on Dram)
Night 3: Weaboo went nowhere.
Night 4: Yos went nowhere.
Night 5: Anon went nowhere.
Night 6: KMD visited Parama
Night 7: Anon went nowhere.
Night 8: Anon went nowhere.

That should be all of them.
I always lynch scum... sometimes they're just not mafia. :P

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Post Post #1680 (ISO) » Tue Mar 30, 2010 6:32 pm

Post by xRECKONERx »

Why isn't Pulindar scum, exactly?
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Post Post #1681 (ISO) » Tue Mar 30, 2010 6:33 pm

Post by SpyreX »

Pulindar wouldn't benefit near as much from keeping me alive as Anon would.
I always lynch scum... sometimes they're just not mafia. :P

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Post Post #1682 (ISO) » Wed Mar 31, 2010 8:27 am

Post by xRECKONERx »

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Post Post #1683 (ISO) » Wed Mar 31, 2010 1:23 pm

Post by Anon »


You know I was going to give Spyrex the benefit of the doubt and reread this game once again treating all of you as possible scumbags but Mr. POWERFUL WIZARD decided to come strong with the vote and the lamest reason ever. No time to think Pulindar or Reck could be scum setting this scenario for destroying ourselves. Seriously, I think Spyrex just cleared Pulindar becuase it wouldnt make sense for keeping him alive. lolwut?

With that said, I want to say that if any of you, pulindar or reck, is scum, well played and gg. I wont probably vote for any of you unless you do something scummy as hell. Anyways I had a town read on Pulindar for reasons previously explained and the only thing that bugs me about Reck is the softclaim that was ok explained yesterday.

ITT, I explain why Spyrex is scum, based only in recent events. If any of you want to check my reasons for thinking he was scum in the previous days, I can totally dig them for you.

1. Why the hell the claimed tracker is still alive since what, DAY 5?

2. Why the hell the claimed tracker is voting someone that didnt go anywhere Night 5, when balance reasons scream another POWER ROLE scumbag?

3. Why the hell the claimed tracker that voted KMD as soon as day started and posted this:
SpyreX wrote:Hahahaha

Busted, sucka

Vote: KMD
makes a suboptymal play for a player of his kind? You of all the players in this game know that kmd's "good game scum" at L-1 doesnt mean anything. Which is even worse, since if you were pretty sure he was scum, as your early votes shows, then that comment SHOULDNT have made you hesitate.

If there was someone bizarro-dancing with KMD, it was you, good sir.

Vote: Spyrex.

Now, some questions for Mr. Spyrex:

Spyrex, would you say that my play in SC'S Nekomata is similar/different to this one?

Spyrex, would you say that your play in SC's Nekomata is similar/different to this one?
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Post Post #1684 (ISO) » Wed Mar 31, 2010 1:26 pm

Post by Anon »

SpyreX wrote:Pulindar wouldn't benefit near as much from keeping me alive as Anon would.
Bullshit. Pulindarscum would benefit with both of us destroying our asses.
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Post Post #1685 (ISO) » Wed Mar 31, 2010 1:32 pm

Post by Anon »

Also Spyrex, if I were scum, I dont see no reason to kill Reckoner who thinks you are town since you claimed and is suspected by basically no one. What is my benefit for keeping Reckoner alive, Spyrex?

Interestengly enough, drippereth and parama, the people who had solid town reads on me and scum reads on you are blatantly dead. Welp.
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Post Post #1686 (ISO) » Wed Mar 31, 2010 1:49 pm

Post by SpyreX »

I've been waiting for this. Wooo
You know I was going to give Spyrex the benefit of the doubt and reread this game once again treating all of you as possible scumbags but Mr. POWERFUL WIZARD decided to come strong with the vote and the lamest reason ever. No time to think Pulindar or Reck could be scum setting this scenario for destroying ourselves. Seriously, I think Spyrex just cleared Pulindar becuase it wouldnt make sense for keeping him alive. lolwut?
If ANYONE believes that all of a sudden you were going to 180 on me I'd love to see it. And, the reason not to is...because I voted for you?

That I came out of the gate, as scum, and limited my options to push for A lynch?

1. Why the hell the claimed tracker is still alive since what, DAY 5?

2. Why the hell the claimed tracker is voting someone that didnt go anywhere Night 5, when balance reasons scream another POWER ROLE scumbag?

3. Why the hell the claimed tracker that voted KMD as soon as day started and posted this:
1.) To do just this. Because you committed WAY too hard to me being scum. Just long enough to jump off and do whatever else caught your fancy (like that awesome Yos lynch).

And a nice bit of doublespeak in that "DAY 5" capitals like it was eons ago. Considering that, even with me being a Tracker, I'm less of a threat than the gunsmith-confirmed AND the ultra-town Drip well.

2.) We've got a Miller and a Town Godfather in a game with a Gunsmith. We had two extra shots that weren't claimed by ANYONE. Yea, balance is a great argument at this point.

3.) Because I watched him, the scum, go to a confirmed town player and then came up dead? Oddly enough, who was the one waiting around for him to have an excuse for it?

Meta is junk. How's that for meta.
Bullshit. Pulindarscum would benefit with both of us destroying our asses.
Me dead and flipping is a dead Anon in lylo if Pulindar is scum. Keeping me alive makes little sense in that scenario. Only you are dead to rights if I'm dead.

Its either you or me, and it sure as hell isn't me.
Also Spyrex, if I were scum, I dont see no reason to kill Reckoner who thinks you are town since you claimed and is suspected by basically no one. What is my benefit for keeping Reckoner alive, Spyrex?

Interestengly enough, drippereth and parama, the people who had solid town reads on me and scum reads on you are blatantly dead. Welp.
Hmm, I don't know. The fact that I'd SEE YOU KILL RECK maybe?

Yea, thats interesting. Its not like there was no other reasons for those two to take the bullet, right.

Interestingly enough, you've been clamoring for my lynch but when Yos started really going after you Yos gets lynched. Not before going "ohh but SpyreX is a scum tracker" though.

Also, Interestingly enough, sure looks like right when Drip dropped the bull-headed crusade on me you sure changed your tune too.
I always lynch scum... sometimes they're just not mafia. :P

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Post Post #1687 (ISO) » Wed Mar 31, 2010 1:50 pm

Post by SpyreX »

HAHAHA, ohh and lets take a peek at this gem from KMD:
Yos, it was mostly the way you reacted to Nacho's claim and your post today where you voted Anon.
Yep, thats KMD jumping on that awesome wagon.
I always lynch scum... sometimes they're just not mafia. :P

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Post Post #1688 (ISO) » Wed Mar 31, 2010 1:57 pm

Post by Anon »

Lets play this little exercise:


Kmd - Mafia Godfather - Lynched Day 7

Nikanor - Mafia Goon - Lynched Day One

Nachomamma8 - Mafia Goon - Lynched Day 3

XXXXXXXX - Mafia XXXX - Lynched Day 9

CSL - Vanilla Townie - Killed Night One

A Clergyman with a Hoop - Neutral Surviver - Smited Day Two

camn - Town Godfather - Killed Night 3

Ythan - Vanilla Townie - Killed Night 3

Maemuki - Jailkeeper - Lynched Day 4

Dramonic - Gunsmith - Killed Night 4

Starbuck - Vanilla Townie - Lynched Day 5

Drippereth - SuperSaint - Killed Night 5

Yosarian2 - Miller - Lynched Day 6

Parama - Vanilla Townie - Killed Night 6

Pulindar ???? but claimed Vanilla
SpyreX ???? but claimed Tracker
Anon ???? but claimed Vanilla
xReckonerx ???? but claimed Vanilla

Spyrex, I know you are an intelligent guy. What role do you think the last mafia has using only balance reasons?
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Post Post #1689 (ISO) » Wed Mar 31, 2010 2:38 pm

Post by SpyreX »

You're asking me a balance question when the FLIPPED ROLES don't make sense with what we have to offer but lets see what could be out there for brevities sake.

* Rolecop
* Roleblocker (real, real doubtful considering)
* Hider
* Doctor
* Driver (real, real doubtful considering)
* Goon
* Some kinda wacky role

My money is on a Goon.

However, since we're playing this OHH SO FUN game:

Why in the name of everything holy would I bus KMD at lylo when I could have done well anything else? (Hint: WIFOM isn't an answer).
Am I a scum tracker or just presciently making everything up?
Why would I go out of my way to clear reck?

And, of course,

Why is it that KMD jumped on the Yos wagon because he voted for you and you were the one that tsk, tsk'd me when I watched him visit?
I always lynch scum... sometimes they're just not mafia. :P

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Post Post #1690 (ISO) » Wed Mar 31, 2010 9:15 pm

Post by xRECKONERx »

Gonna deliberate for a bit before making my decision. As far as I'm concerned, either SpyreX is scum (100%) or Pulindar/Anon is scum (50/50). Pulindar turned out to be scum in Dollhouse Mafia (which just completed if anyone wants to meta him), and Anon I have no scumreads on, but I can't comment on an ongoing game.
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Post Post #1691 (ISO) » Thu Apr 01, 2010 2:11 am

Post by Anon »

Im so drunk and traveling ritghtw now for holy week in my country.

Back on friday night.

Dont miss me much,
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Post Post #1692 (ISO) » Thu Apr 01, 2010 4:11 am

Post by xRECKONERx »

Vote: Pulindar

*cue circus/carnival music*

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Post Post #1693 (ISO) » Thu Apr 01, 2010 7:18 am

Post by Pulindar »

Sorry, I was working on something and got caught up in it. Actually, a favor for Haylen :) . she like's pokemon. Now I need to catch up in all my games.

Ug, it really doesn't help that I flipped scum in a game that Reck and I just finished. Let me read through today.
"If I had to label someone as dangerous, it'd be Pulindar. I have a feeling his scum game is very similar to his town game.... What I think is dangerous about Pulindar is that his scumreads feel so liquid. He can post a wall of questions and decide he doesn't like your answer to one of them and justify a vote on you." ~ Prawneater
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Post Post #1694 (ISO) » Thu Apr 01, 2010 7:42 am

Post by Pulindar »

I hadn't noticed what you said when I first posted, but I did realize that my flip there would hurt your read on me here. If you really want my meta, ask Nacho, though he has an invested interest. I suppose SK knows. SK knows my role in every game. Then again you proably can't ask him as he's mod :(

Reck, check out my Jekyll game modded by Budja. you might see the similarities between my town and my scum game. Actualy check out any of my completed games, they're pretty similar though there are some definite differences.

Anyway, None of that matters I suppose. Reck, I'm about to confirm that you're town.
Vote SpyreX

Reck's next post confirms his alignment.

By the way, my vote on SpyreX is for two reasons. I'm keeping to my support of Anon. After I ISOed Anon I became possitive that he was town, and I don't feel like second guessing myself on this issue. He had alot of evidence that pointed at SpyreX, and i believe it.

Also I feel that scum had an investigative role, and SpyreX admits to a scum possible investigative role.

Also, as I've said before Haylen played in a game where a Mafia Tracker made a huge difference because people didn't want to lynch the power role. I believe that she was wondering if it would happen again.
"If I had to label someone as dangerous, it'd be Pulindar. I have a feeling his scum game is very similar to his town game.... What I think is dangerous about Pulindar is that his scumreads feel so liquid. He can post a wall of questions and decide he doesn't like your answer to one of them and justify a vote on you." ~ Prawneater
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Post Post #1695 (ISO) » Thu Apr 01, 2010 8:46 am

Post by Pulindar »

"If I had to label someone as dangerous, it'd be Pulindar. I have a feeling his scum game is very similar to his town game.... What I think is dangerous about Pulindar is that his scumreads feel so liquid. He can post a wall of questions and decide he doesn't like your answer to one of them and justify a vote on you." ~ Prawneater
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Post Post #1696 (ISO) » Thu Apr 01, 2010 8:54 am

Post by xRECKONERx »

Why exactly would scum need a tracker? Our power roles:

Town Godfather (what the fuck is this)
SuperSaint (doesn't visit)
Gunsmith (doesn't he just determine if someone has a gun or not?)
Jailkeeper (okay, he visits)

So really, are we expecting scum to have a tracker just to catch a gunsmith or a JK?
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Post Post #1697 (ISO) » Thu Apr 01, 2010 9:17 am

Post by Pulindar »

[quote="Reck"Town Godfather (what the fuck is this)[/quote] What is the most powerful Scum role? a scum godfather. Thus, this was our most powerful town role.

Glad you're completely confirmed town though Reck.
"If I had to label someone as dangerous, it'd be Pulindar. I have a feeling his scum game is very similar to his town game.... What I think is dangerous about Pulindar is that his scumreads feel so liquid. He can post a wall of questions and decide he doesn't like your answer to one of them and justify a vote on you." ~ Prawneater
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Post Post #1698 (ISO) » Thu Apr 01, 2010 9:18 am

Post by Pulindar »

Reck wrote:Town Godfather (what the fuck is this)
What is the most powerful Scum role? a scum godfather. Thus, this was our most powerful town role.

Glad you're completely confirmed town though Reck.

I keep messing up Code today
"If I had to label someone as dangerous, it'd be Pulindar. I have a feeling his scum game is very similar to his town game.... What I think is dangerous about Pulindar is that his scumreads feel so liquid. He can post a wall of questions and decide he doesn't like your answer to one of them and justify a vote on you." ~ Prawneater
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Post Post #1699 (ISO) » Thu Apr 01, 2010 9:38 am

Post by xRECKONERx »

How am I confirmed town?

Also, I specifically want to know if Town GF was a visiting role or not.
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