Mini 1219 - Bedtime Stories Mafia - Game Over!

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Mini 1219 - Bedtime Stories Mafia - Game Over!

Post Post #0 (ISO) » Fri Aug 12, 2011 7:00 am

Post by GreyICE »

Welcome to Bedtime Stories Mafia!

The first post will contain the rules, the second will contain a sample Vanilla Town PM (of which there is at least one of in the game). The third will contain the flavor, and the day start.

Flavor will have no bearing on game mechanics.

As a special note, please observe that I have preemptively answered questions about the mini normal roles in a special FAQ. The version for this game is 1.0.
Any answer should not be taken as an indicator of whether a given role is or is not in the game.

As a special note:
Deadlines are
Prods are
48 hours.
First prod I will wait 48 hours then search for a replacement, second prod I will wait 24 hours and then search for a replacement, third prod is auto replace. If you message me during the replacement search on the first or second prod you may keep the spot. Third is automatic replacement.
VLAs may be PMed to me or posted in thread.
If I didn't note it, I probably don't know about it. Unfortunately, it must be
responsibility to notify
in a reasonable fashion. I do not promise to notice signature VLAs, and do not check the VLA thread.


Rules of the Game

Blatantly stolen from Nacho, Vi, Neruz, and more (yep, I’m a shameless thief)

Administrative Rules

0: I will moderate this game fairly, but I have final authority.

You may not discuss the game outside the thread. Doing so will result in a mod kill or replacement of all involved and a very unhappy moderator. In the same vein you may not quote any private communication from me or other players including PMs and quicktopic. Finally, you may not post the links to the quicktopics while the game is ongoing.
If you need my attention please PM me or post in bold in the thread. Please notify me of any errors you believe have taken place immediately. The faster I notice what I did wrong, the easier it is to correct.
Modkills will result in the mod-killed player immediately losing the game. I will also then take whatever action is deemed most detrimental (that is, worst) for the faction involved in the modkill. Modkill will never have a positive outcome for your faction.
In the event of Moderator error, the situation will be resolved as fairly as possible to all parties.

Voting and Deadlines:

1. Voting must be bolded and at the start of the line in the form Vote: Player, or else they probably will not be counted. Unvotes are not required to change your vote, but they are helpful.
1a. Fake votes
or hammers
are not allowed. We're playing Mafia, not trying to see who's most easily fooled. In the event that something appears to be a vote, it will probably be counted as a vote.

1b. Fake hammers are frowned upon. {8/25/11}

2. I don't mind if you use nicknames/abbreviations when you vote someone. But if I have no idea who you're voting for, then the vote won't be counted.
3. Lynches require votes equal to the majority of the players (Number of living players/2, round up)
4. If there's no majority at deadline, there's no lynch. Deadlines are set at two weeks.
5. When the hammer vote is cast all living players, including the lynched player, may talk freely.
6. If you are dead, you may post a single “bah” post that contains any combination of the letters “F” and “U” as well as appropriate Llama pictures.

Prods and Replacements:

Prods will be given if you do not post for 48 hours
If you are prodded, you have 48 hours to post in the thread before being replaced on the first prod, 24 on the second prod, and immediate upon the third.
If it is announced you are replaced, you may not post. To keep your spot PM me on the first or second prod and you will have it
if a replacement has not been found.

The second time you are prodded, you will be warned. The third time you are prodded, you will be replaced. The moderator may consider extenuating circumstances, at my SOLE discretion.
If you're V/LA, make sure I know. If you are V/LA for more than a week, you may find a temporary replacement. PM me to discuss this. V/LAs of a week or longer are strongly discouraged, and may be rejected at my sole discretion.
You will have 24 hours after return from V/LA to post before being prodded.
At my discretion, I may reject any V/LA requests from players I consider have utilized V/LA to the point where they are no longer active members of the game. You can generally determine if you fall into this category through common sense.
The moderator will attempt to perform activity checks at each vote count. If you note that I have missed a player, you may request a prod.

General Rules

is a mod color. You get all the other ones, be happy. I will simply warn gently for the use of Gold and edit the offending post, UNLESS it appears you have deliberately attempted to post in such a way that it appears to be from the moderator. That would make me unhappy.
If you have access, do not edit or delete your posts. Doing so will result in modkill, NO EXCEPTIONS.
Don't quote or 'closely paraphrase' any moderator communication
Do not use invisible text, small text, spoiler text, or any other method of disguising communication. Spoiler boxes are explicitly allowed for the purposes of increased readability,
but votes in them will not be counted.

I am human, I make mistakes. Show me them where you see them.
A basic level of civility is required. This is mafia, emotions run high, but ongoing harassment, insulting, and other issues that threaten the game will not be tolerated.

Game Mechanics

All game mechanics follow Natural Action Resolution as described in the Wiki. All roles in the same layer of NAR will resolve simultaneously.
Specific role related questions should be answered here. I may, at my discretion, answer any questions about roles in PM. If I do so, I will provide the same answers in the thread upon request. You do NOT have permission to quote or paraphrase any communication from me regarding abilities, even if I would have posted the same in thread.

Golden Rule

Questions > Modkills. If you're about to do something that you're unsure about, then ask me about it.
Last edited by GreyICE on Tue Oct 04, 2011 6:34 am, edited 20 times in total.
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Post Post #1 (ISO) » Fri Aug 12, 2011 7:11 am

Post by GreyICE »

Player Status

Still passing as alive

Evil Bullet

Shuffled off this mortal coil

VoidedMafia, Mafia Encryptor
was Lynched Day 1.

Beck, Odd-Night Vigilante
was killed Night 1!

Sleuth, Vanilla Townie
was killed Night 1!

Hiphop, Mafia Watcher
, Lynched Day 2

Llamarble, Vanilla Townie,
has been lynched Day 3
{Replacing Parama}
RainbowDash, Bodyguard
was killed Night 3!

WeirdVoights, Vanilla Townie
has been Lynched Day 4

Removed from the cycle

Sample PM

Vanilla TownieWelcome to Bedtime Stories Mafia,
. You are a
Vanilla Townie

You have no powers besides your voice and your vote.

Please confirm with your role name via PM. The game thread is here.

Win Condition

You win when all threats to the town are eliminated and at least one townie survives.

You know that the majority of players possess the Town Win Condition.
Last edited by GreyICE on Tue Sep 20, 2011 3:14 pm, edited 16 times in total.
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Post Post #2 (ISO) » Fri Aug 12, 2011 10:25 am

Post by GreyICE »

Can you tell me a story, mommy?

Yes sweetie, mommy will tell you a story.

Will it be scary, mommy?

You're a brave child, sweetie, you won't be scared.

Are you certain, mommy?

Yes sweetie, Mommy is certain. Tuck yourself into the warm covers, and listen.


It was one year ago, in the winter, when a class left for their annual skiing trip. Each year, the class of children went up the the log cabin on the side of a mountain, and stayed there for a week, learning to ski, and enjoying the outdoors.

That sounds like fun, Mommy!

Yes it does, sweetie, be quiet and listen.

This year, fourteen children were traveling to the mountainside. They were accompanied by their teacher, a ski instructor, and a guide. It was exceptionally cold that winter, and all of the children were dressed in extra coats and gloves to keep them warm. Even with the extra protection, some of the children were shivering, the cold biting through their coats, piercing their gloves and mufflers. The snow was blowing into their face, and the children had to link hands to keep from loosing sight of each other. The guide was a distant figure, roped to the teacher and the ski instructor, and the children merely caught glimpses of him through the blowing snow as he lead them towards the cabin. Even though it was mid-afternoon, the sky was a mottled grey, sun entirely obscured. The faint grey light illuminating the world was the only sign that the sun was in the sky.

Even the teacher and ski instructor were shivering in this weather, but the guide appeared unaffected as he lead them onwards into the blizzard. The trail was obscured and lost, the markers they were following visible only to the guide. The teacher was concerned, and suggested that maybe they turn back and cancel it this year, but the ski instructor cheerfully assured the teacher that this happened often, and that it would warm up in a few days. The guide agreed, adding that winter storms came and went on the mountains, and it was nothing so unusual as that. Besides, he mentioned, the cabin would be nice and warm.

The guide lead them to the cabin, and indeed it was warm and cheerful and inviting. Inside, he started a fire, and soon everyone was relaxed. The children had a chance to call their parents for the first time in nearly a day, for cell phones didn't work on the mountainside. Speaking to their parents reassured the children, and soon they were happy and chatting and laughing. The apprehension and fear that everyone felt during the long hike seemed like a distant memory, and everyone was sure that it would be all right.

Was it all right?

No sweetie, for children should know better than to trust warm and friendly shells that hide the cold darkness.

That night, the children awoke to a horrible screaming. As one, they rushed to the edge of the stairwell. By the light of the dying fire, they saw a gruesome sight. Holly, one of their friends, someone they had known their entire life, was tearing into their teacher, her teeth tearing chunks out of the teacher's flesh, her hands somehow sinking into the teacher's body and leaving deep bloody tracks. The teacher's screams were dying as they watched.

The ski instructor rushed from his room, and taking in the scene in one instant, vaulted the railing on the second story, and landed on the wooden floor below. He seized a fireplace poker, and swung it into Holly's body.

Holly screamed, a horrible keening sound and staggered off the teacher's body. Her shirt was smoking where the hook on the poker had torn through into her side, and as the children watched, it began to change and warp. Holly transformed into a tall, spindly being, all teeth and claws and long spidery limbs. Her clothes were torn by spines and underneath them, the children could see her skin was a mottled greenish brown.

The ski instructor seemed taken aback, but only briefly. He attacked this monster, swinging the poker freely, and the monster fell back... but only briefly. The long spindly limbs could move quicker than the childrens' eyes could follow, and the claws tore nasty gashes in the instructor's arms.

Although the children could see obvious pain in inxtructor's eyes, and the floor was coated in droplets of red blood, he never retreated. The poker slammed into the creature again, hitting it in the eye, and it let loose another keening shriek. The sound tore into the childrens' ears like a thousand nails on a thousand blackboards, a discordant symphony of screeching pain. They flinched, and some closed their eyes. They were the lucky ones, for they didn't see when the monster lashed out with its arm, sending the ski instructor flying across the room. They didn't know what caused the meaty thump when he slammed into the wall. The ones who left their eyes open? They knew. They knew what caused it, watched his body fall loosely to the floor, saw the smear of blood it left against the wall as it slid down.

The monster let out a triumphant bellow, it's unnattural echoes terrifying each child who heard it, and leapt forward to consume the instructor's body. Most of the children shut their eyes then, so only two saw what happened. They saw the creature as it flew through the air, towards the instructor, landing on his body. They saw the poker rise at the last second, catching it in the chest. They saw the cold iron tear through the creature's body, driven by the force of the creature's leap, and come out the other side. They saw the poker dripping with greenish-grey blood, saw the creature weakly scream and flop to the side, loosely grasping at the poker, trying to dislodge it. They saw the ski instructor fall back, triumph in his eyes.

And they saw his legs, barely attached after the creature's claws dug into them, the deep wound in his chest the claws left when they landed, the blood spilling out in slow, rhythmic spurts, slowly pumping out of his body to stain the floor.

The guide entered the room then, from outside the cabin. As the children watched, he changed and twisted, growing in height. Horns tore loose of his scalp, and he seemed to loom over the children, even from below. He looked down at the dead instructor, and the dead monster, and somehow the children sensed that he approved of what he saw.

“Little children,” he said, “little children in my forest, intruding where you don't belong.”

He snarled, and his face twisted as he growled, and the children could sense a great, untamed rage in those words. “Little children must earn their place here. To be in the domain of the lord of the hunt, they must show themselves worthy hunters.”

“There are some of you who have already failed, already fallen on the way to this cabin. My servants, my fairies, my monsters are already amongst you. During the day, you must hunt them, for at night?”

“At night children, they hunt you.” He laughed then, a booming echo filling the room. “Hunt! Hunt and hide and pray for the sunlight. Show me who is worthy, or let none leave this mountainside alive.”

The sun rose the next morning, and reluctantly the children were forced to go downstairs. They had to move the bodies, the instructor's and the teacher's first, but eventually they worked up the courage to touch the thing that had looked like Holly, had fooled them all. They thought how she had laughed and smiled when they got to the cabin, how she had joked with them, and they realized it was all a lie, all the trick of something that had hollowed out body, and hidden within her skin, moving her body like a puppet.

The electric lights no longer glowed and even the fireplace seemed reluctant to light, wooden logs resentfully spitting out dull flames that seemed to taunt the children, the meager warmth barely lessening the biting cold that had slid inside the cabin during the night. The dull grey light from the sky sliding through the windows was their major source of illumination, as they prepared breakfast. The food they prepared wouldn't warm, no matter how long they left it on the stove, and finally they had to eat it. The cold, soggy oatmeal seeming to grip the inside of their throats as they forced it down.

The thirteen looked at each other. Which one of them was a monster? Which one of them was a killer? Which one of them was going to change in the middle of the night, going to rip their throat out and leave pieces of them scattered all over the hall? Or were they all the same? Would their death be worse than the teacher's, the instructor's? Would their fate seem a kind mercy by the time it was over?

And would any survive to leave the mountain?


I'm scared, mommy

Don't be honey, this happened a long time ago.

But the children mommy? Were they all right?

You'll find out later, sweetie. Now mommy is tired, and its time for little children to be sleeping.

Will they get me, mommy? Will they get me in the middle of the night?

Only if you're a bad child, sweetie. They come for bad children, children who go where they're not supposed to and do things they shouldn't. Are you a good child?

Yes mommy.

Then you'll be safe, honey. Unless you're lying of course.
Sleep well, sweetie!


Vi, Wise Teacher,
Vanilla Townie
and Game Reviewer, killed in the pre-game.
Herodotus, Brave Instructor,
Town Elite Bodyguard
and Game Reviewer, killed in the pre-game.
Hoopla, Shapeshifting Fairy,
Mafia Goon
and Game Reviewer, killed in the pre-game.

GreyICE, Cernunnos, Lord of the Hunt,
Neutral Lord and Moderator
lives, watches, and waits.
Last edited by GreyICE on Fri Aug 12, 2011 10:09 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post Post #3 (ISO) » Fri Aug 12, 2011 7:44 pm

Post by GreyICE »

Mommy, what did the children do?

Eat your breakfast, sweetie.

But how did they find the evil fairies?


The children seemed to instinctively understand the rules. They could take one each day. And they knew with a cold certainty that they would be taken at night.

It remained to be seen who played by these rules...


Vote Count 1.0

Beck(0) -

cloudocean(0) -

deselby(0) -

Evil Bullet(0) -

hiphop(0) -

implosion(0) -

Neruz(0) -

Parama(0) -

Rainbowdash(0) -

Sleuth(0) -

Thomith (0) -

Voidedmafia(0) -

weirdvoigts(0) -

Not Voting (13) -
Beck, cloudocean, deselby, Evil Bullet, hiphop, implosion, Neruz, Parama, Rainbowdash, Sleuth, Thomith , Voidedmafia, weirdvoigts

With 13 alive, it is 7 to lynch

Current VLAs


Prod/Replacement Status

~Everyone is within posting guidelines~


The day will end in:
(expired on 2011-08-31 21:00:00)
Last edited by GreyICE on Thu Aug 25, 2011 5:02 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Post Post #4 (ISO) » Fri Aug 12, 2011 8:14 pm

Post by hiphop »

vote Thomith
For he is always scum.
Town - 8/12
Scum - 4/2

Never forget

September 11, 2001

I colored hiphop kind of magenta, because he deserves a color of his own.
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Post Post #5 (ISO) » Fri Aug 12, 2011 8:31 pm

Post by Voidedmafia »

I'm gonna right out say it: Grey, you're fucking awesome with flavor.

Now then, for gaming purposes, I myself do not see need for RVS, and therefore will not participate. Don't stop on my account, though.
2011 scummies winner (BTS help) and participant;

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Post Post #6 (ISO) » Fri Aug 12, 2011 8:36 pm

Post by Neruz »

VOTE: Voidedmafia for trying to ruin everyone's fun.
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Post Post #7 (ISO) » Fri Aug 12, 2011 8:51 pm

Post by cloudocean »

vote: implosion

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Post Post #8 (ISO) » Fri Aug 12, 2011 9:15 pm

Post by Thomith »

Hey grey thanks for giving me my nightmare fuel.

VOTE: Parama because you modded and played in a game before this that i was in. Hiphop you're next.

and also i have on been scum 4 out of 7 games...
thomith could be a court jester

I have a Large Normal currently Ongoing.

I have a Micro Normal currently Ongoing.
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Post Post #9 (ISO) » Fri Aug 12, 2011 9:29 pm

Post by Voidedmafia »

Thomith wrote:Hey grey thanks for giving me my nightmare fuel.

VOTE: Parama because you modded and played in a game before this that i was in. Hiphop you're next.

and also i have on been scum 4 out of 7 games...

So that's a claim, huh?
2011 scummies winner (BTS help) and participant;

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Post Post #10 (ISO) » Fri Aug 12, 2011 9:35 pm

Post by Thomith »

It is? New one on me :o
(i was saying that hiphop is wrong not claiming >.>)
thomith could be a court jester

I have a Large Normal currently Ongoing.

I have a Micro Normal currently Ongoing.
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Post Post #11 (ISO) » Fri Aug 12, 2011 10:02 pm

Post by Voidedmafia »

"I have been scum 4/7 games..."

Meh, it works.
2011 scummies winner (BTS help) and participant;

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Post Post #12 (ISO) » Fri Aug 12, 2011 10:04 pm

Post by Thomith »

Voidedmafia wrote:"I have been scum 4/7 games..."

Meh, it works.

This post means?
thomith could be a court jester

I have a Large Normal currently Ongoing.

I have a Micro Normal currently Ongoing.
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Post Post #13 (ISO) » Fri Aug 12, 2011 10:33 pm

Post by Voidedmafia »

That's the claim.
2011 scummies winner (BTS help) and participant;

coming back to Mafia...slowly. Keep an eye for me as a mod.
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Post Post #14 (ISO) » Fri Aug 12, 2011 10:34 pm

Post by Voidedmafia »

EBWOP: Not really substantial enough for a vote, but good enough for saying that in jest.
2011 scummies winner (BTS help) and participant;

coming back to Mafia...slowly. Keep an eye for me as a mod.
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Post Post #15 (ISO) » Fri Aug 12, 2011 10:36 pm

Post by Thomith »

thomith wrote:(i was saying that hiphop is wrong not claiming >.>)
thomith could be a court jester

I have a Large Normal currently Ongoing.

I have a Micro Normal currently Ongoing.
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Post Post #16 (ISO) » Fri Aug 12, 2011 10:42 pm

Post by Neruz »

I have no idea what you two are talking about, but you're both taking it far too seriously for RVS.
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Post Post #17 (ISO) » Fri Aug 12, 2011 10:44 pm

Post by Thomith »

I "claimed scum" at post 10 is what we are talking about.
thomith could be a court jester

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I have a Micro Normal currently Ongoing.
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Post Post #18 (ISO) » Fri Aug 12, 2011 11:07 pm

Post by deselby »

2 hours in and I am already confused.
vote: beck
, cos i didn't get to vote for you in our last game...
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Post Post #19 (ISO) » Fri Aug 12, 2011 11:45 pm

Post by Neruz »

I'll be honest Thomith, you've scored a few scum points in that little alitercation.

VOTE: hiphop for having a name that is similar to hiplop.
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Post Post #20 (ISO) » Sat Aug 13, 2011 12:41 am

Post by implosion »

Neruz wrote:I'll be honest Thomith, you've scored a few scum points in that little alitercation.

VOTE: hiphop for having a name that is similar to hiplop.

VOTE: Neruz
If Thomith is scummy, why make a second RVS vote?
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Happy Scumday!

Post Post #21 (ISO) » Sat Aug 13, 2011 1:28 am

Post by weirdvoigts »

GreyICE, I just want to tell you that the flavor is
VOTE: Neruz
OK, if Tomith is scummy, then why did you place another random vote?

A hydra of bad and worse. Let's see how this turns out.
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Post Post #22 (ISO) » Sat Aug 13, 2011 1:30 am

Post by weirdvoigts »

Woah, didn't read the post above mine until right now. Lol.

A hydra of bad and worse. Let's see how this turns out.
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Post Post #23 (ISO) » Sat Aug 13, 2011 1:30 am

Post by weirdvoigts »

We're a hydra of bvoigt and weirdalexv, in case anyone didn't notice the sig.

I agree with Alex and implosion.

A hydra of bad and worse. Let's see how this turns out.
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Post Post #24 (ISO) » Sat Aug 13, 2011 2:07 am

Post by Beck »

vote: parama

Cause he will brag about his scummies and I don't like braggers
Beck =/= The band
Beck = a football player

"Without rules there is Chaos" C. Kramer

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