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Post Post #1400 (ISO) » Thu Sep 22, 2016 5:52 pm

Post by Kmd4390 »

So I read some of the this7 thread and I'm still not quite sure why piggy had issues with my majiffy push. Ceph kind of already said anything I would on that though. Like anyone who knows majiffy knows that he think he's charismatic, but even if not, the only way that's an issue is if he and I were scum together which piggy wasn't at all thinking so I don't get it. Also, resistance isn't mafia so that doesn't count a meta. I didn't understand that game at all and wasn't able to do anything for like half of it because my phone battery died. Meta me and you'll find plenty of scum games where I played awesome (and maybe a few town ones too ;))
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Post Post #1401 (ISO) » Fri Sep 23, 2016 12:05 am

Post by Shadoweh »

I had a lot more problems with the way you kept calling xofelf town.. :p
And this was like me realizing that you were a serial killer. - Hathor
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Post Post #1402 (ISO) » Fri Sep 23, 2016 5:01 am

Post by Kmd4390 »


She did a great job of mimicking her town meta.
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Post Post #1403 (ISO) » Fri Sep 23, 2016 7:44 am

Post by Untrod Tripod »

Show us the role PMs!
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Post Post #1404 (ISO) » Fri Sep 23, 2016 8:23 am

Post by xofelf »

In post 1402, Kmd4390 wrote:She did a great job of mimicking her town meta.
I'm very glad someone noticed that <3
Xalxe: this is xofelf sometimes we call each other names and other times we share emotions
MattyP: Ur an enigma tho when it comes to circadian rhythm and the traditions we hold dear when it comes to the sun and the moon
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Post Post #1405 (ISO) » Fri Sep 23, 2016 1:25 pm

Post by BROGodMyLife »

Spoiler: Role PMs
Welcome, Your New Gay Overlords, aka

Untrod Tripod - That One Guy Who Didn’t Come to Play but Still Sort of Tried

You really aren’t that big of a Survivor fan. You’ve never played a Survivor game in Mish Mash. Still, Reck needed to fill some spots last minutes, so you figured why the hell not. You could just be an early boot and play boardgames the rest of the weekend with the other early boots, right?

Abilities: You are a VT. During the day, you have a vote. You win when the mafia team is donezo.

“I just came here to play board games”

Welcome Untrod Tripod, aka

Gammagooey - The Second Jennifer

When you were in that TC and you saw CuddlyCaucasian stand on that chair, you just KNEW you had to do the same. That’s YOUR schtick, after all. What the hell was he doing, after all? Not being a survivor fan really made you miss that reference…

Abilities: You are a VT. During the day, you have a vote. You win when the mafia team is donezo.

“Standing on chairs during mafia is MY thing”

Welcome Gammagooey, aka

InflatiblePie - Failed Leader

When you saw BRO going for leader, you were like, “Damn, I’m going for leader.” So you tried to stick him with the last card to nullify his points, but he passed it off to OGML at the last minute. Not only did you not get leader, but you got stuck on a tribe with an angry BRO immediately thereafter. Whoops!

Abilities: You are a VT. During the day, you have a vote. You win when the mafia team is donezo.

“Oh, so you’re going for leader?”

Welcome Xofelf, aka

Blackberry - Rocks!

You won the Survivor Board Game despite more people voting for rocks than for you. Man, people really wanted rocks that game. Also during the real Survivor game, but that never happened (because Flameaxe and BPC suck).


You are a member of the mafia, with Bellaphant, Radja, and Haschel Cedricson. You may talk at any time here
The first time you are lynched, you will not die. Instead, you and the second leading wagon will be immune, and the rest of the game will draw rocks. Whoever draws the purple rock will be lynched instead.
You win when only the mafia are remaining, or nothing can prevent that from happening.


Welcome Shadoweh, aka

BROseidon - All Aboard

Man, isn’t OGML the best? Like, you’ve never felt this way about an ally before. An ally that you’d actually be unwilling to let die in the game. A hill you
actually die on. Or wait, did. You actually did end up dying for him. Oh well, johnning from the jury was more fun than actually playing Survivor, anyways.


You and Pablito are masons. You may converse here at any time.
If Pablito were to be nightkilled, you will be nightkilled instead. This ability cannot be blocked, and is passive.
You win when the mafia team is donezo.

“My vote will be going for you tonight, there is no question about that; I don't think anyone in this game doubted that if you were in the end with me on the jury that my vote would have gone anywhere else. But I still have one question for you: had you known about my blindside, would you have played your idol for me?”

Welcome Flameaxe, aka

Flameaxe - This 7

Okay, so THIS SEVEN RIGHT HERE GUYS. No, wait, THIS SEVEN. No, no THIS SEVEN. This is a meme that refuses to die.

Abilities: You are in control of this 7. You can change who has access to this neighborhood at any time - just PM the mods. You don’t necessarily have to be part of #this7. If you aren’t part of #this7, your access to the PT will be removed. You win when the mafia team is donezo.

”Okay, so THIS SEVEN”

Welcome Blackberry, aka

CuddlyCaucasian - The Jennifer Lanzetti

Man, you were so excited to play Survivor, but your tribe lost the first two challenges, and it’s looking like you’re the one going home. Still, you aren’t going down without a fight. You’re pleading your case at TC as to why you should stay. Alas, it’s not working. But you have one final move. You get up on the couch, arms to the sky. You are Jennifer Lanzetti.

Abilities: When you are lynched, you will not immediately flip. Instead, you will have one final post to plead your case. Everyone else will then have 12 hours where they can unvote you. Should anyone unvote you, the day will continue as normal. You win when the mafia team is donezo.

“One second, I have one more thing to say.” *Stands on couch*

Welcome Bellaphant, aka

Deathnote - Deathnote’s Deathnote

Those notes you were taking sure would have come in handy… if you took substantial ones. Seriously, BRO doesn’t even feature anywhere in them! How absurd! You also probably shouldn’t have written your own demise in your deathnote as well, even if you did outlive it…


You are a member of the mafia, with Xofelf, Radja, and Haschel Cedricson. You may talk at any time here
You are a rolecop. Each night, you may target a player. You will learn what their role does.
If you die when there are 7 people left (regardless of whether it’s during the day or night), the town wins. This overrides all other win conditions.
You are post restricted! Every post you make must include the letter “Q.”
You win when only the mafia are remaining, or nothing can prevent that from happening.

”Okay, so I’m here to call you all on your bullshit.”

Welcome Deathnote, aka

That Vote Split that Happened

There was a vote split at the merge, with the person eliminated only getting 5 votes. This flavor has largely been redacted because thing that happened shortly after the meet.

Abilities: You are a hated townie. It takes 1 fewer vote to lynch you than normal. This ability goes away in MyLo or LyLo. You win when the mafia team is donezo.

”Matt, Brian, Flameaxe, BRO, BPC. It’s all we need”

Welcome, InflatiblePie, aka

xReckonerx - Shit in Your Mouths

You are the mod! You are in control! If anyone does something stupid, you will shit in their fucking mouth, dammit!

Abilities: You’re a 7-shot vig. You win when the mafia team is donezo.

”I will shit in all seven of your mouths”

Welcome Pablito, aka

OhGodMyLife - the Hype Train

Holy shit did you luck out finding an ally like BRO. How did you manage that? He’s somehow a bigger, louder threat that you can hide behind, and he’s loyal to a fault. Well, to you, anyway. He’s giving you all the space you need to play your game, and once he’s gone, you’ll be free to win every goddamn immunity challenge. Oh yeah, and he rigged that coin flip so you’d have that idol too. Sure, there’s probably like a 15% chance he wants to suck your dick, but whatever. You’ve done gayer shit.


You and Shadoweh are masons. You may converse here at any time.
If you were to be nightkilled, Shadoweh will be nightkilled instead. This ability cannot be blocked, and is passive.
You win when the mafia team is donezo.

”Uh… no?”

Welcome, BipolarChemist, aka

Xalxe - @survivormeet

Damn did it suck that you went pre-merge, but at least you got to do a fun of stuff with the game anyways. You ran the @survivormeet twitter account, took confessional video, set up the spectator skype thread, and ran the hashtags at tribal council. Overall, you made the meet a better experience for everyone!

Abilities: You are a jack of all trades. You have the following 1-shot abilities:

#TheDoctorIsOut - Doctor
#Flameaxed - Vig
#OhGodMyBlindside - Follow

You win when the mafia team is donezo.


Welcome Here There be Dragons, aka

pirate mollie - #survivorbreakdown

Survivor was a rougher game on you than anyone else. Despite your emotional struggles throughout the game, you still made it to the final three. You asked Reck and Grimm to make you cry, though, so mission accomplished.

Abilities: 1-shot global roleblock

“I asked for Will and Brock to make me cry”

Welcome Klick, aka

MattP - He’s a doctor!

How the fuck did people not pick you to be the person they took with them to a desert island? You’re a fucking doctor, for fucks sake. You sure showed them, though, when you beat them all to the F3. Well, almost all of them. FTC’s a bitch…

Abilities: You’re a doctor. You win when the mafia team is donezo.

”Now that I'm not on the pillar I can say what I think... I don't believe a single fucking thing OGML has ever said

Welcome PrivateI - aka

Grimmjow - The Co-host

You’ve never watched an episode of Survivor before. You’ve never played a Survivor game in Mish Mash. Still, your husband had this idea to run a Survivormeet, and you went along with it. Turns out running Survivor is a shitton of fun, although it’s crazy stressful. You incorporated local history into the game and made it your own. And fuck, you’ve signed up to run it next year.

Abilities: You have 3 hidden immunity idols to give away. Each night, you can give one idol to a player. That player can play the hidden immunity idol during the night, making them bulletproof for the night. You win when the mafia team is donezo.

”I have so much more history to use”

Welcome hiplop, aka

Nuwen - Not actually being at the meet

Unfortunately, you couldn’t take work off to attend the meet. You still wanted to see everyone, though, so you drove up Saturday and hung out for a bit. You didn’t see most of the Survivor game play out, you just saw how it ended. And you had no idea what the fuck was going on. But hey, getting drunk with everyone was pretty fun!

Abilities: You will automatically treestump after day 3. Should you die prior to that, you will not treestump. You win when the mafia team is donezo.

”I have no idea what’s going on”

Welcome Radja, aka

Xofelf - Because it’s Xof

You knew that you were going to be the first one voted out of the Survivormeet. And it happened. Still, it was fun meeting a ton of people and getting to help out with the game. Maybe next time you won’t be voted out first?


You are a member of the mafia, with Xofelf, Bellaphant, and Haschel Cedricson. You may talk at any time here
You are a 1-shot lightning rod. When you activate your ability, all active abilities will target you instead of their intended targets
You win when only the mafia are remaining, or nothing can prevent that from happening.

”I was expecting to get voted out first!”

Welcome Majiffy, aka

BipolarChemist - Hands in the cookie jar

You had your hands in every cookie jar this game. Through your strong lying skills, you made it hard for people to pin down exactly where you stood, so everyone was trying to work with you. You even screwed over the mods because you are the worst (jk <3). Unfortunately for you, though, a certain immunity run cut your path to final tribal off.

Abilities: You are a tracker. You win when the mafia team is donezo.

”I felt cornered…”

Welcome Haschel Cedricson, aka

Shadoweh - Definitely Doesn’t Have an Idol

First #2016, and now this? Why is it that finding idols for you always ends up biting you in the ass? And why does everyone know you have an idol, anyways (hint: OGML saw you grab it and told people). Still, maybe you can make good use of this idol and push yourself a little further in this game. Or you can give it to MattP, only to get voted out immediately thereafter.


You are a member of the mafia, with Xofelf, Bellaphant, and Radja. You may talk at any time here
You are a hated godfather. It takes 1 fewer vote than normal to lynch you (goes away in LyLo/MyLo), and you come up innocent to cop investigations.
You win when only the mafia are remaining, or nothing can prevent that from happening.

”Why does everyone think I have an idol?”
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Post Post #1406 (ISO) » Fri Sep 23, 2016 1:25 pm

Post by BROGodMyLife »

Mafia PT has also been made public.
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Post Post #1407 (ISO) » Fri Sep 23, 2016 1:26 pm

Post by BROseidon »

Also MattP's role was specifically a reference to Majority Rules, when everyone put that they'd rather be stuck on an island with mollie.
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Post Post #1408 (ISO) » Fri Sep 23, 2016 1:29 pm

Post by BROseidon »

Also: ”Now that I'm not on the pillar I can say what I think... I don't believe a single fucking thing OGML has ever said"

Best quote of the meet, imo.
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Post Post #1409 (ISO) » Mon Oct 10, 2016 5:19 pm

Post by Untrod Tripod »


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