Newbie 762 - OhGodMyVillage - Game Over

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Newbie 762 - OhGodMyVillage - Game Over

Post Post #0 (ISO) » Thu Mar 26, 2009 7:59 am

Post by OhGodMyLife »

OhGodMyVillage is like most small, inconsequential villages on the edge of larger political entities. Except of course that this is MY village, not just any village, and here in my village we're running a little morally ambiguous social experiment called Mafia.

Alive: (Bold is confirmed)
Papa Zito
replaced Crysnia D1
replaced Ubaten D1
replaced Lleu D1

replaced Barim D1

PhilyEc -
Vanilla Townie
- Lynched Day 1

replaced astil during confirmations
- Killed Night 1

replaced dvdkid13 during confirmations
- Lynched Day 2

sirdanilot -
Vanilla Townie
- Killed Night 2

Game Status:
Over, see Page 25 for details.


This game uses the 9-player setup called F11, which consists of four possibilities:
- 1 Mafia Goon, 1 Mafia Roleblocker, 1 Sane Cop, 1 Doctor, 5 Townies.
- 1 Mafia Goon, 1 Mafia Roleblocker, 7 Townies.
- 2 Mafia Goons, 1 Sane Cop, 6 Townies.
- 2 Mafia Goons, 1 Doctor, 6 Townies.

One of these was chosen totally at random, as were all role assignments.

Roles are going out now. Please confirm in thread when you have recieved and read your role!
Last edited by OhGodMyLife on Thu May 14, 2009 3:29 pm, edited 17 times in total.
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Post Post #1 (ISO) » Thu Mar 26, 2009 8:01 am

Post by OhGodMyLife »

Here are the role PMs used in this game:

The Mod wrote:You are a , along with your partner _________ (who is simply a Goon). Your goal is to eliminate the pro-town players so that only your side remains; you win if this happens. During the Day, try to blend in with the rest of the players, and get someone lynched.

You may talk with your partner at Night, and send me a choice via PM of who you would like to kill/roleblock (your team can do both so long as you live).

Note: You may talk with your partner privately during confirmations to plan strategy, but no night actions will take place until Night One.
The Mod wrote:You are a , along with your partner _________ (who is a pro-Mafia Roleblocker). Your goal is to eliminate the pro-town players so that only your side remains; you win if this happens. During the Day, try to blend in with the rest of the players, and get someone lynched.

You may talk with your partner at Night, and send me a choice via PM of who you would like to kill (if your partner also lives, they can send in a separate choice to roleblock someone).

Note: You may talk with your partner privately during confirmations to plan strategy, but no night actions will take place until Night One.
The Mod wrote:You are a , along with your partner _________. Your goal is to eliminate the pro-town players so that only your side remain; you win if this happens. During the Day, try to blend in with the rest of the players, and get someone lynched (if that someone is not your partner or yourself, that will make things much easier). You may talk with your partner when it is not Day, and send me a choice via PM of who you wish to kill.

Note: You may talk with your partner privately during confirmations to plan strategy, but no kills will happen until Night One.
The Mod wrote:You are the , and you can protect people from harm. Each Night, you may send me a choice via PM of who to protect; if they come under attack by the Mafia, they will live. You win if the scum are eliminated, so choose wisely at Night, and try to lynch correctly during the Day.

Note: Doctors are 100% effective in Newbie Games (the person you protect will never die on the night they are protected), unless you are roleblocked. You may not protect yourself.
The Mod wrote:You are the , and you can tell good from bad. Each Night, you may send a player's name to me; I will let you know if your investigation shows that they are Mafia or Town. You win if the scum are eliminated, so choose wisely at Night, and lynch well during the Day.

Note: Cops always get a correct result in Newbie Games (no sanity issues), unless you are roleblocked. You cannot investigate yourself.
The Mod wrote:You are a , and you've got no special powers at Night. No investigations, no protection, no gun to shoot people. Your only powers are the ability to post, vote, and think. Help lynch Mafia during the Day, and you will win the game, along with the rest of the Town.
Even though many games start with Night, Newbie Games begin with Day once everyone has confirmed that they understand their role. Scum are allowed to talk by PM in the pre-game stage, but no other "night actions" may be taken.

Rules (Stolen from Mr. Flay and slightly edited):
  • Votes must be in bold for them to count, like this:
    Vote: OhGodMyLife
    . Unvotes should also be bolded (
    Unvote: OGML
    ) so that I can spot them easier, but it's not required. Votes may specify a full username, or a shortened version, so long as its reasonably clear who is intended.
  • A simple majority of votes (1/2 the number of living players plus one, rounded down) will achieve a lynch and end the Day. Unvoting after that point will not save someone's life. If a deadline is imposed, the required number of votes will not change, and failure to reach a majority before deadline will result in a no lynch.
  • Nights will last up to 72 hours, but may be shorter if all night choices are in before the deadline.
  • Dead men tell no tales. If you get killed, stop talking until the game is over.
  • Do not discuss this game with other players outside of this thread, unless your role PM specifically stated you could do so (as scum, and then only at night).
  • Do not directly quote any PMs you receive; I have already posted the roles above, but this holds true for any future messages you receive from me as well.
  • If you see something you don't understand,
    Newbie games are here for people to learn and understand; either I or one of the other players will respond to your question. If it has to do with your role, feel free to PM me directly.
  • Treat this game as a commitment; if you're going to be gone for longer than 48 hours (not counting weekends),
    let us know
    . I will replace severely inactive players, but your fellow players may choose to lynch you themselves first.
  • Any action which would be illegal to
    actually do
    is also illegal to
    (for example, posting a
    PM that shows a Cop result of guilty/innocent).
  • Robust cryptographyand steganography are not allowed in my games.
  • Have fun; don't be an ass;
    This game is being run with FIXED, 3 WEEK DEADLINES. The current deadline will always be displayed along with every vote count.
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Post Post #2 (ISO) » Thu Mar 26, 2009 8:26 am

Post by PhilyEc »

kortskorts (14:18:48): haylen wants more porno-related questions
SimplyAwesome64 (14:19:11): :O no it dont!
jdodge1019 (14:20:06): then why do you keep using the blowjob emoticon
SimplyAwesome64 (14:20:19): >.>
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Post Post #3 (ISO) » Thu Mar 26, 2009 8:37 am

Post by Barim »

"Is a man with a heart unarmed?"
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Post Post #4 (ISO) » Thu Mar 26, 2009 9:08 am

Post by Scien »

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Post Post #5 (ISO) » Thu Mar 26, 2009 9:12 am

Post by Ubaten »

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Post Post #6 (ISO) » Thu Mar 26, 2009 9:38 am

Post by Lleu »

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Post Post #7 (ISO) » Fri Mar 27, 2009 2:48 am

Post by sirdanilot »

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Post Post #8 (ISO) » Fri Mar 27, 2009 4:28 am

Post by Crysnia »

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Post Post #9 (ISO) » Sat Mar 28, 2009 9:44 am

Post by PhilyEc »

Mod: Sorry to bother ya, are dvdkid13 & astil eligible for a prod? Seems like theyve flaked =/
kortskorts (14:18:48): haylen wants more porno-related questions
SimplyAwesome64 (14:19:11): :O no it dont!
jdodge1019 (14:20:06): then why do you keep using the blowjob emoticon
SimplyAwesome64 (14:20:19): >.>
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Post Post #10 (ISO) » Sat Mar 28, 2009 10:46 am

Post by OhGodMyLife »

They've got til tomorrow morning to make an appearance, otherwise they'll both be replaced.
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Post Post #11 (ISO) » Sun Mar 29, 2009 8:27 am

Post by OhGodMyLife »

Santos replaces dvdkid13.

Mastin replaces astil.

Thanks guys!

It is now Day One. With 9 alive, it will take 5 votes to lynch. Deadline for Day One is Sunday, April 19th at 10:00 PM Eastern time.
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Post Post #12 (ISO) » Sun Mar 29, 2009 8:54 am

Post by Lleu »

vote: Sirdanalot
for having the longest name.
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Post Post #13 (ISO) » Sun Mar 29, 2009 9:05 am

Post by Barim »

Vote: Phily

For having the hardest to pronounce name.
"Is a man with a heart unarmed?"
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Post Post #14 (ISO) » Sun Mar 29, 2009 9:24 am

Post by sirdanilot »

vote: ubaten

Also I am an IC in this game so if you have any questions about abbreviations or game theory just ask. ICs are more experienced players who play in newbie games to answer questions and show how it's done. Keep in mind that we are also normal players, so treat us as such.
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Post Post #15 (ISO) » Sun Mar 29, 2009 9:24 am

Post by sirdanilot »

EBWOP (edit by way of post): my name is
not "sirdanalot" thank you!
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Post Post #16 (ISO) » Sun Mar 29, 2009 9:34 am

Post by Barim »

Ah, it seems even fellow IC's may learn from one another.

Until your post, I never really knew the exact meaning of "EBWOP".

And seeing your location, I think I remember what I know you from. You were also in the Dutch mafia right?
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Post Post #17 (ISO) » Sun Mar 29, 2009 9:52 am

Post by Santos »

. Here to kick ass and take names.
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Post Post #18 (ISO) » Sun Mar 29, 2009 2:02 pm

Post by PhilyEc »

Vote Santos
for his was the first name I saw.
kortskorts (14:18:48): haylen wants more porno-related questions
SimplyAwesome64 (14:19:11): :O no it dont!
jdodge1019 (14:20:06): then why do you keep using the blowjob emoticon
SimplyAwesome64 (14:20:19): >.>
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Post Post #19 (ISO) » Sun Mar 29, 2009 2:29 pm

Post by Santos »

you forgot the colon.
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Post Post #20 (ISO) » Sun Mar 29, 2009 3:47 pm

Post by Scien »

VOTE: Mastin
. On the grounds that he is one sneaky bastage, townies don't need to be sneaky!

PhilyEc, why is your avatar so distraught?
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Post Post #21 (ISO) » Sun Mar 29, 2009 5:39 pm

Post by Mastin »

Ha, ha, Hi, Scien.

Anyway, this is my first actual Day One, believe it or not, as every other time, I've replaced in after at least one page. That said, Scien, you probably wouldn't know that I like to start games off with ...The result was Mastin. :/

Mastin Votes: Mastin.

Oh, well. It's random, alright.
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Post Post #22 (ISO) » Sun Mar 29, 2009 7:09 pm

Post by Scien »

Le sigh...

Before I get too far right at the start, please tell me why you like to start off your games with a random roll result instead of a normal random vote. This exact same thing happened before in my experience, and I had to give that player a hard time as well.

Right off the bat I can tell you I dislike this style of voting. The fact that you let the result become a self-vote makes me like it even less.

Rolling seems to me to take away a risk involved in getting involved in the game. The risk being having an action be viewed as being scummy. A roll is something that someone could hide behind, because if someone decided it looked weird, the rolling player can just blame statistics instead of trying to defend themselves.

Long story short, I don't really see a roll serving any purpose besides two possibilities. A) A scum using it to stay behind the scenes. B) A townie trying to lay low, and not draw attention to themselves.

From past experience, you seem to be a player that would not fall into B. So what are your motives behind the die roll?

Second, you allowing the roll to fall on yourself makes me cringe even more. The same arguments about the roll could be laid on that course of action. Wanting to lay low, which is typically a scummy thing.

I dislike both a random roll, and self-voting.

Sorry to give you grief right out of the bat, but I don't like your initial action.

To the town, my vote is still random. But I want an answer from Mastin about the motives.
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Post Post #23 (ISO) » Sun Mar 29, 2009 7:24 pm

Post by Mastin »

Scien wrote:please tell me why you like to start off your games with a random roll result instead of a normal random vote.
It generally generates more discussion. One thing an IC of another game taught me is that generating discussion is always a good thing, even if it's aimed at yourself.
This exact same thing happened before in my experience, and I had to give that player a hard time as well.
You went hard on him, if I recall, mainly due to how he dodged the questions.
Right off the bat I can tell you I dislike this style of voting. The fact that you let the result become a self-vote makes me like it even less.
The vote will be removed if there is any move I see as particularly scummy, as it would be if it were a random vote.
Rolling seems to me to take away a risk involved in getting involved in the game.
I find that, if used correctly, it actually generates rather the healthy amount of discussion and if the person using it does a good job, (s)he will become one of the most involved players in the game. Off of nothing more than a dice roll and the reactions I got out of it, on another site, I got one scum lynched.
The risk being having an action be viewed as being scummy.
There's also the risk of using this tactic in front of someone who you know has seen it before--you. I know all too well where you've seen it done before. I'd argue that a random roll is more risky than a random vote.
A roll is something that someone could hide behind, because if someone decided it looked weird, the rolling player can just blame statistics instead of trying to defend themselves.
I would rather hate myself if I did this; I never would blame something on statistics, as I much prefer to defend myself. At the very least, it adds a certain element of challenge to the game.
Long story short, I don't really see a roll serving any purpose besides two possibilities. A) A scum using it to stay behind the scenes. B) A townie trying to lay low, and not draw attention to themselves.
I believe my above explanations give other alternatives as well.
From past experience, you seem to be a player that would not fall into B. So what are your motives behind the die roll?
From past experience, you can also conclude that I do not fall into A. I know what these things can produce, and it has the opposite outcome of what you describe, in my experience.
Second, you allowing the roll to fall on yourself makes me cringe even more.
There are nine players. Why eliminate any from the throw? Quite personally, I have a dislike for any who remove themselves and use this.
I dislike both a random roll, and self-voting.
And in any other part of the game, I would agree with you.
Sorry to give you grief right out of the bat, but I don't like your initial action.
One of the reasons I prefer replacing in after the random voting stage is already over...
But I want an answer from Mastin about the motives.
This should suffice. :)

I look forward to having a fun game from all of you. ;)
I'm back! Well, kind-of.
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Post Post #24 (ISO) » Sun Mar 29, 2009 7:57 pm

Post by Ubaten »

I'll just throw a in random vote to show everyone my good intentions:
vote: Lleu

Because your name begins with an L.

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