Newbie 828: Game Over

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Newbie 828: Game Over

Post Post #0 (ISO) » Sun Aug 16, 2009 7:06 pm

Post by Thok »

Status: Game over, scum win

You are the nine newest arrivals to Mafiaville, but two of you are mafia. Figure out the scum before they take over!

Confirmed are in

Alive (1):

Mujex (SE)
, mafia goon

Dead (8):

Altilysian (replaces failium during pregame)
, cop, lynched day 1.
, vanilla townie, killed night 1.
SensFan (replaces brothernature replaces Maij)
, vanilla townie, lynched day 2.
The Central Scrutinizer (replaces pomegranate (replaces YamiJoey))
, vanilla townie, killed night 2.
, mafia roleblocker, lynched day 3.
Locke Lamora (IC)
, doctor, killed night 3.
, vanilla townie, lynched day 4
DarklightA (replaces Cass (SE))
, vanilla townie, endgamed day 4
Last edited by Thok on Sun Nov 01, 2009 4:06 am, edited 20 times in total.
I replaced into Chess Mafia for 6 months, and all I got was a win and this lousy sig.
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Post Post #1 (ISO) » Sun Aug 16, 2009 7:13 pm

Post by Thok »

Rules: Influenced and possibly even adjusted from people like MeMe, Dragon Phoenix, and SaveTheDragons.

[1] Each day you may try to lynch somebody. A lynch requires a total number of votes that is strictly more than half the people alive. A normal lynch is unrevocable. If necessary, I will install a deadline. At the deadline, the number of votes to lynch will be decreased by 1. If there is a tie at the deadline, nobody will be lynched.

[2] Please bold your votes and unvotes as in
vote: Thok
. I would appreciate it if you include the name of any person you unvote, but I do not require it. I would prefer that you unvote before voting, but I do not require it.

[3] No talking to other people outside the thread during the day. You may only talk to other people outside the thread at night if it is part of your role.

[4] Do not edit your posts. Do not use code=black tags or size=normal tags.
Do not hack into mafiascum's php code in order to install invistext or spoiler tags;
moreover if somebody does so, do not use invistext or spoiler tags.

[5] Do not quote PM's from the mod. Do not fakequote PM's from the mod. You are allowed to paraphrase or fake a paraphrase of a mod PM. You are allowed to quote or paraphrase anything I say in the thread.

[6] Once you are dead, you are dead. You may post a simple "Bah!" post, but no game related content. Something like "It's obvious who should be lynched" or "You got me, but for the wrong reasons" is game related content, even if you don't include people's names.

[7] Try to be relatively civil to each other. I know you're trying to kill each other, but that's no reason to insult somebody's mother.

[8] I am the mod, but I do occasionally make mistakes. (Shock! Dismay!) If you think I have made a mistake, please send me a PM.

[9] I will try to put up a vote count each page or so. If you feel that I have gone too long without putting up a vote count, please either ask for a votecount in thread or PM me to let me know.

[10] Please let your fellow players and your mod know if you are going to be unable to post for a period of more than 48 hours. Please try to make at least one post per real-lifeday. Multiple posts in one day are even better.

[11] I reserve the right to do an activity check if I feel the game is moving too slowly. In addition, if you feel a person has gone too long without posting (say 3-5 days) please either PM me with a request for prods, or make a statement in thread of the form
Please Prod LurkerMclurk
. If a person goes two days without responding to a prod, I will replace them. For purposes of this rule, the weekend counts as one day.

[12] Each day will have last a maximum of 3 real life weeks. Under some circumstances I will grant an extension of at most a week long if the members of the game request it. However, you are generally better off trying to get a lynch done before the deadline hits.

[13] I reserve the right to mod decisions about issues not covered by the previous rules at my discretion. I don't plan on using this power unless something strange happens.

This game is an open set up F11 game. We have a 1 in 4 chance of using any of the following set ups.

a. 1 Mafia Goon, 1 Mafia Roleblocker, 1 Cop, 1 Doctor, and 5 vanilla townies
b. 1 Mafia Goon, 1 Mafia Roleblocker, and 7 vanilla townies
c. 2 Mafia Goons, 1 Cop, and 6 vanilla townies
d. 2 Mafia Goons, 1 Doctor, and 6 vanilla townies

All roles and the set up will be selected by For example, do not assume that the scum group contains 1 IC and 1 newbie.

Here are role PM's.

The Mod wrote:You are a , along with your partner _________ (who is simply a Goon). Your goal is to eliminate the pro-town players so that only your side remains; you win if this happens. During the Day, try to blend in with the rest of the players, and get someone lynched. You win when all pro-town players are dead, or nothing can prevent this.

You may talk with your partner at Night, and send me a choice via PM of who you would like to kill/roleblock (your team can do both as long as the mafia Roleblocker is alive.)

Note: You may talk with your partner privately during confirmations to plan strategy, but no night actions will take place until Night One.

Please confirm in the thread.
The Mod wrote:You are a , along with your partner _________ (who is a pro-Mafia Roleblocker) (who is a pro-Mafia goon) Your goal is to eliminate the pro-town players so that only your side remains; you win if this happens. During the Day, try to blend in with the rest of the players, and get someone lynched. You win when all pro-town players are dead, or nothing can prevent this.

You may talk with your partner at Night, and send me a choice via PM of who you would like to kill (if your partner also lives, they can send in a separate choice to roleblock someone).

Note: You may talk with your partner privately during confirmations to plan strategy, but no night actions will take place until Night One.

Please confirm in the thread.
The Mod wrote:You are the , and you can protect people from harm. Each Night, you may send me a choice via PM of who to protect; if they come under attack by the Mafia, they will live. You win if the scum are eliminated, so choose wisely at Night, and try to lynch correctly during the Day.

Note: Doctors are 100% effective in Newbie Games (the person you protect will never die on the night they are protected, unless you are roleblocked). You may not protect yourself.

Please confirm in the thread.
The Mod wrote:You are the , and you can tell good from bad. Each Night, you may send a player's name to me; I will let you know if your investigation shows that they are Mafia or Town. You win if the scum are eliminated, so choose wisely at Night, and lynch well during the Day.

Note: Cops always get a correct result in Newbie Games (no sanity issues), unless you are roleblocked. You cannot investigate yourself.

Please confirm in the thread.
The Mod wrote:You are a , and you've got no special powers at Night. No investigations, no protection, no gun to shoot people. Your only powers are the ability to post, vote, and think. You win if the scum are eliminated, so try to lynch correctly during the Day.

Please confirm in the thread.
I replaced into Chess Mafia for 6 months, and all I got was a win and this lousy sig.
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Post Post #2 (ISO) » Sun Aug 16, 2009 7:31 pm

Post by Thok »

All roles have been sent out. If somebody hasn't picked up their role in the next 24 hours, I will grab a replacement for them from the newbie queue.

I will be setting a deadline for day 1 once all confirmations have come in.

Scum may talk to each other by PM during the confirmation. No other players should contact each other via PM.
I replaced into Chess Mafia for 6 months, and all I got was a win and this lousy sig.
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Post Post #3 (ISO) » Sun Aug 16, 2009 8:11 pm

Post by Mujex »

[i]You can only get smarter by playing a smarter opponent.
The more sophisticated the game, the more sophisticated the opponent.[/i]
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Post Post #4 (ISO) » Sun Aug 16, 2009 9:06 pm

Post by Bolingbroke »

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Post Post #5 (ISO) » Sun Aug 16, 2009 9:47 pm

Post by Maij »

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Post Post #6 (ISO) » Sun Aug 16, 2009 11:12 pm

Post by Cass »

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Post Post #7 (ISO) » Sun Aug 16, 2009 11:57 pm

Post by Lostina »

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Post Post #8 (ISO) » Mon Aug 17, 2009 5:42 am

Post by Locke Lamora »

If ya smell what The Locke is cookin'!

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Post Post #9 (ISO) » Mon Aug 17, 2009 6:34 am

Post by Col.Cathart »

[b]Mini 934[/b] is [b]over![/b] Thanks to everyone participating.

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Post Post #10 (ISO) » Mon Aug 17, 2009 6:49 am

Post by YamiJoey »

Whoops I accidently /Confirm.

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[b]V/LA on weekends a lot. Soz beefz.[/b]
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Post Post #11 (ISO) » Mon Aug 17, 2009 4:46 pm

Post by Thok »

I'm going to go grab a replacement for failium, who has not picked up his PM.

Edit: Sachiel repalces failium as soon as he (she? it?: there's no gender icon) picks up his role PM.
I replaced into Chess Mafia for 6 months, and all I got was a win and this lousy sig.
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Post Post #12 (ISO) » Tue Aug 18, 2009 3:25 am

Post by Thok »

Failium has PMed me that he's around, and Sachiel hasn't picked up the post, so failium is back in the game.
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Post Post #13 (ISO) » Tue Aug 18, 2009 7:28 am

Post by YamiJoey »

What does "SE" and "IC" mean after the player names in the first post?

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[b]V/LA on weekends a lot. Soz beefz.[/b]
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Post Post #14 (ISO) » Tue Aug 18, 2009 7:59 am

Post by Col.Cathart »

SE - Semi Experienced. At least 2 completed games on the site, and good knowledge about the game.

IC - Inexperience Challenged. At least 5 Completed games, and very good knowledge about the game.

Basically, more experienced players. Every newbie game gets some of them to help newcomers with learning basic tactics, do's and dont's etc.

If you have a question - ask them. Or me. I have only one completed game (close in second), but I played Mafia and Werewolf games a lot on other sites, and checked most of ongoing newbie games, so I know most of the basic stuff.

Cheers :)
[b]Mini 934[/b] is [b]over![/b] Thanks to everyone participating.

[i]What the hell? That Colonel guy was awesome.[/i] - Fate
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Post Post #15 (ISO) » Tue Aug 18, 2009 8:02 am

Post by Cass »

Welcome new players!

SE=Semi Experienced, someone who has played one or more games before this one.
IC=Inexperience A bit of a joke, it means someone who has been active on this site for some months, who can answer questions and give advice and such.
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Post Post #16 (ISO) » Tue Aug 18, 2009 8:04 am

Post by Cass »

Ah, simulposting. By the way, I've quite a few completed games, but I took a long break and have now signed up as SE to get back into the game.
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Post Post #17 (ISO) » Tue Aug 18, 2009 6:12 pm

Post by Maij »

If Failium's around, then do we start, or does he still have to confirm?
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Post Post #18 (ISO) » Tue Aug 18, 2009 6:22 pm

Post by Thok »

Maij wrote:If Failium's around, then do we start, or does he still have to confirm?
You'll start once he confirms. Given his posting habits that should be sometime tonight.
I replaced into Chess Mafia for 6 months, and all I got was a win and this lousy sig.
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Post Post #19 (ISO) » Thu Aug 20, 2009 5:03 am

Post by YamiJoey »

Just wondering how long Failium has to confirm. (That's not just a statement; it's implied that I'd like someone to tell me.)

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[b]V/LA on weekends a lot. Soz beefz.[/b]
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Post Post #20 (ISO) » Thu Aug 20, 2009 5:16 am

Post by Thok »

YamiJoey wrote:Just wondering how long Failium has to confirm. (That's not just a statement; it's implied that I'd like someone to tell me.)

I'm grabbing Altilysian to replace him; if he doesn't confirm by the end of the day I'll start grabbing newbies at random to take the slot.

I apologize for the horrible delay.
I replaced into Chess Mafia for 6 months, and all I got was a win and this lousy sig.
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Post Post #21 (ISO) » Thu Aug 20, 2009 5:21 am

Post by YamiJoey »

So you should be. You're a discrace to Serial Killers everywhere. (Sorry. Had to be said. xD)

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Post Post #22 (ISO) » Thu Aug 20, 2009 5:24 am

Post by Altilysian »

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Post Post #23 (ISO) » Thu Aug 20, 2009 5:27 am

Post by Thok »

That's everybody.

It is now day 1. Scum may no longer talk by PM.

Deadline set for noon PST, September 10.

With 9 alive, it takes 5 to lynch. Start voting.
I replaced into Chess Mafia for 6 months, and all I got was a win and this lousy sig.
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Post Post #24 (ISO) » Thu Aug 20, 2009 5:54 am

Post by Altilysian »


Vote: Lostina

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