Newbie 115 - Game Over

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Newbie 115 - Game Over

Post Post #0 (ISO) » Wed May 25, 2005 2:40 pm

Post by NanookTheWolf »



TradaPib - Killed in Endgame, Townie
Puzzle - Killed in Endgame, Townie
Yosarian2 - Killed Night 3, Cop
Dybeck - Lynched Day 3, Scum
Shiryu - Killed Night 2, Doctor
Mastermind of Sin - Killed Night 1, Townie


You and _____ are part of the mafia. The two of you may only talk with one another during the game's "night", not during the game's "day". During the night the two of you will tell me who your next victim will be before the night is over. You win the game when all of the other players are dead and at least one of you are the majority left standing.

You are the cop in this town. It is your job to keep an eye out for those trying to destruct justice and by doing so each game "night" before the deadline you will send me the name of a player left in the game of your choice to investigate, I in return will tell you whether that player is Town or Mafia. You are not allowed to communicate with any of the other players outside of the thread. You cannot investigate yourself. You win the game when all of the mafia are dead.

You are the doctor in this town. It is your job to help save those that you may think are in dire need of it and by doing so each game "night" before the deadline you will send me the name of a player left in the game of your choice to protect, I in return will make sure that that player if targetted will not be found dead the next morning. You are not allowed to communicate with any of the other players outside of the thread. You cannot protect yourself. You win the game when all of the mafia are dead.

You are a citizen of this town. You are not allowed to communicate with any of the other players outside of the thread. You win the game when all of the mafia are dead.


1. Voting:

  • Please be sure to bold your votes and unvotes or they may not be counted.
  • Standard form of voting is
    Vote: Nanook

  • Standard form of unvoting is
    Unvote: Nanook
    , I however do not push the issue of the name being included in an unvote, however I do applaud it.

2. Things that can result in a mod-kill:

  • Quoting a private message that I have sent to you.
  • Communicating with another player outside of the thread during the game's day, as well as doing so outside of your role's restrictions. (Basically if your role pm doesn't say that you can communicate outside of the game, don't)
  • Continuous bashing of another player. This could be in use of profanity towards another player or anything that obviously another player doesn't appreciate vulgar wise. Just respect everyone as you would want to be respected.

3. You've been killed?:

  • Once you're dead, whether by lynch or night kill, you're dead. There is to be no more posting in the thread unless of course you want to say something along the lines of bah, go town, go scum, etc. Nothing that could relay more info then what the town already knows.

4. No lynch:

  • In order for a no lynch to be reached a majority of the votes must be cast. No lynch will result in no one being lynched (obviously) and the game going straight to night.

5. Have Fun:

  • Pretty much self-explanatory one would hope ... :wink:

Last edited by NanookTheWolf on Fri Jun 10, 2005 4:14 am, edited 10 times in total.
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Post Post #1 (ISO) » Wed May 25, 2005 2:42 pm

Post by NanookTheWolf »

Everyone has confirmed, so let the games begin ... 8)
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Post Post #2 (ISO) » Wed May 25, 2005 3:35 pm

Post by Mastermind of Sin »

random vote: Puzzle
- You know I love ya :wink:

Now, I'd like to take this post to outline a little strategy of mine that has been tried and tested on newbie setups. Here's how it goes:

1) We need the cop to claim. This allows us to go to night with the doc knowing who to protect. This way, the cop won't have a chance to die at night.

2) We need to no lynch. This entire plan hinges on no lynching. We never lynch unless the cop tells us he/she has a guilty result on someone. This way, we don't take a chance on lynching wrong.

4) If we get to 5 people with the cop and doc alive, we have won, unless the cop investigated both dead people. The cop withholds who he/she has a result on, and everyone mass claims in an order selected by the cop. Then, the cop looks to see who counterclaimed the role of the person he/she has a result on as innocent, and those people are scum. Then if you still don't know the last scum, the cop can investigate on of the last two at night.

3) In the worst case scenario, the doc is killed night one and the cop investigated them. At that point, it becomes like mafia was originally played, basically townies against mafia. With 6 people alive, we would no lynch, wake up with 5 alive, then the town would have a 2/5 chance of lynching correctly.

This strategy has a much higher success rate than playing normally. Statistically, there is only one way for the mafia to really have a chance at winning, not that I'm going to share it with you. If you have any questions and comments about this suggestion, let me know. I've used it many times outside of this forum and have seen others use it here successfully.
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Post Post #3 (ISO) » Wed May 25, 2005 3:53 pm

Post by dybeck »

A Day 1 no lynch sounds like an incredibly bad idea to me.

However, it sounds like you've done the mathematics - I think I need a little more evidence that we shouldn't be at least trying to lynch scum before I vote: no lynch.

vote: Dodgy
. He sounds dodgy.
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Post Post #4 (ISO) » Wed May 25, 2005 4:21 pm

Post by Yosarian2 » we know that we have a doc and a cop, or is this one of the "new" newbie games where the setup is random?
I want us to win just for Yos' inevitable rant alone. -CrashTextDummie
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Post Post #5 (ISO) » Wed May 25, 2005 4:24 pm

Post by NanookTheWolf »

This is a basic setup .. taking a break from the random ones for a game.
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Post Post #6 (ISO) » Wed May 25, 2005 6:16 pm

Post by TradaPIB »

vote: Yosarian2
because I'm installing KOTOR right now.. there must be some relation.
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Post Post #7 (ISO) » Wed May 25, 2005 6:52 pm

Post by Shiryu »

I had read about that strategy before. Sounds like it could work, so I'm willing to give it a shot.

But for now, [/b]Vote: Mastermind of Sin
; the nickname and picture are suspicious looking.
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Post Post #8 (ISO) » Wed May 25, 2005 6:57 pm

Post by Shiryu »

Curses! The buttons turned on me!

Vote: Mastermind of Sin
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Post Post #9 (ISO) » Wed May 25, 2005 11:35 pm

Post by Puzzle »

Shiryu wrote:I had read about that strategy before. Sounds like it could work, so I'm willing to give it a shot.

But for now, [/b]Vote: Mastermind of Sin
; the nickname and picture are suspicious looking.
How dare you vote my fan ??!!
Vote Shiryu

That said, I'd like to see the maths behind your idea, MoS. It just sounds wrong but I must admit that I didn't do them. In the absence of back-up numbers, I'd rather do the standard random dance first.
However, should we out the cop first, I think your idea would definitely gain some merit and deserve more reflexion, as we woud then not want to risk to out the doc.
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Post Post #10 (ISO) » Thu May 26, 2005 5:55 am

Post by Mastermind of Sin »

Well, first of all, there is one very simple reason why this works the best right from the start.

If we random lynch today:

1) we may out the doc, causing the mafia to kill him/her the next night
2) if we lynch wrong, we depend on the doc and the cop completely going into tomorrow, because if someone dies at night, there will be 3 pro-town people and 2 scum. This is a BAD situation to be in. Without a guilty cop investigation, it is very hard to win in a lynch or lose situation on day 2
3) we *might* lynch correctly today, but chances are that we won't

If we no lynch today with a revealed cop:

1) The cop has no chance of dying overnight, because the doc knows who to protect
2) only one person will die overnight, meaning we will have 6 people tomorrow and not be in danger of losing
3) if the cop gets an innocent investigation on someone, he/she does not share who it is
4) we no lynch again
5) the next day, we will probably have 5 people, with investigations on 1-2 of them.
6) this leaves us with 1 confirmed cop, 1-2 confirmed innocents, 2 mafia, and 0-1 unconfirmed innocents
7) we mass claim, forcing the mafia to counterclaim an innocent person's role without knowing which of the two innocent people the cop has an investigation on.
8) after everyone claims, the cop reveals who the innocent person is.
9) if everyone claimed the same role, then you have a 2/3 chance of lynch correctly, instead of the 2/5 chance you would've had on day 2 after random lynching and not revealing the cop
10) if the doc has not died and the claims are split between the two roles, then whoever counterclaimed on the confirmed innocent is mafia, and you lynch him
11) the cop investigates one of the remaining two people
12) you lynch the last scum

This plan certainly takes more days to execute than most newbie games last, but only the mafia truly want to rush the game, because rushing the game to end quickly causes confusion and forces people to make mistakes.
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Post Post #11 (ISO) » Thu May 26, 2005 5:56 am

Post by Mastermind of Sin »

Well, first of all, there is one very simple reason why this works the best right from the start.

If we random lynch today:

1) we may out the doc, causing the mafia to kill him/her the next night
2) if we lynch wrong, we depend on the doc and the cop completely going into tomorrow, because if someone dies at night, there will be 3 pro-town people and 2 scum. This is a BAD situation to be in. Without a guilty cop investigation, it is very hard to win in a lynch or lose situation on day 2
3) we *might* lynch correctly today, but chances are that we won't

If we no lynch today with a revealed cop:

1) The cop has no chance of dying overnight, because the doc knows who to protect
2) only one person will die overnight, meaning we will have 6 people tomorrow and not be in danger of losing
3) if the cop gets an innocent investigation on someone, he/she does not share who it is
4) we no lynch again
5) the next day, we will probably have 5 people, with investigations on 1-2 of them.
6) this leaves us with 1 confirmed cop, 1-2 confirmed innocents, 2 mafia, and 0-1 unconfirmed innocents
7) we mass claim, forcing the mafia to counterclaim an innocent person's role without knowing which of the two innocent people the cop has an investigation on.
8) after everyone claims, the cop reveals who the innocent person is.
9) if everyone claimed the same role, then you have a 2/3 chance of lynch correctly, instead of the 2/5 chance you would've had on day 2 after random lynching and not revealing the cop
10) if the doc has not died and the claims are split between the two roles, then whoever counterclaimed on the confirmed innocent is mafia, and you lynch him
11) the cop investigates one of the remaining two people
12) you lynch the last scum

This plan certainly takes more days to execute than most newbie games last, but only the mafia truly want to rush the game, because rushing the game to end quickly causes confusion and forces people to make mistakes.
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Post Post #12 (ISO) » Thu May 26, 2005 8:02 am

Post by Yosarian2 »

All right. If we're not using the random setup, then yeah, that is a very strong stratagy.

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Post Post #13 (ISO) » Thu May 26, 2005 11:44 am

Post by Dodgy »

LOL, ok so it looks like we are going with this stradegy whether we all like it or not seens as Yosarian has outed himself.
No point in my random voting then :roll:
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Post Post #14 (ISO) » Thu May 26, 2005 11:46 am

Post by Mastermind of Sin »

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Post Post #15 (ISO) » Thu May 26, 2005 12:06 pm

Post by NanookTheWolf »

Vote Count:

1 - Dodgy (Dybeck)
1 - Yosarian2 (TradaPIB)
1 - Mastermind of Sin (Shiryu)
1 - Shiryu (Puzzle)
1 - No Lynch (Mastermind of Sin)

7 Alive, 4 Votes Needed To Lynch!

Not Voting: Dodgy, Yosarian2
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Post Post #16 (ISO) » Thu May 26, 2005 12:07 pm

Post by NanookTheWolf »

Vote Count:

1 - Dodgy (Dybeck)
1 - Yosarian2 (TradaPIB)
1 - Mastermind of Sin (Shiryu)
1 - Shiryu (Puzzle)
1 - No Lynch (Mastermind of Sin)

7 Alive, 4 Votes Needed To Lynch!

Not Voting: Dodgy, Yosarian2
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Post Post #17 (ISO) » Thu May 26, 2005 12:40 pm

Post by Yosarian2 »

vote:No lynch
I want us to win just for Yos' inevitable rant alone. -CrashTextDummie
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Post Post #18 (ISO) » Thu May 26, 2005 12:40 pm

Post by Yosarian2 »

vote:No lynch
I want us to win just for Yos' inevitable rant alone. -CrashTextDummie
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Post Post #19 (ISO) » Thu May 26, 2005 12:45 pm

Post by Dodgy »

Vote: No lynch
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Post Post #20 (ISO) » Thu May 26, 2005 12:45 pm

Post by Yosarian2 »

vote:No lynch
I want us to win just for Yos' inevitable rant alone. -CrashTextDummie
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Post Post #21 (ISO) » Thu May 26, 2005 12:48 pm

Post by Shiryu »

Let's do this then.

Unvote: Mastermind of Sin
Vote: No lynch
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Post Post #22 (ISO) » Thu May 26, 2005 1:13 pm

Post by Dodgy »

Hey Yosarian, sure you wouldn't like to Vote no lynch again? LOL
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Post Post #23 (ISO) » Thu May 26, 2005 1:44 pm

Post by NanookTheWolf »

Vote Count:

4 - No Lynch (Mastermind of Sin, Yosarian2, Dodgy, Shiryu)

1 - Dodgy (Dybeck)
1 - Yosarian2 (TradaPIB)
1 - Shiryu (Puzzle)

7 Alive, 4 Votes Needed To Lynch!

The decision has been made .. Hopefully it was the right one. G'night,
Choices Due tomorrow at time of this post due to me not being around on the weekends, if not all the choices are in by then I will have to wait til Monday to post the next day so hurry please ...
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Post Post #24 (ISO) » Fri May 27, 2005 11:40 am

Post by NanookTheWolf »

Mastermind of Sin lays in a puddle of death this morning .. He was a townie.

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