Newbie 1490: Russian Roulette on GSN (Game over!)

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Newbie 1490: Russian Roulette on GSN (Game over!)

Post Post #0 (ISO) » Wed Mar 26, 2014 10:44 am

Post by Cabd »

Welcome to Newbie 1490, A game for 9 players. This game's adopted from the Russian classic, and it seems some of you brought your own guns with you! Excellent. Now I can test the 9 player version. Hope you all know how to swim!

Still standing above the drop zone (alive):
Luca Blight skrowlive

Nobody Special (SE) kirroha (SE)
AngryPidgeon (IC) SafetyDance (IC)

bluelightning, town vanilla, lynched day one
Moonlight, town doctor, killed night one

cxinlee (SE) Yiley (SE), mafia goon, lynched day 2

Chilling With Studio Security (modkilled):
tr1ckster golden009 Mafia Goon turned neutral survivor
Last edited by Cabd on Thu Apr 10, 2014 9:07 am, edited 13 times in total.
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Post Post #1 (ISO) » Wed Mar 26, 2014 10:58 am

Post by Cabd »

Setup Info

This game is ran using the newbie setup, Matrix 6, Designed by Cogito Ergo Sum. This means there are six possible setups you can be playing.

1Town JailkeeperVanilla TownieMafia Goon
2Mafia RoleblockerTown CopTown Doctor
3Town 1-shot

Mafia GoonTown Tracker

Each potential setup is represented by either a row or column. Therefore the six possible setups are:

1. Town Jailkeeper, Town 1-shot Bulletproof, 5 Vanilla Town, Mafia Roleblocker, Mafia Goon

2. Town Cop, 6 Vanilla Town, 2 Mafia Goons

3. Town Doctor, Town Tracker, 5 Vanilla Town, 2 Mafia Goons

4. Town Jailkeeper, 6 Vanilla Town, 2 Mafia Goons

5. Town Cop, Town Doctor, 5 Vanilla Town, Mafia Roleblocker, Mafia Goon

6. Town Tracker, Town 1-shot Bulletproof, 5 Vanilla Town, 2 Mafia Goons

Setup Specific Rules:

1. Mafia Power Roles may both use their night action and preform the kill.
2. The 1-shot Bulletproof player is NOT informed if their bulletproof ability has been used.
3. The Mafia Roleblocker resolves before the Town Jailkeeper, if needed.
4. The Bulletproof cannot be roleblocked.

My Rules
(You'll want to read these)

1. I don’t tolerate ad hom wars. If your posting is merely insulting a player without providing game content, you can expect a strike from me. Three strikes, you’re out. I’m fairly lenient about this, but posting “Fuck you” over and over again is simply not acceptable. Severe issues will be reported to the list mod(s).

2. If I say it violates these rules, it does. You can take it up with me postgame if you wish.

3. Play towards your win condition. Gambits are fine, directly harming your own team is not.

4. Once a lynch is reached, you may continue discussion until I lock the thread. No votes or unvotes will count after a lynch has been achieved.

5. A lynch is achieved as a majority of players voting for somebody. Half is not a majority.

6. Do not quote or pretend to quote any information you get from me via PM. This includes posting your role card verbatim. Paraphrasing is fine, as are role claims naturally.

7. Do not talk about this game anywhere else, or with anyone else.

8. All deadlines are exactly 2 weeks in duration. A countdown will be present in my vote count posts.

9. Do not discuss ongoing games in this thread. This includes games on sites other than mafiascum. This also includes using [redacted] as that loophole does not fly here.

10. I am rather lenient upon activity. You must post once every 48 hours. Failure to do so will earn you a prod. Respond to your prod within 24 hours, or face replacement. Three prods is also a force replacement.

11. Claiming scum by yourself is fine. Claiming scum with another player is an instant modkill. Don't do it.

12. I do not require unvotes. Your vote will be counted so long as you bold it or use the vote tag. Shorthand names are fine so long as it’s clear who the vote is for.

13. If you have a question, please PM me. I’m an addict that sits around on his inbox all day anyways. If a question is something that should be answered publicly, I will make a post addressing it without naming who asked it.

14. If my vote count is wrong, you can PM me or post in the thread (use the bold tag and "@MOD") about it.

15. I do not fix tags or edit posts where you might make a formatting mistake, even if you ask me to.

16. I reserve the right to add to these rules or modify them, but only when I post notifying all players in the game of the change.

17. Loophole abuse is all fun and games until I modkill you. Don’t try it.

18. Blue (
This color at #0000FF
)is my color. You are welcome to use any other color of the rainbow.

19. Encryption, text hiding, and the like are silly. Don’t do it.

20. Extensions will be granted at 48 hours per replacement, up to a total duration of 4 days max per game phase.

21. Do not use temporary information to convey messages. This includes your signature and your avatar, but is not limited to these things.

22. While putting your vote or unvote on its own line is helpful, it is not necessary and any attempts to game voting formatting will be dealt with as an attempt to cheat. If I think it was a vote, it was a vote.

23. A modkill will always punish the faction modkilled more as far as timing goes. All modkills will be done after consultation with the listmods. Modkills may or may not end the day. Modkilled players will be changed to a nuetral survivor, meaning they lose the game instantly.

24. In the event of site downtime lasting more than 3 hours; time will be added to the deadline to compensate at a 1 to 1 ratio.
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Post Post #2 (ISO) » Wed Mar 26, 2014 11:17 am

Post by Cabd »

All role PMs have been sent out. Game will begin when 8/9 players have confirmed.
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Post Post #3 (ISO) » Thu Mar 27, 2014 7:01 pm

Post by Cabd »

And there's 8!

(Yiley has (expired on 2014-03-29 02:01:08) to pick up his prod before being replaced)

Game now begins.

With 9 players alive, it will take 5 votes to lynch or no lynch.

The deadline is set for 2 weeks (14 days) and my vote counts will always feature a clock that actively changes to reflect the exact amount of time left.

Deadline: (expired on 2014-04-11 02:01:08)
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Post Post #4 (ISO) » Thu Mar 27, 2014 7:03 pm

Post by Cabd »

Votecount 1-1

Players not voting (9): golden009, bluelightning, skrowlive, Moonlight, BillStickers, jbomber732, Yiley, kirroha, SafetyDance

With 9 players alive, it will take 5 votes to lynch or nolynch.

Deadline: (expired on 2014-04-11 02:01:08)
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Post Post #5 (ISO) » Thu Mar 27, 2014 7:06 pm

Post by Moonlight »

Greetings! Before I proceed with the standard RVS, I would like to ask some questions. I am well aware that the RQS is frowned upon by some players (and not unjustifiably so, I might add), but there won't be any "What's your favorite food?" nonsense.

The goal of the questions is to help me understand the person behind your role better. The better I understand someone, the more confident I am in my ability to read them or manipulate them. Feel free to skip any question if you don't see a point behind answering it. Heck, you could skip the whole thing if you don't see the point, that would also tell me a little bit about yourself!

Here we go.

1) How active do you expect to be in this game? How much do you post and how would you describe your posting style?

2) How good do you believe you are at this game? (If this is your first game of Mafia anywhere, read as: "how good do you expect to be at it?") Any alignment preference?

3) How prone would you say you are to getting lynched? (If this is your first game of Mafia anywhere, either skip or try to guess.)

4) Is there anything you believe might help me understand you better that the above questions don't cover? If so, care to share?

I will answer these questions myself later unless someone can convince me they're doing more harm than good.

For now, let's see who points at.

Ah, nothing welcomes you to the site like getting your first vote. Welcome!

VOTE: BillStickers
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Post Post #6 (ISO) » Fri Mar 28, 2014 12:05 am

Post by jbomber732 »

Do you want us to answer those questions?

VOTE: skrow
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Post Post #7 (ISO) » Fri Mar 28, 2014 12:10 am

Post by BillStickers »

Of course he'd prefer us to answer them! He stated so! I don't particularly feel like answering them though. My answers would be typical, much like everyone's.

Also, each day/night is two weeks long or am I reading it wrong?
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Post Post #8 (ISO) » Fri Mar 28, 2014 12:22 am

Post by golden009 »

So, my first Mafia game on this site is starting, and I'm definitely looking forward to it. So, rvs time!
VOTE: Yiley
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Post Post #9 (ISO) » Fri Mar 28, 2014 12:25 am

Post by jbomber732 »

1.I'm very active, and my posts are short and scummy :)

2. I'm terrible because everyone always scumreads me (as town)

3. very as in both games that i've played on this site i was lynched on day 1

4. you WILL scumread me. Just don't get too sure that im scum. Cuz im not.

This was serous answers.
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Post Post #10 (ISO) » Fri Mar 28, 2014 12:38 am

Post by Moonlight »

In post 7, BillStickers wrote:My answers would be typical, much like everyone's.
Define "typical". I see that bomber replied, so I'm going to answer as well. Compare.

1) Expect me to be very active. I have tons of free time, I post a lot and I hate lurking with a passion. I can post both in spurts and make huge walls, but I avoid the latter to make it easier for everyone else.

2) On a scale of 1 to 10, with 10 being the best I feel I can potentially be, I'd give myself a 2. I have plenty of flaws to work on, but that only excites me to push forward. =) I prefer playing Town, perhaps because I've never managed to have fun as scum.

3) That's a tricky one. I used to play a lot on another site more than a year ago and there were games when I got easily lynched there. After that hiatus and playing my first game here, my style seems to have changed
and I seem to be very transparent as Town. We'll see if this is something that remains consistent.

4) You could check my wiki page I guess?
Also, each day/night is two weeks long or am I reading it wrong?
Typically, Days last 2 weeks and Nights last 2 days.

@Cabd, could you confirm that?

In post 8, golden009 wrote:So, my first Mafia game on this site is starting, and I'm definitely looking forward to it. So, rvs time!
VOTE: Yiley
There are already 2 votes. Any reason why you avoided forming a wagon?
In post 9, jbomber732 wrote:1.I'm very active, and my posts are short and scummy :)

2. I'm terrible because everyone always scumreads me (as town)

3. very as in both games that i've played on this site i was lynched on day 1

4. you WILL scumread me. Just don't get too sure that im scum. Cuz im not.

This was serous answers.
*raises an eyebrow* Me, getting "sure"? How little you know me. :wink:

Why do you think you're getting scumread as Town?
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Post Post #11 (ISO) » Fri Mar 28, 2014 12:39 am

Post by Moonlight »

Oh and
, could you please get an avatar? It's going to be really helpful later when skimming through pages without having to look at a username to see who posts what.
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Post Post #12 (ISO) » Fri Mar 28, 2014 12:44 am

Post by BillStickers »

1. Active (typical)
2. ~Low rating (typical)
3. Depends on player / how people perceive me. (typical)
4. N/A

jbomber, I see you are from Epicmafia? :)
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Post Post #13 (ISO) » Fri Mar 28, 2014 1:37 am

Post by Moonlight »

, I've noticed you've abstained from RVS. I admit I look at it more as a "necessary evil" to get the game rolling, but have you perhaps thought of an alternative?
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Post Post #14 (ISO) » Fri Mar 28, 2014 2:36 am

Post by BillStickers »

I don't feel the need to vote anyone yet and I disagree that it's necessary.
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Post Post #15 (ISO) » Fri Mar 28, 2014 2:40 am

Post by BillStickers »

You voted me yet I didn't bother to comment on. Why? It's unnecessary and will change later. This so called reaction test is rather weak, even if it is standard.
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Post Post #16 (ISO) » Fri Mar 28, 2014 3:39 am

Post by Moonlight »

Can't you see why it's standard though? I don't disagree with what you're saying, it
weak. But without it, we'd all be twiddling our thumbs and nothing would get done because no one has a real "need" to vote for someone right now.

We should try to get out of RVS as soon as possible. And there is a
better place for my vote right now, so I might as well try to get things started.

VOTE: golden009

That vote came after there were already two random votes and a wagon would only benefit us in my opinion. Yiley hasn't confirmed and I don't see a wagon forming on someone who won't provide content soon enough.
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Post Post #17 (ISO) » Fri Mar 28, 2014 3:42 am

Post by bluelightning »

Just checking in. Should be online within an hour so can properly assess this game and decipher the set up
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Post Post #18 (ISO) » Fri Mar 28, 2014 5:49 am

Post by bluelightning »

Right i'll start off by answering Moonlights questions.

1) Very active. Near 18h day ill be viewing this thread.

2) USing your scale of 1-10 with 10 being the highest. I give myself as 12. I am not a noob at this game. This would be my 20th plus game but first on this site. Previous experience coming from Itsagoal & Footballidentity.

3) Extremely, mainly down to how i play this game. I'll explain myself later on my play.

4) I dont lie, even when scum i dont lie (might go around the truth but never lie!)

So a little more about me and why i rate myself so high at this game. I first began playing this game in 2012 on FID, being relatively noobish and not fully utilising my play and role. As time and experience rolled on i began to realise that i should just play this game the same way so you cant immediately give yourself away and betray your role. So i play each mafia game the same way, Hard and uber aggressive. I will pounce on any mistake done by anyone and catch out any inconsistencies and change of attitude in the game. So you have been warned! :D


So now to this game. With this experience as well as currently modding my own on IAG currently, i can deduce sttraight away that the likelyhood of a Jailkeeper being in a newbie game are next to nothing. Would make no sense to have that role in as i doubt anyone would want newbies to spend a day & night phase away from the game as no doubt they would not log back in. I would also suggest that any game containing 6 Vanilla's just doesnt sound right, the more power roles included, the likelihood of more players staying around and being more active. So (IMO), scenarios 1,2 & 4. 6 with a 1 shot BP looks a weak set up compared to 3 so i would say options 3 and 5 are likely. 5 to me makes the most sense becaus eits the most balanced set up. The RB blocks the cop and the doctor protects against the night kill which would probably be done by the goon. So option 5 looks our most likely set up. 3 just looks too one sided to the town with that tracker, if it contained a Mafia RB, i would go 50/50 on that with setup 5.

So as like nearly everyone here, i am the same. i go straight in with a vote on the most curious player i find on Day 1, so...

Vote: Moonlight

I actually have several reasons for this. First, i vote for whoever posts 1st in the thread. They are always most likely to be mafia becaus they would have got their PM early on for the link to their extrernal forum so would have been in there plotting their early tactics.
Secondly, his questions. Although i answered them, his post of asking these straight away generally leads me to believe he is looking at what kind of players hes against so he can use the answers to the posts to try and find out what possible roles they could have. Its a nice tactic but my answers reveal nothing to my role! :)
Thirdly, his rating of his own play. I dont buy why anyone who has played Mafia before would rank themselves soo low and specifiy how "not fun" a scum role is compared to a town role. Sounds to me he's just laying a soft marker down so that when people come to building a profile on each player, they stick this "clause" next to his name.
Fourthly, his reply to goldens vote for Yiley. I dont get why forming a bangwagon (thats not a typo btw, thats what a friend of mine coined the term on IAG when i crushed him over his inconsistencies in his posting). His quick query as to why golden should form up behind him to ply pressure on a "random" person to lynch just doesnt sit right with me. Everyones entitled to vote for who they want (even though someone who has not confirmed their status in the game yet seems a wasted vote as what are you expecting to get ouyt of a silent player?)

So, discuss! :)
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Post Post #19 (ISO) » Fri Mar 28, 2014 5:54 am

Post by Cabd »

Votecount 1-2

golden009 (1): Moonlight (L-4)
skrow (1): jbomber732 (L-4)
Yiley (1): golden009 (L-4)
moonlight (1): bluelightning (L-4)

Players not voting (5): skrowlive, BillStickers, Yiley, kirroha, SafetyDance

With 9 players alive, it will take 5 votes to lynch or nolynch.

Deadline: (expired on 2014-04-11 02:01:08)
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Post Post #20 (ISO) » Fri Mar 28, 2014 5:55 am

Post by Cabd »

In post 10, Moonlight wrote:Typically, Days last 2 weeks and Nights last 2 days.

@Cabd, could you confirm that?
This is correct. All newbie game deadlines are fixed at 2 weeks (14 days) and night duration is 2 days (48 hours).

Per rule 8:
In post 1, Cabd wrote:8. All deadlines are exactly 2 weeks in duration. A countdown will be present in my vote count posts.
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Post Post #21 (ISO) » Fri Mar 28, 2014 5:58 am

Post by bluelightning »

In post 20, Cabd wrote:
In post 10, Moonlight wrote:Typically, Days last 2 weeks and Nights last 2 days.

@Cabd, could you confirm that?
This is correct. All newbie game deadlines are fixed at 2 weeks (14 days) and night duration is 2 days (48 hours).

Per rule 8:
In post 1, Cabd wrote:8. All deadlines are exactly 2 weeks in duration. A countdown will be present in my vote count posts.
2 weeks? Who thinks up these rules? 5 days tops should be enough for newbies. :facepalm:
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Post Post #22 (ISO) » Fri Mar 28, 2014 6:28 am

Post by Moonlight »

In post 18, bluelightning wrote:I will pounce on any mistake done by anyone and catch out any inconsistencies and change of attitude in the game. So you have been warned! :D
The Town wincon involves catching scum, not catching those who are inconsistent or change their attitudes. Are those scumtells in your opinion?
So now to this game. With this experience as well as currently modding my own on IAG currently, i can deduce sttraight away that the likelyhood of a Jailkeeper being in a newbie game are next to nothing. Would make no sense to have that role in as i doubt anyone would want newbies to spend a day & night phase away from the game as no doubt they would not log back in. I would also suggest that any game containing 6 Vanilla's just doesnt sound right, the more power roles included, the likelihood of more players staying around and being more active. So (IMO), scenarios 1,2 & 4. 6 with a 1 shot BP looks a weak set up compared to 3 so i would say options 3 and 5 are likely. 5 to me makes the most sense becaus eits the most balanced set up. The RB blocks the cop and the doctor protects against the night kill which would probably be done by the goon. So option 5 looks our most likely set up. 3 just looks too one sided to the town with that tracker, if it contained a Mafia RB, i would go 50/50 on that with setup 5.
The setup is chosen randomly, each one has an equal chance to be picked. I'm sorry you wasted your time there and didn't do any research. :?
So as like nearly everyone here, i am the same. i go straight in with a vote on the most curious player i find on Day 1, so...

Vote: Moonlight

I actually have several reasons for this. First, i vote for whoever posts 1st in the thread. They are always most likely to be mafia becaus they would have got their PM early on for the link to their extrernal forum so would have been in there plotting their early tactics.
I'll take "curious" as a compliment.

That's not a terrible theory you've got about being first to post. But why isn't it just as likely that I'm simply excited? I posted mere minutes after it started and had it all pre-typed in a notepad, ready to send as soon as I received a PM.
Secondly, his questions. Although i answered them, his post of asking these straight away generally leads me to believe he is looking at what kind of players hes against so he can use the answers to the posts to try and find out what possible roles they could have. Its a nice tactic but my answers reveal nothing to my role! :)
Can you please show to me which parts of my questions show an attempt by me to fish for roles?
Thirdly, his rating of his own play. I dont buy why anyone who has played Mafia before would rank themselves soo low and specifiy how "not fun" a scum role is compared to a town role. Sounds to me he's just laying a soft marker down so that when people come to building a profile on each player, they stick this "clause" next to his name.
I set ridiculously high standards for myself. You can go through my previous game and see my own self-criticism once it was over. As for considering scum "not fun", I'm being honest. I remember exactly one game I felt I played well as scum back in the day, and I still didn't enjoy it. On the other hand, I seem to have fun in almost every game where I get to be Town. To each his own I suppose.
Fourthly, his reply to goldens vote for Yiley. I dont get why forming a bangwagon (thats not a typo btw, thats what a friend of mine coined the term on IAG when i crushed him over his inconsistencies in his posting). His quick query as to why golden should form up behind him to ply pressure on a "random" person to lynch just doesnt sit right with me. Everyones entitled to vote for who they want (even though someone who has not confirmed their status in the game yet seems a wasted vote as what are you expecting to get ouyt of a silent player?)

So, discuss! :)
Ah, you pointed out why that vote isn't good yourself. Yes, we can vote for anyone, but wagons speed things up considerably (and so do cases like the one you've just posted). Feel free to try and build one on me. =)

Anyway, you've established what parts of my early play have piqued your interest. I still don't see how they point to me being scum though. Regardless, thank you for actually doing your part to push the game forward!
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Post Post #23 (ISO) » Fri Mar 28, 2014 7:04 am

Post by bluelightning »

In post 22, Moonlight wrote:
In post 18, bluelightning wrote:I will pounce on any mistake done by anyone and catch out any inconsistencies and change of attitude in the game. So you have been warned! :D
The Town wincon involves catching scum, not catching those who are inconsistent or change their attitudes. Are those scumtells in your opinion?
So you would rather sit back and rely on evidence gathering to make your conclusions? If thats the case, then i think ive joined the wrong game. The only way to catch scum is to catch them out on their lies (whether those lies are visiting people claiming what ever role they may have), so you have to dig further into the posts in order to find out what they are hiding. Everyone has a tell and everyone slips up sooner or later.
So now to this game. With this experience as well as currently modding my own on IAG currently, i can deduce sttraight away that the likelyhood of a Jailkeeper being in a newbie game are next to nothing. Would make no sense to have that role in as i doubt anyone would want newbies to spend a day & night phase away from the game as no doubt they would not log back in. I would also suggest that any game containing 6 Vanilla's just doesnt sound right, the more power roles included, the likelihood of more players staying around and being more active. So (IMO), scenarios 1,2 & 4. 6 with a 1 shot BP looks a weak set up compared to 3 so i would say options 3 and 5 are likely. 5 to me makes the most sense becaus eits the most balanced set up. The RB blocks the cop and the doctor protects against the night kill which would probably be done by the goon. So option 5 looks our most likely set up. 3 just looks too one sided to the town with that tracker, if it contained a Mafia RB, i would go 50/50 on that with setup 5.
The setup is chosen randomly, each one has an equal chance to be picked. I'm sorry you wasted your time there and didn't do any research. :?

Nah, i dont believe anyone who says random is random. Even if the mod came on here and said it was random, i wouldnt believe him. You can keep an open mind if you want but ill carry down my thought process on elimination.
So as like nearly everyone here, i am the same. i go straight in with a vote on the most curious player i find on Day 1, so...

Vote: Moonlight

I actually have several reasons for this. First, i vote for whoever posts 1st in the thread. They are always most likely to be mafia becaus they would have got their PM early on for the link to their extrernal forum so would have been in there plotting their early tactics.
I'll take "curious" as a compliment.

That's not a terrible theory you've got about being first to post. But why isn't it just as likely that I'm simply excited? I posted mere minutes after it started and had it all pre-typed in a notepad, ready to send as soon as I received a PM.
So you were up at 7am in the morning and by chance and managed to post within 3 minutes of the game starting? Thats a stretch at best.
Secondly, his questions. Although i answered them, his post of asking these straight away generally leads me to believe he is looking at what kind of players hes against so he can use the answers to the posts to try and find out what possible roles they could have. Its a nice tactic but my answers reveal nothing to my role! :)
Can you please show to me which parts of my questions show an attempt by me to fish for roles?
I didnt say specifically "fish for roles". I said the information that you could gather in answers to your questions may help you deduce what roles anyone could potentially have.
Thirdly, his rating of his own play. I dont buy why anyone who has played Mafia before would rank themselves soo low and specifiy how "not fun" a scum role is compared to a town role. Sounds to me he's just laying a soft marker down so that when people come to building a profile on each player, they stick this "clause" next to his name.
I set ridiculously high standards for myself. You can go through my previous game and see my own self-criticism once it was over. As for considering scum "not fun", I'm being honest. I remember exactly one game I felt I played well as scum back in the day, and I still didn't enjoy it. On the other hand, I seem to have fun in almost every game where I get to be Town. To each his own I suppose.
Nothing needs said here.
Fourthly, his reply to goldens vote for Yiley. I dont get why forming a bangwagon (thats not a typo btw, thats what a friend of mine coined the term on IAG when i crushed him over his inconsistencies in his posting). His quick query as to why golden should form up behind him to ply pressure on a "random" person to lynch just doesnt sit right with me. Everyones entitled to vote for who they want (even though someone who has not confirmed their status in the game yet seems a wasted vote as what are you expecting to get ouyt of a silent player?)

So, discuss! :)
Ah, you pointed out why that vote isn't good yourself. Yes, we can vote for anyone, but wagons speed things up considerably (and so do cases like the one you've just posted). Feel free to try and build one on me. =)

Anyway, you've established what parts of my early play have piqued your interest. I still don't see how they point to me being scum though. Regardless, thank you for actually doing your part to push the game forward!
I didn't say it pointed to you being scum. Now that's you jumping to conclusions and assuming the worst straight off and this reaction certainly doesn't bode well in my opinion of yourself.
Granted an fully scripted response would draw similar conclusions but assuming you think i'm scum hunting on Day 1 with no information to go. You have your questions in hopes of finding a bit more about players, this is how i operate in getting the same information. And 99 times out of 100, ill be getting honest answers. Anyone can take time to construct their answers, but when they are pushed (not by a lynch wagon) by anyone who makes a half-attempt at constructing a case against them, is when you get a true reaction to how they play and what they are likely to do in the forthcoming days.
Your reaction to this soft attack suggests to me you have a role of some sort (other than a vanilla).
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Post Post #24 (ISO) » Fri Mar 28, 2014 7:42 am

Post by Moonlight »

This is getting interesting.
In post 23, bluelightning wrote:So you would rather sit back and rely on evidence gathering to make your conclusions? If thats the case, then i think ive joined the wrong game.
Nope, keep reading.
The only way to catch scum is to catch them out on their lies (whether those lies are visiting people claiming what ever role they may have), so you have to dig further into the posts in order to find out what they are hiding. Everyone has a tell and everyone slips up sooner or later.
I catch scum by figuring out the most probable intent behind a player's posts, to each his own. There's plenty of ways to scumhunt. I've seen people do it purely by going with their gut. If it works for them, that's awesome, how am I to judge?
Nah, i dont believe anyone who says random is random. Even if the mod came on here and said it was random, i wouldnt believe him. You can keep an open mind if you want but ill carry down my thought process on elimination.
My previous Newbie game had me as a 1-shot BP and we also had a Tracker. That's setup 6, one of the those you ruled out. Moreover, there's a thread in Mafia Discussion that keeps track of stats in such games, including how often each setup has been played.
So you were up at 7am in the morning and by chance and managed to post within 3 minutes of the game starting? Thats a stretch at best.
8 am for my timezone, but yes, actually. I kept checking, waiting for this game to start. My sleep schedule... who am I kidding, I have no schedule.
I didnt say specifically "fish for roles". I said the information that you could gather in answers to your questions may help you deduce what roles anyone could potentially have.
Again, you don't show me how that would be accomplished. How would I deduce whether someone has a PR from these questions? The questions don't even help me figure out alignment, let alone a specific role. They're there simply for me to understand the
behind the role.
Your reaction to this soft attack suggests to me you have a role of some sort (other than a vanilla).
How exactly is focusing on what role I have helping Town? You just did precisely what you suspect me doing with my questions, rolehunt.

Perhaps you're used to games where people rely on PRs for information, hence your obsession with them. This isn't how things work here. If you asked me what my favorite role is, I'd tell you it's being a VT and I wouldn't be lying. I adore having no power but my vote, because it means I'm expendable and I want all my time to be about getting scum lynched, without a second wasted thinking about the night phase.

As much as I want to vote for you for a dreadful focus on roles, I somehow get a strange Town vibe from your post at the same time. Your doubt of my quick first post in particular comes off as genuine. As for the rest, I guess we think very differently.

I don't know how to feel about my first townread, despite it being weak, being on a player whose play I find anti-Town. I'll just sleep on this for now and I hope everyone will have posted by then.

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