Micro 1091 - Prism v. 1L Year Mod PT

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Micro 1091 - Prism v. 1L Year Mod PT

Post Post #0 (ISO) » Sat Aug 26, 2023 9:15 am

Post by Prism »

Main thread
Mod PT
Office Hours (The Curve Mafia PT)
Bar Review (Dead/Spec PT)

elle (1L) Notes PT
Bell Notes PT
RH9 Notes PT

2. Meuh
3. Bell
4. Dunnstral
5. Alisae

6. Ydrasse
7. PookyTheMagicalBear
8. Lukewarm
elle (1L)

9. GuiltyLion

Last edited by Prism on Mon Sep 25, 2023 1:19 pm, edited 9 times in total.
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Post Post #1 (ISO) » Sat Aug 26, 2023 10:11 am

Post by Prism »


The Perpetually High-strung Stressball, Town Two-shot Tracker
The Career Services Dean, Town One-shot Roleblocker
A Typical FedSoc Member, Town Miller
Prism's Legal Research and Writing Class, Town Miller
catboi, VT
Prism's Property Professor, VT
Tom, VT

The Gunner, Mafia Two-shot Tracker
Prism's Civil Procedure Professor, Mafia Goon

Template Role PMs

Town (Prism Well-wishers):

Spoiler: The Perpetually High-strung Stressball
Thanks so much for coming over tonight to study, Prism. I'm feeling so bad about Contracts. Oh my god that cold call from Jessica was brutal. I would have died if that were me. I didn't get called this time but I'm so glad I was ready just in case. I stayed up until 3 AM last night just doing practice problems. I'm glad I didn't go out last weekend, I'd never catch back up.

But man when Blake answered...I heard Blake read the entire textbook cover to cover over the summer. Say, what supplements are you reading Prism? You're a good dude but I don't know how you're going to pass if you don't highlight your book more. Why don't we study after Torts tomorrow?

I saw Nolan's notes and they were terrible. There's no way he's going to pass if he keeps doing that. He's not focusing on the right things, you know? It's all about focusing on the right things. My outline is up to 273 pages. If we don't apply to jobs this weekend we probably won't get anything for the summer. I heard all the good jobs are gone by week 3.

Vivek is so smart, way too smart. We've got to work harder if we're getting graded against Vivek. You know they say 1L fall is the most important. You should come over on Saturday and we'll work on Property together. Do you want to know who I saw studying in the library at 5 AM on Sunday last week?

...Leaving already? I know sleep's important man but I'm telling you, if you don't study more...


[Player], you are
The Perpetually High-strung Stressball
, a
Town Two-shot Tracker
aligned with the
Prism Well-wishers

  • Two-shot Tracker:
    Each Night, you may target a player via PM. Assuming no interference with your action, you will be told who that player targeted that night. This ability is two-shot.
  • The Socratic Method:
    You have your voice and your vote. Use them wisely.
Win Condition:
  • You win when Prism passes his classes, and by that I mean when only players aligned with the Prism Well-wishers remain alive. At least one player aligned with the Prism Well-wishers must be alive to fulfill this win condition.

Spoiler: The Career Services Dean
You've got one of the coolest positions on campus. You hang out and help students fulfill their dreams, guiding them on how to get where they want to be. You don't care where people are on the grading curve. Everyone came to law school for a reason: some people just need help finding it.

Unfortunately, you've got a real problem child this year. Prism has insisted that you remove him from the career center email list and is refusing to apply for anything. Look, you get it. Nobody wants to apply for jobs while they're studying for finals, but you've got statistics to report to US News and the ABA.

It's your job to get everyone a job whether they want one or not. Sometimes that means roping students into your office with the promise of free coffee and insisting they not leave your sight until they've mailed out 20 applications. Extreme? Maybe. Effective? Absolutely.


[Player], you are
The Career Services Dean
, a
Town One-shot Roleblocker
aligned with the
Prism Well-wishers

  • One-shot Roleblocker:
    Each Night, you may target a player via PM. Assuming no interference with your action, that player will be roleblocked. This ability is one-shot.
  • The Socratic Method:
    You have your voice and your vote. Use them wisely.
Win Condition:
  • You win when Prism passes his classes, and by that I mean when only players aligned with the Prism Well-wishers remain alive. At least one player aligned with the Prism Well-wishers must be alive to fulfill this win condition.

Spoiler: A Typical FedSoc Member
You don't understand why you've got such a bad reputation on campus. You wrote an amazing essay on the exam explaining why government toll roads and airline regulations are a plague on society and would have the Founding Fathers spinning in their graves, and that liberal professor gave you a B- anyway just because it was a civil procedure exam and you didn't apply the law to the facts.

Some criticize your worldview as lacking in nuance and practicality, but those people just aren't as committed to intellectual consistency. If your judicial philosophy isn't realistic in the year 2023, it's the world that needs to change, not your ideas.

For all your flaws, you generally don't mean any harm to people. Somehow. We're all here to learn, right?


[Player], you are
A Typical FedSoc Member
, a
Town Miller
aligned with the
Prism Well-wishers

  • Miller:
    You will appear to be aligned with
    The Curve
    when investigated by a Cop.
  • The Socratic Method:
    You have your voice and your vote. Use them wisely.
Win Condition:
  • You win when Prism passes his classes, and by that I mean when only players aligned with the Prism Well-wishers remain alive. At least one player aligned with the Prism Well-wishers must be alive to fulfill this win condition.

Spoiler: Prism's Legal Research and Writing Class
You are the bane of every law student's existence. After a full week of studying for the actually important classes, there you are waiting for them on the weekends. Ungraded but required, you force all the 1Ls to watch scores of how-to research videos and write boring memorandums for essentially no reward. In the short-term, you represent time spent aimlessly circling the drain.

You've got a much broader view of the world. You know that you are in fact the most useful class in the entire bunch. Prism may hate you now, but you're his best friend whether he knows it or not. No matter how many times he calls you stupid busywork, you're committed to looking out for him in the long-run.


[Player], you are
Prism's Legal Research and Writing Class
, a
Town Miller
aligned with the
Prism Well-wishers

  • Miller:
    You will appear to be aligned with
    The Curve
    when investigated by a Cop.
  • The Socratic Method:
    You have your voice and your vote. Use them wisely.
Win Condition:
  • You win when Prism passes his classes, and by that I mean when only players aligned with the Prism Well-wishers remain alive. At least one player aligned with the Prism Well-wishers must be alive to fulfill this win condition.

Spoiler: catboi
Thirteen years ago, you were nice to a kid playing an online video game. It was the greatest error of your entire life, one you continue to suffer the consequences for every single day.

All you want in this life is to sit at home, play video games, watch anime, and listen to The Replacements. You want to do it all in peace without anyone bothering you. Instead, Prism is texting you all this random shit you don't care about basically all of the time. Nothing has served as an effective deterrent.

None of this stuff about journal applications and car batteries makes sense, but what makes even less sense is that you put up with it anyway. You've grown rather fond of the kid, and are even kind of rooting for him at the end of the day.


[Player], you are
, a
Vanilla Townie
aligned with the
Prism Well-wishers

  • The Socratic Method:
    You have your voice and your vote. Use them wisely.
Win Condition:
  • You win when Prism passes his classes, and by that I mean when only players aligned with the Prism Well-wishers remain alive. At least one player aligned with the Prism Well-wishers must be alive to fulfill this win condition.

Spoiler: Prism's Property Professor
Ah, the start of the school year is such an exciting time! You love your research, but you also love teaching. So many students with so much potential, all climbing over each other and wracked by anxiety in their quest for a 4.0. It's a great big beautiful mess all right.

It's amazing how fast the students grow, and you regret that it all has to be so competitive. You genuinely want to see everyone succeed, and you hate to play favorites.

Still, there are some that you hope do well. Prism is one of them, but there's so many others to look out for, and there's only so much you can do for him with a blind graded final exam.

You're sure he'll be fine without too much help!


[Player], you are
Prism's Property Professor
, a
Vanilla Townie
aligned with the
Prism Well-wishers

  • The Socratic Method:
    You have your voice and your vote. Use them wisely.
Win Condition:
  • You win when Prism passes his classes, and by that I mean when only players aligned with the Prism Well-wishers remain alive. At least one player aligned with the Prism Well-wishers must be alive to fulfill this win condition.

Spoiler: Tom
The everyman of law school and its unsung hero. That's you.

You showed up here expecting to learn the law and write some stuff, and that's exactly what's happened for the most part. You read the cases, show up to lecture, and go home. You don't really know why everyone else has 7 extra textbooks for every class and at this point you're too scared to ask. You figure this isn't really that much different from undergrad, even though it's been awhile.

Sometimes when class gets boring you and Prism play around on Cool Math Games to pass the time. Law isn't the most exciting, but it's not bad really. It'd be nice to change some things one day. Hopefully you and your friends do well on the exams, but it's not like a B+ would be the end of the world.

You genuinely have no clue why you're in a Mafia game.


[Player], you are
, a
Vanilla Townie
aligned with the
Prism Well-wishers

  • The Socratic Method:
    You have your voice and your vote. Use them wisely.
Win Condition:
  • You win when Prism passes his classes, and by that I mean when only players aligned with the Prism Well-wishers remain alive. At least one player aligned with the Prism Well-wishers must be alive to fulfill this win condition.

Mafia (The Curve):

Spoiler: The Gunner
Don't get me wrong: It's enough if you succeed, but boy does it feel great if everyone else fails too and makes you look that much better.

You are a testament to your own greatness. Law school exists primarily as a mode of your superior expression. You relish the competitive nature of 1L, because not only are you more talented than everyone else, you're harder working to boot. The professors are always left stunned at the quiet but immense intelligence running beneath the surface of your humble questions, and it frequently takes them a moment to gather themselves and digest the subtle yet definite connections between your carefully curated topics and the day's readings.

There are only so many passing grades to go around. If Prism thinks one could be his, he better think again. They're reserved for you and for those lucky enough to breathe next to you. With your effusive charisma and widely-envied talents, you've got your ways of keeping tabs on people and keeping your competitive edge.


[Player], you are
The Gunner
, a
Mafia Two-shot Tracker
aligned with
The Curve

  • Two-shot Tracker:
    Each Night, you may target a player via PM. Assuming no interference with your action, you will be told who that player targeted that night. This ability is two-shot.
  • Cold-called:
    As a member of The Curve, you have a factional nightkill available to you every Night. You must specify which member of the faction will perform the kill. You may additionally talk with your partner at any time here.
  • The Socratic Method:
    You have your voice and your vote. Use them wisely.
Win Condition:
  • You win when Prism caves under the academic pressure, and by that I mean when players aligned with The Curve equal or out-number any remaining Prism Well-wishers. At least one player aligned with the The Curve must be alive to fulfill this win condition.

Spoiler: Prism's Civil Procedure Professor
Look, you want your students to succeed as much as anybody. They're bright, yes. Talented, even. Some are really quite clever.

But something doesn't quite sit right with you about this Prism fellow. Bit of a jokester, isn't he? Whether it's the way he dresses, something about his speech, something about his manner, nobody but you knows. He'll make a fine lawyer one day to be sure, but he just doesn't seem to be keeping up with the high standards of the profession, and part of your job is to serve as a gatekeeper to this honorable trade.

The Curve may not be perfect, but there is method to the madness. Prism is about to find out that it serves its role quite effectively, oh yes.

Now Prism, I wish you all the best, of course, but good grades would be worthless if they went to everyone, now wouldn't they?


[Player], you are
Prism's Civil Procedure Professor
, a
Mafia Goon
aligned with
The Curve

Win Condition:
  • You win when Prism caves under the academic pressure, and by that I mean when players aligned with The Curve equal or out-number any remaining Prism Well-wishers. At least one player aligned with the The Curve must be alive to fulfill this win condition.
Last edited by Prism on Mon Sep 25, 2023 1:33 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Post Post #2 (ISO) » Sat Aug 26, 2023 2:21 pm

Post by Prism »

Spoiler: Day 1 Start PM
Orientation is over, and the first day of class is finally here! What a long path: you graduated from undergrad, took the LSAT, went through months of applications, and moved to another city all for this moment.

Got your pencils? Notebook? Laptop? Laptop charger? Packed lunch? Calm emotional center and even disposition?

Good. You're ready. Go get 'em, tiger.

Day 1 has begun, and will end in (expired on 2023-09-06 12:30:00).

You can find the gamethread here.

Spoiler: Night 1 Start PM
You'd love to worry about Ydrasse and check-in with her, but you've got enough on your plate. Say, this weekend seems like your best bet to catch up. That's what everyone else is doing?

You'd love to take a break, but you better get to work, huh?

Night 1 has begun, and will end in (expired on 2023-09-08 09:00:00).

Please submit any night actions you may have by way of PM.

Spoiler: Day 2 Start PM
You've started to fall into a routine, but you can feel things getting more hectic. That last memo was the first real piece of feedback you've gotten, and while some did well, others received a harsh reality check.

Brutal. The only way forward is to keep moving, though. You've only got so much time for reflection, right now you've got to get to class.

Day 2 has begun, and will end in (expired on 2023-09-18 12:30:00).

You can find the gamethread here.

Spoiler: Night 2 Start PM
Another day slips away, and the specter of finals grows larger in your mind. Classmates are dropping like flies now, and your idealistic view of law school is quickly fading.

Make no mistake: you are in the grinder now. If you want a job and to not be a disappointment to your friends, family, and everyone that has ever had the misfortune of breathing next to you, there is only one path. Do better than your classmates or else.

Night 2 has begun, and will end in (expired on 2023-09-19 12:45:00).

Please submit any night actions you may have by way of PM.

Spoiler: Day 3 Start PM
Well that raises the stakes a smidge. Just a little bit. Maybe failing out of law school is the end of the world after all.

Hopefully today provides a little bit more clarity of mind and a touch of added motivation. It's time to get serious. If you want the biglaw paycheck, you have to earn it you worthless little rats. No more bar review. Time track open your casebooks and start outlining.

Day 3 has begun, and will end in (expired on 2023-09-29 14:30:00).

You can find the gamethread here.

Spoiler: Prod 1 PM Template
Classroom attendance is required, [PLAYER]. Trust me, if it were only up to me I'd let you skip — or at least sleep in class — but is that really fair to your peers?

Please swing by and post in Micro 1091 when you get the chance. You have 24 hours to respond to this prod before I begin searching for a replacement.
Last edited by Prism on Mon Sep 25, 2023 1:14 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post Post #3 (ISO) » Sat Aug 26, 2023 2:24 pm

Post by Prism »

I will be randomizing the game now via random.org. I will be randomizing the below list, then matching it to the playerlist given in the signup thread/post 0 of this thread

The Perpetually High-strung Stressball, Town Two-shot Tracker
The Career Services Dean, Town One-shot Roleblocker
A Typical FedSoc Member, Town Miller
Prism's Legal Research and Writing Class, Town Miller
catboi, VT
Prism's Property Professor, VT
Tom, VT
The Gunner, Mafia Two-shot Tracker
Prism's Civil Procedure Professor, Mafia Goon
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Post Post #4 (ISO) » Sat Aug 26, 2023 2:24 pm

Post by Prism »

List Randomizer

There were 9 items in your list. Here they are in random order:

The Career Services Dean, Town One-shot Roleblocker
Prism's Legal Research and Writing Class, Town Miller
Prism's Property Professor, VT
The Gunner, Mafia Two-shot Tracker
Tom, VT
catboi, VT
A Typical FedSoc Member, Town Miller
The Perpetually High-strung Stressball, Town Two-shot Tracker
Prism's Civil Procedure Professor, Mafia Goon

Timestamp: 2023-08-27 01:24:08 UTC
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Post Post #5 (ISO) » Sat Aug 26, 2023 2:24 pm

Post by Prism »

Matching the randomized roles to the playerlist, the finalized role assignments are as follows:

SirCakez is The Career Services Dean, Town One-shot Roleblocker
Meuh is Prism's Legal Research and Writing Class, Town Miller
Bell is Prism's Property Professor, VT
Dunnstral is The Gunner, Mafia Two-shot Tracker
catboi is Tom, VT
Ydrasse is catboi, VT
PookyTheMagicalBear is A Typical FedSoc Member, Town Miller
elle (1L) is The Perpetually High-strung Stressball, Town Two-shot Tracker
GuiltyLion is Prism's Civil Procedure Professor, Mafia Goon
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Post Post #6 (ISO) » Sat Aug 26, 2023 5:23 pm

Post by Prism »

Final Role PMs

Town (Prism Well-wishers):

Spoiler: elle (1L)
Thanks so much for coming over tonight to study, Prism. I'm feeling so bad about Contracts. Oh my god that cold call from Jessica was brutal. I would have died if that were me. I didn't get called this time but I'm so glad I was ready just in case. I stayed up until 3 AM last night just doing practice problems. I'm glad I didn't go out last weekend, I'd never catch back up.

But man when Blake answered...I heard Blake read the entire textbook cover to cover over the summer. Say, what supplements are you reading Prism? You're a good dude but I don't know how you're going to pass if you don't highlight your book more. Why don't we study after Torts tomorrow?

I saw Nolan's notes and they were terrible. There's no way he's going to pass if he keeps doing that. He's not focusing on the right things, you know? It's all about focusing on the right things. My outline is up to 273 pages. If we don't apply to jobs this weekend we probably won't get anything for the summer. I heard all the good jobs are gone by week 3.

Vivek is so smart, way too smart. We've got to work harder if we're getting graded against Vivek. You know they say 1L fall is the most important. You should come over on Saturday and we'll work on Property together. Do you want to know who I saw studying in the library at 5 AM on Sunday last week?

...Leaving already? I know sleep's important man but I'm telling you, if you don't study more...


elle (1L), you are
The Perpetually High-strung Stressball
, a
Town Two-shot Tracker
aligned with the
Prism Well-wishers

  • Two-shot Tracker:
    Each Night, you may target a player via PM. Assuming no interference with your action, you will be told who that player targeted that night. This ability is two-shot.
  • The Socratic Method:
    You have your voice and your vote. Use them wisely.
Win Condition:
  • You win when Prism passes his classes, and by that I mean when only players aligned with the Prism Well-wishers remain alive. At least one player aligned with the Prism Well-wishers must be alive to fulfill this win condition.

Spoiler: SirCakez
You've got one of the coolest positions on campus. You hang out and help students fulfill their dreams, guiding them on how to get where they want to be. You don't care where people are on the grading curve. Everyone came to law school for a reason: some people just need help finding it.

Unfortunately, you've got a real problem child this year. Prism has insisted that you remove him from the career center email list and is refusing to apply for anything. Look, you get it. Nobody wants to apply for jobs while they're studying for finals, but you've got statistics to report to US News and the ABA.

It's your job to get everyone a job whether they want one or not. Sometimes that means roping students into your office with the promise of free coffee and insisting they not leave your sight until they've mailed out 20 applications. Extreme? Maybe. Effective? Absolutely.


SirCakez, you are
The Career Services Dean
, a
Town One-shot Roleblocker
aligned with the
Prism Well-wishers

  • One-shot Roleblocker:
    Each Night, you may target a player via PM. Assuming no interference with your action, that player will be roleblocked. This ability is one-shot.
  • The Socratic Method:
    You have your voice and your vote. Use them wisely.
Win Condition:
  • You win when Prism passes his classes, and by that I mean when only players aligned with the Prism Well-wishers remain alive. At least one player aligned with the Prism Well-wishers must be alive to fulfill this win condition.

Spoiler: PookyTheMagicalBear
You don't understand why you've got such a bad reputation on campus. You wrote an amazing essay on the exam explaining why government toll roads and airline regulations are a plague on society and would have the Founding Fathers spinning in their graves, and that liberal professor gave you a B- anyway just because it was a civil procedure exam and you didn't apply the law to the facts.

Some criticize your worldview as lacking in nuance and practicality, but those people just aren't as committed to intellectual consistency. If your judicial philosophy isn't realistic in the year 2023, it's the world that needs to change, not your ideas.

For all your flaws, you generally don't mean any harm to people. Somehow. We're all here to learn, right?


PookyTheMagicalBear, you are
A Typical FedSoc Member
, a
Town Miller
aligned with the
Prism Well-wishers

  • Miller:
    You will appear to be aligned with
    The Curve
    when investigated by a Cop.
  • The Socratic Method:
    You have your voice and your vote. Use them wisely.
Win Condition:
  • You win when Prism passes his classes, and by that I mean when only players aligned with the Prism Well-wishers remain alive. At least one player aligned with the Prism Well-wishers must be alive to fulfill this win condition.

Spoiler: Meuh
You are the bane of every law student's existence. After a full week of studying for the actually important classes, there you are waiting for them on the weekends. Ungraded but required, you force all the 1Ls to watch scores of how-to research videos and write boring memorandums for essentially no reward. In the short-term, you represent time spent aimlessly circling the drain.

You've got a much broader view of the world. You know that you are in fact the most useful class in the entire bunch. Prism may hate you now, but you're his best friend whether he knows it or not. No matter how many times he calls you stupid busywork, you're committed to looking out for him in the long-run.


Meuh, you are
Prism's Legal Research and Writing Class
, a
Town Miller
aligned with the
Prism Well-wishers

  • Miller:
    You will appear to be aligned with
    The Curve
    when investigated by a Cop.
  • The Socratic Method:
    You have your voice and your vote. Use them wisely.
Win Condition:
  • You win when Prism passes his classes, and by that I mean when only players aligned with the Prism Well-wishers remain alive. At least one player aligned with the Prism Well-wishers must be alive to fulfill this win condition.

Spoiler: Ydrasse
Thirteen years ago, you were nice to a kid playing an online video game. It was the greatest error of your entire life, one you continue to suffer the consequences for every single day.

All you want in this life is to sit at home, play video games, watch anime, and listen to The Replacements. You want to do it all in peace without anyone bothering you. Instead, Prism is texting you all this random shit you don't care about basically all of the time. Nothing has served as an effective deterrent.

None of this stuff about journal applications and car batteries makes sense, but what makes even less sense is that you put up with it anyway. You've grown rather fond of the kid, and are even kind of rooting for him at the end of the day.


Ydrasse, you are
, a
Vanilla Townie
aligned with the
Prism Well-wishers

  • The Socratic Method:
    You have your voice and your vote. Use them wisely.
Win Condition:
  • You win when Prism passes his classes, and by that I mean when only players aligned with the Prism Well-wishers remain alive. At least one player aligned with the Prism Well-wishers must be alive to fulfill this win condition.

Spoiler: Bell
Ah, the start of the school year is such an exciting time! You love your research, but you also love teaching. So many students with so much potential, all climbing over each other and wracked by anxiety in their quest for a 4.0. It's a great big beautiful mess all right.

It's amazing how fast the students grow, and you regret that it all has to be so competitive. You genuinely want to see everyone succeed, and you hate to play favorites.

Still, there are some that you hope do well. Prism is one of them, but there's so many others to look out for, and there's only so much you can do for him with a blind graded final exam.

You're sure he'll be fine without too much help!


Bell, you are
Prism's Property Professor
, a
Vanilla Townie
aligned with the
Prism Well-wishers

  • The Socratic Method:
    You have your voice and your vote. Use them wisely.
Win Condition:
  • You win when Prism passes his classes, and by that I mean when only players aligned with the Prism Well-wishers remain alive. At least one player aligned with the Prism Well-wishers must be alive to fulfill this win condition.

Spoiler: catboi
The everyman of law school and its unsung hero. That's you.

You showed up here expecting to learn the law and write some stuff, and that's exactly what's happened for the most part. You read the cases, show up to lecture, and go home. You don't really know why everyone else has 7 extra textbooks for every class and at this point you're too scared to ask. You figure this isn't really that much different from undergrad, even though it's been awhile.

Sometimes when class gets boring you and Prism play around on Cool Math Games to pass the time. Law isn't the most exciting, but it's not bad really. It'd be nice to change some things one day. Hopefully you and your friends do well on the exams, but it's not like a B+ would be the end of the world.

You genuinely have no clue why you're in a Mafia game.


catboi, you are
, a
Vanilla Townie
aligned with the
Prism Well-wishers

  • The Socratic Method:
    You have your voice and your vote. Use them wisely.
Win Condition:
  • You win when Prism passes his classes, and by that I mean when only players aligned with the Prism Well-wishers remain alive. At least one player aligned with the Prism Well-wishers must be alive to fulfill this win condition.

Mafia (The Curve):

Spoiler: Dunnstral
Don't get me wrong: It's enough if you succeed, but boy does it feel great if everyone else fails too and makes you look that much better.

You are a testament to your own greatness. Law school exists primarily as a mode of your superior expression. You relish the competitive nature of 1L, because not only are you more talented than everyone else, you're harder working to boot. The professors are always left stunned at the quiet but immense intelligence running beneath the surface of your humble questions, and it frequently takes them a moment to gather themselves and digest the subtle yet definite connections between your carefully curated topics and the day's readings.

There are only so many passing grades to go around. If Prism thinks one could be his, he better think again. They're reserved for you and for those lucky enough to breathe next to you. With your effusive charisma and widely-envied talents, you've got your ways of keeping tabs on people and keeping your competitive edge.


Dunnstral, you are
The Gunner
, a
Mafia Two-shot Tracker
aligned with
The Curve

  • Two-shot Tracker:
    Each Night, you may target a player via PM. Assuming no interference with your action, you will be told who that player targeted that night. This ability is two-shot.
  • Cold-called:
    As a member of The Curve, you have a factional nightkill available to you every Night. You must specify which member of the faction will perform the kill. You may additionally talk with your partner at any time here.
  • The Socratic Method:
    You have your voice and your vote. Use them wisely.
Win Condition:
  • You win when Prism caves under the academic pressure, and by that I mean when players aligned with The Curve equal or out-number any remaining Prism Well-wishers. At least one player aligned with the The Curve must be alive to fulfill this win condition.

Spoiler: GuiltyLion
Look, you want your students to succeed as much as anybody. They're bright, yes. Talented, even. Some are really quite clever.

But something doesn't quite sit right with you about this Prism fellow. Bit of a jokester, isn't he? Whether it's the way he dresses, something about his speech, something about his manner, nobody but you knows. He'll make a fine lawyer one day to be sure, but he just doesn't seem to be keeping up with the high standards of the profession, and part of your job is to serve as a gatekeeper to this honorable trade.

The Curve may not be perfect, but there is method to the madness. Prism is about to find out that it serves its role quite effectively, oh yes.

Now Prism, I wish you all the best, of course, but good grades would be worthless if they went to everyone, now wouldn't they?


GuiltyLion, you are
Prism's Civil Procedure Professor
, a
Mafia Goon
aligned with
The Curve

Win Condition:
  • You win when Prism caves under the academic pressure, and by that I mean when players aligned with The Curve equal or out-number any remaining Prism Well-wishers. At least one player aligned with the The Curve must be alive to fulfill this win condition.
Last edited by Prism on Mon Sep 25, 2023 1:34 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post Post #7 (ISO) » Sun Aug 27, 2023 5:57 am

Post by Prism »

VC Template

Vote Count X.Y

Header text


Main flavor text

Voter (Post)
Not Voting
SirCakez, Meuh, Bell, Dunnstral, catboi, Ydrasse, PookyTheMagicalBear, elle (1L), GuiltyLion

With 9 players alive, it takes 5 votes to eliminate.

No elimination has been achieved. The Day X deadline is in (expired on 2022-01-01 00:00:01).
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Post Post #8 (ISO) » Fri Sep 08, 2023 5:38 am

Post by Prism »

Night Actions

Spoiler: Night 1
1. SirCakez does not act.
2. GuiltyLion kills Bell.
3. Dunnstral tracks Lukewarm.
4. Lukewarm tracks Dunnstral.

1. Bell dies.
2. Dunnstral receives a report of "Lukewarm visited Dunnstral." Dunnstral has one shot of Tracker remaining.
3. Lukewarm receives a report of "Dunnstral visited Lukewarm." Lukewarm has one shot of Tracker remaining.

Spoiler: Night 2
1. SirCakez blocks PookyTheMagicalBear.
2. Dunnstral kills Lukewarm.
3. Dunnstral tracks SirCakez.
4. Lukewarm tracks SirCakez.

1. SirCakez blocks PookyTheMagicalBear (no effect).
2. Lukewarm dies.
3. Dunnstral receives a report of "SirCakez visited PookyTheMagicalBear." Lukewarm has zero shots of Tracker remaining.
4. Lukewarm receives a report of "SirCakez visited PookyTheMagicalBear." Lukewarm has zero shots of Tracker remaining.
Last edited by Prism on Tue Sep 19, 2023 6:32 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Post Post #9 (ISO) » Fri Sep 08, 2023 5:52 pm

Post by Prism »

this is the only post in the entire game worth noting
In post 1036, PookyTheMagicalBear wrote: you know what would be wild

if there's a scum tracker and town tracker and they targetted each other

as in luke thinks his target is protecting him but really his target is tracking him tracking his target

truly some law school shenanigans
what the fuck

please note that dunn hasn't claimed yet, luke hasn't outed his track, not the target not that it was to luke

what the fuck
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Post Post #10 (ISO) » Fri Sep 08, 2023 5:53 pm

Post by Prism »

the bear is actually magical

legitimate god-tier prediction
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Post Post #11 (ISO) » Fri Sep 08, 2023 6:04 pm

Post by Prism »

In post 1065, RH9 wrote:
In post 1058, PookyTheMagicalBear wrote: if scum have a tracker they want to know what luke saw
They could be a Beholder too.
In that they want to learn what Luke learnt.
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Post Post #12 (ISO) » Mon Sep 25, 2023 1:19 pm

Post by Prism »

Quick summary of mod actions:

1. I briefly considered requesting a modkill on the catboi slot after his replace-out, thinking it obvious it was a blatant town ragequit or at least made it virtually impossible he was paired with GuiltyLion. I was always leaning towards a standard replacement, but I consulted with fferyllt and Isis to verify. We decided to stay put with a replacement, and obviously the common wisdom to avoid modkills wound up being the wise one.

2. GuiltyLion accidentally posted a post intended for the scum PT in another thread. This post was up for 7 minutes, but only PookyTheMagicalBear had thread access on an alt. I sent the following PM to Pooky, and after he confirmed he received no game-compromising information, I allowed him to stay. I think the final result speaks for itself, but had the post been up longer, I might have force-replaced Pooky regardless to be safe.

Spoiler: Integrity Check PM
Hi Pooky,

I was just informed that you may have received game-compromising information by mistake. I would like confirmation that you did not before continuing.

If you feel this check in itself presents alignment-indicative information of any kind, please let me know as well.

Please do not post until you confirm you have received no outside information. Do not discuss this PM publicly in any way.

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