Micro 1091 - Prism v. 1L Year [Game Over]

Micro Games (9 players or fewer). Archived during the 2023 queue overhaul.
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Post Post #1950 (ISO) » Mon Sep 25, 2023 1:38 pm

Post by SirCakez »

gg and wp scum
Brian Skies - "
I just wanna say Cakez is an evil mod and this is an evil setup.

Get to know a Cakez!
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Post Post #1951 (ISO) » Mon Sep 25, 2023 1:38 pm

Post by SirCakez »

Dunn snowed me all game
he can't keep getting away with this
Brian Skies - "
I just wanna say Cakez is an evil mod and this is an evil setup.

Get to know a Cakez!
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Post Post #1952 (ISO) » Mon Sep 25, 2023 1:40 pm

Post by Meuh »

Wish I honed in on the not being paired with GL thing cause that alone would've made Dunn the ideal lim for today
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Post Post #1953 (ISO) » Mon Sep 25, 2023 1:42 pm

Post by Meuh »

Glad I fakeclaimed miller as town, that was a good play
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Post Post #1954 (ISO) » Mon Sep 25, 2023 1:50 pm

Post by Lukewarm »


I was better with my track then I was with my votes this game lol.

Night 1 was on Dunn and Night 2 was (supposed to be) on GL.

Although the track on Dunn really messed up my read there. Him targeting me (and the way he responded to me tracking him) took him out of my scum pool
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Post Post #1955 (ISO) » Mon Sep 25, 2023 1:52 pm

Post by Prism »

Overall — and feel free to disagree — I'm extremely happy with how this game played out mechanically. It basically worked the way I hoped it would, and I think it was very fair.

The final setup was:

3x VT, 2x Miller, 1x Town Two-shot Tracker, 1x Town One-shot Roleblocker, 1x Mafia Goon, 1x Mafia Two-shot Tracker

The mechanical theme of this game was maximizing player agency while punishing Day 1 claims. Tracker and RB are strong roles that provide huge upside if they target correctly, but both need to stay hidden to work effectively given the only protection is the 1-shot RB itself.

The millers were put in this game for two interlocking reasons, and a third reason which is yes, I thought it'd be fun.

First, the double millers provided a mechanical spark right off the bat to drive conflict, but it was also a huge dayplay opportunity. Correctly townreading both millers puts town in an insanely strong position, chain eliminating both millers puts town into an awful position, and eliminating exactly one puts them somewhere in between. I suspected scum would play too passively around the claims and I believe that was right: scum didn't push the millers early, erring on the side of caution instead of pushing the "at least one is scum" narrative, and it was a big opportunity for the town that almost sunk them even with so much else going for The Curve.

Second, the double millers served to narrow the PR pool instantly. The meta is for millers to claim Day 1, and I wanted to do something to counteract that meta while still not sinking town if they look at dayplay. Scum's only counter to the PRs were the tracks, the kills, and forcing out claims. (See point #1).

I hope you think the idea was interesting and aren't too frustrated. I really wanted to make claims and the dayplay around them matter, while still giving night actions and mechanical choices huge gravitas. I like to think this game used "red herrings" in a much more fun and engaging way than other notorious Normals that seemed to punish players for even trying, but perhaps you disagree, and I am open to feedback if that is the case.

I thought the parallel trackers would be an interesting dynamic, and it was. Something like the Dunn tracking Luke gambit was exactly what I was hoping for: Town getting punished for forcing their PRs out early, allowing scum to counter. I knew this could happen, but I thought even just getting a one-way track would be rare and difficult. I was very pleased to see the two-way tracks.
Last edited by Prism on Mon Sep 25, 2023 1:58 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post Post #1956 (ISO) » Mon Sep 25, 2023 1:57 pm

Post by Prism »

Two other notes.

First, scum asked me for a Beholder fakeclaim overnight. This made me absolutely lose my mind because I explicitly said this game was mechanically Normal in 4 different places. Part of me wanted them to claim it and get wrecked, but the idea of it succeeding was horrifying. I'm still mad about Dunnstral believing Luke's gambit in Mafia Invictus Redux, and it's been over a year, so if people had gotten away with this again I would have lost my mind.

And then RH9 randomly speculated there was a Beholder?


In post 9, Prism wrote: this is the only post in the entire game worth noting
In post 1036, PookyTheMagicalBear wrote: you know what would be wild

if there's a scum tracker and town tracker and they targetted each other

as in luke thinks his target is protecting him but really his target is tracking him tracking his target

truly some law school shenanigans
what the fuck

please note that dunn hasn't claimed yet, luke hasn't outed his track, not the target not that it was to luke

what the fuck
In post 10, Prism wrote: the bear is actually magical

legitimate god-tier prediction
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Post Post #1957 (ISO) » Mon Sep 25, 2023 2:01 pm

Post by Lukewarm »

In post 1956, Prism wrote:
In post 9, Prism wrote: this is the only post in the entire game worth noting
In post 1036, PookyTheMagicalBear wrote: you know what would be wild

if there's a scum tracker and town tracker and they targetted each other

as in luke thinks his target is protecting him but really his target is tracking him tracking his target

truly some law school shenanigans
what the fuck

please note that dunn hasn't claimed yet, luke hasn't outed his track, not the target not that it was to luke

what the fuck
In post 10, Prism wrote: the bear is actually magical

legitimate god-tier prediction
Seeing that pooky just straight called the night actions, based just on me saying "I think I found another pr, not scum" is really impressive
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Post Post #1958 (ISO) » Mon Sep 25, 2023 2:05 pm

Post by Prism »

The dead thread is also a ride. Thanks to everyone who kept me company at Isis's Riverside Pub.

You can see me having a solipsistic mental breakdown over the combined Pooky god-tier mech speculation and RH9 beholder speculation on page 6.

I also convinced the entire dead PT it was Pooky/Meuh and made this meme:

Last edited by Prism on Mon Sep 25, 2023 2:14 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post Post #1959 (ISO) » Mon Sep 25, 2023 2:07 pm

Post by Lukewarm »

In post 1955, Prism wrote: I hope you think the idea was interesting and aren't too frustrated. I really wanted to make claims and the dayplay around them matter, while still giving night actions and mechanical choices huge gravitas. I like to think this game used "red herrings" in a much more fun and engaging way than other notorious Normals that seemed to punish players for even trying, but perhaps you disagree, and I am open to feedback if that is the case.
I quite liked the set up, double millers and all.
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Post Post #1960 (ISO) » Mon Sep 25, 2023 2:09 pm

Post by Bell »

I liked this game and I liked the dead thread.

I'm happy for notes release, albeit I no longer remember what I wrote in it. Nothing truly relevant.

@GL, crocodile tears are fine and I default to emotional manipulation too when I'm scum. I have learned how to work around it a little. Like you plan to. To limited success since it's kind of a complicated minefield.
I'm not upset at how you played this game.

You should read the dead thread when You get a chance.
It was terrible.
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Post Post #1961 (ISO) » Mon Sep 25, 2023 2:09 pm

Post by Bell »

Thanks for modding, Prism, and thanks for playing everyone!
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Post Post #1962 (ISO) » Mon Sep 25, 2023 2:09 pm

Post by RH9 »

In post 1956, Prism wrote: First, scum asked me for a Beholder fakeclaim overnight. This made me absolutely lose my mind because I explicitly said this game was mechanically Normal in 4 different places. Part of me wanted them to claim it and get wrecked, but the idea of it succeeding was horrifying. I'm still mad about Dunnstral believing Luke's gambit in Mafia Invictus Redux, and it's been over a year, so if people had gotten away with this again I would have lost my mind.

And then RH9 randomly speculated there was a Beholder?

It was just that Beholder felt like the one-size-fits-all type of role that people claim and is still believable.
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Post Post #1963 (ISO) » Mon Sep 25, 2023 2:10 pm

Post by GuiltyLion »

gg all, I apologize for being a manipulative scumbutt

Pooky I'm curious (if you feel like sharing) what made you see Meuh and I as unpaired, on D3 I was trying to make us seem like a team and I thought it could work fairly well up until Meuh started calling us out nonstop towards the end there

as scum I'm not sure how the setup would feel for town but I don't have any complaints. I do think we played too passively around the miller claims at the start and it definitely made the mech play for us more interesting in terms of NKs and how to push people. we certainly benefited as scum from the "there can't be two millers" idea and Dunn getting tracked to Luke giving him some towncred, but I like the reasoning of punishing early claims, on the flip side it's v frustrating as scum when your D1 miselim pushes wind up claiming PRs and I liked that it gave us some useful counterplay - though it's easy for me to say that as mafia :D

thank you so much for hosting the game Prism, I had fun!
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Post Post #1964 (ISO) » Mon Sep 25, 2023 2:11 pm

Post by RH9 »

Anyways, congrats GL and Dunn!
(And I'm going back on hiatus.)
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Post Post #1965 (ISO) » Mon Sep 25, 2023 2:15 pm

Post by RH9 »

BTW, you can probably release my Notes PT.
It was mostly ended up with me feeling bad for myself.
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Post Post #1966 (ISO) » Mon Sep 25, 2023 2:15 pm

Post by Prism »

no one is thanking ffery

please thank ffery she was a godsend
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Post Post #1967 (ISO) » Mon Sep 25, 2023 2:15 pm

Post by RH9 »

In post 1965, RH9 wrote: BTW, you can probably release my Notes PT.
It mostly ended up with me feeling bad for myself.
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Post Post #1968 (ISO) » Mon Sep 25, 2023 2:15 pm

Post by RH9 »

In post 1966, Prism wrote: no one is thanking ffery

please thank ffery she was a godsend
I forgot.
Thanks, ffery and Isis!
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Post Post #1969 (ISO) » Mon Sep 25, 2023 2:17 pm

Post by Bell »

It goes without saying that I am always grateful for FF.
But fine.


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Post Post #1970 (ISO) » Mon Sep 25, 2023 2:20 pm

Post by Prism »

Oh shit and fireisredsir won the Day 1 avatar bet by correctly guessing that 2 mafia were in a pool of 4. At the last second, fire submitted a guess of Pooky, catboi, GL, and Dunnstral.

Fire gets to pick my avatar for the next week, congrats ;_;
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Post Post #1971 (ISO) » Mon Sep 25, 2023 2:30 pm

Post by GuiltyLion »

ah yes I am sorry for my oversight, thank you ffery for co-modding as well! :]

the dead thread was a good read lol

I didn't think to check whether Beholder was a normal role or not when Dunn suggested it, I just went with it. it was wild when RH9 randomly brought it up unprompted hahaha
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Post Post #1972 (ISO) » Mon Sep 25, 2023 2:55 pm

Post by PookyTheMagicalBear »

In post 1963, GuiltyLion wrote: Pooky I'm curious (if you feel like sharing) what made you see Meuh and I as unpaired, on D3 I was trying to make us seem like a team and I thought it could work fairly well up until Meuh started calling us out nonstop towards the end there
the final conversation between you and her when you started both interacting felt pretty unpaired/nontheatrey

congrats on the win
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Post Post #1973 (ISO) » Mon Sep 25, 2023 2:58 pm

Post by PookyTheMagicalBear »

i should've just hammered dunnstral but somehow my lizard brain paranoia wanted to clear cakez first to get it nailed down I feel like a dope arghlegrok

thanks for modding Prism - I had a ton of fun playing
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Post Post #1974 (ISO) » Mon Sep 25, 2023 3:19 pm

Post by Lukewarm »

In post 1973, PookyTheMagicalBear wrote: i should've just hammered dunnstral but somehow my lizard brain paranoia wanted to clear cakez first to get it nailed down I feel like a dope arghlegrok

thanks for modding Prism - I had a ton of fun playing
By that point, the only possible partner for cakez was Dunn, which I did not see as a real possibility. I was treating you and cakez bot as confirmed town in the end.

But I also got it wrong (my solve was GL+Meuh), so don't listen to me lol.

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