The Scummies 2005 - Red Carpet and Ceremony!

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The Scummies 2005 - Red Carpet and Ceremony!

Post Post #0 (ISO) » Sun Mar 05, 2006 1:27 pm

Post by Phoebus »

Rainbow Brite [looking away from camera]: Is my makeup ok? What? I'm on? Well why didn't you... [turning toward camera] I mean, hello! I'm Rainbow Brite, here at the red carpet for this years Scummie Award show. Everyone who's anyone is arriving and looking fabulous. Here comes Pooky now. *gasp* What
he wearing? Is that fur?! Pooky! Can we ask you a few questions?

[The Producers would like to tell you that the people who were supposed to cue Rainbow Brite have been sacked]

Pooky walks down the red carpet very slowly, as he has to stop and huggle everyone in sight. He finally gets to Rainbow Brite after several minutes of dead air time, which the producers are not happy with.

Pooky: It's Rainbow Brite, Pooky's bestest hugglebuddy ever! [huggling Rainbow Brite]

Rainbow Brite: Thanks for that... now, Pooky, how do you feel going into the awards show? You're up for several awards, you must be pretty excited.

[Hi mom! It's Bryan!]

Pooky: Well you know, whoever wins, Pooky will be happy because the real winners are all the huggle buddies out there watching!

Rainbow Brite: Well said. Now, we have to ask of course: who are you wearing tonight?

[And Keith too!]

Pooky: Pooky is wearing this super awesome coat made out of Werebear fur...

A bald Werebear comes running in, growling. Pooky yelps and runs off, huggle-tackling anyone that gets in his way.

Rainbow Brite: Just arriving now is Cadmium, looking dreamy as always.

[The Producers would like to tell you that the people responsible for subtitles have been sacked and sent crying to mommy]

Cadmium walks down the red carpet, smiling at everyone, while several girls try to follow behind taking pictures. Several security guards step over to hold them off.

Rainbow Brite: Cadmium, if we could just get in a question...

[Wait...but who wrote that?]

Before Rainbow Brite can finish, the mob of stalker-girls overruns security. Soon there is a big pile of bodies, with Cadmium somewhere at the bottom.

Rainbow Brite: [muttering to self] This isn't going well. [louder, to camera] Isn't this exciting, everyone? Just a few more minutes until the award show starts, and the last of the guests are making their way in. There's Mr. Grey coming through now...

[And this?]

A man walks down the red carpet. Unfortunately, his face is blurred out on the camera. He walks over to Rainbow Brite and whispers in her ear, showing her a photograph. She blushes furiously.

Rainbow Brite: What a shame, Mr. Grey doesn't have time for any questions. And we're about out of time here as well. It looks like it's time for the show to begin, so I'll turn it over...

[Well, this is really the Producers and we've actually fired everyone else and doing this ourselves now. YA RLY!]

A black car pulls up to the red carpet, and the door opens. The Godfather himself steps out, followed by his entourage of minions.

Rainbow Brite: Oh, look! It's mith! Late as always. mith? I think we have time for one question if you don't mind.

mith: A future minion! Excellent. What can I do for you?

Rainbow Brite: I'm not so sure you want me as a minion... er... never mind. mith, what award presentation are you most looking forward to this year?

mith: Award? There are awards? I'm just here to recruit some more minions.

Rainbow Brite: Well, there you have it folks. You heard it here first. Some more random clichés. And now it's time!

mith: [loudly, to random scummer at door] Which way to all the hot future minions?

Rainbow Brite: I give up. [turning away from camera] Let's just go in.

Camera follows Rainbow Brite from behind, a nice view indeed, as she makes her way in to the auditorium backstage.
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Post Post #1 (ISO) » Sun Mar 05, 2006 1:31 pm

Post by Phoebus »

We follow Rainbow Brite into the auditorium as the countdown begins...counting down



Phoebus: No way, what happened next?

Flying Dutchman: Well I said, "that's no cow, that's my wife!", but then I realized I don't have a wife, and well, I... oh.

*closeup of FD realizing he had a bad joke forced out of his mouth*

Flying Dutchman: meep!

*The producers give Phoebus his cue and he walks out of the camera's view and FD sheepishly slinks away, giving him a dirty look*

On Stage

A deep, stentorian voice booming over the PA: Ladies, Gentlemen and None Specified, welcome to the Third Annual Scummie awards, coming to you LIVE from an undisclosed location in an undisclosed country. Sit back, relax and enjoy the next few minutes with your host, the One and Only Radiant One, Phoebus!

[crowd goes wild in the dark]

*We are greeted by a scene fading in from black. The lights illuminate a large, typical movie or music award stage - orchestra pit, hundreds of seats, a large audience, nosy reporters, and a herd of bison. The applauding audience is blinded by Phoebus' radiant entry on stage in a flash of light, riding a chariot of seven horses that scares the bison and causes a mini stampede*

*The dust settles. meaning of life 42 and spork76 are unfortunate casualties of the stampede. Phoebus gestures to some burly bald guys in dark glasses near the door. They grab a hand and a leg and drag the two unconscious scummers somwhere. Hopefully it's the hospital*

Phoebus: That's certainly one way to start off with a bang...anyway, hello everyone, and welcome to the 2006 Scummie Awards. Fancy introductions and formalities tossed aside, here comes a night of celebration of the best about this place. The worse things, we can gossip and bitch IM details are in my profile. But tonight we invite you to -


Phoebus: Well, yes.
among other things but also to -

Anix [also interrupting]: A battlecry to indicate one is not as cool as The sense-of-smell using, scully-loving, upick-inventing son of a bitch known as AniX.

[Phoebus glares at Anix and gestures at the bald gorillas. They come and pick AniX up]

The Gorillas: Come, we'll take you to where the truth is...

Phoebus [clearing throat]: Here's an amendment. Anyone interrupting the emcee again will be mod-killed. How? You ask. Well, mod is god and therefore, god is also a mod. Retribution will be swift.

*Thunder rumbles from a previously unnoticed cloud that has been hovering about at the top of the auditorium. bigben has a little accident and a cleaning crew takes over and he toddles out of the auditorium*

Phoebus: Right, where was I? Oh yes...tonight we invite you to brag, add stuff to your sig, and make fun of the people who didn't win. Especially if you didn't win, so our good friend irony can make an appearance.

Irony: Yo sup.

Phoebus: However, before we begin with the awards, a quick round of applause for our esteemed jury members, without whom this ceremony would not be possible

*polite applause ensues*

[Insert your favourite song here as acrobats arrive flinging themselves from catapaults whilst juggling flaming sticks back and forth across the stage]

*jaws drop*

Phoebus: And here they are, in alphabetical order:

[inHim descends from the cloud on a trapeze like Nicole Kidman and Whoopi Goldberg and walks on to the stage. He gives MeMe a disarming smile. MeMe blushes.]

Mr Stoofer
*nothing happens*

I said,
Mr Stoofer
*more nothingness*

*camera cuts to Stoofer backstage swaying to some music from his iPod*

Phoebus [to self]: Demon Days, eh? The divine should help him out.

[Phoebus gestures to the cloud]

*A sliver of lightning makes it way towards Stoofer and it tickles his backside*

[Stoofer yelps and does a triple backflip as he comes out on stage]

*crowd grows wilder*

Crowd: :feral:

Phoebus: Aha!
Mr Stoofer

[Stoofer waves]

Phoebus: Next, we have
Mr. Flay

[Flay arrives, nattily dressed in a black tunic, hair slicked back, a golden dragon on his collar and a silver sword. He does some shadow practice]

Phoebus [eyebrow]: Talk about formal...
After of strength(?) we have
who no doubt will have some gentler skills -


Phoebus: Wha..?

[PeaceBringer walks in with a wolf on a leash. A rather large wolf. The wolf says :coo: PeaceBringer howls]

bigben: meep!

[bigben toddles off

Phoebus: Well, that kind of makes no sense. But anyway, all will be set right by the arrival of our final judge,
, ever on a logical rampage, nothing he does will ever be questionable.

[Seol arrives running, gasping for breath]

Seol: Oh I'm sorry. There was this godawful queue at the Ladies' Room.

Phoebus: WTF? What were you doing in the Ladies' Room? And why are you wearing lipstick?? Shouldn't it be on your collar or something? Your cheek at most...WTF??!1

Seol: That's not lipstick silly. That's lip gloss. Maybelline's new Wet Shine Diamond Liquid Marquise Peach. It's just something I'm trying. You like?

Phoebus: I need a drink! Ladies and Gentleman, before we move on to the awards, here's a special performance by stark and his band, playing their untitled first song which will soon be available via our merchandise section on Enjoy!

[Phoebus staggers off, clutching at his head]

*Lights dim, stark and company emerge from below the main stage and start playing*


Phoebus [snaps finger]: Drink! Somebody get me a drink right now! I need something strong!

shadyforce: How 'bout some milk? It'll make
strong. I brought a cow!

Cow: Moooo!

Phoebus [double take]: When did you get here? But nah! I need something like mezcal. Something that makes you go "Ai Caramba!" Something that -

*Phoebus looks up as a small commotion is heard*

Dirge [foaming]: Where is that little creep? Where's inHimshallibe? That little rodent was making googoo eyes at my wife. I'll exterminate him!

Phoebus: Oh, inHim? I do believe he has already returned to within Him.

*Phoebus points at the cloud as it gently rumbles, as if on cue*

Dirge: erk! oh! mind that then. I think I'll just go say hi to my lovely wife. [Dirge scoots away, hurriedly wiping at his brow]

Phoebus [conspiratorially]: You know, if you ask me, she was the one making googoo -

shadyforce: I'm not asking you.

Phoebus: Oh!


Phoebus: OK.

shadyforce: ...

*Phoebus gets his cue again and hurries away as shady gives his cow a lopsided grin*

Cow: Moo noo!

On stage

*starkle and crew finish the endnotes of their song as the crowd applauds. Phoebus comes back on stage clapping. As the applause subsides, there's one wolf whistle*

Phoebus [looks in direction of whistle]: Why, how sweet! Thank you!

Whistler: That wasn't for you, f00! That was for that stone fox, stark!

stark: YEAH BABY!

Phoebus: ...

*stark catches the room key thrown at him and swaggers away*

Phoebus: Ah. Well...let's get on to the awards now, shall we?

BabyJ: 'bout bloody time too! I was getting tired of all the filler!

Phoebus [red faced]: Right. Ah present our first -

Ibby and elvis_knits [in support of BJ]: HEZZZZZZZZZZZWAVRE!

*thunder and lightning as Ibby and elvis are toasted by the cloud*

Phoebus [continuing as if nothing happened]: To present our first award of the evening, we have Seol. We thought it might be most apt to begin the new year and the new ceremony with the award for
Best Newbie
. Give it up for, Seol!

*Seol walks in with a tiara and sash, in addition to his lip gloss, holding a sceptre*

Phoebus: ...

*Seol winks at Pooky*

Pooky: Rawr!

Seol [in a highbrow Queen's English accent]:
are very pleased to present
with this year's
Best New Player Award
were very impressed by her play in Newbie 128 and her consistent play across the board also pleases


Teleprompter: Uh...she's toast!

Seol [continuing with the accent]: Ah.
have been told that ibaesha is currently not able to come and accept her award and
shall accept it on her behalf. Thank you.

[A thought bubble appears over Seol's head: Good luck to her ever seeing her award again! n00b!]

Phoebus: Next, we have Nox to present the
Most Prolific Player
award to that one individual who finds joy in slacking, has absolutely no life outside of scum and is in general, a mafiascum addict! Te salutant!

Nox: The prize for the winner is...
a date with me!
The lucky SOB is...

rolandofthewhite: What? Hell no! She's mine! I challenge you to a duel!

Fritzler: Bugger off!

!Chucklez! [jumping up]: To the death!

Fritzler: 0.o

rolandofthewhite: To the death!

[!Chucklez! and rolandofthewhite jump on stage.]

Fritzler: Do I even have a choi..?

[!Chucklez! switches on his lighsaber: *Swooosh*]

rolandofthewhite: Whoa! You get a light saber? How's that work?

!Chucklez!: Yeah! All's fair in love, war and mafia! And well, if you notice, we're battling for all three!

rolandofthewhite: Heh. Yeah! OK!

[rolandofthewhite closes his eyes for a minute and a light saber appears in his hands]

!Chucklez!: Hey! How's that fair?

!Chucklez! wrote:All's fair in love, war and mafia!
!Chucklez!: Woah! You can quotespeak in RL? Kewl!

InternetStranger: Even online is RL, dipwads!

!Chucklez!: Yeah yeah whateva! Meatworld then!

rolandofthewhite: Yeah I can! Watch this!
!Chucklez! wrote:Woah! You are even more hot in RL! Kewl!
!Chucklez!: Hey! That's misquoting! Die!

rolandofthewhite: :oops:

[A fight ensues that results in a tangled heap of various bodily appendages. No combatant survives.]

Irony: Good show!

Nox: Oops! I did it again!

Mackay [jumping on stage as well]: Just call me the material girl then!

[Mackay snogs Nox and then spirits her away]

Phoebus [thoughtfully]: Hmm. The way these awards are headed, winning might just mean you lose...

Irony: Yeah! Innit kewl? Rockin' show man!

Phoebus [clearing throat]: Our next award for the evening is the infamous
Kenny Award
. What does it mean that you are most likely to be killed night one? Is it an honour to be considered a valid threat to the baddies? Or are you just a prick people can live without? That's one of the most mysterious questions of the universe. However, I'm sure the answer to that is 42. Our winner is

*neutral applause*

Coron: W00tness! I knew I'd amount to something some day! I deserved this award and you know it! I would like to thank my fellow players, the scum - whether they won or lost - who killed me. The moderators of the numerous games I was offed in, mith - for running mafiascum.

Teleprompter: Please wrap it up.

Coron [continuing]: My parents, without whom I would never have been, my best friend Ricardo - we've been through some tough times together, my sweetheart back home, the one in Hawaii, my pet parakeet - buddy...


Coron: Please wrap it up?? I'll wrap you up! Why you little...! This might be the only time I'm up on this stage and you ask me to wrap it up? And where do you get off showing me those bright red letters? You threatening me? Are YOU THREATENING ME???!1 Don't you threaten me or I'll take care of you! I'll...

[The Orchestra begins to sound Coron off, drowning out his indignation but it's playing rap music as the Gorillas reappear]

Gorillas [rapping]: When the teleprompta say
Please wrap it up
You wrap it up

Or we get the fancy linen
And we wrap you up
Yes we wrap you up!

[The Gorillas start wrapping Coron in bandages]

You see we wanna be nice
Don't wanna lay you on ice
But we will whack you
Round the head
You'll have to get your own
Hospital bed.

Once we're done with you
Well and good
Your homies won't tell you
From Robin Hood
Tho yo momma'll tell it's you
Fair a'ight
From the dirty colour of these
Old tights

[One of the Gorillas gives Coron a wedgie]

And now that we've got you
Lookin' like a mummy!
It's time to go!
Don' forget your scummie!

[The Gorillas finish and stand back to back with their arms folded]

Gorillas: Now that's what we call a wrap!

[An uneasy silence falls across the auditorium as the Gorillas wait expectantly]

Gorillas: There's plenty more where that came from! [One of them gestures with a bandage roll]

*nervous applause*

Gorillas: Now that's more like it!

[The Gorillas stomp off stage with Coron on their shoulders]

Phoebus: Now that that's taken care of, we have our first
special jury award
and a special presenter. Please welcome on stage, mith, the owner of mafiascum!

[mith walks in to
Chariots of Fire

mith: Cut the music! I asked for the
theme. What happened?

Phoebus: Erm...the dog ate our music sheets?

mith: *growl*

Phoebus: Oh...looks like it's still in a bad mood. I better go try and see what's wrong.

mith: That was me!

Phoebus: Oh! ... I think I'll go anyway!

[Phoebus toddles off as mith realises he's in the spotlight, with the audience waiting]

mith: Oh has been brought to my notice that the jury has ressurected the
Behind the Scenes Contribution
Award a.k.a.
The Person Who Needs Their Name in Orange
Award and I agree, for it was a good call. For his unflinching support throughout, for his time, his energy spent in transferring the site from the old server to the new, for plugging holes in the phpbb database, for applying the custom titles and for several other functions, too many to ennumerate before the teleprompter cuts me off -

Teleprompter: :oops: I would never -

mith [continuing]: the winner of the award is,

[Irony and jeep titter in unison]

[jeep comes on stage]

mith: We doff our hats to you jeep! And we would like to show our appreciation to you. We have a special secret prize for you and it's on my list but it's not exactly high priority right now.

Irony: You slay me!

[Irony dies as mith glares at it and a couple of paramedics put it on a stretcher and move out of the auditorium]

In the wings

[A thought bubble appears over Phoebus' head]

Thought bubble: Every time an award is presented, someone gets hurt. I'm glad I'm not nominated or winning anything

[From beyond the coroporeal world, Irony sends a thought bubble]

Irony's thought bubble: But I didn't win anything!

[Phoebus shudders as he gets his cue and walks on stage again]

On stage

Phoebus: Don't go away jeep! Our next award is the
Professor Mafia
award for
Best Contribution to Mafia Discussion
and as is tradition, the previous Prof. Mafia hands on his mortar board to the newly hailed one and this year's winner is
Mr. Flay
for his article on Logical Fallacies and his general help at keeping the wiki streamlined!

Mr. Flay: I have just a short treatise on the ways in which I feel this award was handled. If you'll indulge me a few minutes...

Phoebus: No.

Mr. Flay: No?

Phoebus: No!

Mr. Flay: ...

Phoebus: ...?

Mr. Flay: Okay.

Flay's thought bubble: I'll post it to the wiki instead!

Phoebus: Oh hey!

Mr. Flay: What?

Phoebus: You can have a few moments if you like.

Mr. Flay: ...

Phoebus: ...!

Mr. Flay: OK. I have no one to thank. I did all that work by myself! It was hard but I enjoyed it!
should be thanked for this and in a way, this award can be taken for thanks from the community. It will do for now. More on the wiki!

Crowd: ...

The flashers blink (like on TV show sets): APPLAUSE!



Crowd: *applauds*



Phoebus: Before we proceed to the next set of awards, we have shelper to delight all of you with his fabulous pen spinning skills!


Random backstage gremlin: No way, what happened next?

Flying Dutchman: Well I said, "that's no goat, that's my wife!" and...

Phoebus: Oh! That was you?! But I thought he was Sudanese...

[Flying Dutchman vanishes in a puff of smoke]

Phoebus: Cool trick!

shadyforce's cow: Moo noo!! :shock:

On stage

Phoebus: It's definitely what you do with it that matters, not the size, eh? Another round of applause for shelpey!

*crowd goes wild at awesome joke*

[Roses and room keys shower upon Phoebus. A few pairs of shoes, underwear, two tomatoes and an egg also find their way on stage. Terrible at dancing out of the way, Phoebus is pelted with them all but the egg hatches]

Chick: Momma!

Phoebus: o.o

Chick: Momma!

Phoebus: get on with the ceremony, please welcome our next guest ...

Chick: Aren't you my Momma? :(

Phoebus: ...The Lump! And her momma...Tally!

*Phoebus scoops the chick up and hurries off stage*

Talitha: It is my great pleasure to be giving away this year's
Johnny Cochrane
award for the
Best Role Claim
for his claim in Mafia XXXVII. Give it up for Pooky!

The Lump: *growls in approval*

PookyTheMagicalBear [bouncing in excitement]: Ooh ooh ooh!
I thank da judges! My fellow scummers, da sily townies in that game. I wuv you all!! EEEEEEEE!!!

Crowd: Awww!

Phoebus: Congratulations to da bear! Our next award is the
George W. Bush
award for
Funniest Role Claim
and it goes to
for their vigilante claims in Cadmium's Back to Gambits Mafia. Just like some people would rather Dubya not be let outside without a leash, or at all, we're not letting the recipients come on stage to accept the awards since the last we knew, they were still biting each other about it. Nonetheless...congratulations to them!

*uncertain applause*

Phoebus: Moving right on to the next award...please welcome The Flying Pumpkin to present the award for
Best Role - New or Adapted
The Flying Pumpkin That Shoots Lasers Out of its Ass

[The Pumpkin can't speak but it uses its amazing lazer power to burn the award winner's name on the background curtain. Again, bad at dancing, Phoebus gets his hair set on fire. The cloud zooms in and douses it.]

Crowd: *giggles*


Phoebus: Er...massive couldn't make it to the ceremony tonight and Fritzler's remains in disposal. We will get the award to him some way. Don't worry. I'm not keeping it for myself. I wouldn't do that. *ahem*
Right...moving on to the next award, please welcome our presenter

Pie_is_good: y0 all! I'm here to present the award for
Paragon of Mafia Hunters
the award that recognises consistency in mafia finding and what can I say...I've said it before and it's in his sig, LML = Mafia God! This year's winner is

*raucous applause*

[Loudmouthlee arrives on stage and hugs Pie_is_good]

Pie_is_good: Ouch! What are you biting me for?!

LoudmouthLee: Mmmm mmmmmmm! Pie *is* good! Who needs a wife when you've got pie?!

Pie_is_good: Eh?

LoudmouthLee: *drool*

Pie_is_good: eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek!

[Pie and LML run off the stage]

Phoebus: Talk about a wolf in sheep's clothing! Speaking of which, we've got two more
special jury awards
to give away. These were not resurrected but are more like honourable mentions for some special feats.

Our first award, goes to
for his performance in Dichotomafia. Winning the town as mafia and villager is definitely an awesome achievement! We're calling it
Double Trouble!
. Norinel, the moderator of that game will collect the award on ralphm's behalf.

Norinel: Thank you.

Phoebus: Good speech!

[There is a blinding blue light and a wind howls suddenly within the auditorium. It's all over in a couple of seconds.]

Irony: Whoa! I've been resurrected!

Phoebus: Our second special jury award is in a similar vein. It goes to
for his nominations in both Oscar categories, as mafia as well as pro town. He's mafiascum's
Best Playa
! Give it up for...the Pookmeister!

*cuddly applause*

*nothing happens*

Phoebus: Pooky!


Phoebus: Pooky?

[The camera cuts to a scene with Pooky in an inappropriate situation, apparently celebrating his earlier award, getting his belly rubbed and one leg motoring in the air. Unfortunately, the back of someone's head blocks all the good parts]

[Camera cuts to on-stage again]

Phoebus: Hrmph. Playa indeed! Looks like the good missionary Pooky's not in a position to accept his award. We'll keep it chilled for him.

Our next award for the night is the
Paperback writer
award for
Best Night Scene
and it goes to
London Mod

*popular applause*

Cadmium: Thank you, thank you. Leo's not here right now but I accept on his behalf! It was great fun writing those scenes and look forward to seeing you all in London 3! I'd say more but it seems they monitor people very closely here and passes for a speech are hard to get! [Phoebus cocks an eyebrow]. If any of you are ever in or around Utrecht or Amsterdam, drop me a line. We'll get together at a coffee house or something.

Phoebus: *ahem*

Cadmium: Yeah and now I really have to go! Thanks again!

Phoebus: Before we move on, a quick moment
In Memoriam
for people who've passed through the halls of mafiascum and we miss!

[Insert Richard Clayderman's


[On a scrolling marquee below]

Antrax, big_kahunia, bigbenwd, cuban smoker, Cap'n Blicero, Corsato, halfpint, Otaku376 Someone, Sugar, Tigris, Uraj45, VraakX, Wacky, ZONEACE!

*nostalgic applause*

Phoebus [wiping tear]: Just something in my eye...
We'll be right back after this message.
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Post Post #2 (ISO) » Sun Mar 05, 2006 1:32 pm

Post by Phoebus »

Your happiness is intertwined with your outlook on life.
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Post Post #3 (ISO) » Sun Mar 05, 2006 1:33 pm

Post by Phoebus »

Phoebus: Aaand we're back!
Please welcome Dragon Phoenix to give away the next couple of awards.

*reverant applause*

Dragon Phoenix: The first award is for the
Most Enjoyable Mini Game - Theme/Regular
and the winner is
for Points Mafia.

*enthusiastic applause*

armlx: Thank you DP. Thank you to the judges and thank you to the players. I certainly had fun modding the game and looks like the players had a good time playing it. Thank you again!

*appropriate applause*

Dragon Phoenix: The next award is
Most Enjoyable Large Game - Free Market/Normal
and the winner is
for Game show Mafia!

[Pie_is_good skips across stage on one leg with LML still slobbering in pursuit. LML grabs the award as he passes by.]

LoudmouthLee: Thanks!

Dragon Phoenix: Hrmph!

Phoebus: Thank you DP. Now, please welcome former scummie winner for Funniest Player, mathcam!

mathcam: Hey! What happened to the
Coffee on the Monitor Award
this time?

Phoebus: The dog ate it?

[mathcam cocks an eyebrow]

Phoebus: We scrapped it. No one can beat the likes of you Cam!

mathcam: kewl! 8)
Mm'kay. I'm here to present this year's
Oscar for the best pro town performance
and the winner is...
in DP 12 Jeepfest Mafia

Cadmium: I'm collecting on Leo's behalf. I'm sure this'll make him very happy. Remember, coffee's on me!

Crowd: *yawns*

Phoebus: Yeah...this is getting rather long, innit? Good news! Just a couple of awards left and we'll wrap those up quickly!

[snatches of the Gorillas' song are heard]

Phoebus: To give away the Oscar for best performance as Mafia, please welcome, the Town from Shrek Mafia!

Macros: ew're here to present the aawrad for best mafia perfrmance in 2005.

Orbiting: And the award goes to...
in BabyJesus' Wild West Mafia

Audience: *hoooooooooooooooooowl*

Zippy [firmly ensconced in his seat]: I'm not going up there!

Phoebus: :? Why not?

Zippy: They caught all their scum! I ain't letting them catch me!

Werebear (who was the Dragonvig in the mini): Shall we just keep your award then?

Zippy: Suit yourself! I'm not coming up!

Werebear: :(

Phoebus: Our penultimate award is the
Hannibal Lecter
award for
best performance as serial killer
and the winner is
! Unfortunately, he is in disposal as well but no doubt he'd bounce for having received the award though I'm not sure his tomato would've appreciated the cleaver as a prize!

Finally, a very special award, for
work beyond the call of duty
- the
Silver Magnum
is actually a joke award for Best/Most Popular Judge on the Scummie Forums. Everyone is nominated and since you can't vote in a category you are nominated for, no one can vote. The discussion can be interesting though.

Teleprompter: Please wrap up!

Phoebus: Sod off! So popular opinion and for supplying us with the brand spanking new award images, our winner is
Mr. Flay
! Please come up and collect your gun.

Dragon Phoenix: Don't shoot the mod!

Phoebus: He's not a mod in this context! bwahahaha!

Mr. Flay [cocking eyebrow]: I'll just collect it later.

Phoebus: :(
Oh well...our final word of the evening goes to Yosarian2...

* Camera cuts to Yosarian2, looking nonplussed*

Yosarian2: *shrug*

Phoebus: Er...well, that's all for this year folks! Hope you enjoyed yourselves! Be sure to join us again next year for just as grand a time!

Teleprompter: Please wrap up!

[Phoebus blows the teleprompter up with the magnum]

Phoebus: And I realise that the speech times were limited so...the open bar has commenced in the back...

Macros [pouring vodka on a red bull]: I'm one step ahead of ya!

Bull: *snort*

Phoebus: ...please feel to interact with the paparazzi, give your acceptance speeches and have your wardrobe malfunctions over there.
See you next year! Good night and good luck!

[Lights dim, music plays]

~credits roll~
Last edited by Phoebus on Wed Mar 08, 2006 8:13 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post Post #4 (ISO) » Sun Mar 05, 2006 1:35 pm

Post by Phoebus »


If you've not been mentioned above, it might have been for the one or more of the following reasons:

1. I couldn't fit you in.
2. There were no appropriate situations for you.
3. I didn't think of you.
4. I don't like you.

All of the reasons above are equal. Some reasons are more equal than others. ;)

Good night all!
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Post Post #5 (ISO) » Sun Mar 05, 2006 1:39 pm

Post by AniX »

Those damn gorillas. THEY'LL LEARN THEIR LESSON, JUST YOU WAIT! You don't manhandle the boss and get away it it. I'm going to use my most demonic trick: I'm writing a letter to BOTH gorilla's parents.
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Post Post #6 (ISO) » Sun Mar 05, 2006 1:58 pm

Post by Yosarian2 »

I want us to win just for Yos' inevitable rant alone. -CrashTextDummie
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Post Post #7 (ISO) » Sun Mar 05, 2006 4:51 pm

Post by Fritzler »

Phoebus wrote:Nox: The prize for the winner is...
a date with me!
The lucky SOB is...
This is why they call me Fritz "bitches" ler.*

Lovely write up phoebus. I really liked it.

*I don't mean bitches in a desrespectful way. I mean it as a general word for women.
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Post Post #8 (ISO) » Sun Mar 05, 2006 4:56 pm

Post by AniX »

Dude, people call you Bitches because you are everyone's bitch.

And lets not forget who seconded you in the 11th hour to give you the ability to win.
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Post Post #9 (ISO) » Sun Mar 05, 2006 4:57 pm

Post by Fritzler »

AniX wrote:Dude, people call you Bitches because you are everyone's bitch.

And lets not forget who seconded you in the 11th hour to give you the ability to win. says the guy whose never been laid
Surfs up dude.
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Post Post #10 (ISO) » Sun Mar 05, 2006 4:59 pm

Post by AniX »

Dude, how many mafia variations that everyone plays in Scumchat have you invented...bitch.
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Post Post #11 (ISO) » Sun Mar 05, 2006 5:01 pm

Post by Fritzler »

AniX wrote:Dude, how many mafia variations that everyone plays in Scumchat have you invented...bitch.

1. super speed upick (granted an off shoot of yours)
2. super speed mafia
3. post restrictions mafia
4. investegation
Surfs up dude.
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Post Post #12 (ISO) » Sun Mar 05, 2006 5:02 pm

Post by AniX »

dude, those aren't nearly as prevalent as UPick. Plus, Pooky invented Investigation and everyone knows it.
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Post Post #13 (ISO) » Sun Mar 05, 2006 5:04 pm

Post by Fritzler »


i made it a big deal
Surfs up dude.
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Post Post #14 (ISO) » Sun Mar 05, 2006 5:11 pm

Post by LoudmouthLee »

Wow... uhm... wow :)

Thanks :)

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Post Post #15 (ISO) » Sun Mar 05, 2006 5:12 pm

Post by PookyTheMagicalBear »

dat was one really long award presentation thingamabob....

How u gots time to write all dat up but no time to play mafia games with me?

*pokes PhoebieBuddy*
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Post Post #16 (ISO) » Sun Mar 05, 2006 5:40 pm

Post by Commodore Amazing »

Congrats to all the winners!
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Post Post #17 (ISO) » Sun Mar 05, 2006 5:41 pm

Post by HezLucky »

The following people own: Pie, Fritz, Inhim

The greatest mafia game ever:
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Post Post #18 (ISO) » Sun Mar 05, 2006 5:51 pm

Post by jeep »

Uh, thanks for the award, but as I said last year... my name IS in orange, so giving me that award is odd. But thanks all!

Also, someone should clean up the wiki:

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Post Post #19 (ISO) » Sun Mar 05, 2006 6:58 pm

Post by Mr. Flay »

Already cleaned it up, boss. :mrgreen:

And yes, the nickname of your award doesn't make sense this year, but that wasn't really the point.
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Post Post #20 (ISO) » Sun Mar 05, 2006 7:32 pm

Post by vikingfan »

Wow- I wasn't even aware I was nominated, much less won. Hmm...

But great write-up Phoebus- though I don't think my vig claim was that bad since I was essentially townie anyway as vampire (i.e. I won with the town if I was lynched or stayed alive). I still appreciate the award (though I would have liked to accept it!) ;-)
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Post Post #21 (ISO) » Sun Mar 05, 2006 7:57 pm

Post by jeep »

Mr. Flay wrote:Already cleaned it up, boss.
Hmm... how did I know you'd be the one to clean it up? Maybe I should sign up for that new psychic reality show...

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Post Post #22 (ISO) » Sun Mar 05, 2006 8:08 pm

Post by Phoebus »

Did you read it all viking?
Acceptance speech here!
Bonus points if you make a wardrobe malfunction! ;)

jeep -- I'd be worried if Flay hadn't cleaned it up and someone else had. You're not psychic...just sensible ;)
Oh and we just appreciate you and that's why you've got the Golden Fedora. Not a silly BTS award. :P

Pooky -- I don't have time, I wrote only half a test today cuz I wrote that. :|
It's a good thing they're just prelims...

I'm glad you enjoyed that. I'm spent.
Next year will be tough. ;)
Everyone do something mentionable/faddy that I can add there :P
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Post Post #23 (ISO) » Sun Mar 05, 2006 9:45 pm

Post by Cadmium »

Yay! Great scenes, Phoebus!! You just earned yourself a cup of coffee on me ;). I'd like to thank everyone who has made this year's awards possible. You know who you are!

Thanks for the paperback writer award, guys. Although it sometimes took Leo and myself some time to get the scenes done and posted, we really enjoyed writing them. It's always nice to hear it was appreciated.

::goes off to find Leonidas::
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Post Post #24 (ISO) » Sun Mar 05, 2006 9:56 pm

Post by Mr Stoofer »

Well done to al the winners!

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