Mini 1438: Gonzo Mafia (Scum Win)

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Post Post #3100 (ISO) » Sun May 12, 2013 1:34 am

Post by Majiffy »

mantisdreamz (L-0): kuror0, Human Destroyer, Remembrance, Rubicon, I Am Innocent
I Am Innocent (L-3): mantisdreamz

SE-Asians, buldermar, Remembrance, pirate mollie

With 9 alive, it takes 5 to lynch.
Deadline is Sunday, May 12th 2013, at 12:00 AM EST.


The Merry Pranksters Welcome The Hell's Angels

The party continued for two days and nights, but the only other crisis came when [Kesey] stood naked on the private side of the creek and screamed off a long, brutal diatribe against the cops only twenty yards away. He was swaying and yelling in the bright glare of a light from the porch, holding a beer bottle in one hand and shaking his fist at the objects of his scorn: "You sneaky motherfuckers! What the fuck's wrong with you? Come on over here and see what you get... goddamn your shit-filled souls anyway!" Then he would laugh and wave his beer around. "Don't fuck with me, you sons of shitlovers. Come on over. You'll get every fucking thing you deserve."


Long before the outlaws discovered La Honda, Kesey's free-wheeling parties were already cause for alarm among respectable LSD buffs - scientists, psychiatrists, and others in the behavioral-science fields who felt the drug should only be taken in "controlled experiment" situations, featuring carefully screened subjects under constant observation by experienced "guides." Such precautions are thought to be insurance against bad trips. Any potential flip-out who leaks through the screening process can be quickly stuffed with tranquilizers the moment he shows signs of blood lust or attempts to wrench off his own head to get a better look inside it.


On January 31, 1966, Kesey jumped bail and disappeared. A suicide note was found in his abandoned bus on the northern California coast, but not even the police believed he was dead. Results of my own investigation are very hazy, although I managed - after many months of digging - to locate his forwarding address:

c/o Agricultural Attache
U.S. Embassy
Asuncion, Paraguay


In September of '66 Kesey returned to California unannounced and made a series of brief appearances at "underground" parties and press conferences. He said he'd decided, after six months south of the border, to return to this country as "a permanent fugitive and salt in the wounds of J. Edgar Hoover." Kesey's red panel truck was either too slow, or his driver too inept, to avoid J. Edgar's hounds. As this was written he was free on more than $30,000 bail and awaiting trial on charges that could send him to prison for one to five years. My own feeling is that he should have stayed in Asuncion and gotten a job.

mantisdreams was Ken Kesey,
Town Doctor.
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Post Post #3101 (ISO) » Sun May 12, 2013 1:34 am

Post by Majiffy »

Fun stuff on the last post of page 124!

Night 3 - Las Vegas, 1971

But do me this one last favor: just give me five more high-speed hours before you bring the hammer down; just let me get rid of this goddamn car and off of this horrible desert.

Which is not really a hell of a lot to ask, Lord, because the final incredible truth is that I am not guilty. All I did was take your gibberish
... and you see where it got me? My primitive Christian instincts have made me a criminal.


And now look at me: half-crazy with fear, driving 120 miles an hour across Death Valley in some car I never even wanted. You evil bastard! This is
work! You'd better take care of me, Lord... because if you don't, you're going to have me
on your hands


My attorney was downstairs at the bar, talking to a sporty-looking cop about forty whose plastic name-tag said he was the DA from someplace in Georgia. "I'm a whiskey man, myself," he was saying. "We don't have much problem with drugs down where I come from."

"You will," said my attorney. "One of these nights you'll wake up and find a junkie tearing your bedroom apart."

"Naw!" said the Georgia man. "Not down in

I joined them and ordered a tall glass of rum, with ice.

"You're another one of these California boys," he said. "Your friend here's been tellin' me about dope fiends."

"They're everywhere," I said. "Nobody's safe. And sure as hell not in the South. They like the warm weather."

"They work in pairs," said my attorney. "Sometimes in gangs. They'll climb right into your bedroom and sit on your chest, with big Bowie knives." He nodded solemnly. "They might even sit on your
wife's chest
- put the blade right down on her throat."

"Jesus God almighty," said the southerner. "What the hell's
goin' on
in this country?"

"You'd never believe it," said my attorney. "In L.A. it's out of control. First it was drugs, now it's witchcraft."

"Witchcraft? Shit, you can't mean it!"

"Read the newspapers," I said. "Man, you don't know trouble until you have to face down a bunch of these addicts gone crazy for human sacrifice!"

"Naw!" he said. "That's science fiction stuff!"

"Not where
operate," said my attorney. "Hell, in Malibu alone, these goddamn Satan-worshippers kill six or eight people
every day
." He paused to sip his drink. "And all they want is the blood," he continued. "They'll take people right off the street if they have to." He nodded. "Hell, yes. Just the other day we had a case where they grabbed a girl right out of a McDonald's hamburger stand. She was a waitress. About sixteen years old... with a lot of people watching, too!"


We left him at the bar, swirling ice in his drink and not smiling. He was worried about whether or not to tell his wife about it. "She'd never understand," he muttered. "You know how women are."

I nodded. My attorney was already gone, scurrying through a maze of slot machines toward the front door. I said goodbye to our friend, warning him not to say anything about what we'd told him.

Night 3 Begins Now. Deadline is Wednesday, May 15th, at 6 PM EST
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Post Post #3102 (ISO) » Sun May 12, 2013 1:43 am

Post by Majiffy »

Well fuck you guys, I didn't bring my Hells Angels book with me, I brought Campaign Trail 72 because I though you were going to lynch Rubicon. You won't be getting a flip on Mantis' slot till I get home and can look up a good paragraph on Ken Kesey.
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Post Post #3103 (ISO) » Mon May 13, 2013 1:54 pm

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Flavor added. Night will probably be suspended until I have time to find a replacement for Rubicon.
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Post Post #3104 (ISO) » Thu May 16, 2013 11:34 am

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jon_h61 replaces Rubicon effective immediately.

I'll open this later tonight.
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Post Post #3105 (ISO) » Thu May 16, 2013 11:54 am

Post by Majiffy »


Weird Memories of '68: A Private Conversation with Richard Nixon

Four years ago I ran this road in a different Mercury, but I wasn't driving then. It was a big yellow sedan with a civvy-clothes cop at the wheel. Next to the cop, up front, were two of Nixon's top speechwriters: Ray Price and Pat Buchannan.

There were only two of us in back: just me and Richard Nixon, and we were talking football in a serious way.


It was a very weird trip; probably one of the weirdest things I've ever done, and especially weird because both Nixon and I enjoyed it. We had a good talk, and when we got to the airport I stood around the Lear Jet with Dick and the others. Chatting in a very relaxed way about how successful his swing through New Hampshire had been... and as he climbed into the plane, it seemed only natural to thank him for the ride and shake hands...

But suddenly I was seized from behind and jerked away from the plane ... A hand lashed out of the darkness to snatch the cigarette out of my mouth ... and I recognized the voice of Nick Ruwe, Nixon's chief advance man ... "God damnit, Hunter, you almost blew up the plane!"

I shrugged. He was right. I'd been leaning over the fuel tank with a burning butt in my mouth.


"Very bad show," I said, "especially when you remember that I did about three king-size Marlboros while we were standing there. Hell, I was flicking the butts away, lighting new ones... you people are lucky I'm a sane, responsible journalist; otherwise I might have hurled my flaming zippo into the fuel tank."

"Not you," he said. "Egomaniacs don't do that kind of thing." He smiled. "You wouldn't do anything you couldn't live to write about, could you?"

"You're right," I said. "Kamikaze is not my style. I much prefer subtleties, the low-key approach - because I am, after all, a professional."

"We know. That's why you're along."

Actually, the reason was very different: I was the only one in the press corps that evening who claimed to be as seriously addicted to pro football as Nixon himself. I was also the only out-front, openly hostile Peace Freak; the only one wearing old Levis and a ski jacket, the only one (no, there was
other) who'd smoked grass on Nixon's big Greyhound press bus, and certainly the only one who habitually referred to the candidate as "the Dingbat."

So I still had to credit the bastard for having the balls to choose
- out of the fifteen or twenty straight/heavy press types who'd been pleading for two or three weeks for even a five-minute interview - as the one who would share the back seat with him on this Final Ride through New Hampshire.

But there was, of course, a catch. I had to agree to talk about
nothing except football
. "We want the Boss to relax," Ray Price told me, "but he can't relax if you start yelling about Vietnam, race riots, or drugs. He wants to ride with somebody who can talk
." He cast a baleful eye at the dozen or so reporters waiting to board the press bus, then shook his head sadly. "I checked around," he said. "But the others are hopeless - so I guess you're it."

"Wonderful," I said. "Let's do it."

We had a fine time. I enjoyed it - which put me a bit off balance, because I'd figured Nixon didn't know any more about football than he did about ending the war in Vietnam. He made a lot of allusions to things like "end runs" and "power sweeps" on the stump but it never occurred to me that he actually
anything more about football than he knew about the Grateful Dead.

But I was wrong. Whatever else might be said about Nixon - and there is still serious doubt in my mind that he could pass for Human - he is a goddamn stone fanatic on every facet about pro football. At one point in our conversation, when I was feeling a bit pressed for leverage, I mentioned a down & out pass - in the waning moments of the 1967 Superbowl mismatch between Green Bay and Oakland - to an obscure, second-string Oakland receiver named Bill Miller that had stuck in my mind because of its pinpoint style & precision.

He hesitated for a moment, lost in thought, then whacked me on the thigh & laughed: "That's right, by God! The Miami boy!"

I was stunned. He not only remembered the play, but he knew where Miller had played in college.

HumanDestroyer was Richard Nixon,
Town Cop.
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Post Post #3106 (ISO) » Thu May 16, 2013 11:54 am

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Day 4 - New Hampshire, 1972

There is nothing in McGovern's campaign, so far, to suggest that he understands ... he is still talking to the Politics of the Past. He is still naive enough to assume that anybody who is honest & intelligent - with a good voting record on "the issues" - is a natural man for the White House.

But this is stone bullshit. There are only two ways to make it big-time in politics today: One is to come on like a mean dinosaur, with a high-powered machine that scares the shit out of your entrenched opponents (like Daley or Nixon)... and the other is to tap the massive, frustrated energies of a mainly young, disillusioned electorate that has long since abandoned the idea that we all have a
to vote. This is like being told you have a
to buy a new car, but you have to choose immediately between a Ford and a Chevy.


The only "candidates" in favor of Amnesty are McGovern and Ted Kennedy. I watched McGovern deal with the question when it popped out of that overflow student audience at Keene State. He was talking very sharp, very confident, and when the question of Amnesty came up, he got right on it, saying, "Yes, I'm in favor..."

This provoked a nice outburst of cheers and applause. It was a very strong statement, and the students clearly dug it.

Then, moments later, somebody tossed out the fishhook - asking McGovern if he had any plans, pro or con, about supporting Muskie, if Big Ed got the nod at Miami.

McGovern paused, shifted uneasily for a second or so at the podium, then said: "Yes, I'm inclined to that position." I was standing behind him on the stage, looking out at the crowd through a slit in the big velvet curtain, and according to the red-inked speed-scrawl in my notebook, the audience responded with... "No cheering, confused silence, the audience seemed to
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Post Post #3107 (ISO) » Thu May 16, 2013 11:54 am

Post by Majiffy »

Not Voting: Remembrance, buldermar, jon_h61, pirate mollie, I Am Innocent, SE-Asians, kuror0

With 7 alive, it takes 4 to lynch.
Deadline is on Thursday, March 30th, at 10:00 PM EST.
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Post Post #3108 (ISO) » Thu May 16, 2013 2:51 pm

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Ok go ahead.
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Post Post #3109 (ISO) » Thu May 16, 2013 2:54 pm

Post by Remembrance »

Richard Nixon was town? He's like the definition of scum. :P
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Post Post #3110 (ISO) » Thu May 16, 2013 2:56 pm

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Roles were randomized.
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Post Post #3111 (ISO) » Thu May 16, 2013 2:57 pm

Post by Remembrance »

I know, it's still funny.
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Post Post #3112 (ISO) » Thu May 16, 2013 3:53 pm

Post by Majiffy »

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Post Post #3113 (ISO) » Fri May 17, 2013 12:12 am

Post by I Am Innocent »

In post 2836, I Am Innocent wrote:Changed my mind, I am not going to wait for SE Asians.

I investigated Human Destroyer last night. He came back as town.

That means between Rach, myself, HD, and Mollie, I am very certain that is 4 cops. We have between 4 & 6 cops. With Rubicon, Mantis, and SE Asians all still unknown, it makes Kuror0 seem a little more suspicious. Factor in the investigation target coincidentally ended up getting NK'd, and he insisted on his target list, I am believing less and less that he is legit.

Unless you think the scum team is HD & myself, he is a legit cop. We need him to be protected, or at least seem possibly protected, hence why I think we are best off keeping Rubicon and Mantis from claiming today (unless they are a N3 cop, then they claim and we split the investigation targets again, this time with Mollie dividing the list).

Thoughts on the plan?

PS - Those who had HD in their top 2, would you please replace him with someone else?

vote kuror0
Fact #1: HD was a N3 cop
Fact #2: Mantis was a doctor
Fact #3: Scum did not know as of this post what night Mantis was a doctor (1/3 chance it was N3 for all they knew)
Fact #4: If SE Asians and Rubicon are both town, they would not know which is the doc, so if it was Rubicon, there could have been 2 docs that had a chance of being a N3 doc to protect HD

Now to see who pushed Rubicon (forcing a claim) and who was against the strategy of keeping future docs hidden so HD had a better chance of not being the N3 kill.
In post 2840, buldermar wrote: I think it's a decent plan, but I'm not fully convinced about your mantis read.
In post 2842, Remembrance wrote:I'm thinking about IaI's plan. I don't like it because it is protecting my scum read. And also protects Mantis from having to do much today. But it has good points too. I need to think it over and decide if the benefits outweigh the cost.
In post 2845, buldermar wrote:Nvm that's evident from your vote, I suppose.

I have similar worries to yours, Rem.
In post 2848, pirate mollie wrote:
In post 2836, I Am Innocent wrote:Changed my mind, I am not going to wait for SE Asians.

I investigated Human Destroyer last night. He came back as town.

That means between Rach, myself, HD, and Mollie, I am very certain that is 4 cops. We have between 4 & 6 cops. With Rubicon, Mantis, and SE Asians all still unknown, it makes Kuror0 seem a little more suspicious. Factor in the investigation target coincidentally ended up getting NK'd, and he insisted on his target list, I am believing less and less that he is legit.

Unless you think the scum team is HD & myself, he is a legit cop. We need him to be protected, or at least seem possibly protected, hence why I think we are best off keeping Rubicon and Mantis from claiming today (unless they are a N3 cop, then they claim and we split the investigation targets again, this time with Mollie dividing the list).

Thoughts on the plan?

PS - Those who had HD in their top 2, would you please replace him with someone else?

vote kuror0
okay you are making sense here
In post 2861, pirate mollie wrote:IaI, I will probably not entirely trust you until I see your town game. :P

I am good with rubicon, that was the plan at the start of the day and he has not done anything to make me change my mind.

VOTE: rubicon
In post 2866, Remembrance wrote:
Requesting prod of Mantisdreams
Thank you.

@IaI, if you're going to entertain the possibility of being a scum team with HD, then you might as well go full tilt with all the other ideas as well. You're the only player so far who has been insecure about their claim. It not only forwards your plan (which is fine), but it is also a defense of your innocence since such a team would be somewhat unlikely.

After thinking about it, I don't agree with your plan. Even at an instinctual level I feel that there is scum being protected if such a plan were to be accepted. this does not mean you're scum with these people (Mantis/Rubicon), but you are probably protecting scum. I don't think such a plan is advantageous to town.

@Everyone, what do you think of IaI's plan? A few have already answered, but some haven't, I'd like to hear their opinion about it. Is there some way that this would be an advantageous to town, even if the plan protected scum this game day? A flaw I recognized when thinking about it, is that if one of them is scum, they not only don't have to be pressured today, but can claim another day and this will assure their survival for that day as well. You might be buying scum not just today, but also tomorrow, which is a huge price to pay.
In post 2867, Remembrance wrote:I'm conflicted though. Because I keep thinking of the benefits associated with getting another confirmed town or catching scum through investigation. Ugh. I don't know. :igmeou:
Rubicon or Mantis is scum:
1. They live today
2. Can claim tomorrow.
Scum might get two days to live.

Rubicon or Mantis is scum:

We let them live:
The wifom works,
HD clears someone of suspicion (or we get unlucky and he investigates someone who gets nked)

Best case scenario: have 3 very likely town (neither Bulder or Mollie gets nked), or a scum gets investigated. Am I missing anything?
In post 2880, Human Destroyer wrote:VOTE: Rubicon
This was the 4th vote. Remembrance and Buldermar already had 2 votes on Rubicon, but never did remove their votes despite both considering the plan at points. I am pretty sure one of them are scum.
Town 21-21-1
Mafia 10-6

Replaced Out (Town) 1-5
Replaced Out (Mafia) 3-2 (incl hydra game with Nero where I flaked)

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Post Post #3114 (ISO) » Fri May 17, 2013 12:20 am

Post by I Am Innocent »

In post 3095, kuror0 wrote:
In post 3094, I Am Innocent wrote:Whatever mantis, when HD flips tomorrow remember that 2 of the 3 players I tried to protect d3 included u and hd, and that I tried to keep hd alive thru n3.
If u flip n5 doc, remember it was ur gaffe of claiming which night that screwed that up. Nothing I did, my actions were all pro town
To me, this looks like you just want to wash your hands off this.
To me, it looks like scum Kuror doesn't want me looking too town.

or to quote Wisdom ^bad post

@Kuror, why would scum IAI clear cop HD D3? And try to keep him protected by keeping docs (at least one, Mantis) hidden about what night they have their power? Why not clear someone else on my list, like SE Asians (voted him all D1), Rubicon, or Buldermar?

There is no reason. That's why. Same reason I pushed Nacho's plan to keep docs hidden so we could get investigations from people like HD. I've only suggested strategies that help town!

Your list is gone. Except Remembrance. I still believe that you are a fake cop, and Remembrance is your teammate. The same guy that derailed the Fate wagon D1, yet you continue to say is super town, but you want him on your list. Yeah, I don't buy it.

If you flip scum, Rubicon, you better investigate Remembrance tomorrow.

vote Kuror


@Remembrance, Mantis flips, HD flips, nothing more to say than those weak opening day 2 posts you made???


@Mod, I am traveling out of country from Sat-Thurs, with Wifi and my smartphone in my hotel room as the only internet access. I will be very LA.

Fri-Mon (Memorial Day) I will be out of state, with some access to a computer. Also somewhat LA.

After that I should be active through the remainder of the game
Town 21-21-1
Mafia 10-6

Replaced Out (Town) 1-5
Replaced Out (Mafia) 3-2 (incl hydra game with Nero where I flaked)

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Post Post #3115 (ISO) » Fri May 17, 2013 12:35 am

Post by I Am Innocent »

In post 1600, Remembrance wrote:^ L-2

My feet are getting cold.

UNVOTE: Remembrance


If you survive to day 2, what will you do?

SE-Asians (L-4): I Am Innocent, Human Destroyer, kuror0
Wisdom (L-4): Fate, Nachomamma8, pirate mollie
Fate (L-2): Remembrance, SE-Asians, Wisdom, borkjerfkin, buldermar
Human Destroyer (L-6): mantisdreamz

Not Voting: RachMarie

With 13 alive, it takes 7 to lynch.
Deadline is April 13th at 9:30 PM EST
The only one not voting as of this point was RachMarie, confirmed town.

Wisdom has 3 votes, one confirmed town, one confirmed scum, and one very likely town (mollie)

SE Asians if scum, is bussing his partner. He has one confirmed town on his wagon, and me and Kuror. If Asians is town, you can be sure one of me and Kuror are scum.

Knowing I am town, that means either Mollie pulled the biggest scum gambit I have seen in a while, or at least one scum is bussing Fate (two if Kuror is town).

Remembrance jumping off looks very very bad, esp under this scenario.

I really think this vote count is very telling in determining the scum team.
Town 21-21-1
Mafia 10-6

Replaced Out (Town) 1-5
Replaced Out (Mafia) 3-2 (incl hydra game with Nero where I flaked)

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Post Post #3116 (ISO) » Fri May 17, 2013 3:10 am

Post by jon_h61 »

@ IAI I like your analysis, it coincides with mine. My plan for today ATM is to vote Kuror0 and investigate Remembrance tonight.

VOTE: Kuror0

(Obligatory Amish tell) I disagree with a lot of my predecessor's reads and opinions. I can't explain or defend any of them.

I've read most of the thread, and ALL of the last fifteen pages. I'm doing ISO's and looking things over to see what connections I can come up with. Any and all questions or accusations welcome.
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Post Post #3117 (ISO) » Fri May 17, 2013 3:11 am

Post by jon_h61 »

Oh, hi all, glad to join you!
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Post Post #3118 (ISO) » Fri May 17, 2013 5:47 am

Post by Remembrance »

IaI. You keep wifoming. Let me argue your way for a second. Why would I Nk or lynch those who were either completely certain I was town or had made cases for why I was town if they were scum? Cases which you have completely ignored. But you see, I don't argue this way because I think people are smart enough to go through and make their own conclusions. But you don't, you think everyone here is an idiot, except yourself. This is probably why Nacho thought you're an easy lynch. :]

Feel free to investigate me. But two things are going to happen tomorrow.

1. I will be dead.
2. Jon will not be dead.
3. You just forecasted who to investigate.
4. You know this but did it anyway. Which is anti-town. You're pretty much tunneling if you're town, since investigating me will reveal nothing I didn't already know. :(
5. Rubicon lied about replacing out as he was bored of mafia. Because he tried to replace into another game after he left this one. Which means...he's a jerk. :?
IaI wrote:This was the 4th vote. Remembrance and Buldermar already had 2 votes on Rubicon, but never did remove their votes despite both considering the plan at points. I am pretty sure one of them are scum.
<- why would I need to unvote to consider your plan?
To me, it looks like scum Kuror doesn't want me looking too town.
<- Despite all your attempts to look at town as possible. Including but not limited saying you thought someone was going to hammer Rubicon, so you needed to ask him to claim before that happened. When this argument makes no logical sense, except you desperately trying to look town in all scenarios to gain credit to use as ammunition. Guess who else you killed because he kept challenging you? Guess who all of your scum reads are? Those that challenge you.
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Post Post #3119 (ISO) » Fri May 17, 2013 5:51 am

Post by Remembrance »

IaI wrote:@Remembrance, Mantis flips, HD flips, nothing more to say than those weak opening day 2 posts you made???
Are you for real? Oh. I get now. :(
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Post Post #3120 (ISO) » Fri May 17, 2013 5:59 am

Post by Remembrance »

In post 3116, jon_h61 wrote:@ IAI I like your analysis, it coincides with mine. My plan for today ATM is to vote Kuror0 and investigate Remembrance tonight.

VOTE: Kuror0

(Obligatory Amish tell) I disagree with a lot of my predecessor's reads and opinions. I can't explain or defend any of them.

I've read most of the thread, and ALL of the last fifteen pages. I'm doing ISO's and looking things over to see what connections I can come up with.
Any and all questions or accusations welcome
Sure, why did you sheep IaI.
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Post Post #3121 (ISO) » Fri May 17, 2013 6:17 am

Post by Remembrance »

I don't understand it. It doesn't matter who Jon investigates if he is town because he will die. Investigating me, if he is town won't change anything, in fact announcing to investigate me under the assumption that Jon is town is down right illogical. I don't think he understands his position. The only thing directing the investigation does is implicate me in his death via guilt by association, a logical fallacy. Not that, that actually means anything either. @IaI, why did you even ask I be investigate if you're assuming Jon is town. :? Are you...? I don't understand.

I'm banking on Jon = Scum because Rubicon lied about his reasons for replacing out. If he lives tomorrow, we'll know the answer to this question regardless.
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Post Post #3122 (ISO) » Fri May 17, 2013 9:14 am

Post by kuror0 »

I'm feeling a lazy right now, so I will post the stuff on my head tomorrow or something. IaI lining too many lynches based on too many speculations so without going further for now he is my biggest scum read.

Too lazy to be scum.
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Post Post #3123 (ISO) » Fri May 17, 2013 9:54 am

Post by jon_h61 »

@ Remembrance Sorry for taking so long getting back to you. My wife and sis-in-law demanded an impromptu fishing trip this weekend. And I have a lot of tabs open right now trying to figure things out. I fell asleep with my laptop on my lap reading the thread.

The main thing I notice right now is that our dead Townies have been wrong on their reads a lot.

But to kinda answer your question, I don't mind being a sheep if it coincides with my reads ATM, and I tunnel when I think I've found scum. Labels don't make things wrong or right. Besides we can only lynch one person at a time.

I still want rope for kuror0, and I know I have to make a case for him. Being Friday, and having to pack for this unexpected trip to the lake is gonna slow me done, sorry.

I have stuck myself in confirmation bias before, and will try not to this game, but Kuror0 is definitely my main scum suspect.

If I'm gonna die, how does this association work? If I was scum, wouldn't that kinda clear you? Who should I investigate, since you don't want me to investigate you?

I promise, I'll have more time, and try to make more sense later when I'm not so rushed.
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Post Post #3124 (ISO) » Fri May 17, 2013 10:02 am

Post by Remembrance »

Like let me go further on this reasoning IaI.

Let's start with a proposition where you're town, I'm town and Jon's town, If you tell Jon to investigate me and he is town and you're town they are going to kill Jon or I because he would confirm me as town and erase your suspicion of my slot if you're town.

Scenario 1: I get nked: they would use my death to create more suspicions on his slot leading him to get lynched tomorrow. The reason being is that just because he announces he will investigate me is not a guarantee he will. If he investigates someone else and finds them to be scum, they risk losing since the rest of the town would be motivated to go back through their whole iso to confirm the veracity of this fact. Which is why I don't want to lynch that probable scum slot. He could very well investigate anyone else, so if he is town he will die tonight.

Scenario 2 (More likely if he's town): Jon get's nked. Or, Jon dies and your conf. bias kill me assuming I am scum that nked him and the scum team hammer for the win.

This second all town scenario, is generally, why I am willing to kill you today if I have to, because even if you're not scum you're going to lose this game which I have tried very hard to win. Because you're simply a liability if you're town. I can't trust you to pick right in Lylo. It's painfully obvious you're tunneling and ignoring the huge amount of arguments made to the contrary if you're town. Even this argument you're going to ignore, I've dealt with this too much.

Second set of propositions: I'm town, you're town and he's scum (he's probably scum) then he would either claim a guilty on me so that you would vote and they would hammer for the win using your conf. bias as a spring board. Or they would nk me. There's not really any advantage to confirming me as town when you're reading me as scum if you're town.

Now, why is Jon voting with you, IaI. For one, the last thing he should want is to end this day early given that he is going to die tonight if he is town. This uncharacteristic willingness to lynch Kuror0 right away is not in the town's or his best interests if he wants to contribute to the town he should think about it.

Pedit: I don't think it matters who you want to investigate if you're town Jon. Just investigate who you think is scum. I know I'm not and I also know that there is enough evidence to come to this conclusion in my iso. It's a waste to investigate me for that reason. Personally, I am almost completely sure you are scum because Rubicon lied to my face (metaphorically speaking).

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