Micro 1091 - Prism v. 1L Year [Game Over]

Micro Games (9 players or fewer). Archived during the 2023 queue overhaul.
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Post Post #975 (ISO) » Tue Sep 05, 2023 6:45 pm

Post by Lukewarm »

VOTE: ydra
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Post Post #976 (ISO) » Tue Sep 05, 2023 6:45 pm

Post by Lukewarm »

Pagetop hammer!
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Post Post #977 (ISO) » Tue Sep 05, 2023 6:53 pm

Post by PookyTheMagicalBear »

if this is wrong it's all lukewarm's fault no take backsies
"I hope one day I can openly play as wolfy as Pooky and get zero pressure for it grumble grumble."

"I can't even look at the game anymore.
That evil teddy bear has got everyone twirling by his thumb.
It's like witnessing an slow but unavoidable train crash you can't stop."

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Post Post #978 (ISO) » Tue Sep 05, 2023 7:10 pm

Post by RH9 »

In post 961, Dunnstral wrote:
In post 910, RH9 wrote:
In post 893, Ydrasse wrote: i wasnt claiming venge and i think all of this like. stuff about it feels like wolves trying to react to something that literally isn't there
i'm vt
my flavor's catboi. this is why it was funnier before. i also did not want to claim because it's pretty easy now to narrow down what's left
I think this makes sense.
I don't think it makes them any more likely to be town though
It's just that I thought Ydra's earlier statements made sense with the flavour claim.
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Post Post #979 (ISO) » Tue Sep 05, 2023 9:44 pm

Post by Bell »

Her claim makes some sense.
it just doesn’t mean she’s town.
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Post Post #980 (ISO) » Tue Sep 05, 2023 11:57 pm

Post by RH9 »

In post 979, Bell wrote: Her claim makes some sense.
it just doesn’t mean she’s town.
I'm not saying it does. It's probably NAI.
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Post Post #981 (ISO) » Wed Sep 06, 2023 1:53 am

Post by Prism »

Vote Count 1.10


With most of the Founders scared of strong central authority, most of the Constitution's restraints are placed on the federal government. Generally, states were left to manage their own internal affairs.

One broad way Congress manages to enact comprehensive legislation is through the commerce clause, which empowers Congress the ability to regulate interstate commerce. Early on, the commerce clause was interpreted very narrowly: federal authority was limited to things like managing navigation between states, and through what is called the dormant commerce clause (more on that later), prevented states from leveraging tariffs and the like on goods coming from another.

If Congress in the 1800s wants to regulate how goods are manufactured in a single state, how people live in their homes, etc.? Nope, entirely within the state, can't do it. Too local.

Cue the Great Depression. It turns out many Americans really wanted a strong federal authority, national economic programs, and strong regulations. It also turns out the Supreme Court hated this idea and (rightly) considered it as opening up the door to virtually unlimited and unchecked federal power, and so they kept striking down President Franklin D. Roosevelt's programs. After he threatened to pack the Court in his favor, the justices started to become a little more friendly to the idea, or at least retired to make room for someone who was.

The limits of the new commerce clause, and more precisely what constituted local economic activity, were tested in Wickard v. Filburn. One New Deal act limited the amount of wheat that could be grown. Filburn, a farmer, grew in excess of that amount, but stated that the extra wheat to be used on the farm and thus wasn't in violation of the act. Not a bushel was to enter the marketplace at all.

Well, too bad. It turns out that if you're growing wheat yourself, you're still conducting interstate economic activity because you're not participating in the national market, and Congress has the authority to compel you to participate. The dawn of a new era!

Bell (759), Dunnstral (823), PookyTheMagicalBear (886), GuiltyLion (891), Lukewarm (975)
Meuh (835), RH9 (845)
SirCakez (590), Ydrasse (893)
Not Voting

With 9 players alive, it takes 5 votes to eliminate.

An elimination has been achieved! Day 1 is over, stand by for resolution.

Combined Prism & fferyllt Mod ISO
Last edited by Prism on Sun Sep 17, 2023 5:08 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Post Post #982 (ISO) » Wed Sep 06, 2023 1:55 am

Post by Prism »

Day 1 End

Prism's first few weeks were rough. Already wracked with self-doubt, he came down with COVID and fell further behind. He could feel his dreams slipping away.

1200 miles away but a moment away on Discord, Ydrasse had problems of her own to worry about. Her mom wanted her to visit family this weekend but the shower's been broken for months, Ydrasse was all out of SpaghettiOs, Tom Brady was having a rough year, and worst of all the new episode of Eternal Boys sucked.

Whatever, all of those were problems for later. At that moments, she was trying to focus on Legend of the Galactic Heroes, but her Discord just keeps going off. God, it's not even something interesting like the r/anime server. It's this shit again.

Ydrasse looks up at her Larry Bird poster. Legend, give her strength.

As the notification counter ticked up to 12, Ydrasse finally decided that it was better late than never. The Cheetos-encrusted mouse didn't want to click for a second, but after spitting on the button to moisten the debris, soon the deed was done. Her Discord contacts went from 1 to 0.

Sweet, sweet silence. Now where did she put her 'Mats CD?

Ydrasse has been eliminated! She was...

Spoiler: Ydrasse
Thirteen years ago, you were nice to a kid playing an online video game. It was the greatest error of your entire life, one you continue to suffer the consequences for every single day.

All you want in this life is to sit at home, play video games, watch anime, and listen to The Replacements. You want to do it all in peace without anyone bothering you. Instead, Prism is texting you all this random shit you don't care about basically all of the time. Nothing has served as an effective deterrent.

None of this stuff about journal applications and car batteries makes sense, but what makes even less sense is that you put up with it anyway. You've grown rather fond of the kid, and are even kind of rooting for him at the end of the day.


Ydrasse, you are
, a
Vanilla Townie
aligned with the
Prism Well-wishers

  • The Socratic Method:
    You have your voice and your vote. Use them wisely.
Win Condition:
  • You win when Prism passes his classes, and by that I mean when only players aligned with the Prism Well-wishers remain alive. At least one player aligned with the Prism Well-wishers must be alive to fulfill this win condition.

Night 1 has begun. The deadline is in (expired on 2023-09-08 09:00:00).
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Post Post #983 (ISO) » Fri Sep 08, 2023 5:12 am

Post by Prism »

Day 2 Start


The weeks are starting to fly by quickly. The first assignment has come and gone, and Prism's off to a rough start. Let's just say that first memo didn't go so hot. Getting offtrack is risky, and it's time to be proactive.

After lecture, Prism stops by the office of his favorite professor for some advice and assurance. She mentioned earlier that statistically, some of the class would fail, but that doesn't HAVE to happen, does it? Isn't knowing the law good enough to pass, even if not everyone gets an A?

"Prism, look: it's great that you've been given this opportunity, but remember your moral worth doesn't hinge on doing well on a memo or test at the end of the day. Historically, I've been a generous grader who tries to avoid failing students, but let's just say this was not a...popular decision among the faculty. I've been there and fought that battle, and I lost. Some things are just out of my control."

As Prism exits the office, much less assured and much more terrified, a final piece of advice echoes through the hall.

"Law school sucks, the curve sucks, but remember: all you have to do is learn how to kiss the ring!"

Bell has been eliminated! He was...

Spoiler: Bell
Ah, the start of the school year is such an exciting time! You love your research, but you also love teaching. So many students with so much potential, all climbing over each other and wracked by anxiety in their quest for a 4.0. It's a great big beautiful mess all right.

It's amazing how fast the students grow, and you regret that it all has to be so competitive. You genuinely want to see everyone succeed, and you hate to play favorites.

Still, there are some that you hope do well. Prism is one of them, but there's so many others to look out for, and there's only so much you can do for him with a blind graded final exam.

You're sure he'll be fine without too much help!


Bell, you are
Prism's Property Professor
, a
Vanilla Townie
aligned with the
Prism Well-wishers

  • The Socratic Method:
    You have your voice and your vote. Use them wisely.
Win Condition:
  • You win when Prism passes his classes, and by that I mean when only players aligned with the Prism Well-wishers remain alive. At least one player aligned with the Prism Well-wishers must be alive to fulfill this win condition.

Day 2 has begun. The deadline is in (expired on 2023-09-18 12:30:00).
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Post Post #984 (ISO) » Fri Sep 08, 2023 5:13 am

Post by Prism »

Vote Count 2.0

Unfortunate fun fact: the following flavor is a true story.

Prism leaves the office of his property professor and decides to go for a walk outside to help calm the anxiety. It kind of helps, but he's really starting to worry about the next assignment. A repeat performance would be a disaster and his academic career is threatening to spiral out of control. Still, the wind is really nice today.

He walks into the restroom to wash his face before class starts. Standing at the sink is John, hunched over the sink with a Ziploc bag of white powder and a scoop. John looks like a deer in the headlights and in a panic almost drops the scoop.



"After you brought that bottle of Huel I realized how much time I was wasting that I could spend studying. So I went and bought about $400 worth, enough to last me the semester. I haven't eaten solid food in two weeks. Say, did you have any digestive issu-"

"Sorry I've got to go." God, please have mercy on this den of damned souls and wretched sinners.

Not Voting
SirCakez, Meuh, Dunnstral, RH9, PookyTheMagicalBear, Lukewarm, GuiltyLion

With 7 players alive, it takes 4 votes to eliminate.

No elimination has been achieved. The Day 2 deadline is in (expired on 2023-09-18 12:30:00).

Combined Prism & fferyllt Mod ISO
Last edited by Prism on Sun Sep 17, 2023 3:19 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post Post #985 (ISO) » Fri Sep 08, 2023 5:28 am

Post by SirCakez »

VOTE: meuh
I don't think there are two millers this game. Stuff isn't adding up.
Brian Skies - "
I just wanna say Cakez is an evil mod and this is an evil setup.

Get to know a Cakez!
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Post Post #986 (ISO) » Fri Sep 08, 2023 6:49 am

Post by Meuh »

Haven’t even had the time to mourn Ydra and you’re chasing the next mislim
VOTE: Cakez
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Post Post #987 (ISO) » Fri Sep 08, 2023 6:50 am

Post by Meuh »

Gut told me Ydra was town and I should’ve pushed that harder
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Post Post #988 (ISO) » Fri Sep 08, 2023 6:53 am

Post by Meuh »

Wait why isn’t Lukewarm dead
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Post Post #989 (ISO) » Fri Sep 08, 2023 6:53 am

Post by Meuh »

I mean Bell was obv town but also a vt
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Post Post #990 (ISO) » Fri Sep 08, 2023 7:19 am

Post by Lukewarm »

My target targeted someone other then Bell.

It feels like I found a PR, not scum.
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Post Post #991 (ISO) » Fri Sep 08, 2023 7:22 am

Post by Lukewarm »

VOTE: cakez
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Post Post #992 (ISO) » Fri Sep 08, 2023 10:32 am

Post by PookyTheMagicalBear »

shrug lol etc
"I hope one day I can openly play as wolfy as Pooky and get zero pressure for it grumble grumble."

"I can't even look at the game anymore.
That evil teddy bear has got everyone twirling by his thumb.
It's like witnessing an slow but unavoidable train crash you can't stop."

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Post Post #993 (ISO) » Fri Sep 08, 2023 10:33 am

Post by PookyTheMagicalBear »

In post 986, Meuh wrote: Haven’t even had the time to mourn Ydra and you’re chasing the next mislim
VOTE: Cakez
are we going to hold a memorial for ydrasse
"I hope one day I can openly play as wolfy as Pooky and get zero pressure for it grumble grumble."

"I can't even look at the game anymore.
That evil teddy bear has got everyone twirling by his thumb.
It's like witnessing an slow but unavoidable train crash you can't stop."

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Post Post #994 (ISO) » Fri Sep 08, 2023 10:33 am

Post by PookyTheMagicalBear »

Page 41 only cat gifs
"I hope one day I can openly play as wolfy as Pooky and get zero pressure for it grumble grumble."

"I can't even look at the game anymore.
That evil teddy bear has got everyone twirling by his thumb.
It's like witnessing an slow but unavoidable train crash you can't stop."

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Post Post #995 (ISO) » Fri Sep 08, 2023 11:06 am

Post by Dunnstral »

In post 985, SirCakez wrote: VOTE: meuh
I don't think there are two millers this game. Stuff isn't adding up.
What isn't adding up?
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Post Post #996 (ISO) » Fri Sep 08, 2023 11:21 am

Post by PookyTheMagicalBear »

dunny boy is it mass claim time
"I hope one day I can openly play as wolfy as Pooky and get zero pressure for it grumble grumble."

"I can't even look at the game anymore.
That evil teddy bear has got everyone twirling by his thumb.
It's like witnessing an slow but unavoidable train crash you can't stop."

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Post Post #997 (ISO) » Fri Sep 08, 2023 11:24 am

Post by Meuh »

Does it really count as a massclaim when it's three people claiming :thinking:
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Post Post #998 (ISO) » Fri Sep 08, 2023 11:24 am

Post by PookyTheMagicalBear »

we might as well get it over with atp no
"I hope one day I can openly play as wolfy as Pooky and get zero pressure for it grumble grumble."

"I can't even look at the game anymore.
That evil teddy bear has got everyone twirling by his thumb.
It's like witnessing an slow but unavoidable train crash you can't stop."

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Post Post #999 (ISO) » Fri Sep 08, 2023 11:25 am

Post by Meuh »

Yeah probably

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