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Post Post #2725 (ISO) » Fri Nov 25, 2016 3:14 pm

Post by Vaxkiller »

Updated with more useless shit.

I sperated each overheard post with a:

please don't piss people off or you'll be nuked until you glow


who should be applauded


xavier frank tom laura


peggy: maybe


distances. Third, the nuclear explosion is accompanied by highlypenetrating
and harmful invisible rays, called the "initial nuclear
radiation." Finally, the substances remaining after a nuclear explosion
are radioactive, emitting similar radiations over an extended
period of time. This is known as the "residual nuclear radiation"
or "residual radioactivity" (Fig. 1.02).
1.03 It is because of these fundamental differences between a
nuclear and a conventional explosion, including the tremendously
greater power of the former, that the effects of nuclear weapons
require special consideration. In this connection, a knowledge and
understanding of the mechanical and the various radiation phenomena
associated with a nuclear explosion are of vital importance.
1.04 The purpose of this book is to describe the different forms
in which the enei'gy of a nuclear explosion are released, to explain
how they are propagated, and to show how they may affect men and
materials. Where numerical values are given for specific observed
effects, it should be kept in mind that there are inevitable uncertainties
associated with the data, for at least two reasons. In the first place,
there are inherent difficulties in making exact measurements of
weapons effects. The results are often dependent on circumstances
which are difficult, if not impossible, to control, even in a test and


1.29 Almost immediately after a nuclear explosion, the weapon
residues incorporate material from the surrounding medium and form
an intensely hot and luminous mass, roughly spherical in shape, called
the "fireball." An "air burst" is defined as one in which the weapon
is exploded in the air at an altitude below 100,000 feet, but at such a
height that the fireball (at roughly maximum brilliance in its later
stages) does not touch the surface of the earth. For example, in the
explosion of a 1-megaton weapon the fireball may grow until it is
nearly 5,800 feet (1.1 mile) across at maximum brilliance. This
means that, in this particular case, the explosion must occur at least
2,900 feet above the earth's surface if it is to be called an air burst.
1.30 The quantitative aspects of an air burst will be dependent
upon the actual height of the explosion, as well as upon its energy
yield, but the general phenomena are much the same in all cases.
Nearly all of the shock energy appears as air blast, although some is
generally also transmitted into the ground. The thermal radiation
will travel large distances through the air and will be of sufficient
intensity to cause moderately severe burns of exposed skin as far away
as 12 miles from a 1-megaton explosion, on a fairly clear day. The
warmth may be felt at a distance of 75 miles. For air bursts of higher
energy yields, the corresponding distances will, of course, be greater.
Since the thermal radiation is largely stopped by ordinary opaque
materials, buildings and clothing can provide protection.
1.31 The initial nuclear radiations from an air burst will also penetrate
a long way in air, although the intensity falls off fairly rapidly
at increasing distances from the explosion. The nuclear radiations
are not easily absorbed, and fairly thick layers of materials, preferably
of high density, are needed to reduce their intensity to harmless proportions.
For example, at a distance of 1 mile from the air burst of a
1-megaton nuclear weapon, an individual would probably need the
protection of about 1 foot of steel or 4 feet of concrete to be relatively
safe from the efl'ects of the initial nuclear radiations. However, at
this distance the blast effect would be so great that only specially
designed blast-resistant structures would survive.


4.01 The phenomena associated with a blast wave in air have
been treated in the preceding chapter. On the basis of the information
developed, consideration will now be given to the interaction
of the air blast with a target and the factors affecting the response
of the target. Criteria of damage to targets of different types will
be discussed and relationships given between the damage and the
distances over which such damage may be expected from nuclear
weapons of various yields. In addition, quantitative methods of
computing structural loads and their duration will be outlined.
4.02 The general conclusions concerning the expected effects of
nuclear explosions on various targets are summarized in the form of
nomographs (Figs. 4.58 a and b). These are based on a combination
of theoretical analysis with data obtained from actual nuclear explosions,
both in Japan and at various tests, as well as from laboratory
studies. However, the nature of any target complex, especially a
city, is such that no exact prediction of the eft'ect of blast on structures
can be made. Nor is it possible to indicate the reliability of the
prediction for any particular situation. Nevertheless, by the application
of proper judgment to the available information, it is believed
that results of practical value can be obtained. The conclusions
given here are considered to be the most representative for the average
situations that might be encountered in actual target complexes.


4.04 Direct damage to structures attributable to air blast can
take various forms. For example, the blast may deflect structural
steel frames, collapse roofs, dish-in walls, shatter panels, and break
windows. In general, the damage results from some type of displacement
(or distortion) and the manner in which such displacement
can arise as the result of a nuclear explosion will be examined below.
4.06 For an air burst, the direction of propagation of the incident
blast wave will be towards the ground at ground zero. In the regular
reflection region, where the direction of propagation of the blast
wave is not parallel to the horizontal axis of the structure, the forces
exerted upon structures will also have a considerable downward
component (prior to passage of the reflected wave) due to the reflected
pressure build-up on the horizontal surfaces. Consequently,
in addition to the horizontal loading, as in the Mach region (§ 3.24),
there will also be initially an appreciable downward force. This
tends to cause crushing toward the ground, e.g., dished-in roofs,
in addition to distortion due to translational motion.


“Yes.” My answer is short, clipped, squeezed out through my nerves.

I think he smiles, but it’s difficult to tell in the darkness. Christian flicks yet another


“PDX this is Charlie Tango now at one four thousand, over.” He exchanges informa-
tion with air traffic control. It all sounds very professional to me. I think we’re moving

from Portland’s air space to Seattle International Airport’s.

“Understood Sea-Tac, standing by over and out.”

“Look, over there.” He points to a small pin-point of light in the far distance. “That’s


“Do you always impress women this way? Come and fly in my helicopter?” I ask,

genuinely interested.

“I’ve never bought a girl up here, Anastasia. It’s another first for me.” His voice is

quiet, serious.

Oh, that was an unexpected answer. Another first? Oh the sleeping thing, perhaps?

“Are you impressed?”

“I’m awed, Christian.”

He smiles.

“Awed?” And for a brief moment, he’s his age again.

I nod.

“You’re just so... competent.”

“Why, thank you, Miss Steele,” he says politely. I think he’s pleased, but I’m not sure.

We ride into the dark night in silence for a while. The bright spot that is Seattle is

slowly getting bigger.

“Sea-Tac tower to Charlie Tango. Flight plan to Escala in place. Please proceed. And

standby. Over.”

“This is Charlie Tango, understood Sea-Tac. Standing by, over and out.”


“Christian, afraid? I can’t imagine him being frightened of anything.” But as I say the

words, I imagine him as a small child. Maybe fear was all he knew then. Sorrow grips and

squeezes my heart at the thought.

Kate gazes at me with pursed lips and narrowed eyes, rather like my subconscious – all

she needs is the half-moon specs.

“You two need to sit down and talk to each other.”

“We haven’t been doing much talking lately.” I flush. Other stuff. Non-verbal com-
munication and that’s okay. Well, much more than okay.

She grins.

“That’ll be the sexing! If that’s going well, then that’s half the battle Ana. I’ll grab

some Chinese take-out. Are you ready to go?”

“I will be – we don’t have to leave for a couple of hours or so.”

“No – I’ll see you in twenty.” She grabs her jacket and leaves, forgetting to close the

door. I shut it behind her and head off to my bedroom mulling over her words.

Is Christian afraid of his feelings for me? Does he even have feelings for me? He

seems very keen, says I’m his – but that’s just part of his I-must-own-and-have-everything-
now – control-freak dominant self, surely. I realize that while I’m away, I will have to run

through all our conversations again and see if I can pick out telltale signs.

I’ll miss you too... more than you know...

You’ve completely beguiled me...

I shake my head. I don’t want to think about it now. I am charging the BlackBerry,

so I haven’t had it with me all afternoon. I approach it with caution, and I’m disappointed

that there are no messages. I switch on the mean machine, and there are no messages there

either. Same email address Ana – my subconscious rolls her eyes at me, and for the first

time, I understand why Christian wants to spank me when I do that.

Okay. Well, I’ll write him an email.


I fall onto my bed, shoes and all, and howl. The pain is indescribable... physical,

mental... metaphysical... it is everywhere, seeping into the marrow of my bones. Grief.

This is grief – and I’ve brought it on myself. Deep down, a nasty, unbidden thought comes

from my inner goddess, her lip curled in a snarl... the physical pain from the bite of a belt

is nothing, nothing compared to this devastation. I curl up, desperately clutching the flat

foil balloon and Taylor’s handkerchief, and surrender myself to my grief.

End of Part One


you're welcome



Chapter 27. vampirz wil never hurt u

Every1 in the room stated to cry happly- I had saved them. Drako, Lucian, Serious bond Vampire all came to hug me. The nurse started to give them medicine.

“Cum on Enoby.” said Proffesor Sinatra. She was wearing a gothic blak leader dress with a corset top and real vampir blood on it and fuking black platinum boots. “I have to tell you the fucking perdition.”

I locked at Lucian, Serifs, Drake and Vampire. They nodded.

I smelled happily and went into a dark room. I had changed Profesor Sinister took out some black cards. She started to look into a black crucible ball. She said……………………… “Tara, I see drak times are near.” She said badly. She peered into da balls. “You see, you must go back in time.” She took out a Time-Toner like B’loody Mary had. “When Voldemint was in Hogwarts before he became powerful he gut his hearth borken. Now do you fink he would still become Volxemort if he was in love?” I shook my head. “U must go back in time and sedouce him. It is the only way. If he is still evil then you must kill him. You can come to my room tomorrow and you can do it.”

“Okay.” I said sadly. We did dethz tuch sin. I went outside again sadly.

“What fucking happened?” asked Draco and Vampire.

“Yeah what happened?” asked Darkness, Willow and Boldy Mary?

I was about to tell them butt every1 was there. They were celebrating Lucian and Sirius being fond. Everyone was proud of me butt I jut wonted 2 talk 2 Draco. They were cheesing my name and some reporters were there, trying to interview Dumblydore. A banner was put up. Lotz of fucking prepz were there oviously tring 2 be b goffik wering the HIM sign on their handz- depite them not having akshelly heard of him. Even Mr. Noris looked happy. A blak and red cake had been brought out. Crabbe and Goyke set up some fireworx in the shape of skulls from Wesley’s Whizard Wises.

I put on my Invisibility coke with Vampire and Draco and we sneaked outside 2gether.


3. Abolition of Parliamentarism
"The Commune," Marx wrote, "was to be a working, not a parliamentary, body, executive and legislative
at the same time....
"Instead of deciding once in three or six years which member of the ruling class was to
represent and repress [ver­ and zertreten] the people in parliament, universal suffrage was to
serve the people constituted in communes, as individual suffrage serves every other employer
in the search for workers, foremen and accountants for his business."
Owing to the prevalence of social­chauvinism and opportunism, this remarkable criticism of
parliamentarism, made in 1871, also belongs now to the "forgotten words" of Marxism. The professional
Cabinet Ministers and parliamentarians, the traitors to the proletariat and the “practical” socialists of our
day, have left all criticism of parliamentarism to the anarchists, and, on this wonderfully reasonable ground,
they denounce all criticism of parliamentarism as “anarchism”!! It is not surprising that the proletariat of the
“advanced” parliamentary countries, disgusted with such “socialists” as the Scheidemanns, Davids,
Legiens, Sembats, Renaudels, Hendersons, Vanderveldes, Staunings, Brantings, Bissolatis, and Co., has
been with increasing frequency giving its sympathies to anarcho­syndicalism, in spite of the fact that the
latter is merely the twin brother of opportunism.
For Marx, however, revolutionary dialectics was never the empty fashionable phrase, the toy rattle, which
Plekhanov, Kautsky and others have made of it. Marx knew how to break with anarchism ruthlessly for its
inability to make use even of the “pigsty” of bourgeois parliamentarism, especially when the situation was
obviously not revolutionary; but at the same time he knew how to subject parliamentarism to genuinely
revolutionary proletarian criticism.
To decide once every few years which members of the ruling class is to repress and crush the people
through parliament­­this is the real essence of bourgeois parliamentarism, not only in parliamentaryconstitutional
monarchies, but also in the most democratic republics.
But if we deal with the question of the state, and if we consider parliamentarism as one of the institutions of
the state, from the point of view of the tasks of the proletariat in this field, what is the way out of
parliamentarism? How can it be dispensed with?
Once again, we must say: the lessons of Marx, based on the study of the Commune, have been so
completely forgotten that the present­day "Social­Democrat" (i.e., present­day traitor to socialism) really
cannot understand any criticism of parliamentarism other than anarchist or reactionary criticism.


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Post Post #2726 (ISO) » Fri Nov 25, 2016 3:21 pm

Post by SpyreX »

Holy shit i almost wish i was scum it's beautiful in there
I always lynch scum... sometimes they're just not mafia. :P

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Post Post #2727 (ISO) » Fri Nov 25, 2016 3:22 pm

Post by Ircher »

Seems fabricated imo... Why would scum post such nonsense versus posting nothing at all?
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Post Post #2728 (ISO) » Fri Nov 25, 2016 3:23 pm

Post by SpyreX »

Go look at the other games they'll say repeat this till its leaked

Regardless beautiful
I always lynch scum... sometimes they're just not mafia. :P

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Post Post #2729 (ISO) » Fri Nov 25, 2016 3:40 pm

Post by Ircher »

The mod tells them what messages were leaked? Now I don't understand......
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Post Post #2730 (ISO) » Fri Nov 25, 2016 3:52 pm

Post by Vaxkiller »

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Post Post #2731 (ISO) » Fri Nov 25, 2016 3:55 pm

Post by Ircher »

Vax, are you hammering?
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Post Post #2732 (ISO) » Fri Nov 25, 2016 4:11 pm

Post by SpyreX »

I just pinch eyes at you
I always lynch scum... sometimes they're just not mafia. :P

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Post Post #2733 (ISO) » Fri Nov 25, 2016 4:13 pm

Post by Andrius »


Untrod Tripod [10] - mastina, Ser Arthur Dayne, Nahdia, McMenno, hiplop, ErrantParabola, Accountant, Nukebringer, Ircher, MagnaofIllusion
Something_Smart [7] - RedCoyote, Cephrir, Spiffeh, Untrod Tripod, GuyInFreezer, Fate, SpyreX
mastina [3] - Lady Lambdadelta, Papa Zito, GreyICE
GuyInFreezer [1] - Something_Smart

Not Voting [3] - xRECKONERx, Cheetory6, Vaxkiller

With 24 alive it will take 13 to lynch.

It is now DEFCON 3. Day 1 will last until December 4th, 2016, at 13:00 hours.
COUNTDOWN: (expired on 2016-12-04 17:00:00)

RedCoyote is V/LA until Sunday(ish).
MagnaofIllusion is V/LA this week.
Spiffeh is V/LA this week.
Papa Zito is V/LA this week.
Firebringer is V/LA this week.
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Post Post #2734 (ISO) » Fri Nov 25, 2016 4:15 pm

Post by Ircher »

Well, I though SoyreX voted UT, apparently, it was an SS......
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Post Post #2735 (ISO) » Fri Nov 25, 2016 4:39 pm

Post by GreyICE »

In post 2595, Lady Lambdadelta wrote:I wonder how it is possible that you can manage to comment on the vote count (which contributes to the apathy about this game and also to making you look more disconnected from this game which is currently aiding in generating town reads on you), when you so clearly did not even read the vote count?

I mean, you might be able to explain not seeing my vote on Mastin by saying "oh it's a smaller wagon I didn't notice" but given you voted mastin in the very same post.... I'm not entirely certain that holds any water.
Like I literally glanced at the numbers. If I have to summarize how depressed I am in general it's a 9.5, and this game adds about 3.5 to that. On a 1-10 scale. It at least beats the other game I was in, because I don't want to punch anyone in the face yet, but it's a whole lot of not much. So yeah, I thought you were voting SS or something.
In post 2630, Ser Arthur Dayne wrote:LLD as an unbiased source I can tell you mastin has done almost nothing scummy this game.

Some anti town stuff? Sure. Some trolling? Sure. But scum motivated posts? I see almost nothing.
But are you a good source?

I mean an unbiased source could mean anything. If I programmed a computer to randomly spit out headlines it would be unbiased. Would it be good? No. Mastina is scum.
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Post Post #2736 (ISO) » Fri Nov 25, 2016 4:40 pm

Post by GreyICE »

In post 2660, Cephrir wrote:Mcmenno lynch still very high quality
I'm down.
In post 2661, Accountant wrote:not as high as S_S or UT or even mastina imo
Well we're in agreement on one in three.
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Post Post #2737 (ISO) » Fri Nov 25, 2016 4:43 pm

Post by Ircher »

In post 2735, GreyICE wrote:
In post 2595, Lady Lambdadelta wrote:I wonder how it is possible that you can manage to comment on the vote count (which contributes to the apathy about this game and also to making you look more disconnected from this game which is currently aiding in generating town reads on you), when you so clearly did not even read the vote count?

I mean, you might be able to explain not seeing my vote on Mastin by saying "oh it's a smaller wagon I didn't notice" but given you voted mastin in the very same post.... I'm not entirely certain that holds any water.
Like I literally glanced at the numbers. If I have to summarize how depressed I am in general it's a 9.5, and this game adds about 3.5 to that. On a 1-10 scale. It at least beats the other game I was in, because I don't want to punch anyone in the face yet, but it's a whole lot of not much. So yeah, I thought you were voting SS or something.
In post 2630, Ser Arthur Dayne wrote:LLD as an unbiased source I can tell you mastin has done almost nothing scummy this game.

Some anti town stuff? Sure. Some trolling? Sure. But scum motivated posts? I see almost nothing.
But are you a good source?

I mean an unbiased source could mean anything. If I programmed a computer to randomly spit out headlines it would be unbiased. Would it be good? No. Mastina is scum.
Counter: There is no such thing as true "randombess" on a computer (aside from entropy....)
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Post Post #2738 (ISO) » Fri Nov 25, 2016 4:44 pm

Post by GreyICE »

Like if I have to pick the two leading ones I pick....

Nah, actually both of them are behind no lynch for me, because if they have nukes then that's more kills flying about in a way we can guide on day two, and because I have that little faith. I guess SS marginally edges out UT because he hasn't done anything for two days and that's bad, but I don't buy UT scum here.
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Post Post #2739 (ISO) » Fri Nov 25, 2016 4:50 pm

Post by GreyICE »

In post 2737, Ircher wrote:Counter: There is no such thing as true "randombess" on a computer (aside from entropy....)
Spoiler: Not game related
Can people stop spreading this stupid ass myth? IvyBridge has supported RDRAND for nearly 10 years, and AMD added support too, meaning that true randomness is incredibly easy on a computer. It draws random numbers from the waste heat output from the processor. If you're worried about NSA backdoors in Ivy Bridge you can always use the random movement of the processor to generate a random youtube video and then salt the hash with the video bitstream with a random startpoint (again using mouse jitters) which is so ungodly high entropy you'd be extremely lucky to get anywhere cracking it. Or you can do which polls atmospheric noise.

But really, just type RDRAND. Hello true randomness.
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Post Post #2740 (ISO) » Fri Nov 25, 2016 10:20 pm

Post by Accountant »

There's nothing that says that a fake can't beat the real thing.

You must not imagine that for beings like you and us there can be laughter. The low men laugh, and we envy them. But for us, the higher ones, there is no laughter, only an unending vigil, purely serious, stretching on into the night.
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Post Post #2741 (ISO) » Sat Nov 26, 2016 2:39 am

Post by MagnaofIllusion »

Well I guess SS is viable again ...

VOTE: Something Smart
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Pretty much Geriatric game restricted at this point ... unless there are players I REALLY want to play with.
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Post Post #2742 (ISO) » Sat Nov 26, 2016 3:08 am

Post by Cheetory6 »

ISO/metadived S_S. Have a big 'ol wall of thoughts on him. Which basically amounts to:
i) His meta is pretty varied and the only consistent thing I could really hold was that his scumgames are lessy wordy than his towngames. Might be something said about awkward tone being a factor in some of his scumgames, but his last Large as scum was played pretty straight. I didn't see a game where S_S was pressured right out the gate nonstop.

ii) S_S has literally been OMGUSing everyone who's seriously pushed him and his reads have also been pretty static.

iii) His later posts in the game are pretty bad. Not particularly confident if it's exhausted-town-bad or scum-bad though.

iv) His jump off of Vaxkiller onto UT happens at a time that kind of feels less likely to come from scum.

I don't really feel strongly either way [which is kind of depressing when I just threw a lot of effort at this q.q].

Hoping to condense my thoughts on the rest of the gamestate tomorrow into something palatable and then I'm probably voting anything null or lower that can hit critical mass.
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Post Post #2743 (ISO) » Sat Nov 26, 2016 3:52 am

Post by Fate »

Were not lynching scum today and Im ok with that
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Post Post #2744 (ISO) » Sat Nov 26, 2016 4:29 am

Post by RedCoyote »

In post 2569, Ser Arthur Dayne wrote:Listen if Reck is willing to put his friendship on the line and risk mislynching a friend that he enjoys mafia with I'm p sure that there's a very good chance he's right.

This, coupled with the fact UT only started doing something when he received heat, makes him good lynch
Wow! What a dumb argument. The level of reach here is off the charts.
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Post Post #2745 (ISO) » Sat Nov 26, 2016 4:31 am

Post by RedCoyote »

Reck not voting at this moment is pretty absurd. What is his excuse for that?
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Post Post #2746 (ISO) » Sat Nov 26, 2016 4:36 am

Post by RedCoyote »

In post 2742, Cheetory6 wrote:ISO/metadived S_S. Have a big 'ol wall of thoughts on him. Which basically amounts to:
i) His meta is pretty varied and the only consistent thing I could really hold was that his scumgames are lessy wordy than his towngames. Might be something said about awkward tone being a factor in some of his scumgames, but his last Large as scum was played pretty straight. I didn't see a game where S_S was pressured right out the gate nonstop.

ii) S_S has literally been OMGUSing everyone who's seriously pushed him and his reads have also been pretty static.

iii) His later posts in the game are pretty bad. Not particularly confident if it's exhausted-town-bad or scum-bad though.

iv) His jump off of Vaxkiller onto UT happens at a time that kind of feels less likely to come from scum.

I don't really feel strongly either way [which is kind of depressing when I just threw a lot of effort at this q.q].

Hoping to condense my thoughts on the rest of the gamestate tomorrow into something palatable and then I'm probably voting anything null or lower that can hit critical mass.
Thanks for that. I think we're at the shit-or-get-off-the-pot stage though. I appreciate not wanting to vote someone you think is town, but there's only so much tortured indecision you can afford at 110 pages.
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Post Post #2747 (ISO) » Sat Nov 26, 2016 4:37 am

Post by Cheetory6 »

me wrote:and then I'm probably voting anything null or lower that can hit critical mass.
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Post Post #2748 (ISO) » Sat Nov 26, 2016 4:38 am

Post by RedCoyote »

In post 2730, Vaxkiller wrote:UNVOTE:
And just what is this?
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Post Post #2749 (ISO) » Sat Nov 26, 2016 4:41 am

Post by RedCoyote »

I can't get over though. lmao.

"Reck put his social life on the line for us! UT is so scum that he'd unfriend Reck!"

That is so laughably bad, goodness gracious.

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